Carpe Diem

By moc.noisnemidbus@gnosrats

Published on Feb 3, 2002



This story is a work of adult erotic fiction, with homosexual themes. If you're not legal or not interested, go elsewhere.

------------- starsong sez:

Well, this is my first ever published erotic story. It's mostly a sex scene, but I hope I've managed to convey some sense of emotion. College boys Alex and Dan are both characters in a bigger story that I tried to write but went nowhere, so instead of saddling you with the whole mess I thought I'm give you this glimpse into their history. I'm not a writer (actually a science major), so any spelling/grammar/continuity errors are mine and I apologize for them. Feedback is encouraged, flames will be ignored (but flamers are always welcome... snicker).

"Alex and Dan" --------------

I followed him in, nervously, and closed the door. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and we looked at each other for a few long seconds. Neither of us had done anything like this before, and I was more than a little scared.

"So...," he mumbled, his voice trailing off into uncertainty. Now I really was feeling uncomfortable. I sighed.

"Look, Dan, maybe this wasn't as good an idea as we thought..."

"No, I mean, I want to, but..."


"But..." He stopped talking and started fidgeting with the edge of the bedsheet. "I really want to. I do. I just feel really weird about it. I mean, I didn't even have friends most of my life, and now we're gonna..."

"You don't want to?"

"No, I just... I just don't know how to act. I feel like my stomach's full of worms." Dan let go of the sheet and looked up at me with a touch of fear in his eyes. His expression softened. "But I want to." He patted the bed next to him, and fortunately my legs worked long enough for me sit down without falling over. I looked at him, and some disconnected part of me put my hand on the small of his back. We looked at each other for another eternity, and then I felt him move.

Everyone says that your first kiss is like dynamite, with fireworks in the sky and chills running through your body. That's what I had always read, in the part of the story between the obligatory introduction and the rampant sex. It wasn't like that with Dan; it was much deeper and more fundamental. When our lips met, it was...nice. Well, okay, more like great. There were no fireworks, no explosions, but feeling him that close to me felt sooooo right. Touching him was like slipping into a warm bath, safe and comfortable and relaxing. I felt all my fear rush out of me, and I gently broke the kiss.

"Dan..." I started, and ran my hand through his hair. He put a finger on my lips, and leaned in again.

I don't know how long we sat there, fully clothed, barely touching, just being happy together. When we broke again Dan grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and drew it over his head in a single fluid motion. I traced a line down his slender chest with one finger, between his perfect nipples, each tan nub standing perfectly erect in the warm air of the room. He gasped quietly, running his hands across the back of my neck as he leaned in again to kiss me. He touched the edge of my shirt, and it joined his in a pile on the floor. My hands went further, toying with the zipper on his cargo shorts. Letting out a sigh, Dan collapsed back onto the bed and kicked off his shoes, looking at me with eager eyes. Grinning slightly, I slowly pulled the shorts down and off his legs.

I paused to catch my breath, and couldn't believe what I was looking at. This beautiful, young, green-eyed boy, lying next to me in nothing but an old pair of briefs, looking at me with love and anticipation in his eyes. I was so happy I almost passed out. He looked at me oddly.

"Why'd you stop?"

"No reason. I just like looking at you, that's all."

He let out a beautiful laugh and swept off his briefs, tossing them at me. The smell was intoxicating; faint cologne, sweat, and Dan. His dick, freed from the tight confines of the briefs, stood starkly erect. It was beautiful, six inches long and perfectly smooth. I realized with only mild surprise that he was uncircumcised; the shiny tip of his dick peeped curiously out of his foreskin.

"Like what you see?"

"Heh, yes. God you're beautiful." I know it's sappy, but that's how it felt. I wouldn't have been anywhere else in the world.

Dan sat up and rubbed his hand over my knee. "Well?" It took me a minute to understand what he meant, and as I reached to take off my shoes he giggled again.

His hands fluttered over my stomach and traced a line above my jeans. I looked at him, and our eyes locked for a brief moment, in a gaze full of understanding and lust. I stood up and faced him, my hand tracing an invisible line down the slight fuzz on his cheek. His beautiful green eyes were full of eager anticipation. I touched my belt, but he smiled again and brushed my hands away, eagerly opening the zipper. I stepped out of my pants, my boxers tenting out, with a tiny wet spot at the tip. He looked at me again, his eyes full of love, and I smiled at him. I buried the last twinge of anxiety inside me, and slid my boxers down to my feet. My dick swung forward, and he caught it. The feeling was incredible, and again I fought back amazement that I was actually here, naked, with the most beautiful boy in the world holding on to my cock. Dan's fingers looped lazily around the cut head, as he unconsciously gave his own dick a few strokes.

"Like what you see?" I asked, doing my best not to collapse in a fit of giggles and ecstacy. He looked at me with disappointment.

"Well, it's kind of small, don't you think?"

"Huh?" WHAT WHAT WHAT??? "Kind Of Small???" My jaw dropped open of its own free will, and I almost collapsed before I noticed he was holding back another fit of laughter.

"You BASTARD! I thought you were SERIOUS!" I pounced on him, and we rolled back on the bed, Dan laughing maniacally.

When we stopped rolling, he was on top of me, and I could feel his cock pressing against mine. He gave me an evil grin.

"Hmmmm, looks like I was wrong."

I couldn't believe this was the same quiet, shy boy I had met only two weeks ago. He had been barely able to talk to me that day in the library, and here we were, naked together with him giggling insanely on top of me. I inhaled deeply as his nose bumped mine, and we rolled over again, kissing deeply as we broke our embrace.

I moved from his lips to his neck, licking and sucking gently at the sweet spot just behind his jawbone, and felt his body tense up as he let out a gasp. I moved on to his chest, licking a trail down to his right nipple.

"Mmmmm, Alex...," he mumbled, in between pants, as I teased the erect brown nub with the tip of my tongue. I glanced at his face again, his eyes screwed shut with pleasure as I worked his nipple. My hand instinctively went between his legs, and I gently rolled his nuts between my fingers as I blew air softly over the wet little nub. Glancing down again, I could see that he was fully excited, with the skin drawn fully off the shiny pink head. A tiny glistening stream of precum linked it to the patch of chestnut-brown hair at the base of his dick.

I tenderly took the base in one hand and kept massaging his balls with the other. He looked down at me again, this time with pleading in his eyes, and I grinned. I tenderly licked the underside of the head, running my tongue over the soft vee of flesh there. His entire body tensed up as he groaned, the head swelling under my tongue. I licked it again, exploring around the rim, down the sides, in the slit. I gently drew his foreskin up as far as it would go, keeping my tongue between it and the head. Dan was going crazy with pleasure as I continued, his hands sweeping through my hair. I felt his nuts draw up.

"Alex, man, I'm gonna cuuum..."

His cock swelled in my mouth, and I suddenly I felt a blast of hot liquid as he came, his hips bucking slightly as he emptied himself into my mouth. It didn't taste bad, like I thought it might. Hard to explain, but it tasted, well, like him. I remembered the smell of his briefs as I swallowed and giggled despite myself, dropping his softening cock from my mouth.

"What's so funny?" he asked, between pants.

"Heh, nothing," I smiled, looking at his fading cock. I knew it would be ultra-sensitive after he came, so I resisted the urge to touch it again and instead massaged his nuts gently. "Just happy."

I gave his thigh a pat and scooted back up the bed to face him, planting a big kiss on his chest in the process.

"Did you like it?" I asked as I sat up, rubbing his chest gently. He didn't answer, but rose to his knees on the bed and gave be a huge, long kiss on the lips. When he pulled away, I saw a tear trickle down his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, really concerned.

"Nothing," he said, hesitantly, then looked straight at me. "I love you, Alex."

I was stunned, but in a warm, fuzzy way. Yes, that sounds sappy again, but here I was, totally naked, with semen on my face, and the most beautiful boy in the world had just told be he loved me. Not liked, not 'wanted to fuck', but loved. I ran my hand lightly across his shoulder, looked him in the eyes and decided to tell him what I really felt inside.

"I love you too, Dan." At this we both broke down in tears.

It must have been quite a sight for a fly on the wall; too college-aged boys, naked and sobbing openly together in an tight embrace, without care or notice for the time or their surroundings.

When we opened our eyes again, Dan gave me a mischievious look and grinned again.

"Looks like someone's still hanging on," he said, pointing to my crotch. I looked down and saw little Alex was standing at full attention. I suddenly realized that in the excitement of exploring Dan I hadn't come yet. Looking at his naked body was getting me very aroused, and judging by the look on his face, he knew it. "You want to, ummmm...." I started, looking at him.

His smile faltered a bit, and I saw a bit of the old Dan resurface. "I don't know about... you know... sucking... ImeanitfeltgreatwhenyoudidbutIdontknowifI..." I put my finger on his lips to stop him.

"That's okay, babe, (Oh GOD, did I just call him 'babe'???), you don't have to if you don't want to..." I rubbed his leg gently. "But it sure felt good when you touched me before."

Dan looked guilty for a second, and then his eyes lit up like he had his finger in a light socket.

"Hang on a sec," he said as he got out of bed and started to rummage through a drawer. I couldn't help but stare at his ass as he bent over the dresser. My GOD was this boy hot. He reached way in the back and came up with a small bottle of what looked like hand cream. "I sometimes use this when I' know..." He trailed off, and he giggled again.

"Flogging the bishop?" I asked, almost cracking up at the blush that provoked. "Spanking the monkey? Peeling the banana? Wrapping the artichoke?" At the last one he snickered, and spread my legs apart. Just the thought of this beautiful, green-eyed god actually masturbating made me even harder, and now I blushed as he took the top off the bottle.

He sat on the bed, between my legs, and spread cream over his hands, planting a big dollop on my shaft. I grunted softly at the cold, and it was my turn to gasp as he took my cock in his hands. I almost came right then, but managed to hold back as he ran his finger around the tip, touching me under the head with his hand as I had touched him with my tongue, working the flesh until I was at the edge. He traced a vein up the side, gently working the head as I gasped in pleasure. Then he stopped toying with me and wrapped his hand around the shaft. His hands glided up and down with a steady rhythm until my balls tightened and I was about to explode.

"Oh, babe..." I moaned incoherently as I blasted thick ropes of cum over his hands and onto my chest, my thrusting matched by his motion as he milked out every last drop. When I finally collapsed, he left go of my softening dick and reached for a towel. I purred softly as he wiped the remains of the cream and semen off my body and threw the towel back onto the floor. He scooted around and leaned next to me on the headboard, giving me another impish look.

"Well?" he asked. "Did you like it?"

"Oh, babe," I murmured, pulling him in for another kiss. "I love you, Dan."

"Mmmmmm, I love you Alex."

"Heh, we sound like a couple of junior-high kids." I laughed, and he joined in. We sat there for a few minutes, not saying anything, just enjoying the warmth and comfort of the room.

"I suppose we should get dressed," he said, making no attempt to move.

"Yeah, I guess we should."

"Well?" he giggled, looking at me expectantly.

I swatted him playfully on the leg and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I stretched mightily and searched around for my boxers. I looked over and saw him grinning at me, idly playing with his foreskin.

"Perv. You just wanted to watch me get dressed."

"I can't help it," he said in a sarcastic, high-pitched voice and batting his eyelashes like a 1950s movie star on speed. "You're so kewwwwwwt, Alex."

I shook my dick at him once more and pulled on my boxers.

"Awwwww, why'd you go and do that." Mock-pouting, he fished his briefs out of the pile and I watched as his beautiful uncut (and tasty) dick disappeared. I was struck by how beautiful he looked, even not naked, muted sunlight highlighting the muscles in his back as he pulled on his shorts. We got dressed slowly, savoring the way each others' bodies moved, until the last piece went on and we were sitting on the bed again, as we had what seemed like years ago.

"Sooooo...," he said, a bit of anxiety coloring his voice. "What do we do now?"

"I don't know," I said, truthfully. I took his hand and twined my fingers between his. "But I whatever it is, I know I want to do it with you."


Hope you enjoyed it. Feedback welcome.

standard legal stuff: This story, its content, themes and characters, are copyright (c) 2002 by "starsong" {}. You may freely duplicate, reproduce, and distribute this work IN ITS ENTIRETY ONLY so long as (1) no fee is charged beyond what is required to pay for duplication, (2) it is not modified, (3) the header and footer (including but not limited to the disclaimer and this notice) remain intact, and (4) you give the author appropriate credit. You may not steal the characters or use unquoted excerpts.

Next: Chapter 2

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