Carter's Lake

Published on Apr 24, 2020


Carters Lake 4

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

Macomb and I got close. He met some of my friends, Bruce, Terry, and Tom Jones the cop. When I said met, I should have said had sex with them. For many gay men being willing is more attractive than being handsome. Malcomb wasn't a fuck me if you want, I'm okay with it sort of guy. He liked it and made sure you knew he liked it.

He was an average guy, but you felt like the world's greatest lover when you were sucking or fucking him. That was especially good for Tom Jones. He was a cop and many gay men were uneasy about that. There are some men who like to dress up like cops and explore cop fantasies. Tom was a real cop and had a history of being anti-gay before he saw the light.

Malcomb was a teacher, so he had to keep his sexual interests under cover, and he like Daddy figures. His father was not a bad man, but he was a businessman who didn't think being a teacher was a real job. There was always a vague sense that he was disappointed in his son.

Malcomb taught English to the more difficult students. Tom Jones had to talk to him about a troublemaker. Malcomb was sincere about teaching and know about the boy's troubled home life. Jones was a local and he knew the kid's father. That explained a lot.

Jones called social services and they found serious abuse problems and set things straight. Jones had a heart to heart talk with the father and told him he was one step away from jail. He said he would let it be known that he liked to beat up his wife and kids. Jones explained that would make his time in jail big-time uncomfortable. The guy said he would complain to the judge. Jones told him to please do that. He had a lot of stories he could tell that would interest the Judge.

When Jones met Malcomb at the lake, they got along well. Tom Jones had a problem cock. It was unusually thick and finding a man who could take it was difficult. Tom was big man and he could force it in, but he didn't enjoy that. God moves in mysterious ways and Tom's cock was a dream come true for Malcomb's ass.

It was a shock for both men. Tom's cock fit perfectly, and Tom was able to give Malcomb's prostate a sperm bath. Shooting off in as tight ass was a rarity for Tom. Tom shot off fire hose style and that inspired Malcomb to shoot off too.

Malcomb came to see me a few days after his lake adventure. I had heard about it from Tom. He told me about what happened adding, "I'm worried about it."

"Why is that. It sounds like you a Tom had a good time?" I asked.

"Well, we are essentially strangers. We don't know each other. I was pure sex. It was so superficial," he said.

"It was good sex?"

"That part of it was wonderful. I didn't know it could be so good," he replied. "I was just squirming on his cock and I didn't know him." I had to admit I almost replied that if Tom got his cock all the way up his ass, it wasn't superficial; it was in depth. Luckily, I realized he was genuinely worried and wouldn't take the attempt at humor well.

"I have a strong sense that cock's have a different approach to sex than your mind may have," I said.

"I'm not sure my cock was involved. It was my ass and his cock," Malcomb replied.

"Your cock and your prostate are best friends. Did he shoot off in you?" I asked. I knew the answer, but I wanted to know his interpretation of it.

He nodded. "I felt him squirt and I lost it. I was embarrassed that he knew I was shooting."

"Malcomb, you and Tom had a shared orgasm. That is probably the top-rated sexual experience. Orgasms are your objective, not embarrassing. Some women can fake an orgasm, men leave a sticky tribute to your passion. You do realize he liked it as much as you?" I asked. "You felt him shooting in your ass."

"I made a mess," he said.

"You had his load in your ass," I said. "Did that bother you?" he was silent. "It's time for true confessions. It turned you on, didn't it?" Malcomb nodded.

I knew where Malcomb was coming from. I once thought life was one thing and sex was something else. It was like a thunderstorm on an otherwise nice summer day. It was exceptional and disruptive. I also thought it was something that other people did. When I was a teenager, I logically knew my parents must have done it, but it still seemed improbable. In college it was rare and didn't interrupt my single-minded focus on my education.

I now admitted my cock was a part of me and not simply a necessary drain for waste products. I had found friends and we shared sexual experiences. Sex wasn't the sole focus on my life, but it certainly enhanced it. It enhanced a lot.

I also knew that gay sex wasn't a one-size-fits-all occurrence. It didn't mean a lifetime commitment to having a family and children. Traditional attitudes toward sex didn't necessarily apply. Gay sex ranges from blow and go, to fuck buddies or friends with benefits. It now includes monogamous marriages, and open partnerships.

My own relationships seem to start as onetime events and quickly turn into friends with benefits. I don't go looking for sexual playmates, but I don't to go out of my way to avoid them. I knew that sex and love are not the same thing.

I suspected that Tom's cock found something in Malcomb's ass that Malcomb didn't know existed. Intense sex can feel like love. You can mistake an intense orgasm for love. We talked for a while and I told him that Tom was a good man and he should go with it.

"It might be good, or it might not work out, but knowing one way or not was better than looking back with regret," I said. "Remembering the one that got away is cold comfort." I think he understood.

My trips to the lake were limited in cold weather. I could hike, but skinny dipping was not possible. I had a call from Freddy the florist. He was going to have a little party on the Sunday afternoon after Thanksgiving. He said he wanted to start the holiday season with a bang. He was busy for the entire Christmas season providing flowers for parties, decorating, and providing flowers as gifts. This was his last chance to relax. I told him I would love to come.

"I forgot to tell you dress with be very informal," he added.

"Christmas sweaters?" I asked.

He laughed. "A sweater is fine, but a jock strap would be more than adequate," he said. "Last year I had planned to attach a sprig of holly to a jock. It looked good the prickly leaves were a problem."

"Did you solve the problem?" I asked.

"I did. I just said the precum dribbling from my cock was the first snow of the season melting!" he explained. "It was a success. Feel free to bring a date but select someone who is open minded."

Most of the men I knew were already invited, that included Tom the cop. I told Malcomb about it and asked if he would be interested.

"It sounds as if it is an orgy," he said.

"I doubt there are many Puritans planning to attend," I said. "I do know there will be a few Southern Baptist there. I am fairly sure naked, erect Baptists are open minded." Malcomb laughed and said he would think about it.

I had a strong suspicion he was interested. Malcomb like sex with men, but it was seemlier to appear reluctant. I found out later he talked with Tom about. Tom told him he had been to one of Freddy's parties. He told him it was 100% no strings attached fun.

Malcomb drove me to the party. We parked in his fence in rear lot. He did large arrangements, some of which were assembled in the area. The fence was solid and six feet high. It was good for concealing his floral arrangements and his personal guests. Malcomb liked that.

Marty and Rupert from the tire shop were there, with Bruce, Tom, the Coach, and the Judge. There were two men I didn't know, Conrad and Jonathan. It took me a few minutes to remember that Jonathan was the county clerk. Conrad turned out to be the new town librarian. Freddy greeted Malcomb who he had never met and offered us a drink. We chatted with the other men. Malcomb knew Marty because of his bald tires. Since Malcomb didn't drive much, Marty gave him more economical tires since they were light usage. Malcomb had been taken to the cleaners the last time he replaced the tires, so Marty was on his good list.

"The gangs all here now. It's time for us to get more comfortable," Freddy said. "For those of you that are new, I warn you that our dress code is informal. Remember that politeness demands that you knock on the door and invite in before you enter." Freddy had been wearing a robe. He stripped it off with a dramatic motion. He was wearing a jock altered so that his cock was exposed.

Malcomb and I stripped in the guest room. While Malcomb wasn't handsome, his cock was an attention getter. The Judge and Coach were clearly impressed and went to him. They were older, rather mellow men and Malcomb was comfortable with them. They were in the corner of the room and soon Malcomb sat in a chair sucking the Judge as Coach sucked him.

I was with Marty who introduced me to Jonathan. Jonathan was a newcomer and a friend of the Judge. Jonathan was nervous, but he was continuously glancing at the cocks of nearby men. "I kind of told Jonathan that the men here are open minded," Marty said. "He was semi-virgin until his cock took a nice trip up my backside. He wanted to know if any of the guys could help him out?" Marty said.

"I'm embarrassed," Jonathan said, "Marty is awfully direct."

I smiled. "Well, the men here are all nice guys and I bet all of them share your interest. If you mention what you enjoy, I think someone would like to help you out," I said. He was getting hard, so I leaned over and sucked him. He moaned.

"This isn't an orgy. It's just pals having a good time," Marty said. "You're new and you will have no trouble finding something you like. There is a lot about you they will like too." I stood up and Marty replaced me on Jonathan's cock.

"It took me a while to admit I liked man sex, and a while longer to do it openly with like spirits. Everyone is here because the like sex with men. They know what it feels like to let go and allow themselves enjoy sex," I said. Marty was a master cock sucker and I could tell Jonathan was getting into it.

"There is one aspect that is orgy like," I added. "Orgasms are in your future. I thought two orgasms was my limit, but since I've known these men, I've done four in a session and I'm still not sure I've reached the limit. I was used to jacking off alone. I can tell you that sharing orgasms with pals is way better."

"That is so private," he whispered.

"It may be private, but almost every man in the world does it. I thought a solo jerk off session was wonderful when I was a teen. It seems like the dark ages compared to what we can do here and now," I said. "It shows the guy you are playing with you are into it."

"Some of these guys are not the best-looking men I've seen," he whispered.

"They are the guys who are most eager to please," I said, "Don't worry, you're not going to have anyone's child."

Jonathan smiled. "You're right about that. You must think I'm pretty superficial," he said.

"You are new to the scene. It takes some getting used to," I said. The Judge came over to him. I went to Conrad, the librarian. I seemed to have been acting as the Welcome Wagon. I think it may have been a desire to sample new cock. Conrad was tall, thin and had a hairy chest. I had met him at the library. He was always well dressed and groomed. His body hair was not manscaped.

"I hope it's not too much for you. There are a lot of naked men," I said.

"I've only been with men one-on -one," he said.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Everyone here is pre-approved for group action. They are all nice guys."

"I could use a drink," he said under his breath.

"Me too," I said as I dropped to my knees and began to suck him. A minute or two later Conrad didn't need a drink. His cock was long and thin, like his body. His cock had a downward bend and was easy to deep throat and there was no urge to choke. He had a thick bush and big hairy low hangers.

Conrad was an okay looking guy, neat, clean, and respectable. He was the sort of man your parents would approve. Naked he was less respectable; erect he was desirable. It was a cock that would fit easily in any ass, but with the curve it would find new places off the beaten track.

Eventually I got on all fours, His cock was made for easy penetration and prostate stimulation. As Conrad fucked me, I knew it was a near perfect fit. A little later I saw him fucking the Judge and still later I saw him taking the Judge's meaty member in his ass with obvious pleasure. I had a feeling that a distinguished judge up his ass was good for Conrad.

The party wasn't an orgy, or gang bang. I think it might best be described as a mellow party with sequential sexual episodes. Most of the men knew each other and there was no rush to get off. I think even Malcomb realized that. Licking a cock and sampling your playmate's precum was part of the getting acquainted process. Freddy's apartment had good carpets and it was only polite to keep a friend's cock from dripping on it.

Tom had a problem with his drooling dick, and everyone was willing to help him with it. Tom's precum was sweet, tasty, and plentiful. He also had a long fuse, so his sperm was ageing in his balls like a fine wine. He was noted for his forceful orgasms and I knew several of the guests were willing take it, including me.

Two late guests arrived. Butch and Billy-Boy. Butch was a welder and Billy-Boy was his "helper." Butch was 100% testosterone wrapped in a fur coat. Billy-Boy was two inches taller than technically being a dwarf and was frightened of his shadow. Butch was the assistant chief of the volunteer fire department and noted for his understanding of firefighting.

Billy-Boy barely survived an abusive childhood and attached himself to Butch. Everyone assumed it was to find protection from his father. There was an incident that no one officially knew about, and Billy-Boy's dad left town, never to be heard from again. Technically, Billy-Boy was Butch's accountant.

I knew Butch for years. His mother did the cleaning at my father's office after her husband died. She also did cleaning for my mother. Dad put her on his office health insurance policy which got her through some difficult times. Butch was always big and a bit scary, but my parents liked him. He wanted to get a job and quit school when his dad died. Dad found an apprenticeship with a welder and got him to stay in school. Butch was never afraid of hard work and soon was making good money while he was in school.

I guess you could say I knew Butch casually but had never connected genitally. He came over and we talked. I told him how my parents were doing. We talked and got up to date on the local news. His cock was partially hidden in his bush.

He leaned close to me. "I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff," he whispered. "I am willing to fuck anyone with two legs and a cock."

"I hate to admit it, but I seem to be open to anything that his hard and dripping," I said. As I got older my ability to say no seems to have vanished.

"Once I'm in a guy I have no control over shooting. I shoot buckets and it's messy," he added. I was playing with his cock. It seemed to be thicker than it was long.

He reached around and fingered my hole. "You're lubricated already. I like that. Virgins cry too much when I do them," he whispered.

Billy-Boy came over to us. He was short, but quite muscular, moderately hairy and buffed. His cock looked as if it were oversized. I thought that was because of his height. He offered to be an appetizer. He would open my ass for the main course, Butch. I said that was fine.

Billy-Boy's large cock was not an optical illusion. It was full sized and meaty. Billy-Boy was not a wham-bang-thank-you Ma'am sort of guy. He seemed to have a well-planned scheme to get into my ass. He took his time popping through my ass muscles. His cock was large and filling. He played in my ass for maybe five minutes and then turned me over to Butch.

Butch was a surprise. He was driven, but gentle. I knew he was going to get it all in me, but he did not seem to be in a rush. I had the feeling that if it had been millimeter thicker, it would not have fit. I was my mother called a snug fit when I was a kid and outgrew my clothes. Mom always hope I would get another month's use, but a week later she bought new clothes.

When Butch pushed the final two inches of cock into me, my whole body began to tingle. I felt the way I did when I was first fuck. It was an all-new sensation coming from places I did not know existed in my body, this was a new tier of sexual sensations.

I later found out that Butch's cock had mixed reviews. Some guys thought it was a step too far. Other's though taking it was an achievement, like swimming the English Channel. It was an achievement, but once was enough. For me it was a new tier of sexual sensations. It was if his cock and my body melded into pure sex. Nothing else existed.

Somehow, I knew that Butch had the same feelings and sensations.

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