Cars Boys and Sex

By Sean Monteiro

Published on Jan 27, 2006


Warning: This story contains hot gay sex between two males. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to read this because of your location (county, state, country, planet, etc), please stop now.

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So I got a new car recently. But not just any car; one that was imported into the States from Japan. Which means it has the steering wheel on the right-hand side instead of the left. If you live in the UK, Australia, NZ, Japan, you wouldn't be impressed because it's an everyday thing to you. And if you're the average North American, it probably wouldn't impress you either, unless you're into import cars.

But let me tell you what: this fucking car has turned out to me more of a guy magnet than I ever expected. The car itself is hot. It's a sleek black Toyota Supra for those of you who are interested, plenty of power under the hood and drives as fast and strong as a wet dream. But what's even hotter is the attention it attracts, because the steering wheel is on the other side.

I was cruising around near the mall one day, just driving around, trying to find some other guys to race. Pulling out from a side street, I noticed this guy in an Infiniti G20, right behind me, doing a double-take. If you drive a car with the steering wheel on the other side, you kinda get used to the looks. I only look back when the guy is hot, and this one definitely was.

I pulled up in front of the mall, the guy in the Infiniti right on my ass. I looked in the rear-view mirror and he looked at me, trying to get my attention. I lifted my chin up, giving him that cocky half-nod that car guys give each other. When the way ahead was clear, I pulled across the street and into a parking lot. He pulled his Infiniti up right next to me. Because my steering wheel was on the other side of the car, we really WERE right next to each other.

He got out of his car, I got out of mine. Up close he was even hotter. And he knew how to dress. Faded Abercrombie jeans, tattered and slightly flared at the bottom, a white polo shirt with thin dark green stripes with the collar turned up, and a baseball cap perched high on his head, the bill of the cap tilted just slightly to the side. His walk was all confidence. He was skinny, with a nice tan and these killer green eyes that stared right through me. And his lips were quirked up in this smirk, that together with the spark in his eyes, made me think he could be a real pervert. In a good way.

"Hey," he said, his eyes taking in my Supra and then flicking to me. He reached out his hand. "I'm Jared."

"I'm Sean," I told him as we shook hands.

"Man," he said, looking back at my car, "how the hell'd you get your hands on THIS, dude?"

So I told him the story, all the shit I had to go through to get it street-legal, which really doesn't have anything to do with sex so I'll skip it. He ran his hand gently along the hood, nodding his appreciation. "Fuckin' sick, man. Totally fuckin' sick."

(By the way, "sick" is gearhead lingo for "hot", something that's admired. And of course, I was completely flattered that this hot guy was admiring my car.)

We talked for awhile longer, about cars in general. "You in any clubs?" he asked me.

I told him I wasn't. Before now, car clubs had seemed pretty juvenile to me. Just a bunch of cocky guys with their souped-up Camaros and Mustangs, acting like asses. But when Jared asked me if I wanted to hang out with him sometime, go cruising, maybe meet some of the other guys in his club, I didn't hesitate in saying that I was interested. We exchanged cell phone numbers, shook hands again, and went our separate ways. I never really expected to hear from him again.

That night, while I was taking a shower, inevitably I started to jerk off. When I take a shower in the evening, that's usually what I do it for, anyway. I stood there, leaning against the tiled wall, feeling the hot water coursing down over my body, thinking about Jared. His taut, skinny body, those piercing green eyes, and especially his perverted smirk. I was working up to a really good cum when I heard my cell phone ringing.

Normally, I sure as hell wouldn't stop jerking off and get out of the shower just to answer my phone. But I think on a subconscious level I knew who it was going to be, and what was going to follow. So I turned off the water, grabbed a towel, and reached for my cell phone, which was sitting next to the sink. I looked at the caller ID. Sure enough, it was Jared.

"Hey man," he said when I answered. "Yeah, so, I was just wondering if you were up to maybe cruising around tonight. My boys are all busy, so it'd just be the two of us, but I'd really like to take that Supra of yours out. That is, if you want to."

I had to think about it for maybe one-tenth of a second before saying "Sure!" I changed into dark blue jeans, a navy blue polo shirt with one side of the collar turned up, a white A&F baseball cap, and put on my hottest cologne, feeling like I was getting ready for a date. We agreed to meet in a parking lot halfway between where he and I lived. When I got there, he was already waiting, this time in a totally hot red Mitsubishi 3000GT. He shook my hand again, but held it a little longer this time.

"So," he said, grinning, "I usually never do this, because I like being in control, but do you mind driving? Just riding in that car would be so cool. I could freak people out, they'd think I was driving `cause I'd be sitting where the normal driver's seat is..."

I smiled. "Sounds good. Let's go."

Showing off, I floored it when we pulled out of the parking lot, swinging over into the rightmost lane and passing everyone that was going slow, which was everybody. Jared seemed to be almost orgasmic about my car, which I found totally hot, of course. He kept looking at every little detail, commenting on things, and it was so cool. On this one stretch of city street we drove for almost fifteen minutes with him sticking his feet out the window, resting on the side mirror. To anybody who didn't look closely, of course, it looked like the driver of the car was sticking his feet out the window. We got SO many looks, and I was enjoying every second of it.

As the sun sank out of sight and the orange sky faded to dusk, I pulled onto a side street in a nice neighborhood and pulled up to the curb. Jared was still laughing from these two guys in a Dodge Avenger that we'd just raced (and beaten).

"Man," he said, putting his arm around my seat. "That was so fucking cool."

I yanked the parking brake into position and looked over at him. "You want to drive it?"

The look he gave me was priceless, like I'd just said "You want me to suck your cock and let you cum in my mouth?" I smirked, wondering what he'd say if I'd really said that.

The first question of the two proved to be more than exciting enough for him, though. His green eyes lit up like a little boy's. "Really?"

In response, I grinned, got out of the car, and opened up his door. We exchanged places, and he slid behind the wheel. I watched him as he leaned back in the seat and ran his long fingers over the steering wheel and the gearshift. The way his hands were moving was pretty erotic, and I felt myself getting hard. I didn't know how he'd take it if he knew I was getting horny over watching him touch my car, but luckily it was getting dark out, and he wouldn't be able to tell if I sat still.

Jared popped the hand brake, shifted into first, and eased the car back out on the side street, still caressing the steering wheel like it was his own cock. His lips were slightly parted, and without warning he floored it, shifting up through the gears in a powerful, almost lustful way, actually moaning when the car accelerated to his standards.

I felt my stomach tingle when he moaned. It was a fucking hot sound, hearing him do that. He looked over at me and smiled, almost like he knew what I was thinking.

I let a lot of people drive my car; it isn't every day you get to drive a car with the steering wheel on the other side, so everybody wants to try it once. Most of them are so nervous, and since the center of balance is on the opposite side of the car, they either were way too far in the middle of the road, or hugging the shoulder. But Jared drove it like a pro.

"Must be all that Initial D I played," he said with a grin, when I complimented him on it. "The cars in that game have steering wheels on this side, too."

We cruised around as dusk turned to night. At first we talked a lot, but after awhile we just rode in companionable silence. Jared kept one hand on my gearshift (though I wish his hand had been on a different stick of mine). I just kept looking at that hand, imagining him jerking off, and suddenly I felt my cock poking hard against my jeans. I shifted in my seat, trying not to draw attention to himself.

But suddenly Jared slammed on the breaks, saying, "Are you fucking serious? You gotta be fucking kidding me."

My heart started pounding. Oh, shit. He'd seen I was hard, and he didn't act like he was taking it very well.

But no. That wasn't it. He'd stopped on a side street in front of a huge house. A black Honda Prelude was parked at the curb, and Jared was glaring at it. "No fucking way," he said, pulling my car over to the opposite side of the street.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

Angrily, he pointed to the Honda. "That's Steve's car. And that house belongs to Natalie. She's my ex-girlfriend, from a couple years ago, before I met my boys. And Steve's a total freaking asshole. He used to be in my club. But then Natalie stole him away from us..."

There was a weird light in his eyes, and I thought his statement was a little cryptic, but I didn't say anything. I know what it sounded like to me, but I'm sure that was just my horny imagination taking too many liberties where it shouldn't.

Jared reached for the door handle, threw the door open, and got outside. "Hey," he told me, "I gotta show Steve who's boss. You cool with that?"

I nodded, wondering if that meant there was going to be a fight. I got out of the car too, feeling a little uneasy but yet perversely excited at the same time. I watched Jared walk across the street, but instead of going toward the house, he stopped right in front of the Honda. I winced, thinking he was going to key it or something. I don't care how much of an asshole a person is, it still makes me shudder when someone tries to hurt their car. I guess that's a gearhead thing.

But as I soon found out, Jared had something different in mind. Standing right in the wash of the headlights of my car, he fumbled with the zipper on his jeans, yanked it down, and pulled out his cock. Against my better judgment, I found myself taking a couple steps closer so I could get a better view. But he was standing half turned away from me, so I didn't see as much as I'd have liked to.

What I did see though, was that he was long. Really long. And the second thing I noticed was that he wasn't soft, either. At first I thought he was going to piss on the car, which made me wicked hard in a really perverted sort of way, but when he spit in his hand a couple times and reached down to grab himself, I knew he wasn't going to piss.

Jared stood there right next to the Honda, feet spread and leg muscles tense, and started to jerk himself off. Furiously. His hand pumped his long cock hard and fast, and it wasn't even a minute before he exhaled really loud and started cumming all over this guy Steve's Honda. I watched as his first spurt of cum arced through the air, spraying across the shiny black hood of the car. Each exhalation of Jared's made me that much hornier, until I was dying to just whip my own cock out right there and yank on it, yank on it really hard, until I came. I wanted to cum so bad. But I was so spellbound at what I was seeing at the same time, I never thought about taking care of myself.

Headlights appeared at the end of the street, and a car drew nearer. Jared just stood there, his cock still in his hand, and though he'd just cum, it certainly wasn't getting any softer. As the car pulled up in front of us, it slowed down as its occupants tried to figure out what we were doing. I saw it was a guy and his girlfriend, around our age. The guy was driving, and he let the car slow down so it almost stopped altogether, as he gaped at Jared. Then I saw him start to grin, and he reached down to adjust his crotch. Seeing that, his girlfriend slapped him upside the head, and suddenly embarrassed, he gunned it and they sped off.

Jared laughed hysterically. "Oh man, that was so great." Grinning, he zipped up his jeans and walked back to my car. He looked me in the eye, waiting to see what my reaction would be.

My reaction was that I wanted to cum. His eyes ran down my body, until they stopped at my crotch. That perverted grin of his suddenly got a lot wider, and he reached up under his polo shirt to scratch his flat stomach, exposing his abs to me. "Yeah," he said pensively, more to himself than to me, his eyes still on the bulge in my jeans. "Thought so."

Embarrassed, I didn't know what to say. Jared grabbed my hand and steered me toward the driver's seat. "You can drive again, Sean. But I have a place in mind I want to go, if it's OK with you."

If I read what I saw in his eyes right, fuck, I would have driven anywhere he asked me to, all the way to the tip of South America if need be. I got in the car and slammed my door. He slid into the passenger's seat and turned so he was facing me as I drove. He spoke softly, and his arm came up to rest on the back of my seat again.

"So, I was telling you earlier about our club," he said softly as I drove.

"Yeah," I said, my heart suddenly pounding.

"We're a pretty tightly-knit community, actually," Jared said, looking intently at me. "We're very close. Like, VERY close. You get what I mean?"

"I think so," I said, afraid to voice what I thought he meant, because if I was wrong, I was probably way off the mark. But if I was right...fuck, what if I was right?!

"Turn left here," he said, without looking at the street ahead. He just kept looking at me. "So. Like I was saying. We're a car club, like I told you earlier. But we also fuck."

My heart forgot how to work. The Supra started to slow down, and the car behind me was right on top of me. Suddenly I felt like that guy and his girlfriend in the car, he was so preoccupied he completely forgot he was even driving. The car behind me honked its horn, and I sped up, my hands gripping the steering wheel.

I remembered how Jared had gripped this same steering wheel, and started to feel lightheaded. "You...fuck?" I repeated, sounding like an idiot.

"Yeah," he said in this low voice, watching my every movement to see how I'd react. "We fuck. As in, each other. Like I said, we're really close."

I didn't say anything for a few miles, and neither did Jared, except to give me directions. After a little while I knew where we were going--this stretch of park up near the lake.

"Does it sound like something you'd be interested in?" he asked matter-of-factly, suddenly studying his fingernails.

"Hell yeah," I said quickly, without hesitation. Jared laughed.

"Awesome, man. `Cause like I said, none of my boys are around tonight, and I'm fucking horny and still hard as hell."

I smirked. "Even after cumming as much as you did on Steve's Honda?"

Jared dismissed that with a wave of his hand. "Fuck, Sean, that was nothing, man. Nothing. The boys have a nickname for me when they're being smartasses. It's `Shooter.'"

"You cum like that every time?" I asked as he indicated that I should turn up a road that led into the park.

"No," he said. "I was holding back. Usually I cum a hell of a lot more than that."

I definitely felt lightheaded now, remembering how it seemed like he'd shot a gallon of his cum onto the hood of the Honda. And if that was "holding back" mind was definitely racing now.

The park was deserted, the sky full of stars and the lake black and mysterious. Several back roads led up into the woods, and we turned off on one of these. It was even darker up underneath the trees, as I took the Supra up higher into the hills.

"Pull over here," Jared said, when we came to a pull-off at the side of the road.

I did, feeling nervous. We pulled the car behind a screen of thick bushes, where we were hidden from the road. "But what if a cop comes by..."

Jared laughed. "They won't, not at this time of night. It isn't late enough yet. And if they do, so what, man?"

I smiled nervously, not so sure I'd like to have a cop find me doing what I hoped we were about to do in the backseat of my car. But we were a long distance from the main road, and hidden by the bushes, and I was totally ready to get boned. My desire for cock was far more powerful than my worries about getting caught.

Jared reached over and put his arm around me, leaned across the center console, and kissed me. The feeling of his lips against mine, then his teeth, was so hot. He pulled me over into the passenger's seat with him, and I went willingly. He pushed me back in the seat and he leaned down over me, kissing me as he worked a hand up under my shirt, then down into my jeans and boxers. When his long fingers gripped my cock, cupped my balls in the palm of his hand, he broke the kiss and smiled. "Yeah buddy," he breathed, jerking me slowly. "I really hoped you'd be into this."

He tightened his grip on my cock, and, emboldened, I reached for his zipper. I yanked his jeans halfway down, then his boxers, and I got a close-up view of his cock. It was right in front of my face, sticking straight upward, and I could smell his musky scent. And what I saw definitely made me want him up my ass.

He was long, as I'd seen earlier. Long and kinda skinny, just like the rest of his body, but by that I don't mean his cock was too thin. Wrapping my hand around it, I still got a good fistful. But he was definitely longer than he was thick, and while I'd seen a lot of big cocks before, I hadn't seen a lot of long ones like this. I bet he could really get up deep inside a guy, and I wanted to find out.

He grinned down at me, watching me as I admired his long cock. "I've always wanted to fuck a redhead," he said, smirking.

I smiled at that. "You want to get in the backseat?"

"No," he said. "I mean, yeah. Later. But first, get out of the car. We've gotta properly christen it first. Your car, I mean."

A little mystified, I climbed out of the passenger's side, and he followed me. The night was warm, and crickets serenaded the darkness from the woods around us. He ran a big hand across the hood of my Supra, then looked at me, and suddenly it all became clear.

He stood there, his cock fully erect, and spit into his hand again. Jerking himself slowly, he flashed his perfect white teeth at me. "God I really wanna sink this cock into your ass, man."

I felt dizzy when he said that, but I somehow managed to walk over to him without stumbling. He guided me down against the front of the car, so I was face-down against the hood. He pulled my shirt up to my shoulders, so that my bare chest and cock pressed against the hood, which was still warm, almost hot. I heard him spit again and felt his fingers at my asshole, working his spit in. He slid one of those long fingers up my ass, laughing softly when it made me moan. I heard him get into position, and then felt the head of his cock at my ass. He lowered himself down onto me and fucked that long cock up into me inch by inch.

When I felt completely filled up, like I did when most guys were fucking me, I sighed in contentment, waiting for him to start thrusting. But he wasn't even all the way in yet! I swear he got up deeper in me than any guy ever had before. Once, I thought he was as far in as he'd be able to get, but then he shifted position and applied more pressure, and went even farther. My mouth wide open, I let out this long breath, and finally I felt his balls against my ass, his skinny thighs on the back of my legs, his chest against my back, his big hands on my tight abs.

"Fuhhhk," Jared said, letting out this long moan. "Shit man, you can take it all, can't you?"

I answered him with a moan of my own. "You feel fucking awesome up inside of me."

"I still can't believe you took it all," he said, amazed. "Most guys chicken out. You are like THE perfect bottom."

I laughed. "Something like that. I think I was born for it."

"Shit," Jared said, "then where the hell have you been all my life?" He pushed himself against me, shoving himself up my ass as much as he possibly could, and moaning at the result. "Fuck, I've never been had it feel this good before. Man, I want to cum so bad."

"Yeah," I said, the side of my face resting against the hood of the car.

"But not yet," he added. "I want to enjoy this."

He started fucking me then. The sound of the crickets blurred into this dull drone, and all I could hear clearly were the grunts and exhalations he made as he rammed his cock up inside of me, over and over. I was getting so hard, and I knew if I were able to feel my own cock, my head would be soaking wet with precum, but Jared had me pinned so hard against the hood of the car that I couldn't move at all.

I remembered he was fucking me on the hood of my car, and got even harder. My cock was rubbing against the smooth paint, and his cock was all the way up in me. We fucked like that for awhile, until I felt the hood begin to get cold beneath me.

"OK," Jared said as he pulled out of me. "Let's get in the backseat now. I need to cum, Sean, I need to cum really bad." He looked like a little boy pouting as he said that. "I really need to cum, Sean. Can I cum in you? Up inside you? Would you like that?"

I grabbed him, pulled him close, kissed him again. It was a rough kiss, a testosterone-driven kiss, the kiss of two horny guys who need to cum so bad it's going to tear them apart if they don't do it. We got into the backseat together. I lay across the seat, and Jared was on top of me before I'd really gotten positioned right, but I didn't care.

Lying like we were, with him on top of me, he had an even better angle to bone me than before. His long cock snaked its way back up in me, all the way up, all the way in. He sighed. "Fuck, it's so good to shove my cock in a hot ass again. It's been too fucking long, man." I clenched my ass muscles around his cock and he swooned, then giggled. "Damn. You're good at this."

I knew he was getting close. I was too, I needed to cum so bad. "I'm fuckin' gonna shoot," Jared panted. "You ready for me? You ready for me to shoot up your ass?"

"Yeah," I told him.

"You ready, Sean?"


"Good, `, FUCK!"

And then he started cumming. With that long cock he could shoot it all even deeper up inside me, and he just kept cumming, more and more of it. I could feel all his spunk, so incredibly hot and heavy and sticky, all of it way up my ass. I then realized he was jerking me too, and even as he was still shooting inside me, I came too. He tried to catch it all in his hands, but he didn't, and the backseat of my new Supra got a fair share of it.

When Jared was finally finished cumming, he stayed up inside of me for a minute, and put his full weight down on top of me. "Yeah," he said, laughing, sounding exhausted. "You passed the initiation. If you want in, you're definitely in the club. And I really hope you want in."

"I do," I told him as he slowly pulled out of me and we sat up.

He looked down at his cupped hand. "Sorry. I tried to get it all, but man, you shot quite a load yourself." He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked my cum off them, watching me the whole time. It was fucking hot, watching him suck my thick cum off each of his long fingers.

"Sean," he said, grinning, "the boys are going to love you, man. They'll eat you right up. But I got to have you first. That'll really burn their asses, and I'll love every minute of it."

We got back in the front seat, and I put the car in gear. I drove around the park, feeling all of his hot thick cum up inside me, feeling totally satisfied. For now.

I looked over at Jared, and he smiled at me, baring his teeth. I smiled back. I think I was going to have a lot of fun in this club. I couldn't wait to find out.

Next: Chapter 2

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