Carpenters Town

Published on Feb 15, 2018


Carpenter's Town 7

By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Not every event was planned. Mondays and Tuesdays were the quietest days at the baths. Everyone was back at work after the weekend and taking care of work related problems. These became the favorite days for older men to visit during the day. In the evening they were what some dubbed "Bring a Virgin" night.

Sex was acceptable at the baths, and it was open and unashamed. Most of our patrons were comfortable with this. If you were new to the baths, or just exploring gay life, the baths could be overwhelming. Some men were excited by the activity, it was too much for others. The Bring a Virgin night was good for men who wanted to test the waters before they dove into the deep end of the bath's life style.

Many men were uneasy being naked. Some of this was what I called Baptist prudery. They were raised to think nudity was evil and sinful. Other men thought their bodies were not good enough to display. They saw themselves as unattractive compared to muscle studs and beach bunnies they see in the media.

No one who came to baths was a virgin. They all had pals and fuck buddies. They all were consenting adults, but a lifetime of being told sex was bad and gay sex was worse takes a toll. While no one was a virgin, many were not full service. Some wouldn't suck but liked being sucked. Some were oral or anal only. I never thought this was a problem, but it was limiting. Many men weren't aware of their full potential to enjoy sex.

When I was younger and in the Navy, I viewed of sex as rare and limited. I liked what I did, but I had no real idea what was possible. I discovered a wider range of sexual options at the baths. I thought of it as like watching black and white movies and then discovering wide-screen technicolor. I still like the old movies, but I wouldn't avoid the technicolor either.

Jerome, the decorator, came in on the "Bring a Virgin" night with a friend, Herb. Herb was in his later 30s, and shy. He was an accountant but had been the houseboy for a wealthy man named Judson. Herb had a terrible childhood dominated by a violent father and had been rescued by Judson. He had been a boy-toy, houseboy for Judson, who also sent him to night school. Jerome said that Judson was a good man, but obsessively possessive.

Judson died, and his family had no idea of the relationship between to two men.they kicked Herb out of the house. Herb was lost. While Jerome wasn't my type, he was a nice man and he tended to take care of strays. Jerome had an apartment which suited Herb and he began to get a life. Herb had known only one sexual partner and he sucked Judson without any reciprocity.

Herb wasn't Jerome's type. Herb was willing to suck him off, but there was no spark. Sucking had been part of his job with Judson. Jerome hoped that Herb would find someone at the baths. Herb's father had been prudish, but violent. Judson had been prudish and possessive. Herb was shy and socially inept.

Herb was thin, a little below six feet tall, balding, but with a hairy chest and treasure trail. He had a six- inch, uncut cock when it was soft and huge, low-hanging balls. Jerome could be a realist. He remarked that a well-equipped, shy man was hard to market in an accountant's office. When he was naked in the baths, Herb's equipment all but sold itself. He also said that Herb was a nice guy, and if you loved his cock, you would soon love the rest of him.

Jerome brought Herb to the baths Monday evening. I was a slow night and only Len and Stevenson were showering. Nudity embarrasses some men, but it does make you intentions clear. Herb was pale and looked as if he never got outside. They chatted and then went to the game room.

As Jerome had thought, Herb's cock had an allure and Len did what he normally did; he sucked it. Stevenson told me what happened. Neither he nor Len guessed that no one had sucked Herb before. Fortunately, letting someone suck your cock is an easily learned skill. Len was a relaxed and calm sucker. he took his time and was in no rush to reach the orgasm. Herb had time to adjust to the new situation.

Stevenson joined them and got his cock within Herb's sucking range. Stevenson was older than Herb and Herb had a taste for old cocks. Len and Stevenson traded positions, and this excited Herb. He had wanted his former lover to suck him, and Stevenson could fill in for the dead man. Len is a heavy leaker, and Herb liked that too. Herb took Len's load as Stevenson took his. They shot off almost simultaneously, so it was close to being stereo sex for Herb.

A few weeks later I connected with another guy, Willy. He was 21 and had no experience, but lots of desire. He was short and thin, a classic 120-pound weakling. He was away from home in rural Virginia for the first time. Richmond was a big city for him, exciting but mysterious. Pete found him and felt he needed a safe place to look for love.

Pete said Willy wasn't dumb, he was poorly educated and raised by wolves in a god forsaken village on southside Virginia. His mother wasn't exactly sure who his father was, and he was raised by his Grandparents who thought he was tainted by his illegitimacy. They were mean and weren't thrilled to have a bastard to raise in their golden years. Had they known he was gay, it would have been bad. He went to vocational school and became an electrician.

Because he was small, he was able to get into tight spaces, a nice skill for an electrician. In Richmond, he found a small semi-gay bar and gave blow jobs in the men's room. Pete took him under his wing. It was plain old charity, not charity combined with blow jobs which often is the normal for gay men.

Willy connected with Len. Len is sexually generous, and Willy loved that. Willy had been used to messing around with men who were willing to let you blow them if they had too. In some rural areas cucking cock was okay if you pretended not to like it. Len loved it and that was new for Willy.

I hadn't met him but when I had a minor electrical problem at home, so Len brought him over to fix it. I asked him to stay for dinner. He fixed it quickly and neatly. Willy loved dinner. He was a fast food or microwaved, frozen dinner man. We had a roasted chicken, potatoes and bean casserole and it was as if Willy had died and gone to heaven.

His table manners were terrible, but he watched us, and he followed our lead. By the end of the meal he was semi civilized. Desert was a great success. I am not sure he sat down for dinner often. After dinner we all went to the baths. I hadn't met him before, he was physically unimpressive, until I saw him naked. I think his cock was a bit above average, but it looked big on his small body. His balls were oversized and hung to his knees.

Three or four minutes after we hit the showers, he was semi-erect. That is a surefire way to attract admirers. I had noticed that in other men, but while I wasn't attracted to him, my cock had other ideas. It liked him and wanted to be friends. The shower room had eight shower head on each side and was 12 feet wide. Len led the way to the back corner. Wilton called that the lovers' lane corner, since you could play without guys walking by all the time. When men came over, it was to join in, not disrupt any possible action.

Willy and Len were near each other. Their erect cocks almost touched. I dropped to my knees and was able to lick both. Sometimes I had both cock heads in my mouth with the heads slit to slit. Other times they were separated only by my tongue. Both men were heavy leakers and I discovered Len precum wasn't as sweet as Willy's was. Willy wasn't used to being sucked and had never been sucked by an older man. He loved it.

"Phil, see if you can deep throat Willy," Len suggested. He moved back, and I took all of Willy's organ. He moaned. His cock has a downward bend, so it went down my throat effortlessly. He was uncut, but fully erect, so I licked the skin that connected his cock head to his foreskin. I guessed it would be sensitive and I was right about that. I stood up and Len took over the sucking duties.

Thompson came in and took the shower head next to us. He saw Len swallowing Willy's cock. I said hello to Thompson and introduced him to Willy.

"Thompson, this is Willy, one of our new members. Willy, this is Thompson, one of oldest members," I said. They shook hands as Len continued to suck.

Thompson smiled. "I see you know how to make friends here," he said.

"Len and Phil are nice," Willy said. "I would like to see you later."

"I have a cubical here, come over to see me later. Phil and Len can come with you, they have an open invitation," Thompson said. He finished his shower and went to the game room.

After a little more play, we joined Thompson. He wasn't surprised to see us. "I assume you are having a good time here?" Thompson remarked to Willy.

"I'm like a kid in a frigging candy store. I'm new to this," Willy said. "Is it always like this?"

"Tonight, is quiet. It is usually busier," I said.

"Does that mean more, or less sex?" Willy asked.

"More, a lot more," I replied. We had a good conversation. Willy was enthusiastic but had a limited range of sexual skills. He had been in a vocational school, so there were no athletic programs, so he had never been in a gang shower. He had never been in bed with a naked man. He got lucky at a few rest stops and there was a heavily wooded state park where he met a few guys. He sucked but had never fucked or been fucked.

We told him about other activities. "Do I have to do them all?" he asked.

"No, you do what turns you on," I explained. "Nothing is required. It's up to you."

"Nothing is required, but the more you do, the better chance you will have to find a playmate," Thompson added. "A lot of guys expect you to return the favor. If they suck you, they assume you will suck them."

"There is another thing about the baths," I said. "you are used to one-on-one sex in a dark place. Everything here is in the open. You have a big cock, so that works to your advantage. If you are shy, shooting off with an audience might be a problem."

Willy smiled. "It might be a problem, but I think I could live with a problem as long as it involves shooting off!" he said. He had been semi hard after his last orgasm. He was hard as a rock now. He was on his back on a bench in the middle of the room. Len straddled him and sat on Willy's tool.

"Wow, that feels great!" Willy moaned.

"It feels good to me too. Let me do a fancy dance and let's see if feels better," Len said as he did a sort of a hula dance working Willy's cock. A minute or two later, Willy shot off a second time. The group broke up.

I was surprised when I met him at the baths the next day. He was alone as was I. He came over to me.

"I had a good time yesterday," he said.

"You had good attitude and a big cock. You should make friends easily," I said.

"Did Len enjoy it?" he asked. I nodded. "Does he want to fuck me?"

"Len likes to fuck in general. You are certainly on his list," I said.

Willy leaned closer to me. "Would I sound like a country hick, if I said I would like some pointers? I really don't know what's right and what's wrong," he said. "What if Len fucked me and it hurt too much?"

"That happens, but Len's not the sort of man who would push deeper. Tell him you are new to this. He will understand," I said.

"He doesn't understand lot of things, does he?" Willy said.

"He's not college material, but he is a nice guy," I said. "He likes people and he is kind. That is good enough for me."

The Padre and the Rev found several men in their churches who were gay and too afraid to act on their desires. the Padre and Rev had members who needed a guide to gay life, but they couldn't be that guide.

They wouldn't get involved with a member of their own congregations. They separately came to me for advice. After thinking about it, I suggested that they trade problem members. The Padre would help the southern Baptist men and The Rev would help the Catholics. They were both good Christians even though they were the same brand of Christian. Luckily, they were both good about "do unto others," and "love your neighbor," Christian virtues.

They thought that was a dumb idea, but they eventually decided to try it once. On a Tuesday night the Rev brought his choir director, Julius, to the baths, and the Padre came with a member of his Parrish council, Guido. Julius went off to meet the Padre and Guido went with the Rev.

Julius was a bit hyperactive and lived in the garage behind his mother's house. He was a good Classical organist and played with the symphony when they needed an organist. His mother was "sickly" with some unknown ailment. He was terrified that his mother would find out about his sexual interests. He confessed to the Rev and the Rev wanted to help him. If they had a relationship it would destroy them if the church found out.

Julius wasn't born to be a male swim suit model. He was average height, plump and very pink. His cock seemed to consist of a strawberry-sized, lavender cock head with no shaft. I was near the entrance end of the shower with Old Clyde, the carpenter. The Padre was at the other end of the shower room. He had a fine voice and had a taste for Gregorian chants. He sometimes sang in the shower since the acoustics of the all-ceramic tile room was perfect for a medieval chant.

Julius was nervous when he entered the shower wearing only a towel. When Julius heard him, all was well. He took the shower head next to the Padre. We watched as Julius had a musically induced erection. Both men tended to hold back, but Julius' erection clarified his intentions. The Padre's cock grew in sympathy with Julius' boner. Their cocks touched.

Julius glance toward me. Old Clyde was using his tongue to massage my cock. Julius looked relieved. I had told the Padre that I had a cubical and he was free to share it. Clyde had to get to a job, but Mark came in and joined me.

A little later Julius and the Padre joined us. It was soon clear that Julius' fear was of discovery. He wasn't that experienced, but he wasn't a virgin either. He had been to some musician conferences and conventions and knew the basics. When he was younger, the choir camps had been good.

Of course, he liked to suck and be sucked, and he wasn't squeamish about man seed. He had been fucked. Those experiences were okay but not great. He had a sense that his partners weren't skilled, and he and his ass wanted more. The Padre was a well-equipped top, but he preferred an anal massage, to the jack-hammer approach of other men.

I was surprised when Julius bent over the Padre nudged his cock in the tunnel of love. I hadn't guessed Julius would allow that. I think the Padre had his uncut cock three or four inches in, when Julius began to smile and moan. The Padre was hitting the good spots. Three inches later Julius shot off, hands-free.

The Padre pulled away, and Julius was crying that he wanted more. "I want the cream too!" he cried. The Padre pushed in and continued fucking until he shot off. Somehow, Mark knew what Julius wanted. He eased his cock into Julius' cum lubricated ass when the Padre vacated it. When he shot off and pulled out, Julius was still demanding more. It was my turn. Three men had drained their balls in Julius' back side. I assumed he couldn't off any resistance to my cock, but I was shocked at how tight his ass remained. His ass was almost shrink wrapped to my cock, separated only by a thin layer of man seed.

I began to make hard thrusts to get as deep inside him as possible. I was carried away and was afraid I might hurt him when I felt his prostate quiver. He was having a second, hands free orgasm. That pulled my trigger, and I injected my seed deep in his ass.

Julius had another quirk. He was a memorably appreciative bottom. Some men are logs or show emotion only when they shoot off. Julius gave you the impression that you are the foremost sexual athlete in the world. He moaned, wiggled, squirmed and begged for more. He had a strong sphincter and he wanted to grab you cock and keep it in him.

Guido was an aggressive man's man with one quirk. He liked sex with men. He was high energy and high libido and had nowhere to channel his urges. The Rev was a former high school football player and his talk was all hunting, fishing and camping. While he liked man sex a lot, he wasn't a romantic. He wasn't a slam bang, thank you ma'am sort of guy, but he was looking for fun followed by an orgasm.

The Rev had once been an anti-gay fag. While he preached about it, he was frequenting cruising spots for playmates at night. He had no children and his wife taught night classes and had a close group of women friends. When he found the baths, the heavens opened up for him. Guido was almost a caricature of an Italian stud, muscular, hairy and horney. The Rev was a pale ginger bear. He liked to top, but he often bottomed for new men. That way the guy would owe him later. His cock was average except for it girth; he was thick.

Guido had a hair trigger, but also had a short recovery time. The first time the Rev sucked Guido he shot off and the Rev ate his load. The Rev continued to suck and ate the next three orgasms. The Rev had a new friend. It was not just because he ate his sperm. Guido had four older brothers. They were afraid their mom would find the sticky residue, so hiding it was a top priority. The Rev solved that problem for Guido.

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