Cars Boys and Sex

By Sean Monteiro

Published on May 11, 2006


Warning: This story contains hot gay sex between two males. (Well, if you want to get particular, it contains sex with more than just two males. But you get the picture, yeah?)

If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to read this because of your location (county, state, country, planet, etc), please stop now.

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I figured it'd be a week or two until I heard from Jared again, if ever. So I was surprised when he sent me a text message on my cell phone the next night saying Dude, call me when you get this, k?

So I called him, feeling my cock stirring in my pants as I remember how he'd fucked me the night before. I'd loved the feeling of his long cock up inside me, and how full I'd felt after he'd shot his spunk up my ass. I reached down and kneaded my cock through my pants as I listened to the phone ring.

He picked up after the third ring. "Sean," he said slowly, making my name sound like some erotic, forbidden word. "My man. What's up?"

"You tell me," I said, grinning to myself.

Jared laughed. "Yeah. Actually I guess I should. The boys want to meet you tonight. They can't wait to see that car of yours."

"Sounds good," I told him. Fuck, I loved that car, not only because it was so much fun, but because it got me all this attention from guys.

"And," Jared added, "even more importantly, they want to meet the guy who took every inch of my cock." I could imagine his perverted smirk as he said that.

"So where do we meet?" I asked him.

"At Luke's house. I'll give you directions. Oh, and Sean?"

"Yeah?" I asked, my heart starting to beat a little faster.

There was a brief pause, and I could hear Jared exhale slowly. "Fuck, man. I was just thinking about how damned good it felt to plow you last night. You jerkin' that cock of yours, man?"

"Just about," I said, because I was holding the phone with one hand and undoing the clasp on my belt with the other.

"Mmm," Jared said. "I am too. Got my cock in my hand, thinking of you, Sean. But man, do me a favor, OK?"

"What," I asked lazily as my fingers slid down inside my plaid boxers.

"Don't cum."

I stopped. "What?"

"Don't cum," Jared repeated. "Save it for us. OK?"

I felt my lips twitch in a perverted smirk of my own when he said that. "OK. Deal."

"Awesome. So meet us at Luke's house at eight, and, uh, get yourself ready, if you know what I mean. `Cause they'll want to initiate you properly."

All the blood in my body rushed to my cock in that instant, because it suddenly because so hard it hurt. Jared must've known his words would have that effect, because he said soothingly, "Easy, baby, easy. Go take a cold shower or something. `Cause you'll definitely want to save yourself for the festivities. Trust me on this one."

We said good-bye, and hung up. I did take a shower, but not a cold one. It was tough to ignore the steel rod poking straight out from my crotch, but I put on a pair of khakis, a Hollister T-shirt, a wood-bead necklace, and a baseball cap. I put on some hot cologne, and looked at myself in my mirror.

I had to admit, I liked what I saw. I've never been all that confident in my appearance, but I felt the beginning of a smile starting to spread on my face. I definitely looked fuckable.

I got in my Supra, and followed the directions Jared gave me. Luke, who was apparently another member of the club, lived in a nice house on the edge of a big hill overlooking the bay. The driveway, and the yard beside it, were filled with import cars--most of them Japanese, but there were a few Korean and European ones mixed in there, too. Parking my Supra next to an Accord coupe at the end of the driveway, I counted the cars as I walked among them. Seven, eight, nine. Nine of them.

The front porch was dark, as were most of the windows of the house. I went up the front walkway, listening to the night wind rustling through the trees that flanked three sides of the house. It was a quiet neighborhood, which was a little surprising. I'd half expected every light in the house to be on, with loud music emanating from the windows.

Just was I was wondering if I had the right house, the front door opened and Jared stood in the doorway, grinning down at me. I walked up the front steps, and he held out his hand to me. "Sean. Come in, buddy. Come in."

Candlelight cast flickering shadows across the wall. Still holding my hand, Jared reached behind us and closed the front door firmly. Then he locked it, and leaned so close that our lips were almost touching. "This way," he whispered, and I shivered as I felt his warm breath against my face. Grinning, he led me down a dark hallway to the back of the house.

The back half of the house was a big wraparound kitchen/living room area, with a bar off to the left and an area with a few couches and a flat-screen TV on the right, behind which were floor-to-ceiling windows providing a breathtaking view of the bay.

The TV was currently off, and the guys lounging on the couches turned as one to look at me. I didn't even have time to become self-conscious, as most of them grinned or smiled at me.

One guy, who had been standing by the windows looking out at the bay, turned and crossed the living room area to stand in front of me. Looking at Jared, he said, "So this is Sean, yeah? The guy with the right-hand drive Supra."

"Yep," Jared answered.

The guy held his hand out to me. He had short-cropped blond hair, blue eyes, and shiny white teeth that were perfect save the fact that his canines were a bit longer than normal, and more pointed. I could imagine he was probably teased as a kid, called a vampire or something like that, but for some reason I found it incredibly hot. So what if his canines were pointy, it'd be boring if we all looked the same. It actually enhanced his appearance, if anything.

"I'm Luke," he said as he took my hand. He didn't really shake it, he just held it. His hand was big, and his palm was smooth. His smile widened. "So. I heard you took all of Jared's cock."

Another guy, who had been sitting on the back of one of the couches, crowded in next to Luke, reaching out to take my hand firmly in his. He had strawberry blond hair, almost coppery, with green eyes. He wore a baseball shirt, white with dark blue sleeves, and a baseball cap set askew. "Jon," he introduced himself and his grip on my hand tightened in a friendly way. "Man. Did you really take all of Jared's cock? On your first time?"

Jared thumped me on the back, a proud smile on his face. "Fuckin' straight, he did. With nothing more than some of my spit to use as lube, at that."

Jon shook his head in amazement, a goofy grin on his face. "Dude. You must really be a bottom, then."

Grinning back at him, I raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem with that?"

"Fuck no," Jon said, his eyes glinting as he looked at me. "No problem at all. 'Cause, see, most of us like being on top better." Hanging on Luke's shoulder, he jerked a thumb at one of the other guys in the room. "Except for Brad, I mean. He'd rather have a cock up his ass than be the one sticking it to another dude. Nothing wrong with that, of course, it's just we've all got our preferences."

"Hey," a dark-haired guy said from behind him, who was apparently Brad. "I'm not THAT one-sided. I like to be the top sometimes, too."

Jon flipped his middle finger at Brad, in a good-natured sort of way. Turning back to me, he giggled. "Yeah man, anyway, that's pretty freaking cool that you took all of Jared's length. Especially the first time. I still can't take that much of his cock. I can get most of it in, but not all of it. I guess that's a good step for..."

Jon's voice trailed off and he looked away. Luke caught my eye. "We all pretty much take turns. Fucking, that is. Those of us who are bonded tend to stick to a routine, but..."

"Bonded?" I asked him.

Next to me, Jared shook his head. "Later, man," he said to Luke, "later."

Something changed in Luke's eyes, and he nodded. "Right." Brightening, he took me by the shoulder and steered me into the center of the room. "Now, Sean, let me introduce you to the rest of the boys."

I'd already meet Jon and Luke. The rest of them introduced themselves to me.

Brad: dark hair and blue eyes, boyish face, and really soft hands. Nick: dark hair and eyes, a hint of a goatee. Matt: tall, with light brown hair and dark eyes. Nate: almost as tall as Matt, blond hair and blue eyes. Zack: shaggy, messy blond hair, blue eyes, a little stubble on the end of his chin, not enough to be a proper soul patch. Brian: dark spiky hair, blue eyes. All of them were dressed like Jared--preppy, jock-ish, all of them looking like they should be models for Abercrombie or American Eagle.

Luke, who was clearly one of the alpha males of the club, if not THE alpha male, fixed me with an intent stare as the rest of the guys fell silent. "You passed the first initiation last night with Jared. You're a member of our club now, which is a lot bigger than just the boys who are here tonight. And if that's as far as you want to go, then that's cool."

"Some guys don't want any more than that," Jon added as he leaned against Luke. "They have appearances to keep up, and all that shit. Have regular girlfriends and all that. They're not part of the inner circle."

"Nothing wrong with having a girlfriend," Nick said from where he lounged on the couch, one hand idly stroking his cock through the fabric of his jeans. "But that's why most of them didn't want to be on the inner circle and didn't want to live here. `Cause if they did, their girlfriends would be pissed."

Jon laughed. "Yeah. Their girlfriends would be pissed `cause by the time we finished fucking each other, there wouldn't be a fucking drop of cum left in his balls for them." Seeing the dubious look on my face, Jon gave me a wicked grin. "You think we can't drain you dry, dude?"

Feeling a bit cocky, I took a step closer so we were face-to-face. I saw his expression shift, and he exhaled slowly. He was getting turned on by this. And fuck, so was I.

"I'd like to see you try to drain me dry," I told him.

Jon pulled me to him. Our bodies pressed up tight against each other, and he nuzzled the side of his face against the side of mine. Holding me tighter, he pushed against me, letting me feel how hard his cock was. "Sean," he breathed in my ear, giving me chills, "today's your lucky day, man. `Cause you're so gonna find out."

Nick, his face serious, looked at the others. "Are you guys going to let him decide first? Or afterwards?"

Luke reached around and grabbed my butt. "Afterwards," he said, grinning at me.

I looked from Nick to Luke. "Decide? You mean, whether or not to be part of the inner circle?"

Luke nodded. Jon laughed. I looked over at Jared, who was looking at me intently.

I put my hands up in the air. "I don't think there's any deciding about it. I want in."

"Then let's fucking get on with it," Jon said as he headed for the hallway. "`Cause we want in, too, man, if you know what I mean!"

As Jon disappeared through the doorway, most of the other guys got up and followed him. They all stopped and shook my hand, or just held it, as they walked past. I was definitely starting to feel lightheaded, knowing what was coming next.

Soon I was left with just Luke and Jared. Luke nodded at Jared. "We'll use my room."

Jared nodded, his green eyes alight with lust and something more carnal that I couldn't quite put my finger on. "You prepared for that?"

"Fuck yeah," Luke said, grinning. He left the room, motioning for us to follow.

There was a spiral staircase in the center of the house, leading upstairs. Luke dialed the lights down to a faint glow, and padded silently up the carpeted stairs. Jared and I followed. He reached for my hand in the dark, and held it tight. My heart was pounding, and for the first time in my life I knew what people meant when they said they felt like they were walking on air. Because that is exactly how it felt. Exactly.

A few corridors branched off in various directions from the landing at the top of the stairs. Jared led me toward the longest one, which went to the back of the house. The hallway terminated in another floor-to-ceiling window which looked out over the lake. I was do dazed I just stood there, looking out at the darkening, purple night sky. I might have stood there forever had Jared not pulled me into the room to our right.

There were candles lit in the bedroom, but only a few, so the effect wasn't cheesy. They were black candles, and almost everything else in the room was black, or dark-colored, as well. Dark carpet, dark wooden shades on the windows, which were half-shut. I might have been impressed at how tastefully the room was furnished for a gearhead in his early twenties like Luke, if I'd had enough awareness left to process such a thought. But I didn't.

The room smelled of man. You either know that smell, or you don't. Part of it was cologne, something dark and smoky, but it was a lot more than that. It was the vaguest hint of soap and deodorant and spearmint gum and other "clean" smells like that, but it was much more sweat and cum and musk and other base, hormonal scents that you just automatically associate with guys, and sex. All of that rolled together gave me this high that was better than any drug I could take. I seriously felt like the room was spinning already.

As Jared and I stepped completely into the room, one of the guys closed the door shut behind us. The only light came from the few candles and the scant moonlight peeking through the half-drawn blinds. I could see the rest of the guys, standing silently off to the side. They were silent and solemn, unmoving, which for some reason made me afraid to even breathe loud. It also made my stomach start to tingle. My cock was already ready to go, straining against my jeans, and man, I wanted to be fucked so hard.

It was then that I finally noticed the bed. It was the hugest bed possible. If there was anything bigger than a king-sized bed, then this was it. Again, if I'd been more coherent, I might have wondered if it was a custom-made kind of thing. It took up half the room, and the room itself was the size of a normal living room. The comforter looked like it was made out of black satin. While the sheets beneath were also black, they looked like they were made of a sturdier fabric. But then, they'd have to be, to withstand all the...activities.


It was Jared's voice, right at my ear. He was still holding my hand, and this time his arms came up to embrace me. "In order to be initiated, you have to accept cum from all of us. Inside you."

I didn't think I'd reacted much to his words until I realized he was the only thing holding me on my feet. Jared laughed. "Yeah, you do want that, don't you."

"Hell yeah," I told him.

He nodded. "OK, dude. Let's get this party started, then."

They led me to Luke's bed, but it wasn't a mass orgy. I figured those sorts of things went on, because why else would anyone have a bed this huge?

Without being prompted, I reached for my belt buckle. I wanted my clothes off, all of them, right now. I wanted to be initiated, to be used by all of them. That's something I'd never experienced before. I wanted to be so full of their cum that I couldn't even move.

As I reached for my belt, I felt a hand upon mine. "No," said a voice, "let me." I didn't know who it was in the dark, but he must have known that. "It's Matt," he told me. He turned me so I was facing him, and then he ripped my clothes off as fast as he could. Somehow he managed to take his off, too, at the same time, because the next thing I knew we were on Luke's bed, and Matt was pawing at me. And I was loving it already.

He had big hands. That's the first thing I noticed. The next think I noticed was the way he nipped gently at my jaw line, my shoulder blades, and then my neck. All while he held me down, almost forcefully, against the bed.

Matt was definitely a top. I could tell he loved pressing his weight down against me, pinning me in place, as he nipped at me. I thought of him having to go through this same initiation, held down by all the other guys as they pumped their cum into him, and for some reason that made me so wicked hard, the thought of such a total dominant top being made to submit.

Matt flipped me over so I was on my stomach across the bed. I heard him spit once, twice, then a third time. Then I felt his hand on my butt, one of his big fingers working his spit into my ass. His hand disappeared and I heard him spit again. A moment later he slid both arms underneath me and grabbed me tightly around the chest. It was almost suffocating, but I was too far gone to care.

His cock pressed at my asshole, lubed only with his spit. He poked at me, trying to find the right angle. A half-inch or so of his cock sank inside me, but that's all it took. The rest was like a reflex for me. I arched my back and slammed back into him, burying his cock inside me.

Fuck, that hurt. And it surprised him, too, but he quickly recoved and began to fuck me. We were quiet at first, the only sound the shaking of the mattress. The room seemed almost totally dark now, and I was lost in the feeling of Matt fucking me. Every time his balls slapped against my ass, he'd grip me even tighter. One of his arms came up around my neck, holding me in a deathgrip.

Matt started to make noise. I could hear his breath coming faster and rougher, but then he started grunting with each thrust. He held me so tight I could feel each of the different muscles in his body as he moved against me. His grunts started coming faster, and with a final shout, he came. His arm tightened around my neck at the same time, making everything go dark for real. His cum was hot, burning hot. I could feel it.

After he came, Matt pulled right out. I felt a big hand on the side of my face, and then a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. Then he was gone.

I didn't have much time to think about it, though, because Nate was already there, letting me know who he was with a few whispered words. I heard him spit into his hand too, but only once. He worked his cock into me slowly, inch by inch. I liked the way he was doing it, so I bit back the reflex to arch my back and slam him home like I had with Matt. It took almost everything I had not to do that, and my fists clenched the pillows of the bed in an effort to let him take it slow.

It was definitely worth it, because Nate's girth was definitely bigger than Matt's. Nate was solidly built, more muscular than Matt, and his thick cock felt so good the way he slowly, methodically inched his way in.

One he was all the way in, he started thrusting. His breathing was heavy from the beginning, and I felt the hemp necklace he wore brushing against the back of my neck as he moved. His hands came up to massage my arms, which he held down gently. It didn't take him long to cum, and I could tell he'd been saving up for it, because I felt him shoot five large shots up my ass before he started to lose his pace. He kept his mouth shut tightly the whole time, trying to be quiet, but he exhaled forcefully at the end as he jabbed his cock all the way in one last time.

Brian was next. He didn't even bother with the spit. Between Matt and Nate, they'd already shot me up with enough of their spunk to make sure I was well-lubed. He just got on top of me, put his weight down on me, rammed his uncut cock up inside me, and started fucking away.

His hand came around and covered my mouth. He worked his index finger into my mouth, first running it along the edge of my lips, then sticking it all the way in my mouth up to the knuckle. With his other hand, he pressed my face down into one of the pillows. All while ramming his cock up in me.

When Brian was finished unloading his cum up my ass, which took awhile, I was starting to feel pretty full. I could tell that all of them had been saving up their cum. I'd never had this much of it up inside me before, and we weren't even half finished.

Zack came to me when Brian was finished. He reached under me and grabbed my cock, which was so sensitive by now that I cried out. I knew I shouldn't cum yet, I didn't want to cum yet, but if he kept that up, I'd shoot all over the place. "Yeah, baby," he whispered in my ear, his stubble tickling me in a way that made me want to be fucked again, so bad. "You're lovin' every second of this, aren't you, man."

"Fuck me," was all I could say.

Zack laughed. "Will do."

I could feel all that cum in me, now. Each time Zack pulled his cock most of the way out, until the head of his cock was against my sphincter, and then slammed it home, I could feel all the cum moving around inside me. Dimly I wondered if there would be room for it all, but I shouldn't have. As Zack shouted "oh fuck, Sean, I'm gonna cum," I felt him buck his hips, jamming as far up my ass as he could.

I felt his cock spewing his semen up inside me. Lots of hot, thick cum. Just as I began to wonder if I could hold anymore, I felt something give inside me, and all that hot cum rushed up deeper inside me somewhere. It felt fucking awesome, my body taking that huge amount of cum up deeper inside myself. I could feel its warmth spreading through my lower abdomen. It was a new feeling, and what little reasoning I had left, quickly vanished.

It was Brad's turn then. He held me tightly the whole time, not in as dominating a way as Matt had done, but just as desperately, nonetheless. Nick was after Brad, and he took his time. By then I was so out of it that I might have even lost consciousness somewhere in the middle of Nick's fucking; all of a sudden I felt him tense, and tell me he was close, and then he was cumming.

Jon was right there even as Nick was pulling his cock out of my ass. "Fuck, Sean," he whispered as he worked his cock up my well-used ass, "you still act like you haven't had enough!"

All that spunk was making me ten times as bold as I usually was. I get drunk on it, I swear. I looked at him over my shoulder and grinned. "Of course I haven't had enough. I haven't had any of yours yet."

"Mmm," he said as he flexed his cock up inside me. "Feels so warm up there from all my buddies' cum. And don't worry. I'm gonna be adding mine to the mix in...fuck...yeah, Sean. Yeah."

It didn't take Jon long, and he talked the whole time. Some people are annoyed by talkers, but it turns me on. "Yeah," he said each time he slammed his cock in up to the hilt. With each thrust he tried to get himself farther and farther up inside me. "I can feel it, man. It's close. My balls are fucking aching to unload in you, man. You ready for it? Huh Sean? You fuckin' ready, man?"

"Give me your spunk, Jon," I told him. He moaned when I said that.

"Yeah dude, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm...oh shit."

Warmth. Heat. Spreading. "Yeah, Sean, that's it. Take my cum, baby. Take it. Take it."

I don't remember Jon pulling out, but suddenly Luke was there. "Two more," he whispered as he slid inside me. Then he was quiet, concentrating on fucking his way to an orgasm.

My balls were so tight, and my cock was actually starting to hurt. I'd been clenching my muscles so tight in an effort not to cum that it would take a lot of force to unclench them when it was finally time. But I knew it wasn't quite time yet, so I held on as Luke continued to screw me.

"Use your teeth," I told him.

His pace faltered. "Huh?"

"Use your teeth on me, Luke. Please?"

He stopped altogether. The haze of sex lifted from my mind just enough for me to wonder if I'd somehow offended him. Then I heard him laugh. "You want me to bite you, Sean?"

"You fucking heard me," I snarled. "BITE me, damn it!"

He laughed then, slammed his cock up into me, and resumed his pace. I felt his teeth against my shoulder blade, hesitant at first. My moans encouraged him, and I kept telling him to bite me harder, harder, as he fucked me more and more furiously. I wondered if anyone had ever asked him to bite them before. Normally I might not be as into it, but with the pain I was feeling from holding my cum back, and from the way my guts were so stretched full of gearhead cum, the pain from Luke's biting was almost a relief.

He came as he was biting the back of my neck. If I was into the whole vampire wannabe thing, I probably would have died from the sheer pleasure of it. I'm not a vampire wannabe, but I still almost died. His pointy canines dug into my skin as he pushed himself down on top of me, pushed himself up inside of me. As he came, he forced the mix of semen even farther up inside me, to the point where if I spit, I'd probably be spitting out cum. And I cannot tell you how fucking hot of a feeling that was.

But there was still one guy left. Jared. And just when I thought all that cum couldn't be forced any farther up inside me, he shoved that long rod of his all the way up, proving me wrong. I didn't have any energy left, but somehow he got me on all fours, and he was behind me, fucking me doggy-style. He was loud about it, too, and after he came, adding his cum to that of the rest of the inner circle, he stayed inside me until he was totally soft. Then slowly, quietly, he let his cock slip from my numb ass, supporting me with his arms as he did so.

His hand reached under to gently poke a finger at my abdomen, which was on fire by now. "How's all that cum feel up inside you?"

I tried to say something like "fucking awesome," but I couldn't remember how to pronounce anything correctly. I think he got the picture anyway, for he smiled and kissed me on the cheek as I collapsed back on the bed.

Luke's face hovered in the darkness above me. "Sean. You've now taken a part of each of us inside yourself. Symbolically, you now belong to each of us, and we all belong to you. But we need to close the circle."

Jon appeared next to him. "You ready to cum, dude? You look like you need to."

"What do I have to do?" I asked, the words slurred so much they were almost unintelligible.

Luke smiled. "Nothing. Except cum."

Jared climbed back onto the bed. "Let me take care of that." He gave me one of his trademark smirks, then he kissed his way down my chest and my abs, and took my cock into his mouth. Fuck, his mouth was so warm that I started cumming right away. I felt Jared swallow a big gulp of my cum, but then as I shot for the fourth and fifth times, he held it in his mouth.

"Try to cut off the flow," Luke said from where he sat on the bed next to me. "Clench it back. It'll hurt like holy hell, but do it anyway."

So drunk on their cum, I obeyed him, not even wincing as fire sliced through my crotch as I forced back the flow of my spunk. When Jared was sure that I'd stopped it, he released my cock from his mouth and turned to the others. I couldn't see in the dark exactly how he shared my cum with the rest of them, but I could come up with a few good guesses.

I didn't even remember when he put his mouth back on my cock again, but the next thing I knew, I was again shooting my cum into Jared's mouth. After my second orgasm waned, I flopped back against the pillows, feeling very tired and very full of cum.

I heard Jon's laugh as he appeared next to me again. "Oh, we're not finished yet. Remember what I said about draining you dry?"

Jon jerked me off then, using some of my own cum to do it. It took a long time for me to cum, as I'd used most of it up the first two times. Jon aimed my cock at my chest, and I shot three times. Immediately there were guys waiting to lick it up.

I protested weakly as Luke grabbed my cock and began to start jerking it again. It was beginning to feel raw by now, and he ignored my pleas. By the time I came, I was half moaning and half crying, and it burned horribly. Yet it still felt so fucking good at the same time.

Matt was next. "I can't possibly have anything left," I told him hoarsely.

Matt shrugged. "That's what we're gonna find out."

It turns out, I did have a drop of cum left. He collected it from the end of my cock with one big finger, and sucked it off his hand.

"One more time," Brian said to me as he pushed Matt aside. "Believe me, we don't want to waste any of your seed."

That time, when I came, it was a dry orgasm. It took a lot longer, because I wasn't hard in the slightest anymore. My body was completely numb, and my mind was totally gone.

I remember Jared curling up beside me."Welcome, Sean," he said as he took me in his arms. "You are officially one of us now."

I smiled. Then, finally, I lost consciousness for good.

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