
By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 22, 2021


CASEY By Mike Austin

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My name is Dan. I'm 22 and the eldest of a trio, separated from my next brother Dennis by 4 minutes and he from the youngest, Don by 2.5 minutes. We're easily defined by some noticeable characteristics, once you learn about us. In general we're all swimmer builds, blonde, green-eyed bottom guys, college grads and work as techs in a lab that is co-owned by dad and his brother, Ben. And yeah, we like the same type of men. Dad and uncle Ben are both Nordic types, bulky, strawberry blondes with very angular features. Our features are more refined and reflect more of mom's side of the family. Our own features are discernible by the square jaw that I sport; Dennis' elongated ears and Don's cute upturned nose. Another trait we share is we never get enough dick; and are always on the hunt. While we work in a large metro, we actually live together in an upscale mid-rise condo farther out near the burbs, overlooking a vast toll road complex and seemingly vast concrete pours. That makes it an easy trip to the nearby lab. We're terrible eco-commuters, being unwilling to ride share with each other. The lure of sex keeps us attuned to every prospect and we try to seize any opportunity that presents. The folks live in an upscale gated community about 10 miles away, so we don't often get a surprise visit from them. Uncle Ben on the other hand, has surprised us and we him, in turn; but we'll get to that later on.


It was a Saturday morning and I needed to ship some packages off to friends for birthdays, a house warming, and a wedding. I made the short jaunt to the pack and ship firm, pulled in and noticed two other customers inside the store with another being served. The last person in line must have only had a drop off and soon made their exit, so I jumped out, headed inside and took my position in line. That's when I got a close-up of the customer being served. A brute of a ginger bull with a beard. My guess was an even 6', likely 220-230 pounds, and when he turned to apologize for the continued delay to the next customer, I saw those ice blue eyes. He wore khaki shorts, had some tattoos down both calves and furry ginger legs and arms. The camo T-shirt concealed any chest fur but his upper torso was beefy as all get out. My hole clamped and my glutes worked overtime for three or four ass pumps; as I dreamed of him bending me over and pounding me into submission. He didn't show much crotch but, that notwithstanding, I knew I needed him. At that moment, the clerk asked for his name and I learned it was Casey Utterman and he went on to relay his cell number which I committed to memory. He paid, thanked the clerk, nodded to the customer in front of me and then to me as he passed. I nonchalantly, noticed his walk and those beefy glutes that again caused me to clench my own and give them anticipated pumps. It was finally my turn, I got the packages sent off, bill paid and was back in my SUV jotting down Casey Utterman's number just in case my daydreaming distracted me. It was only then that I noticed my own substantial crotch bulge and throbs. Before I knew it, I was in line at McDs for an iced coffee and damned if Casey Utterman pulled up behind me in his black F250, jacked up 4x4 truck. I eased forward but was still within ear shot of his order and total and decided WTF and as I pulled to the cashier window, paid for my order and Casey's behind me. Of course he'd not know that until he reached the cashier and by that time, I'd be at the pick-up window. I got a lights flash and wave from the stud behind me as he learned his order was paid forward and I pulled out to the open parking lot inserting my straw in the iced cold coffee container and heading back to the condo. Casey turned the opposite direction, disappearing in traffic. Well at least I'd have a good time J/O fantasy, I mused.

I got home to grunts and groans from Dennis' open bedroom door. That slapping sound of torso to torso was unmistakable. The gruff voice was just as noticeable, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah boy" and knew that Rodrigo was fucking the cum from my younger bro and would soon be bellowing from his own orgasm. Almost at the end of a countdown, came the declaration, "damnit to fuck, cummmmmmmmmmmmmming now boy"; then "yeah Yeah YEAH" and the torso slapping stopped. There were mumbled voices as I left them to their post-fuck scenario and went to my room, sipping my iced coffee and toying with my phone. There was no hint of Don so I drifted off to a nice nap; waking an hour later with a raging hard-on; dreaming of Casey.

The cell rang as I was doing my best to avoid the ever needy urge to J/O. It was John, my off and on B/F, reminding me of our date that night including dinner and a play. His voice and this conversation were erased by the image of Casey's torso stepping from the shower after he'd just nailed me. John was hollering my name, to get my attention for an answer to his question. I feigned drowsiness and asked that he repeat his question. Asked and now answered, I begged John for more sleep; hung up, gripped my dick and began a slow jack session. My fist gripped my dick slowly and eased the pressure then restored it, bent my dick down and back, all with the goal of achieving maximum pleasure. The more I worked my dick, the more I wanted Casey; needed Casey..... My torpedo-shaped cock was veiny and stiff as a board with pre-cum flowing from my slit. Legs wide and my fairly loose sack sagged between my thighs, I gathered steam and paced my strokes again, building and building; now tugging my balls and stretching them away from my body as I beat my dick more furiously. I was close. Shoved my heels into the mattress, stiffened my legs, arched my back, my crotch raised to the ceiling, defying gravity and dreaming of the intensity I was sure Casey would produce. That furry ginger beard scratched my nips as he chewed them and sucked them harder and harder, until my cum geyser fired rope after rope in midair, the results raining down on my chest, abs, thighs and face. I was panting as I shot and realized I was screaming that man's name with each shot of semen. Task completed, I collapsed back to the bed, pasty with cum, and drifted back asleep for two more hours. The cell woke me again. This time it was Donnie, asking a grocery shopping question. We chatted, then I began getting ready for John.

Next: Chapter 2

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