
By Matthew Mejia

Published on Oct 22, 2000



Disclaimer: If you are offended by sex between guys, drug use, reality, or just easily offended, now is the time to hit "back" on your browser. If you are underage in your area, your suppose to leave too (ya, whatever).

Is this a true story? I'm not telling which parts are and which parts aren't. I'm not giving the right names, and I'm not giving the name of the city. Some things are just better as an unknown.

As with everything in my life, this is dedicated to A.D. of N.M. Santa.... Still love you you fucking punk ass bitch!

The glow of the TV is the only real light in the room. The TV doesn't really work, no channels. So for the hundredth time "Twister" is playing (the kids are in bed so we don't have to watch "A Bugs Life"). It's just me and Carlos there in the living room. Things are as ghetto as ever, the screen is slightly crooked and has a green tint to it (can't fix it, don't know why) and were on the same couch. That in itself is kinda off, usually we are on different couches. The room is built so the couches face each other and the TV is at the end, so you can lay down and watch TV. But fuck, we're both pretty drunk so it's all good, we're Chicano, and we get a little touching after too much to drink.

Carlos and I were there watching his sisters kids. Actually he was there to watch the kids. I have been friends with his sister for years, and so really got to be friends with him too. So often he and I would hang out. The age difference doesn't really make much of a difference. I'm 23 and he's 17, but we've been handing out since he was 13. It isn't your age that give you respect in the barrio.

Like I said, he was watching her kids, and he called me over like he usually does, fuckin bored out of his head. I came over and we got stoned. After a bit we pooled the money we found in my car and the couch and I went and bought some Boones (if you don't know its a real cheap wine that taste like cool-aid with carbonation). So we are pretty toasted at this point. Nothin so different from any other night together. He happily told me some girl gave him a blow job at school. He hasn't been laid yet, so this was a big deal. I asked if she was any good, he told me it was better than his hand.

Just a night like any other, until he started to lean his drunk ass into mine. Like I said, were on the one couch looking at the TV, He's sitting on the side of the couch closer to the TV, but then he leans back, not into the couch, but back into my body. Just an ordinary night until now. Fuck, that sets my drunk brain moving very quickly.

What is up with this? Now I ain't exactly gay, but I ain't exactly straight. It really isn't something we talk about out here. I'm the same color as Carlos, a nice light brown. I'm 5'6", he's about 5'9", but were about the same weight, pretty thin and muscular. I've got quite a few tattoos and shaved head (a little fuzz of hair on my head.) I'm a little gangster and the whole bit. Carlos is a little metal head, with one length hair that come past his ears. So his black long bangs are always covering his dark brown eyes. Carlos is wearing his usual Megadeath shirt, nice and loose, and some old grubby jeans.

Ok, so he's cute. I've always thought so. But in the past his age always made me put that totally out of my mind. That and the fact that I'm close to his sister (and screw her on a regular basis). So while I don't mind him leaning into me, what does it mean? I'm not even sure Carlos fully understands that I swing that way. He, and everybody in the fucking neighborhood, know that I fuck his sister on and off. But he's also hung out with me when I had a boyfriend (another little g.) Now not everybody knew that we were together, but I figured Carlos did. But it is odd. Carlos's little brother will occasionally mention my ex as my boyfriend but Carlos doesn't. Now every now and then he'll mention him, he'll say things like

"He was such an asshole" and "I'm glad you made him get the fuck out of here."

So I'm not really sure what he means. I don't press it. We don't really talk about that shit around here. That is not the measure of your machismo. Besides his sister was bisexual and everybody knew that. Somehow that was different. It was fucking sexy is what it was. So the notion wasn't unknown to him in any event!

So here he is leaning his sexy little body into me. Ok, check list. Am I reading too much into this? Yes, of course without a doubt. It is possible? Ok, sure why not. Is there any chance of getting caught? No, the kids are in bed and Carlos's sister ain't commin home for quite a while. Should we press it? Ok, but lets be careful...

I wait a while and then Carlos breaks the silence.

"Yo, lets have a cig."

"Ok" I say, getting up and getting my jacket on.

We head outside, not that we can't smoke inside, but this is what he meant by suggesting a cig. After all the apartment is in the projects, it's fucking small. Outside we smoke and laugh about this and that. He does an impression of his sisters current boyfriend that is so right on that he has me laughing all hard.

"So do you think the little monsters are out for the night?"

"Ya `Los, I think so. As long as nobody calls and shit."

"That's all good, we'll put the ringer off and put the machine on. Their upstairs, they won't hear it. So lets go inside and roll another leno (joint)."

So we did. This boy could definitely roll. His sister had taught him how, and she was the master. Fuck, she had taught me how to roll too. So we smoked part of it and continued to watch TV, the movie was still going.

"Ok, there is one more Boones left in the fridge"

"So bring it out, if we leave it my sister will drink it"

"Ok, you want a glass"

"Fuck no" he said laughing. "This is the projects, don't be all uppity, we don't use glasses."

"Smart ass punk"

So we sat back down on the couch again. There we were on the same couch again. He was sitting down first and I sat next to him, but that was all I was going to do. By the time we relight the joint and were working on the Boones I had pretty much put any scheming out of my mind. But once the joint was finished, Carlos turned around a bit and faced the TV, and leaned back into me again. I thought about it and then said.

"Get up for a sec so I can move my arms"

He did and I moved arms so they weren't under him anymore, and he leaned back. In my right hand I had the bottle that we passed back and forth. My all important left hand I had draped over him. I had arm over his shoulder with my hand just laying on his chest.

We stayed like this for a while and then asked me a question.

"So like, you fuck my sister but you don't have anything going with her."

"Ya, thats the way we do it. No strings attached and she's got her boyfriend now so we don't mess around."

"Ya, well there ain't anything between me and Katie (the bj girl)."

"You friends?"

"Na, she just wanted to, and I finally let her."

"Thats cool. But like your sister and I are friends first, so it ain't like a boyfriend girlfriend thing, but I like her so it's different then me just fucking somebody I don't know or really like, though I do that too."

We were quiet for a while, just laying there and drinking. I tried not to think to much about it. He was surely being just drunk touchy feely and nothing more right? I just mindlessly stroked his chest for a while.

"So `Los, why you askin? You think this girl is gonna try to lay claim to you now?"

"No, she got what she wanted. She's just a ho." He laughed. Then more silence.

"So you just have sex like that sometimes?"

"Ya, and like I said sometimes it's just that, and sometimes it's friends being friendly and sometimes it's more."

"Ya, like with who?"

"Like your sister and her boyfriend." I said quickly.

He laughed, "Ya, but who with you?"

"Why you askin?" I said seriously.

"Don't get all down, I ain't tryin to fuck up your high. I was just wonderin. "

"You know who." I answered.

"Thats kinda what I thought." he said.

Great, so we all still spoke of my ex as if we were talking about the devil. Well, maybe that wasn't the worst way to deal with that. Anyway, he had made mention of him. Ok, so where was this conversation going.

"Dude, I gotta piss." He said as he jumped up and took off to the bathroom.

Ok, so that was where this conversation was going. Ok, so it was over, just a friendly moment and that was it. Me and my oversexed imagination. But when he came back to the couch.

"Move back" he said,

So I moved back to the end of the couch, pushed my legs open and sat in between them, placing his head on my shoulder, just laying totally against me, with his legs up on the couch. Ok, so that was meaning something. Fuck it, I think I could make a move and not be fucking up the balance here. I placed my arm back around him, with my hand on his chest. He had his hand on his stomach, so I reached down and took his hand into mine and just laid there for a while. I could hear and feel his breathing, gentle and calm. I tried to see if he had a hard on (the great sign to proceed) but his pants were too loose to tell anything. So I brought up my right leg, which had been on the floor, and placed in on top of his leg. Then with my other hand I stoked his face. He tensed for a second when I touched his face.

"You know how beautiful you are?" I whispered in his ear.

His response was to look down a bit embarrassed.

"You are. Thats why I want to touch you so bad."

"You are touching me" He said softly as he pressed back with his body to make his point.

"Well, you are sitting on my lap." I said jokingly.

"Thats cuz I want you to touch me."

"Don't tell your sister"

"No fucking shit!!, she would beat my ass."

"Well, she would just kill me and that would be the end of that."

"No, I .." I cut off his last remark by turning his head and kissing him. He kissed back with force. There could be no doubt, this kid knew how to kiss.

We spent a long time just laying on the couch like that, holding and touching and kissing. When the movie ended Carlos got up and put in "Nightmare before Christmas" and resumed his position in my lap. This was not, as I look back on it, usual behavior for a High School kid. Usually hormones would push all of this forward very fast. So I figure that Carlos has been around the block a few times, I'm just not sure which neighborhood he did it in if you get my drift.

After some more kissing I slid his shirt off and placed kisses us and down his back. I then slip out from under him and pinned him to the couch. I leaned in and kissed him deep and long as I rubbed his chest and stomach. Then I followed the path of my hands with my tongue. When I came to his pants I undid the button and Carlos lifted his ass as I pulled them off. I was surprised to see that he wasn't wearing any underwear. I grabbed a hold of his cock as I came up to kiss him again.

He took full advantage of this position and went straight to my belt. Within seconds my pants had fallen down to my knees. He then pulled my shirt off and pull my chest close as his licked my nipple. Damn, this kid has style!! I played with his balls as he did this, and I knew as good as his licking felt I was going to have to taste his dick and balls soon cuz I didn't have that much self-control left.

I pulled away from him and kicked off my pants, I was still in my boxers while he was naked. I stuck my tongue in his belly button.

"Oh fuck, ya. That feels good"

"We ain't done yet"

I traced a thin wet line down to his dick and simply licked the whole thing, but not pulling back his foreskin. Then I went for his balls and licked them, and then that spot under the balls before the asshole. Just a quick firm lick, and I went back to sucking his balls. I then pulled back the foreskin and licked his cockhead. He tasted good!! I slid his whole dick down in my throat. Cuz I have been around the block a couple of time (in both neighborhoods) I knew what I was doing.

"Oh God, damn. That is a lot better then Katie. Guys always do it better."

Well, there was the answer to my question, I wonder who he had been messing around with.

"O fuck, ya. That feels so good. But let me suck you."

Not a problem. He scooted himself down so he was laying on the couch fully and I took off my boxers and got on top of him. So we 69'd for a while. Carlos could definitely suck dick. And I had to agree, guys always suck dick better that chicks do.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum" He shouted. He had his hands firmly on my ass and I could feel as his muscles tensed up. It was only a matter of seconds and he came. It was a good amount, and the warm liquid came flooding into my mouth and I quickly swallowed all of it. He had a very mild taste, and I really didn't mind. Soon after I could feel that familiar sensation in my balls as well.

"Carlos, fuck, man I'm gonna cum. Watch out"

He didn't care, and kept on my dick. When I came he ate it like it was honey. Damn!

When were were done, we put our clothes back on and laid back on the couch together. The next morning Carlos's sister came in from work and chalked up the fact that we were on one couch instead of separate couches to our drinking. To fucking drunk to move our asses to something more comfortable is what she said. Ya, whatever.

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