Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 14, 2006


This story is mostly fictional, but is based loosely on some of the experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. the character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. Some of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just remember to practice safe sex in REAL life. I hope you enjoy the continuing story. Thanks again for all the positive feedback I have received.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Twenty

Here the three of us were, about to become sexually involved with four teenagers who all looked good enough to eat!

Brody latched onto Mike, who he had been casting furtive glances at. He sat down beside Mike and reached for his cock. Mike reached out and brought Brody's face close to his and planted a tentative kiss on his lips. Brody returned the kiss with gusto and the two of them came together in a tangle of hands and legs. Brody's cock looked about 6" and fairly thick.

Juan had been watching ME and had caught my eyes staring at his cock. His dark skin was smooth and looked soft. He moved to sit beside me and whispered, "I see you looking and hope you maybe want to make love with me?"

"I want very MUCH to make love with you, Juan. I think you are a very sexy young man and I'm flattered you find ME attractive." I put my arms out and he moved quickly into them, cuddling nicely against my body. I could feel his hard cock against my thigh and his hand searched for and found my own rigid pole. I moaned at the contact and looked into his dark eyes. He moved closer, his eyes closing and his lips parting. I took the invitation and pressed my own mouth against his and sucked on his tongue as he began a slow stroking of my dick.

I was vaguely aware that Joey and Jeff had doubled up on Gerald and I glanced over to see the three of them fondling each other's cocks. Joey was fastened to Gerald's mouth while Jeff was stroking both Gerald and Joey's dicks. Joey had the largest cock of the four...about 6 1/2 inches, while Jeff's was shorter...only about 5 inches, but looked nice and fat.

Juan's cock was about 5 to 6 inches and nicely shaped. He was leaking from the tip as he continued to kiss me. I took his pulsing member in my hand and he gasped into our open mouths. His cock throbbed in my hand while he stroked me with an extremely erotic rhythm.

Mike and Brody had moved into a 69 and were rapidly bobbing on each other's cocks. Brody was on top and I could see Mike's hands squeezing his ass. When his finger entered the crack, Brody's body jerked and I could hear him moan.

Meanwhile, Gerald was on his back now and had Joey's cock in his mouth. Joey was sitting on Gerald's chest and pumping into his mouth. Gerald's hands were on Joey's ass, guiding him. Jeff lay between Gerald's legs avidly devouring the hard 8 inches that I knew so well.

Juan had moved down to my cock and was licking the head while still slowly stroking the shaft. His own cock bobbed between his legs and I quickly turned him to where I could get that juicy piece of meat in my mouth. "Mmmmm...Mmppphh...Mmppphh," Juan moaned around my dick.

The next time I had a chance to check out the action of my two partners, Mike was on his back and had Brody impaled on his cock, supporting him with both of his hands under the youngster's ass. I could see the kid's ass spread as he bounced on the cock spearing him. He was groaning loudly as Mike fucked him.

Gerald had put Joey on his hands and knees and he was slowly working his cock into the willing young ass. Jeff was kneeling in front of Joey who was bobbing on the seventeen year old's dick.

Juan pulled off my cock long enough to ask, "Please...Fuck me! I want you inside me!"

I needed no further urging and quickly turned him on his back. Juan pulled his legs up, placing a hand behind his knees, opening his sweet little ass to me. I placed my spit slick dick at his opening and pushed. The little guy grunted and pushed out until the head of my spear popped in. I stopped and waited for him to adjust, knowing he wasn't ready for all of me yet.

While waiting and enjoying the feel of the teen's incredibly tight tunnel on my throbbing dick, I looked again at Mike and Gerald.

Brody had his head thrown back and was bouncing rapidly on Mike's dick. "Ooooo...Ooooo...Fuck me...Fuck me...Yess...Yess," The young hottie was begging. His hand was stroking his cock as he used his other hand to reach behind and fondle Mike's churning balls.

Gerald had switched and now had his cock buried in Jeff, who was in turn gulping down Joey's pole. The three of them were grunting like a bunch of animals. From the look on Gerald's face, he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

Juan signalled he was ready for more of my cock. His legs were around my waist and he used them to pull his ass onto my dick until I could feel his balls rubbing my bush. "I'm ready," He groaned. "Please fuck me Daddy...Give me your big cock."

I slowly pulled out until only the tip was still encased in his tight ring then just as slowly pushed back in. Juan wiggled his hips as my cock brushed his prostate and his mouth opened in a groan of ecstasy, whispering hoarsely, "Ohhhh...That feels so nice...You are making me feel sexy."

"You ARE sexy Juan," I answered. "I can't believe how good you feel. I wish I could fuck you all day." this brought a big smile to his face, then another gasp as my cock hit his sweet spot again.

We were enjoying our fuck when Mike called out, "Hey guys, "How 'bout we switch and let EVERYBODY get a taste of these hotties and vice versa."

As much as I was enjoying fucking Juan, I did want to see how the other three boy's cocks would taste...and feel. I kissed Juan again and reluctantly withdrew from his clinging ass and stood up. The others followed.

"Let's cool off a bit," Gerald suggested and ran for the water. The rest of us followed, laughing.

When we waded out to our waists, Joey moved over to me and reached for my cock and fastened his mouth to mine. I gladly returned the kiss and found his still hard cock and stroked it.

Juan and Brody latched on to Gerald and the three of them exchanged kisses and groped each other under the water. Jeff and Mike came together and were locked in a hot kiss and grope session of their own.

When we got enough of the cooling water, we hurried back to our towels with our new partners and resumed our frenzied sex.

Joey and I were immediately in a 69 and I felt for his hole. He grunted as my finger entered his tight entrance and I was slightly surprised to feel HIS fingers rubbing around my own rosebud. When his finger slid in and started a steady fucking motion, my hips jerked in response and I groaned around his cock.

I raised off the cock in my mouth and asked, "Joey, would you like to fuck me with this beautiful dick? I'd love to feel it in me."

"Gosh...Really? I'd...I'd really like that...I've only fucked Juan and Brody before, and I DID get Jeff's cherry last week."

I rolled over onto my hands and knees and said, "Go ahead stud! Show me whatcha GOT!"

Joey quickly got behind me. He wet his cock with saliva and rubbed it against my hole. "It's kinda hard without lube," He warned.

"Just take it slow," I cautioned. Even thought Gerald had been plowing me regularly, Joey's 6 inches was thick enough to hurt.

Joey guided his dick to my entrance and began applying pressure, while I tried to help by pushing out. It still hurt like Hell and took several tries before the head finally popped into me. "Unnnggh," I groaned. "Easy there big boy...Let me get used to that big cock of yours." It really wasn't THAT big, but I thought his ego could use the compliment.

Finally, he managed to get it in me all the way. Joey and I both let out a big breath when his bush tickled my ass and I felt his balls rub against mine. I reached between my legs and circled the cock that was buried to the hilt in me. "Mmmmm...that's a nice piece of meat young fellow." I reached further and fondled his balls. I clenched my ass, gripping his cock, knowing how good that felt to me when Gerald did it.

"Ohhhhh...Oh, God...That feels good," Joey groaned. This the first man sized ass I've ever been in and you're as tight as Juan and Brody. And what are you doing? You aren't moving, but it feels like you're stroking my dick. Ahhhh...Man...I like that!"

I wiggled my ass and Joey started pulling out and began to fuck me in earnest. "Ooooo...That's so good Joey," I moaned. "You really know how to use that cock." I wanted him to really enjoy his first man-fuck and I kept feeding him compliments.

Mike had decided he wanted some of Jeff's ass and had him positioned on hands and knees. He was attempting to enter the young ass when Joey looked over and warned, "Go slow! Jeff's still practically a virgin."

"Not any MORE," Jeff called out over his shoulder. YOU got my cherry, and I just got fucked by a BIG cock," Referring to Gerald.

Mike stopped and used more saliva to wet his dick as much as possible, then re-wet his fingers and probed Jeff's ass until he finally loosened up. He slowly pushed at the gates and Jeff grimaced and bit his lip. Mike stopped, but Jeff quickly said, "No! Don't stop...Keep pushing, I'll be OK."

Mike patted him on the rump, then reached around and took Jeff's soft cock in his hand. A few pumps and he forgot about the pain in his ass, causing him to relax and Mike's dick slid in almost half way. "Ahhhh...Oh, God!" Jeff gasped through his open mouth. On, Man! You're IN me. Your cock is actually IN me. Just hold still a minute."

Joey had resumed plowing my ass and it was feeling pretty good. He was hitting my prostate and my body jerked each time. "Man, Joey," I said, "I love what you're doing, but I still haven't had any of Jeff or Brody. You haven't sampled Mike yet either and I KNOW you'll love His ass if you think I'M tight."

Gerald had been switching off fucking Juan and Brody. He was the only one of us who had had a piece of all four of the young boys. He was pounding away at Brody and we could see he was about to cum.

Mike was still plowing Jeff's ass and we turned in time to watch. "Ahhh...take my cock in your little ass Jeff. Damn your ass is sweet"

Juan, Joey, and I stood and watched as Brody was thrusting his butt back against each of Gerald's strokes. "Oh, Yeah...C'mon Daddy! Cum in my ass...Let me feel you blow your load."

Gerald was sweating profusely as he groaned, "Ohhh...You little fucker...You're about to get it...I'm gonna cum big time...gonna fill your sweet little ass...Here it is Baby! Take all of it...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Yeah...Cumming...Cumming...You've got it!"

Brody wiggled his ass rapidly as he felt the hot cum wash his innards. Cum ran out of his ass and down his legs as Gerald emptied his balls. When he had finished, he fell back on his butt, his cock coming out of Brody with a wet 'POP'.

While the two of then headed for the water to wash the remains of Gerald's cum out, Mike pulled out of Jeff and yelled, "Next!"

Jeff crawled away and Joey took his place. "Fuck me", He told Mike, "But don't make me cum...I want some of YOUR ass too!"

"Oh you DO, do you?" Mike kidded, "Well...assume the position BOY and let's get started!"

Joey dropped onto his back and Mike wasted no time in sliding his cock into him. They began fucking rapidly. "Yeah...Give it to me Man," Joey gasped. Mike was long-dicking him and he wanted MORE!.

I caught Jeff and held his hips as I sunk my cock into his slick tunnel. "Unnggh...Ooooo" He moaned as my engorged cock plowed his ass.

Brody and Gerald came back up and watched the action for a few minutes. Brody dropped onto his back and slid under Jeff. He watched my cock going in and out of Jeff's ass, saying," Boy, Jeff, I wish you could see what I'm looking at. Damn that looks good! His cock is really spreading your ass."

"Shit!" Jeff groaned, "Don't you think I know that? I'm the one getting fucked! You'll have your turn soon. Ahhhh...Yeah...Yeah...That's feeling real good!" His ass was well lubricated from Mike's precum and I slid smoothly in and out.

Brody reached up and guided Jeff's cock into his mouth and began sucking it.

Jeff's body was overwhelmed by the double pleasure he was getting. Between my cock fucking his ass, and Brody's mouth sucking his cock, he didn't last long. "Oh, God...I'm gonna cum...Mmmm...I'm gonna CUM...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Cumming...Cumming." His head dropped as his cum spurted into Brody's mouth and I almost lost it, feeling his ass clamp down on my dick.

Meanwhile, Mike yelled..."I'm not gonna last much longer guys. Joey, I'm gonna cum...Here it is...Take my load!" He started pumping and we could see his ass clench rapidly as his cum blasted into Joey.

As they were recovering, I had pulled out of Jeff and was turning Brody around. I picked up his legs and put them over my shoulders, then leaned forward. His knees were almost touching his ears and his ass was wide open.

I plunged my wet cock in him without stopping until I bottomed out.

I put my hands under his hips and pulled him up so my dick could reach the deepest penetration possible. He rotated his hips as I started porking him and he let out a groan, "Unnnggh...Yeah...Unnnggh...God, your cock feels so BIG...I LOVE it...Fuck me Man!"

I saw Joey had Mike on his hands and knees now, and watched his cock disappear into Mike's tight ass. "Ahhh...Damn," Joey groaned. "Two man-asses in one day...Mmmmm."

"Oh yeah big guy," Mike groaned as the cock slid into him. You've got a great dick...Fuck me and I'll make you cum with me." He wiggled his ass as the young man-boy began sliding in and out.

I wasn't going to last much longer so I pounded Brody as hard and fast as I could. I reached down and pumped his cock in sync with my fucking. The youngster took it all and begged for more. We were both going to lose it very quickly.

"Unnnh...Oh yes Baby," I crooned, "Daddy's gonna cum in you...You want it? You want my cum in your ass?"

"Yes, Daddy...Yessss...Cum in me...fill me up...Ohhh you're gonna make ME cum too. Oh, Yesss...Let's cum together...I'm close...Are you ready?"

"I'm ready sweet Baby...I'm ready...Oh...Oh...I'm gonna cum...Let's do it...Now..Now...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh" I started cumming so hard, I thought I might blow the top off Brody's head.

"I feel you Daddy," he cried...I fell your cum...Oh...Here I cum too...Yesss...Yesss...Mmmmmmm!"

My cock was still blasting when I felt Brody's cock spill its load over my fingers onto his face and chest. I thought I was going to cum forever.

From nearby, I heard Joey cry out, "Oh God I'm cumming...Now...Now! His hips jerked rapidly and he emptied his load into Mike.

Mike was jacking his cock when Joey said, "Hey! I'm the only guy who has been fucked but haven't got to dip MY dick into some ass. I want to cum too."

Mike replied, "Well c'mon over and hop on Kid! I'll take you." He was still on his hands and knees, but turned over onto his back."

Juan happily rushed over and knelt between Mike's legs. Holding his cock with one hand, he guided it into Mike's dripping hole. Needless to say he was able to plunge right in. Once buried to his balls, he took one of Mike's legs in each hand and began plowing for all he was worth.

"Damn," Gerald remarked, "That's one hot sight."

Mike grunted as Juan pumped his dick into his sloppy hole, making loud squishing sounds as he bottomed out. Mike had started stroking his own cock again as Juan was showing signs of reaching the limit of his endurance.

"Cum for me Juan," Mike urged, "You are really fucking me good. Now finish it! Let's cum Baby boy...let's cum!"

Juan hissed through his teeth as he felt his cock surge. "Oh Yesss...Yesss...Here I cum...I'm cumming...Nuuuh...Uuuuuhhhhh...Oh Yessss!"

Mike's cock started spurting weakly for the second time in only a few minutes and his ass clenched, making Juan cum too. Since he was the last to get off, Juan must have had a huge load built up.

When he pulled out, we could see cum running down Mike's legs. "I feel like I must have a gallon of cum in me," He laughed.

We all got back into the water to cool off as well as clean all the cum from not only OFF us...but from IN us as well.

We had been fucking on and off for almost two hours. It was time for lunch back at the pavilion and the girls were probably starting to wonder where we were. We gathered up our things and after kissing out young sex mates goodbye, headed back for lunch, exhausted, but very happy.

End Of Part Twenty. Part Twenty One to follow. Comments welcome at P.S. If you enjoy the style of writing in my stories, following is a list of other stories I wrote back in 2003; May 21, 2003....Gay Male/High School Section "Drive-In Movie Encounter" June 6, 2003.....Gay Male/College Section "Drew and Paul" June 28, 2003...Gay Male/Encounters Section "Airport Encounter" June 29, 2003....Gay Male/Military Section "Military Encounters" July 10, 2003.....Gay Male/Camping Section "Early Encounters"* *(Written under the psuedoname of John Smith)

Next: Chapter 21: Caribbean Cruise 21

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