Carpenter Crack

By Jake Parrish

Published on Feb 27, 2002


Carpenter Crack -- Part II

I woke up the next morning in Matt and Kelly's bed rock hard and still in shock over what happened last night. I would never have dreamed that I would take things that far with Mitch. I heard the guys downstairs already and turned over to see what time it was, 7:55. I did not have to be into work for another two hours. I was sort of hoping that Mitch would come upstairs and go for another round, but I knew that would not be possible with Caleb and Miguel downstairs. I wondered if Miguel would stand in the door and watch Mitch and I get it on. I also had a suspicion that Mitch might avoid me out of guilt or fear. If it truly was his first time with another man, he was bound to be confused by his feelings.

I got out of bed, threw on my running clothes and decided to go clear my head in the fresh air. I went downstairs and then decided to check on the guys. I was curious to see what Mitch's reaction to me would be. Miguel and Caleb were struggling with the shower that they were installing. It did not appear to fit into the space they had framed. I could hear Mitch behind the wall doing something with the plumbing.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked. "Need a hand?"

"Thanks man, we got it," Caleb grunted and the shower stall finally fit into place. "Fuck that was heavy!" He and Miguel stopped to wipe the sweat off their faces. Caleb took the bandana off his head to wipe his brow and then his neck. I was surprised to see that the tips of his hair were dyed black while his roots were as red as his goatee. He was wearing a ripped plain blue t-shirt that was clinging to his body. All week he had worn baggy clothes. His shorts were still baggy, but when he bent over, I got a god look at his plaid boxers.

"Looks heavy. Did that not fit in right?" I questioned. Still no sign of Mitch yet from behind the wall. I figured he was avoiding me.

"No, it fit right. They are always that tight," Miguel replied. He was wearing his white tank top and dirty jeans again. I loved watching his muscles bulge in his arms and back as he and Caleb struggled to get the shower stall in place.

"Tight as a virgin," Caleb added. "So Jake, when are we gonna get the same treatment that Mitch got last night?"

I was a little shocked by his question. I did not think that Mitch would tell them what had gone on between us. "What do you mean?"

"The massage. He scheduled a massage with you last night, didn't he?"

"Yeah he did." I figured that by `treatment' Caleb meant the massage and not the other stuff that happened after the massage. "Didn't he tell you that I was free this evening at the spa at 5:30 and tomorrow night here after 7?" "He hasn't gotten here yet," Miguel answered.

"Then who is that working on the plumbing behind the wall?" I wondered.

"Oh, that's Ernie. Mitch subcontracts him to do plumbing seeing that none of us are certified," Caleb stated. "If you saw him, you would not mistake him for Mitch. Yo Ernie!" Just then a large portly black man in his fifties came around from behind the wall, waved to me, and then went back to work on the pipes.

"My bad, I assumed it was Mitch back there. Well anyway guys, tonight at 5:30 at the spa or tomorrow at 7 here, you two decide and let me know. I am going for a run." As they went back to work, I could hear them discussing which time was better for each and then I went upstairs and left the house.

I started on my run. I could not get Mitch out of my head. Not only was I replaying our sexual encounter, but also our conversation during the massage. I could not help but wonder what he was thinking now and how avoiding me might seem like the right thing to do for him now, but really he should come and talk to me. I had the same feelings myself the first time I was with another man. I always knew that I was sexually attracted to guys, but I could not get over the incredible guilt I felt after acting on my urges.

After about three miles, I turned around and headed back to the townhouse. As I turned up the street that Matt and Kelly's place was on, a black SUV slowed down and pulled up beside me. The tinted windows made it difficult to see who was inside. Then the window rolled down, it was Mitch. "Hey Jake, need a lift?"

"Hey Mitch! Thanks, but we're only a few houses down."

"I was hoping that we could talk," he said as he opened the passenger door.

"Sure." I got in and looked him over. He was wearing his green polo shirt and clean khakis. His hair was combed perfectly and he was wearing cologne.

"Sorry about being all sweaty in your car. You look good. A little overdressed for the job though, don't you think?"

"I was meeting with a new vendor with my father-in-law. Are the guys at the house working?" He turned the car around and we were headed in the opposite direction.

"Yeah Miguel and Caleb just got the shower stall put in and Ernie is working on the plumbing. Where are we going?"

"I want to pick up some breakfast. Do you mind?" He kept his gaze focused straight ahead on the road.

"No, I could use something to eat, but I don't have any money on me. Can you spot me until we get back to the house?" "Don't worry about it, it's on me." He was silent for a minute and then cried out, "Oh fuck Jake!"

"What? What's wrong?" He startled me.

"I think we need to talk."

"Good, I think so too Mitch. I was afraid that you were going to avoid me and not want to face me again after what we did last night." I was so relieved that he wanted to talk.

"The thought did cross my mind, but I've never been one to hide from my feelings. Plus, you've been so open with me, I figured there was no point hiding from you."

"Let me guess. You feel guilty about doing what you did last night. You feel like an ass for cheating on your wife. You're confused because all your life you've only made love to women and the first time you did it with a man, it felt great and now you're afraid that you are a turning into a queer because you liked it so much. You'd be mortified if anyone in your family or friends or Miguel and Caleb found out what we did. Am I getting warm?"

"Red hot. That pretty much sums it up," he said as we pulled into the McDonalds drive-through. We ordered and then drove to a nearby park. We sat and talked as we sipped our coffee and polished off our food.

I told Mitch that I did not have all the answers either. Some people, like me, can go with the flow, while others, who feel more pressured by society's expectations, suppress their feelings and sexual urges. He should certainly not feel ashamed about getting in touch with himself. Just because his wife would not understand does not mean that he did the wrong thing. We talked a bit more and then I gave him a big non-sexual hug and assured him that no one had to know what happened and if he ever needed to talk or wanted to try anything again, to let me know. He really was a sweet sensitive guy and I truly cared about him. If anything, even if we never did anything sexual again, I know we would be friends.

We got back to the house. I showered and left for work. Around 5:30 that evening, I was finishing up with a client who had gotten a seaweed wrap. She showered in the massage room and tipped me $25, which was nice. I walked her out to the lobby of the spa. When I got to the lobby, I saw Miguel in the waiting area. I wasn't sure which of the guys were going to come, but I was glad it was Miguel. I really longed to see him nude, but if his massage happened at the house, I was not sure if I could keep it from turning sexual. At least at the spa, I would be more inclined to not try anything.

"Miguel, glad you could make it. I'll be with you in a second." I walked my other client to the door and told her I would see her next week for her deep tissue massage. I turned back to Miguel. "Follow me."

We made small talk down the hall and then I showed him into the massage room. "Go ahead and get undressed and use the towel to cover yourself up. I will be in in a minute or two. Do you want anything to drink?"

He seemed really nervous. "No, I am fine thank you. Um, do I leave my underwear on or not?"

"It's up to you. Whatever you feel comfortable doing. I may ask you to pull them down a bit when I work on your lower back and if you're wearing boxers, to pull them up when I am working on your upper thighs. Be back in a minute." I shut the door, went to the kitchen and got myself some water.

I knocked on the door and asked if he was ready. He said that he was, and I entered. He was lying on the table face down and covered with the towel. I could see that he kept his white briefs on and was a little disappointed. I explained to him what I was going to be doing and then started to work on his neck and shoulders.

Miguel was a work of art. Not a single ounce of fat on his body. His skin was the color of caramel; no doubt form working outside all summer. He told me that he was 20 and he looked every bit as young. His dark hair was cut very short and close to his scalp and his ears stuck out a bit in a very cute way. He had a great smile that made his brown eyes shine as brightly as his teeth. I found the dimples in his cheeks and the cleft in his chin irresistible. His shoulders were strong and bold, much like Mitch's. His body had more definition than Mitch. I loved tracing the large round contours of his shoulder and back muscles with my hands. Even with his arms resting at his side, his tricep muscles stood out proudly. His back tapered to a V at his slim waist. I had all I could do to stop myself from exploring further beyond the waistband.

I got my chance when I was working on his lower back. I asked Miguel to raise his hips off the table as I lowered his briefs. His ass crack was covered in dark fur that spread out to lightly cover two perfect mounds of muscle. Even these cheeks had dimples. I concentrated my movements on his lower back, trying not to make him too uncomfortable if I spent too much time on his ass. I did manage to work the sides of his hips that forced his cheeks to spread open to reveal a dense forest of black hair. He did not give off a musky scent at all, to my disappointment. He smelled more like soap and deodorant. I covered him with the towel again and moved down to his feet and legs.

His legs were just as hairy as his ass was and every bit as thick as Mitch's. It really was a pleasure for me to get to rub my hands all over these massive muscular limbs. We made more small talk and he told me that he worked for Mitch for over a year and that he was working to help support his mother, three bothers and two sisters. He really seemed like a down to earth, genuine guy. I asked him if he had a girlfriend, but he told me that he did not have time for dating. He said that there were a few women in his community that he was interested in and that there were a lot of older women who would throw themselves at him. This intrigued me and I tried to press further, but he would give up no more information.

Miguel asked me a few questions, but nothing too personal. Then the topic of Liz came up. I wanted to use this as an opportunity to talk about what he saw the day before when he walked in on Liz and I having sex.

"Yeah, Liz is a great women. Fantastic person, fantastic body, fantastic in the sack too, but you know all of that already don't you?" I baited.

"Uh, yeah, very hot. Listen, I want to apologize again for watching you. I should have left as soon as I saw that you were busy."

"Don't worry about it. You did nothing wrong, I would have done the same thing if I was in your situation. Liz did not care either. She thought it was a turn on knowing we had an audience." I was massaging higher and higher on his thighs as we continued this conversation.

"Cool. I just don't want you to think I am some kind of pervert or something or be mad and tell Mitch that I invaded your privacy."

"You're not a pervert, and Mitch already knows. We were joking about it last night. It's cool man." I was massaging deeper and deeper as Miguel's breathing starting picking up. "Ok, now let's get the front of the legs, then I'll work on your chest and arms and we'll be done." I suspected that he was getting an erection and I did not want to miss it. I held the towel up to give him privacy and asked him to turn over.

My suspicions were correct when the towel made a sizeable tent. He looked down at his erection and said, "Sorry about that."

"No big deal, those things have a mind of their own. They cannot decipher a relaxing massage from sex. I usually take it as a complement. It means the person on my table is enjoying my work." I smiled at him and he smiled back, eyes twinkling and dimples creasing the sides of his mouth. God he was adorable.

I worked from his ankles up until I got to his thighs. More and more I had to move the towel higher until I could see his hefty balls in his white briefs. His erection had returned in full force and I told him that I needed to remove the towel to work on his upper thighs. He agreed and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor. The leg bands of his underwear could not contain all the thick dark hair spilling out. Through the white cotton, I could see the outline of two very full balls. What caught my attention more was the enormous cock that was straining against the fabric to get free. He had adjusted it to the side and it went half way up his hip. He was oozing pre-cum and the wet spot on his briefs made his dark head visible.

At this point, I could not hide my own erection, but I am not sure if Miguel even noticed. Several times as my hands rubbed his thighs, my arms would brush against his cock or balls. I wondered how much longer either of us could possibly stand it.

We were both jolted by a knock on the door. I covered Miguel with the towel again, untucked my shirt to cover my own erection and opened the door enough to peer out and see who was there. It was the receptionist telling me that my next appointment was waiting and that I went over time with Miguel. Damn, I did not even realize that it had been that long. I instructed her to tell my client to go into room 3 and get undressed and I would be with her in ten minutes, and because I am running late, I will give her an extra twenty minutes.

I retuned to Miguel and told him not to get up yet. I rubbed down his shoulders and deltoids. Surprisingly, his chest was not nearly as hairy as the lower half of his body. In fact, it was practically smooth except for a ring of hair surrounding his beautiful brown nipples and his treasure trail.

The hair under his arms was dense though. I quickly finished up working on his arms and told him that if he wanted to shower, he could in this room after I left. I apologized for not spending as much time on his chest and arms as I should have, but he told me that he was enjoying the rest so much that it did not matter.

He took his wallet out of his pants that were neatly folded on a chair. I told him it was not necessary because Mitch had already paid for him, including tip. He thanked me and I had to leave quickly for my next client.

I went home that night with the worst case of blue balls, but fortunately Liz was waiting for me with a bottle of wine, candles, and her skimpiest negligee.

The following morning, I awoke to the sounds of the guys working downstairs at Matt and Kelly's house. I contemplated going another round of hot, loud, sweaty monkey sex with Liz, in the event that someone might come upstairs again and catch us, but Liz was sound asleep and I was too beat from the night before. I still could not get the sight of Miguel's huge cock in his tighty-whities oozing pre-cum and straining to get free out of my mind.

Liz and I slept in for another hour and then finally got up and got ready for work. After I walked her to her car and kissed her goodbye, I went back into the townhouse to check on the guys. Mitch, Caleb and Miguel were all present and accounted for. They were installing a ceramic tiled floor in the new bathroom. As they were bending down to work on the floor, I could not help but to notice Mitch's shirt was riding up and his pants were hanging below his waist. There was that beautiful butt crack that I had been lusting over for days. Miguel had his tank top tucked into his jeans and Caleb was showing off about three inches of plaid boxers where his shorts had fallen, nothing too exciting.

"What's up fellas? The floor is looking good. Kelly wants me to take a picture of it with their digital camera when you are done and email it to her in Houston."

"Nothing like micro-managing a project from over a thousand miles away," Mitch said. "How ya doing today Jake?"

"Not bad. Liz and I slept in and we are running late, I gotta leave for the spa now."

"You sure it's because you slept in that you're running late?" Caleb quipped.

"Yeah, she wore me out last night, not this morning. Hell if we were half as loud this morning as we were last night, you'd all know what we were up to as well as the rest of the neighborhood."

"You're a lucky man Jake, lucky in deed," Mitch said.

"Thanks, I know. So Caleb, your massage tonight, here 7:00, got it?"

"Will Liz be participating in this as well or will you be the only one feeling me up?" he asked.

"Sorry pal, just me. But if you don't want me `feeling you up' then we can cancel. I am sure that Mitch doesn't mind saving the money."

"Fuck no man! I was joking. Christ, if you heard these two going on about how good a job you did on them, I ain't missing out on that."

"Good, see you at 7. Talk to you guys later." I left the house and went to work.

I had gotten home early that night. I was supposed to be doing back-to-back hydrotherapy sessions on a couple, but our tubs were not working right, so I had to cancel their session. I ended up going home early. I got to the house around 5 and had hoped that Caleb would still be there so I could get his massage out of the way and have the rest of the evening to myself. Liz was at yoga again. Unfortunately, no one was there when I got there. I did not have a number to reach Caleb and Mitch had his cell phone turned off. I decided to get the living room set up for the massage and then go for a soak in the hot tub and maybe a nap before Caleb got there.

The jets in the hot tub were blowing full blast on my genitals and had me hard instantly. I replayed the events of the past two nights in my head with Mitch and Miguel. I reached under the steaming water and grabbed a hold of my fat 7-inch cock. My head was swirling from the heat of the water and the smell of the chemicals. I laid my head back, closed my eyes remembering how great Mitch's mouth felt wrapped around my cock, and I pumped my dick like a mad man. I was coming close to climaxing when I realized where I was. I did not want to blow my wad in the water, so I got out of the tub and dried myself off.

I decided to head upstairs and finish this job in the bedroom. I rummaged through my bag for the porno tape I had brought from home. There was a guy in one of the scenes who reminded me a lot of Mitch. I found the tape and went to throw it into Matt `s VCR, but there was another movie in there, "Gladiator." I remember Matt saying that it got Kelly in the mood. I went to put it back in its box among all the other tapes in the entertainment center, when I saw that there was another tape in the Gladiator box. "Postmaster Matt" was on the hand-written label. Very interesting, I thought. Matt had told me once that sometimes he and Kelly videotape themselves having sex. I popped "Postmaster Matt" into the VCR and hit play.

Sure enough, it was a home movie. It started with Matt talking and getting the camera adjusted. Kelly was lying on the bed in a white silk robe. Kelly has large breasts, about a 34 D, and usually tries to hide them. Only on rare occasions do they make a public appearance, like skinny-dipping at the lake. I could see the outline of her nipples and areola through her robe. Matt asked if she was ready and said "I guess so". I could hear the bedroom door close and then there was a knock. "Who is it?" Kelly asked.

"Postman, ma'am. I've got a large package to deliver to Mrs. Higgins," Matt mumbled from behind the door.

"Come right in then, the door is unlocked," she cooed seductively. This was an unusual for Kelly. Normally her voice is more nasal and higher pitched.

Matt came into view of the camera. He was wearing a mailman uniform and was carrying a box. "Good day Mrs. Higgins, is your husband home?" He held the box with one hand and rubbed his crotch with the other.

"No sir, he's at work. My, oh my, that is such a large package in your hand. Is that all for me?" It degenerated quickly from there and I could not help but to laugh at them. I can totally see Matt doing something like this, but certainly not Kelly. Miss Prim and Proper was a wild animal. She was all over Matt.

I found myself aroused watching them go at it and I started stroking my dick. I had never seen Matt with an erection before. We'd seen each other naked hundreds of times before and I never thought of Matt in a sexual way, yet this time he had me turned on. He was about 5.5 inches cut and Kelly could not keep her mouth off it.

I could not hear what they were saying on the tape very well so I turned up the volume. I continued to jerk off and laugh at Matt and Kelly in their role-playing skit. I thought that I heard a noise in the hallway and when I looked up, Caleb was standing in the doorway watching the TV and rubbing his own crotch.

"Well, well, what's this? You can't keep your dick in your pants for a single minute in this house can you?" he said to me as he walked in the room.

I covered myself up with the sheet on the bed. "Fuck, I did not even hear you come in."

"I knocked a couple times and then remembered that we left the door unlocked downstairs. But how could you hear me anyway over all this? Is this the Higgins?"

I grabbed the remote and turned the tape off. "You're early."

"Hey don't shut it off on my account. That is the Higgins; I recognize them from the picture downstairs. Goddamn, that Kelly's got some huge tits. Turn the tape back on Jake."

"No Caleb. What the fuck are you doing here so early?" I was really annoyed with him. I guess if I planned to have him catch me jerking off, it would be different. Besides the fact that he caught me jerking off to a tape of Matt and Kelly having sex.

"Easy dude. I got tickets to a show tonight, so I was going to bail on the massage. I called the spa to tell you but they said you went home early, so I stopped by here to see if you could massage me now or reschedule." He paused a second, looked at me sitting in the bed nude with my hard dick tenting up from the sheet and said, "You know, for someone who hangs out in hot tubs nude and lets other guys watch him fuck his girlfriend, you sure are acting weird."

"Sorry man. You startled me. I was not expecting to get caught jerking off to a tape of my best friend and his wife." I figured I'd be honest with him. "Plus to be home alone in the dark and then look up and see someone leering in the doorway, scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that. That tape looked pretty hot. You sure you don't want to turn it back on?" I could see that he was erect even with his loose shorts on.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"Just a minute or two. I came to the door right as she was moaning `Yes Mr. Postman, stick it into my tight slot.' Are they normally freaks like that?"

"No, my God. Kelly would die if she knew someone found their tape. Matt wouldn't care, but Kelly will flip out."

"Especially if she knew you were lying in her bed waxing the carrot while watching it."

Fuck, I smell blackmail, I thought to myself. He's shady enough to do it too. "That's why she will never know."

"Unless ..." He it comes, I thought.

"Unless what Caleb?"

"Unless you turn it back on and let me watch it. Come on man, I have not gotten my rocks off in days. Let me watch it and I promise I will not tell anyone I saw it or saw you jerking off to it."

"Aren't you supposed to be here for a massage?" I asked. "Yeah but my masseuse has his hand full right now! Come on Jake."

"I'll get dressed. Do you want the massage or not?" I really had no idea where this was leading. Could be trouble and embarrassment for me or something much more interesting.

"Why don't you let me watch the tape while you give me the massage, if you can manage to keep your one eyed monster from poking me or dripping all over me."

"That's physically impossible." I caught what I just said and we both laughed. "I mean, I can keep it off you, but how can you watch the tape and get your rocks off at the same time if you are lying on your stomach with your face down on my table?"

"I'll sit on the bed here and you can rub my back while I take care of business and watch the tape."

"I'm not that kind of massage therapist, dude. This is not supposed to be sexual. Why don't you just watch the tape, jerk off, and if there is time later, I will give you a proper massage."

"Bullshit it ain't sexual. Miguel told me that you had him nearly creaming himself when you were working on his legs and ass." I was surprised that Miguel would admit that to Caleb.

"That does happen sometimes, but it's a side effect of the massage. If you want someone to get you off, call a hooker."

"Fine, I'll watch the tape here and then if there's time, you can give me a real massage." He started undressing right in front of me. He was not nearly as modest as Miguel.

First he pulled his shirt over his head to reveal milky white skin. It looked like he rarely got sun, which was a complete contrast to Miguel's skin. "Damn white boy, you're blinding me with your skin. Don't you work outside all summer?"

"Fuck you, I'm Irish. I burn and peel and go back to being white in no time." He had freckles all over his shoulders. He had a barbed wire tattoo encircling his right arm, a Celtic symbol on his left shoulder and a large green dragon breathing fire in the center of his back. His body was not nearly as built as Miguel and Mitch, but he definitely had the bulk of a manual laborer. He stretched in the air and I could see that the hair under his arms were as bright orange as his goatee. Both of his nipples were pierced and his chest was covered in a very light dusting of red hair.

Caleb watched me get out of bed. I was still erect, but this time I was not as embarrassed as when he first walked in on me. We were having an open dialogue and he was just as vulnerable and horny as I was talking about masturbating, so there was no need for me to feel uncomfortable around him. I went over to a pile of clothes I had on the floor and picked up a pair of shorts.

"You're not sticking around to watch this?" He asked as he unbuttoned his shorts and sat on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes and socks.

"I didn't know I was invited. You want me to stay here and watch you jerk off?" I questioned as I pulled the shorts on.

"Not watch me jerk off, faggot. I mean watch the tape. You already started it and it's got you all hot and bothered. Might as well finish. I don't want to be a cock blocker and get in the way of another man getting his rocks off."

"It's a little late for that. If you were only ten minutes later, none of this would have happened."

"Well, I'm glad I'm early, this tape looked fucking great from the few minutes I saw of it." I felt bad letting him watch a personal moment that I'm sure Matt and Kelly did not want to share, even with me. This guy was a total stranger to them.

"Caleb, I don't know about this."

"Relax man, I ain't gonna suck your dick. I'll sit away from you. In fact, don't even look over at me and I won't look at you."

"Not that. I've done circle jerks before. I'm not afraid of you. I'm talking about watching this tape. Matt and Kelly did not make this for a public viewing."

"Then they should have never left it where someone could find it." Caleb was now standing in his plaid boxers and rubbing his dick through the fabric. "Hit play Jake, it's ok."

I threw the remote to Caleb and walked out of the room. "Have fun. I'll be downstairs." I just did not feel right about watching the tape with Caleb. As much as I wanted to see him jerk off, I could not bring myself to look at that tape again.

After about ten minutes, my urges got the better of me. I could not get the thought of that young stud pulling his pud and yanking on his nipple rings right upstairs. I broke down and told myself, I'd just watch him and not the tape. I crept upstairs and turned into the bedroom doorway. Caleb was lying on the bed totally nude. He had a small patch of red pubic hair that appeared to be trimmed and shaved around the base of his cock. His dick was thin, but long, about 7 inches. He was uncut and it looked like he had his foreskin pierced. His left hand was tugging at his shaved balls while his right hand beat his cock. His head would appear and disappear with every stroke.

He did not seem to notice or care that I was standing in the room watching him. Then something occurred to me. He was no longer watching Matt and Kelly's tape, but the porno that I had left out to watch. "What happened to Matt and Kelly?"

"Matt's a fucking minute man. Didn't last all that long. Besides this one looks a lot better." He resumed beating his meat, focusing on the girl on girl action happening on the screen in front of him.

I was immediately hard again without touching my dick and instantly kicked my shorts off and hopped on the bed next to Caleb. "Move over unless you want to get my spunk on you."

He did not move over at all and his eyes darted back in forth from the screen to me beating off just inches from him. I was paying no attention to the porno and was transfixed by Caleb's dick. He did not strike me as the shaved type, but then again he did have a lot of piercings and tattoos. I loved watching the steel ball of his cock piercing reflect the light each time he was on an upstroke. "Did that hurt? I asked.

"What this?" he asked as he yanked on the ring and stretched his foreskin. "Hurt like a mother fucker when I got it done, but now, it feels great. The ladies love it too. Feel for yourself." I reached over and nervously flicked the ring. "Don't be afraid of it." I rubbed my fingers all around it and then slid his foreskin down using the ring, exposing his red bulbous head that was slick with pre-cum. I jerked him off, still holding onto his piercing and tugged at his nipple rings with my free hand. His hands found their way to my cock and balls.

We jacked each other off and then he pushed me down onto my back and got on top of me. We were grinding our dicks into each other. Because his piercing was on the underside of his penis, the ring was rubbing up and down on my meat. As I was laying flat on the bed, his body hovered over mine and he was propped up on his arms. We continued to grind and then I reached up, grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. First our lips met, and then as we opened our mouths, I felt a cold hard metal object clang against my teeth. My tongue met his tongue ring and it continued to probe this foreign object. I had never kissed anyone with a tongue ring before.

We rolled over on the bed and now I was on top. We did not stop our cock humping and tongue wrestling. Caleb's hands reached around and found my ass. His massaged my ass similarly to the way I had done with Mitch, kneading the cheeks and then working his way into my crack. When he found my rosebud he rubbed it with one finger. He began to work that finger in and out and suddenly he pushed me off of him. We were both panting heavily and sweating. I could tell that he did not wear deodorant, but he smelled like he had just showered before coming over.

"Why did you stop?" I asked him as we lay side by side on the bed.

"I had my suspicions about you. I knew you craved cock as much as I do." He got off the bed and then lifted my legs in the air. He started lapping at my ass cheeks and crack and then all around to my balls with his tongue. The sensation of the cold hardness of the metal and warm moisture of his tongue sent shivers up my spine. He grabbed my cock and sucked it for a few seconds before going back to work on my ass. He was teasing me by licking everywhere in that region except my hole. Finally he broke down and started rimming me. He used a finger along with his tongue to open me up.

It did not take long for Caleb to get my hole primed. I was in a state of ecstasy with his finger and tongue in my ass while his other hand was jerking me off. I reached over to the nightstand, pulled out a condom and some lube and begged him to fuck me. He obliged. It was interesting to see him play around with the condom on his hard dick to accommodate his piercing and his foreskin. He lubed his cock and then spread some around my hole. Slowly he began to enter me. After a few minutes, my body had completely relaxed and was able to take all 7 inches. He slowly pumped me and then picked up the pace. His cock-ring tickled the inside of me and it really got my juices flowing. I did not lose my erection at all and I continued to stroke my dick in the same rhythm as he was fucking me.

He fucked me for about five minutes and then turned me over and did it doggy style. In this position, his ring was rubbing against my prostate and it was taking me over the edge. I tensed my sphincter around his dick as my body began convulsing. I spewed a copious load of milky white cum all over the sheets. Caleb reacted to my muscle contractions and about a minute after my ejaculation, he pulled out of my ass, ripped the condom off and shot a huge searing hot load on my back and ass. We collapsed onto the bed in my puddle of cum and kissed. I was beginning to love that tongue ring.

Caleb ended up taking a rain check on the massage right away, which was fine with me because I was exhausted. We showered together, got dressed and then went outside on Matt and Kelly's deck and smoked a joint he had in his pocket. I asked him if he wanted to stay for a few beers, but he had to get to his show. He actually asked if I wanted to join them if he could get me an extra ticket. I declined because I had to get up early the next morning and wash the sheets on the bed before Liz came home. I walked Caleb to the door, kissed him goodnight and reminded him that I still owed him a massage.

As I closed the door I wondered to myself how my life would ever be the same again after my two weeks of housesitting are up.

Well that's the end of the second chapter. Email me if you are interested in another chapter of this or if I should move on to a new story. Thanks. jake

Next: Chapter 3

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