Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 11, 2006


Well, we've managed to get through a couple of days of the cruise, and the action is picking up. Hopefully, the story won't get too bogged down in detail. Once again, I remind you that, although based loosely on some of the experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise, and the Jordan Bentley character is roughly based on ME, the story is largely fiction. Because of that, there are NO '"unsafe sex practices". In the real world, I have ALWAYS practiced safe sex, and I urge everyone to follow that rule. DON"T take the risks! Enjoy the continuing story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Seven.

The next morning found us docked at the Cayman Islands. I joined my four friends for a liesurely breakfast buffet. Going through the line, I managed to speak to Gerald privately. "I need a favor," I whispered. "Can you get Betty to talk Julie into going shopping ashore after lunch?"

Gerald looked at me with a gleam in his eye. "I suppose I could...Why? What's up?"

I told him about Mike's visit last night and what we had in mind.

"Aha! So now we're corrupting the youth of America, I see," he chided.

"Well...I suggested that he would probably be better off with YOU to teach him the ropes, but he decided he wanted the he insisted on ME!" FINALLY! I managed to get ONE back at Gerald, who took it in stride.

After a few more barbs in jest, I asked him, "Are you sure you're OK with this, Gerald? I mean, you're doing all the work to set this up for Mike and me. I feel like you're getting the short end of the stick."

"Not to worry," he replied. "I know Betty will be happy to get Julie alone again. It'll give them a chance to talk more about maybe trying a little 'exploring' of their own. Besides, I've got my eye on a young Blackjack dealer I met in the casino yesterday. I caught some definite signals from him. He's off duty today, and this way MY cabin will be available. I've got a taste for some young black cock!"

So it was set. We went back to join the others at our table. Mike was looking much more relaxed this morning, and I decided to have a little fun at his expense.

"Hey Mike! I see you're looking bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. Have a good night?"

He had just taken a mouth full of orange juice and almost choked. He started coughing and I swear, orange juice was coming out his nose. Julie had to pound him on his back.

"He slept like a baby last night," Julie said. "Whatever you gave him sure helped."

I thought Mike was going to die. When he finally recovered enough to catch his breath, he shot me a nasty look. Gerald almost fell out of his chair laughing, which caused Mike to blush down to his toes.

After we finished, we got up to head out to our various destinations. As Mike passed by me, he spoke low enough that only I could hear, "Thanks a LOT you asshole! Just wait...I'll get you for that!"

"Ahhhh....Promises, Promises," I whispered back. "By the way, I mentioned the plan to Gerald." He gave me a big smile and nodded as he hurried to catch up with Julie, shaking his head.

I went ashore to one of the stores that had been suggested at the Cruise Director's briefing for obtaining the Cayman Rum I wanted, at a reasonable price. According to law, the purchase would be delivered to the ship that afternoon.

I got back just in time for lunch and found my little group already seated. We enjoyed the cuisine which was delicious, chatting as we ate. Gerald caught my eye, smiled and winked.

Just as he did, Betty popped up as if on cue. "Hey, Julie! How 'bout you and I seeing if we can find something in town to spend more of our husband's money on?"

Julie looked up and a flush spread over her cheeks, but she recovered and said, "Oh...Yes...that sounds like fun," then looking at Mike said, "Would you mind honey? Can you occupy yourself for a few hours if I leave you alone."

Gerald coughed, and I discreetly wiped my mouth with a napkin to hide my grin. Mike shot us both a threatening look before replying, "Errr...Sure Sweetheart...Why NOT? I'm sure I can find SOMETHING to do. You two just go ahead and take your time...Enjoy yourselves."

As soon as our meal was finished, the two gals got up and left, giggling together like a couple of schoolgirls. Gerald waited until they were out of sight before pushing his chair back and saying, "Well, guess you two have plans, so I'll see if I can find something...or SOMEONE to occupy my time. Have fun!"

Mike looked a little sheepish, but couldn't hide his excitement. We all left the dining room together, Gerald heading toward the gambling area, I guess to look for his planned conquest.

Mike wanted to stop by his cabin for a quick shower and to "refresh" himself. I decided to do the same. We agreed to meet at my cabin in an hour.

I hurried to my cabin and stepped into the shower to thoroughly clean my body...inside as well as outside. I had plans to totally seduce Mike. Getting out of the shower, I wrapped a dry towell around my hips and went to the nightstand beside my bed. I removed one of the boxes of condoms and the tube of KY I had purchased in Key West. I was hoping they would come in handy.

Right on the dot, Mike knocked on the door. He was dressed in a tee shirt and another pair of casual shorts and his hard cock was tenting the front, suggesting the lack of underwear.

I made sure the door was locked, then turned to him and said, "Last chance, Mike. Are you SURE about this?"

He moved to me and planted a deep kiss on me, tongue probing for entrance. When we broke apart, we were both a little out of breath. "I'm, sure!" He whispered. "I've been thinking about it all morning. My cock has been so hard, I thought it would rip my pants."

"Then let's not waste any more time," I moaned as I pressed my lips against his and we began caressing each other. Mike loosened my towell and it dropped to the floor. At the same time, I unsnapped his shorts and they slid down his sexy legs, confirming my earlier suspicion he was naked beneath them.

We broke apart long enough to hurry to the bed, Mike pulling off his shirt and kicking off his sneakers on the way. We lay down across the bed in each other's arms and resumed the passionate liplock we had started at the door.

Moaning and groaning, we soon found the hard cock between each other's legs and stroked it sensuously as we wallowed back and forth on the bed.

"Ahhhh...I never kissed a guy before that guy jumped me in the video booth," Mike whispered hoarsely. "It was a wierd feeling at first, but started feeling very good quickly. I enjoyed it, but nothing like I am loving your hot mouth Jordan!"

"I could kiss you all night too. Damn, but you have a soft, sexy mouth and you really know what to do with that tongue of your's."

Mike urged me to roll onto my back. "Let me see what I'm going to get! I want your cock!" He gazed lovingly at my 7 inches of rigid man meat throbbing in his hand. "In the video booth, I didn't do anything to the other guy. He sucked me off before I hardly knew what was happening. Now, I want to taste a cock...YOUR cock, Jordan, but I don't know if I'll be any good at it."

"Just do what comes naturally," I told him. "Take your time, Babe...I'm not going anywhere."

He leaned over and tentatively kissed the tip. Squeezing the shaft gently, he brought a drop of clear precum to the surface. His raspy tongue swiped across the slit, bringing a long sigh to my lips. "Mmmm...that tastes sweet," He murmured. He opened his mouth and covered the head of my dick, and then slid down to take about half of my shaft.

"Ouch! Careful with the teeth, Babe. Cover them with your lips," I cautioned.

"Sorry," he mumbled around my cock. He tried again and this time I was enveloped by a warm, wet mouth that curled my toes.

"Ohhhhh...Yesss...That's it Babe...Now you're getting me hot! Mmmmm...just keep doing that...You are a NATURAL!"

Actually, Mike was nowhere near as accomplished as Gerald, but the kid was giving it a hell of a try. Besides...what's the old saying...'The Worst Blow Job I Ever Got Was WONDERFUL!'. My dick was definitely paying attention to the service it was getting. I pumped my hips a few times as Mike buried his nose in my pubic bush.

I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to get that cock of his in my mouth. I had wanted to taste it since I first got a glimpse of it through the peep hole in Key West.

"Mmmm...Turn around Mike! I want to suck you too." My hands guided him around until he was on top with his hands and knees straddling my body. The object of my lust was swinging back and forth inches from my mouth. As I guessed before, it was a little shorter than mine...about 6 1/2 inches and neatly circumsized. The pink head was the perfect size, just slightly larger that the smooth, straight shaft. I put one hand on his ass and used the other to guide the leaking rod into my mouth, then put that hand beside the other to pull him into my sucking mouth. His hairless ballsac was drawn up tightly into his groin, showing his excitement.

"Mmmmpph...Mmmmm...Oh, God Jordan...suck me," he came off me long enought to beg, then went back to bobbing on my dick. He was getting better at it and my cock was responding.

We continued to suck each other, rolling over a few times. He was on top, then I was, then he was again. We finally ended up in a side by side position. I moved my mouth to his ballsac and licked the smooth surface, nibbling on the tight sac. This brought a gasp from my young lover and he moved to copy my actions.

After a few minutes I returned to his sweet cock and began a frantic bobbing. I wanted to make him cum. I felt him groan and his hips began fucking my mouth. He returned to sucking my cock and it only took a few minutes for me to feel that familiar tingle in my balls.

"Mike," I warned, "I'm getting close Babe. If you want to pull off, now's a good time." Instead, he sucked my dick even faster, holding me in with a hand on my ass. I knew I wouldn't last much longer, so I swallowed his cock to the roots and did my best to get him off too.

"Mmmpph...Mmmpph...MMMMM," I moaned as I felt my dick swell and begin spurting hot cum into my partner's sucking mouth. My spasming cock sent Mike over the edge too, and I felt the first powerful shot of white hot cum hit the back of my throat, accompanied by his moans. I swallowed as fast as I could to try to take all of his delicious load. His body was straining against my mouth and I could feel his ass clenching tightly against my hands that were holding him in place. I could feel his throat moving as he struggled to take my load.

We kept sucking each other, determined to get the last sweet drop of necter from each other's cocks. Tremors jolted through our bodies as we slowly came down off the sexual peak.

When we were both soft, I quickly turned and fused my mouth to Mike's and we tasted each other's cum. I could feel his body quivering and realized that I was also sharking from the intense climax I had just experienced.

We finally fell apart to lie in a soft embrace, enjoying the afterglow.

"Oh Babe!" I whispered in his ear as I nibbled gently on it, "That was everything I had hoped for...and MORE!"

"For me too," He hissed. "Was I OK, Jordan? Did I do allright? I would never...EVER have believed that one day I would suck a guy's cock and swallow his cum...and LIKE it!"

"That was close enough to perfect for me." I said, then, when he looked at me funny, I said, "That's a line from a Country song. Just seemed to fit. Anyway, were fantastic!"

He beamed at that and put his head on my chest. "I never felt anything so good. There was no way, I would have ever experienced this, if we hadn't gone into that peep show. Now, I know I'll always want more of it, even though I still love Julie and enjoy sex with her too."

"You've got the best of both worlds working for you," I assured him. "You're a lucky guy."

"Can we do it again, Jordan? I want it again!" He sounded like a little boy who had just discovered the hidden catch of cookies.

"Whoa...Whoa...," I laughed as his hands started fondling my soft cock. "What are you trying to do...KILL me with sex? Gimmie a break! I need a little time to recharge!"

"Well...can't you take one of those blue pills or something? I want more of this!" He growled jokingly as he shook my now slightly less than soft cock.

"Oh...Do not worry my little sex SHALL have more. Let me rest for a few minutes and then...assuming you can get it up again (he was hard as a rock already), I want to feel you IN me."

"Wha...What?" He said with eyes opening wide. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I want you to FUCK me, young stud. I want your cock in my ass!"

"Are you SERIOUS?" He asked excitedly, rising up on one elbow. "You want my cock in your ass? Oh, WOW...I can't believe it...REALLY?"

"REALLY! Now shut up and let an old man rest a few minutes."

End Of Part Seven. Part Eight to follow shortly. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 8: Caribbean Cruise 8

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