Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Jul 31, 2006


This story is mostly fiction, although it is based loosely on events I encountered on MY first Caribbean cruise. The names have been changed to protect the well as the NOT so innocent! A reminder; in fiction there are NO STD's. In real life ALWAYS practice safe sex. It's just not worth the risks guys! Enough of that! I hope you enjoy the continuing story of Jordon Bentley (based loosely on ME) and his introduction into man to man pleasures.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Three

I awoke after a short nap, feeling a semi hard cock pressing against my naked ass. Gerald was curled up against me with an arm around my waist. Suddenly, the past few hours came rushing back, and I realized I was still tingling from the intense climax my new friend had given me.

With some feelings of guilt, I remembered Gerald had not cum yet. I felt the urge to try to return some of the pleasure he had given me. I moved my hand back between our bodies and found his fleshy stalk. I began to slowly stroke it, sensing my partner was coming awake. My ministrations were rapidly bringing him to a full erection, and he began moaning softly and moving against my hand.

As he came fully awake, his hand moved from my waist and found me hard as nails and starting to produce precum. "Mmmmmm...What a great way to wake up." His fingers tightened on my dick and began stroking it in sync with the action his own member was getting. "Feels like you're ready for some more!"

"I want to try to make you feel as good as you made ME feel," I whispered. I turned to face him and we continued to stroke each other and kissed gently.

"Let's hop in the shower and wash off some of this sweat. I have a few more things in mind for you," He said with a wink.

The showers on cruise ships are not very large. Because I was in a larger cabin, the shower was slightly larger, but it was still close quarters for two. Hell...who cared?

We quickly washed ouselves, taking turns doing each other's back. Gerald spent some time rubbing his soapy hands over my ass. I gasped as I felt him slide a slick finger into me. "Ahhhhh...Ooooooh...Man! That feels wierd. I never knew there were so many nerve endings back there." I came up on my toes as another finger joined the first, then a third. I was having a difficult time not popping my nuts right there and then. "Mmmmm...Is this one of those 'other' things you had in mind?"

Gerald nibbled on my ear, then whispered, "I told you...I'm going to fuck that sweet ass of yours' and take your cherry. Just relax and enjoy." His fingers wiggled around in my tight hole, stretching me, but I felt very little discomfort. My breathing increased rapidly as I imagined him pounding my ass with his big thick cock. What would it feel like? Would it hurt too much? I was anxious to find out. "Do you have any condoms and lube?" Gerald whispered in the ear he was still nibbling on.

Since I had certainly not planned on an on-board sex romp, I had not thought to bring any protection. "N...No...I didn't think I would be needing any." I was afraid this would prevent us from completing my "lesson" and felt a big letdown. I really wanted this hot stud to fuck me.

"No problem," he said. "Just so happens I have a few 'love gloves' and some liquid KY in my fanny pack."

My heartbeat went back up again and I looked over my shoulder. "What! Don't tell me you were so cocksure I'd jump in bed with you that you planned this in advance! You rat! You didn't just HAPPEN to run into me on deck last night, did you?"

"Guilty," He laughed. "I wanted a piece of you the minute you sat down at the dinner table last night. I went by your room first, then came looking for you on deck." He kissed me on the side of my neck, causing more goosebumps to spring up. "NOW! Let's get dried off and get to it!"

My breathing was fast and shallow as I realized what was about to happen; I was about to feel a man's hard cock in my ass. I was going to be another MAN!

We quickly towelled off and then brushed our teeth (yes, he even had a toothbrush in his pack. There was no more doubt that Gerald HAD come prepared). Turning around, we came together in a tight embrace and let our tongues search out the pleasure areas in the other's mouth. Our passions grew steadily as the kiss intensified. Breaking apart, we practically sprinted for the bed.

Falling on the bed side by side, we started stroking, kissing and rolling all over. Looking into each other's eyes, I could feel Gerald's cock leaking precum. I used my thumb to spread it over the head of his cock, while he did the same to me.

I wanted to taste his cock. I didn't get a chance before and wanted to let him feel the pleasure of a hot mouth sucking his throbbing pole. I began a slow journey toward my prize, trying to duplicate the torture he had put me through before. I stopped to nibble at his large manly nipples, one at a time, sucking them and running my tongue in circles around the hard little nubs.

"Ahhhhhh...I like that." He groaned. "You're a fast learner...Mmmmmm...Oh, Yess...that feels so good!"

"I had a good teacher," I replied as I left his nipples and started trailing my tongue over his tight abs and over his groin, rubbing my nose in his thick bush.

Anticipating my next move, Gerald raised his hips, trying to force his hard cock into my mouth. He let out a loud groan when I bypassed the pulsating stalk, but his groans quickly turned to moans of pleasure when he felt my open mouth attack his hairless ballsac.

I took my time, rolling the rather large orbs around, nipping at the sac and watching it slowly draw up into his groin. I slowly licked his perinium and teased the edge of his ass crack, then returned to suck at the tight sack holding his cum filled balls. I let my hand slide up the underside of his throbbing dick and circled the shaft just where the shaft joined the sensitive crown. I began to squeeze gently.

Once I had his ballsac dripping wet with saliva, I ran my tongue up the same route my hand had taken. "Agggghhhh...Yesss...Do it...Please do it!" he groaned. "Let me feel your hot mouth on my hard cock!"

Figuring he had suffered sufficiently, I moved my mouth to capture the head and a couple of inches of his dick and ran my tongue around the leaking head. His precum was sweet and delicious. My mind registered the shock of what I was doing...I was actually sucking another man's cock! I had a cock in my mouth and it was hard, and soft at the same time. I could feel his heartbeat through the rigid pole.

I took more of him in, determined to get it all. I went a little too far too fast and almost gagged. I backed off and then tried again, more slowly this time. After a few more backoffs, I was thrilled to feel his pubic hair tickle my nose. I had done it! I had all 8 beautiful hard, thick inches in my mouth.

"Unnnggghh...Damn! That feels...unbelieveable!" Gerald gasped hoarsely. "It's all your's Babe! Suck that dick and make me beg!" His hips moved up off the bed, trying to get even more in my mouth.

I began bobbing on his cock. I was out of control! I was a madman! I wanted to feel that dick squirt. His entire shaft was slick and shiny with my saliva as I tried to suck even faster. Gerald's hips were pistoning up and down.

I felt his cock give a slight shudder. I knew he was getting close and I got ready to take his load. I wanted to taste his cum, like he had done for me. His cock began to swell. It would only take a couple more seconds.

Suddenly he grabbed my head, stopping my motion. "God! Stop Jordan...S...Stop! I don't want to cum yet! You're getting me too close. I almost lost it."

I looked up at him, disappointed that he had stopped me. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "I wanted to make you cum!" I took his pole into my mouth again, but he wouldn't let me finish him.

He pulled his wet cock out with a wet pop. "And you SHALL make me cum Babe!

But not in your mouth. I want to fuck that ass of your's and I can't wait any longer. Once I've gotten your ass, we will be complete.

"Oh, God Gerald, You've got me so hot! I want it bad...I want to feel you in me, but I'm still afraid I can't take you."

"Believe me, you can and WILL take it...every inch of it. Like I told will probably hurt some at first. We may have to try several times, but I promise...once you're relaxed enough, it will go in. And once you've had it, you'll LOVE it."

"Oh God...I want it so bad! I trust you Gerald. LET'S DO IT! I want you in me, but I don't know what to do. How do you want me?"

"Since it's your first time, I think we should start with me on my back and have you sit on my cock. That way, you can control how fast and how much of it you want."

Gerald quickly retrieved a condom and the KY from his bag. He handed me the foil wrapped package and said, "Get it ready, Babe."

Sliding the rubber over his turgid pole excited me as I realized I was about to have this thing in my ass shortly. "I'm going to need a lot of lubing up, I think." My voice sounded a little shaky, but I was determined.

Gerald put a large dollop on his latex covered cock. The squishing sound of his fist rubbing the slick substance over the entire length sent shivers up my spine.

"Turn around Babe," he said. I was on my hands and knees. I turned and presented my upturned ass to him. I felt his finger rub the cold and slippery goo all around my rosebud, then tentativey slide into the orfice. He smeared more of the KY on the inside, making me squirm as he added another finger, then a thrid. Soon I was fairly loose and I heard him say, "It's time, lover...time to make our love complete. Turn back to me and straddle my hips."

Nervously I complied. Gerald's hands were on my hips as he positioned me. Moving one hand to his cock, he held it straight up and then said, "Whenever you're ready. Just take it slow and easy. If it hurts too much, back off."

Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself to give up my cherry. Letting it out, I slowly lowered my hips until I felt the tip of his cock touch my ass.

As I lowered my hips more, I felt my hole stretch as the hard pole began to open me up. The pain came and I thought I was going to split open. I gasped and pulled back.

"Rub my dick up and down your crack, then around your hole before you try to take it in," Gerald suggested. "Don't'll do fine. Once the head gets past your outer ring, it'll be easier." His hands went to my waist in order to help stedy me. "Try pushing out, like you're trying to take a dump. That'll relax you and help open you up."

Taking a few more deep breaths, I again put the head of Gerald's dick against my rosebud and tried to do what he had suggested. At first, nothing happened. "Oh God," I thought, "I'm not going to be able to do this. He's just too big."

Just as I was about to pull back again, Gerald gave a quick push with his hips and the head popped through my outer ring and about two inches of hard cock slid into my inner bowels. I gave a yelp and tried to pull off of the monstrous pole splitting me open.

"Easy...Easy...The hard part's over. Just sit still for a minute. I'll get better." Gerald held me in place with his hands on my hips. "Raise up just a little, then move back down."

My eyes were shut tight and my teeth were clenched as I tried to endure the pain. I forced myself to ease up. Gerald stopped me when just the head of his dick was still inside me. Using his hands on my waist, he guided me back down. Another inch went in. We repeated the 'up-a-little, down-a-little-more' movements a few more times, until I became aware that the pain was lessening and I was slowly taking more and more cock. Finally, I felt his thick bush rubbing against my ass and the underside of my balls.

I let out a hugh breath that I hadn't realized I was holding in. I leaned forward, putting my hands on Gerald's chest as I gasped for breath.

"Oh my GOD, Jordan," Gerald rasped. "That is absolutely the most wonderful feeling I've EVER had. You are SO tight and warm. You're squeezing my cock like mad. Don't move...just stay still. Let your sweet ass adjust to the size of my cock."

We sat there, not moving for several minutes. Gerald couldn't resist making his cock twitch. Every time he did, I would gasp. The pain slowly was replaced by a feeling of being full...stuffed was more like it! I wiggled my ass a little and didn't feel any more pain.

Gerald could feel my body relax and my ass open up some. "Better now, Babe?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered, surprised that it really DID feel much better. I couldn't believe it. I had all 8 inches of his cock buried in my ass and it was starting to feel.....GOOD! I raised up a few inches, then sat back down, then I did it again...and again! Damn! This was starting to get to me. My dick had regained its' full hardness and bounced off Gerald's stomach each time I sat back down on his groin. "Mmmmm...I'm beginning to like this. I think maybe you were right. I think I am going to LOVE doing this."

"Ahhhhh....You're not the ONLY one who's lovin' it," He moaned. Just keep it up. I can feel your ass muscles sucking my dick every time you move."

I began withdrawing further and further, before sliding back down the pole of flesh spearing me. Soon, I was pulling off untiil I had just the head inside me, then dropping back to the base of his cock, harder and harder. As I pulled up, I would rotate my hips, continuing as I sat back down. Gerald's cock was massaging my prostate with every stroke. I was in heaven.

"Let's change positions," Gerald suggested. When his dick popped wettly out, I felt an immediate emptiness that wanted to be filled. "Get on your hands and knees, next to the edge of the bed," he said.

When I felt his cock reenter, there was much less discomfort. Gerald's hips banged against my ass, almost knocking me onto my face. I felt like the tip of his cock must be sticking out of my mouth. I looked over my shoulder and noticed he was standing at the edge of the bed, plowing my ass with a steady rhythm. As we continued to fuck, the feeling got better and better. I dropped my head and shoulders down on the bed, causing my butt to rise and give even deeper penetration. "Unnggh...Unnggh...Unnggh!" I grunted every time Gerald's hips bumped against my ass.

After about ten or fifteen minutes, Gerald urged me to move forward to lay flat on my stomach. "Here. Put this pillow under your hips," He said in a husky voice. "Stick that sweet little ass up so I can get more of my cock in it."

"Ohhhh...Yess...Yess..Yess...Fuck me you big stud! Give me that big hard dick. Oh, God...You're fucking me! I'm getting fucked with your big hard dick!" I was babbling almost incoherantly. I was gettign fucked royally and was LOVING it! I knew I would always love it.

"Oh Babe," Gerald grunted as his hips were becoming a blur. "You're ass in so great! I LOVE how you're squeezing my dick! I'm gonna cum big time real soon. His cock was beginning to throb.

"I want to watch you while you're fucking me," I said. "Turn me over, so I can see your face when you cum in me."

Gerald withdrew his cock and I quickly flopped over onto my back, spreading and raising my legs. I pulled him in between them and guided him back home.

I locked my heels against his ass and begged him to long dick me until he blasted his cum in me.

We were poetry in motion as we fucked like rabbits for the next ten minutes.

"I'm getting close," Gerald said in a loud voice. "I'm gonna cum!" He grabbed my legs and pulled them around and raised them until he could rest them on his shoulders.

My knees were almost beside my ears and my ass was wide open. I swear, Gerald's dick grew another two inches as he leaned over me and really started pounding me.

"Ahhhh...Yess...I'm gonna cum too," I managed to get out. "you're gonna make me cum any second!"

"Unnggh...Unggh! Let's cum together Babe. Tell me when you're there!" Gerald said with urgency in his voice.

"Ahhh...Ahhh...Ahhh...I'm almost there," I shouted. "Keep fucking me...Don't stop...Just a little more...Oh Yess...That's it, I'm there...I'm cumming...I'm cumming! Cum with God, NOW...NOW...NOW!"

I felt my dick swell as the cum roared up the shaft and spurted onto my chest and stomach. My climax caused my asshole to spasm and flex on Gerald's cock, bring him over the edge too.

"Oh MAN...You've got've done it!" He yelled as his condom covered cock began exploding blast after blast into my bowels.

Our mutual climaxes seemed to go on for hours, before tapering off and finally stopping. Gerald collapsed onto my chest, using his elbows to keep his weight off me. My arms were around his neck and we kissed deeply and passionately as his slowly softening cock remained buried in me.

I kept squeezing my ass muscles on his cock, causing him to moan each time. "Damn...what are you trying to DO...kill me?" He gasped hoarsely.

"Mmmmmm...Can you think of a better way to go?" I asked playfully. "Just think what the ship's crew would think if they found us dead like on my back and you with your cock buried in my ass."

"Hah!" Gerald scoffed. "I'll bet THAT would raise a few eyebrows back in East Lansing. I can see the headlines now; 'MSU proffesor found dead locked in the arms of his male lover, still connected!'" We both got a big laugh out of that.

Finally, Gerald slid his dick out of me with a wet slurp and lay beside me. We got up shortly and, after another quick shower, lay in bed enjoying the warm afterglow from our latest endeavor. When I glanced at the bedside clock, I was anazed to see that over four hours had passed since we first entered my cabin.

With that realization, a thought popped into my head and I said, "Gerald, What about your wife Betty? Won't she wonder where you've been for so long?"

With a chuckle, Gerald answered, "Oh, don't worry about that. You see, Betty and I have an 'understanding'. We are both bi and fully appreciate each other's feelings. Actually, I TOLD her I was coming to look for you and was hoping to get into your pants!"

I must have looked like the provincial deer-in-the-headlights. Gerald noticed my stunned expression and quickly reassured me, "Don't missunderstand; Betty and I are very much in love and still enjoy sex together. We just also enjoy 'broadning our sexual horizons', so to speak. As a matter of fact, I would be surprised if she wasn't enjoying the same pleasure you and I just had...with another woman! I know she was going out looking. We'll compare notes when I get back, which I guess I'd better do."

After a few more kisses, Gerald got up, dressed and leaned over for one more kiss and whispered, "Think we might do this again?"

My cock twiitched at the thought. "I can't wait, lover. I'll probably be sore and walking funny tomorrow!"

As I unlocked the door, Gerald peeked into the corridor before leaning over to kiss me again and groped my naked dick as he whispered, "See you at breakfast, but I've already had desert!" He then sauntered cockingly down the hall, humming quietly.

Shaking my head, I shut the door and hopped in the bed to try and get a few hours sleep before we docked in Key West. I had signed up for a dive and need to be somewhat alert. I fell asleep smelling the remains of our sex in the bedsheets.

So much for Part Three. The story continues in Part Four. Hope you all are still with me. Comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 4: Caribbean Cruise 4

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