Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 5, 2006


OK...Four down and how many more parts to go? I hope you all are enjoying the story enough to keep checking it out. As always, this story contains detailed sex acts between guys of different ages. It is MOSTLY fiction, but is based loosely on MY experiences on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly...ME. Being fiction, there are some sexual acts that would not be considered "Safe Sex". No harm done. In real life, however, remember...ALWAYS, ALWAYS practice safe sex! Enjoy the continuing story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Five

At dinner that night, Mike was still very quiet. He would answer questions directed at him, but with the least amount of words necessary. Julie seemed rather quiet too. I noticed she avoided eye contact unless absolutely necessary, but I saw her glancing at Betty occasionally. Something was working on HER too.

As usual, the five of us watched the nightly show in the main lounge. Tonight was a Las Vegas type review, with lots of pretty girls in skimpy costumes. After the conclusion of the show, Mike and Julie excused themselves and went back to their cabin.

Gerald, Betty and I remained and enjoyed a few drinks, before Betty yawned and said, "Well, I'll leave it with you boys and head for bed. See you in the morning, Jordan."

Gerald and I had a few more drinks, while we went over, in detail, each other's adventures from the afternoon. "Man," Gerald whispered, "That guy I hooked up with was a real hottie. When I went into that booth, he slipped into the one next to me. We exchanged a little stroking and then sucking through the glory hole, until he invited me to join him in a larger booth. We were able to get naked and do a lot more. That guy had a dick to die for. I sucked him off then fucked him for a while, until he was hard enough to go again. We ended up with him taking my cock down his throat and getting my second load."

I gave him all the details of my spying on Mike, as well as my time with the young clerk in the back room. "Now I know how it feels to fuck from both sides. As much as I enjoyed the feel of that kid's sexy ass, I still think I'm more of a bottom. You've spoiled me rotten."

Both our cocks were hard and getting downright uncomfortable. "Want to come by my cabin and take care of our mutual problem?" I asked.

"I thought you'd NEVER ask," Gerald replied. "Lead the way!"

We got up after adjusting our erections and headed for my cabin. I was glad it was dark in the lounge, since it was still pretty crowded. Everyone was involved in their own conversations and paid no attention to us.

We got to my cabin and were undressed practically by the time I had the door locked. Gerald came up behind me and rubbed his hard cock against my naked ass, bringing a shudder from me. "Ahhhh," I groaned. "I've missed that hard dick. I've been waiting for the chance to get some more of it."

"You can have all of it you want," He whispered in my ear. "I've been wanting to slide it in you again. I still remember how great that tight ass of your's felt squeezing my cock."

His hands went to my cock and balls stroking and squeezing gently, as he walked me to the bed. I turned in his arms and we fell onto the surface and immediately engaged in some serious frenching. It was hard to believe I was this turned on, after such an exausting tumble earlier in the bookstore. Gerald had the ability to get me going at the drop of a hat.

I swung around on the bed and slurped his dick down without pausing for preliminaries. Gerald also wasted no time in sucking in my rigid fleshpole.

For the next 20 minutes or so, the room was filled with the sounds of cocks getting sucked and moans that escaped when the feeling became intense.

I wanted to taste Gerald's cum, now that I had discovered I liked it. He must have sensed this, as he eased off sucking me to let me get him to the same level of lust. "Ohhh, Babe," He sighed. "You are getting to be a great cocksucker....Mmmmmm...Yeah...suck that know I like that."

I played with his balls and fingered his rear entrance, bringing a new level of groans from him. "Let me make you cum," I said hoarsely. "I want to taste your load."

"Just keep doing that...Ahhh...just like that. I'm gonna pop pretty quick."

With that Gerald resumed sucking my pole, his mouth making loud slurping noises as he bobbed on it.

Just as I felt my climax start, Gerald stiffened and shoved his cock as deep in my mouth as possible. Moaning around my dick, he let loose with a creamy explosion that was almost more than I could swallow. My own explosion followed and he clamped down on my dick and swallowed my offering.

When we had recovered enough and lay side by side while trying to catch our breath, we would kiss for a few minutes then just lay in each other's arms.

Finally, Gerald raised up on an elbow with his head supported in his hand. Looking at me he said, "Remember how Betty said she had some juicy tidbits to share with me?"

"Yeah," I replied, "What was that all about?"

"Well, it seems that the girl's shopping trip included some interesting developments."

"What KIND of 'interesting developments'," I asked, my curiousity perking up.

"Ok...Ok...Hold your water! It seems that, while looking at swimsuits, Julie let on that SHE was just about as frustrated and horny as Mike. She wanted to take care of him, but said he just didn't want to do anything with her on her period. She confirmed what Mike said about being horrified by the thought of sucking him off and didn't even want MENTION anal sex!"

"Sounds like she is as naive as he is," I offered.

"Yeah, but listen to this; When Betty brought up the subject of 'alternative sex', Julie at first avoided the issue. Anyway, Betty said she suspected there was more to this than met the eye, so she persisted. Finally, Julie confessed she had had a fling with a roomate at college and what's more, she enjoyed it, in spite of her strict religious upbringing."

I felt a slight surge in my cock as Gerald continued, "Anyway, the two of them were in a dressing room together, trying on swimsuits. Julie was facing away, trying to fasten the strap to her top. Betty offered to help and, while pretending to fasten the top, actually managed to get her hands around Julie and slip them under the loose top. She said Julie's nipples were hard as a rock and she let out a moan when her fingers tweaked those beauties and squeezed her tits. Julie put her hands over Betty's and mashed them against her even harder. Betty turned Julie around and kissed her. Julie resisted at first, but when Betty persisted, gave in and returned the kiss."

"Wow," I said. "That's hot!. Did they do anything else?"

"No, Julie pulled away and was so embarrassed she was crying. Betty held her and told her that it was only natural to respond when you are so sexually frustrated. She told Julie that she would LOVE to show her more, if she were willing. She got the distinct impression that Julie IS willing, but is concerned about Mike and what he would do if he found out. Betty said Julie promised to think about it and would be willing to discuss it again. They left it at that."

"Hmmmm...Interesting," I observed. "Mike just got his first blow job and obviously feels guilty about the fact he liked it. Julie has also had some experience and liked it, but is afraid of Mike finding out. Maybe we can figure out some way to get the two of them to sit down before this cruise is over and discuss their similiar feelings. Sure would help to get things out in the open."

"Speaking of getting things out in the open," Gerald chuckled, "Looks like we have a rising problem right here!" He took hold of my almost fully erect cock and with a few strokes, brought it to a throbbing readiness that needed immediate attention. He held it at the base, while he swabbed the sensitive tip with his tongue."

"Mmmmmm...Ahhh...I don't remember EVER getting so many boners in such a short time in my life," I mumbled as I lay back and let him take control. His hot mouth worked the head for a while, then moved down to engulf all of it. He began bobbing rapidly.

"Unnngggh...Unnngggh...Oooooooh...Yessss...Yessss...That's so nice," I groaned and I could tell I was gonna lose it in a few seconds. Gerald sensed it too and moved his mouth back to where his lips were fastened tightly just behind the flared edge of the crown where it joins the shaft of my dick . He pumped my cock with his hand and I began cumming, filling his mouth with my hot seed.

As soon as I stopped cumming, Gerald raised my legs and went directly for my still winking hole, lathing it with his raspy tongue. Swirling round and round the edge of my rosebud, his tongue drove me into convulsions. "Agggghhhhh...Oh, God Gerald! You are absolutely gonna kill me." I gasped. "I can't stand it! Put it in me...FUCK ME!"

He put my legs over his shoulders. I felt him spit in his hand and rub the saliva onto his surging dick. I thought about a condom, but was too far gone to stop. Gerald placed his cock at the entrance and pushed. It hurt more than when a lubricant was used, but I was hot for his rod and pushed out to open up. His dick forced it's way into my bowels and I gasped at the pain. He stopped to let me get used to this intrusion, whispering to me how hot my ass felt on his bare dick and how much he wanted to fuck me.

Easing a little bit in at a time, I was finally able to take all of him. We stayed still for a few minutes, just letting the feeling of pain, change to a feeling of fullness, and finally, to a feeling of pleasure. When I nodded to him, he began to fuck me slowly, taking great pains to go slowly in and out, dragging every inch of pleasure from it as possible.

I began urging him to fuck me faster and he obliged. He started long plunges to the depths of my bowels, pulling out to the very edge, then repeating the process, gaining speed with every stroke.

"Oh...Oh...Yes...Yes...Yes...Fuck me Gerald...Fuck me!" I was enjoying the most intense pleasure ever, and knew I had found my niche in life. No woman had EVER made me feel like this. I couldn't have ever been happy with another woman after my wife anyway, but now I knew I had found a NEW life...a very satisfying fullfillment.

I felt Gerald speed up his strokes even more, then he froze, buried to the roots in me. "Oh Babe...I'm cumming...I'm cumming...It's all your's...Here it is!" Spurt after spurt of hot cum rushed into my spasming cavity. I was amazed at how powerful the shots felt, and how it actually felt HOT! I squeezed my ass repeatedly, milking the last drops out of his still hard cock.

When he finished, I dropped my legs to rest around his hips, my feet on his calves. His cock was still in me and I wanted it to stay there as long as possible. Gerald leaned in for a tender lover's kiss as his cock twitched a few more times in response to my ass muscles contracting.

Finally, we drew apart. After a short nap, we arose, showered and dressed. One goodnight kiss and we parted, agreeing to meet on deck tomorrow for some sun and maybe make some plans to get Mike and Julie thinking on the same plane.

End Of Part Five. Part six will follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 6: Caribbean Cruise 6

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