Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 19, 2006


This story is largely fictional, but is loosely based on some experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. Some of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just remember to ALWAYS practice safe sex in REAL life. I hope you continue to enjoy the remaining episodes of the story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Twenty Two

When we met for breakfast the next morning, it was sad to realize this was our last day at sea. We would arrive back in Miami early the next morning. The thought of saying goodbye to my friends after such a wonderful week of getting to know them...and NOT just sexually...had me feeling down in the dumps.

At least Gerald and Betty would be spending at least another week with me at me place in Ft. Lauderdale. Mike and Julie would not be able, but promised they would come for a visit as soon as possible.

The one uplifting item, however, was the thought of what was scheduled for today...Mike's 'performance' for Julie. He was going to let her...and Betty watch him have sex with Gerald and me. This was Julie's payback for letting him watch her and Betty make love.

There was an air of excitement among the five of us as we ate. Mike looked like last night's 'quickie' with me and our short chat had carried over. He seemed ready for the event. Julie and Betty were whispering back and forth and I saw the flush I was getting used to spread over Julie's face. I wondered what juicy words Betty was feeding her.

"What are you two planning over there?" I inquired. "Does it have anything to do with today?"

"Mmmm, Could be...Could be," Betty replied, grinning at Julie.

"I swear," Julie said, "I think Betty only has ONE thing on her mind!"

"When it comes to getting into those panties of yours, you're absolutely RIGHT!" Betty replied.

Julie giggled and rolled her eyes, "My Goodness...Haven't you been in them enough? You make me wet every time I'm even NEAR you!"

"I told her I was going to get her off while we watch you guys today," Betty said. "I don't think EITHER of us can just sit watching you three studs rut like animals without getting all hot and bothered."

The image of THAT caused my dick to thicken rapidly and I saw Mike moving to adjust his growing package. Gerald looked like his shorts were getting a little uncomfortable also.

"Why don't we all go freshen up and meet at Mike and Julie's cabin in an hour?" Gerald suggested.

Everyone agreed and we left the dining room. I had to put a hand in my pocket to hide my boner. I noticed both Mike and Gerald walked behind their wives to shield prying eyes from their condition.

I made sure I was thoroughly clean, brushed my teeth and checked my self in the mirror. "Not bad for a 47 year old guy," I said to my image. "Who would have EVER thought you would be enjoying sucking cocks and getting fucked by other guy!" Getting no answer from the guy in the mirror, I smiled, shrugged my shoulders and headed for what I hoped to be an exhilarating next few hours.

I knocked on Mike and Julie's door and Mike opened it. "C'mon in," He said, "Gerald and Betty are already here."

I stepped inside and looked around. This was the first time I had been in their cabin and I was duly impressed. Being part of such a wealthy family business, the youngsters were quartered in one of the ship's most plush cabins. It consisted of two large rooms, the large sitting room we were in, and a second room I assumed was the bedroom. They had a huge private balcony accessible through large sliding glass doors. They even had a 36 inch console television set, instead of the usual 18 inch, wall mounted sets in most of the cabins.

Betty and Julie were seated on one of the two large sofas. Betty was stroking the inside of Julie's bare thigh, brushing the edge of her white shorts. They looked excited and Julie was squirming under Betty's stimulation, and her nipples were clearly excited as they pushed against the cloth of her halter top.

Gerald decided to get the ball rolling and moved beside Mike, who was watching the girls. His shorts were bulging and Gerald grasped the outline of his cock and squeezed it. Mike sucked in his breath and looked at Julie.

Betty's hand moved higher and rubbed the area between Julie's legs, drawing a gasp from the turned on little blonde.

Mike's eyes closed as Gerald unzipped his shorts and reached inside. I moved to the other side and urged Mike to raise his arms. I pulled his tee shirt off over his head, while Gerald unsnapped the waist of his shorts.

When Mike's shorts slid down over his hips to his feet, the girls had a perfect view of Gerald's hand inside Mike's briefs, stroking his hard cock.

Julie's eyes were locked on Gerald's hand, but Betty was more interested in fondling Julie's breast. Her fingers teased the hard nipple through the halter, causing Julie to hiss through clenched teeth. It was hard to tell which was turning Julie on more...The sight of her husband's cock getting stroked, or Betty's manipulations...Probably a little of both.

I leaned over and fastened my mouth over one of Mike's sensitive nipples, nibbling and sucking on the hard nub. "Mmmmm...Ohhhh...Yesss," He groaned. He began working to get the zipper of Gerald's shorts down. Finally succeeding, he reached in and pulled the leaking cock out through the opening and stroked it.

Betty's tongue appeared and she licked her dry lips as she was getting equally turned on by our action.

While I continued to work on Mike's nipples, Gerald lowered his briefs, exposing the rigid dick he was still stroking. Mike lost contact with Gerald's member, so he transferred his hand to ME, quickly freeing my cock and grasping it gently.

I moved up and kissed him and heard a gasp from the girls as Gerald went down on Mike's cock and sucked him slowly.

Mike was groaning into my mouth and his hand was stroking my dick steadily as Gerald's mouth bobbed on his pole. I pushed my shorts and briefs to the floor to give Mike free access to my dick and he fondled my balls as our tongues circled one another and took turns exploring the insides of each other's mouth.

Gerald, switched and sucked MY cock into his hot mouth, bringing muffled moans from me. He used his other hand to stroke Mike's dick, keeping us both pumping our hips.

I broke the kiss an glanced at the girls. Betty was kissing Julie and had one hand under the halter top, squeezing the nipple. Julie was gasping and moaning, but pulled away from Betty's lips to again watch fascinated as Mike's cock again disappeared into Gerald's mouth.

The action was getting hot and heavy and my knees were starting to get weak.

"Why don't we move to the bed guys," I suggested.

We all headed into the second room...Gerald and I shedding the rest of our clothes as we went. The bedroom was at least AS large, if not LARGER than the sitting room. It had a king-sized bed and a sofa and two easy chairs located to one side of the bed.

The girls took the sofa while we three sprawled on the bed. We put Mike on his back and I straddled his chest and moved up until he was able to suck my cock. Gerald lay between his open legs and went down on his cock again.

Betty had unfastened Julie's top, but had not removed it. She was now able to freely squeeze both of Julie's tits unobstructed. I caught a glance of one of those delightful mounds and saw it was capped by a large pink areola and slightly darker nipple that was puffy and extended out almost a half inch.

"Ummmmm...Oh yesss," I moaned, "Suck my cock Mike...that's so good...Mmmmmmm!"

"Ohhhhhh...Ohhhhh GOD!" Julie gasped as my words caused her body to shudder.

She was cumming from watching Mike suck me while getting sucked by Gerald.

"That's it Baby," Betty cooed, "Let it go. Are you enjoying watching your husband suck cock and get sucked?"

"Ohhhhh,,,Oh, My...Yesss...It's so NICE. Watching Gerald suck his cock is really turning me on, and I can't believe how good he looks sucking Jordan. I...I've never seen any other...Ah...other men's...THINGS...Before. Now...both Gerald AND Jordan...It's...It's...Oh Wow!"

"Go on Honey, " Betty urged, "SAY it...You know what they are...Those are COCKS...DICKS...PRICKS...FUCKSTICKS...SAY it!" She pushed the loose halter top up and dropped her head to capture one of Julie's nipples and sucked and licked and nibbled, making Julie bite her lower lip.

"Unnnggh...Ohhhh...YESSSS...COCKS...Gerald and Jordan's COCKS are...Are HARD...They look so different from Mike's...Ahhhh...Mmmmmm...I never realised men's d...Dicks were so different."

Betty was rubbing Julie's pussy through her shorts while she continued to suck on her nipples. Julie was still trying to watch us three, but Betty's hands and mouth were starting to make her cum every few minutes.

Gerald got their attention when he raised Mikes legs and started licking his asshole. Mike's hips were jerking as he felt the hot tongue slip through the tight opening. "Mmmpph...Mmmpph...Mmmmm," He moaned around my dick in his mouth.

After Gerald had been rimming him for a while, He got up and went to the pile of his clothing and pulled a tube of KY from his shorts. "Mike," He said, "Let Jordan lay on his back and get up on your hands and knees. I want to get into that sweet ass of yours."

"Ohhhh," Julie gasped, "Betty...Gerald is going to actually put his...his...COCK in Mike's...In Mike's..."

"I'm gonna FUCK your husband, Julie," Gerald said. "He loves how my big cock feels in his ass...DON'T you Mike?"

Mike was bent over me, sucking my cock, but raised up and looked at Julie. "Yess...Yes, I LOVE how your cock feels in my ass. He really knows how to fuck Honey...I LOVE it!"

Julie's eyes were wide as she watched Gerald kneel behind Mike's ass. The bed was situated sideways to the sofa, so the girls were seeing us in full profile. Julie could see the length of Gerald's dick as he placed it at the opening to Mike's ass.

"Ohhhh...It looks so BIG...Can he really get ALL of it in you?" Julie asked. She and Betty were BOTH watching intently...ME? I was staring at Julie's bare breast and wishing I could get it in my mouth. My cock surged.

Mike let out a hiss as Gerald pushed and the head of his cock slowly spread the tight hole and slid in. "Ahhhhh...Ooooooo...That feels like a fence post," He groaned, but raised his butt to take more of it.

"Mike let me watch one of our thoroughbred stallions mount a mare once." Julie said, "I remember how BIG that stallions...Cock looked and wondered how that poor mare would EVER get it all in." She giggled and went on, "Guess you know how that mare felt now."

Gerald kept pushing and his cock slid in steadily and smoothly, until his bush was mashed against Mike's ass. He stopped and enjoyed the tightness. "That's the first time I've ever been compared to a stallion! I'll have to remember that the next time I'm in YOUR pussy Darling."

"Oh...I'll remind you Baby," Betty grinned, "You can mount THIS mare anytime. You KNOW how much I love your big horse-cock."

Stirred up by Betty's words, Gerald started fucking Mike with long hard strokes. His hips slapped against Mike's ass making him grunt each time. "Arrrggh...Oooo...Oooo."

He dropped his head and began bobbing on my cock again, making me pump my hips. Every time Gerald slammed into his ass, his mouth took more and more of my dick into his sucking mouth.

Betty had gone back to sucking on Julie's tits now, but she had also managed to unzip her shorts and had one hand inside, fingering Julie.

I was enjoying Mike's mouth on my cock, but it was being enhanced by watching Betty torture Julie. As much as she was enjoying what Betty was doing to her, I suspected that she was being pumped up even more by watching us.

She was humping her hips against the hand fingering her pussy, And had her own hand behind Betty's head forcing more of her breast into the mouth sucking the nipple.

Gerald was fucking Mike faster now, and his breath was becoming rapid and ragged. "Unnh...Unnh...I'm gonna cum!" He shouted, "I'm almost...There...Yesss...Yesss...Wiggle that sweet ass Babe...Make me cum...Oh Yeah...You're doing it...You're doing it...I'm cumming...Unnnggh...I'm Cumming!"

He slammed against Mike's butt a couple more times, then shoved his spurting cock as deep as he could and unloaded. "Urrrggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Oooo...You got it...You got it ALL!"

He pulled out and backed off. I pulled MY dick out of Mike's mouth and quickly moved to his feet. "Turn over Babe," I said, "I want to fuck you on your back."

Mike quickly flopped over and raised his knees. I put a pillow under his hips and moved between his legs. I put the head of my spear at his opening and shoved. It was like sinking into a warm wet glove...Gerald's cum had turned his chute into a slick velvet receptacle that hugged my dick.

"Ahhhhh...Your ass feels so good," I groaned. "Now I'm gonna fuck you fast and hard and you're gonna cum." I put an arm under each of his knees and started plowing his willing ass.

"Oh yess," Mike hissed,"Fuck me Jordan...Make me cum. I love how you fuck...Give it to me!"

Gerald had moved to the foot of the bed and was watching. "Oh Yeah Man...Fuck him GOOD."

"Ohhhh...Oh GOD Betty," Julie screamed, "I'm cumming!"

I looked over and Betty's hand was still inside Julie's open shorts, frantically frigging her dripping pussy.

Her other hand was busy inside her own shorts rapidly stroking herself. "Oh Yeah, Baby," She said in a husky voice, "Cum for me...I'm cumming too...Oh you're SO wet...I can feel your juices...Mmmmm...I'm cumming too!"

I was not going to last with all the hot action the girls were providing and I sped up my strokes. Mike was humping his ass, meeting every one of my thrusts. We were rapidly heading for the abyss.

"Unnnh...Unnnh," Mike was gasping, "HURRY Jordan...I'm about to're gonna make me cum...Ahhhh...Ohhhh...Just a little more...HURRY...I'm getting there!"

"So am I," I groaned, "I'm ready...Cum with me Babe...Cum with me...Now...Oh NOW...Here it comes...Urrrggghhh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!" My cock exploded as I flooded his ass. I felt his hole constrict as cum started blasting out of his cock and land on his chest and stomach. When my cock wilted, I pulled out with a wet sound. And squatted on my knees.

The girls got up and came over to us. Betty went into Gerald's arms and placed her lips against his.

Julie leaned over Mike and whispered "Oh Mike...Thank you...Thank you for doing this for me...It was wonderful...I LOVE you Sweetheart."

"I love you TOO Baby," Mike said as he pulled he face down to kiss her.

Betty turned from Gerald and threw her arms around me. Her sweet mouth closed over mine and her tongue danced against mine. "You were wonderful Jordan," She whispered in my ear.

When Betty returned to snuggle against Gerald, Julie moved to lean in to me.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time," She said as her sweet, soft lips touched mine. Her arms went around my neck and she opened her mouth and let her tongue circle my lips before moving inside. I sucked on it and moaned into her. She smiled widely as she finally broke the kiss.

"Wow!" I said, "I...I must be the luckiest guy on earth right now. I've found a whole new life and you four have become so much MORE than just friends."

We shared a group hug, then Mike, Gerald and I excused ourselves to hop in the shower. When we came back out, Betty and Julie were sitting on the sofa locked in a passionate kiss. We watched them until they finally broke apart.

"We just wanted to share one more moment." Betty said. After tonight, we won't see each other for who knows how long."

Julie added, "We will just HAVE to figure out some way to get together again soon."

"My place in Lauderdale is always open and there's plenty of room. Any time we can work it out you all are always welcome."

"Julie and I can pretty well get away whenever, with a little notice," Mike said, "Let's be sure to keep in touch with each other and make it happen."

We made a pact that we would indeed not let this be the end of our relationship.

Leaving Mike and Julie to recover, Gerald, Betty, and I headed for our cabins. It was almost time for lunch as we had been at it for almost three hours. We agreed to meet for the buffet and then get in one more round of sun on deck.

End Of Part Twenty Two; The last episode will follow shortly. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 23: Caribbean Cruise 23

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