Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 16, 2006


This story contains detailed sexual acts between guys of varying ages. It is mostly fiction, but is based loosely on my experiences, enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. Being fiction there is NO "unsafe sex". Just remember, in real life ALWAYS practice safe sex.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Nine

Betty and Julie still had not returned when Mike and I found Gerald relaxing in one of the bars enjoying one of those tropical rum punches...the kind with a little umbrella sticking out of the top. We pulled up chairs and joined him, ordering two more of the same concoction.

"Well, you two look...satisfied," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Did Jordan totally corrupt you Mike?"

As usual, Mike blushed all over, but his demeanor had definitely changed. He grinned and answered, "He showed me things I never knew could feel so good! From what he told me, I guess YOU'RE responsible for it all."

"That's me all right! After all, I AM an experienced more areas than Michigan State is aware of. They don't have MY area of expertise on their curriculum. Jordan is a fast learner, and I'm sure he did a good job with you."

"Hey! By the way," I inquired, "How did things go with your young Blackjack dealer? Anything you want to share with us?"

"I have to say, I got one of the best workouts ever from that guy! As a matter of fact, I had just sat down here...very gingerly, after a steamy session in my cabin."

Mike and I both perked up, anxious for Gerald to continue. "WELL...? Are you just gonna leave us hanging? C'mon man...lay it on us." I urged.

"Well, when the three of us split earlier, I headed for the casino to see if he might be hanging around. I didn't see him, so I went to my cabin to take a nap. I hadn't been there more'n ten minutes when there was a tap on my door. When I opened it, there was my guy, dressed in casual wear. He asked if he could come in before anyone saw him. Apparently fraternization between crew and passengers is strictly prohibited and he could lose his job if seen."

Gerald hesitated for a moment, as our drinks arrived. After the waiter departed, he continued. "OK, so he came in and I shut and locked the door. He appeared nervous, so I asked him to have a seat and offered him a strong drink to relax him. He said his name was Vincent, and that he was 21. He was from St Croix in the US Virgin Islands, and had been a member of the crew for a little over a year."

"He told me he had seen me at the tables our first night and was attracted to me. He said this was NOT something he usually least not while on a cruise. He had been introduced to man to man sex by an older relative a few months ago, while on leave between trips."

"A RELATIVE? "Did he say how close a relative...Father...Brother...Cousin?" Mike asked. I could see he was getting into the story.

"An Uncle. Vincent said he had to share a room with his Uncle who was visiting from another part of the island. Apparently the uncle talked him into trying it and he enjoyed the experience, but was not able to repeat it.

The uncle left the next day and Vincent had to get back to the ship a few days later. He said he had met other visitors to the island and enjoyed sex with a few of them."

"What does this kid look like?" I asked. "Is he a hottie?"

"Very hot," Gerald replied. "About 5'11" or maybe 6', slim...maybe 150 pounds, beautiful mocca colored skin, as smooth as a baby's ass! Big brown eyes and a rather thin nose...must be some white genes in his family tree...and the softest lips you can imagine."

"I take it you found that detail out fairly quickly?" I chided.

"We hadn't been there more than twenty minutes before he had his tongue halfway down my throat!" Gerald knew he had us hanging onto every word, so he continued, "We couldn't get out of our clothes fast enough. That boy may have had a slim frame, but let me tell you...he must have also had a donkey or two in his family tree! That kid had a dick on him that makes ME look like an infant!"

"Damn!" Mike exclaimed. "I've heard black guys are supposed to be pretty big. I remember a few guys at school who were pretty well hung. How big WAS he?"

"He was damn near as big SOFT as I am HARD! He had to be over nine inches, uncut, and very thick to boot," Gerald answered. "I thought I was going to shoot my load before I even got to suck it. He was all over me...Guess he wanted to make up for lost time. We managed to get to the bed, and I pushed him back long enough to get that beauty in my mouth...well, at least SOME of it."

"The kid went ballistic! He was moaning and groaning, begging me to suck it...'Oh Maahn...You do me so good...Suck my big black dick...Get me ready to fuck yo white ass...gwanna fuck you good!'."

I had to adjust my dick a little to ease the rapidly tightening crotch of my shorts. I could see Mike squirming in his seat also. We urged Gerald to go on.

"OK guys, OK!" He laughed. "Let me tell you, my asshole puckered up tight as a drum when he mentioned getting that monster in me. I've been fucked, but NEVER by anything THAT big! I wasn't sure I could handle it, but I damn sure was gonna TRY!"

"We got into a 69 and you would never know this kid was a relative newbie at this. He sucked like a pro and I thought my nuts were gonna pop out the head of my dick. He had me quivering on the brink before I knew what was happening."

"I had to pull him off me so I could get to my stash of Magnums. The extra large rubbers almost wouldn't go over that cock. I knew I was going to need ALL the lube I could cram up my hole to have a chance at getting it in me without doing permanent damage."

"Holy Shit!" Mike groaned. "You mean you thought you COULD get all of that big cock in your ass?"

"You never can tell until you try," Gerald replied. "Fortunately, as I said, I'm not exactly a virgin at getting fucked, so I know how to relax my ass as much as possible."

"OK, OK, go on...what happened then?" Mike said in a husky voice. I think he was about to bust a nut. Good thing we were BOTH wearing dark shorts. I was leaking and I'm sure he was too.

"Well, I got him on his back and lubed him up real good, then got over him and put his cock against my hole. I pushed and pushed, but that thing just wouldn't go in! I kept working at it for...probably ten minutes until he grabbed my hips and shoved it in. I know they must have heard my yell all the way up on the bridge! I thought 'Oh God...I am RUINED for life'. I felt like I had just sat down on a damn telephone pole!"

I unconsciously winced, remembering the pain I had felt when Gerald's 8 inch cock first popped into my tight channel.

"I wanted to pull off, but he held me there. I thought the pain would never stop, but I had gone this far. I wiggled my ass and tried to get the lube to spread around my tunnel and make it slicker. I tried to ignore the pain and pushed down a little more. I felt another inch or two slide in and I couldn't help but jerk back."

"Vincent stopped me when just the head was in, then pushed his hips up, driving his dick back in me. The pain was still pretty bad, but I was determined to take all of him. It must have taken us twenty minutes to slowly work it into my protesting ass, but I finally felt his balls rub against my butt cheeks. I could feel his wiry pubic hair tickling my ass. I had him, but I was in misery. I sat still and didn't move for several more minutes, until I finally...thankfully...felt the pain lessen some. I rotated my hips a little and it helped...the pain was finally receding."

I looked at Mike and noticed his hand was out of sight under the table. I suspected he was trying to adjust HIS cock...or maybe he was stroking it. He was definitely turned on by Gerald's story. I wondered if he was remembering how his cock felt in MY ass. I drew my attention back to Gerald.

"Vincent took my limp dick in his hand. He had put some KY in his palm and he smeared the slick gel over my member and stroked it. That helped take my mind off the discomfort in my ass. Actually, as my dick began to rise, the electric shocks his hand was generating made my butt cheeks clench on that pole in me. Somehow, I found my pain was beginning to was becoming less pain and more pleasure."

"I decided to see if I could start moving on his cock, so I pulled up just a little and went back down. After a few times doing this, I realized I was moving further and further up his stiff shaft each time and dropping back down with less and less effort."

"Vincent was beginning to moan and pump his hips too. We were staring into each other's eyes while I began to fuck myself on his dick. Pretty soon, I was bouncing rapidly all the way up til just the head was still in me and slamming back down onto his pubes."

"He asked me if we could move to another position. I agreed, so he told me to turn around until I was facing his feet. Moving carefully, I had the thought this was 'screwing' in the most basic sense. Once I was situated, I leaned forward and put my hands on his ankles and really started moving up and down. Vincent was really enjoying this new position and, between moans, kept telling me how sexy his black cock looked pumping in and out of my white ass."

I was imagining the contrast and wished I could have been there to see it. My cock was as hard as it had been with Mike earlier. I would like to have unzipped my shorts and released the beast to do some serious wanking, but obviously couldn't in the present surroundings.

Gerald was rambling on. "We fucked like this for another ten minutes, when Vincent wiggled around, keeping me still speared on his massive dick, until he had me on all fours and he was on his knees behind me. Up until now it had been ME doing most of the work. Now, Vincent was able to take over and he started long dicking me until I thought I was gonna pass out. His big balls kept bouncing off the back of mine, every time his narrow hips slammed against my butt."

"We had been fucking for over thirty minutes and Vincent was still going strong. My prostate was being massaged with every stroke and I felt my climax building. I looked over my shoulder and grunted, 'Fuck me man...I'm gonna cum big time any second! I want to feel your dick cum in me'. Vincent shifted into another gear and frantically pounded my sore ass until I felt him shudder."

"I lifted my ass as high as I could and begged him to let me have it. His dick throbbed, and then I was almost blown away by the force of his cum blasting into my ass. He must have spurted a good six or seven times, before I felt him slack off."

"We stayed locked together like that as Vincent laid against my back with his arms around my waist. His dick softened, but I swear...I felt like I still had a normal sized HARD cock filling my ass." I was exhausted, but I wanted him to stay in me. We dropped down onto the bed and fell asleep with him still buried in me. When we woke up, his dick was still in me but slipped out as we moved to cuddle."

"A few minutes later, he said he had to get back to his quarters before he was missed. I watched his sleek body as he quickly dressed, turning down my offer to use the shower. He leaned back over and planted those soft lips on mine and told me how much he liked my ass."

"Opening the door, he checked to make sure the corridor was empty before slipping out and hurrying away."

Both Mike and I let out a long breath as Gerald finished. "Well, I guess you got your wish," I said. "You said you had a taste for some black cock."

"Almost more than I bargained for," he laughed. "I enjoyed it, but I think I'll stick to normal size YOUR'S Jordan."

Mike got a big laugh out of that and added, "I think Jordan has about as much as I want to take too."

"Well!" I huffed, "I'm glad you guys think I'm so perfect. What AM I...a side of beef?"

"Prime USDA inspected!" Gerald chuckled, bringing on another guffaw from Mike. Dammit! I just got zinged again!

"Keep it up you guys...One of these days...!"

We exchanged a few more good natured insults until we saw Betty and Julie headed toward us. I noticed Julie looked rather flushed and Betty had that "Cat That Ate The Canary Look" again. Hmmmm...this could prove interesting.

I was sure that something had happened between them and I couldn't wait to see Gerald later and get all the...I hoped...juicy details.

The ship would be at sea the next day. I was hoping for another session with Mike, since I was pretty sure Gerald's story had gotten him in the mood. Our next port would be Ocho Rios, Jamaica, and the five of us had made plans for a shore excursion together. We were going to climb the famous waterfalls there.

End Of Part Nine. Part Ten will follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 10: Caribbean Cruise 10

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