Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 8, 2006


The following story contains detailed sex acts between guys of different ages. It is mostly fiction, but is loosely based on my experiences during my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on...ME. Since this is fiction, there IS no unsafe sex act. Just real life ALWAYS, ALWAYS practice safe sex. Ok guys...those who have stayed with me, enjoy the continuing story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Six

The next morning found us at sea, beneath a beautiful cloudless sky. I marveled at just how deep blue the ocean was, not like the murky greenish water found near our beaches. The breeze was refreshing and the sea air exhilirating.

Gerald, Betty and I had shared breakfast together and had moved to the open deck to enjoy the sun. I was wearing my boxer type swimsuit, that fit...not the baggy, clownish suits that some stupid idiot designer had decided ALL men should look ridiculous in.

Gerald was similarily attired in a black suit that showed off his tan.

Betty, on the other hand surprised me by appearing in a rather skimpy green bikini. The gal had more of a figure than I first thought and it really made her look sexy. Her tits were not large, but certainly not small either and the top encased them like a caressing pair of hands. The bottom was not much more than two small pieces of cloth held together by a couple of strings. Her pelvic mound was nicely rounded and I could almost make out the lips of her cunt through the material. Her legs were long and shapely.

We had been there about thirty minutes when Mike and Julie finally appeared and we waved them over. Julie returned the wave and headed for us, dragging a somewhat reluctant Mike.

Mike was dressed in another small Speedo, this one white and also carrying the TCU logo on one leg. His body glistened in the bright sun and his swimmer's body made him the envy of quite a few eyes...and not ALL of them were female eyes I noticed.

Julie, as usual was a knockout. She was in a yellow bikini even smaller than Betty's. I thought the top had to be a moderm miracle of design to contain those beautiful tits of hers. They bounced and jiggled with every step she took. Of course, every step she took was a bounce and a jiggle in itself.

"Hey guys," she piped up. "Betty!" she added, almost as an afterthought, and with a little different inflection.

Betty returned the greeting and then solved the question on our minds. "How do you guys liike the bikinis Julie and I picked up in Key West yesterday?"

I wondered if this was the bikini that Julie had on when Betty got a good feel of those tits. I concentrated on a few seagulls flying nearby until I got control of my cock. Gerald stared openly and letcherously.

Mike seemed to still be a little distant. He had trouble meeting our eyes, but seemed to be trying to be a little more sociable. He complimented Betty on her outfit before stretching out on one of the lounge chairs. It was hard to see his eyes behind the dark sunglasses anyway.

The day dragged by and Mike seemed to loosen up more, possibly as a result of several drinks we all had over the course of the next couple of hours.

We decided to take a break and head for the lunch buffet, rather than the more formal dining room, so we didn't have to change out of our swimsuits, but just slip a coverup on.

After lunch and a quick dip in the pool, we got another hour of sun before deciding to go looking for various activities that were abundant throughout the ship. Gerald wanted to hit the casino for a while, and I saw Betty and Julie talking together, before announcing they were going to look for some silly girl thing going on.

That left Mike and me alone. There was an awkward silence for a while, until finally I decided to break the mood. "Hey Mike, cheer up! Why don't we head to the gym and get in a short workout?" I wanted to get him in a mood to maybe talk.

"Huh? Oh...Err..O...OK! I guess that sounds like it might help me to loosen up." That was EXACTLY what I had in mind.

We spent about an hour in the gym, then hit the steam room. I couldn't keep my eyes off Mike's naked body, especially his cock. I noticed him glancing at some of the other naked bodies slumped in various stages of relaxation. He even took a peek at ME when he didn't think I noticed. There was a lot going on in his mind.

"Mike," I siad finally, "You seem to be bothered about something. Is there anything you would like to talk about?"

"What?" Oh...Nno...Well...Maybe. Why don't we get out of here?" Maybe this was what was needed to finally get him to open up.

We showered and dressed and headed back toward the main lobby. Before I could explore what was on his mind, we ran into Gerald who fell into step with us.

"Man, this is my lucky day. I just won a pretty good bundle at the craps table. You guys should give it a try."

I could tell Mike was looking like he wanted to talk, so I made excuses to Gerald, giving him a sly nod which he understood and excused himself.

Mike moved closer and said, "I...Ah...I WOULD like to talk to someone, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I think I would feel comfortable enough with you, but I'm not sure."

"Tell you what. Why don't you gather your thoughts and come by my cabin later tonight? Can you get away without causing suspicion?"

"Yeah...Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can. How about around nine?"

I told him that would be fine and, since I was fairly sure what was on his mind I tried to assure him. "Mike, I want you to know you can talk to me about anything...anything at all. I'm a good listener."

"Thanks Jordan," He replied. I'll try to make it."

The rest of the day dragged by ever so slowly. We all met for an early dinner so we could attend a briefing by the Cruise Director and his staff on places to see and shop at in the Cayman Islands the next day. I intended to get some of the excellent Cayman rum for my liquor cabinet. We were allowed to bring back a gallon duty free.

While the others headed for the nightly show, I said I was tired and was going to head for my cabin to do a little reading. I gave Mike a glance and received a slight nod, letting me know he remembered what we had discussed earlier.

I headed to my cabin and changed into some comfortable underwear (hoping for the best) and slipped on a tee shirt. I anxiously glanced at the clock, wishing for 9 o'clock to hurry and get there.

It was almost fifteen after nine when there was a quiet knock on my door. I opened it to admit a nervous looking Mike. I ushered him to the small couch and sat beside him. "Drink?" I asked. I had smuggled a small bottle of rum on board and had a few mixers in the small fridge.

"Yeah...that would be nice," he said. I poured a couple of shots, giving Mike a larger dose of rum while pouring myself a very tiny amount. I handed him his drink and we sat in silence sipping the smooth liquor. I waited for Him to start the conversation, although I was anxious to get him going.

Finally he sighed and said, "I told Julie I was going to come by and see if you had anything to help me sleep. I don't know exactly how to explain what's been bothering me,'s something I...ah...I...Something happened that I..." He was struggling for words, so I decided to help.

"Mike," I interrupted, "Does this have anything to do with what happened to you in the bookstore yesterday?"

"Oh, God! You KNOW?" His face turned ashen and his body shook.

"Yes buddy, I know," I replied. "I'm very sorry, but I saw you with the other guy through the peep hole in the wall of your booth. I was in the next booth."

"Oh, my God...I...I don't know what came over me I..."

I put my hand on his arm and interrupted him again. "I AM sorry, Mike. I didn't mean to pry. I was just about to put some tokens in the video when I heard voices coming from your booth. I looked and thought I recognized your shorts. When I looked further, I saw it was you."

"How...How m...m...much did you see?" He stammered, shaking even more.

"Pretty much ALL of it," I admitted. "I have to be honest, buddy. I think you are one hot stud and I just couldn't make myself stop watching. It was a hugh turn on for me."

"You...You think I'm H...Hot? Jordan are you...c...can I ask...are...are you...GAY?"

I thought a moment before answering, "If you had ask me that at the start of this cruise, I would had said 'NO WAY'! However...after...ah...certain events that have happened lately, I have to admit that I am at least bisexual. I still find women attractive, it's just that, after loving my wife so much for over twenty years, I just haven't had any desire to pursue womem...or sex in general for that matter."

Mike was staring at me with an unusual expression. "Jordan! Is...Is...Gerald who you're talking about? Are you telling me you and Gerald have had sex?"

"Yes, Mike," I said. "Gerald and I have had sex several times over the past couple of days." I watched carefully as he let this sink in.

"Oh, WOW!" He exclaimed. "I never would have thought would have..."

"Neither would I, Mike. I'm overwhelmed with what I have discovered. I'm pretty sure you are also, right?"

"Yeah. I...I NEVER did ANYTHING like that before..I couldn't believe it. When I went into the booth, he followed me in before I could lock the door. He seemed nice and very friendly and, before I knew what was happenind he...he had"

"He had your cock in his hand and you got hard!" I finished for him.

"Yeah...I couldn't stop felt soooo good! I was horny and just couldn't stop him. Then when he...he...You said you saw everything?" When I nodded yes, he continued, "When he took, in his mouth, I almost died! I had never felt anything so wonderful, even from Julie. She goes down on me, but she never finishes me off. This guy sucked me and swallowed cum...and he told me he LOVED the taste!"

"And now you feel guilty! You feel guilty, not only because you LET it happen...but because you LIKED it...didn't you Mike? You liked the way his mouth felt on your cock!"

He covered his face with both hands and almost sobbed, "Yes! Yes...God help me...I liked it...I liked it a LOT! I even liked it when he kissed me...I...I couldn't help it...I even kissed him back." But, I don't WANT to be gay, Jordan...I love Julie!"

"Mike...Mike!" I said more firmly and pulled his hands away from his face. Just because you let a guy suck you off doesn't make you gay. You may or may NOT be bisexual. This MAY just be a result of your frustrations from no sex with Julie. You're a healthy, red-blooded guy, with normal sexual desires. You just let yourself go in a moment of weakness."

"You...You really think so? How did YOU feel when you and...and...Gerald first...ah..."

"The first time Gerald simply took the time to make it as good for ME as possible. I was shocked at first, and surprised...surprised that I LIKED it! Just like YOU...I liked it...a LOT! I didn't feel the guilt that you're feeling because there was no wife to confuse the issue. And let me tell you the truth, Mike, I have enjoyed it even MORE each time since. I have enjoyed giving as well as getting."

Mike was getting an awful lot to digest at once. " sucked HIM too?"

"Yes and it was great! I know I want it again, not just with Gerald, but with other guys too. You must have guessed that the young clerk and I had sex in the back room."

"Well...Yeah...I sorta figured you two MUST have been doing SOMETHING back there. That's when I first wondered if you...were...whatever."

"Mike, the question you need to ask yourself is whether you enjoyed yourself enough that you want it again. It doesn't have to change the way you feel about Julie. Do you think she would understand and accept it if she knew?" Knowing what had happened and might STILL happen with Julie and Betty, I thought I would try laying a little groundwork.

"Oh, God NO! She would die if she knew. We were both brought up in very strict religious homes."

"Then, you have a decision to make. You are going to run into the same situation again...MANY times. You are a very sexy guy and other men are going to hit on you. The thing is...what will you will you react?"

"I...I'm not sure. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. Why should something that feels so good have to be bad?"

"It doesn't HAVE to be bad. There will always be those who comdemn it. You just have to learn not to let them bother you. If you realy enjoyed it, then ENJOY it!"

"You've given me a lot to think about Jordan. I can't help it...I think I would like to try it again. After talking with you, maybe I wouldn't feel so guilty about it. But I'm afraid to try with just...anybody. I would feel better if it was with someone I was comfortable with...someone"

Oh thank you GOD! "Mike, I'm flattered. I've already told you I think you're hot. I would like nothing better, but I want you to be sure before you rush into something you're not ready for."

"The more we talk, the more I'm pretty sure this is what I want." He hesitated, then shyly said, "Jordan, would me?"

I had a momentary thought that I might frighten him away, but that disappeared when he leaned toward me. I put a hand under his chin and very gently pressed my closed lips against his. I held the kiss for a short time, then moved back to look into his eyes. I saw raw lust there, so I slid an arm behind his neck and brought our mouths together again. After holding the kiss for a moment, I opened my lips slightly and ran my tongue over his quivering lips.

I felt his body tense, then relax. His lips softened and he opened them to touch his tongue to mine. I heard Mike let out a long gasp into our open mouths and his arm came up to encircle my neck as the kiss intensified.

I was moaning into his mouth as I feasted on his ever so soft lips. We began to run our hands over the other's neck and shoulders. I laid him into a prone position on the couch, and just as I was about to start groping for hidden treasures, there was a knock on my cabin door.

We jumped apart, breathing heavily and quickly rearranged our clothes. "Better slip into the bathroom while I see who it is," I whispered.

When he was safely out of sight, I opened the door to find Julie standing there with a worried look. "Hello Jordan, I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen Mike? He said he was going to stop by and see if you had any sleeping meds, since he hasn't been getting much...sleep that is."

"Why...ah...yes Julie, as a matter of fact, he stopped by a littlle after nine. I gave him something to help him relax (actually, he and I were anything BUT relaxed). Maybe he decided to take a stroll around deck to give it time to take hold." That was ALMOST truthful.

"You're probably right," she replied, "I'll just head back to our cabin. I'm sure he's on his way back. Goodnight, Jordan, see you tomorrow for breakfast?"

"Breakfast it is! Goodnight Julie." I watched her walk down the hallway and when she reached the end and turned out of sight, I closed the door and let out a long breath.

Mike came out of the bathroom with a frightened look. "My God, that was close. I don't know WHAT would have happened if she had seen the two of us together like this. I KNOW she would have been suspicious from the look on my face."

"Try to relax," I told him. "Just go on back to your cabin as if nothing happened. Actually, this is probably a good thing."

"How can you say that?" He asked. "We almost got caught!"

"I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "I mean, if she HADN'T knocked on that door, in a few more seconds we would have been beyond stopping. We were about to become seriously involved and I don't want our first time to be in the heat of the moment. I want you to think over very carefully what we have talked about tonight. If you still feel you want to try this with me I have an idea."

"You may be right...about not rushing. But I'm sure I want to finish what we started. Anyway, what's your idea?"

"OK. Here's what we'll do. We'll be in Grande Cayman tomorrow. If you still feel the same by lunchtime, I'll see if I can get Gerald to arrange for Betty to take Julie shopping again. He'll be glad to help. How does that sound?"

"You mean Gerald knows about me TOO?"

"Yes, but don't worry about it. He's totally cool with it. I'm sure he'll be happy to help, since he thinks you're totally hot too."

"Damn," Mike sighed, "Here I am...ONE day into man to man sex...ONE blow job, and I'm already outed. Hell, we might as well announce it over the ship's public address system!"

I looked at him, but the lopsided grin said he was joking. I guess our little talk and short but sexy interlude had finally relieved the stress he had been feeling.

"Sounds good," I cracked. "I'll be sure to pass that idea on to the Captain. I'm sure we can get him to include it in his morning announcements!"

It took a second for Mike to realize what I said. "You Bastard...You WOULD, wouldn't you? I should report you for seducing a minor."

"What minor?" I laughed. "After I saw what a sweet cock you have yesteday, there's nothing minor about it!"

We both got into a brief tussle, laughing at ouselves. It was good to see Mike finally relaxing.

"You'd better get along now and put Julie's mind to rest. I'll see you at breakfast and should be able to set it up with Gerald."

"OK," he said and kissed me as I opened the door. "At least I don't have to worry about hiding my boner...Julie scared the crap outta me!"

As I watched him walk down the corridor, there was definitely more spring to his step. I shut and locked the door, glancing down at the tent in my shorts. I headed to the bathroom to jack off, thinking about what tomorrow might have in store.

End Of Part Six. Part Seven coming soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 7: Caribbean Cruise 7

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