Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 21, 2006


Well, we have finally reached the end of the cruise. I have really appreciated all the great positive comments I have received over the course of writing the story. Although this will be the last episode of 'Caribbean Cruise', I am writing a sequel to it titled 'After The Caribbean Cruise'. It will be TOTALLY fictional, but will use the characters from this story. It will have a more bisexual theme, so I expect it to be posted in the Bisexual/Encounters Section. I hope you will follow the continuing story of Jordan Bentley into his new lifestyle.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Twenty Three...The Cruise Ends

The lunch buffet gave us a chance to enjoy each other's company. We all were not looking forward to parting tomorrow morning. Gerald and Betty would be spending a week at least with me at my beach house in Ft Lauderdale. Mike and Julie had no choice...they had to be back at the ranch in Fort Worth, Texas owned by Mike's Father.

"Sure wish we could join you three," Mike said. "Unfortunately, the year's biggest auction is schedule for three days from now. Dad hopes to sell some of our studs and maybe pick up another brood mare or two. I have to be there to handle the transaction...The disadvantage of being the one with the Business Accounting degree."

"I'm sorry too," I said. "Just promise to visit when you can. You two will always be welcome."

"I'll miss you too Jordan," Julie added. "You've been so...Special to me...You KNOW how I feel."

I certainly remembered the subtle hints Julie had passed on more than one occasion...Hints that she would like to become more than close friends. I would have liked nothing better than to have sampled the delectable charms of this sweet young fox, but I was still bothered by the age difference. Funny...Age hadn't bothered my when I was fucking the sixteen year old Juan, or the seventeen year old Jeff, or letting the other twinks suck my cock. I don't know WHY it was different where Julie was concerned...After all, she was in her twenties. Oh well!

"Will you miss ME to?" Betty asked grinning widely. I certainly will miss YOU...I can STILL taste you."

Julie immediately blushed scarlet. "You'd think I'd be used to that by now," She giggled. I can't help it...It makes me think how good you make me feel. You taught me so much."

When we finished and headed up to the forward sundeck, we stripped off our cover-ups and outer wear. I took in a last long look at Julie's gorgeous body, so near naked. I longed to run my tongue over every inch of her luscious body.

At least I wasn't seeing the last of BETTY'S charms...On the contrary...I was hoping to see even MORE of them...As well as enjoying a few more sessions with Gerald.

Mike's cock was making a larger than normal bulge in his trunks and I wondered what was going through his mind at the moment. I had certainly enjoyed some exciting times with him. Remembering that I had busted his anal cherry sent a surge of warmth through MY dick.

Looking at Gerald...What could I say? He was really responsible for EVERYTHING that had happened. I was so glad he followed me that first night at sea. He opened my eyes and gave me a whole new outlook on sex in general. My asshole puckered as I recalled the first time he slipped that big cock into MY virgin ass.

"I think I'll head for my cabin," I said. "I could use a little rest before the farewell party this evening." I drew some curious looks from the others, but no one said anything as I left.

Just as I reached my cabin, I heard footsteps behind me. "Wait up Jordan."

Turning, I saw Mike walking rapidly to catch up. I stopped and waited for him.

"Something bothering you?" He asked. "You seemed a little...I dunno...Sad there on deck."

"Just dreading tomorrow I guess," I answered. "I've gotten so used to being around all of you, I hate to think of it ending."

"Me too," He said and put his arms around me.

We stood there looking into each other's eyes. Slowly, Mike moved closer and kissed me. It started out very gentle, but rapidly turned into a passionate bit of tongues.

Mike's hand groped my cock and felt it's hardness. I groaned loudly and reached for him, finding him just as hard.

Suddenly, realizing where we were, we broke apart, looking around. Fortunately the passageway was empty. We were breathing raggedly as Mike looked at me, his eyes asking the silent question. I nodded and turned to unlock my cabin and we stumbled into the room, again locked together in a deep kiss...our hands rushing to undress each other.

We fell naked and still entwined onto the bed and our hands stroking each other. Our bodies rubbed against each other as we rolled over the surface of the bed.

"OH GOD," I gasped, "Mike I want you!"

"Yesss," He hissed, " I want you too. I want you more than ever before."

We couldn't seem to get enough of each other...We were trying to devour each other. I sucked on his tongue which he had thrust into my mouth. When he pulled it back into his mouth mine followed, to be sucked in return.

Ripping my mouth away I gasped thickly, "I want your cock...I want to suck you until you cum!"

"Ohhhhh...Yesssss," Mike sighed, "And I want you to fuck me one more time. Let me suck you too."

We turned around on our sides, head to toe and swallowed each other's cock. Moans and groans accompanied the sounds of cocks being wetly sucked.

We sucked...And caressed...And fingers each other's asses until we we're panting with unbridled lust. Mike alternated sucking my dick and licking my balls. I licked over his perineum, and stretched my neck so I could tongue his sweet rosebud. It winked and opened under my onslaught.

"Mmmm...Ooooo...I'm Cumming Jordan...I'm cumming," Mike warned.

I quickly took his cock back into my mouth. I wanted to taste his sweet cum once more, knowing it would be a while before I got another chance. I licked the head...I swirled my tongue around the head...I swallowed the shaft and closed my lips tightly around the base, my nose in his bush.

"Oh...Oh,Yes...Yes...GOD,YESSS...Her I come Jordan...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Cum...Cumming...Oh, Yes I'm Cumming...It's all yours!"

When I felt his cock swell and start jerking, I shoved a finger in his ass and bobbed my head rapidly on his cock. The first spurt of his sweet nectar hit the back of my throat. I pulled back until I had just the first inch or two of his dick in my mouth. I sucked him like a lollipop...holding my mouth tight around the spurting stalk and using my tongue and the inner part of my mouth to stimulate him. my cheeks hollowed inward as I continued the pulsating action.

"Ahhhh...Oh My GOD...Ohhh...Ohhh...I can't stand it...Oh GOD...Oh GOD...Ohhh...Ohhh!" Mike's head was thrashing back and forth on the pillow and his fists gripped the sheet as his climax roared over him.

I had never hear or felt Mike so vocal before. The unexpected lust that had suddenly overpowered us probably was making the pleasure even MORE intense.

When Mike finally stopped cumming, his body was totally limp. I kept milking his semi-hard cock until I was sure he had no more to give.

I didn't give him a chance to relax, as my OWN lust was roaring in my ears. I put my hands under his butt and raised his hips. I buried my face between the cheeks of his ass and thrust my pointed tongue as deep into his hole as I could.

Mike's breath sucked in and his hips jerked even higher. "Arrrggh...Oh Man...I...I...Oooooo...Yesss Jordan, Yessss...I want you inside me now...Fuck me one more time...Give me your cock"

He grabbed my throbbing dick and...bending his knees put his feet flat on the bed. He raised his hips and put my cock at the entrance to his hole. I grabbed a pillow and put it under him, then put my hands under his ass again. I pushed against his pucker and sunk into him easily. His chute was warm and slick and welcomed my dick as it slid into his depths, stopping only when my pubic hair was mashed against the firm cheeks of his ass.

I leaned over and kissed his open mouth giving him my tongue, which he sucked on. I didn't want to move just yet, afraid I would not be able to keep from cumming.

While my cock soaked in his ass, Mike milked it with his ass muscles. "Ooooo...Babe!" I hissed, "Your ass is SO tight and warm...and I love what you're doing to me."

I started fucking him then. I wanted this last fuck to last, so I went slowly in and back out. Mike would rotate his ass, letting my dick hit ALL the hot spots in his tunnel. My cock was plunging slowly hitting him from different angles. It was more than I could take.

I fucked Mike for over an HOUR this last time...At least, I was IN his ass the whole time. When I started getting close, I would stop, until the urge quietened. We changed positions several times...without losing our connection. Mike's dick had become hard again and I jacked him off without stopping the pounding of his ass.

By the time he was again on his back, I had been fucking him doggie style, flat on his stomach, spooning on our sides...I even straddled one of his legs while he was on his side. I raised his other leg and slid my dick in and out of him, my balls rubbing on the leg I was straddling.

I wanted us to look at each other when I was cumming, so I had put him on his back and now was plowing his slick hole with long and deep strokes, slowly increasing the pace.

"Ooooo...You're fucking me SO good Jordan, but I want to make you cum. Fuck me fast and hard and cum for me...Do it for me...Ahhh...Ahhh...Ahhh!"

I slammed into him as hard and as fast as I could. I was practically operating on an unconscious level. I never wanted it to stop...BUT...As they say...All god things must come to an end. I fucked him frantically, feeling my climax starting at the base of my balls.

"Oh Yesss...Yesss...I'm gonna cum...Gonna cum in you Mike...Gonna cum in your ass...Can you feel my cock throbbing?"

"Yes...Yes...I feel it...I feel it...Cum...Cum...I want to feel you cum in me."

And cum I DID. My cock spurted what felt like a month's supply of cum into that tight young ass. mike milked my spurting cock with his ass almost making me black out. Stars were spinning in front of my eyes as I emptied my balls.

I fell beside Mike, still buried in him and the last few drops of cum dribbling out. I held him close and he put his arms over mine around his waist.

"I wish you could stay in me forever like this Jordan. That was the best fuck yet!"

I would have liked to stay buried in him too, but my cock finally deflated and slipped out. We were covered in sweat and cum and exhausted. We fell asleep and woke up almost stuck together.

We got up and showered, washing each other thoroughly...Between kisses. We soaped each other's cocks and moaned from how sensitive they were after our fuck-fest.

When we got out, we sat on the sofa, kissing and holding each other.

"You know," Mike said, "As much as I hate having to got straight back to Fort Worth, in a way I'm looking forward to exploring some possibilities I've thought of...since I discovered guy sex."

"Oh Yeah?" I inquired, " You know anyone there who's into this?"

"I think SO," He said. "I never really paid much attention before, but there are a couple of guys I know who I now realize were putting out signals. Maybe Julie knows someone like that too."

"You'll have to bring me up to date, when you and Julie come to visit," I said. "Maybe I"LL find a guy or two around Lauderdale...Maybe even a couple."

Mike got up and dressed...although all he had to put back on was his swim trunks. He kissed me and I let him out.

The Farewell Party was quite a show. Late in the afternoon, there was an ice sculpture demonstration by the pool. Watching a huge block of ice be shaped into a graceful swan...With a chain saw was interesting. that evening, the chefs all fixed their individual specialties and spread it out in a buffet. The ice sculptures from earlier served as the center piece.

The five of us ate until we were about to burst. We went through three bottles of wine before staggering back to our individual cabins. My four companions were looking like a little last minute slap and tickle was coming.

I closed the door of my cabin and felt the sadness come over me. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I opened it and the shock showed on my face as Lee stood there grinning.

"Lee," I said," What are you doing here? I thought it was too dangerous for you to be seen with me."

"My boss is working in engine room tonight," He said, "I know tonight is last night and I...Wondered if you might like...To make love once more." He looked shyly down at his feet as he said it.

I yanked him in and kissed him as I shut the door. Breaking apart I asked," Does that answer your question?"

He grinned and began undressing. I hurried to get naked too. Lee dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth and sucked me deeply.

"Ooooo...I've missed that Baby," I grunted, "You are so sweet, I was sad that I had only gotten to make love to you one time!"

I pulled him off my dick and carried him in my arms over to the bed. We got into a 69 and sucked until Lee groaned and unloaded his cum into my throat.

As soon as his dick softened, He turned and got onto his hands and knees, presenting his perfect little ass to me. "Fuck me Jor...dan! Put your big cock in me and fuck me."

I knelt down and fastened my lips to his ass and ran my tongue up and down the length of his crack. He gasped and tried to look over his shoulder.

"Ohhhhh, Jor...dan! What you do? Ahhhhhh...Ohhhhh...No one has ever...Ohhhhh...I never felt anything...Ahhhhh...That feels SO good!" His ass wiggled under the onslaught.

I slid two fingers in him and fucked him, while I grabbed the KY from the table. I smeared some around his hole and my sticky fingers slid in and out easily. He continued to moan as I lubed up my cock with the other hand.

When Lee was sufficiently wet, I stood up at the side of the bed and placed my cock at his entrance. "Are you ready for me Baby? I can't wait to put it inside you and make love."

"Oh yesss," Lee groaned, "I am ready...Take me Jor...dan...I am yours." He pushed back against my dick eagerly.

I pushed gently and watched as my cock spread his cheeks. I could see the tiny rosebud open to accept the head of my cock and then close around the shaft as it slid in ever so slowly.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...Oh Jor...dan!" Lee moaned, "You make me feel so FULL! I wish your cock could fuck me forever!"

"Me too Baby, "I groaned at the tightness of his chute. He felt like a small child he was so tight.

I began to fuck him in earnest, slowly at first, then faster, until my hips were slapping against his ass, making them quiver each time. My cock was making wet noises as it plowed his fine little ass and served to excite the both of us.

"I love how it sounds when I'm fucking you Lee," I whispered, "Your little ass is SO tight and I love how you squeeze my dick with it. I'm gonna cum soon...You are gonna make me cum Baby!"

"Yesss...Yesss...Cum Jor...dan...CUM...I want you...To...Cum!"

"I'm there Baby...I'm cumming...Unnnggh...Oh Yesss...Cumming...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!"

My cum exploded powerfully and I shot seven or eight spurts before my flow slowed and finally stopped.

We stayed in position as long as possible, until my cock slipped out. I pulled Lee into my arms and kissed his eyes, his nose, and finally his lips.

He open his mouth and sucked my tongue in. His naked body was against me from groin to chest and the remnants of cum and KY made our bodies slick as we ground them together.

This time our shower took longer. When we finished, his cock was hard again, so I sat him down on the sofa and sucked him off again. He gasped and groaned and ran his fingers through my hair as his hips pumped into my sucking mouth. He shot several spurts of his sweet cum, which I swallowed.

As he dressed, I lay on the bed and watched him cover that sexy body. Lee," I said, "I will NOT forget you or the times we have shared. I hope someday, we will be able to make love again."

"That would be so nice Jor...dan," He answered, "I would like that...Very much."

I gave him a slip of paper. "Here is my address and telephone number in Ft Lauderdale. If you get some time off between cruises, call me. I would love to have you spend that time with me."

Lee took the paper in shaking hands and looked at it. "Thanks you Jor...dan.

I think it would be very easy to fall in love with you."

That shocked me, but at the same time, I was flattered. I had grown to really like this little guy and I could see not minding to have him in my life.

I kissed him once more as he left to head back to his quarters. As I sat down and started putting the cash tips in individual envelopes for the waiters...ours and the head waiter, I came to the one for my cabin attendant...Lee. I smiled as I put a hundred dollar bill in it.

The next morning we docked in Miami. After several hours of getting through Customs, Gerald, Betty, Mike, Julie, ans I met at the front entrance of the terminal. Mike and Julie's limo was waiting to whisk them to the airport and the ranch's private plane, so we said our tearful goodbyes. Mike hugged Gerald and Me, and Betty gave him a kiss that made him blush one more time. Julie raised up on tiptoes to kiss me and I felt her tongue caress my lips sweetly before she moved back to stare into my eyes.

"Until..." She whispered, leaving the unsaid but inevitable question hanging.

Gerald, Betty and I watched as the two youngsters got into their limo and waived as it drove away.

"Well!" Gerald said, coughing to clear his throat, "shall we?"

Since MY car was in the long term parking area, there was no need for Gerald and Betty to rent a car. An attendant pulled it around and stopped in front of us. We loaded our bags on board, got in and drove away. It had been QUITE a seven days for me.

End Of Caribbean Cruise.

I want to thank all of you who have followed the story, and especially those who have emailed so many nice comments to me. I hope you will check into 'After The Caribbean Cruise'...Which will follow soon. As I understand from the Nifty editors, it SHOULD appear in the Bisexual/Encounters Section. As always, comments welcome at

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