Cartoonist's Club

By olbert lassiter

Published on Mar 29, 2013



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I was enjoying my time at college. It was so much better than high school. My roommate, Steve, was pretty cool. He was a sophomore, and a cartoonist, and he drew some pretty awesome stuff. He hung out with other cartoonists, and they would go off on weekend drawing retreats. That was actually great, because I could have the room to myself. I was just coming to terms with my homosexuality, and while I was not yet "out" I was jacking off exclusively to gay porn. When he would leave I would lock the door, and then spend the weekend on tumblr fucking myself with a dildo and getting up the nerve to attend one of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance sessions. I knew that by the end of my freshman year I would be out, I just didn't know when.

I also liked it when Steve came back, because he would bring pages of sketches, with all sorts of fresh ideas. His artist friends were pretty cool too. One guy, Jeremy, had really caught my eye. He had beautiful dark olive skin, long dark hair, and green eyes. He said that he was Lebanese, and I guess that makes sense. But college was certainly different from the small town I grew up in. We didn't have Lebanese people. Another thing I noticed when Steve would show me his stuff was that you could see his friends in the drawings. There were people I recognized, but they were buffed up, doing cool things, and very different from the crowd that would sometimes hang out in our dormroom.

One afternoon when Steve was out I wanted to see his drawings, a really cool one he did of a man fighting a seamonster. He kept them in a huge leather portfolio case in his closet. I went into look and inside the portfolio were a couple of sketchbooks. I thumbed through them looking for the seamonster but suddenly something else caught my eye.

It was a drawing, very clearly of Jeremy, but he was totally naked. He was holding his erection in his hands. I flipped to the next page, this time it was Jeremy, naked, turned around with his ass facing up out of the page, and his head turned over his shoulder smiling at the artist. I could feel myself get hard, and unconsciously my hand dropped to the front of my boxers and I started to rub my dick. After taking it all in I turned the page. Now it was Jeremy on all fours, being penetrated by a dick from an unseen body. Around him stood some shadowy figures, and I could recognize a couple of the faces. They all were drawn with their cocks out.

I took the sketchbook and went to my bed, sliding my boxers off and striking my dick. I turned the page. Now here was Jeremy, again with somebody shadowy behind him, and now with a dick in his mouth too. The figures near him were drawn more clearly, and they all had erections. Jeremy had his hand on one, and two of the figures were touching each other's hardons. And I was touching mine, jacking pretty hard.

I turned the page and was totally unprepared for what I saw. It was two panels, a closeup of Jeremy's face covered in white cum, and a closeup of his ass gaping with a dick firing cum at it. I was amazed, and before I knew it I came.

You already know what happened next, don't you? Yeah, Steve walked in. Thankfully not as I came- I got to enjoy my orgasm. But as I sat back, covered in my jizz, the sketchbook open on my bed.

"What the fuck dude?" I heard him say. I turned around, and tried to cover the mess with the blanket, but only knocked over the sketchbook. As it sprawled on the floor I saw another groupsex scene drawn out. "Who said you can touch my stuff?!" He was angry, but also scared. I didn't want him to feel bad, and I knew that I was totally at fault. But I also knew that my roommate had drawn the coolest pornographic drawings I had seen.

"I, uh... I well... Your stuff made me touch my stuff" I tried to smile, but I am sure I looked pretty lame.

"Stay the fuck out of my stuff" the words were hard but the tone was not.

"Steve, I'm sorry I looked. I was trying to find another drawing. But this... Steve these are really good"

"Quit fucking around"

"I'm not. Shit you know I was jacking off to them, why would I be doing that if they did not turn me on?"

"I didn't say you could ever look through my things."

"Ok man, I was wrong." I took a deep breath. "Look, I'm gay. I have been looking at gay porn every weekend when you go away with your buddies to draw. And seriously these are really good. They really excite me." I paused and looked at him. "I guess I am out." I shrugged.

He looked at me, hard. "I didn't know."

"Yeah, well, I have been keeping it quiet. There is so much that is new here, and this isn't like the small town I am from. Atlanta is a big city. I... I just needed some time. Now I guess I can go to the Gay Alliance meetings."

"Shit dude, it's not like you need a support group." There was tenderness in his voice. "There are lots of gay guys who don't go to group meetings." I looked at him, and he could see the confusion I was feeling. "Like me and my friends for example."

"You're gay too?"

"Fuck yeah. I just don't flaunt it, or try and hide it. Last year I roomed with some of these guys, and we fucked around all the time. I just figured you were too up tight and I didn't want to freak you out. We were getting along so well."

"Yeah, we are Steve."

"Look, settle down. I tell you what, next weekend you can come with us. We just go over to Terry's appartment and fuck around and draw. I know you don't draw, but I bet you'd like to fuck around, right?" He looked down at my limp dick sitting in a drying pool of my cum. I couldn't deny him.

That weekend he took me over, and introduced me.

"You all know my roommate- B. He was looking at my notes from a couple weeks ago, and he seemed to like them. Well, I think he did because when I walked in he was lying naked in bed with cum all over his chest."

I blushed, but the other guys were cool, and laughing. Maybe it would be OK.

"I invited him to come along."

"Does he draw?" this was Terry, the guy who had the appartment. He was overweight, but if Steve's drawings were right, he had a thick cock to match his thick body.

"No, but I really like what you guys draw" I said.

"Can't be here if you are not an artist."

"What if he models?" this was Jeremy, who winked at me as he spoke.

"We could use a new model, the drawings have been in a rut" Terry said. "No offense Steve, but you can't just keep drawing Jeremy getting buttfucked every weekend."

"Oh, I don't mind" said Jeremy.

"I'll bet" said Terry. He looked at me again. "You ever model before dude?"

I shook my head.

"Ok, let me ask it this way- can you get naked?"

I blushed again, but undid my belt, unsnapped my fly, and in a few seconds had my jeans down around my ankle.

"Hold on there cowboy. Most people take their shirt off first." This was Mark a tall guy who I hadn't met before.

"I'm not most people." I said, and pulled down my underwear. I was proud of my seven inch cut cock, and ever since Jeremy had winked at me I had got hard. I knew I was pushing things, but fuck, I had seen the drawings.

"You sure you never modeled?" said Terry, eyeing my hardon. He reached out and tugged on me a couple of times. "over there" he gestured to a mattress in the middle of the floor.

I walked over to it, and took of my shirt, as I kicked of my sandals and pants. I was now totally naked, and hard, and I had only been here for fifteen minutes.

Steve sat on a couch, and flipped open his book. Terry sat down next to him, and grabbed some paper. Mark took a seat on the floor, and picked up his book. Aaron, another one of the guys, sat down next to Mark. "I guess I can start by drawing" said Jeremy, and he stood to the side.

I wasn't sure what to do, and I felt my dick start to lose its erection. I just stood on the mattress, and with my left hand reached between my legs to tease my balls. It was hot being in front of these guys, but they were all drawing.

"You going limp already?" asked Aaron. "Can't have that." He got up from where he was sitting and walked over to me. He reached out for me.

"What are you packing?" he said, as he grabbed my dick. "What do you look like fully hard?" he asked, smiling at me. I felt my dick spring back to life in his hands. I looked around and saw all of the guys were drawing.

I reached out for him, and pulled him to me. He kept his smile, and opened his lips a bit. That was all I needed, and I went in to kiss him. I felt my tounge enter his mouth, just as I felt his hand grip my cock just a little bit harder. I stood back. "Your jeans are rough" I said, because actually the denim did feel rough on my boner. But also I wanted to see how art matched reality.

"Take 'em off then." He said, still jacking me.

I reached over and undid his belt, and unzipped his fly. I could feel the bulge of his erection, and ran my hands over it a few times. He moaned. "Aren't you going to take them off?"

I took the hint, and slid them down. I went down too, and so my face was now facing his tight basket. I saw a wet spot where his cockhead pressed against the fabric of his briefs. I put my hands in the elastic, and snapped them down too. I was now face to face with an erection- a real live dick inches from my mouth. I could smell the same smell of stale cum that I knew from my own body. So Aaron jacked off a lot too I guessed. I started to lick his dickhead, very gently. He pushed his hips forward, and his dick ran into my cheek. I backed up, opened my mouth, and took him inside.

It was wonderful. I was sucking a dick infront of other guys.

"Can you turn this way?" I recognized Jeremy's voice.

I turned to look at him, but kept my mouth on Aaron's cock. It bulged out my cheek, making a sloppy slurpy sound, as I turned to look at Jeremy. He was drawing and looking at us. "That's nice guys- very nice." he said. I saw him stop drawing long enough to rub between his legs once, adjusting his cock.

I doubled my efforts, sucking harder and trying to take Aaron deeper. I gagged, but that was ok. I just tried again.

"His dick is harder now that he is sucking than when he was being felt up!" This was Terry again. "Let's see this." He got up out of the sofa and knelt down next to me. He had his notebook and was drawing. And I could feel his breath on my neck. "Look at how he drools."

"You're blocking my view" said Mark, and he put down his notebook. When he stood up I saw that he had already opened his fly, and had an erection sticking out of is pants. He walked over to us.

"Are you going to suck this or is Terry?" he asked, his cock inches from us both. I wanted to offer it to Terry but he slid back. "I'm not the model."

That left Mark's dick pointed at me. I pulled off of Aaron's dick and turned to Mark, not wasting time with small licks and gags. I saw that Aaron reached out and put his hand on Mark's ass. I reached up and fondled Aaron's sack. Mark sighed, and shifted his weight. I could see that he spread his legs wider, and I wondered how far Aaron had gotten with his hands.

I felt a hand at the back of my head. I turned and found that I was now next to Jeremy, who was kneeling behind me. "Let me help you out here dude." And without any emotion, or effort, he opened his mouth and took Aaron's dick down to the balls. "Oh shit!" said Aaron. I admired Jeremy's skills, and knew that I had a lot to learn. I felt a hand on my dick, and looked down to see that he was caressing my shaft, and reaching under to my balls.

Then I looked up to see Mark looking down at me, feeding me his cock. Jeremy moved his hand off my dick, and I felt him reach back around me. Very gently, but without pausing, he started to probe my butt.

I had fucked around with guys before, but I had not been fucked. I had spent the first couple of months at college using a dildo that I picked up at a XXX book store on my ass, so I knew that I wanted this, and I knew that I could take dick. I pushed back and widened my own legs, making it easy for Jeremy to get his fingers up against my asshole. I stopped sucking Mark long enough to tell him to go ahead.

I felt Jeremy take his fingers out of my ass, but a few moments later they were back, and rubbing something cold and wet on me. I knew the feel of lube, and I wiggled my ass to make sure that I was getting all oiled up.

I let Mark's prick fall from my mouth, and got on all fours. I looked behind me, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jeremy and his magnificent cock. I did, but I also saw Steve drawing me, and I realized I was in exactly the position Jeremy had been in in the sketchbook. Then I saw Jeremy block my view of Steve, and my eyes focused on his hardon. Dark, angry, and sticking right at me. I wanted to watch him fuck me, but a hand turned my head. It was Mark, and he wanted me back on his dick.

I felt Jeremy enter me, and my ass expand around his dick. Fuck this was great. I sucked Mark for all I was worth, hoping that if I could bring him off I could turn around and look at Jeremy. I had learned a few tricks, and I slid my hand up between his legs. This time I didn't cup his balls, but went right for his asshole. My fingers touched Aaron's hand, which had already wedged four fingers up Mark's loose ass. I stuck in two of my own, then I started to work in a third.

Mark's orgasm was sudden- he just yelled "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" and before I could even back off I had a mouth full of cum. I wasn't an expert, and so I ended up with most of it spillout out my lips and down my chin. What I did swallow tasted good. Mark backed off, looking down at me. "Holy shit dude, what did you do to my ass?" He reached behind himself, guiding himself to a chair to sit down in.

Terry, who had been blowing Aaron, stood up. I wondered if he wanted me to suck him, but instead he said "my turn with the model" and I felt Jeremy reluctantly slip out of my ass. Terry's prick was fat,and it didn't go in me easily. Thankfully Jeremy held me, and whispered in my ear as Terry forced his penetration. Once he got the head in the rest went more easily, and my ass started to adjust. Now Jeremy came in front of me, and lay down, spreading his legs.

"Eat my ass dude" he said, lifting himself to me. I so wanted to swallow his dick, but I didn't want to disappoint him. I went down on his ass, tongue flicking between his cheeks. "That's it sweetie, eat my ass". I looked into his green eyes, and saw the sweat glistening on his dark skin. This left Aaron without anything to do, but he didn't seem to mind. He sank down, and told me to lift up my chest. As I did so, he stuck his head under me.

All this time and nobody had handled my dick except for the very beginning. Now Aaron again held me, this time between his lips. He was an expert cock sucker, and I felt excitement building. I was even getting turned on by fat Terry's fat cock up my ass. I focused my attention on Jeremy. Whenever I tried to move up to his dick he urged me lower. So I kept nibbling at his balls, and tonguing his asshole, as he jacked his dick slowly.

"I'm going to cum" announced Terry, and I felt him push deep inside me. It was more than my poor asshole could handle, and he must have hit me just right. I surprised Aaron with my cum, and felt myself unload into his skilled mouth. He drank every drop. As Terry backed away I heard Steve,

"Oh shit dude, you should see your ass. Just hold it right there I want to draw this. You are gaping man, and his cum is just all over you." That I knew, I could feel his warm liquid ooze out of my ass and down to my balls.

"Did you cum yet?" asked Jeremy.

"Fuck yeah!" I said, looking up from his ass.

"Good- don't move," and he lifted his dick up, bending it back to my face. I held my mouth open as his first blast of cum hit me right on the forehead, and started to drip to my eye. "Close your eye dude- you don't want it to sting. Ohhhh!" and his next shot went up, and landed in my hair. I closed my eye, but moved my head up higher. I was rewarded with cum hitting my lips, and my tongue. His ass was good, but his cum was great. I savoured every drop, even as he kept cumming.

Aaron got up from underneath me, and went on his knees next to Jeremy. "Fuck yeah, you like that don't you? Get ready for more bitch" he said, and then shot his cum on my face and in my hair. I was already a mess from Jeremy, and now that he was coming down from his orgasm he got to watch my face get soiled by Aaron's jism. "Paint my face man" I managed to gasp between blasts.

I looked up and saw Mark looking at me, smiling as he played with his soft dick. Jeremy was lying back, taking it all in. And now Aaron was finishing by wiping his dick through my long hair. I turned around and saw Steve still drawing, but Terry had taken Steve's dick out and was jacking it.

"Steve dude, you have to cum on this guy's face!" said Aaron.

"Naw, I want to finish sketching this." He turned his notebook around, and I saw myself as a cartoon, asshole wide open, face violated, and dripping from both ends with cum. He turned it back and kept sketching. "I have the whole year to fuck this sweetie every night in the dorm anyway."

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