Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 3, 2006


Well, I hope I have not bored you with too much detail. I want the characters to be believable. The story is loosely based on my experiences on my first Caribbean cruise. The Character of Jordon Bentley is loosely based on ME.

As mentioned before, some acts in this story do not portray safe sex. In fiction, there IS no unsafe sex. However, in the real world, ALWAYS practice safe sex. It only takes ONE mistake to have fatal consequences.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Four

Somewhere around 5 AM we docked in Key West. I awoke after only a few hours sleep, but felt surprisingly refreshed. As I showered, my tender ass reminded me of the previous night's experience with Gerald. My cock stirred and lengthened as I recalled the pleasure of my first fuck. I knew I wanted it again...and again...and...well, you get the picture. I tried to put it out of my mind as I slipped into my swim trunks and put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. I was wearing my dive boots as shoes.

I went to the dining room and found Gerald already there, drinking coffee. I went through the buffet line and took my plate and coffee over to join him. As I sat down...gingerly, he looked up and winked at me, saying, "How's it feel this morning, Sport?"

I felt my face flush and I hoped none of the other passengers noticed. "Sore, but I feel great!" I answered. "Nothing like a good work out to get the old blood flowing!"

"As I recall, it wasn't 'blood' that was flowing." Gerald was determined to see just how much he could get away with, but it was all in good fun. "What's on your schedule today?" He asked.

"Got a dive scheduled," I answered. "Have to be at the dive shop at six AM sharp. Should be back by about one o'clock. How 'bout you?"

"Betty and I are going to try and get in a round of golf. We should be back about the same time as you."

"Great! Guess we'll get together for lunch. I'd better hurry and get over to the dive shop and get my gear ready." I leaned over so that none of the nearby passengers could overhear and whispered, "Last night was fantastic! I hope we can get together again."

"Count on it," Gerald replied. "That is, if you don't go hog wild and try to seduce every guy you see."

" know...if you got it....!" I laughed as I turned to leave. I heard Gerald's raunchy whistle as I tried to walk normally. My ass felt like that thick cock of his was still buried to the balls in it, but it was a very pleasant feeling.

I went back to my cabin and picked up my dive bag, containing my gear. I preferred to use my own mask, fins, vest, and regulator, rather than the gear issued by the dive crews. Carrying my bag, I hurried down the various decks to reach the gangplank and headed down the dock toward to the dive shop.

When I arrived, I was surprised to see Mike and Julie Sanders. Mike was dressed in a pair of baggy shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt. Julie looked absolutely stunning in short shorts that showed off her gorgeous legs, and those luscious 36D's straining at the seams of a bikini top.

They both spied me and came over to say hello. We had a few minutes before the boat would be leaving, so we chatted a bit. It seemed that Mike had only been scuba certified for a couple of months and this would be his first open water dive. Julie was also certified and I figured the two of them would pair up for the dive.

Just then, the crew called for us to board and shortly after, we were headed out of the harbour. The trip to the first dive site would take about 20 minutes. We would be making what is known as a two-tank dive on two separate sites. They would both be shallow dives...30 to 40 feet, so there would be no need to decompress before surfacing.

When we reached the first site, the boat was tied off to a floating buoy and the dive master began pairing us up (first rule of diving; NEVER dive alone). I was surprised when Mike asked me if I minded partnering with him.

He said that Julie would not be going on the dives and had just come along for the ride and a chance to get a little sun.

We began getting into our gear. As I slipped out of my shorts and into my lightweight wet suit, I noticed Mike doing the same. As he stripped off his shorts and tee shirt, I couldn't help but admire his swimmer's body...broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips, and long toned legs...all encased in a purple Speedo with TCU (Texas Christian University) stenciled on one leg. I also noticed a very nice bulge showing in the front of the suit...something I probably wouldn't have noticed before last night.

Julie dropped her shorts to reveal a tiny bikini bottom that barely covered her pubic region. Her legs were long and shapely, and nicely tanned. She helped Mike get into his wet suit, then we helped each other with our air tanks.

After checking each other over to make sure everything was connected and in proper working order, we entered the water, took a moment to make sure we had a good flow of air, then let the air out of our vests and slowly followed the dive master into the crystal clear aqua depths.

Nothing can describe the beauty of diving on coral reefs. The colors and marine life are breathtaking. We were instructed to keep the dive master in sight at all times and regularly check our remaining air supply. There were about twenty divers and we soon separated into small groups to explore the nooks and crannies of the reef. On this dive, we were at about 40 feet.

After about 45 minutes, the dive master signalled us to surface. We returned to the dive boat and scrambled to change to a fresh tank, as the boat headed for the second site. It would be a slightly shallower dive...normal procedure in multiple dives is to make the deeper dive first.

We were to dive on a large old derelect lying in about 30 feet of water. It had been deliberately sunk to provide an artificial reef. When we arrived, the wreck was covered with barnacles and teemed with various species of marine life.

After another 45 minutes of exploring the fascinating scene, we once again surfaced and crawled aboard the boat, tired but feeling a sense of accomplishment. The chatter between crew and divers was light and friendly as we headed back to the dock.

Mike and Julie joined me for the short walk back to the ship. We hurried to our cabins, showered, changed into comfortable clothes and met for a quick lunch.

When the three of us arrived at our table, Gerald and Betty were already there. Gerald winked at me again, but this time I was determined to retaliate for the morning's embarassment. "Well, I see the golfers are back. Tell me Gerald, did you get a hole-in-one today?"

I expected to see him squirm, but the SOB didn't even flinch. "Why, as a matter of fact, YES I did! It was so fine, you just can't imagine." His eyes were staring directly at my crotch as he spoke. Then he glanced up at me with a shit-eating grin on that handsome face.

He got me again, damn it! I felt my face burn, and had to quickly sit down to hide the rapidly growing tent in my shorts. I had to admit...I had met my match. There was just no way to one up the guy.

I noticed Betty was also smiling wickedly. Had she heard what went on between her husband and me? I wondered if SHE had managed to find a companion to "relieve stress" with. I decided to switch my tactics and try for a zinger on her.

"Afternoon Betty," I said in my most flattering tone. "My, you look like the cat that ate the canary this morning."

She laughed and winked at me. "Actually, that's not TOO far from the truth. You can never tell when a little bird might come along." She ran her tongue along her bottom lip and looked at me innocently with those big blue eyes. I sighed. They were like two peas in a pod. I was out of my league.

We enjoyed a liesurely meal, then I announced that I was going to do a little sightseeing before we sailed. There was an Ernest Hemmingway festival going on and Key West was in a carnival like atmosphere.

"Hey, that sounds like fun," Gerald piped up. "Mind if I join you? I'm feeling a little cooped up here."

"I'd kinda like to go along too, if you guys don't mind a third wheel," Mike stated excitedly. "Julie was planning on doing some shopping and I would love an excuse to get out of THAT...OUCH!" Julie had just elbowed him in the ribs.

"Sure!" I said, checking with Gerald and getting a nod. "As long as it won't cause any family trauma."

"Awww, let 'em go Honey, " Betty said to Julie. "Why don't WE pair up? I've been thinking about shopping a little myself and spending lots and lots of this guy's money!" Gerald snorted good naturedly.

The girls excused themselves to go to the ladies room. Mike decided to hit the john also and got up, leaving Gerald and me alone. I was burning with curiousity and leaned over to whisper, "Does Betty know what happened between us last night?"

"She sure does. She wanted to know every little detail. Got her so hot she jumped my bones and practically raped me! I told you she and I would compare notes."

My mind whirled with the knowledge that Betty was OK with the fact her husband had sucked off and fucked another guy...specifically ME!"

"What was with that comment about the cat and the canary? Did she get lucky too?"

"She sure did, " Gerald replied, grinning. "She ran into a thirty-something single highschool teacher from Kansas on the cruise with a group from her school. Seems the young thing had broken up with her boyfriend and was looking for adventure to forget him."

My mind was racing and my cock was painfully hard. "So, what happened?"

"After plying her with a few drinks, Betty convinced her to come back to our cabin for some consolling. The gal was sexy as hell and ready for what she knew was coming. The two of them ended up in bed eating each other's pussy.

Betty made the sweet thing cum at least four times. She said the teacher was a novice at eating pussy, but was a natural and Betty got off several times too!"

I sat there envisioning the scene, but had to quickly get my mind elsewhere, as Mike and the girls returned. We briefly made plans to meet back at the ship about an hour before the 6 o'clock departure.

So it was settled. Gerald, Mike and I headed toward the festivities, while the girls went their own way. We did a little window shopping ourselves, then stopped at the Boar's Head Inn, which had been one of Hemmingway's favorite hangouts. We all ordered a couple of Hog's Breath beers (Yes, that's really the name) and kicked back.

The conversation started with comments about the cruise, but after a few brews, turned to the inevitable guy talk about sex. Gerald and I were careful not to get into our own little tete-a-tete, but Mike was a little looser.

"Man, I am so horny, I'm about to bust. Julie and I have been planning this trip for over a year. We never really had a honeymoon, so we were looking forward to a week of sun, fun and sex. We were gonna fuck our brains out."

Gerald and I glanced at each other. He raised an eyebrow in a mischevious way, but I just smiled and shook my head. Ah, youth...only one thing on their minds. It brought back memories of my own honeymoon and the fun my wife and I enjoyed doing just that. I felt a moment of depression, but snapped out of it when Mike continued. "All those plans and...wouldn't you know it, her period starts early and now she's untouchable."

"Well, you know there ARE other forms of sexual relief than intercourse," Gerald offered.

" mean like...oral sex...stuff like that?" Mike actually was blushing! Could he really be THAT naive about sex?

"Yeah, and there's always the old 'back door' entry...Right Jordan?" Dammit! He was still ribbing me.

"Err...Ah...Right!" I sputtered. Turning to Mike I said, "I don't want to get too personal, but Gerald has a Julie into anything...different?"

"Oh, NO! I would be afraid to even suggest something like that. Julie Will go down on me, but just to get me ready for...Err...Regular sex. Right now, that would get HER all hot and bothered and left high and dry." He looked miserable.

I wondered if his frustration would entice him to try something new...something like I had discovered last night. I figured our young friend was totally straight, but decided I would keep an eye on him for any telltale signs.

We strolled down the main street for a while, until Gerald noticed an adult bookstore that advertised "Peep Shows". "Hey, guys! Why don't we pop in for a little hot porn movies. I haven't been in one of these for years."

Mike seemed reluctant. "Oh...Ah...Gee guys, I don't know. I've never been in one of those. I'm not sure I should."

"Aww, come on Mike," Gerald chided, putting an arm around his shoulder. "Loosen up! What've you got to lose...except maybe a chance to pump the old lizzard in private and get some relief."

Finally, blushing, Mike agreed and we stepped into the dark interior of the shop. It appeared to be a little cleaner than some of these stores. Rows of magazines lined one side, and Tapes and DVD's the other. There was a curtained doorway at the back that led to the video booths. A young clerk stood behind a counter next to the curtain and glanced up as we entered. He looked like he was about 17 (turned out he was 19 as I found out).

We each bought a few dollars worth of tokens and went through the door into the viewing area. There were several rows of individual booths. I noticed a few guys leaning against the walls and they appeared to check us out. Most looked closer to Mike's age, and he was getting most of the attention. I did notice Gerald make eye contact with one guy who appeared to be a little older, and saw him nod in return.

Mike wandered off to look at the board advertising what movies were available in each booth. Gerald and I wandered down the next aisle, looking at various booths, some of which had their doors unlocked and slightly open in obvious invitation to join the occupant. I was able to see in one of the unoccupied booths a fairly large hole cut in the wall separating it from the adjoining booth.

I looked over my shoulder and noticed the guy Gerald had made eye contact with had followed us. Gerald noticed him too and whispered, "Mmmmm...I think I might like a little glory hole action. See you later, good luck!" He stepped into an empty booth and as I walked away, I noticed the guy enter the booth next to Gerald. I smiled as I saw the red light come on over both doors.

I walked to the next aisle and entered an empty booth. I put a few tokens in and flipped through the videos until I came on a hot gay movie. I watched it for a while, feeling my cock getting hard, as the movie reminded me of last night with Gerald.

When the video stopped, I stepped out and moved to the next aisle where I saw one booth with the red light glowing. I went into the adjoining booth and started to put my tokens in, when I became aware of some muffled whispering and soft moans coming from the next booth.

I leaned over and glanced through the hole and got quite a shock when I recognized Mike's pale blue shorts. They were down below his knees and his briefs were pulled down over his thighs. I could see a hand slowly stroking his nice hard cock.

"Ohhhhh...S...S...Stop! I've never done this before! I shouldn't even be here...I'm married...Ahhh, God!" I recognized Mike's voice and, leaning down so that i could see their faces, I confirmed it was indeed our young horny friend. The guy stroking Mike's cock was one of the young ones who had been leaning against the wall when we first entered. He looked to be in his late twenties, maybe early thirties, about 6', nice slim body, with a large tent in his tan shorts.

He continued stroking Mike's cock as he whispered in his ear, "Shhhh....just relax and enjoy it."

Mike gasped and groaned, "Ohhhhh...No...No...I Can't...I'm not gay. I can't believe I'm letting this!"

The other guy replied, "Don't worry, I know you're horny...Just relax and let me makle you feel good. You don't have to do anything...I'll take care of everything."

Mike started to say something, but was cut off when the guy leaned in close and fastened his lips to Mike's, holding him in place with a hand behind his head.

"Mmmmmppppph...nnnn...nooo... Mmmmm!" Mike stopped struggling and gave in to the thrilling new sensations. His arms slowly rose to go around the guy's neck and he began to return the kiss in ernest.

Seeing the surrender, the guy pulled back, leaving Mike with a dazed look. He slowly knelt down and stared at the cock a few inches from his mouth. I finally got a glimpse of Mike's cock and was not disappointed. If a cock can be described as beautiful, this cock fit that description. It was about 6 to 6 1/2 inches long and stood perfectly straight out from a nest of neatly trimmed dirty blonde pubes. Mike was circumsized and the head just sort of flowed naturally from the smooth shaft. A bead of precum shone at the tip. His balls were golf ball sized and his hairless sac was pulled up slightly from the manual stimulation he had been receiving.

The guy leaned forward and swiped his tongue over the spongy head, bringing a hiss from Mike.

With one smooth motion, the guy engulfed Mike's dick all the way to the base. "Ohhh....Oh, God! What are you...Oh, can't...I can't...Ahhh...don't...don't...Oh Maaannn...don't stop...yesss...that feels wonderful!" Mike was beside himself as his hips started pumping back and forth.

The guy's mouth was bobbing rapidly on the sweet cock in his mouth. His hands moved to cup, then squeeze Mike's ass, which caused his cock to slip even deeper into the suctioning mouth. When he felt a finger trace a line up and down his ass crack, then search for the tight little rose bud, he came up on his toes. Incoherant babble flowed from Mike's open mouth. When the finger slipped into the dark passage and began fucking his ass in rhythm with the mouth on his dick, Mike lost it.

"Oh...Oh...Yesss...I'm gonna cum...gonna cummmm...Can't hold off...Suck it...Suck it...Now...Now...NOW, Oh God YESSS, NOWWW!" I could see Mike jam his cock as deep into the sucking mouth as possibly and the guy sped up his front and rear ministrations. I saw Mike's ass cheeks constricting, telling me he was blasting a load. The sucker's throat moved, indicating he was taking it. The climax lasted a long time. Well, after all...Mike hadn't had ANY for a while, not to mention the thrill of his first male blow job.

I quietly slipped out of my booth in order not to let Mike know I had wittnessed him getting sucked off. As I walked past an occupied booth, I heard Gerald's husky voice. "Oh yeah man...suck that me how much you want it! Mmmmmmm....damn, you really know how to suck!"

Smiling, I wandered back into the front of the store. I was surprised to see the lights out and a "closed" sign on the front door. "I thought I'd give you and your friends a little privacy." I turned and saw the young clerk standing behind the counter. An open door to his left was open and appeared to be for storage. "There were no other customers in the store, so I put up the 'out to lunch' sign."

"That was nice of you," I said. "Looks like they are being taken care of pretty good back there."

"Sure sounded like they were enjoying themselves. How 'bout YOU? I didn't see anyone with you."

"Guess I'm out of luck today," I replied. Glancing at the youngster, I was still wondering just how old he was. He stepped out from behind the counter and I could see his bermuda shorts were showing a nice tent. My cock immediately rose to it's full 7 inches, giving him the knowledge I was horny too.

He moved his hand to grasp his cock through the cloth covering it and said, "Would you like to slip into the back room with ME? I'm really into older guys and I'm horny as hell."

I didn't hesitate and followed him through the door, which he locked and then turned around to move into my arms, offering his sweet lips for a kiss. He was only about 5' 5" and had a head of sun bleached blonde hair. Even with him standing on his tiptoes, I had to bend down. I could feel his hard cock pressing into my thighs.

His mouth was open and I felt his tongue seek entry. I opened and sucked it in, rolling my own around the stiff tip. His breath tasted sweet but, as much as I was enjoying the sensation, one worry was nagging me. I forceably pulled my mouth away to ask, "Are you sure you're old enough to be working here?"

He chuckled as he nuzzled into my neck. "Actually I'm nineteen! I've always been small for my age. I still get carded everywhere. I even have trouble getting into an R-rated movie, so stop worrying and kiss me. We don't have a lot of time and I need to get off after listening to your friends getting some! Also, I DEFINITELY am going to make YOU cum before we're through."

Saying that, he again pressed his sexy little body to mine and found my waiting mouth and tongue. This time I dropped my hands to his cute little bubble butt and squeezed, lifting him up to MY eye level while I continued to probe for his tonsils.

He started trying to speak, but didn't want to stop kissing, so he sort of mumbled into my open mouth, "Mmmph...B...BBed! Mmpph...Hurry...BED...Mmmmm!"

I glanced around and, for the first time noticed a small metal-framed single bed in the back corner. There was a small nightstand with a lamp beside it. I reached down with one hand behind his knees and the other under his arms, picking him up and moved toward the bed, our mouths still fused together. He felt light as a feather.

When we reached the bed, I laid him gently down on it. I raised up and quickly pulled my shirt over my head, while kicking off my sneakers. My shorts and briefs joined the pile and I stood, naked, feasting my eyes on a delictable sight.

The littly guy had also stripped and was lying naked with open arms. His almost hairless body was like that of a 12 year old, slim and smooth, but with a surprisingly toned look to it. His cock, as you would expect on such a diminutive young man was about 5 inches long with a slight upcurve. He was neatly circumsized, with a flared head at the end of a somewhat thin, but silky smooth shaft. Overall, a yummy looking package that I couldn't wait to taste.

With one knee on the edge of the bed, I leaned over to plant my mouth over his ever so soft lips and took that sweet cock in my hand to slowly stroke. He moaned into my mouth as his hips jerked at my touch. His hands carressed the back of my neck and moved to my shoulders, gently urging me toward the target he had in mind.

Knowing we were pressed for time, I moved swiftly down his slender body, licking my way over his tight abs, into his sparse blonde bush. My hand moved from stroking his cock to fondling his ballsac, which was drawn up tight against his groin. I could tell he wasn't going to last long.

When my mouth captured his dick, he let out a long groan and put both hands in my hair, as if he was afraid I was going to stop what I was doing. "Ooooooooh...Yessssssss...I've been waiting for that...Ahhhh...Suck my dick!"

I did my best to make him feel good. He was pumping his hips in time to my sucking and things were heating up fast.

"Ohhhhh, MAN! Turn around...let me have some of that cock of your's too," He gasped. "You're sucking me so nice...I'm not gonna last much longer!"

I moved to lay beside him and scrunched down to give him my rigid rod and he immediately engulfed it. "Ahhhhh...Mmmmmmm," I moaned around the throbbing cock that was leaking precum like mad onto my tongue. We both sucked each other faster and faster, almost in a race to make the other cum.

I rolled over onto my back, bringing my little lover on top. His hips were plowing his dick into my mouth at a breathtaking rate and his moans were constant. The vibrations of his voice sent thrills to my cock which he had swallowed to the root. I glanced up at his tiny, pink rosebud which seemed to be winking at me. I wondered how it would feel to stick my dick in there. I had never done that, even with my wife, but after the pleasure I had felt with Gerald's cock probing my inner depths, I was starting to be a little curious to try the other position.

I wet a finger in the saliva and precum that was flowing steadly from the cock in my mouth. When I touched the wrinkled hole above, I felt his whole body jerk. He pushed back on the finger, driving his little pole even deeper into my mouth and impaling himself on the intruding digit.

"Agggh!" He gasped as he raised off my cock. "Oh, Yesss...I'm gonna cum big guy, I'm gonna cum...I'm there right NNNNOWWWW! Ohhhhh...take's all your's!"

I felt his ass spasm and his dick expanded. I had only an instant to make a decision...did I want to take my first load of male cum? In that same instant I decided, HELL YES! I increased the pressure of my lips on his cock and felt the first spurt explode down my throat. His body froze at first, then frantically fucked my sucking mouth as more shots followed. He must have put out at least five or six creamy bullets before he collapsed on my chest and legs.

We lay there, his softening dick still enclosed in my mouth and my finger still embedded in his tight little ass. I could feel his ass muscles twitch each time I milked him for the last drop. I decided that cum didn't taste bad at all. As a matter of fact, I thought his was as sweet as any honey I had ever tasted.

Finally, I let him loose and he turned to straddle my upper legs, leaning over to offer his sexy mouth again for a lingering kiss. He then moved down to take my rigid cock in his mouth and bobbed up and down rapidly, while he rolled and fondled my balls with both hands.

"Unnggh...Unnggh...Ahhh...That's it Baby...Keep that up," I groaned. "I'm gonna give you my load in just a few more seconds."

Just as I said that, he stopped and came off my throbbing cock. "Wha...Nooooo...Don't stop...You were just about to make me cum!" I groaned. I raied up on my elbows. I could see my cock, glistening with his saliva, bouncing with my rapid heartbeat.

"Don't worry," He said. "I'm not gonna leave you hanging. I want you to fuck me!"

I couldn't believe it! I had just been thinking of that when I was staring at his ass while were were sucking each other. I almost lost my load right then. "Oh, Baby!" I moaned. "I would LOVE to get in your sweet little ass, but I've never done that before. I wouldn't want to hurt you."

"Oh, you won't," He responded as he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom and a tube of KY. "I've been sucking cocks and getting fucked since I was 14!" He quickly slid the condom over my rock hard pole and swabbed a big gob of KY on the tip, then reached behind to smear some around and in his hole. As he rubbed the slick gel over my dick, I had to fight to keep from cumming.

"This is something I wanted you to do to me the minute I saw you walk in with your friends." He moved over my hips, grasped my cock to hold it steady and lined it up with his hole.

"I doubt if I will last long," I manage to whisper.

"You already got ME off," he whispered back. Now it's my turn to get YOU off. We have to hurry anyway. I'm sure your friends are probably wondering where we are and why the front door is locked."

"Ooooooooohh...My GOD!" I groaned as I felt him rub my dick around his rosebud then press down. The ring opened and he slid down on my cock without stopping until his butt slammed against my pubes. I felt like I had just plunged into a warm, velvity block of butter.

"Oh...DADDY! You're big, fat dick is filling me up!" He sighed. "I Love it! I want to stay here forever! "

I would have enjoyed staying right there forever, too...until he started moving. When he raised up, he squeezed his ass muscles to milk my dick. He stopped when he felt the head of my cock touch his sphincter, then let his body drop all the way down until his ass was rubbing my balls and I could feel HIS dick and balls tickling my pubes.

He started bouncing up and down faster and faster. Every time he bottomed out, he would rotate his pelvis up and forward giving us both added pleasure. His dick was as hard as before and I reached up and jacked it as he went into overdrive.

The room echoed with the sounds of our sex. The KY made a squishy sound when he went down and a slurping sound when he raised up. The sound of his bubble butt slapping against my groin was exciting and for a while, we just enjoyed the sounds.

That couldn't last for long. We both were starting to sweat from the exertion and grunting. I'm sure the sounds of us fucking HAD to be carrying through the thin walls. I thought, "I'll bet Gerald and Mike, and their fuck buddies must be getting a kick out of this."

"Unggh...Unggh...I'm close, Baby...I'm close," I warned in a husky voice. "I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum!" His head was thrown back, his eyes were shut tight and his mouth was open but no sounds were coming out. I jerked his throbbing cock faster as I felt my cum boil up and shoot up the shaft, just as I felt his ass twitch with his climax. His cock spurted onto my stomach and chest, and his ass milked my dick as the condom lodged deep in him strained to contain the giant load exploding into it.

I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming as the intensity of my first fuck overwhelmed me. I thought I was going to pass out for a few minutes as the room spun around me. My little buddy leaned over to hug me and whispered, "God, Man...That was one Hell of a fuck. You sure you never did this before?"

When I laughed and said, "Honest, first time...but definitely not the LAST time!"

He laughed too. "Well, I wish we could have had more time to make it last. If you ever get back to Key West, come by and we'll do it right! I assume you three came with the cruise ship in the just have that look."

When I told him that we were, indeed from the ship, I also let him know that, since I lived in Fort Lauderdale, I could very likely be persuaded to come back.

Finally, My cock slid out of his well-fucked ass and we rose to dress. As we started to walk out, he came into my arms for one last kiss, and I felt him slip his hand in my pocket. "Something to remember me by," He whispered.

When we opened the door and stepped out into the showroom, all four guys looked up. I noticed Mike was standing away from the other guys, and quickly looked away. Gerald, on the other hand was giving me that shit eating grin of his again!

I felt like a bug under a microscope right then, but Gerald quickly turned back and started talking with both of the other guys. As the young clerk unlocked the door, I saw them shake hands and bid each other goodbye. Mike walked quickly out the door without saying anything.

I remembered the clerk slipping something into my pocket. I reached in and pulled out a small slip of paper. On it was written his name...Bryan, and his phone number. I turned to see him standing at the door. He waved and I held up the paper and returned the wave.

There wasn't much conversation as we walked back to the dock. Mike looked embarrassed and I wondered if he was feeling guilty about what had happened.

Gerald noticed Mike too, and looked inquisitively at me, raising an eyebrow. I brought my finger up to my lips, unseen by Mike to warn Gerald. He nodded that he understood.

As we walked past a drugstore, I suddenly stopped and said, "Hey guys, I need to make a quick stop here, I'll catch up with you." I decided I'd better pickup a supply of condoms and KY. So far, the other guy had the necessary items, but I had a feeling that I just MIGHT be needing some of my own. It was still emarassing to put the telltale box on the counter where everybody could see what I was buying, so I waited until there was no one else checking out. I hurried out of the store and managed to catch up with Gerald and Mike a few blocks further down the street.

When we got back to the ship, Mike mumbled something about heading for his cabin to see if Julie was back. I took a moment to explain to Gerald what I had wittnessed throught the peephole.

"Wow! That Does explain it. I guess he's got a lot to think about. We'd better watch him closely. He's pretty fragile right now."

He looked like he was about to bust, wanting to say something. "What?" I asked.

"Oh...I was wondering...Something tells me you weren't just helping that kid at the bookstore inventory the stock, now were you?"

My face must have turned several shades of red. "I...Ahh...Err...Wha...I don't know what you're talking about...I was just..."

"Bullshit, you got a little didn't you? Don't try to hide it...It shows on your face. Did you two play a little "Hide-The-Weenie?"

"Damn it Gerald...I...I...Really don't think that's something I should..."

"Hah! You DID! Sonofabitch! You DID! You dipped your wick! Tell me...How was it?""

"Shit!" I thought. "I can't keep anything from this guy." I broke out in my OWN version of a shit eating grin and finally just shrugged my shoulders.

Gerald slapped me on the back so hard, I almost went over the rail. While I was trying to catch my breath and resume SOME semblance of dignity, Betty came walking up. "What the hell's with you two? " She asked.

I tried to look innocent, but Gerald...well, he was GERALD! "Oh, nuttin' honey", he said, still trying to stiffle a laugh, "Our friend here has just scored another first! I'll tell you all about it later."

I was tempted to just jump overboard...OR, better yet, throw Gerald overboard. I was NEVER going to live all this down.

As the three of us watched the ship leave the dock and maneuver throught the narrow channel toward the open sea, I heard Betty say to Gerald, "I can't wait to hear all about it, AND...I have a little juiicy tidbit to share with YOU!"

"Now, what the heck was THAT all about?" I wondered. We parted and headed for our respective cabins to change and dress for dinner. We would be at sea all day tomorrow and tomorrow night, before our next stop, which was the Cayman Islands.

End Of Part Four: Part Five To Follow Soon.

Thanks for the very warm comments so far. Hope you all continue to enjoy the story. As before, comments are welcome at

Next: Chapter 5: Caribbean Cruise 5

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