Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 13, 2006


This story contains detailed sex acts between men of varying ages. It is mostly fiction, but is loosely based on experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. Being fiction, some of the acts portray unsafe sex practices. No harm in this, but the real world is a different story. ALWAYS practice safe sex. I hope you enjoy the continuing story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Eight

Mike and I continued to hold each other while enjoying the afterglow of our intense session. It had been his first real experience, not counting the quick blow job he received in the Key West adult bookstore.

Our hands lazily caressed and fondled and we kissed each other gently and murmured sweet nothings as we relaxed and reloaded.

"That was...AWESOME, Jordan!", Mike whispered between kisses. "I've NEVER cum so hard before. I can't believe how much I liked...and I sucked your cock! I wasn't sure what I would do when you told me you were about to cum, but I decided I wanted to taste you."

"Well, I KNEW I wanted to taste YOUR cum, Babe," I told him. I have been dying to suck you off since I watched that guy get your load in the booth. I was wishing it was me then."

"Have you ever done this with other guys...I mean other than Gerald and the clerk?"

"Well, I had a couple of experiences in high school and college," I admitted. "Jerk offs with buddies when I was about 16. My roommate in college sucked me off one time, but I was so drunk from a Frat party that I didn't really know what was going on. I hadn't even THOUGHT about it since...until Gerald opened a whole new door for me."

"How is know...with Gerald?" I knew he was still a little insecure about his performance.

"It was very good," I replied. "I thoroughly enjoyed it, and am looking forward to more." Mike's expression showed somewhat of a letdown, so I quickly added, "I like having sex with Gerald, Babe, but it was nowhere NEAR as exciting as what I felt just now with YOU! The pleasure was unbelievable!"

"Awww, shucks man," He said in his most country-hick voice, "I just did whut cums naturilly!" He batted his big blue eye and fluttered his eyelids as he poked me in the ribs. He had gotten the answer he was hoping for. He grew serious as he continued, "I was raised in a very strict home and brainwashed into believing that ANY form of guy-guy sex was something only a sick mind would consider. There were a few gay guys in my high school. They were very...'swishy' and were treated like scum by all the guys. I thought that was how ALL gay guys acted."

I kissed the tip of his cute turned up nose and asked, "And how do you feel about it NOW?" I starting stroking his semi hard cock and it began to awaken.

"I loved every minute of it...with you...I mean...there's nothing 'swishy' about you, OR Gerald...or ME. We're just three guys who enjoy the pleasure we can give each other...and, speaking of pleasure..." his dick was fully erect and pulsating.

I slowly stroked it and bent over to lock onto one of his super-sensitive nipples, lathing it with my tongue.

"Ahhhhh...Mmmmm...Keep that up and I just might have to take advantage of you," Mike hissed.

"Promises, Promises," I mumbled as I switched to his other nipple. "Talk is cheap, but can you back it up?"

"Oh Yeah? Now THAT sounds like a challenge if I ever heard one," He said with pretended authority. He rolled me on top of him and fastened his lips to mine, sliding his tongue into my welcoming mouth. Our hard cocks were rubbing against each other, heating us up even more.

I wanted to feel his dick in me, but first I wanted another taste of his sweet meat. I broke our kiss and quickly moved down between his legs and swallowed his rigid pole in one gulp.

"Ahhhhhh...Oh, Jordan, Yessss...I love how your mouth feels on my cock! Oh...Suck my's all yours!" His hips rose up and I placed both hands under his ass to hold him there.

I sucked him deep, running my tongue around the head each time I came up. It didn't take long until I felt him shudder and his cock start to throb. He was close, but I had other plans for that lovely fuck stick, so I pulled off him suddenly.

"Wha...Wh...why did you stop? It was just getting good!"

I said nothing, but reached over to the nightstand and picked up the box of condoms and the tube of KY. Mike's eyes widened as he saw the contents of the package. When I removed one of the foil-wrapped squares, ripped it open and began to roll it down over his turgid cock, it dawned on him.

"Oh, MAN! You WERE serious! We're really gonna do it?" He groaned as I smeared a gob of KY on the tip and started spreading it over his latex covered dick. I then put a good amount around and in my tight hole.

"Absolutely!" I replied. "I want your dick in me. I was pumping his slick cock as I straddled his hips. I positioned my ass over the tower of flesh and rubbed it all over my hole. I leaned over and kissed him, then whispered in his ear, "I want you to give me a nice long ride on this pole of yours. Just relax, and I'll do most of the first."

Holding his dick upright, I slowly lowered my ass until I could feel the tip nudging my hole. Taking a deep breath I pressed down, and as I felt my hole start to open, I braced for the expected pain. Mike was not quite as large or as thick as Gerald, and I had liberally lubed us up. I was pleasantly surprised when the tip and a couple of inches slipped past my outer ring with little or no discomfort.

"Ohhhhhh...Oh, God...Oh, God!" Mike was staring at his cock as it slowly disappeared into my tight and wet tunnel. I leaned back on my hands beside his legs to give him a better look and rotated my hips.

"Like that big boy? You like seeing your big hard cock sliding into my ass?

Feel good?" I took a few more inches of cock. He was over half way in now.

"It's...It's...Ohhhhh...I can't believe how good it feels. Jordan...Oh, Jordan! You're driving me nuts."

Since I was not having any difficulty taking him, I sat bold upright and let gravity take over. My butt dropped down the remaining inches and slammed against his groin. I had all 6 1/2 inches in me and I loved it! I sat there just enjoying the feel of his hard cock throbbing against my inner walls. I squeezed my butt cheeks together milking his pole.

Mike raised up on his elbows to look at the joining of cock and ass. "Oooooooo...Mmmmm...You took it...I'm all the way in you Jordan...Your ass is squeezing every inch of my cock...can't believe it...we're really fucking!"

"We're just getting started Babe," I groaned. "I love how your hard cock is filling me up." I began rotating my hips in a circular motion, then forward and back, letting his dick rub against all my pleasure spots. "Mmmmm...I can feel your balls rubbing against my ass."

My cock was hard as steel and was bouncing against his bush as I moved on him. Mike reached for it and began stroking it. This caused me to clench my ass muscles, which in turn squeezed his buried cock. My head fell back and my mouth opened in a silent gasp of total bliss.

I had completely adjusted to his cock now, so I rose up a few inches, then slowly lowered back down. The next time I moved up a little more, before relaxing and dropping back. Each time I bottomed out, I would rotate my hips in a big circle, feeling his dick rub against my prostate.

Mike was still stroking my dick and seemed mesmerized by the sight of his pole appearing and disappearing into my ass. He began grunting when my butt dropped down onto his pubes, "Unnggh...Unnggh...Unnggh...Yeah...Yeah...Oh Man...This is AWESOME! Your ass feels even better than Julie's a different way, but even better!"

Speeding up, we got into a rhythm. Mike's hips would rise up to meet my downward moving ass. I leaned forward a bit and tweaked his nipples. "Mmmmm...Yessss...This is Soooooo GOOD," he gasped.

I knew he was not going to be able to last much longer, and I wanted him to have a chance to be the dominate one. I wanted him to know for sure that HE was fucking ME! Putting my hands behind his neck I said, "Sit up, Babe and roll me onto my back then fuck me like you do Julie."

That seemed to turn him on and without losing the connection, he sat up. He managed to bend one leg at a time from under our bodies, until he was able to raise up on his knees between my outspread legs.

I locked my legs around his waist and said, "OK, stud! Fuck me...fuck me real good! Let me feel it! Show me who's in charge!"

Spurred on by my words, Mike began pounding my ass, ramming his dick into my ass with a vengeance. The room quickly was filled with the sound of his hips slapping against my ass. We were both grunting every time he bottomed out.

"Unnggh...Unnggh...Oh yeah...that's it Baby...fuck me with that big dick...Ooooooo...Yes, Yes, Yessss...Just like that...give it to me...I want all of it!"

My dirty words were like an erotic injection to Mike and he responded, "Oh yeah...I'm fucking you...I'm fucking big dick's fucking your tight ass! Ooooh...Ooooh...Your ass is squeezing my dick! So nice...I love it...I love it...fucking you...fucking you...tell me how much you like my big dick fucking your ass!"

"Love your dick in my how you're fucking me. I feel your balls rub against my ass when you hit bottom...are you gonna cum for me, gonna cum for me? Please cum for me...let me feel you cum in my ass...give me your load."

I began rotating my ass and Mike's hips were a blur. I was getting close to cumming myself. He was hitting my prostate on every stroke and I was about to give it up.

"Oh...Oh...Jordan" Mike croaked hoarsely, "I'm gonna cum soon. you're gonna make me cum! I'm gonna shoot my load in your ass. Just...a...little...more!"

"I'm gonna cum too Babe," I gasped, "Cum with me...let's cum together...are you almost there? Cum, Baby, cum...Cum for me...give it to me...Ohhh...I can't hold on any longer...I'm cumming...cumming...Ohhh, Yesss!"

My cock jerked, then shot the first of several shots, most landing on my stomach and chest. "Unnngghh...Unnngghh...I'm CUUUMMMMIIINNGG!"

My hole spasmed rapidly around his cock and sent him spiralling over the edge, plunging him into the deep abyss. "Oh God Yess...I'm cumming...cumming...You're making me cum too! Take it...take my cum Jordan...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

I could feel each powerful spurt as his cum blasted against the end of the condom buried in my ass. I could swear I felt the latex expand from the volume of man juice spraying into it!

He collapsed onto my chest and fastened his mouth to mine. We were still connected and I could feel his cock throb as my ass milked the last drops from him.

We rolled so that we were side by side. One of his legs was trapped beneath me and he was still buried in me. Slowly, his dick softened and finally slipped out with a slurpy sound, bringing one last shiver through our bodies and leaving me feeling empty.

I pulled the bulging condom off his cock and tied the end off, throwing it into the bedside wastebasket. Let the cabin attendant find it and wonder about what went on. He wouldn't know that it was the result of two guys having hot sex.

Exhausted, we lay in each other's arms until our breathing returned to somewhat normal. We dozed off for a while, then awoke sticky from my cum. We got up and jumped into the shower. Afterwards, we lay in the bed again, still naked, sharing an occasional kiss.

"That was the most incredible feeling EVER!" Mike whispered softly. Thank you Jordan...thank you for sharing that with me...for being my first."

"I'm the one who should be thanking YOU for choosing me to be your first," I answered. "You are one helluva know that?"

"Awww...I'll bet you say that to ALL the guys you let fuck you," he mumbled in that country-hick voice. "I'm glad I could accommodate you."

"Why you little shit," I laughed, "You get ONE piece of ass and, all of a sudden, you're Don Juan and Casanova all rolled into one!"

I poked him in the ribs and he tried to retaliate, but I pinned his arms and got him in a bear hug. Laughing, we struggled in a short lived wrestling match, rolling all over the bed and finally ending up on the floor in each other's arms. The fake fighting quickly turned into a warm feeling and we kissed gently and deeply.

"Seriously, Jordan", Mike said softly, "I really enjoyed that more than I can say. I hope it won't be the last time."

"I think we might be able to find some excuse to get together again. Maybe we could invite Gerald to join us. How would you feel about a threesome?"

Mike thought for a moment. "You know, that sounds exciting. I think I would like that. Gerald seems nice, and I know YOU'VE enjoyed being with him."

Great," I replied, "But for now though, we'd better get dressed and see if Betty and Julie are back yet."

Reluctantly, we dressed and shared one last kiss before heading out.

End Of Part Eight. Stay around, Part Nine coming soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 9: Caribbean Cruise 9

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