Carter's Lake

Published on Apr 4, 2020


Carter 's Lake 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The 4th of July was on a Monday, and my parents went with friends to Ashville to see Biltmore. I had the weekend off with no chores or duties. Mount Wilson felt like an abandoned town so many people went on a vacation. It was a 95-degree day and I went hiking to Carter 's Lake. It was slightly cooler in the woods and there was the refreshing water of the lake.

I was surprised to find Freddy there already swimming. I joined him and we chatted. Maybe fifteen minutes later a couple arrived, an older man with a younger companion. The older man was slightly familiar. The knew Freddy and stripped and jumped in the water. They swam a little and then joined us.

"Freddy, you have a knew friend or is he a conquest? " the older man asked.

"Win is a new friend. We haven 't known each other for long, but we have discovered we share some common interests, " Freddy said. "Win, let me introduce you to Judge James Thomason and Deputy Jones. "

We shook hands and the Judge said, "Freddy and I have known each other for years. My late wife was a pillar of the local garden club, so I knew of him long before I met him. I guess you could say we share some common interests too.

"My folks weren 't into popular music and I 'm Tom Jones. Everyone calls me Tommy, " the beefy and muscular deputy said. "I was your basic anti-gay asshole until I saw the light when I met Freddy. He saved my life. "

"Is there a story there? " I asked.

"Tommy had the misfortune to come upon a bank robbery in process. He apprehended the robber but didn 't know there was a second armed man behind him, " the Judge explained. "That man didn 't know that Freddy was behind him. Freddy jumped him. The guy was a gorilla, but there is more to Freddy than meets the eye. The perp got a shot off, but it went wild and somehow Freddy got the gun, even though he was beaten up badly. "

"The news papers said a passerby got the gun. I don 't think Freddy was what they wanted as a hero, " Tommy said. "Florists can 't be heroic. "

"I assume you and Freddy share other interests? " I asked.

"Tommy didn 't know that muscle bound jocks could like cocks too, " Freddy said.

"I sort of had dreams of making it in the major leagues, " Tommy said. "Being a football star in rural Virginia doesn 't mean much anywhere else. I became a cop. I missed football, but eventually I discovered I missed the shower room more. Freddy showed me his paintings. Some were for a gallery in D.C., but others were for a gay gallery in New York. I was shocked and then I realized they turned me on. "

"I wanted to paint him nude, " Freddy said. "That took some talking but he did it. He was nervous, but I used my mouth to massage his cock. He relaxed after that. "

"I had been sucked a few times before, but never by a guy who knew what he was doing, " Tommy admitted. "No one had ever taken my cum before. It was good, but I told myself I would never do that again. I was back a week later. Freddy knows all of a guy 's hot buttons. "

"I discovered he had a really sensitive place six inches up his ass, " Freddy said.

Talking about sex when you are nude makes it difficult to hide your feelings and intentions. "I think it 's time for a little show and tell. I know what I want, and I am pretty sure I can guess your intentions, " Freddy said. The Judge began to strip. Tommy wore a tee-shirt and shorts, so he was nude in thirty seconds. He was tanned, with a hairy chest and treasure trail to his bush. He had a thick semi-erect, uncut cock.

The Judge had a golfer 's tan, and his body hair was white. He was a bit overweight and had a long, thin cock. "Since we have just met Win, I think it would be nice to put our cards on the table. I like to suck and fuck. When I 'm turned on, I can bottom, if you are careful and gentle, " he said.

"I do it all, " I said, "I love to suck a guy and to have a cock up my ass leisurely massaging my innards. "

The Judge was sucking me already. He was almost frantic at first, but he calmed down soon. Freddy was sucking Tommy. "I love to be sucked. I like to fuck too, but I need to warm up in order to suck a guy or take it in my ass, " he said.

"If I were to guess, was Freddy the first man to fill your ass? " I asked. Tommy nodded. I asked him if it better than he thought it would be?

"Once I got used to it, it was fine, " he replied.

"Tommy 's really shy, " Freddy explained. He thinks he shouldn 't like it. Cock 's don 't lie. He shot off hands free. "

The Judge looked up at me. "I love to fuck, but you need to know I had a hair trigger, " he said.

Freddy was fully equipped with lubricant, poppers a heavy quilt to cover the rough ground. The judge had a blanket. We spread it out on the ground and the Judge got on his back. I straddled him and sat on his cock. His cock was thin and long, with a big, strawberry-sized knob. He moaned as it slipped deeper into me. He reacted to it enthusiastically. It wasn 't as exciting for me, but it felt good. I did some wiggling and some bouncing and that pulled his hair trigger.

Sometimes an orgasm is a disappointment. It marks the end of the sexual activity. It was the 4th of July and the Judge 's cock provided fireworks deep in my ass. His ejaculations were forceful and plentiful. I could feel the spurts deep in me. Once he started, they didn 't seem to stop. When he calmed down, late volleys continued for a minute or so. Orgasms last for seconds, not minutes, but they seem to stretch time. It got me going.

When I moved off his cock. Tommy laid next to us with his thick took at attention. Freddy went to clean the Judge 's cock with his tongue, and I sat on Tommy 's tool.

Tommy 's thick member stretched my sphincter and then all was well. His cock tapered as it reached his body. My sphincter relaxed as the thick part of his cock massaged my prostate. I later realized he was a heavy precum leaker, so his juice mixed with the Judge 's sperm. I was ultra-lubricated with natural horny man juices. My ass was tight for him, and good for me too. This was a new experience for both of us. We had a nice long ride before he drained his balls into me. The group broke up after the orgasms, and I went home.

My life was quiet now that my parents were at the cabin. When they were in town, I would get five or six calls a day asked me to do or get something. They had old friends near them in the mountains and they would ask Mom of she needed things or would she like to go to the grocery store. She was always willing and happy to have company.

I continued to hike in the Carter 's Lake area exploring the area. I would often jump in the lake on the way back to my car. I was in the water when two young guys came by.

"Is it okay if we go swimming, " one of them asked.

"Of course, I don 't own it, " I said.

"I 'm Terry and his is my pal Bruce, " the tall one said. They stripped and jumped into the water naked. They were twentyish. Terry was over six feet tall and gangly. Bruce was shorter, more muscular and almost bald, he was a hairball. They swam some and then returned to the bank.

"My uncle brought me here a few years ago. He told me he had skinny dipped here as a kid, " Terry said. "I had never seen an adult man naked before. I didn 't know cocks could be that big. "

"You guys seem to have caught up in the size department, " I observed. "Do you come here regularly? "

"No, but it always seemed exciting to me, " Terry said and them paused. "I think about my Uncle a lot. He died a few years later in a car accident.

"Were you excited by the lake or your Uncle? " I asked.

"Well, I admit one part of my Uncle interested me a lot, " Terry said. "He told me we might have some fun when I got older. I 'm older now, but he died. " Terry rearranged his cock and balls in case I didn 't get the message.

"Do you and Bruce have some fun? " I asked.

"A little, but I feel as if we still have our training wheels on, " Terry said. "We saw you with some guys here on the Forth of July weekend. We liked what we saw. "

"Bruce, are you as interested in this as much as Terry? " I asked.

"I might not be as interested as Terry, but I am sort of interested, " Bruce replied.

"Bruce holds back some. Once he tries it, he likes it, " Terry said. By that time, we were all semi-erect.

"Have you sucked a guy you didn 't know? " I asked.

"I 've only been with Terry, " Bruce said.

"I did a guy at a rest area once, " Terry said. "It wasn 't that good. "

"Somehow, I think your cock would be good, " Bruce volunteered.

I smiled. "Well, that is a start, " I said. Bruce came forward, dropped to his knees and began sucking me. It took me maybe as much as thirty seconds to realize all was well. Bruce really wanted it. "

"I told you Bruce is shy, but gets into things quickly, " Terry said.

"Have you guys traded cum? " I asked.

"Bruce has taken mine. I 've never taken his, " Terry said.

"Let me tell you, if you guys get into this big time, it 's going to happen. If your playmate takes yours and you spit out his, there may be ill feelings, " I said. "Things don 't have to be 50/50, but it needs to be evenhanded. You want it to be even handed. "

"I don 't know about getting fucked, " Terry said.

"Did you hear about the guy who said he was bi-sexual. It doubled his chance of a date on Saturday night? If you 're looking for gay sex, sucking and being sucked, fucking and getting fucked improves your sexual success, " I explained. "A narrow-minded gay guy with a limited repertoire of sexual positions may have a hard time finding Mr. Right, not to mention Mr. Right-Now. "

"Do you like to fuck? " Bruce asked.

I nodded. "Fucking isn 't one thing. Sometimes it 's just getting off. Sometimes it 's all physical. Other times you are with a pal and it more personal and intense. When you are with an okay guy and his cock hits all the right spots in your ass you can go to the moon. Sometimes you are dumping your cum in a dark place, or you may be giving a guy a special present that only you can give, " I said. "The word love may refer to the way you feel about you parenst, your partner or mint-chocolate ice cream. It 's the same word, but different meanings. "

Terry replaced Bruce at my cock, and I sampled Bruce 's tool. After my little speech, I was shocked to discover that Bruce was oozing the mother-load of precum perfection. His cock scum went straight to my brain, cock and balls; all were a tingle. As I sucked his cock, I wanted it in my ass, shooting his man seed deep in me. I also realized that the flow of precum increased as I sucked him. Terry was an energetic sucker and seemed to like my cock drool. We took a break when I realized I was getting close.

"Did either of you boys notice things are progressing quickly? " I asked.

"It sure felt good to me, " Bruce said.

"If we shoot off too fast, it limits the quality sucking time, " I said. "We aren 't rushed so we might as well take our time and smell the roses. "

"Maybe the rest stop isn 't the place to learn about more refined sex, " Terry remarked.

"Terry taught me everything I know about sex, " Bruce said. He was lying back and was still rock hard, while Terry 's cock had relaxed some.

I was inspired and straddled Bruce and sat on his cock. Both he and Terry moaned.

"Damn, that 's a pretty picture, " Terry said.

It was more than pretty to me. Bruce had a thick, bulbous cock shaped like a butt plug. His cock pushed past my sphincter and lodged next to my prostate. His rich precum lubricated the way. Every movement of his cock was pure enjoyment for me. I wiggled my ass and every movement was pure joy.

"Don 't hog him, I want a turn! " Terry complained.

"Terry is kind of a whiner, but he has a good cock. I bet you 'll enjoy it, " Bruce said.

I switched cocks a bit reluctantly. "Terry you know I get to open your ass after you 've been in me? " I asked.

"Are you going to shoot off in me? " he asked.

"Probably. A cock has a mind of its own, " I said. "Once you 're open, I 'd like to watch Bruce breed you. "

"I guess that only fair, " Terry said. Terry was rock hard by this time. I sat on it and knew he was close to an orgasm. I just sat there, squeezing my sphincter once and a while.

I hadn 't been too excited about getting fucked by Terry, but he was a top-notch fucker. I rolled over so I was on my back and he could do the pumping. I was sure he was a well experienced top.

We rolled over again so he was on his back. I asked Bruce to fill his ass. That was a total success and after Bruce shot off, I replaced him and pushed Bruce 's cum deeper into Terry 's ass. I didn 't want to push Terry too far, but I shot off and refilled Terry 's ass before I pulled out.

We were all winded and we relaxed. "Are you boys okay? " I asked.

"That was fucking wonderful, " Terry said. "Is it always that good? "

"When you are lucky it 's that good, " I said. "When it comes to sex, just being okay is still pretty good. "

"It was beautiful, " Bruce said, "Did I hurt you? " he asked of me.

"Bruce, your cock was almost too thick, which is just about perfect for me. I could feel you squirting. That was a real turn on, " I said. "Terry your ass is virgin. Did it adjust to take our cocks? "

"I fibbed a little. Mr. Thomas at the Seed & Feed fucked me. It wasn 't good. Your cocks were bigger and better. You were nice, " he said and then asked, "Do you know your ass is drooling cum? "

"Does that bother you? " I asked. "If either of you are still hard, you can push it back in. "

Bruce 's cock inflated like a balloon. He gently poked the man seed into me. When he encountered my sphincter, he made a quick thrust, and his cock head and the cum were on the dark side. Less than a minute later he deposited a second load.

"Terry can you tell which of us enjoyed that the most? " I asked.

"You both looked like happy campers, " he replied.

"You 're right about that, " I said. "Was fucking better when you used Bruce 's cum as a lubricant when you fucked me? "

"I did feel a special tingle, " he answered. A beeper went off in Terry 's pants. It turned out that he was an electric company lineman and a thunderstorm was on the way. We dressed and left. I had time to give Bruce my cell number.

As it turned out the thunderstorm concealed a tornado. It hit a mile or so south of my town so there was only minor damage in town other than tree limbs. Electric lines were down everywhere. Bruce was an electrician and was in the Rescue Squad and there were multiple problems in what was locally known as the Tornado Acres mobile home park.

The line men fixed the service lines, and Bruce was with a group working on the connections to the houses. Bruce gave me a call. He told me the men were sleeping in their trucks and could use a real night 's sleep and a shower. I had not lost my electricity, so I told him to bring them over.

At 7:30, Bruce came with three men, Carl, Bob and Ted. They were dirty and tired. They didn 't have a change of clothes with them, so I did laundry as they showered. They emerged from the shower clean and relaxed.

My parents were still at the camp, but their house lost power. That included the freezer. I had a freezer and I saved as much as I could and had a lot of defrosted meat in the refrigerator. Dad likes prime beef, so the men ate well. It seemed almost festive.

Working with electricity is dangerous work and their boss insisted that they rest. A tired electrician is an accident waiting to happen. My cooking skills are limited, but the meat was so good no one noticed. I had some slight vibes from the men. The oldest of the men, Ted seemed really close to the youngest guy Bob, and Carl seemed to check out my crotch. They were wearing any of my clothes that would fit. Ted was a big man and he wore my bathrobe. It was too small, and his cock peeked out from time to time.

Eventually I figured out that Ted and Bob were a couple. Bob had been Bruce 's best friend in school. Carl was Ted 's ex.

"Well guys, I am tired but too keyed up to sleep. I was wondering if anyone would like to join me in a little good night sexual romp, " Ted said. "I wouldn 't mind if all if you joined me, for a nice little orgy. "

"An orgy? I 'm not sure I want that, " I said. "I wouldn 't mind using sperm as dessert. If you are worried about sperm being fattening, I kind of like it when it 's injected into my ass. " The men laughed, and all of them wanted to exchange their home brew.

Next: Chapter 3

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