Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 17, 2006


This story is mostly fictional, but is loosely based on experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. Some sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just remember to practice safe sex in REAL life. Thanks for all the positive comments. I hope you enjoy the continuing story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Twenty One

Betty and Julie were waiting for us when we arrived back at the pavilion. The lobsters we had purchased from the native kids were almost ready. We were famished after our sexual tryst with the four teens.

"We were about to send out a search party for you guys," Betty scolded, "Where did you three disappear to?"

"Oh...Err...We found a nice private beach," Gerald explained. "It was so nice, we just sorta lost track of the time."

"Hmmph," Betty snorted good naturedly, "A likely story."

I tried to change the subject, saying "How was the volleyball tournament?"

Julie answered, "Pretty cool actually, We met some real hot studs who pulled us off into the rocks and had their way with us...several times!" I was amazed at how she could say this and keep a straight face. A mischevious little smile at one corner of her pretty mouth gave her away.

"Oh, REALLY," Mike replied, "That must have been their wives who found US and demanded we satisfy their carnal desires. They said their hubbies had found a couple of loose women who paid them for a little slap and tickle back in the rocks."

"Oh You...You Rat!" Julie said, "I'll show YOU loose women!" She got up and Mike took one look and ran for his life with Julie right on his heels.

That broke the rest of us up and we laughed at the two of them.

"Hmmm," I said, in my most serious tone, "You know...Julie shouldn't run when she's wearing a bikini! She's liable to get two black eyes."

It took a minute for that to register, but Gerald got it and started laughing.

Betty was a little slower. "What are you talking about Jordan? How's running going to cause...Oh! Oh!" She got it. "I can't believe you SAID that, you dirty old man you."

I had to duck as she squirted water at me from her water bottle. She started after ME and I took off with her laughing and threatening all sorts of harm to various parts of my body. Gerald laughed at the sight, but stayed seated. Betty chased me until I ran into the edge of the surrounding forest of palm trees.

Finally out of breath, I stopped running and turned around to give up, only to have Betty crash unintentionally into me. Instinctively I reached out to prevent her from falling and she ended up in my arms, her tits pressed against my chest and her lips only inches away from mine.

Our eyes locked and we stood there, until her arms came up around my neck and she pulled my face down to hers and our lips met in a gentle kiss.

Betty leaned back and smiled, "Mmmmm...I've wanted that ever since the other night when we were dancing and I asked you to think about something...Do you remember?"

I swallowed and said, "I remember."

Her lips joined mine again in a longer, more intense kiss. Her tongue danced along my lips before sliding inside to circle my own. My cock pressed against her pubic mound.

"Mmmm...I guess you DO remember!" She whispered, pressing against my hardness. "I haven't forgotten either."

"We'd better get back to the others," I suggested hoarsely.

"Right," She replied huskily...For NOW!"

When we got back, Mike and Julie had returned and our meals were being served. The lobster was excellent and we chatted openly about the sex we had been enjoying.

"Don't forget, Mike," Julie said. "You owe me a performance!" I think tomorrow would be a good time to plan for it. It's our last day at sea."

Mike gulped and blushed. "Oh...Uhhh...Yeah...I DID promise, didn't I. It's gonna feel awfully funny...You know...Embarrassing. What if...If I can't...Ah...Can't...DO it in front of you?"

"Oh, don't worry about that, Mike," Gerald said, "I'm sure Jordan and I will be able to make sure you're...How shall I put it...You're...'Up To It'?" Man! That Gerald...He's got a million of them!

Julie and Betty laughed...Mike blushed again. Julie went on to say, "Something else Husband...I've invited Betty along to watch!"

"Aw shit!" Mike groaned, "We might as well do it in the main lounge, so the whole ship can watch."

I couldn't resist..."Hey...Good idea! I'll set it up with the Captain. Whatdya know...THERE he is now!" I got up yelling "Captain...Oh, Captain...Can I talk to you?" The Captain wasn't really there, but my actions had the desired effect.

Mike turned as white as a sheet and looked like he was about to crap in his shorts. He looked around wildly, until he realized he'd been had again. "Damn you Jordan...You just scared me out of ten years growth!" He tossed a sneaker at me, but missed.

Gerald, Betty, and Julie laughed until Mike finally looked at them and burst out laughing too. "Man...I am SO gullible...I can't believe I fell for that!"

"Remember," I added, "Be careful what you wish for." I am the KING...I am the master of 'arrangements'. I didn't spend twenty five years as a master manipulator for my company and not learn SOMETHING."

"OK, 'Master of Arrangements'," Julie asked, "I guess that means YOU'RE in charge of 'arranging' Mike's 'Coming US' party. When and where?"

Without hesitation I answered, "Tomorrow...One o'clock...In Your cabin...Be there!" That was the logical place for this event. Mike and Julie were in a large suite and it would provide the most space.

"I'll bring the Champagne," Gerald offered.

"Make it Asti Spumante," Julie requested, "Champagne gives me gas!"

"Oh...Well...We certainly can't have THAT! Asti it is." Gerald said with a theatrical bow.

We all spent a little time snorkeling before it was time to return to the ship. As we were waiting on the small dock for the next ship's tender, the four teens we had enjoyed a hot bout of sex with, along with the rest of the maintenance crew came out to wish all the passengers a safe passage. The boys saw us and waived to us showing big smiles. Betty and Julie didn't notice the boys, since ALL the shore crew were waiving.

We had certainly enjoyed the day, but it was nice to get back to our cabins and shower.

This was traditionally the second formal night, so once again, I struggled into my tux. I managed to get my bow tie tied this time, but I fondly remembered the first formal night and Lee...especially the enjoyment of his lovemaking. I wandered down to the main dining room to meet the others.

The ladies were again breathtaking in different evening gowns than they wore to the first formal. We enjoyed various appetizers to start...I chose Escargot. Betty made a vulgar sound when I attempted to get her to try it.

"Uggh...No, Thank You...I have NO interest in eating something that crawls on the ground and leaves a slimy trail!"

"What," I remarked, feeling rather cocky, "You eat eggs don't you? Where do you think EGGS come from?"

"Yuck! There went my appetite," Betty moaned. "Jordan...You're getting too big for your britches!"

"Hmmm," Mike mumbled thoughtfully, "I wonder if they have any Rocky Mountain Oysters!"

"Now THAT sounds more like it," Betty replied, " I LOVE oysters...raw, on the half shell."

Gerald laughed into his napkin and I coughed to cover MY laugh. Julie elbowed Mike and warned, "Don't YOU start too!" Then even SHE couldn't help but giggle.

"What's so funny?" Betty asked, then looked even MORE confused when we all burst into uncontrolled laughter. Gerald leaned over and whispered into her ear. We watched as her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped open.

"You're not SERIOUS...No, You CAN'T be serious! Bull balls? Rocky Mountain Oysters are BULL BALLS? I'm going to be sick!" Hot Damn! Betty got zinged again. Is was Mike who got her this time and not me...But it was worth it to see the look on Betty's face. I was determined to not let her live it down. I was going to have her and Gerald as my guests back in Lauderdale for at least a week and maybe longer, so she would be hearing about it for THAT long.

When my Escargot arrived, Betty looked at the small black objects sitting in small round holes in the plate. "My GOD...You're really going to eat SNAILS?" she asked.

"Yes Ma'am," I replied as I secured one of the delicious morsels on my fork and put it in my mouth...Making a big show out of smacking my lips. "Mmmmmm...Yum, Yum! Are you SURE you wouldn't like to try one Betty?"

I thought she was going to throw up...Then I was afraid she was going to throw something AT me.

"Jordan...You are just about to get it, I swear!" Betty warned...amid the continued laughter, including Gerald.

"Gerald...YOU had most CERTAINLY better wise up and straighten up...Or I know SOMEBODY who won't be getting any tonight!"

Gerald threw up his hands protectively. "OK...OK...You win...I am your staunchest ally from this moment on." He looked at the rest of us sternly. "Guy's...Knock it OFF...Right NOW...Or ELSE!" He warned with mock seriousness. Betty punched him in the ribs.

"This just isn't MY night," She said dejectedly.

"Awww, cheer up," I said in an innocent voice. "The night is still young!"

"One more crack and you're gonna get it, Jordan," Betty said, but I saw the twinkle in her eye. She was a sweetheart and was putting us all on.

The waiter came to clear our appetizers and take out entree orders. I ordered the glazed chicken with lemon sauce.

Mike showed his true colors, "Steak...Just knock the horns and hide off and run a match under the plate!"

"Honestly, Mike," Julie sighed. "I'll have the Chef Salad...Fat free dressing on the side."

Betty pointed to the menu and said something to the waiter as he was taking their order. She and Gerald ordered the Captain's Special...Duck L'Orange. At least, that's what it SOUNDED like.

When our meals were served, we stopped chatting and dug in. I had taken about three bites of my chicken when my mouth began to feel like it was on fire. I gulped down my entire glass of water and looked desperately for the waiter to refill my glass. When I couldn't locate him, I grabbed Gerald's glass and emptied it also.

"My Goodness, Jordan," Betty asked in a concerned voice, "Whatever is the matter?"

"Hot...Hot!", I gasped, fanning my mouth. "Water...More water...Hurry!"

"Goodness," Betty went on, syrup literally dripping from her mouth, "It MUST have been something you ate."

I emptied my third glass of water which Julie had passed to me before the burning finally eased. I looked at Betty and knew she had done it to me again.

"OK...Just EXACTLY what did you tell that waiter?" I KNOW you're behind this. "

"Well...I simply told him you liked your food...'extra spicy'. So I suggested he add a little Cauyan Pepper to 'give it a little bite'."

"Why you devious little...little...Whatever," I sputtered. "I should have known better. Gerald...How do you LIVE with someone so...So...!"

"Simple," He said casually, "I know better than to piss her off. She doesn't get mad...she gets EVEN!" This brought a round of laughter from the others. Betty smiled at me with that 'Gotcha' look, but blew me a kiss and winked. I couldn't be angry with her no matter HOW hard I tried.

The waiter showed up again with another plate for me. "The lady said to bring the hot meal first, then to bring the real one now."

"So," I said faking anger, "YOU were in on it too I see. This will definitely reflect in your tip!"

When the poor guy turned pale, so I quickly put my hand on his trembling arm. "I was only joking," I reassured him. "My friends just played a joke on me...Don't worry, I'm not angry...Certainly not with YOU."

Smiling finally, the waiter placed my meal in front of me. I cut a piece of the chicken and was about to put it in my mouth, when I happened to glance at Betty and saw her watching me intently.

"You wouldn't DARE...Not AGAIN!" I said not really sure at all. "I swear, Betty...I'll get you if it takes the rest of my life...I will follow you back to Michigan...I will haunt you for the rest of YOUR life...I will..."

"Relax Dear," Betty said laughing at MY predicament. "It's safe."

I raised the fork to my mouth again, only to have her remark, "You can trust me." I hesitated again and gave her a dirty look.

"Oh...Go Ahead Jordan," She urged, laughing, "I'm just getting back at you for that 'Rocky Mountain Oyster' thing."

"But...But...That was MIKE!" I protested.

"I know," Betty giggled, "But you went along with it...and there was the 'Snail' thing too...and that WAS you."

"Am I EVER going to get to you somehow?" I asked dejectedly.

"Oh...You MIGHT get a chance...SOON." She did that thing...running her tongue around her lips...That she KNEW drove me up the wall!

I thought back to her suggestion on the dance floor and her reminder when she kissed me earlier today. Maybe I WOULD at that.

We finished our meals and joined the crowd in the Ballroom for dancing. Once again, I got practically raped on the dance floor by Betty, who acted totally innocent, knowing all along what turmoil she was causing in my groin area.

I was feeling sexually aroused when I got back to my cabin. I had just gotten my coat off, my bow tie untied and my shoes off, when there was a knock at my door. I opened it to find Mike there.

"I'm nervous about tomorrow," He said as I ushered him in and shut the door. "I don't know if I can do it in front of Julie, and NOW Betty too."

"Aw, You'll be fine," I assured him. "It'll be almost like it is with just you, me and Gerald."

"But...But...What if I can't get it up...Or something like that?"

I reached for his basket and groped his bulge. His cock responded, lengthening.

"See," I said, "You're young and horny 24/7. You won't have any trouble."

I was having trouble though. The feel of his hard cock was causing my own to tent the front of my pants.

"Maybe I'd better check this out a little closer," I said in a thick voice. "Let's be sure it will work OK."

Mike groaned from the stimulation of my hand fondling him. He pressed his hips against my hand.

I dropped to my knees and unzipped his trousers, reaching inside to feel his throbbing member. His briefs were getting wet as I pushed them aside and pulled his cock out of the leg opening. I stroked the length of him until he was fully erect, then took it in my mouth.

"Oooooo...Oh Yesss...I've missed your mouth on my cock...Suck me Jordan...Get me off."

I bobbed on his dick and reached in to free his balls. They were drawn up already, so I moved to lick them and suck on the wrinkled sac. I unzipped MY pants and yanked my hard cock out, stroking it furiously.

Mike was humping his hips and put his hands on each side of my head. "Suck me, Jordan...I'm so horny I'm gonna cum quick. "

His breath caught in his throat as I returned to swallow his pole and suck him deep. I fondled his balls with one hand, then reached around to squeeze his ass. My other hand was stroking my dick in time with my sucking. I was going to cum very soon.

"Unnnggh...Oh Yeah...Unnnggh...Mmmmm...Take it all...Unnnggh...You're gonna make me...Gonna cum...I'm gonna cum...Here it comes...You got it...You got it...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Arrrggghh...Yessss!"

His cum blasted out of the slit at the tip of his throbbing cock and I had to swallow several times to get it all. His hips continued to thrust, driving his spurting cock into my throat. My own climax exploded and shot several hot spurts onto the tile floor.

I milked his dick until the last drop was squeezed out. When He had finished and his cock softened and popped out of my mouth, he tucked it back in his trousers and zipped up. "Thanks, Jordan," He managed to say.

"Thank YOU Mike," I said as I rose, zipping my own pants. "I needed that as bad as YOU did."

"I hate to...Err...CUM and GO, but Julie will wonder where I am...Although she KNOWS you and I have sex together."

"I understand," I said, kissing him and letting him taste his own cum. "Just don't worry about tomorrow. We'll have Julie and Betty so hot, they'll probably get off just watching us."

Mike kissed me again, then hurried down the passageway. I hoped Julie didn't have big plans for his cock tonight. Who knows though...Ah to be so young again. I shut the door and, after cleaning up the pool of my cum, undressed, ready to get a restful night's sleep, now that I had relieved the pressure.

End Of Part Twenty One. Looks like one or two more episodes will do it for this story. Comments are welcome at P.S. If you enjoy the style of writing in my stories, following is a list of several I wrote back in 2003. May 21, 2003....Gay Male/High School Section "Drive-In Movie Encounter" June 6, 2003.....Gay Male/College Section "Drew and Paul" June 28, 2003...Gay Male/Encounters Section "Airport Encounter" June 29, 2003...Gay Male/Military Section "Military Encounters" July 10, 2003.....Gay Male/Camping Section "Early Encounters"* *(Written under the psuedoname of John Smith)

Next: Chapter 22: Caribbean Cruise 22

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