Carlos and Miguel

By Miguel Tampoco

Published on Mar 4, 2020


Part 1

I'd been neighbors with Carlos since we moved to Dallas ten years ago. I was sixteen years old when I began cutting his lawn once a week for $20. He'd sit on the porch telling me to go over spots I had missed or sometimes he'd workout in his garage while I mowed. He was 30 years old, 6'4", and weighed around 230 lbs. He was from Puerto Rico and his accent stirred something deep inside me.

He always wore a tank top and sweatpants and his muscular arms were tatted from the shoulder down. His skin was golden brown and he wore a diamond stud in his left ear. His hair was black like mine and fell down the sides of his face in beautiful curls. He tried really hard to speak like a Texan but his Puerto Rican accent always shone through. If only he knew how sexy his Spanish accent was he'd stop trying to speak like a Texan. He insisted I call him Carlos but my mom wasn't having it. She was all about "respecting your elders".

"I'm not that much older than you. You don't gotta call me "Mr. Santos", ok Miguelito?" he'd say.

He was handsome too, with a mustache and scruffy face. His lips were pink and juicy and his eyelashes were long and pretty like a girls. It was obvious why the ladies loved him. Sometimes when I missed a spot on his lawn he'd walk over and take the lawnmower from me showing me exactly where to cut. He'd get so close when he spoke to me I could feel the heat of his body. His breath sent shivers down my spine and gave me goosebumps. He was always so clean and fresh smelling and his teeth sparkled.

I could see the bulge in his sweatpants whenever he stood up from the porch. Sometimes I'd miss a spot on purpose just to see him get up and come point it out. I could see his dick flopping around as he walked over, his muscled arms gleaming in the sunlight.

I couldn't help but stare. One time he caught me and said, "Eyes up here Miguel." I got so embarrassed. He'd grab his dick sometimes while he was talking, playing with it a little the way men do. It had to be at least 8 inches and I could tell it was thick by the way it swung when he walked. Carlos was hung and my mouth watered just thinking about wrapping my mouth around him.

I mowed his lawn throughout high school. Nothing sexual ever happened between us despite the countless nights I fell asleep in my own cum after having jacked off to the thought of him. He always had different women at his ass women. I could hear him fucking through my window sometimes. He made them scream so loud.


I could hear their ass cheeks clapping as he pounded away at their tight little pussies. I fantasized about being in their place. Maybe doggystyle off the edge of his bed or on my back on his kitchen table. I'd give him complete control and let him do whatever he wanted to me. Listening to him fuck always made me cum fast.

When I left for college, I dropped the idea of ever getting with him. He was obviously straight and he'd probably think I was too young for him anyway. I think he viewed me more like a little brother than anything. It was a childhood fantasy I needed to let go so I did. I experimented with guys a few times in college when I was drunk but I mostly dated women. After a few hookups I realized my dick was pretty big and I could really pound a chick. Every now and then I found myself thinking of Carlos in the middle of sex and got even more turned on but it was rare. After graduating from UCLA I got a job back home in Dallas, my parents moved to the beach house in Miami, and they left me the house to live in. I didn't think much about seeing Carlos again.

Part 2

I had been settled in for a little over a week before I saw him. I woke up early on a Saturday morning to get my mail and finish unpacking.

"Miguel?!" I turned around to see Carlos staring at me with a grin. That big beautiful smile and handsome face. He had been in his garage working out so his muscles were bulging. "Is that you?! You've gotten big man!"

I was flooded with emotion. All the memories came flooding back. He was still there after all this time, in a tank top and sweatpants. The same manly bulge flopping around as he walked over to embrace me. He was 6"4 & I was 6"0 so he had a few inches on me. He gave me a big bear hug and I could feel his scruff against my neck and the side of my face. Few people were bigger than me so it felt good being enveloped by his tall frame and broad shoulders. I instantly got hard. He had never hugged me like this before. I could feel his dick pressing against my thigh. It was huge...and heavy. Thicker than I imagined and he wasn't even hard. I had never felt him in this way before, only in my imagination. I inhaled his scent: still the same freshly showered smell and listerine on his breath. Being this close, I noticed another smell; a natural musk that made my dick throb against my jeans. Maybe because he had been working out, I wasn't sure. But it drove me crazy having him this was intoxicating. I wanted to pull away so he wouldn't notice how hard I was but his arms were like tree trunks wrapping around me. I could only give in and hope that he didn't notice my rock hard dick. When he finally let me go he laughed.

"Are you blushing Miguelito?" If I wasn't red before, I was definitely red now. It's been years since he called me that. If he said something about my hard on I'd die on the spot.

"No, I um..." I uttered.

He laughed again. "It's ok man, I understand. You gringos aren't used to being affectionate." He teased. "I haven't seen you in ages and now you're all grown man." He looked me up and down approvingly. "Your parents told me you're taking over the house. I've been meaning to stop by but I've been busy with work. You all settled in?"

"Yeah... for the most part. Just a few boxes I have left to unpack." I said.

"You need a hand?" He asked. I didn't know what to say. I'd be alone with Carlos for the first time...truly alone. I didn't know what to say. I'd probably be so awkward and clumsy and embarrass myself even further.

"Uhh...I don't have much left to unpack Mr. Santos...but if..." I clumsily said.

He laughed again. "I'm gonna grab some beers, come over and help you unpack, then I wanna here all about college. Alright?"

Somehow he still made me feel like a little kid.

"And call me Carlos man. Are you trying to make me feel old?" He said.

Part 3

I took a quick shower before he returned. I thought maybe rubbing one out before would help me keep my cool. I had just come out of the bathroom when he walked right through the front door with a case of beer.

"I hope you like Modelos." he said. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me in my towel. He stared at me with so much intensity, like a ravenous lion who had gone days without a meal. My six-pack was still covered in droplets of water. Light brown hairs covered my chest and stomach. I was built - 6", 185 lbs, thick legs from years of running track - but my upper body was more lean. We were actually similar in physique but he had 50 lbs on me and his chest and arms were huge.

He looked down and cleared his throat. Somehow I managed to get out a joke.

"Are you blushing Carlito?" I asked. He broke out in laughter. A hearty belly laugh.

"Good one." He laughed. His self-confident demeanor quickly returned. "Looks like someone's been in the gym. I could tell you had filled out but damn."

He sat down the beers and walked over to me.

"Fuck, your abs are crazy. I don't remember you looking like this. You gotta show me your routine one of these days."

"Whatever man, your body's way better. You need to show me." I said.

"I'll show you whatever you want," he said seductively.

He placed a hand over my abs and let out a whistle. My heart started pumping and I could feel all the blood rush to my dick. I had just came minutes ago and with one touch I was rock hard again. I tried maneuvering my way out of his touch before he noticed but it was too late.

"Oh?...what's that?" He asked in mock surprise. "And look who's blushing now." He winked.

I was so fuckin red. I had never felt so embarrassed in my life. I wanted to just die right there. Why was he so calm? Why wasn't he weirded out? My dick was standing at full attention in front of him. I thought he'd punch me in the face or something. I averted my gaze and tried pressing it down with my hand but Carlos grabbed my wrist. "Stop. Let me do it." He said.

While still holding my wrist with one hand, he reached down with the other and stuck his hand between the folds of my towel. He gripped my 8 inch dick in its entirety with his massive hand.

"It's a lot bigger than I imagined." He said, looking me in the eye.

"Mr...Santos...I mean...Carlos...I thought..." I muttered as he stroked me.

"Shhh, just go with it," he assured me.

He was stroking it back and forth. I couldn't believe this was happening. My heart was about to leap from my chest. I could feel my precum spread across the head of my dick as he pulled my foreskin back and forth. My heart was about to leap from my chest. I couldn't believe any of this was actually happening.

He stared at me intensely as he stroked me. The same lion stare as when he first saw me in my towel. He stroked me slowly with a strong grip. His hands were massive and felt so manly. My breathing got heavier as he began tugging at my nipple with his other hand. I was moaning like crazy. I grabbed his shoulder to brace myself.

"How does it feel?" He asked.

"Amazing." I said. It was all I could muster.

"Good. All I want is to please you." He said. He pulled me closer to him and began kissing on my neck.

Part 4

It was electrifying. I could feel his tongue licking me with each kiss. The feel of his body against mine was insane. Tall, dominating, masculine...He grabbed me and took control of the entire situation. He wrapped one arm around my waist and his hand against the back of my head and completely ravaged my neck. I could feel his muscular chest pressing against mine as he pulled me in and devoured me. I was definitely going to have hickies. I wrapped my arms around him, mostly to keep from melting into a puddle on the floor. I was ready to explode. I felt pleasure throughout my entire body, intoxicated by his smell and his touch.

I was completely in his embrace as when he bear hugged me outside. Defenseless and vulnerable but also completely open to him. I wanted to give him all of me. He reached down and adjusted himself and it was then that I felt his rock hard dick. It was massive. I wanted to cum just at the sensation of it rubbing against my stomach. He began moving his hips from side to side so that both of our dicks rubbed against each other. He was ravenous as he devoured my neck all the while grinding up against me slowly and sensually. Licking, kissing, sucking, biting... The way he moved his hips made me want him deep inside me.

Without saying a word, he picked me up and carried me down the hall. He sat me down on the bed and began stripping off his clothes.

"Wait," I said. "Let me do it." I scooted to the edge of the bed and pulled him between my legs. I pulled off his tank top and his sweatpants. He was only in his boxers and I could see the outline of his dick. I began massaging it with my hand, savoring every moment. It was even bigger than I thought. It had to be around 9 inches and thick. I didn't know if I'd be able to take his dick but I was gonna please him in every way I knew how.

"Lay down." I told him. He got in bed and lie down smiling. "I've been waiting for this for a long time."

"I'm all yours baby," he said. My dick perked up instantly.

I took off my towel and got on top of him. His muscled body felt so strong beneath me. I reached back and felt his thick, hairy legs. I felt all along his body while I grinded against him, studying every part of him. The soft hairs on his chest, the tattoos covering his arms, his six pack lightly covered in fuzz. I leaned forward and began sucking on his nipple, tasting him. He gripped my ass and moaned as he slowly began grinding back against me. I could tell that was his spot. Licking his nipples was driving him crazy. I had control now and I was savoring every moment of it. The palms of his hands covered my ass cheeks in their entirety. He gave my ass a loud slap.

"Qué rico ese culo!" He said. I didn't know what he said but holy fuck my dick was leaking. I knew I'd be cumming soon.

He grabbed my waist, pinning my ass down on top of his dick and began thrusting harder. He was so hard. I kept one hand playing with his nipple while I worked my way down, licking and kissing every inch of him all the way down his happy trail. When I made it to his waistline I began teasing his dick through his boxers. Nibbling and sucking on his thick head, savoring his sweet precum. He tasted and smelled so good. He was moaning loudly and I hadn't even began sucking him yet. His deep manly moans made my cock throb. He ran his hands all over my shoulders and arms as I continued playing with his nipples. The body contact between us drove me wild. I began pulling off his boxers to finally take him into my mouth.

Part 5

His dick was magnificent. He was uncut and thick, which I already knew but seeing it for the first time was breathtaking. His balls were big too, and my mouth watered just thinking about sucking them. This man was the perfect male specimen. I breathed in his smell before tasting his precum. It was kind of sweet but also tangy. I realized I had never craved a man's cum until now. I began licking his tip and moving my tongue around it in circles. He was moaning louder than before and holding onto my arm. It was kinda cute having Carlos like this. He was always the big man in charge but now I had him moaning with pleasure; completely vulnerable.

I put his head in my mouth and began slowly sucking up and down. My mouth was filled with the taste of his precum and I wanted more. Each time I went down on him I brought his foreskin a little lower until his entire head was exposed. I was still tonguing his head in circles as I bobbed up and down on his dick. He was moaning so loud and grabbing at the covers on the bed. His moans were so loud he filled the entire house.

"Fuuuck...Miguel! You' good. How...are you...doing this?" He moaned.

I started working his dick even more. I spread his legs apart and put my hands on his thighs. I was between his legs with my ass in the air, bobbing up and down like I've seen in pornos. The deeper I swallowed his dick, the louder his moans grew. I was giving him sloppy head, letting more and more spit accumulate on his dick. Hearing him moan in ecstasy turned me on even more. Feeling his muscular thighs was so hot, especially when he started grinding into my mouth. He pushed my head down and began hitting the back of my throat with each thrust. I was so fuckin turned on by him. I wanted him to cum down my throat.

He sat up on one hand and began fucking my mouth. I was still bent over in doggystyle position between his legs. He reached around with his other hand and began massaging my hole.

"Fuck baby, your hole feels so good. And it's smooth like I like," he said. "You gonna let me eat that ass?"

"Mmhmm," I mumbled. He was still fucking my mouth. He had me so open. I'd try and take his dick right now if he wanted me to.

"Bring that ass over here then," he said.

He pulled me up and turned me around so that my ass was right against his chest. He leaned down and spit on it, then stuck his tongue deep in my hole. He was working it so good I had to hold onto his ankles for support. My dick was dripping, ready to cum at a moment's notice. His tongue felt so good. He showed me just how he wanted to fuck me with each deep stroke. He laid back down and pulled my ass to his face putting us in 69. He began lapping at my ass like a puppy then licking slowly from my balls all the way up to my ass. His tongue was warm and his mouth was so wet.

The noises he made drove me crazy causing my dick to throb like never before. He was moaning into my ass as he tongued down my hole. It was big and strong like every other part of him and he knew how to use it. He spread open my ass with both hands and started really going to town. His tongue was going so deep it felt like I was getting fucked.

"Stop, you're gonna make me cum," I said.

He let out a big laugh.

"Just from eating your ass?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah. It feels like it at least." I said.

"Damn I must be doing something right. I want you to cum for me baby," he said. I loved when he called me baby.

"I don't wanna cum yet," I said.

"Ok," he whispered.

He began licking around in a circle, pausing to gently bite between my balls and my ass. Breathing onto my whole and flicking it with his tongue, it was making me go insane.

His dick was fully erect, pointing right up at me. He was leaking again, just like me, and I was eager to taste it. Right when I went down on him he lifted me up above his face and brought my dick down into his mouth.

Part 6

I moaned loudly as he deepthroated me. His mouth around me was the best sensation I had ever felt. He held my thighs in the air and brought me down into his mouth over and over, facefucking himself.

"Fuck're gonna make me cum," I moaned.

He flipped me on my back and got on top of me and began sucking my dick like it's never been sucked before. He slipped in a finger and started massaging my g spot, then deepthroated me down to my balls.

"Oh fuuuuck I'm gonna cum!" I said.

He kept going, his hung dick and balls dangling above my face. I could feel his warm, fuzzy stomach brushing against mine as he started milking my cock. I began cumming harder than I ever have.

"Mmmmm," he moaned with my dick still in his mouth.

He slowed down and started sucking slow and deep milking every last drop out of me. My body was shaking and I was moaning so loudly. I felt my orgasm throughout my entire body causing my toes to curl. I held onto his thighs to brace myself and stop from convulsing so much.

"Fuck, that was hot," he said, smacking his lips. He leaned forward and started licking my balls. I jumped at the sensation. My entire body was still feeling the aftershock of that explosion. He kept licking and sucking and worked his way down to my hole.

"Fuuuck Carlos...that feels so good." I moaned.

His dick grew to its full length in an instant. I pulled him down into my mouth and began sucking him. He began eating my ass intensely, sloppy, wet, and passionately. 69 with Carlos was the best thing I had ever experienced. I loved how he could get me so open with his tongue and I loved the taste of him in my mouth even more.

"Ooooh," I moaned. "I want you to fuck me Carlos."

"Turn over," he said.

I flipped over and before I knew it he was behind me eating my ass again with his big warm tongue. He spit on my ass and began tongue fucking me again. I was so open for him.

"How do you want it baby?" He asked smoothly.

"Doggystyle," I said. I could tell he liked that response.

He pulled me into position and began teasing my whole with his dick. His head was so thick. As much as I was open for him I knew we were gonna need lube. His dick felt massive as he thumped it against my hole. He grabbed the lube from my dresser and massaged it onto his dick as he began eating my ass again.

"Fuuuck, I want you inside me so bad."

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've been ready."

He got into position and began sliding his cock inside me. I was so fuckin horny for him my dick was ready to explode for the third time that day. I could feel my ass being stretched out by his huge head. My hole felt so full. I was breathing deep, completely relaxed, but it was still a challenge.

"You okay babe?" He asked. I was completely enamored by him.

"Yeah, it feels good baby." I said.

I felt the tip slowly slide in. I loved giving myself him to him. Once he was in he grabbed my waist and began working my hole nice and slow with just the tip.

"Oh...shit...Carlos that feels amazing," I moaned.

"You got me so fuckin hot Miguel." He said, slapping my cheeks hard with his massive hands. I wanted him to handle my ass like a man and he knew it. I opened up more for him and he could tell. He began getting deeper and deeper in my ass.

"Oh my...fucking god..." I said. His hands were gripping my waist and he was pulling me closer and closer to him. My ass had never been stretched that wide. He was so deep inside me I could feel his head massaging my g spot. Precum was dripping from my dick. He was starting to thrust a little faster but still keeping a slow and steady rhythm.

"I'm not even halfway in yet," he said.

"What?! Are you serious?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yeah, I'm serious. You want more?"

"Yeah baby, give it to me." I said.

He gripped the fat at the top of my ass and inched closer, bringing the front of his thighs against the back of mines. I could feel his hairy, muscular legs against mine. He reached forward, his hands almost wrapping around my entire waist, and pushed all the way into me.

"OOOOHHHH MYYY GOOOOD," I exclaimed. I felt his dick hit my anal wall.

"Now I'm all the way in," he said.

Part 7

I felt the full length and girth of his 9 inch cock inside me. He was rubbing me all over trying to soothe me, doing everything in his power to help me take it. It hurt, but it was more pleasurable than it was painful. He was in as deep as he could go. I could feel his huge dick pulsating inside of me causing me to moan each time. It was so amazing having this hunk of a man caressing me, helping me take his thick cock.

"I just need to breathe," I said. He was resting inside me, massaging my ass and lower back.

"Take your time baby. We got all day. You're so fuckin tight; it feels amazing. I'm not gonna go soft so take as long as you need." He said.

"I love when you talk to me baby, it helps." I said.

"Yeah? I love kissing your body baby and rubbing you like this. You're so special to me and I want to pleasure you in every way. I get so excited when I make you moan like that. And when you open up for me baby when I'm eating your ass...that makes my dick so wet," he said.

Oh my god, he had me so horny I began bouncing against his dick.

"Hell yeah baby. Fuck my dick." He said.

"Oh...fuck...I want you so bad Carlos." I moaned.

"I'm all yours baby. Whenever you want me. I'll always be here for you," he said. I began fucking him back harder. He had me all the way open.

"Fuck me baby," I said.

He gripped my waist, slowing me down until I stopped then started fucking me nice and slow. He began picking up speed when he saw I could take it, getting deeper and deeper with each stroke.

"FuuUUUk babe, you're sooOOO good. I feel like I'm cuuUUUming," I moaned. I was drooling into the pillow. My body was experiencing waves of ecstasy it had never felt before.

"Fuck that's hot Miguel," he panted. He picked up speed and he was fucking me to a steady rhythm now. "You want more?"

"Fuuuuck yeah," I said.

He gripped my waist tighter and started pounding me.

"OH...FUCK...OOOOHH...BA...BEEeeeEE...OH...MY...GOD," I screamed between each thrust. His dick was stimulating my g spot and cum was leaking out of me. I felt his huge balls smacking against mine with each pump. It was the best feeling I had ever felt. I was being fucked by a real man.


"Ooooh!" I moaned. He slapped my ass hard, the hot sting of his hand driving me crazy.


"Ooooh Carlos." I arched my back even more giving myself completely to him.

"Damn you're taking it baby." He said, still fucking me steadily. "I'm really gonna fuck you now."

He slowly pulled out of me and spit in my hole. He entered me again with a new vigor. He started fucking me deep with long strokes; almost pulling out entirely with each stroke but keeping his head in. He was slamming into my ass, reaching the back of my anal wall and pounding it.

OooooohhOOOooohhhOOOoohhh..." I couldn't form words anymore. He was fucking me with all of his strength. The entire bed was moving with each thrust.


He was slamming into me with all 230 lbs of him, giving me what I had always wanted.



"I'm gonna cum too baby!" He said.



"OoooooOOOOoooohhh," I groaned.

I came without touching myself. He fucked it right out of me. I felt his load pumping into me as his dick pulsated, making me moan and convulse each time his dick expanded. He collapsed on top of me.

Next: Chapter 2

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