Carpenter Crack

By Jake Parrish

Published on Mar 21, 2002


Carpenter Crack III

I hadn't seen Caleb, Mitch, or Miguel for days after my last encounter with Caleb. Liz and I went camping in the mountains with a bunch of our friends.

Liz and I spent the weekend snuggling and fucking most of the weekend to keep ourselves warm, yet I could still not get the events of the past week out of my mind. In a matter of a week, I had seduced a hunky married man, felt up another straight man, and gotten one of the best fucks of my life from another hot dude. Never in my wildest fantasies would something like that normally happen to me.

We got back into town on Sunday night and Liz wanted to spend the night in her own bed. I dropped her off and then headed to Matt and Kelly's where I was house-sitting while they were in Texas. I walked through the house and inspected the work that Mitch and his crew had done. I'm sure Kelly was going through withdrawal the last couple days without me taking digital pictures of their new bathroom and having me email them to her. Kelly was born a project manager, even from thousands of miles away, she was monitoring the work being done on her townhouse. If she only had any clue what else was going inside while she was gone...

I woke up late Monday morning. I was enjoying my sleep too much to get up and run. The warm bed too comfortable to get out of, especially compared to the constantly deflating air mattress that Liz and I had to share all weekend. I stretched, got out of bed, and hit the shower. I could hear some banging downstairs, so I assumed that the guys where all present and accounted for. Their job was almost done and Matt and Kelly were due back soon, which left a little more than a week left of potential sexual encounters with these strong, hot, masculine guys.

I was shampooing my long, dark, curly hair when I heard the shower door open. I was not sure who could be opening it. For all I knew, it could have been Liz. I knew it wasn't Liz as soon as I felt a set of strong, callused hands slide across my hairy chest, down my stomach, and grab my now-hardening dick. I felt his hard dick press against my ass. I still had shampoo in my eyes and could not see. "Hey Caleb, couldn't resist yourself could you?"

The hands let go of me and stepped back. I quickly rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and wiped the water off my face. "Caleb? What the fuck?" I turned around to see Mitch. He looked so fucking hot standing under the water, dripping wet. His chest hair was matted, as was the rest of his gorgeous hairy body. I licked my lips when I saw his beautiful thick uncut cock pointing straight out in front of me.

"Just kidding dude. I'm so glad you're here," I said as I stepped in front of him, grabbed the back of his head, held his sharp stubbled jaw and kissed him deeply. Our tongues and hands explored each other as the water from the shower beat down on us from above. Mitch ran his hands up and down my back and grabbed my ass cheeks as we made out in the shower. I removed my hands from his rugged face to play with his nipples and then ran my hands over his hairy abs and then down to his throbbing cock. "Tell me this is a dream Mitch."

"It's not Jake. I've been wanting to get you alone again all week," he sighed as I dropped to my knees and pulled back his foreskin. I started licking his bulbous red head, savoring the sweet and salty flavor of his pre-cum that dripped from his piss slit. I opened my mouth and took as much in of his thick seven inch monster as I could. He moaned loudly as I tickled the underside of his dick with my tongue. "That's it, Jake, don't stop." I knew he was loving every second of the blow job because he kept moaning and grabbed a hold of my hair. He said before that his wife never gave oral sex and pretty much hated sex in general. I was determined to show him how great sex could really be with the right person.

I sucked Mitch off for about another five minutes while playing with his large balls and fingering his tight hairy ass. He began to thrust himself and was soon fucking my face. I still used my tongue to give more sensation to his dick at was knocking at the back of my throat. My cock was rock hard and in desperate need of attention. I jacked myself off while being Mitch's scully pig. He started quickening the pace and I could feel his muscles tighten up. From my vantage point on the shower floor, I could see his strong thick leg muscles twitch. He would flex them and lift his body up on his heels, taking me with him. I reached up and grabbed a hold of his balls with one hand and rubbed my other hand across his pubes. Mitch began shooting volley after volley of his hot salty load in my mouth. It burned as it hit the back of my throat and I knew that if I did not begin to swallow, I would start to choke. Mitch cried out in ecstasy as I took about four shots of his cum in my mouth. I kept his dick in my mouth for a few more seconds and grabbed his balls and the base of his shaft, milking every last drop out of him. I kept some of his load still in my mouth and shared it with him as I stood up and kissed him again. He must not have objected to tasting his own cum because he licked and sucked every last bit of it from my tongue.

"Oh fuck man, I think I am going to pass out." Mitch swooned and I grabbed onto him to give him support.

"Take it easy man, you let all the blood rush out of your head." I turned the water temperature down and held onto Mitch with both of my arms. Even though I was holding him up, I felt so secure in his strong manly arms. Once Mitch got his bearings, he let go of me. "Are you ok now?"

"Couldn't be better, but it looks like you've got a condition that needs some attention," he said as he grasped my rock hard dick. He stroked my shaft up and down with one hand while playing with my balls in the other.

"We don't have to do this in here if you are still woozy," I said, not wanting him to stop what he was doing, but also not wanting him to fall over in the shower.

"Let's take it to the bed then." I turned off the water and we stepped out and toweled each other off.

God I was in love with his body, the perfect amount of body hair, a fabulous physique, strong but not ripped, killer smile, sparkling blue eyes. After we were dried off, he took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. We sat down on the bed and started making out again. I pulled back," What about Miguel and Caleb?"

"Did you see the time Jake? I got here early just so I could be with you. They're not going to get here until 8 today." He kissed me once more. "I've been hard all weekend thinking about coming here and being with you again."

"I'm glad to hear that. I thought I freaked you out too much last week and we would never get to do this again."

"Yeah but you said it best when we talked, do what makes you feel good and don't worry about the stigma attached to it. Now shut the fuck up and let me suck on that dick of yours." He used one powerful hand and pushed my body down on the bed. He grasped the shaft and started going down on me.

As Mitch was giving me head, I could not help but remember how terrific the sensation was when Caleb sucked me off with his tongue ring. His cock ring in my ass also felt like no sensation I had ever experienced before. I really wished that Caleb would come up and catch us and join us. I also hoped Miguel would get turned on by what he saw and took part as well.

I played the fantasy out in my head as Mitch continued to suck my dick with vigor. He was really lapping it up and slurping quite a bit. His sucking sounds mixed with my fantasy about Miguel, Caleb, Mitch put me over the edge. I started to buck my hips in the air and moaned to Mitch that I was about to cum. He pulled my dick out of his mouth and pumped it while I shot my load all over his hand, dripping into my pubes and onto my stomach. Mitch grabbed a towel and wiped all of my semen off of us.

We kissed some more. For a supposed married straight man, he sure liked kissing and did it well. He was also a damn good cocksucker and I told him so. "Fuck dude, that was great. Let's just stay in bed all day. I'll cancel my appointments and you can call Caleb and Miguel and tell them not to come in."

"I wish I could Jake, but I've got a lot of work to get done today. We didn't get all that much accomplished on Friday, so we've got a lot to make up. If we fall behind schedule, Kelly and Matt will not pay us. It's in our contract."

"That really sucks, man. Are you sure that there isn't anything I can do to change your mind?" I said coyly as I reached for his dick that was starting to harden again.

Mitch laughed, sighed, and then jumped off the bed, "Don't tempt me like that. It's been so long since I've had anything this good, I may just take you up on your offer." He started putting his clothes back on.

"So take me up on my offer. Come on Mitch, do you know how badly I want you? I would give anything for 24 hours with you." I got out of bed and started to try to undress him. Mitch stood his ground, insisting that he could not afford to take the day off. In reality, neither could I. I think that was why I did not try to seduce him any longer.

Mitch was completely dressed and I was heading back to the shower to wash off his sticky cum that was beginning to mat my dense pubic hair when he called out to me, "Hey Jake, you were just kidding when you thought I was Caleb getting into the shower with you, right?"

"What kind of faggot man slut do you think I am dude?" I left that one up in the air. If he knew the real me, he would know I really thought it was Caleb. Then again, if it made him feel better to know that he was the only guy I've been with, then I'd let him believe that too. All I know is that I needed to keep my encounters with both Mitch and Caleb a secret. To protect Caleb, I couldn't tell Mitch yes, I really thought he was Caleb. To protect Mitch, I certainly could not tell Caleb I thought it was him when his boss got into the shower with me.

The guys really did have a busy day. They were still working when I got home from my last appointment at the spa at 6. I offered to get them beers at quitting time, after I took the digital photos of their work to email to Kelly and Matt. Mitch declined because his wife had dinner waiting for him at home, and Miguel told me that he did not drink. Besides, he had to get to the University to pick up his brother from swim practice. Caleb took me up on the beer and I think I saw Mitch looking at us strangely. I wasn't sure if it was a look of suspicion or a look of jealously. I really think that Mitch wanted to stay.

After Mitch and Miguel left, Caleb and I went out on the deck to drink. Surprisingly, there was no sexual tension in the air. I thought I would be jumping Caleb's bones the second the others left, but for some reason, that was not happening. We chatted for a while about our lives and I was totally cool with doing that. Caleb really was an interesting guy. I asked him about his sexuality and he said that he was also bi, but not out. He dates women every now and then to "throw everyone off his trail." He told me that he is just not ready to come out, even though his friends would be completely supportive. Apparently, he's not close with his family, he told me. They are ultra-conservative Catholics who do not approve of the direction he took his life. He said that he had gone through several phases in his teens to rebel against his parents and the punk lifestyle stuck with him ever since. He got messed up with drugs when he was 17 and his parents kicked him out after high school. Coming from a similar background in a Catholic family, I could really relate to his story. My life did not take the same direction as his did though.

Caleb and I finished off a twelve-pack of Killians and were out of beer. Neither of us wanted to end the evening, but could not afford to get totally trashed on a Monday night. All hopes of not getting wasted were soon dashed when he came back from his car with a dime bag and some rolling papers. I told him that we did not have to roll because Matt had a pipe hanging around the house somewhere.

The details of the next couple hours became pretty hazy after I found Matt's pipe. Caleb's kind bud was a little too kind. I barely recall much after taking my last hit. I do remember standing very closely next to Caleb on the balcony as we smoked up. I could smell a full day's worth of sweat and could feel heat emanating from his body. I was getting that familiar sexual urge again. We leaned on the railing silently taking in the dusk air and watching the final rays of daylight slip past the horizon. I straightened myself up, dumped out the ashes in the pipe and then walked behind Caleb. I put my arms around him, rubbed his chest, nuzzled my nose in his neck and then started nibbling his left ear. I licked the cold steel ball that was pierced through the cartilage of his upper ear and whispered to him, "Let's take this inside." He turned around and kissed me. I grabbed his hand and led him into the house.

We fell onto the couch and started making out some more. I really loved that tongue ring. Not much later, the affects of the beers and the pot were taking its toll on us. We did a lot of groping and sucking face, but I was too stoned to orchestrate any grand sexual overtures. Caleb was in a good enough state of mind to find my hard cock in my pants and pull it out to give me head. Another opportunity for me to enjoy his tongue ring, yes! Even in my fucked up state, I was thoroughly enjoying the service he was giving my dick. The metal ball jutting out of his tongue felt sensational as the underside of my cock slid over it. Normally when I am wasted, it takes me a long time to cum, but this time, Caleb was doing such a fantastic job that I blew my wad in his mouth in a matter of minutes. I stuffed my dick back into my shorts and passed out on the couch next to Caleb.

The front door slammed and it took me a few seconds to process what the sound was. I was still pretty dazed, but when I opened my eyes and began to focus, Liz was standing over me. "What's going on here?" she asked.

I sat up, looked around and Caleb was still passed out next to me. He began to stir as well. "Hey honey, what are you doing home early?"

"Early? It's after 10. Looks like you two got pretty fucked up," she said.

She did not appear to be angry, but simply making an observation. She had been out drinking with friends earlier in the evening and appeared a little tipsy herself. One of her coworkers lives in the same townhouse development as Matt and Kelly and dropped Liz off.

"Damn, we were asleep that long?" I looked over at Caleb again, having just remembered what we did before we passed out. No dick hanging out on either of us. That was a good sign. "Last time I looked it was 7:30 and I was looking for Matt's pipe." I went to stand up but lost my balance. "Whoa, I'm still stoned. Caleb what was that shit?" I poked him on the couch. He did not move, but he did groan.

"Whatever it was, it was pretty potent," Liz said as she came and sat down next to me on the sofa. She gave me a friendly kiss. I could taste Sambuca on her breath. It was her favorite shot. "Does he have any more?"

That is what I love about Liz, always up for anything. "Um, I think so, but I don't know what he did with it."

"I think Caleb is going to be crashing here tonight. Make sure you get his keys. I'm too tired anyway to get high, it will only make me pass out quicker. I think I am going to have a glass of wine and get into the hot tub."

Liz got off the couch and headed upstairs to get undressed. I must have fallen asleep again because when I looked up, she was standing over me again, and this time only in a skimpy kimono. "Are you too tired to join me?" she asked.

"Hell no." I stood up and started taking off my clothes. Clumsily I pulled my t-shirt off my head and then kicked off my sandals. Liz was watching and chugging her wine as I was unzipping my shorts. I did not have underwear on and ended up throwing my shorts over Caleb's head. He barely moved and Liz laughed at me.

The water in the hot tub was scalding at first as Liz and I slipped in, but it did not take long for our bodies to adjust to the heat. We were cuddling and kissing for a while. Liz was in her favorite position in the tub where the jets were stimulating her. The constant direct pressure from the jets on her cunt had her panting like a dog in heat and begging me for sex.

We were fucking in the tub when I saw Caleb come down the stairs. This could get interesting, I thought to myself. "Looks like we have company, hon," I said to Liz as she was thrusting herself on my hard dick. She turned around, looked at Caleb, smiled and kissed me.

Caleb stood by the tub and watched us. Liz did not miss a beat. She continued to ride me. "Hey Caleb, glad you're awake. Got any more of what you and Jake were smoking earlier?"

He looked confused as he just continued to stare at my girlfriend and I having sex in front of him. "Huh? Oh ... uh... yeah."

"I'm sorry, did you want to use the tub? Jake and I can take this upstairs, but I am ready to cum again soon," Liz moaned. Caleb was transfixed by Liz's tits as she rubbed them in front of him. I was pretty amazed at what my girlfriend was doing as well. Either she was really horny or her Sambuca shots and wine was having the same effect on her as the beer and weed had on Caleb and I.

Caleb said nothing in response, but it took him about three seconds to get completely naked and climb into the tub across from Liz and I. He was rock hard and sitting on the edge of the tub as he was stroking his dick.

"Nice tattoos and piercings," I said to Caleb as he was tugging at his nipple ring with one hand and sliding his foreskin back and forth over his dick with the other.

Liz had me turn her around so she could see Caleb as well. "Wow, great cock ring. I dated a guy who pierced his foreskin once. Hit the G-spot every time. I had this other friend who had her tongue pierced. I loved the sensation of kissing her. Is your tongue pierced too?"

Caleb stuck his tongue out. I could not have been more fucking turned on at the moment. There was my girlfriend riding my dick and just a few inches in front of her was this incredible stud that gave me head earlier and the fuck of my life a few days before. Caleb leaned forward and kissed Liz. She was sucking on his tongue as his baby blue eyes were looking deeply into mine. I gave him the thumbs up.

Liz reached forward and grabbed a hold of his cock. "Oh yeah Liz, jack that monster of his," I cried out as I watched her perform the same movement I had done the other day with his cock, playing with his piercing and sliding his foreskin up and down over his head oozing in pre-cum.

She broke from her kiss with Caleb, "Can I suck him Jake?"

"Fuck yeah!" I yelled. She went down on him and Caleb slapped me a high five. I was now plowing Liz from behind. I could not resist the urge and reached forward and tugged on Caleb's nipple rings. I also ran my hands all over his thick chest that was lightly covered in red hair and down to his abs. Liz's head was in the way for me to be able to go any further. I had forgotten myself for a second. I wasn't supposed to be feeling the other guy up.

Liz looked up at my hands all over Caleb's body and grinned. She spit his dick out and told Caleb to kiss me so I could see how good the tongue ring felt too. I did not want to tell her I already knew and obliged her request. Caleb and I were making out while Liz was taking both of our dicks at opposite ends of her sensuous body.

While a hot tub is always a good place to start an awesome threesome, it can eventually get cumbersome. "Let's go upstairs," I suggested.

The three of us got out of the tub and without drying off, proceeded up to Matt and Kelly's bedroom, dripping wet and rock hard. On the way up, Liz said to me, "You surprised me. I didn't think you would go for kissing him."

"Well, you seemed to be enjoying it so much that I wanted to try it for myself. He's a great kisser. What do you think about me piercing my body all over like that too?"

"It feels great, but I love you just the way you are. I also love you for sharing me with Caleb tonight."

"And I love you for sharing me with Caleb tonight." I kissed Liz deeply.

Caleb smacked both Liz's ass and mine as we got into Matt and Kelly's bedroom. "I love both you guys for letting me join in."

Liz sat on the end of the bed and Caleb and I walked in front of her. We stood side by side as Liz grabbed our dicks with each hand. "I've never hands this full before." She stroked each of us.

I loved seeing the wetness of Caleb's body. The way the water was still dripping down his legs, the contrast of his bright red hair against his milky white skin, I don't think my dick had ever been this hard. Caleb reached around and grabbed my ass. I did the same to him. It was like we were holding each other up as Liz as jerked us off.

Liz took Caleb's dick and started sucking on it. I saw his head roll back and a huge smile appear on his face. She was still stroking me with her other hand. I am not sure if Liz could see or not, but I started running my fingers up and down Caleb's crack. When I found his rosebud, I massaged his hole and slowly inserted my finger.

Liz took a break from Caleb's cock and went to work on mine. I kept my finger in his tight, hot hole and his finger found a home in my welcoming ass. As good at giving head as Liz is, I could not help but notice how much better it felt with Caleb and his tongue ring or Mitch with his strong lips and powerful tongue.

With my dick in her mouth, Liz brought Caleb's cock closer to her mouth. She tried to fit both of us in her mouth. Caleb's cock ring was rubbing against the side of my shaft. There was no way Liz would fit both cocks in her mouth. She pulled mine out and started stroking the two of us with one hand, dick on dick grinding in the palm of her hand.

Caleb and I pulled our fingers out of each other's asses as Liz let go of our throbbing cocks and moved up further on the bed. There was no doubt in our minds who was in control here, but just how much could Caleb and I get away with together?

As Liz propped herself up, she instructed me to hover my dick over her face so she could suck me. She told Caleb to eat her out and not to hold back with that tongue ring of his. We kept up this routine for quite a while until Caleb brought Liz to an incredible orgasm.

Caleb asked Liz if she was into double penetration. I was hoping that she would be up for it, but she told us she did not do anal. We never had anal sex in the two years that we dated, but then again, it did not matter because I gave it to and got it from the guys that I would hook up with. I really wanted the opportunity to fuck Caleb's ass. He did such a fantastic job on mine the week before that I wanted to return the favor, but somehow I did not think Liz would go for it. Kissing another guy and feeling him up was one thing, but fucking was a whole different story with my girlfriend present.

Liz resumed the position of stroking and sucking us simultaneously, which was fine with me. I loved having my dick rubbing against Caleb's through the actions of my girlfriend. Caleb also returned his finger into my ass. I used my hands to play with his nipples and Liz's. Both were pert and perky from the stimulation they were receiving.

Then Liz did something that shocked me. She let go of our dicks, sat back on the bed and said, "I'm sorry guys but I am too damn tired to finish this.

The alcohol and the orgasms that you two each gave me have worn me out. Either stroke your own dicks and cum on my tits right now or finish off with each other. I'm going to sleep." Her head was nodding and bobbing and she could barely keep her eyes open. I helped her get under the covers and Caleb and I each kissed her goodnight. She was passed out by the time we left the room.

Caleb and I decided to take this back downstairs where it all began. We stood face to face, our cocks pressing against each other. My lips parted and my mouth welcomed his tongue again. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the sofa. "I never thought this would ever happen," I said to him in disbelief.

"Yeah but the fun is not over yet. I want you to fuck me like you were doing to Liz when I came down here and walked in on you," he said as he picked up his jeans from the floor by the sofa. He fished a rubber out of his pocket and waved it in front of my face. "I come prepared."

I grabbed the condom, "And prepared to cum. I guess you're already loosened up from my finger being in there so long."

"Hardly dude, your fat cock is wider than 2 fingers, but give it to me anyway," he moaned as he was fingering his own ass now with 2 fingers.

"What about lube?" I asked as I was tearing the condom out of its package.

"You could rim me first and get it all wet with that hot tongue of yours."

I was a little skeptical. I've done practically everything I could with another guy up to this point except for rimming. "OK, but I've never done it before, so don't blame me if it sucks."

"I'm sure you'll be great, just pretend you're eating pussy. But if you want, I can demonstrate on you first."

I liked the sound of that much better. He instructed me to lay on the sofa with my legs in the air, like he was going to fuck me. Instead he spit in his hand and rubbed his fingers all over my ass paying special attention to my quivering hole. Then he dove down and started lapping at my fuck hole the same way he was eating Liz out. The sensation of his hot wet tongue on my ass sent shivers up my spine. My cock was oozing precum like crazy. He varied his rimming by using wide licks covering the entire surface of my anus and by using his hard tongue to make circles all around my hairy hole and darting his tongue in and out. His tongue ring added extra sensation when he was lapping.

I did not want Caleb to stop, but I knew that it would soon be my turn to return the favor to him. He stood up, I grabbed his cock and stroked it as a way of saying thanks and we switched places. My ass must have looked totally different than Caleb's because his was all white and less hairy than mine. When he spread his cheeks for me, I could see a red ring of hair surrounding his pink hole. A small patch also ran to his balls, but his balls were shaved, as was a line a pubes that circled his dick. I asked him why he did this and he said that his bush gets thick and gets in the way when he is getting head and jerking off, plus it makes his dick look bigger.

I ran my hands over his pubes, shaved areas, and down to his ass. Then I dove into his ring of fire.

I was mimicking the same maneuvers that Caleb had performed on my ass. He was moaning with pleasure and begging me for more. Obviously I must have been doing a good job. He was stroking his cock like a mad man while I ate his ass out. I must have loosened him up enough because soon I could fit more of my tongue in his hole. It did not taste funky at all, like I was expecting. We had both been in the hot tub and were clean. We did smell and taste like the hot tub chemicals though.

Caleb begged me to fuck him. I stood up, found the condom that I had already opened a few minutes ago and went to unroll it on my dick. Caleb sat up and grabbed the condom out of my hand. "Wait, allow me." He put the condom in his mouth and went down on me. He slowly slid his mouth off my sheathed warrior, ready for battle.

He leaned back on the couch and I attacked his ass. He hole was already warm, welcoming and loose. I slid right in, but held back for a minute to let him adjust to me completely. Once we were both comfortable, he instructed me to fuck him like there was no tomorrow. I held his legs in the air as I thrusted myself into him.

Caleb continued to jerk himself off as I fucked his ass with abandon. We tried several positions and at one point Caleb took over and was straddling me on the couch. I was lying down and he was on top of me. Once we got our rhythm established we were both riding up and down. I held his hips while he jacked his long thin cock until he exploded with a massive ejaculation. The first hot stream hit me in the chin. The next three shots trailed down my chest and pooled in my navel. Seeing this hot stud cum all over me and feeling him tense his ass muscles as he shot was bringing me to the point of no return. I jammed my cock harder into Caleb ass. He reached down and pinched my nipples. I fucked his ass even harder until I blew my wad and filled the condom. Caleb collapsed on my chest with my dick still inside of him. We kissed and he wiped his seed off of my chin. Eventually my waning dick slipped out of his ass. When Caleb got up, his cum had stuck between us and now he was covered as well.

We washed off in the new shower that the guys had installed. I doubt Matt and Kelly would approve of the first shower being Caleb and I washing the man love off of each other, but I really didn't care. They did not have to know. I asked Caleb if he wanted to spend the night, and he agreed to crash on the couch. He was still feeling fucked up from our drinking and smoking earlier. I kissed him goodnight and went upstairs and climbed in bed with a snoring Liz.

Liz and I woke up the next morning to the blaring of my alarm clock. We were both too hung over to go into work. She called out sick for the day and I cancelled my morning massages. I was told that I would have to take walk-ins at the spa later in the day. When I heard the guys banging around downstairs, I shut the bedroom door and we slept for another two hours.

Eventually Liz and I got up and showered. No talk at all yet about what had happened the night before with Caleb. We dressed and decided to go out for coffee and a bagel. On the way out, we stopped downstairs to check in with the guys. Mitch said they were doing fine and no one needed us to bring anything back. Caleb was silent, but smiled at both Liz and I.

After we got our coffee, Liz and I sat in silence at the café. Finally she broke the ice, "Jake, I know you must think I'm a slut. I really cannot explain my behavior last night with Caleb. Can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? I was going to ask you to forgive me. I was kissing him and feeling him up right in front of you. God Liz I ..."

She interrupted me, "I guess we both were acting on urges we never thought we had. I would never sleep with another man behind your back."

"And I would never sleep with another woman behind your back." Ok, I was being literal. I said nothing about not sleeping with another man behind her back.

"Should we blame it on the alcohol or is there something else there that we should recognize?"

"I think the alcohol had a lot to do with it, I agree, but I will be honest with you. I enjoyed having Caleb watch us. I was turned on by him participating in our sex life. I am not advocating he does it all the time, but it was fun last night."

"Oh thank God you feel the same way. Jake, you know before I met you that I said I was open to a lot of things, including being with other women"

"I know Liz, and I told you that I was into a lot of things too. We are go-with-the-flow and do what feels good kind of people. That's why I did not think that you were a slut for letting Caleb join us. I know you've done a lot of experimenting, and I will be honest with you, so have I."

"I figured that. Well, did you at least have fun with Caleb after I passed out?" she asked. I was not sure if she really wanted to know the truth or not but I figured I owed it to her to be honest.

"I'm not going to lie to you, yeah I did. I won't go into details though." It was a little awkward, but it felt great to finally get everything out in the open.

We had a great open conversation that morning. I did not come out and tell her about any of the other guys I slept with. I did not tell her about Mitch the very same morning in the shower, or that I let Caleb fuck me the week before. She did not have to know that. We decided that if a situation presented itself again to fool around with another person or couple, we would not pass up the opportunity, but not go seeking it out either.

Later at the spa, after I had gotten through my afternoon appointments, I had to stick around in the evening to take anyone that walked in without an appointment. I had run out for coffee for the other therapist, Amber, and I. When I got back, Amber informed me that I had a walk-in waiting for me in room 2. I asked her why she didn't take this client, but she informed me that they asked for me.

I knocked on the door to room 2 and slowly opened the door. My jaw hit the floor when I opened the door and saw Miguel lying on my table.

To be continued ...

OK, I've decided to keep this story going, at least for one more chapter. Let me know what you think. Email me

Next: Chapter 4

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