Carpenters Town

Published on Feb 9, 2018


Carpenter's Town 6 By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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A wide range of men used the Baths. These included Doctors, nurses, orderlies and EMT's. They provided help when needed and good advice. Regulars included three of four police men and a detective. They kept a low profile. While officially the City and State didn't discriminate, there were problems with openly gay men. We had a few ministers, priests, organists and choir directors who kept a low profile.

Police Captain "Bully" Bullock was openly gay, and the Police Department's liaison to the gay community. Bully was one of those men who made Chuck Norris and Arnold Schwarzenegger look like girly men. He was physically intimidating, but well-spoken and intelligent. He had met Wilton when organized crime tried to develop a protection racket involving restaurants.

Wilton was not the sort of man to be intimidated. He contacted the Police Chief who assigned Bully to the investigation. By the time Bully was done, the racket closed its Virginia operations. Bully visited the baths every few weeks, usually at quiet times. Often, he came with a guest. These were often law enforcement men from elsewhere in the state. Occasionally, he would call Wilton to arrange for some special hours. Billy's friends were often up tight and worried about public exposure. I doubted that would be a problem, but Bully wanted to be assured of confidentially. Bully wanted his guests to enjoy themselves with trustworthy, discrete men.

The reason for Bully's visits was partially recreational and partially therapeutic. He wanted his friends to enjoy themselves and to release some tension. Bully thought that sexually driven men tended sexual outlet tend to get mean and it could result in bad choices.

When there was a law enforcement conference in Richmond, Bully asked if we could have a special event for his friends and a few select men from the bath. Wilton called me to organize of this and to open the baths at special hours, since I lived nearby. I knew which of our regulars enjoyed meeting new men and were discrete. Most of the men who visited the baths were good about this, but a few tended to gossip to friends. For a special event, we normally closed at 10:00. I would reopen the baths for the party at 10:30.

Bully's guests were typically deep in the closet, inhibited and uneasy. I discovered that some were like volcanos ready to blow. My friends from the Bath were calm, sensible and sexually generous. If something was going to blow, they would take care of the lava.

For the first of Bully's special visits, Len and I were there. I asked Doc, Bruce and the Padre, a Catholic priest, Rev. Buddy, a conservative Southern Baptist preacher to join in. Edgar and Delmont were politicos who lived well outside of Richmond were also good men.

They were sort of a Whitman's sampler of men: young and old, handsome and average. They were all easy to get along with and a bit out going. Wilton had told me that some of the visitors liked daddy types, and some were shy and felt uneasy with male model types. They made them feel inadequate.

Bully's men had been at a regional conference which had ended that afternoon. Staying an extra few hours or a day in Richmond would not be noticed. Two men came on their own and were exactly on time. One was a FBI type, Bill, and the other I suspected was a traffic cop, Bubba. I introduced myself as Commander Phil, and explained I was very retired. The men relaxed a little knowing I was ex-military.

Thompson, Pete, the Padre and Gill arrived as I talked with Bill and Bubba. I turned the new men over to Thompson and asked him to show them the ropes. Len was already in the locker room. Maybe five minutes later Bully came with three men, Art, Noel and Chris. Rob and Rev. Buddy were right behind them. That was everyone for the night. I locked the door, turned off the outside lights and we all went to the lockers.

Thompson had a knack of making men feel comfortable as did Elmont and Rev. Buddy. We undressed and went to the gang showers. Len did his bit inspire the men when his cock became to three-quarters erect. Bully and Thompson did the same. I noticed several men seem to relax when Bully's cock was fully erect. If he was into it, it was okay.

I assumed there would be a scramble for the younger men. Bully went for Thompson and Bubba connected with Pete. The Padre and Elmont talked with Art, who was a young Trooper. Noel was a middle management guy who liked Len. Rev. Buddy joined them. He was about the same age as Noel and both looked like high School football players who had gone to seed. Soon everyone was erect. Bully began sucking Thompson, and that encouraged overt sexual activity.

Bill and Chris came over to me. I had a feeling they were FBI agents. "You guys aren't shy," Bill said.

"The men here were more reserved when we first opened, but now that we've been open for almost a year, the guys know the rules," I said.

"There are rules?" Chris asked.

I smiled. "It might look like an anything goes sort of place, but there are limits. You may have noticed that everyone is male and enjoys the company of other men," I said. Bill and Chris smiled. I continued, "You need to be polite and make sure your playmate wants to take what you want to give. It's helpful if you can give and take, but that is not required. Don't butt in where you aren't wanted. You can share as long as the men you are sharing with are into it."

"Can we fuck?" he asked.

"Sure, if your playmates agree. If you like to sample a guy's special sauce, it's fine. If you want to trade it, you might ask first," I explained. "Usually, if a guy is showing off his hole, he's trying to find someone to fill it. Most of the men here are open minded about making friends."

Chris smiled. He and Bill were muscular, in-shape men. "I'm more used to interrogating men than making friends," Bill said.

"Give it a try," I said, "The friendship may not last more than an hour or so, but it can be a spectacular hour!"

"I'd be happy with great five minutes," Bill said. He was hard, so I dropped to my knees and licked the tip of Bill's cock. He was uncut and had some extra skin. I pushed it back, exposing his entire knob and caressed it with my tongue.

"I like to take my time," I said.

"I could shoot at any time," he whispered.

I swirled my tongue around the edge of his cock head. He shivered. Bill oozed a drop of precum, and I licked it and then licked the underside of the head. He shivered again, and more precum drooled onto my tongue.

"I don't know if I can take anymore," he cried. "It's embarrassing."

"You are a big strong man, but your cock is delicate, sensitive and tender. Don't think about what is happening. Your cock knows best," I said. "Let it flow!" He didn't shoot off as quickly has he thought he would. Bully came over to us and put his arm around Bill.

"Phil here knows how to milk a man. Don't be afraid to drain your balls. Phil can take it and don't worry. The night isn't over, and your balls will refill in ten or twenty minutes," Bully said. "I wouldn't mind taking a swig of your cock juice myself later tonight." Bill oozed a pint of precum before releasing his thick, creamy man seed. I took it all and stood up when his stopped ejaculating.

Bubba came over and stared at my cock. "Would you mind if I took a taste?" he asked. I nodded my head. Bubba was enthusiastic and liked to deep throat my cock. He was big, blond man, covered in thick, but almost invisible curly hair. We switched places. He had a long thick tool, with a small head on the tip of a tree trunk type cock.

As we played, Thompson and Rev. Buddy set up the sling in the middle of the shower room. I was surprised when the Padre get into the swing. The Padre was a lanky Italian with a hairy chest and treasure trail.

Bully was obviously a man who liked to lead by example. He went over to the sling, lubricated his cock and assumed the position. He thrust his cock into the Padre's ass and the Padre moaned in appreciation. A little later Pete took a turn as did Noel. Noel was into it big time. He later told me he was Catholic and had a bad experience with a Priest at a Catholic school. While it began as a grudge fuck, Noel said it turned into a forgiveness fuck. Noel's hard thrusts excited the Padre, and by the time Noel flooded his ass with sperm, the man seed was a gift, not punishment.

The hard fucking exhausted the Padre and Rev. Buddy replaced him in the sling. Bubba was the first man in line for the Rev. Buddy was a recovering Southern Baptist and had a bone to pick with the religion. Buddy was a bottom's bottom, and nothing that poked in his ass was a problem.

Bubba was a graceless but well-lubricated fucker. The Rev didn't object at all. Bubba's tree trunk popped through the sphincter quickly, but the sensations intensified as Bubba pushed the tick part of his cock deeper. Buddy opened his ass at the first touch of an erect cock, but then clamped down on it as soon as it fully penetrated. I had given him a poke and discovered his ass was a warm, quivering, cock glove of flesh with a sphincter of steel. It had been a charity fuck for me. Buddy was so desperate for a cock I took pity on him.

Several other men took turns strapped into the sling. Edgar was a patrician member of the General assembly, but he loved it when the cock of a common man met his prostate. After three of four men shoot off in him, he referred to his ass as the Conference room. Art was the last man to fuck him, and I was surprised when Bully deep throated Art's cum slicked cock and sampled his friend's sperm.

As the night wore on, the men drifted to the game room and the cubicles. It was calm and relaxed there. the rooms were more private, and Bully's guests could relax more.

Relaxed was a matter of degree. It's difficult for cops to relax. Being naked with men you just met made them both excited and uneasy. The men from the baths were more laid back and used to nudity and open sex. Gill was talking with Art as Len worshiped Art's tool. You could describe Art as an up-tight, cold-fish. I joined them and shared sucking duties with Len. Art my have been a cold fish, but his cock was an enthusiastic and friendly snake. It oozed, twitched and drooled with every movement of my tongue.

While he couldn't control the precum dribbling from his cock, he had remarkable control over his ejaculations. When I deep throated him, he would shoot a single squirt of sweet, creamy man seed. It was either multiple orgasms, or one orgasm with well-spaced ejaculations.

Bully was happy with the first party as were his guests. Bully returned for an event at the baths every six months or so. He could assure his guests that the baths were both discrete and generous.

Wilton liked parties too. Wilton's friends had a traditional Roman Toga Party for his birthday at the baths. Few of the sheet-clad guests bothered to wear the togas for more than ten or twenty minutes. Wilton stabilized his birthdays at age 50, but the date of the party was flexible. They occurred every nine to sixteen months. He invited his socialite and boy-toy friends to these parties, but he included some men he classified as rough trade. By rough trade he meant men who worked for a living.

Wilton's best friend from college was Roland, who had inherited more money than Wilton had inherited. He was a handsome man but was getting older. Roland's partner was Justin. Justin would have been a queen, had he been a bit more masculine. Justin was able to open his gaping ass at will. He claimed to be an interior designer, but he mostly decorated for parties.

Richard and Gilbert were two other college friends. They inherited buckets of money and left it up to business managers to increase their net worth. They said they were developers, but they mostly golfed. Gilbert had a relationship with a big-time lawyer Aaron. It was one of those secrets that everyone knew. Being a gay lawyer could be a problem, but not when you were as skilled as Aaron.

Wilton associated with a group of younger men who existed to serve older, rich men. They were gainfully employed in management and professions, but they might best be called social climbers. Most connected sexually with Wilton because they liked his elevated social status. They were stud muffins on the make. Wilton was on the lookout for con men and users, so they weren't a problem. He was willing to help men with their careers if they were pleasant to be with socially and sexually. Wilton liked them young and pretty, but he had some older and not pretty friends. Most of those men were gifted, smart, or talented.

I had that task of finding potential playmates with could carry on an intelligent conversation and have some fun with these men. Rob and Gill enjoyed talking with intelligent men as were Mark, the artist, Doc, Bruce and Rocky. Wilton liked these men, so they were invited to most of his parties.

The first of Wilton's birthday parties was a Toga event. Len and I were there, with Carlo doing clean up. Carlo expected to just clean, but he got lucky and a good time trading sperm with the guests. Most of the guests did not know the regulars from the baths. Wilton's pals fell into three groups. There was one, Pretty Boy cluster, and second group who were into new meat. A third group was not that socially skilled, especially when they were naked.

Wilton flitted between the groups, but his official persona tended towards the pretty boys. They usually went for the man with the most money and status in the room. The new meat men went to Rob and Bruce. Gill, Mark, Doc and Rocky went for the wall-flower, smart guys. I circulated, and Len looked for any opportunity.

Rocky set up his massage table in the middle of the gang showers. He used his special techniques on Aaron. Rocky classified fucking as an anal massage. most of the men he massaged felt the same way. It was relaxing and enjoyable.

Roland set up an unorthodox game of target practice, using Justin's open ass hole as a target. Justine could open his ass at will. He also had an intense liking for sperm. The younger men would jerk and spurt. The man who hit the bulls eye won and would collect the sperm that had splattered on Justin's ass and then fuck it into him.

Woodrow, a director of research for pharmaceutical company had given up on his toga and was talking with Mark in the showers. They were in a corner and Mark was semi-erect. Mark was semi-erect most of the time in the showers, but Woodrow appreciated the display. Woodrow was about sixty, six-feet-tall, thin, a bit beefy, bald and with shaggy body hair. He did not manscape. Only the tip of his uncut cock peaked out of his pubic forest.

Like all men in a shower, Mark made sure his cock and ass were thoroughly washed. Woodrow watched, and his cock responded. Woodrow's company was developing an alternative to Viagra and they were talking about it.

"I think you need to make a time release pill that would let you shoot off several times," Mark said.

"There are some that are time released," Woodrow replied.

Mark smiled. "I was thinking of one that could let to shoot off every 30 minutes. You could market it as Orgy Grade Viagra!" he suggested.

"I think it might sell like Hot-cakes, but the television adds would be a problem," Woodrow said with a smile. "When I was a teen ager, three or four orgasms in a day weren't a problem!"

"An orgasm requires recovery time, and that limits the fun," Mark said.

Woodrow smiled, "Be a man and take the good with the bad!"

Mark laughed and looked at Woodrow's thick and meaty cock which was impressive by now. "Can I help you with that?" he asked.

"It's kind of public here," Woodrow whispered.

Mark leaned closer to Woodrow. "Look in the other corner. The rules here are different here than in most gym showers." Len was sucking Roland.

Wilton's college friend, Gilbert and Pete, the plumber entered. They went over to Len and Roland. "Is there room for us?" he asked. As that scene worked out, Mark dropped to his knees to suck Woodrow. He moaned and continued to watch the threesome on the other side of the shower.

I had been talking with Carlo at the entrance to the showers. Roland's group merged with Mark and Woodrow. I heard Woodrow saying that he hadn't fucked anyone in a year or so. Len said he could help him out with that.

"You would?" Woodrow asked. "Are you joking?"

I didn't hear what the two men said, but Woodrow was happy with whatever Len told him. Carlo and I joined them. Len braced himself as Woodrow took up position. Woodrow was better endowed that I had guessed, and that was good for Len. Carlo went to sample Roland's cock which seemed to be long, but he never got it up to half-staff. Carlo wasn't Roland's type, but he was a master cocksucker.

Roland was an older man who was playing with young studs. While he was good looking for a man of his age, his boy-toys were more attracted to his wealth and status. Carlo has a post doctorate degree in cock sucking, and he saw Roland as a handsome man. Once Carlo's cock was tickling Carlo's tonsils, it was hard to resist him.

Woodrow cock slid deep into Len's ass as Carlo swallowed Roland's meat. All four men were happy. The shower room is large, but we were all clustered at one end and inside the cluster it was intimate. When Len began to get tired, Mark replaced him as Woodrow's bottom. Woodrow was very experienced, but I could tell that his thrusts were more rhythmic as the night wore on.

It was a good night for all, a good mixture of the usual and the new and unexpected. I know that in some ways, if a sexual experience ends with an orgasm, it will be good. Sometimes discovering that sex with a guy is better than you expected is extra good, especially if that extra good results in a few extra ejaculations.

Next: Chapter 7

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