Carpenter Crack

By Jake Parrish

Published on Feb 12, 2002


For someone who considers himself straight with some homosexual tendencies, I seem to not have any trouble finding cock. Sometimes it happens in the strangest of places, and best of all, when I least expect it.

My buddy Matt works for a large software company. Last summer, he and his new wife Kelly bought a townhouse not far from where I work. In October, his company sent him to Texas to one of their new branch offices to train new staff and get their systems in place. He was going to be gone for two weeks. Kelly works for the same company and convinced her manager to let her go to Texas with Matt. Even though Matt and Kelly have known each other for years, as newlyweds they are inseparable.

Matt and Kelly's townhouse has three floors. On the main level, there is a small kitchen, dining area, and living room. Upstairs there is the master bedroom, bathroom, and another bedroom that they use for an office. Below the main level, there is a large open room. For a while, Matt and Kelly were using it just to store their junk, but Matt decided that he wanted to make it the "fun room." He had installed a hot tub and started to add more to the room, like a long sectional leather couch, big screen TV, Playstation 2, dart board, and wet bar. Matt's townhouse soon became the favorite place to hang out amongst our Crew. The only thing that was missing was a bathroom downstairs, so Matt decided to pay someone to build a bathroom and a storage area.

The contractor was already about a week into the job when Matt and Kelly had to leave for Texas. Matt did not want to leave his house unattended and no one to supervise the work while he was gone. After about the third day of "I don't know what I am going to do Jake," I volunteered to stay at their place while they were away. It actually worked out to my benefit anyway because I worked not far from the townhouse and at the time, and my roommates were getting on my nerves. Plus, I had all of Matt's toys to play with.

I brought Matt and Kelly to the airport at the ungodly hour of 5 a.m. I planned on going right back to bed the second I got home, but by the time I pulled into the driveway, I was not at all tired. I changed into my shorts and t-shirt, filled my water bottle, laced up my sneakers and went for a run. It was surprisingly warm for October and the morning air felt great on my skin as I sprinted past rows and rows of townhouses until I got onto the running trail. I ran about five miles and then headed back to the townhouse. The hot tub was calling me.

The second I walked through the door, I began shedding my clothes. First my t-shirt came off. I used it to wipe the sweat that was dripping off my forehead and then wiped my hairy chest. I kicked off my shoes and socks and then pulled off my shorts. Matt and Kelly have a mirror in the entranceway of their townhouse and I admired my sweaty body. I loved the way that my body hair looked when it was wet. I ran my right hands over my pecs and pinched my left nipple. Then I lifted my left arm and sniffed my sweaty hairy armpit. I loved the way I smelled after working out. It's not an odor that I prefer to linger all day, but there's something about the smell of fresh sweat after strenuous activity that really turns me on. My hand drifted down my torso, matting the hair above and around my navel and down to my crotch. Through my pubic hair and down to the junction of my inner thighs and balls, my hands came back up to my nose and I inhaled my musk deeply. I tugged at my scrotum a bit. I hated how it would shrivel and draw close to my body when I would run or when it was cold. I prefer a loose sack where I can tug and roll my balls around in my hand. I looked up at the mirror again and realized how strange this was to be standing butt-naked in my best friend's house playing with myself in his doorway.

I went downstairs, pulled the cover off the hot tub, and started it up. The thermometer read 108 degrees. Once the jets were running full blast, I slowly started to lower myself into the water, left foot then right, up to my bulging calves, above the knees to my strong thick thighs. I flinched a bit when the scalding water touched my ass cheeks and then my dick and balls. Finally, I was sitting down completely with the hot water up to my chest. The jets methodically massaged the aching muscles in my legs and back. There was another jet applying a steady stream of pressure to my groin that made my boys flop around under the water. I reached under and felt that the warm water instantly loosened my sack and the jets were starting to make me hard. I grabbed my 7-inch cut piece of meat. I ran my fingers over the head and traced the ridge, while my thumb massaged the underside. I contemplated jerking off, but soon the warmth and comfort of the tub took over and I drifted off to sleep.

I was startled out of a sound relaxing sleep but the sound of the sliding glass door open behind me. I turned around and saw three men in the doorway. Two of them were carrying tools toward the house, while the other stood there staring at me. Shit, I forgot about the contractor coming over when I got into the tub. I looked these guys over and decided that maybe being caught nude in the tub wasn't such a bad thing. I am a bit of a voyeur and an exhibitionist. I love putting myself in situations where other men happen to "accidentally" see me naked.

"Sorry to startle you like that, we're the contractors that the Higgins hired," said the tall guy in the doorway. He was fair skinned, about 6'1", and looked like he was in pretty good shape. He was wearing a green polo shirt that said Emerald Contracting. He had medium brown hair that was cut short and styled neatly. He looked to be in his mid-thirties. He was wearing tight, well-worn jeans that showed off what appeared to be an impressive basket, but I did not want to stare too long.

"Don't worry about it. I uh.. fell asleep in here and forgot you were coming."

He stepped aside as the other two men came through the door with their equipment. I did not get a good look at them, but they were younger than the guy standing in the door. One was Latino with dark skin and dark hair. He was wearing a baseball cap and had on dirty jeans and a white tank top. The muscles in his arms were bulging from the weight of the circular saw that he was carrying in. The other dude had a blue bandana tied around his head and had a bushy red goatee. I could see that of his ears were pierced and both arms sported tattoos. He wore a black t-shirt with the name of some metal band that I never heard of and had on long baggy jean shorts.

"I take it you're Jake then?" he asked as he moved closer to the hot tub.

"Yeah, are you Mitch?" Kelly had given me all the information about these guys, what their schedule was, when they were to be finished and the company's contact info if I ran into any problems. She was too thorough.

"Yup Mitch Granger and these guys are Miguel and Caleb." The other two nodded as they went back outside to unload the truck.

"Sorry about being in your way here. I went running earlier and then got in here and totally passed out." I shifted over to the other side of the hot tub where I could look at Mitch head on.

"No problem, you're not in our way. We may be inconveniencing you though once we get started. It gets loud with the sawing and hammering."

"What time is it anyway?" I asked, searching for a clock somewhere around the room.

"7:45, we're actually a little late. We normally get here at 7:30 but Caleb needed to stop off and get something to eat."

"Already? Jesus, I'm gonna be late for work! I had not idea I was asleep for that long." I lied, I did not have to be into the office for my first appointment until 10, but I wanted an excuse to get out of the tub and have Mitch see me naked. I stood up in the water and watched Mitch's eyes dart directly to my crotch. I was glad that I was in a hot tub and not a cold pool because the warm water and jets left my dick and balls with the just right amount of heft to show them off. "Sorry about being naked, dude, I anticipated being out of here before you got here," I said as I stepped out of the tub.

"Not a problem. You need a towel?" he asked as he continued to look me over from head to toe. He certainly was not being subtle, but it only turned me on more.

"Yeah, if you got one handy." He walked around to the other side of the bar, grabbed one that was sitting in a folded stack and threw it to me. "Thanks." I stood there and dried myself off in front of him. If he didn't seem to care about me being naked, why should I? My dick grew a bit fuller as I rubbed the soft terry cotton towel all over my genitals.

"What do you do for a living?" Mitch asked, eyes following the towel move up and down my body.

"Massage therapist. I work at the day spa over on 14th and Cleveland. I also do freelance web design."

"Cool. I know there are quite a few nights a week I could use a massage. Get home all sore and tired and my wife never wants to give me a back rub," he said as he turned to see Caleb and Miguel come back inside with more tools.

Both Miguel and Caleb gave me a once-over when they saw me standing there nude talking to Mitch. I resumed the conversation. "That sucks man, especially with a job like yours. You'll have to stop by the spa sometime or maybe one day this week I'll bring my portable table over here."

"Holy shit, you'd do that? That would be awesome," he said with excitement in his voice. I wrapped the towel around my waist so he wouldn't notice that I started sporting wood. I told him it was not a problem for me to bring my table over, but my week was already full of appointments. I went upstairs, got dressed and then left for the office. I told Mitch I'd check in with him later, but Kelly wanted him to call her in Texas if he had any big questions.

The next morning, I had gone to the gym early and had to get to work for an 8:30 massage, so I did not see Mitch or his crew at all. Throughout the day, I thought of ways to let Mitch catch me naked or in a compromising position again. I looked forward to seeing him nude on my massage table. I just needed to find time where I could be alone with him at the house. My luck came later in the day when one of my clients called to cancel for the following evening. I immediately called Mitch's cell phone from the number Kelly gave me. He did not answer, so I left him voice mail and told him that I could massage him at Matt and Kelly's townhouse or I could come to his house and massage his wife as well. I hoped he would opt for the former.

Mitch did not return my call, so I figured I would just talk to him when he came to work on the townhouse the next morning. My girlfriend Liz spent the night and I woke up the following morning at 7:30 with a devious grin on my face. I had hoped that Mitch would come upstairs and give me his answer about the massage and catch Liz and I having sex. Liz prefers sex in the morning anyway, so she needed no encouragement. She asked what time the contractors usually got there and I assured her we had enough time.

We fooled around a bit and then got right to business. Matt and Kelly have a mirror behind their bed. Kelly once said it was artistic, but Matt assured me that it was because they like to watch themselves have sex. I was on top of Liz and facing the mirror. From the reflection in the mirror, I could see outside the bedroom door and into the hall. I also was able to look out the window.

After a vigorous ten minutes of lovemaking, I finally saw the Emerald Contracting truck pull into a spot in front of the townhouse. Showtime! Liz is a moaner and I know how to push her buttons to make her cry out in ecstasy. In her moment of passion, she must not have heard the front door open. I was expecting to see Mitch any minute, but instead I was surprised to see Miguel pop his head around the corner. He looked in and I saw his jaw dropped as he caught Liz and I screwing on top of the bed covers. He did not say a word. I pretended not to notice him at first to encourage him to continue watching us. Then after another minute, I looked up into the mirror and nodded at him and went about fucking Liz like a mad man. Having an audience brought me over the edge. I soon climaxed and collapsed next to Liz. Miguel pulled himself back from the doorway not to be seen.

Liz decided to take a shower and used the one in master bathroom. She would have walked right into Miguel had she used the one in the hallway. After I heard the water running, I got out of bed and called for Miguel. As he entered the room, I was pulling a cum-soaked condom off my still hard dick. "Enjoy the show?" He was speechless, but the sizeable lump in his jeans told me he liked what he did. "What's up dude?"

"Uh, umm ... sorry to interrupt you, but I uh ..." he really was at a loss for words. "Damn, I've never seen anything like that before," he said as he adjusted his hard dick in his jeans. "That was fucking hot!"

"Thanks. I was too in the moment to stop when you came to the door. To be honest, it turned me on to know I had an audience," I said as I wiped off my dick and threw the used rubber in the trash.

Just then, Liz came out of the bathroom in a towel. "Honey, are you talking to me?" Then she spotted Miguel. "Oh, I guess not. Hi." Miguel nodded and said hi. "Who's your friend Jake?"

"This is Miguel. He's one of the workers," I said as I pulled on a pair of boxers. "He just came up to tell me that ..."

"Mitch will not be in until later today and that he wants to schedule a massage from you here this evening and then one for Caleb and me for later in the week. He's paying."

"That's nice," Liz said. "I wish my employer would pay for me to be massaged."

"Me too," I quipped, "then we'd be rich from all the times I massage you."

Liz went back into the bathroom; I thanked Miguel for the message and instructed him to tell Mitch that I would be here at 7 tonight. I joined Liz in the shower. "I think he heard us and waited until we were done to come in," I said. "Or maybe he was watching us."

"Then he saw one hell of a show. I'm sure Matt and Kelly's bed never got that kind of action before," Liz said as I soaped her back.

"It doesn't bother you that someone could have been watching us have sex?" I questioned.

"Jake, we are both pretty open people. If that turned him on watching us, good for him. I know it did not bother you. When I came out of the bathroom you were standing there with a hard-on still talking to the guy like nothing was out of the ordinary." She was right. "We're both in good shape, why be ashamed of our bodies?" Liz is so open-minded and cool, I often wonder if I should come out and tell her that I am also into guys as much as I am into her.

I could not keep my mind off of sex the entire day, which is not easy being a massage therapist. I kept thinking of what my massage with Mitch is going to be like. I also could not stop seeing Miguel's face in the mirror as he watched Liz and I have sex and how hard he was in his jeans afterwards and how cool Liz was about the whole thing.

At long last, my final massage at the spa was done and I headed back to the townhouse. Liz was teaching yoga all evening and going out with some girlfriends after that, so it was going to be just Mitch and me at the house.

When I got there, Mitch was still downstairs working. Miguel and Caleb had left for the day. Mitch was wearing a tight gray t-shirt that clung to his body like glue. I could tell that he had been sweating because of the dark line that ran down the center of his back and the wet rings under his arms. I made small talk about the project and inspected the progress they made that day. I could not help taking a whiff of his manly scent as he stood next to me, showing me what he had been working on. The mixture of perspiration and sawdust permeated my nostrils and got my juices flowing.

He asked if I had to get back to the spa for another appointment or if I had plans with my girlfriend. I assured him I was free for the rest of the night, so he could take his time and finish up whatever he was working on. He told me that he was done for the day and was basically waiting for me to get home. I told him that we could get started whenever he wanted. I just needed to set my table up in the living room and get out my oils.

"OK, why don't you get set up and if you don't mind, I'd like to take a shower first. I fucking reek," he said.

Actually, I did mind. I wanted to rub him down while he was all sweaty with his musky odor. "No problem. I think there are clean towels in the master bathroom. I'm gonna change out of these clothes too. I was giving a mud treatment to my last client and got it all over me."

Mitch went upstairs and I got the table set up. I put on one of my relaxation CD's and lit a few aromatherapy candles. I drew the blinds closed and laid out the linens on the table. After about ten minutes, still no sign of Mitch yet. Must be enjoying that shower I thought. I still needed to change, so I went upstairs and entered Matt and Kelly's bedroom. I could hear the water running in the shower and the bathroom door was wide open. I peered in to see Mitch's silhouette through the frosted glass shower door. He appeared to be washing his hair.

"Mitch? I'm all set downstairs. I'm just going to throw on some scrubs. Dry off and come down when you are done."

"Thanks man, I'm done now anyway." The water turned off and the shower door opened. His body looked magnificent dripping wet. His wet hair was slicked back and his face was the first thing he dried off with the towel. While his face was buried in the towel, I stared him up and down, trying to preserve this moment in my memory. His chest was slightly hairy with a small patch nestled between two perfectly round pecs. There was also hair encircling each nipple. The hairline resumed at his navel and spread out into a wide triangle of pubes. His cock was uncut and looked very full. It had to be at least 5 inches and swayed next to a set of very loose hanging balls that were covered in dark fur. He was giving me the same show that I had given him two days earlier.

I turned around and went back into the bedroom to change into my scrubs. Mitch followed me into the bedroom, drying himself off as I stripped out of my clothes. "The wife didn't want a massage?" I asked as I stood naked in front of him.

"Nah, she thinks it's a waste of money. Besides, why should she get pleasure out of this? She always refuses to work on my sore muscles. Fuck her, this is my night."

I stepped into the scrubs and looked over at him standing a few feet away drying off the tree trunks he calls legs. "Good for you. People just don't know what they are missing out on with massage. Not only is it relaxing, it's also therapeutic. We'll get all the kinks worked out in your back and legs. I guarantee you will not wake up sore tomorrow."

"That's good, I was lifting sheetrock all day, so soreness tomorrow is a given." He tied the towel around his waist and asked, "Umm, what am I supposed to wear?"

"Obviously you are not uncomfortable with nudity, so if you want, just that towel and I will move it around when I have to work on your lower back, legs and glutes. But if you want, you can wear a pair of my shorts."

"No thanks, I'm cool with the towel." I motioned for him to lead the way and we went downstairs.

Mitch was impressed with the set-up in the living room. He got on the table and I started working on his neck and shoulders. We traded stories about how we each got into our professions. He went to college for three years and then had to drop out when his girlfriend got pregnant. He took a job at her father's construction company and they've been married for fifteen years. She was not the love of his life, but he said he was happy. He sounded miserable in the marriage and she sounded like a bitch to me. He asked me about Liz and how long we had been together.

"Sounds like you've still got a great sex life from what Caleb told me. Wish I had that," he sighed as I was applying deep tissue pressure to his lower back. By now the towel had slipped off and he told me not to bother fixing it.

"What did Caleb tell you about me and Liz?" I inquired.

"Miguel told him that when he went upstairs to tell you I would be coming in later and that I would do the massage here, he saw you and your girlfriend going at it like a couple of wild animals."

"Yeah, Liz and I hold nothing back. It's great to have someone who has no inhibitions and is up for just about anything."

"Fuck, my wife makes us do it with the lights off under the covers, missionary position only, once every two weeks, and that is just for my benefit. She gets nothing out of sex and she admitted that to me once. I told her, let's work on that, but she's happy the way things are, she said."

I really felt sorry for the poor guy.

"That's a shame that people cannot get in touch with themselves. Well, at least you are doing something good for yourself by coming here tonight. I can't help you out in the sex department, but ..."

"Damn, I was hoping you would." I could not tell if he was joking with me or telling the truth. Regardless, his body needed attention and I was going to give it to him, professionally until he stated otherwise.

"Great body like yours could be getting all the tail you wanted. Too bad there's no one to enjoy it."

"Thanks man, I appreciate that. I get my fair share of looks from people. I just could never act on it."

I skipped over his glutes and went to work on his legs. I started at his feet and worked my way up. He did not let the subject of sex drop and was asking me questions about my current and past relationships. I told him, "What works for me, keeping an open mind, finding someone equally as open and just having fun. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight. Do what comes naturally for you and don't be ashamed about your body or getting in touch with your sexuality." He asked if that was something I learned in school, but I told him it's just how I am. I grew up in a conservative family and had to suppress so much in my life. "When I got out on my own, I said `Fuck it, I'm not going to live my life like that. I'm going to do what I want and make the most out of every day, and never look back and regret being who I am." Obviously I could not take all of my own advice to him. I am still living in the closet and cannot come out to one of the few people who would love me regardless and still have sex with me.

Anyway, the sex talk with Mitch was getting hotter and heavier. I was now working the back of his thighs and moving closer to his ass. I loved the way he had a small thin line of hair that started at the small of his back, spread out over his coccyx, and ran into his crack. He had a small covering of fur on his ass and it was just as dense on the underside near his thighs.

My movements paralleled the heavy breaths he was taking. Normally in massage, this is the sign when it becomes sexual for the practitioner and the client and needs to end. I did not want it to end and this was not in a clinical setting. Obviously I would not be charging him for this massage.

I rubbed the palms of my hands into each of his ass cheeks applying strong pressure. He counteracted my movements by flexing his glutes. He moaned loudly and told me not to stop what I was doing. I kept this up until my hands became sore and I had to change my position. By now, I was sure that he could see the large tent that I was sporting in my scrub pants.

I applied more warming lotion to my hands and went back to work on Mitch's perfect ass. I was making circles with my fingers and thumbs on his cheeks, each time my hands moving closer into his crack. My hands explored further down the furrows of his cheeks and I knew I found his rosebud when he flinched and let out a more sensuous moan. I kept working there for a while and then went lower to graze his balls with my hands as I massaged his inner thighs and perineum.

"It's time to turn over Mitch," I said to him as I went to my supply to get more oil.

"Already, I was enjoying that," he said as he looked at my crotch. "I see you were too."

"Yeah, all that talk about sex got me really horny. My massages never take that direction. I normally have to end it as soon as it turns sexual for either the client or me, but this isn't at the spa and I'm not charging you, so it doesn't matter."

"Good, I was enjoying hearing about your experiences, and you've got fucking great hands." His dick was rock hard when he turned over and extended to about a thick seven inches. The head was half way out of the foreskin and was shiny and slick with pre-cum. This was going to be difficult to give him the rest of the massage. I'd rather dive down and suck on that cock than work on his arms, chest, and quads. But I owed him a full proper massage, the extras would have to wait for later.

I think he thought I was going to work on his dick right away too because he let out a dejected sigh as I started rubbing his deltoids and down his arms.

Even as I worked his arms, he remained erect. After I finished his right arm, he lifted it up and it brushed against my hard prick. He moved it up and down the material of my pants a few times and I started to leak pre-cum.

A clear drop formed on the outside of my pants and the purple of my swollen head could be seen though the white material.

I worked on his chest, my dick inches from his face. He wanted to talk more and more about sex. He asked if I ever had any encounters with guys before.

I told him I did, but never a massage client. I recounted my story from last summer about my friend Jesse and I being alone at our campsite, giving into our sexual urges and exploring each other's bodies. I was tweaking Mitch's nipples with my fingers and he started stroking his cock. Slowly he moved the skin up and down his shaft and over his head. I was mesmerized by his actions as I continued to play with his nipples.

My hands moved down over his chest and down to his stomach. I rhythmically slid my hands over his pecs, down to his pelvic bone and back up again in unison with his cock stroking. I allowed him to continue jacking himself off as I moved down his pelvis, over his pubic area and onto his thighs. I applied the same amount of pressure to the front of his thighs as I had done with the back and on his ass. Each time my hands would move up his thigh, I would touch his balls or come close to the base of his cock. It was driving him insane with pleasure. It was a sensory deprivation technique that both Liz and I practiced on each other when we gave each other sensual massages, avoiding the genitals to make the orgasm more intense.

Finally, I could not take it any more. I grabbed his dick out of his hand and stroked it myself. He took his now free hands to undo the tie on my scrubs and pulled my pants down. My cock bounced up and he grabbed it immediately. I was leaking so much that he needed no lubricant at all to stroke me. He was very slick himself.

"Should we take this upstairs?" he asked me.

"It would certainly give us more room to explore," I moaned as he tugged at my balls with one hand while running his finger over my piss slit with the other.

He got off the table and we went upstairs to the bedroom. As we entered the doorway, I took him in my arms and held him there for a minute. Our hard cocks pressed against each other. "We don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing," I whispered in his ear and then nibbled on his earlobe and kissed down his neck. He pulled my head up from his shoulders, looked me straight in the eyes and kissed me deeply. Our tongues probed each other as he continued to hold my face. My arms moved up and down his back, grabbing his ass a few times. While we were making out, we started grinding our dicks together.

I broke from our kiss and led Mitch by the hand over to the bed. I sat down on the bed and instructed him to stand in front of me. I grabbed his fat meat stick, pulled back the foreskin, and licked his head. Slowly I went down on him inch by inch until I had most of his cock in my mouth. My head rhythmically bobbed up and down on his throbbing member with my tongue making circles on the underside. I used my free hand to play with his balls that hung loose in their sack. I twisted and squeezed a few times much to his pleasure. I picked up the pace sucking him off too until he pulled out of my mouth.

"Fuck, that was the best blow job I've ever gotten. My wife hasn't given me head in ten years. I was about to blow my wad."

"Why didn't you?" I asked.

"It's your turn," he said pulling me to my feet. We kissed some more and then he sat down on the bed and took my cock in his mouth. I could tell that he was doing his best to mimic the blowjob I had just given him and it was working. My toes were curling up in excitement as he played with my balls and started massaging my ass. His fingers found my hole. While his index and ring fingers spread apart my cheeks, his middle finger worked my anus until it finally eased its way in. I was not expecting this at all from a married man. Very rarely does anyone else but me finger my ass, so this was driving me crazy. I propped my leg up on the bed so he could get two fingers into my ass; all the while he was sucking me like a mad man. I felt like I was coming close to shooting my load. I did not want this night to end either, so I pulled out of his mouth and he took his fingers out of my ass.

"I was getting close to cumming too," I said as I sat down next to him on the bed and French-kissed him "Where did you learn to finger fuck an ass like that?"

"I do it to myself. Just because the wife does like to get me off doesn't mean I don't take care of my own needs."

"Good for you." I stroked his dick and starting sucking on his nipple. There was a new odor emanating from his body. It was an intoxicating mix of massage oil and his manly sweat. I licked up and down his chest and even his armpit. He laid down on the bed and I asked him, "What do you want to do next?"

"What have you got in mind?" he ginned at me.

"Well, you're so good with your fingers, I was thinking that your dick would feel even better up there," I said as I went down and sucked his cock again.

"I don't know man, this is great and everything, but I don't know if I'm ready to fuck another guy or get fucked myself. I'm sorry, is that all right?"

I felt dejected. I really wanted his hard cock up my tight ass, but I figured that I would not push it. "No problem." I went back down and sucked his cock some more.

We repositioned ourselves on the bed and were sixty-nining. He returned his fingers to my ass and we were picking up the pace. I had gotten two of my fingers in his ass as well and our actions mirrored one another. We kept up the routine for another twenty minutes before I reached the point of no return. "Oh God man, I am gonna cum!" I yelled as I spit his dick out of my mouth. He pulled my cock out of his mouth and I blew an enormous load all over his chin and down to his chest. We were both panting heavily and I went back to work on his dick. It did not take long at all for him to begin to climax. When he announced that he was coming, I continued sucking and took about four large squirts of his hot salty cum in my mouth. I could not swallow all of it, it was such a huge load. Some dribbled out of my mouth while he pulled out and continued to shoot on my face and chest. "Jesus Christ, are you some kind of fucking porn star? I've never seen a load that big!"

He laughed, "Me neither. It's been a few days since I jerked off, but damn!" He turned his body around and kissed me, taking some of his own cum back into his mouth. We laid on top of each other making out a little while longer, and then he rolled off of me. "Jake, I never knew it could be this good between two guys."

"Pretty cool, huh? Something that I would never have learned if I continued to lead a sheltered life and not open myself up to the world."

We got out of bed and showered together. Mitch dressed in his dirty, stinky work clothes and said he had to go home to his wife and kids. I walked him to the front door, kissed him again and assured him that this would stay between us. As far as everyone else was concerned, this was just a massage. He asked if Miguel and Caleb would get the same treatment when they came for their massages later in the week. I assured him what happened tonight was not normal for me to do and he was an exception, although my mind did begin to race about the possibilities with those two other studs.

Mitch said goodbye for the night and I told him anytime he wanted to get together to call me. He reminded me that he would be working here for a couple more weeks and it's just my third night of house sitting. My dick swelled with the potential of future encounters.

To be continued ...

Well, this was potentially the first story in this series. If you liked it, let me know and I will keep going with it. The story that I told Mitch about my encounter with Jesse can be found in the Nifty archive under gay/camping called "Lakeside Lust". Email me,

Next: Chapter 2

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