Carnival Man

By Michael Gleich

Published on Sep 28, 2002


Carnival Man

Part One

It's the second full moon of the month, a blue moon. An icy moon begins to rise over the mountain pass to cast a pearly glow on the valley below. A cold wind from the north blows that chills down to the bones. Dogs whine to come inside from keeping watch on the front porch. An eerie quiet settles in the village like a thick fog. The Langley's notice frogs and crickets aren't making any noise down at the creek running through town. Mrs. Langley feels she better check on the children. Shops in town start to close early; farmers look in on their cattle. Families settle down for the evening meal, but nobody seems to talk much. Mr. Evans starts the blessing over roast chicken and dumplings when a strange wail sounds over the valley floor. Not a coyote, something bigger and hungry. Deep is the wail and long as it passes through houses and echoes off mountain walls. Mothers cross themselves without knowing, and cats look around checking for a place to hide.

On top of the ridge where the mountain pass comes snaking down the valley floor you can hear a faint jingle jangle of gypsy bells. With rumbles, creaks and groans trucks come to a stop at the top of the pass. Lights from the caravan cast a strange glow on the men in front looking down at the valley. Their voices deep and gravelly swear and curse like men in prison, or worse.

"Well look what we have here. Looks real nice don't it boys?" Jake says.

"Sure as shit does, like a picture I once saw on a calendar," Billy Joe says.

"I think were going to have ourselves a real good time in this piss ant town for sure, don't you Jake. Yeah, a real fucking good time in this berg" Clarence says.

"Well boys, lets get our butts down to the valley and in the morning will set up a show this town ain't never seen. Hank, Damn your fucking ass. Will you keep that fuck stick of yours in your pants for ten fucking minutes!" Jake says.

"Sorry Jake, I been driving all the way up this pass and I just had to yank on it some, I need a fucking hole to stick this baby in real quick. I need to get a load off real bad."

"Jesus, put that fucking dick in your pants for just two fucking minutes. You been playing with that barracuda of yours all the way up here, you almost drove that rig over the side when you shot a load an hour ago you fucking asshole."

"That wasn't me Jake, a rock came down and I almost got hit"

"The only fucking rock that fell you stupid shit is the one that hit you in the head, you fuck. OK lets get this Carnie show on the road boys. Will settle in for the night and surprise the good people in the morning. Yes Sir, I can see those sweet young things gather around like moths to a flame come morning when they wake up."

Jake and the boys get back in their rigs and settle in to steering down the mountain slope. Jake starts up a whistle while the boys light up. Their eyes glaze over about having fresh young punk to play with. With brows set on the road their faces shine with a grin when they think of towns they left, towns that never talk about Carnival men who came the day of a blue moon.

Billy and Bud thought they heard something out back. Like a hammer or something banging away on sheet metal. Mrs. Conway worries she overloaded the washer and something bad enough is going on that she'll have to call a repairman. What the hell is that noise so early in the morning? Mr. Reno wonders while taking a morning piss. Down at the empty lot next to St. Helena's Catholic Church the Carnival men are busy setting up. Bright shiny rides unload from diesel trucks. Flashy fan fare lifted from crates and pulled up making gaudy tents and flim-flam shacks. Yellow and red streamers hoist up flag poles all around. Strobe lights, horns and things that bang whistle and whirl making flash and glamour for a side show circus are going up next to St. Helena's. Father O'Leary is standing at the rectories window with a hot cup of black tea in his hand and a rosary in the other. He leans his sinewy lily-white body with a crown of thick brown hair to the window. A lock of hair falls on his forehead as he moves his head from right to left looking at the Carnie men with his sparkling blue eyes.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph will you look at that. An answer to our prayers" Father O'Leary says.

Hoping to find a way to build a chapel and parking lot on the very ground the carnival is setting up on. He crosses himself and says a prayer to their patron saint. Looking down he sees Jake ordering the men working on the gear. He can see Jakes unshaven face and coal black hair slick with sweat and grease. His gaze goes to the thick neck and deep furrow at his throat. There lays a gold crucifix all shiny bright and gleaming. Father O'Leary has a man of the faith to talk with. I can strike a bargain with this man. He'll want to give a good portion of the proceeds for our cause. Especially when I tell him he is on Church property. His eyes wander to the beefy chest. Pecs with black curls and blood red nipples. Lines of glistening black fur accent Jakes chiseled torso cutting the abs even more. Jakes trousers hang on his waist like a loose bath towel. I say he has about a 30-inch waist as the Father's eyes focus on Jakes backside where his pants hang just below the start of his ass crack. Father O'Leary sees sweat forming on Jakes back and its long journey down the crevice of Jakes spine. Trickles of glistening moisture form at the beginning of Jakes ass crack just visible at the top of his trousers. The Father licks at a drop of sweat trickling down from his brow sucking it into his mouth.

Billy and Bud are out of the house in a flash and heading with other boys down to the dirt lot next to the church. They gather around with the town folk as the Carnie men work putting up the show. Some boys gather over to one side where Hank and Will are bolting together the Ferris wheel. Mikie joins them and watch as wrenches big as their daddy's arm bolt together the big metal wheel.

"Looks like we got ourselves an audience Hank" Will says

"Look at them sweet little darlings with their eyes open and mouths gapping. Like fish on a hook. Watch this Will" Hank says.

Hank stands up to adjust his hat, then pulls his pants up a bit and grabs his cock. He gives that hose of his a squeeze as the head of his cock pulls on the fabric. Mikie stares at the cock's outlined head. A big bulb of flesh presses against the fabric like the head of a viper, it's as big as Mikie's fist. Mikie stares transfixed and sinks to his knees looking at Hank squeeze and move his cock around in his pants. The kid starts sucking on his thumb, something he hasn't done in over sixteen years. Mikie's drool runs down his hand as he gazes at Hanks twelve-inch thick cock pressing against his pants.

"Lord would you look at that," Mrs. Conway says

"Does his mama know where he is?" Mrs. Langley says

"No I don't think she does, what is that boy looking at?" Mrs. Conway says.

They both look in the direction of where Jonathan is staring. His shorts down around his ankles with his hard cock in hand. Jonathan is jacking off as fast as he can staring in the direction of Billy Joe and Clarence building a fun house.

"Billy Joe, do you know your fucking balls are hanging out of your shorts?" Clarence says

"Sure I do asshole, I pulled them out myself. They need some air. They been in my jock all fucking week," Billy Joe says

" You know what it does to me when I see those fucking bull balls of yours Billy Joe. Why don't you pull that fucking cock out, don't it need some airing?"

"That's the best idea you had yet Clarence." With that Billy Joe reaches in the side of his shorts and yanks out a huge uncut dick. Billy Joe is on top of the roof of the fun house and Clarence is on the ladder handing wood planks up to Billy Joe to nail down. Billy Joe is kneeling and his cock and balls hang half way to the roof of the fun house. Clarence takes one of the boards and smacks Billy Joes balls just enough to get them swinging. Clarence likes to watch Billy Joes cock and balls swing back and forth.

"Damn Billy Joe, I bet I can get them swinging enough to smack your ass on the back stroke." Clarence says.

"Fuck man, you're making me horny as all hell fooling around like that. Damn I'm going to have to shoot a fucking load." Billy Joe says

The two mothers look over at what Jonathan is staring at when Billy Joe turns around facing Clarence. Clarence grabs Billy Joe's balls while standing on the ladder and pulls the fat nuts down into their sack. He gives the orbs a good tug, rolling them in his hand and squeezing on them. He smacks Billy Joe's ball sack and watches them swing back hitting Billy Joe's ass, then grabs them rubbing the balls around in his hand again. The great warhead of cock comes snaking out of its thick veined hood. Billy Joe grabs that big fat uncut dick; his grip can't fit all the way around.

"Oh, my God. Julia do you see what that man is doing," says Mrs. Langley

"Mother of God, look at that monster Debra, it looks like the cock on farmer Lloyd's mule," Mrs. Conway says.

"He has the balls of farmer Lloyd's bull too! Mercy, I never seen anything like that in all these years living here, have you Julia?"

"No I can't say I have, I'm feeling kind of hot and wet. Do you have any of those pills for hot flashes dear?"

"I got something better, Big Ben. He can take care of hot flashes real quick. One of those rubber pricks," Mrs. Langley, says

"It's a dildo dear, I prefer Kong the Magnificent, now that's a can do dildo, if you ask me!"

"Do you suppose we should tell Alice about Jonathan? Maybe not, you know the old saying, boys will be boys," Mrs. Langley says

"Oh, look at the time dear, I guess I'll head back home, think I'll have a lie down. Looks like a real good carnival don't it?"

"Yes it does, maybe will have our fortune read, won't that be fun!" Mrs. Langley says.

Father O'Leary received a few calls from town folk about the goings on at the Carnival. He decides to pay Jake a visit. Taking a shot of good Irish whiskey to bolt his courage he heads down to where he last saw Jake and have a talk with him about the donation to the church and other matters. For some reason Jake reminds the Father of home in Ireland. The Father feels his face flush, and his heart beating faster. Now he remembers who Jake reminds him of. Sean, with his cold black eyes and raven hair is six feet two, broad shoulders from hard work in mines, big legs and feet from digging. Daniel is the youngest of the O'Leary's; he would wait out front by the gate for Sean to come home along side his daddy. Sometimes Sean would come in for a pint or two and lift Danny up on his leg. Little Daniel O'Leary would be bounced on Sean's leg. He would spread his legs wide apart over the miner, with his little asshole grinding into the trousers of Sean. When the bouncing got going he would reach down and hold the upper part of Sean's leg. That's when he could feel that great cock laying there next to the miner. Sean would get an evil grin on his face as Danny bounced up and down grinding his butt into the man's leg. Danny holding on the side of Sean's prick and rubbing the head back and forth against his leg and the fabric of his trousers. Daniel's little ass bouncing up and down spreading his legs wide so he could come down hitting his butt hole and rubbing his cock and balls against the miner big hard leg. He looks around the Carnival with all the bright and gaudy trappings, the fun house with mirrors and slides. The Ferris wheel and Merry Go Round, the Fortune Teller Tent, cotton candy and foot long hot dogs, all bright and sassy with flags and banners and banging bells. One tent in the middle is interesting, a side booth to the entrance and a sign that says. See Amazing Acts Never Seen Before. Father O'Leary tries to say a Hail Mary to get his hard prick down. Thank God I'm wearing a cassock over my pants. He spots Jake in front of the Fun House and walks over.

"I can't leave you two fucks alone for five fucking minutes before you're at it. What kind of mule fucking whores raised you two shits?" Jake says

"Uh, excuse me, but are you the owner of the Carnival?" Father O'Leary says

"Who the fuck wants to know," Jake says and turns to see the Father.

"Oh, excuse me Father, it's been one of those days, you know how it is being around a bunch of rough necks. You have to keep your eye on them all the time."

"Well, I heard foul language before back in Ireland, I came from a coal miner family, and they can be pretty raw. I was wondering if I could have a word with you?"

Jake looks at the Father with his lock of brown hair that fell on his forehead and his sparkling blue eyes. Jake likes the look of Father O'Leary's red lips.

"Well sure Father, lets go to my trailer where we can have a little privacy."

" That would be very nice, I have never been to a carnival before," Father O'Leary says

"That a fact. Step in Father, sorry about the mess, why don't you take a seat on the mattress over there."

Father O'Leary looks at the bare mattress that Jake's pointing to. At one end are soiled unwashed jock straps and a beat up pillow at the other. Jake takes a seat on a black leather chair near the mattress. There's not much light in the trailer, a bare bulb hangs down on a cord with a feeble glow eking out of it. The walls are dark and dingy with windows to dirty to see out or in. The smells of sweat, piss and cum permeate everything.

"Father I don't think I caught your name?" Jake says

"Father Dan, and you?"

"Jake, so Father what can I do for you?"

"I suppose you know you're on Church property"

"Oh, I'm sorry Father, would you like us to move?

"No, no but it would be very generous of you to donate to our church fund raising drive. We're planning a chapel to Our Lady of the Flowers with a paved parking lot for the parishioners."

"Consider it done Father, you just tell me how much you need and when we pull up stakes Sunday, I'll give you that and then some"

"How very generous of you Jake, It's so nice dealing with men of the faith," Father Dan says.

"Well Father, how about we have a drink to set the deal. I have some very fine Irish whiskey here."

Jake reaches over and unscrews the top of a bottle of Southern Comfort. He pours a tumbler full for both of them finishing the bottle.

"Here's to Our Lady of the Flowers, Father Dan." They clink glasses and have a drink from the tumblers."

"I never had such a fine Irish whiskey as this, what county does it come from Jake?"

"Georgia I think, listen Father we would like to hire some of the young men here in town. My men can show the boys acrobatic feats that will amaze everyone. Think of all the people who would pay to see fine looking men put on a Carnie show. "

Father Dan breathes a sigh of relief. He can drop the second reason for coming to Jake. Once he tells the old biddies about hiring their sons to put on a show, they'll stop bending his ear about low life Carnie men. Father Dan is feeling relaxed and really likes Jake. The town will enjoy the carnival and he will have the funds for a chapel and parking. What could be better? Father Dan takes another drink from the tumbler and notice that Jake has spread his legs apart. Dan looks at Jake from his view on the mattress as Jakes black eyes look down at him. Jake grabs the side of his pants where his cock is laying giving it a tug. The cock straightens out along his leg, the head half way to his knee; Dan can see the outline of the head. He can make out the crown of the great cock as it grows in the man's pants. Dan follows the head up where a vein is showing as the cock continues to grow against the trousers. Jakes balls balloon out his crotch as Father Dan's mouth gapes open. Dan's eyes travel higher to the line of hair at Jakes stomach as it disappears in his pants. Sweat glistens on his washboard abs. He looks into Jakes eyes and can't pull away from his stare.

"You must be hot Danny, sweats trickling into your collar and it could stain. Why don't you take your clothes off and get comfortable? That's it Danny, all them clothes on you for just a couple of men having a drink. Nobody will bother us, no one knows your here. There you go Danny, now don't that feel real good? Think I'll take my pants off as well, will just sit around here for a while in our underwear and have good time."

Jake stands up as Danny watches him slowly unzip his pants. The cock is straining against the trousers tenting them. Jake undoes the belt and clasp. He grabs the sides of his pants with his underwear and pulls them down.

"Damn if I didn't forget to take my boots off. Danny, would you be a good boy and take those boots off for me while I lean back and rest a spell"

Danny lays his clothes next to the mattress, wearing only bikini briefs and shoes. He crawls off the mattress never taking his eyes off Jake. He looks down at Jakes boots as he reverently takes hold of the right one placing the boot in his crotch. It feels like the bouncing game on Sean's knee. Jake presses the boot into the crotch as Danny looks up into Jakes cold black eyes. Danny can tell that Jake is pleased and he is so happy to please Jake. Danny pulls the boot off and the sock, rubbing the foot on his crotch. Jake grinds his foot against the hard prick while Dan pushes against his foot as he stares into Jakes eyes. Jake eases off a bit and Danny picks up the foot with his hands kissing the toes and working around the foot with his tongue moistening the foot with his pretty red lips.

"How about my other foot Dan, it wants to see some action too."

Danny puts the foot down and picks up the left boot. He un-ties the laces, and removes the boot. Jake reaches over and takes the boot from Danny and puts his foot down bowling Danny backwards on his back. Jake takes his foot and puts it over Dan's face. Danny holds the foot in his mouth smelling the socked foot while staring up at Jake taking the laces out of the boot and throwing the boot in the corner. Jake reaches down and grabs Dan by the hair and pulls him up. He grabs the back of his head and brings his face up.

"You want some Danny? You want to feel my tongue down your throat?

"Yes please Jake, please. Please Jake, I'll do anything please, please,"

Jake opens his mouth and plants his lips on Danny's. He forces his tongue into Dan and pushing it down his throat grinding his lips against Danny. The thick tongue invades his throat as Danny starts to suckle on the tongue. Jake holds on to his head and lifts him off the ground while tongue fucking Dan's mouth, grinding into Danny's red puffy lips. Dan's arms go limp; Jake drops him on the mattress, reaches down and ties the bootlace around his neck leaving a cord hanging. Jake rips the underwear in shreds, tearing it off, leaving just the elastic around Danny's waist. Dan is lying on the floor looking up at his God. Jakes cock sways out from his body as Dan stares at the ass arching from the balls, the crevice inviting and deep. Jake is looking down at him with his icy cold stare and deep black eyes. He spits on the end of his cock, the spittle runs down around the head and falls to Danny's face. He opens his mouth like a bird in the nest and lets the spit slide off the cock into his mouth savoring Jakes offering.

"You want my cock Danny? Want to take my big fucking cock down your cock sucking throat, is that what you want?"

"Yes, please, please. I'll suck real good Jake. I'll show you how good I can suck cock. Please let me Jake. Please, please."

"Suck my nut sack. If you're good, I might let you suck my dick"

Dan gets up on his knees and presses his lips to the beautiful orbs hanging in front of him, Jake's cock lays across his head as he gives kisses and licks worshipping the hanging nut sack. He opens his mouth and begins to engulf one nut sucking on it and twirling it with his tongue. Reaching up with his hand he pulls on the side of his mouth and gently sucks the other ball in. Now his tongue is bathing both balls filling his mouth. He moves his tongue around lathering and nursing the balls he worships. Danny starts to suck, he wants to take Jake anyway he can. The huge gonads get stuck in his throat and he has to let go. Again and again Danny sucks on the balls but still can't get them in his throat. Tears come and his breath labors through his nose. He tries to please Jake but is unable to suck them down. Jake grabs the cord around his neck and pulls Dan off his balls.

"You fuck, what the hell are you doing down there you cheap fucking whore, what the hell was that?"

"Oh Jake, let me try some more please let me suck your nuts. Please!"

"Suck my asshole you stupid shit, lets see if you can do that right, you fuck"

Danny looks up at Jakes butt, it's beautiful and already his mouth is watering. Ever since he saw Jake in the yard this morning with the sweat trickling down his back and into the crevice of his ass he wanted to taste those beautiful butt cheeks. He rises on his haunches and savors the smell of the man's butt. His tongue reaches out and starts at the base of the nut sack and licks up. An electric chill goes throughout Dan's body. His tongue never felt so long and moist. He can feel the delicate hairs along the way. Savor the aroma coming from the flesh. The slight tart and salty taste of real sweat. It is nectar to his mouth. He is in ecstasy with each swipe. He works his tongue around Jakes ass and sticks his tongue in the heated crack. Rimming Jake with strong long strokes. Dan flicks his tongue at the hole, forcing his tongue up Jakes ass. Dan begins to suck on the hole driving his tongue in and out. He reaches up to separate the two mounds of ass with his hands so he can dig deeper. Jake lets out a moan and bends over, putting his hands and knees down on the mattress; Dan follows him, his face never leaving that butt.

"Oh, man Danny boy. Oh yeah, that's it. Suck that hole Dan. Yeah, baby work that tongue for me fucker."

Dan is so elated that Jake is pleased. He works his tongue getting at everything he can reach. Taking swipes at the delicious mounds surrounding Jake's butt hole. Danny moans and hums into Jakes ass.

"Yeah baby work that tongue. Yeah fuck man, eat me you slut"

Outside the men have been hard at work, knowing never to disturb Jake when he goes into the trailer, especially when he goes in with someone. They're trying to finish in time so they can prepare for the act that night. Mr. Evans, the town sheriff pulls up and is looking around at the men working.

"Who's the boss?" Sheriff Evans says.

The boys look at one another, waiting for somebody to say something.

"Well sheriff what can I do for you?" Hank says

"Are you the boss of this outfit," Sheriff Evans says

"Well no, Jake is, but he's not here right now. Is there something I can help you with?" Hank says.

"We had a report earlier of something queer going on here," Sheriff Evans says

"Queer, I don't know of any queer around here Sheriff. We met a few queers back in the other town we were in, but you know how it is with those queers, they come, they go. Boys you know of any queer here?" Hank says

"No, nobody queer here," The boys say.

"I didn't mean a homo queer you idiot. I meant unusual happenings going on," Sheriff Evans says.

"Oh, unusual, well you might have seen us practice for the performance tonight. You know acrobatics and all. Are you coming tonight Sheriff? You know we can always use some extra help with the performance, especially somebody as strong looking as you. The gals really love looking at a big strong man. You would be a hit. We doctor up the act a little and you would be amazed at how we can have you looking real good. You might see some movie action if word gets around," Hank says.

"Movies? Well you know I was an all star running back in High School here, yes sir, St. Helena High never had a faster running back than me. I train with weights still. Got to keep in shape with this job," Sheriff Evans says.

"You sure do keep in shape Sheriff. That's a fact anyone can see. Say how about we try you out. You know, will get you in your gear and show you the strongman routine. The town will love it. I can tell you would be real good and we can give you a little extra bonus for it too" Hank says.

"Well, you know I can use some extra money and I guess the town would like to see their hero of St. Helena High strut his stuff once again. Sure I would. Now what do I do?"

"Well I'll tell you, Clarence and I will take you to our trailer and get you sized up and go over the act with you. I can tell your going to be real good sheriff," Hank says

Clarence comes over putting his arm around the sheriff with his hand on the sheriffs butt starts walking with him and Hank to their trailer when a loud piercing scream goes through the Carnival.

"What the hell was that?" Sheriff Evans says

"Oh, one of the boys is practicing his scare scream for the fun house, good isn't it?" Hank says.

"Jesus, sounded like a demon in heat," Sheriff Evans says.

The boys start to laugh at what Sheriff Evans said as Hank and Clarence walk to the trailer with him.

Jake is feeling good with that tongue working at his hole. Danny has been back there for a while now and Jake is getting real horny. Standing up with Dan still sucking on his ass he grabs the cord around Dan's neck and yanks him off.

"Did I do something wrong Jake? Please let me suck your ass please Jake," Danny says

"I want you to suck something better than my ass. You think you can suck on this fuck stick of mine? You think you can do a good job sucking this down your throat? Danny boy."

"Oh, I'll suck your cock Jake. Please let me, please Jake. I promise to suck on it good. I got my mouth warmed up on your beautiful tight hole Jake. Please let me Jake please."

"Ok mother fucker I'll give you a chance, now start off slow, yeah that's it. Suck the head Danny, yeah, suck my fucking cock you whore. Yeah-real good suck that cock fucker. Yeah suck my dick you fucking fag."

Danny is in heaven going to town on that horse hung cock. His lips wrap around the head and his tongue darts in and out of the piss slit. He begins the long journey down the shaft. Taking it in and backing off, taking more in and backing off. Dan has to force his head further down the cock. The huge head is hitting his throat but this time he wills himself to go further. His only concern is to get that whole cock in him. He looks up at Jake over the washboard stomach and his pecs. Jake is looking down at his fag. A wicked smile crosses Jake's face as he looks at his fag bitch sucking cock.

"Suck it Danny boy. Start sucking that dick down your cock sucking throat bitch. Oh, yeah you fuck that's the way. Now you're doing it. That's good Danny, suck you fucker. Suck me good"

Danny eyes are glued to Jakes. The cock is now beyond his throat. He backs up and grabs air before lunging down again. Taking eight and ten inches of cock each time he goes down and up. Drool is running out of his mouth and nose. Cock snot is all over Danny's face as he lunges down and up on that big fucking dick.

"Yeah, fucker, take my dick down your cock loving whore mouth bitch."

Danny forces more and more cock into his throat. Tears are mixing with his snot and cock juice as he desperately tries to get the whole cock in. He strains and pushes cursing himself for not getting to the pubes of his God. Jake grabs him by the cord on his neck and pulls him off throwing him on the mattress. Jake reaches over and scoops up some grease in a can taking it to Dan's ass.

"I'm going to fuck you bitch. You can't take me one way, you'll take me another."

Jake shoves his fingers full of grease into the ass. Grabs his cock putting it to Dan's hole while holding on to the elastic band around Dan's waist and shoves the cock up Dan's ass. A piercing scream comes out of Dan. An in-human wail tears from Dan's throat as the cock sinks down into his alabaster ass. Dan passes out as Jake lies on top of his prey. He squirms around widening the hole he is raping.

" You know my granddaddy in Scotland was a strongman," Sheriff Evans says

" That a fact, now this here is one hell of a strongman Sheriff," Hank says

"He sure has one hell of a pecker don't he Hank? In fact all these guys in this book have one hell of a pecker and muscles," Sheriff Evans says.

"That's because they all know a secret Sheriff. I'm going to let you in on that secret but you have to promise never to pass it on. Otherwise everybody will want to know. Understand Sheriff?" Hank says.

"Sure I do, who wouldn't want to have a dick like that one, boy howdy look at that one eyed monster," Sheriff Evans says.

"Well my family came from a long line of Gypsy's. They pick up secrets from all over the world in their travels. You might have heard of how strong and virile Gypsy men are, were world renown for packing the pud of a mule. Now this came down from some Egyptian king. It was written on his tomb that us Gypsy's found." Hank says

Hank holds up to the sheriff a jar of blue powder and carefully unscrews the top. Taking a couple of scoops out he puts the powder in a glass.

"Now Sheriff, we Gypsy's have taken this secret formula for six thousand years and it never hurt us any. I have some fine Scotch whiskey here. Here's a toast to all the strongmen and good old Scotland," Hank says

Hank unscrews a bottle of Southern Comfort and pours it into three tumblers one has the blue powder for Sheriff Evans and hands each their glass.

"That's the best Scotch whiskey. What part of Scotland does it come from?" Sheriff Evans says

"Southern Scotland Sheriff, say lets see you make a muscle," Hank says

"All right, I'll give you one of them poses I saw in that magazine of yours."

The sheriff bends one knee and raises his right arm up curling his arm and pumping up his bicep. Then he does the other arm. He feels his dick starting to get hard and looks down to see his prick tenting his pants.

"Damn if my dick don't feel bigger already," Sheriff Evans says

"Why don't you take off your clothes Sheriff and will measure you and see if that Gypsy powder is working," Hank says

The Sheriff takes off his clothes and lays them on a chair. Standing in just his boots and hat. His cock is sticking straight out thick with veins running along the sides. His balls hang down in their sack and the sheriff is looking down with pride on his equipment.

"Lord will you look at that. I know that dick of mine was big but it never looked this big before, you got a tape measure Hank?" Sheriff Evans says

"Clarence, get me that tape measure and will size this bad boy up," Hank says

Clarence walks over to a drawer and brings back a tape measure. Getting on his knees in front of the Sheriff, Clarence pulls the tape measure out and measures the length of the cock. Then he wraps the tape measure around the cock and measures the width.

"Can you believe that? Why that salami is nine inches long and five inches around," Clarence says

"You know I'm feeling kind of strange? It looks like a blue light in this trailer," Sheriff Evans says

"That's the Gypsy powder working its magic Sheriff. Careful now you might want to steal a chicken," Hank says

"Damn, I'm feeling real horny, Clarence your hand on my cock sure feels good how about jerking on it some?" Sheriff Evans says

"Like this Sheriff? You want me to stroke on that big fucking cock of yours Sheriff? Man you sure have a nice big hard dick here. Yes Sir. Mind if I just suck on it? Clarence says

"Shit no, Clarence, you suck on that cock of mine all you want, damn don't that feel good? My balls are aching I think I'm going to blow a load in your mouth, Oh fuck yeah, suck that dick. Suck my fucking dick. Yeah, suck me. Oh, fuck yeah."

Sheriff Evans blows a load in Clarence mouth and keeps shoving his cock down his throat. His dick never gets soft and the Sheriff is still pumping into Clarence who's sucking the cock to the root. Hank gets behind the Sheriff and starts licking his ass. Hank shoves his tongue up the hole of Sheriff Evans and rims him real good.

"Damn, don't that feel fucking good. Jesus, I'm going to blow another wad, mother fucking Christ almighty."

Sheriff Evans cock is still hard and pumping jizz while outside Billy Joe is looking around for Jake.

"Hey, Will where the hell is everybody, don't they know we have a show to put on tonight?" Billy Joe says

"Shit Billy Joe, Hank and Clarence took the Sheriff into their trailer and gave him some Viagra they got from that chemist fellow?" Will says

"You mean the one they tied up and left with that huge dildo in him?" Billy Joe says

"Yeah, he gave them a couple of pounds of that powder" Will says

"Where the hell is Jake then?" Billy Joe says

"He has that good looking priest in his trailer. I wouldn't disturb Jake right now. I think there talking things over if you know what I mean," Will says

"We better get that sign out and see who we can bring in for the show tonight don't' you think Will?" Billy Joe says.

Billy Joe and Will go into one of the trucks and pull out this sign attached to two big post. They dig the holes and place the sign in position. Standing back they take a look at the sign WANTED YOUNG STRONG MEN FOR TRAINING WILL PAY HANDSOMELY.

"That should do the trick. It always works in these bum fuck towns to draw them in," Billy Joe says.

Jake has been screwing Dan nice and slow when Danny wakes up from passing out. His legs are spread open and his cock is leaking on the mattress. Jake has stuffed one of his used jocks in the priest mouth and has been whispering in his ear what a good fuck he is. Danny comes around and feels Jakes cock shoved up his butt. Jake has loosened the ass so that it no longer fights the invading cock.

"That's it Danny boy, hump my fucking dick in your cock hungry hole babe," Jake says.

Jake takes the jock out of his Danny's mouth and lets him sniff at it.

"Oh, Jake fuck me. Fuck me Jake, oh god that feels good, fuck me please don't take it out," Danny says

"You like that cock in you Danny boy, you like being my whore? Want to sniff my jocks do you? Want me to fuck your hole all the time I bet? Raise your ass up for me Danny. Get that fucking whore ass up so I can pound the hell out of you slut. Yeah that's it you fuck, smell my old jocks; get them wet with your tongue you whore. Yeah, spread that whole wide for me I'm going to pound some meat in that hole of yours Danny"

"Your jocks smell so good Jake, can I have one? Let me wear your jock while you fuck your bitch Jake. Let me spread my legs for you to fuck me. Please Jake, please?

"You want my cock in you all the time don't you slut. You want me so bad You'll do whatever I say won't you bitch?"

"Yes Jake anything, I'll do whatever you say Jake. Just fuck me, oh god it feels so good. I'm a cock whore Jake. I'm your cockhound whore who will do anything for you Jake."

"I thought so slut, I have some plans for you, you're going to love."

Jake drills Danny's ass deep over and over. Danny is thrashing around; drool is running out of his mouth, his ass is humping up to meet Jakes pounding cock. He can't get enough of that huge fucking dick drilling his hole. Dan whimpers and cries for more cock, sniffing on Jakes used pile of old jocks. Jake looks over at the clock and sees that he needs to get things ready for tonight. He decides to sperm in Dan's ass and let him lay there in his pile of jocks while he tends to business. He has plans for Father Dan and that hot tight hole.


Next: Chapter 2

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