Carries Ass

By Richard Hall

Published on Mar 13, 2005


This if fiction ( blah, blah ) all characters are fack ( blah, blah ) if you are under 18 ( blah, blah ) or find this offensive (blah, blah ) go away. .m/f f/f m/f/f maybe m/m/f or m/m let me know k. this is a prequel to Carrie's ass pt 1&2.

Carrie and Traci were best of friends and have been for about 3 years since both were 11 and were put together on a project at school. Carrie was a take charge kind of girl whereas Traci was laid back and mellow, so the two got on great. They would spend as much time together, sometimes with friends but most times with just each other. As the two girls got older they started noticing little differences in their bodies, Carrie started getting bigger in the chest area going from nubbins like Traci had, to small mounds of soft beautiful flesh. Whereas Traci started to leak her sweet smelling fluids every time she looked in Carrie's direction. Carrie noticed this smell once in a while but didn't quite know what it was till one night when Traci was spending the night at her house when they were both 13.

The girls had just settled into bed after watching 7 hours of non-stop movies. Some were pure horror that made them both jump, and hold onto each other when the gruesome or surprising scenes happened, some were comedy that had them holding each other and rolling with laughter, and some were sappy romances that had them in tears during a break-up or love scene. One such scene was of the female star and her best friend hugging and looking into each others eyes before the doorbell rings and the star's boyfriend walks in. that scene got both Carrie and Traci hot but neither said a word about it.

As the girls started to get comfortable on Carrie's bed, they had to snuggle real close due to it's small size, but this was no problem for them as they were used to it. Right away Carrie started to notice Traci's sweet smelling fragrance and was about to mention it to her when Traci started talking about the movies they had watched. Carrie, Traci said what do you think was going through jack's mind when he walked into Anna's place and saw Anna and Audry holding each other like that? I don't know Traci but he sure had a strange look on his face. Yha , Traci said sort of like this huh. And she squinted her left eye closed and wiggled her right eyebrow, which made both girls go into hysterics. Laughing so hard at the sight of Traci's look Carrie started to fall out of the bed and Traci instinctively reached out her hands to hold onto her. One hand grabbed her back and the other somehow wound up on her right breast. As she pulled Carrie up her hand stayed on her breast the whole time. Carrie let out a low moan at the electric shiver that swept through her young hot body and seemed to smell that fragrance again. Traci pulled Carrie tight next to her. So she wouldn't fall again she told her. Carrie accepted that and asked if Traci was going to let go of her tit anytime soon? Traci's only reply was to snuggle her mouth closer to her friends tit and lick it through her nightgown. Carrie let out a soft moan as Traci lifted her nightgown and moved her head underneath it in one quick motion. Traci started to lick Carrie's swollen nipple till it got hard on her tongue then gently bit it causing Carrie to shudder with her first orgasam of the night.

Wow what happened? Carrie asked. Traci just smiled up at her through the neck of her night gown and lowered her hand to her best friends panty covered pussy. Traci had found the joys of touching herself a few weeks ago and she had also gotten quite an education one day after seeing her sister and her sister's boyfriend go at it in the living room when they thought no one was home. What are you doing -- Carrie asked as Traci started to rub her fingers over her friends dampening mound. Traci refused to say a word , she just looked into her friend's eyes with a look of pure love and mischief. Traci then moved Carrie's panties to the side and placed the tips of her fingers onto Carries swollen clit and rubbed with one finger on each side of her love bud, after what seemed like and eternity or a too quick time Carrie shuddered under her best friends gentle manipulations of her clit. Traci then took Carries face in her hands and kissed her soft parted lips so gently that all Carrie could do was softly, hungrily move her lips to her friends and gently insert her tongue into Traci's mouth.

When the young lovers finally broke from their first tender kiss, Traci removed Carrie's nightgown and now soaked panties and stared at the sight of her beautiful friends body drinking in all her curves and soft spots and hard stomach. You see Carrie, like her brother was an athlete. She excelled at track and also loved to do gymnastics so had a very trim and firmly toned body that Traci would secretly look at when ever she knew Carrie wasn't aware. She also like the way Carrie's dark black hair was in sharp contrast to her milky white skin. Traci was also wall for her age being about 5'6" and only 114 pounds. Traci was a bit shorter at 5'3" and was a bit heavier at 125 pounds but it looked good on her Carrie always thought. Traci also had redish brown hair that would sparkle when the sun hit it just right. Both girls had such piercing blue-green eyes that one could gat lost in them which is what Carrie did as she looked at Traci.

Carrie wanted to forever run her fingers through Traci's hair but never worked up the nerve till now as Traci gently kissed her way from Carrie's lips to her chin, and then down her neck to her shoulders , first the left , then the right. After nuzzling on Carrie's shoulders she started to kiss her lovers tender flesh at the base of her breasts licking and kissing all around the flesh and then the areola. But avoiding the nipples till Carrie wanted to scream with pleasure and need. Traci then touched both her friends nipples with her fingers till they were hard and pointy then suckled on the greedily.

After Traci worked her way down to Carrie's flat hard stomach she then proceeded to kiss the puffy lips of her Friends swollen pussy smelling the sweet aroma of her excitement as Carrie had done so often when she smelled Traci's sweet fragrance. Traci gently licked each of Carrie's pussy lips before taking first one then the other into her hungry mouth as she had seen her sister's boyfriend do. Carrie moan a bit loudly as she stroked Traci's hair and Traci inserted her probing tongue into Carries wetness and licked up her juices until Carrie screamed with her orgasam. To keep Carrie quiet Traci quickly covered her mouth with her own not realizing she was giving her friend a tasted of her own cum but to her surprise Carrie eagerly lapped it up, her tongue questing for more. Traci inserted first one then two of her fingers into Carries wet sweet pussy and then brought them to Carrie to suck on , which she did. The next time Traci went to do that Carries pussy clamped down on Traci's fingers a bit and Traci started working her fingers in and out giving her Carrie first fucking with something inside her.

As Traci moved her fingers in a rhythmic motion Carrie's hips started moving up and down almost causing Traci to be pushed out of her best friends pussy, so she did the first thing that came to mind and inserted 2 of her fingers from her other hand into Carrie's pussy and got them wet and put them inside ,ever so gently , of Carrie's ass, to which Carrie mound around Traci's mouth again a bit too loudly and then screamed in pleasure as the 2 sets of fingers worked their magic and brought her to yet another orgasam. Traci did not know what to do to keep her Friend quiet but it was too late as she heard footsteps and before she knew it her sister Staci had entered her room and saw what the young lovers were doing. What is going on here? Demanded Staci never mind she said I seem to know what's happening. Well what do you think we should do about this she asked with an evil gleam in her eyes and a sharpness to her voice. Staci then proceeded to tell the hot young ladies that they were to do as she said with out complaints , whenever she wanted, which by the way was right now.

Ok little girls, you want to play lovers then you shall! You Carrie are going to lay on top of my sister and give her the same treatment you just got. As Traci and Carrie switched places Staci laughed and said no you will bring your head around this way and Traci will keep hers there. that's called a 69 . Now get to work licking each others pussies and I'll be right back. As the young lovers eagerly licked the other they heard Staci enter the room and as Carrie looked up she saw Staci wearing the strangest thing around her waist. Carrie had never seen what a man looked like as Traci had when she watched Staci with her boyfriend. So she was interested in what was going to happen next. Staci put something wet and slippery onto her toy and then into Carrie's ass hole causing her to shudder with delight. As Traci and Carrie hungrily lapped up the others juices , Staci inserted her toy into Carries virgin ass and fucked her for the first time. It didn't take long for the two to reach orgasam and Staci exited Carrie's tight ass with a loud sucking sound . Staci wasn't done with her new playthings by a long shot as she commanded the girls to clean her cock, with their mouths.

Gingerly and hesitantly the girls cleaned. Staci's plastic pecker before she took it off ay down on the bed ordering them to see to her needs and had the girls lick her and finger her to orgasam after orgasam.


If you want to find out more about devious Staci and our fun let me know ok.

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