Carlos and Miguel

By Miguel Tampoco

Published on Mar 28, 2020


This is PART 2 of "Carlos & Miguel: The Beginning". If you have not read PART 1 please scroll down the Adult Friends section to March 4, "carlos-and-miguel".

Carlos & Miguel: The Beginning

Part 2

Chapter 8

I could feel his dick still throbbing inside of me. His head was so thick that each time it pulsed I let out a moan. It felt so good having him lay on top of me, warming my entire body.. 6"4 and 230lbs of man...he covered every inch of me and filled my hole completely. We were both relaxed, completely immersed in the silence.

"Are you asleep?" I asked. He flexed his cock inside of me.

"Unh!" I moaned. He started laughing.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked. We both laughed.

"That was amazing. I can't believe you made me cum like that."

"We're just getting started," he said seductively. "Can you take more? I only need a few minutes to recover."

"Hell yeah," I said.

We were both silent for a while.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I just can't believe this actually happened," I said, shaking my head as much as I could. He was still on top of me. "I feel like I'm dreaming."

Carlos let out a laugh then rubbed my head. "What do you mean Miguelito?" He asked.

"'s just...I've dreamt of this day since I first met you. I didn't think it would actually happen." I confessed.

Carlos laughed. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Since the day I first met you, I've fantasized about being with you." I said shyly. Carlos squeezed me tighter and kissed me on the cheek.

"I remember that day perfectly." He said. "There was a spark between us."

"You felt it too?!" I asked, surprised. I wanted to embrace him and kiss him deeply but it was so nice having him on top of me...and inside me.

"Of course I remember. But you were way too young." He said. "There was nothing I could do but wait. And then you left for school so suddenly...When your parents moved I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

Wow. He had been thinking of me too. I was actually lying in bed with the one man I desired most in this world and he desired me back. I squeezed his hands tighter.

"I moved the day after graduation and didn't come back until now... My parents were driving me crazy. If I didn't get from under them I was gonna go insane." I said. He kissed me on the neck and rubbed his cheek against mine. My dick began stirring back to life. "Also I figured you were straight so I tried to move on. You always had women over and never tried flirting with me or anything. That's why I'm still shocked you're in my bed right now." I said.

Carlos was laughing. "I did flirt with you...a lot. You don't remember?"

I racked my brain trying to remember any moments Carlos made his feelings apparent.

"You were always staring at my dick." He said. "I used to play with it all the time and watch you drool." I busted up laughing.

"That's not flirting! And you knew I was staring?!" I asked, half laughing.

"Obviously. You never heard a word I was saying."

We were both laughing now. There were so many questions I wanted to ask.

"Ooohh," I moaned. The head of his dick flexed inside of me while he was laughing. "You're already hard again?" I asked. I could feel his dick growing inside of me.

"Getting there. Why? You want more?" He asked, breathing into my ear.

Chapter 9

"I..." I breathed. He started sucking on my ear lobe and moaning into my ear. My dick was still covered in cum and I felt myself getting hard again. "I...".

"You what? Hmm?" He teased. He was almost fully erect again, moving his hips in a circular motion. He was rubbing against my g spot with the shaft of his dick. Clearly he knew exactly where it was. All of his moves were calculated and controlled; he already had my body figured out.

"Yeaa......I......yess..." I moaned.

He grabbed my wrists, pinning me down on the bed. I was face down, he was still laying on top of me, his body perfectly covering mine. His hairy thighs on top of mine drove me wild. He was grinding into me; a slow, deep, passionate grind. He was trying to work the cum out of me if there was any more left. That was already the third time I came in the last few hours. He was gonna fuck me until I shot blanks.

"Damn your ass is so tight." He said. "It feels good, huh? Me working your hole like this. It's so wet, and when you holler like that..." He lifted up his hips and slammed into me with one quick powerful thrust.


"UNHH!" I moaned loudly. It sent waves throughout my entire body. My eyes wanted to roll back.

" turns me on so much," he finished. His dick was fully erect now and so was mine.

His voice was so deep and masculine. Talking that close to my ear, he could've been saying the ABCs and I'd still be just as hard. My hands were still pinned down as he started fucking me slowly, building up a steady rhythm. His mustache tickled my ear in the best way as he breathed into me. He started licking inside of my ear, then around it. He had such control of his body. He was rubbing his feet against mine, fucking my ass steadily, kissing on my ear, and pinning my arms down with such precision.

"Oh my god're so...amazing..." I breathed. He already had me hot for him again. I was back in the mood of wanting him to have his way with me.

It was kinda hot getting fucked again while still laying in my own cum. I could hear his dick making sloppy wet sounds as he fucked me. His huge balls smacking heavily against mine. It felt even better this time getting fucked by him since his cum acted as extra lube. I started grinding my ass back into him, trying to imitate his sexy hip action.

"Aye dame ese culito baby! Me encanta." He said. Holy fuck I loved when he spoke in Spanish.

He had me pinned down and he was pounding my ass. He'd slow down and fuck me hard and deep.


Then he'd speed up and fuck me vigorously.


"Oooooooh FUCK," I moaned into the pillow.

"Your ass feels so good baby." He said while fucking me, never missing a beat. He was thrusting so powerfully. I couldn't help but yelp each time he penetrated me.

He put me in a choke hold and rolled onto his side.

"Is this ok?" He asked.

"Ooooh yeah," I said.

Chapter 10

"Voy a cojerte muy suave," he whispered. I got goosebumps all over.

"What does that mean?" I asked. His dick was fully inside me. We were both on our sides and his arm was around my neck.

"I'll show you," he said.

He lifted up my leg and tightened his chokehold. It was firm but I could still breathe easily. He began fucking me slow and deep; my hard dick flopping in the air. I could feel his strong, fuzzy chest pressed against my back as he continued whispering in my ear and kissing my neck. He was working my ass nice and slow, like he was dancing inside me. It reminded me of the reggaeton videos I used to watch in high school. His thick cock was working magic throughout my entire body. He was so gentle and smooth in the way he made love to me. I wanted to cry from sheer pleasure.

His strong arms were wrapped around me firmly. He had my entire leg in the air, gripping me by the thigh and my neck in a chokehold in his other arm. I was so vulnerable in his hold. He was so strong he could kill me if he wanted to. Instead he held me firmly and made passionate love to my entire body.

"OoooOOOoohh fuck," I moaned. "Talk to" He reached under my leg and grabbed my dick, still holding my leg up with his forearm. He was still fucking me slow and steady on his side while holding me in a chokehold.

"You turn me on so much baby. Your smile, your touch, your smooth skin, the way you smell... Everything about you is perfect and I'm so glad you've come back into my life," he said.

He knew just the right thing to say. It was effortless. I began pushing back into him giving him the OK to give it to me.

"Fuck yea baby. Bounce back on it," he said. He was pulling me into him now, fucking me harder and faster. He was still jerking me off with his other hand as he began plowing my ass.

"I've dreamt of this for years now too," he said.

He made me feel so many different things in that moment. I was having the best sex of my life with the man of my dreams and I felt so loved and cared for.

"Caaarlos," I moaned. "Cum...inside me."

He lifted my leg up and pounded my ass like a jackhammer.

"I'm gonna cum!" He said. "Aaaaaaahhhh!"

I felt his warm cum fill my hole again. I could tell he was a big shooter. It was still pumping into me as his body convulsed, holding onto me for dear life. We lay in silence for a moment, his dick still pulsing.

"Miguel...your ass is out of this world," he breathed.

"Your dick is out of this world. I can barely speak when you're fucking me."

"Hearing you moan drives me crazy. And when you push back on it...fuck," he said. "Not many guys can take my dick."

"I didn't think I'd be able to. It's like ten inches!" I said. Carlos slowly pulled out of me then pulled me next to him, cuddling me.

"What did you say to me in Spanish?" I asked.

"What do you think I said?"

"Something, something very soft?" I asked. "And then you started fucking me all sexy, moving your hips in a circle and all that," I said. Carlos was laughing.

"Voy a cojerte muy suave," he repeated. "I'm going to fuck you very softly...or smoothly. Something like that."

"I love when you speak to me in Spanish."

"I'll keep that in mind handsome." He said, kissing me softly on the cheek.

Chapter 11

There was nothing like being wrapped in Carlos's arms. I felt like my prayers had finally been answered. I had a million questions I wanted to ask him but I didn't want to bombard him. Everything had been perfect so far and I didn't want to mess it up. However, there were a few pressing questions I needed to ask for peace of mind.

"I can tell you're thinking about something." He said. I laughed aloud, surprised at his accuracy.

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"I can just sense you wrestling with something in your mind." He said, rubbing my forehead.

"It seemed like you were in a pretty serious relationship when I left for school."

"You mean Stacy? Yeah, it was pretty serious I guess. What about it?"

"Were you in love?" I asked. He paused for a moment.

"I was. But we broke up a couple of years ago. We ended on pretty bad terms actually."

"So you're not in love with her anymore?" I asked. Carlos laughed, finally understanding what I was getting at.

"I'm single, not in love with Stacy anymore, and completely available. You're the only one on my mind right now, Miguelito." He assured me. He gripped me tighter and kissed me on the cheek. "Does that answer your question?"

It was so hard for me to be forthright with him. Everything was so perfect and I didn't want to ruin it by asking the wrong questions.

"So you're interested in me?" I asked. Carlos started cracking up.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked, still laughing.

"I'm's just...this has never happened before. I know we've known each other for a long time but I didn't expect any of this to happen and..."

"Hey, hey, relax. You don't have to apologize. I know there's probably a lot going through your head right now. This was all pretty sudden. But we're here together right now and I'm so happy to be with you. I've waited for you for years now and I'm not letting you go anywhere. OK?"

I was instantly calmed. That was exactly what I needed to hear. I didn't realize how anxious I had made myself keeping those questions in. I felt so comfortable I could fall asleep in his arms.

"OK." I said. "So you're bi?"

"Sure. I'm not one for labels but I like men and women."

"Do you have a preference?" I asked.

"No. I just fall for people. I don't really think too much about what's between their legs."

I was hesitant to ask the next question but the floodgates were already open. "Have you ever been in a serious relationship with a guy?" I asked. He was silent for a while.

"Once, yeah. But if you asked him he'd probably say it wasn't so `serious'. I wasn't very mature then."

"Did you love him?" I asked plainly.

"I did," Carlos said. "I truly did. But I hurt him pretty bad. Like I said...I wasn't very maure then." I wanted to know what happened between them but this wasn't the time. I had asked enough questions already. I layed there in his embrace relishing the moment we shared. I realized I never stopped wanting Carlos; I simply stopped thinking about him as a coping mechanism. As I lay in his arms I knew this was the only place in the universe I wanted to be. Now and forever.

"Are you hungry?" Carlos asked. As if on cue, my stomach started to rumble. I didn't want to move but my stomach had spoken for itself. "I'll take that as a yes," he laughed. "Let's shower and get dressed. There's a place I want to take you."

Chapter 12

It was hard to keep my hands off of him while we showered. We had just gone at it for hours and somehow I wanted more. I was insatiable. I had never craved anyone as much as I craved him and to be honest it was pretty scary. But it was also exciting to know I could feel this strongly about another person.

It was almost 5PM and I still hadn't eaten but I felt perfect. I was on cloud nine and Carlos was the only thing that filled my mind. I wondered what my parents would think if they knew what had just transpired. My mom would die of a heart attack and my dad would be confused then probably blame himself somehow. My parents were pretty liberal but when it came to me it was different. Everyone else could smoke weed and be gay but not their son. They'd flip. I was 22, had a good job, moved to California on my own and paid for my education... I was an adult whether they liked it or not. I know deep down they just wanted to protect me like any parent would. I wasn't the best at making friends so they were always happy when I spent time with Carlos. They loved him. He was helping to "socialize" me and taught me how to work hard at whatever I do.

"Isn't Mr. Santos just great! You make sure you tell him thank you for all the time he spends trying to get through to your thick skull."

What would she say if she found out Carlos was laying the best pipe ever and her son was on the receiving end?

He massaged soap onto my back while humming an R&B song. He was 6'4 - 4 inches taller than me which I loved. I liked that he was older and more experienced than me too. I wouldn't call myself a "bottom" but Carlos was so good at taking the lead it allowed me to relax. I'd fuck the hell out of him if he let me. I could feel his tall frame envelop mine as he washed me from head to toe. I felt so cared for when I was with him; like a small child being tended to by his older brother or father. It wasn't all about sex with Carlos. He truly cared for me.

"Can you wash my back for me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I got you." I responded.

As I turned around he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. We both stopped and stared at one another sensing the spark that had just ignited between us. I realized it was our first kiss. He pulled me in closer, wrapping his arms around me, and kissed me again. This time he kissed me deeply allowing the tip of his tongue to taste my lips, his chest and arms holding me securely. Something magical was happening between us. It was the same spark as when we first met but more intense. His lips were so soft. I began kissing him back, exploring his mouth with my tongue. I didn't know what was better: making out with Carlos or getting fucked by him. His tongue danced around my mouth, licking and probing everywhere. We were both locked in each other's arms making out like we would never see each other again.

We kissed for several minutes, completely forgetting the world around us. Time seemed to stop in his arms. As we slowly pulled away I rested my head against his chest. He kissed the top of my head and rested his hands at the top of my butt.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy."

"Me too..." Carlos said, kissing me softly. "Me too."

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