Cascadia Rising

By Xavier Stein

Published on May 26, 2024



Erotica, with a bit of revolution mixed in.

The shrill sound of the alarm ripped Marco from his peaceful slumber. He groggily reached for his phone, ready to silence the offender with a swift smack like he had done countless times before. But as his hand hovered over the device, memories of his previous phone's tragic fate stopped him. With a sigh, he gently tapped the off button and rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the lingering drowsiness. The room was small, barely big enough to fit a single twin bed and a small desk with a single chair. A makeshift closet held all of his clothes on a flimsy hanging shelf, while a hamper sat in the corner, overflowing with laundry. The walls were a dull yellow color, illuminated by the morning sun peeking through the partially broken blinds. The light cast a faint greenish tint over his light blue comforter and sheets, giving the room an ethereal quality. Despite its small size, Marco's bedroom was perfectly organized, each item in its designated place. It was a stark contrast to the rest of his cluttered house, but in this one space that he could control, order reigned supreme.

Rubbing his eyes and letting out a big yawn, he kicked off the remaining blankets and sheets that had slipped off during the night. He stretched his arms above his head, feeling a twinge of pain in his back. Half awake, he noticed that his penis was up and ready to go, signaling its need to use the bathroom. Though not the most impressive or well-endowed member, Marco took pride in his trusty companion. It may not be the biggest, but it always got the job done with enthusiasm. You have to appreciate a penis that truly loves its role.

Before heading to the bathroom, Marco quickly made his bed again. It would have bothered him otherwise. As he reached for the door, he briefly considered putting on some clothes before leaving his room. However, he had grown accustomed to sleeping naked since he was a teenager and continued to do so through his university years. Being nude felt comfortable and liberating to him. Initially, it may have been a rebellious act against societal norms, but over time, he truly embraced nudism as a healthy lifestyle.

Ignoring the thought of getting dressed, Marco opened his bedroom door and walked across the carpeted hallway to the partially open door of the bathroom. He debated standing up to urinate, but decided against it. Masturbating before falling asleep often left him with a semi-erect penis, making standing up to pee a messy endeavor. Sitting down was much easier. Unfortunately, cleaning the bathroom was not as enjoyable as one might imagine.

Marco, perched on the toilet, scrolled through his phone, a daily dose of the world outside. Headlines screamed of growing unrest in Western Washington, fueled by federal policies. "Feds Once Again Try to Ban LGBTQ+ Books in Washington Schools" read one, the author clearly exasperated. The news of CEO Tong stepping down a year after the tragic death of his daughter in a school shooting and the subsequent suicide of his husband caught his attention. The article, titled "Tong Steps Down a Year After Family Tragedy," highlighted Tong's somber statement, "The weight of my loss is too heavy to bear while leading this company." He scoffed at a conservative article denouncing the Undercity as a breeding ground for vice. "Undercity: A Breeding Ground for Anarchy and Vice" the article screamed. Finally, a small article about a protest for an independent Cascadia caught his eye. The image of a handful of people waving flags accompanied the headline "Cascadia Independence: A Dream for a New Future," highlighting a small but growing sentiment. He smirked. It was an interesting thought but the folks still pushing changing to the metric system had a better chance of success.

Marco could hear his roommates playing video games in the living room as usual. Samuel and Dante had been friends for many years now. They had met when Samuel and Dante were in their final year of university and needed a roommate to help with rent. Marco answered their ad, and they had been living together for four years now. While Samuel and Dante graduated and started working, Marco was still attending school.

When the pandemic struck, they all had to adjust to a new way of living. Marco's classes were moved online, and both he and his partner started working from home. The three of them were confined to their small, older apartment for over a year. The first month was the most challenging, as they often argued out of frustration with the situation rather than with each other. But eventually, they learned how to work through their issues and came up with solutions such as installing cheap sound-proofing material to block out noise. It may not have been perfect, but it helped them focus on their work and studies without disturbing one another. Through open discussions, compromises, and establishing new routines, they were able to find harmony in their isolated lives.

As he finished urinating, Marco carefully wiped the last few drops of urine off his penis using a piece of toilet paper. He prided himself on being clean, especially since he chose to live in the nude. In the next room, he could hear Samuel and Dante playfully teasing each other as they engaged in their usual video game competitions.

Marco caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he washed his hands. Standing at an average height and with a slight belly covering any hint of abs, he took note of his lightly tanned skin and sparse hair - except for his waxed genital area. It wasn't about following trends for him; he simply enjoyed the smooth feeling. Plus, it made cleaning up after sex much easier. He smoothed back a stray strand of his short black hair and admired his uncut penis that was still slightly erect from peeing. Today was definitely going to be a good day for his manhood.

Feeling refreshed, Marco made his way into the living room where he lived with Samuel and Dante. Their furniture was nothing special - a worn green plaid sofa bought second hand, a coffee table borrowed from an office (they promised to return it eventually), a recliner purchased from a friend who had moved away, and a new TV they all pitched in for. Priorities.

"Come on!" Samuel exclaimed at Dante, frustration evident in his red face. "There's no way you passed me without using a boost!"

The two friends were deeply engrossed in their racing game, with Samuel perched sideways on the recliner so his legs dangled off the side. His pale white skin, paired with wild red hair atop his head, made him look like a tomato with green eyes. Unlike Marco's lean frame, Samuel had a bit more weight on him and was shorter, but what really stood out was his impressive flaccid penis that swung freely as he moved. Like Marco, he also preferred to wax all of his body hair and took great pride in his grooming habits.

"Don't blame me because you suck at the game!" Dante laughed in response to Samuel's accusations.

Dante was taller than Marco and Samuel, with pitch black skin and a shaved head. He was most assuredly in the best shape with abs so tight, you could bounce coins off them. Why would you bounce coins off of someone's abs? Boredom. It's not a normal thing to do. Dante's uncut penis hung softly to the right, looking for all the world to be shy and innocent. Marco knew intimately that his penis was anything but shy.

"Morning," Marco said.

"Morning!" they both answered without looking away from the game.

Marco went into the kitchen attached to the living room and made himself a bowl of cereal. Taking a seat on the sofa opposite Dante, he watched the two of them play the game. It was a popular racing game Dante in particular liked to play because he was much better at it than the others.

"Hey," Dante asked, not looking away from the TV, "Don't you have that meeting today with your professor?"

"Yeah," Marco replied, "But it's not for a couple hours."

"Still no idea why he wants to see you?" asked Samuel.

"Nope, but it's the end of the year. Maybe he just wants to congratulate me on graduating."

"Maybe he wants to offer you a job," Dante said optimistically.

"I doubt it," Marco sighed. "I haven't had any of his classes since I changed my major sophomore year."

Marco had started out as a pre-law student. Law was something that meant a lot to him as he had had a few family members get taken advantage of by the legal system. In his sophomore year of university, that changed. His father, the wonderful man who worked three jobs to pay the bills, donated money to his church, was always kind to everyone, and lived in the country for decades without any issues, ended up getting deported. One night, agents stormed his house, arrested him and he was on a flight out before sunrise. Marco was devastated and decided that there was no justice in the system. He gave up studying law and went into studying psychology. If he couldn't protect people from the legal system, at least he could counsel them on how to deal with injustices.

"Again!" Samuel exclaimed. "You have to be cheating!"

Dante's character was dancing around the finish line and Dante himself was dancing a bit as well causing his sleeping penis to bounce softly.

"Nope! I'm just that damn good!" Dante laughed.

"Fine," Samuel put down his controller and smirked at Dante. "Cum and Play!" he declared.

Marco laughed and rolled his eyes at Samuel. "Cum and Play" was a game they had made up early on in the pandemic.

Before the pandemic, they had never seen each other without clothes. Despite being friends, none of them had considered dating one another. They simply didn't view each other in a romantic way.

Marco and Dante were gay and Samuel was pansexual. Pretty much, if it was warm and made him feel good, he was into it. Not all pansexuals are like that. Most are more discerning. Samuel just wasn't one of them. In normal times, they could date or hook up but, in the time of the pandemic, their options shrank to nil. That frustration came to a head during the second month of isolation when Samuel, tired of masturbating in his room, just went for it in the living room. The three of them had a genuine discussion after and made a resolution. Since they couldn't hook up with those outside, they would simply hook up with one another with only two rules. First, no one should feel uncomfortable at any point. Second, no romantic feelings could form. They were friends helping one another out, nothing more. That second one turned out to be quite easy as none of them felt romantically about the others. The first one continued to grow and evolve as they redefined what "uncomfortable" meant. A year of isolation meant a lot of experimentation partly out of curiosity and partly just out of boredom. At first, it was awkward. They had never done anything with one another. But, over time, the three of them were quite comfortable doing all manner of sexual activities. Nudity came rather as a side effect. It wasn't really discussed. One day, after Samuel and Macro had sex, they showered off together and then went into the living room to play video games without getting dressed again. Dante saw this and chose to get naked as well. From that point on, they hung out naked more and more as they enjoyed the feeling it gave them. Plus, none of them enjoyed doing laundry.

One of the many activities they created to entertain themselves was "Cum and Play". The rules were simple. Two people play a game while one is given a "disadvantage". The third person can do anything they want, short of preventing them from actually playing or seeing the game, to pleasure the "disadvantaged" player. If the disadvantaged player still wins the game even while being pleasured, they get to give their chores to the other two. If they lose or cum, they have to do chores given to them by the other two. The concept made doing chores more interesting for sure.

"Oh, that's how you want to play it Sammy?" Dante chuckled. "Fine, I'm in. And if I win, I'm going to cook the biggest dinner I can using every dish in the house so that you both will have the pleasure of cleaning them all!"

"Done!" Samuel smiled. "And if we win, you get to clean the whole bathroom, top to bottom!"

"You're on boy!" Dante agreed.

"Go on Marco!" Samuel prodded throwing a pillow at Marco. "Suck him off and do a good job!"

Marco laughed, "I didn't agree to anything in all this!"

"Please," Samuel rolled his eyes. "You know you want his cock in your mouth! His cock is gorgeous! Everyone wants a taste!"

Dante and Marco laughed at this. Samuel had a flair for the dramatic. Marco shrugged and got down on his knees in front of Dante who politely spread his legs open. Samuel may have a gift for hyperbole, but in this case, he wasn't entirely wrong. Dante had a great penis that always tasted delightfully.

"Alright," Samuel declared, repositioning himself slightly to get ready to play. "Ready Dante?"

"Ready," Dante smiled, putting his game face on.

"Ready cocksucker?"

"Really?" Marco looked at him with mock annoyance. "Ask again nicely or I'll purposely give him a bad blowjob."

"Fine!" Samuel huffed. "Marco, wonderful, charming, handsome, Marco. Wouldst thou please sucketh his manhood with sufficient gusto to initiate a rapid eruption?"

Both Marco and Dante laughed out loud. "Why good sir, it would be my honor!" Marco said in a poor British accent, "But you better play well because I don't like doing dishes."

With a nod, Samuel leaned forward, ready to play. Dante was more relaxed as he had already beaten Samuel countless times. Marco put his hands just above Dante's legs. The rules were clear. Marco couldn't touch Dante until after the game had begun.

"Ready, set... go!" the game said.

Samuel and Dante's cars sped off the line with Dante taking an early lead.

Marco's mouth watered at the sight of Dante's large, thick cock. Without hesitation, he eagerly took it all in, his skilled tongue moving around and caressing every inch. He savored the taste and texture, his lips enveloping the tip before thrusting down to the base. With each movement, Dante's penis pulsed and grew harder in his mouth. The length of it was impressive - a solid six and a half inches with average girth. Marco prided himself on his oral skills, but deepthroating had always been a challenge for him. Despite extensive practice, he still struggled with suppressing his gag reflex. To fully pleasure Dante, he used his left hand to grasp the base of his shaft while using his mouth and hand to guide the throbbing member in and out. His other hand gently massaged Dante's hairless balls, eliciting soft moans from his partner. But Marco wanted more; he wanted to hear Dante's pleasure echoing through the room. So he increased his pace and suction, determined to give Dante the ultimate experience.

"He's moaning!" Samuel cheered. "Suck him Marco! Get that cum out of him!"

Dante's body was beginning to tense up, indicating his growing arousal. Sweat glistened on his taut muscles as he struggled to remain focused on the game while holding back his orgasm. Marco could tell that Dante was struggling by the way his thighs tightened and his movements became more erratic. In response, Marco slowed down and teasingly ran his tongue over Dante's throbbing tip, causing him to gasp and fight against the pleasure coursing through his body.

"You know Marco," Dante said softly, "If you slow down a bit and let me win, I'll make it worth your while."

Marco stopped sucking for a moment to look up at Dante, his hand still firmly around the base of his now throbbing shaft. Dante winked and Marco just laughed at him.

"You know that's not how the game is played," Marco reminded him gently. "Lose like a man. Give me that cum!"

"I'm just saying..." Dante began but Samuel cut him off.

"He's distracting you Marco! He's trying to stall for time! Don't fall for it!"

Marco shook his head with a smile. Samuel was very competitive. Marco went back down on Dante's cock, taking as much as he could into his mouth, moving his head rhythmically to try and increase the pleasure. Dante knew he was struggling and, with a grunt of determination, he tried to focus on the game as hard as he could. He even managed to soften just slightly for his effort. Marco knew that Dante would keep resisting and he didn't have much time before the game ended. They had just started the last lap. With Dante's shaft in his left hand, he slowly reached underneath the sofa with his right hand making sure he didn't attract any attention. Feeling around, he found what he was looking for. A bottle of lube that had fallen under the sofa during one of their escapades. He opened the bottle carefully so as not to make any sound, took as much on his fingers as he could, and slowly brought his fingers close to Dante's hole.

Marco looked up and could see sweat beading up on Dante's forehead. He was struggling still but determined and he was intentionally trying not to look down, pretending perhaps that what was happening wasn't actually happening. Marco brought his middle finger up to Dante's hole. Thankfully, all three of them kept their fingernails cut very short and manicured to make certain they didn't hurt the others. Marco firmly touched Dante's hole causing him to jump slightly and look down in surprise. With Dante's cock firmly between his lips, Marco smiled evilly and inserted his finger into Dante's hole gently but insistently. Marco only wanted to pleasure him, not hurt him. Dante gasped out loud this time.

Samuel, noticing now what Marco was doing, cheered him on. "Finger fuck that hole Marco! Get that cum! Hurry, the game is almost over!"

Even with Dante very distracted, Samuel was still just barely keeping ahead of him in the game. Marco felt inside of Dante's tight, warm hole. It always felt amazing to be inside of someone. Pushing just a bit further, he knew he was in the right place. He curled his finger just slightly and clearly felt Dante's prostate. Dante moaned out loud.

"Oh shit!" Dante exclaimed.

His cock throbbed in Marco's mouth. Moving up and down faster on his cock and using his finger to pulsate against Dante's prostate, Marco could see Dante's balls pull up tight, heard him breathing more rapidly, and saw his abs contracting. He was close. Very close. Squeezing his hand just a little bit tighter around Dante's cock, speeding up his sucking just a little bit more and pulsating against his prostate just a little bit quicker, Marco knew he was about to achieve his goal. Dante yelled out in pleasure, dropped his controller and grabbed the back of Marco's head. With a strong thrust deep into Marco's throat, Dante's cock erupted cum into Marco's mouth. One shot. He moaned. A second shot, he was in ecstasy. A third and fourth shot, Marco had too much in his mouth and swallowed so he didn't have to spit any out. The salty sweet cum shot a fifth and sixth time, each a bit less than the previous, each equally as tasty as the first. Dante leaned back on the sofa, his cock still hard. Marco swallowed the rest of what was in his mouth and proceeded to lick Dante's cock clean, making sure that not one drop was lost. He then took as much of the penis as he could into his mouth and relaxed his tongue. Dante really enjoyed this part. Instead of pulling off and calling it a day, Marco left the cock in his mouth to slowly soften and relax in a place that was warm and comfortable. It also gave Marco a chance to clean up any last drops of manly ambrosia that might come out.

Samuel squealed in joy. "I've won! Suck on that Dante!"

"Fine," Dante sighed, both annoyed and happy at the same time.

Marco gently slid his finger out of Dante's hole causing him just the slightest discomfort. He then removed his hand and mouth from his now soft penis, reached for the baby wipes that they kept on the end table, pulled out a couple and proceeded to clean Dante's cock and hole with the wipes. It was just the polite thing to do of course.

Dante continued, "You win Sammy. You're lucky Marco is such a good cock sucker."

"Thank you!" Marco beamed. "I'm hoping to go professional in the future."

"The finger was what did it for you," Dante huffed. "Where did you find lube?"

"Under the sofa," March smiled. "Remember last week when we tried upside down sex? The lube was still there."

"Well aren't you clever," Dante smiled remembering their attempts at upside down sex. While interesting on paper, in practice, they all just felt light headed when the blood rushed to their heads. Clearly they needed more practice.

Marco wiped the remaining cum from his mouth and finished his now very soggy bowl of cereal watching Samuel try a level on his own. He slurped the last bit of milk from the bowl and took it into the kitchen. Just before washing it and putting it in the dishwasher, he remembered that Dante now had to clean the kitchen. He put the dirty bowl on the countertop and left it there, amused with himself.

A quick shower later and he was ready to put on clothes. So much time spent naked made putting on clothes feel odd. But, as he was meeting with his former professor in public, clothes seemed appropriate. With a delightfully soft pair of bright yellow briefs and matching yellow socks, a pair of jean shorts fished out of the dirty clothes hamper, and a simple red T-shirt with white piping on the edges, Marco was ready to go out. Back in the living room, Samuel was still playing video games and Dante was lying down on the sofa playing on his phone. They were likely to stay that way throughout the day. He went over to the front door and chose his red sneakers from the shelves of shoes. The three of them decided when they moved in together not to allow shoes in the house. It was simply more practical as they didn't need to vacuum the carpet quite so often. Slipping the always tied shoes on, Marco stepped outside in the bright sunlight.

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