Carl's First

Published on Jan 15, 2018



Inhaling a couple of times calmed him down. Brex stared and waited.

"What I gotta tell you is like very secret. Don't even tell the guys" Carl said not daring to look at his friend.

"Sure man what is it?" Brex said

Carl glanced up. Brex was shirtless as usual, wearing the normal cutoff sweat pants that hung on him. His ample dick and balls bulged outward, again as was normal.

"I uh met someone on the internet" Carl

"Oh oh" Brex interrupted "watch out for those, man no matter what she says, it's probably some old grizzly gay guy"

Carl blushed.

"Well it kind of was, not grizzly I mean"

Brex knotted his brows, "you gay man?"

Carl felt his embarrassed red face, "I uh dunno. It was just something...."

"Fuck did you meet the guy?"


"Fuck, did he rape you or something?" Brex asked.

Carl noticed his friend pulling on his crotch. He didn't know if Brex was getting excited or it was just an absentminded action.

"No, not yet, I mean we didn't do nuttin. We just talked. He was like a guy, I mean a man"

"A Daddy type?" Brex asked revealing his awareness of the term.

"No kind of college type guy, you know athletic and stuff. He was lifting weights when we met"

"Oh you went to him" Brex waited for Carl to nod in response "and was naked or something?"

Carl once again noted Brex pulling on his own crotch.

"Naw, shirtless but he wasn't like what you're thinkin" Carl wanted to say the guy was hot, sexy, glowing with sweat.

"So what did you guys do?" Brex sat down on the corner of Carl's bed, probably to hide his erection, Carl thought.

"Just talked" Carl said

He remembered sitting on the guy's weight bench, his own crotch bulging his gym shorts.

"You like ever done stuff, you know with a guy?" Brex asked

"Just you" Carl said nudging Brex.

"Come on man we were just jerking off, all the guys do that stuff" Brex said

Carl felt his hard penis emitting fluid beneath his shorts. He and Brex had lain naked on the same bed their bodies touching as they masturbated many times in years past.

"Man we're out of school now, we don't do that kid stuff' Brex continued.

"You don't jack off?" Carl asked

"I meant with other guys...." Brex corrected.

"Oh yea" Carl said wishing he had kept doing it with Brex. But they were both too old for that so-called "kid stuff". He was in the local community college and Brex worked for his father.

"You going to uh see this guy again?" Brex asked

"Ya we're supposed to. This uh weekend" Carl said

"He invited you back, huh?"

"Yea I think he liked me" Carl added "too"

"So what you going to do if he wants to have sex?"

"Dunno, never uh you know done that stuff. I see it on the internet, kind of weird" Carl said

"To say the least"

"But I want to" Carl said in a timid level voice waiting to hear what Brex would say.

"Yea I seen it too. I guess it gets guys off just like sex with Debbie."

"You two done it?"

"Naw not really. Don't tell the guys, they think we've been screwing since junior year. But she doesn't wanna till she gets married. We've fooled around, but nothing you know...I wanna" Brex

"No prob. me neither, I mean not like that"

"You want to do stuff like on the computer, with guys I mean?"

"I think so. I don't want Ian, that's his name, to think I don't know what I'm doin"

"You can hang out behind that queer video store and find someone to uh teach you" Brex said.

Carl was surprised his friend knew about the Gay Video Store and that guys hang out in the alley behind it.

"Uh I guess, but doing it for the first time with a stranger is kind of scary" Carl admitted while he wondered if Brex had ever done things he didn't admit to.

"So what you gonna do?" Brex asked "Besides being a virgin uh that way will probably get this Ian guy more excited"

"I guess, but it'll hurt. I don't want to be like those guys I see who look like their screaming" Carl said as he relaxed more talking about it with Brex.

They had been friends since Little League sharing private thoughts, complaints, comparing bodies and opinions over the years. When anything occurred in school or at home, he couldn't wait to tell Brex and get his opinion.

"Maybe" Carl said "but I kind of want to try it with uh someone I trust first" he didn't look at Brex.

"Who? Kelly has a long cock. Does this Ian guy have a big dick? There's always Leroy but his fact dick would probably hurt more" Brex listed the guys they both knew and described their penis.

"Shit I seen Mr. Anderson and had a nice size dick. He liked you, I could tell. I always thought he was gay" Brex talked about the gym coach in their high school.

"He still work there?" Carl asked remembering the tight shorts the man always wore which outlined his member. The guys used to laugh about it in gym class.

"Think so, but its summer, not sure if he's around. Who else were you thinking about?"

"You" Carl said quietly.

"Who?" Brex asked again.

"I was" Carl inhaled and continued "thinking you might do it. I mean you know me, I know you're not gay or anything, but hell a fuck is a fuck"

Brex didn't reply.

"It's ok if you don't want to. Maybe you could close your eyes and think about Debbie or something" Carl suggested.

"Assholes are tighter than vaginas" Brex said

"Really? Hmm, even after you get fucked?" Carl asked

"Yea, read about it, butt fucking is popular with straight guys too. Tighter fit." Brex instructed.

"So it's the same. You COULD think my ass is Debbie's" Carl said

"I've seen your ass. It's cuter then hers" Brex said pushing Carl over on the bed.

"Maybe after you fuck me, you won't need her" Carl laughed

"Maybe if I do it, you won't see your new boyfriend" Brex laughed

"Maybe" Carl peeled his shorts off. His erection bounced.

"I see you want me to do it now" Brex said

"Hell man you were hard a long time ago" Carl said "There's some baby oil on the nightstand.

He rolled over on his stomach.

"I don't know man. The guys thought we were fags back in school because we always hung out together. Now shit, man they'll still think it"

"Tom is in the Army, Leroy is in California in some university, Marsh is I don't know where. Nobody will know cept us" Carl said

He felt Brex hand on his bare buttocks.

"Seems a shame to waste those cute cheeks on some guy we don't know" Brex patted each of Carl's bulging butt cheeks.

"Take your time, I'll probably make sounds, you know it's the first time anything but my fingers been in there."

"Only your fingers?" Brex stood and removed his shorts. His penis, hard for some time as Carl said was leaking. He squirted some of the baby oil on it and rubbed forcing his body not to ejaculate.

"Put some in me too" Carl suggested and then felt Brex fingers between his butt cheeks smoothing the oil. He almost orgasmed.

Now and then when the two boys were sharing masturbation fun, Carl wanted to reach over and take Brex in his hand and wanted Brex to do the same.

Seeing guys give each other hand jobs and blow jobs on the internet, he thought of doing all of it with Brex, but feared he'd loose his friend if he did anything like that.

"Ready" Brex asked.

Carl felt the bed depress as Brex moved into position. He felt his friends bare legs against his and the hands continuing to wipe oil through the crack and across his butt hole.

"Better put some inside" Carl said

"Ok relax" Brex's finger moved into the puckered flesh and slowly slid inside.

"You ok?"

"Just like my Doctor" Carl said relaxing as the finger moved inside him "Use two it'll help"

"God you are a fag" Brex said laughing as he complied.

Two fingers were now moving inside Carl. His gut churned wanting to explode the way it did when he used two of his own fingers during jacking off.

"OK ready?" Brex said.

Carl noted his friend was breathing hard and fast now.

Brex stared at the naked back, legs and butt of his friend. He had eyed Carl's round buttocks for years wondering what it would feel like if he touched them. Now his adolescent wet dreams mixed with the images he had seen on the internet.

"You suck cock?" the deep voice of the man hidden in the shadow asked. Brex nodded muttering "twenty"

The voice laughed "ten"

Brex knelt on the asphalt surface and tasted the flesh that was offered. He licked the unknown cock and the balls that hung below. His lips held it tight as his head bobbed. Ten bucks was ten bucks Brex thought. He had gotten more and sometimes less before. Old guys were desperate.

"How much to fuck your pretty ass" the voice asked. Brex didn't reply, he couldn't. He thought about the motel his parents stayed in one summer and how he has left alone to swim with other tourists. The older man who patted his butt underwater. And the feeling of the man's arms surrounded him as they lay on a bed. Brex didn't hurt the way he thought. The hundred dollars seemed like allot of money. He couldn't tell anyone, not even his best friend Carl.

"OK here it goes" Brex held his hardness moving against Carl's slightly dilated butthole. "Just keep breathing" he advised.

Carl didn't question the instruction or how Brex knew what to say. He closed his eyes to concentrate on relaxing as he felt the cock enter him.

Brex had gone back to the man that week. He even lay against the man's back inserting his young manhood as the man requested. They played naked in the room again and again, sharing hidden desires. Brex refused the money after two visits. The man insisted but Brex said no. He was truly enjoying the times and sexual games they shared.

"You ok?" Brex asked

Carl nodded his head on the pillow.

"Woa let me" Brex said feeling his friend pushing his butt back onto his erection.

The man was gone. Brex knocked and the motel room door opened. A maid as there cleaning the room. Brex asked when the man checked out. The maid smiled and handed an envelope to Brex. It had his name on it, Opening the sealed flap, several money bills were revealed. It somehow took away the feelings he had developed for the man. But as he lay on his own bed, rubbing the abandoned young cock, Brex smiled at the memory.

"OK here goes" he pushed his hips sliding his cock all the way inside Carl feeling the boys flesh against his pubic hair.

"Oh yea" Carl said clinching his sphincters around the intruding cock. Images had had seen were recalled. Carl had planned to watch Brex fuck him by positioning his laptop to record what they were now doing.

Maybe he and Brex could watch it together and really have the kind of sex he always fantasized about, with touching, kissing and fucking the way he had seen on videos.

"Take your time man" Carl said

Brex had closed his eyes and began to fuck the way he enjoyed. After that summer in the motel, he had tried to make the same magic happen again.

There was a local bar near the gay video store. He got the doorman to let him inside sometimes. Other times the guy wouldn't. Brex learned how to dress to appear legal, still he knew that others were attracted to him because he looked and was young.

The blowjob he gave the doorman eventually paid the price to be let in. He spent time in back of vans, in the nearby dark alley and once in a man's house for an entire weekend.

"Fuck me man fuck me" Carl began to moan.

Brex smiled as he held onto his friends butt cheeks clutching them using them to pull him in again and again. Maybe someday he'd tell Carl the truth...but there was Debbie, and the future.

"OK you can go harder" Carl said.

The fucking continued adding glowing sweat to Brex chest and dripping perspiration down his sides.

Carl thought about their friends and imagined them standing around he and Brex as they fucked in the locker room. It happened only in his mind for years and now for real, except they weren't really there.

"Gonna..." Brex announced

"No hold back man, keep ... keep goin" Carl begged

Brex clutched keeping his body from doing what it demanded. He fucked hard again and again.

Carl's face was pushed into the pillow. He felt the head board now as his body had been pushed upwards. He reached for the headboard bracing him as Brex pounded into his ass.

"God, please man not yet"

Brex either ignored Carl's pleas or his body did. His sperm spewed through the flesh pipes and pulse his piss slit open with each stream that soon coated Carl's intestines.

He fell totally relaxed on top of Carl's now sweaty naked body.

"Fuck man" he muttered

Carl heard Brex catching his breath and realized that he too was panting like a dog that had just run miles.

Without talking they rolled backwards side by side now. Brex reach his arm across Carl's body the same way they had slept now and then, spooning though not planning to do it. The warmth he had felt then filled his mind and body again.

"Stay inside man" Carl pleaded as he reached for his still hard cock and began to pump.

Brex felt his friend's ass squeeze his still imbedded penis stimulating it again, enlarging it with blood happily filling its veins.

"Here man" Brex said as he reached for the hard cock that he had never dared do before.

Carl's hand wouldn't release its grip.

"Let go man" Brex said pushing the hand away in favor of his own grip and desire to satisfy Carl as he had been satisfied seconds ago.

"Man" Carl said

"Shut the fuck up" Brex ordered as he began to pump his cock again while jacking Carl's own erection at the same time.

Their curses, groans and grunts matched their bodies needing what they were now doing, making up for years of unspoken and ignored desires.

The seconds became minutes and soon hours. They didn't talk, discuss, plan or react. Their hands and mouths encompassed the unspoken passion as their bodies demanded more from each other.

It was dark. The room was full of odors of adolescence and male ness. Their naked bodies had dried of the perspiration of their activity.

Brex told his dad. Carl ignored classes. Carl's parents weren't alarmed. They had seen Brex hang out with their son for years.

As for Carl and Brex, the rest of the week was dedicated to years of ignored feelings and desires.

It was Saturday the day that Cal and Ian were to meet again.

Ian didn't know if Carl would appear or not. Such meetings that didn't happen had occurred before. Some men were hesitant; it was evident the first time they met. Ian never pushed those he met on the computer. He wasn't into flings or first date intimacy. Carl seemed like one of those that wouldn't reappear. He was younger and had admitted to be "new at this".

So Ian did what he usually did on the weekend, lifting weights in the backyard his half naked body absorbing sun as he did so.

The gate opened and Carl was there. The boy was shirtless and his face was smiling. Ian hoped it would be a nice weekend exploring the beginning of their friendships and mutual attraction they had begun that Monday they first met.

He didn't expect to see another fresh faced guy who appeared about the same age as Brex. He too was shirtless. His grey sweat pants shorts revealing a bulge that was visible even from a distance.

It was then that Ian knew it was going to be an even better weekend then he had hoped.

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