Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Jul 27, 2006


The following story contains detailed sex acts between adult males of different ages. Although there may be some references to lesbian action, the main story line remains centered around the male action. Also, since this story is fictional, there may be some unsafe sex acts portrayed. REMEMBER...always practice safe sex. It just is NOT worth the risks.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Two

As Gerald and I headed for my cabin, my shorts were showing an obvious tent.

I hoped we would not run into any other passengers. Fortunately, the passageways were deserted and we safely entered my cabin.

I had no sooner locked the door, when I felt Gerald's hands reach around my waist and turn me to face him. My back was pressed against the door as his mouth once again covered mine. I let out a moan against the insistant pressure.

I opened my mouth to allow our tongues to duel each other, while our hands explored the other's body. For the next several minutes we stayed locked in a frantic embrace, passions rapidly increasing to the point of no return.

Finally, Gerald pulled away and led me to the bed. On the way he managed to pull my shirt out of the waistband of my shorts and over my head. His hand groped my rigid dick through the cloth of my shorts, which brought a loud gasp from my throat as my mind raced to grasp the full extent of what was happening to my body.

As we reached the bed, my shorts were quickly unsnapped, unzipped and pulled down to my feet. Since I had not bothered to put on underwear, I was totally naked before my soon to be lover, except for my sneakers. I stepped out of the tangle of my shorts and kicked off my sneakers. Gerald took in the sight of my 7 inches of steel hard cut cock. My body involuntarily jerked when Gerald's hand closed around my surging cock, gently sliding down the straight, smooth shaft, then returning to the head and teasing the the tiny slit with his thumb. My body shuddered as he smeared the copious supply of pre cum over the sensitive head.

It had been so long since I had felt anyone's hand on my cock besides my own, and forever it seemed, since it had felt another guy's touch. "Ahhhhh...Ohhhhhh...So good...So good!"

I reached between us and searched for Gerald's member, finding a sizeable lump between his legs. I couldn't wait to discover what lay beneath his shorts. Our mouths came together again as we fondled each other. Gerald wasted little time in tracing a line with his tongue down my neck and over my chest, stopping to suck on each of my nipples. The little nubs quickly hardened under his tongue and teeth.

He dropped to his knees as his tongue seared a path over my abs and nuzzled into my thick bush surrounding my throbbing cock. He took my dick in one hand and used the other to capture my ballsac.

"Unggh...Yess...Oh, Yesss...Gerald! You're driving me crazy! Please...Don't tease me any longer!" My legs were shaking and I felt like my knees were about to buckle. That feeling became a reality as I felt his rough tongue lick the arrow shaped head. Fortunately, the edge of the bed was there and I fell back onto it. Gerald followed without losing contact.

He licked up and down the shaft a few times, stopping to engulf the head each time he reached the tip. I was thrashing wildly on the bed, as I absorbed the mounting pleasure being administered by an expert cocksucker.

Gerald came off my dick and moved up to take possession of my mouth once more. My arms went around his neck as I fervently returned his kiss. My cock was not forgotten, as his hand slowly stroked my pulsating rod with a circular motion.

I suddenly realized Gerald was still fully dressed. I managed to tear my lips away from his long enough to hoarsely whisper "Get undressed Gerald! I want to see your body. Show me! Let me see your cock!"

Gerald smiled as he stood up at the foot of the bed and slowly removed his shrt and kicked off his sandals. His chest was covered with a thin sprinkling of fine dark hair. A small trail led down over a flat stomach, disappearing into the top of his shorts. He grinned mischieviously at me as his fingers undid the snap at the waist and toyed with the zipper. "Is this what you want Babe? You want my cock?"

"Oh yes...Yes...I want it! I want it!" My eyes were glued to the bulge between his legs as the zipper made an agonizingly slow descent. When it was completely unzipped, Gerald wriggled his hips and caused the shorts to slither down his legs, to be discarded with a kick. He stood there in a pair of burgandy bikini briefs. His dick was almost sticking out of the waistband. A wet spot showed where the head pushed tightly against the confining cloth.

"I was hoping for this the minute you first sat down at the dinner table earlier tonight," he said. "I just wasn't sure how you felt about it, knowing you had lost your wife so recently."

"I had NO idea I could be so turned on by something like this," I replied. "You have flipped a switch in me somehow and now, I can't wait to see you naked. Don't make me wait any longer!"

Without any further delay, Gerald hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his briefs and dragged them down, quickly adding them to the scattered bits of clothing lying all over the surrounding area. He stood there for a moment to let me take in the sight of him in all his naked glory.

His cock stood proud and straight...about 8 inches long and fairly thick. I noticed he was also circumsized with a nice flaring head that tapered into a slightly veined shaft, ending in a thick bush around the base. His ballsac was shaved smooth and two nice sized balls swayed as he moved toward me.

He lay down beside me and we moved into a tight embrace, our mouths locked together, hard cock rubbing against hard cock. Moans came from both of us as our hands roamed over the other's body, searching out hidden pleasure spots.

"Ohhhhhhhhh...God!" I almost didn't recognize the voice until, suddenly, I realized it was my own. "I haven't felt like this since...since I can't remember when," I whispered hoarsely. My body was responding to Gerald's manipulations. I was butter in his hands.

"Just enjoy the feeling," he replied. "Let me bring you all the pleasure I possibly can. This one is for YOU. I'm going to suck your cock Jordan...I'm gonna suck you till you can't stand it, then I'm gonna make you cum...bigger than you EVER have!"

"Oh...Yesssss...Yessss...I can't believe how much that turns me on. Do it! Make me cum Gerald, I want to learn everything you can show me!"

"Patience, lover...Patience! One step at a time. We have a whole week ahead of us. Don't want to overload your sensory circuits," he chuckled.

I felt his lips trail down across my neck, leaving goose bumps in it's wake. He captured my right nipple in his lips, teasing it with his tongue and sucking it, then gently nipping it with his teeth.

"Oh...Oh...Oh!" I wasn't able to do anything but babble at the intense pleasure. He switched to the other nipple and repeated the process. His hand continued to slowly stroke my cock while he ministered to my upper body.

Just when I thought I couldn't take any more torture, his lips and tongue began descending slowly over my stomach, stopping to dive into my navel. This brought on a new round of moans and groans from me. I was paralized! I couldn't seem to do anything but lie there.

Still holding my dick, Gerald swooped down and took my ballsac into his mouth, rolling the golf ball sized orbs around one at a time, then together. I raised up onto my elbows to stare at the erotic sight.

"Ahhhh...Oooooohhh...God, Gerald! You're driving me up the wall. You're gonna make me cum any second if you don't stop!"

He grabbed my cock at the base and squeezed, decreasing the urge to blow my load. He licked my ballsac a few more times, then moved further down, tonguing the area between my balls and the edge of my ass crack.

My hips rolled back and forth as this new sensation burned itself into my brain. "Ungggggggg! Oh, man! Nobody has EVER done that to me. I never felt anything so good before," I managed to get out through clenched teeth.

"Just wait," he said, as his finger ran up the length of my crack, stopping to lightly circle the spasming rosebud. "The best is yet to come. I plan of fucking you next time and really show you some pleasure."

I felt my hole clench at the thought. "I...I've never been fucked before," I said nervously. "I've seen pictures of it, and heard guys talking about it. They all said it was a wonderful experience. I have to admit...I've wondered how it would feel. I'm just not sure I can take that big dick of your's."

"Don't worry," Gerald reassured me. "I won't lie to will hurt some at first, but I'll take it real slow and we'll make sure you're relaxed and ready. I promise, I'll stop any time you don't like what I'm doing. Once you've had it, you'll LOVE it."

"O...OK, I trust you," I admitted. Secretly, the thought of this sexy man fucking me with that big cock was exciting. I knew I wanted to try everything there was to try about this new lifestyle.

"Enough talk about that, for now," he said, squeezinf my cock. "Time to take care of this baby." This brought a clear drop of precum to the tip. "Mmmmmmm, delicious," Gerald mumbled as he licked the tip of my dick. "I think I've kept you waiting long enough. Don't try to hold back. Just let go and enjoy."

Saying that, he took my entire length in one swift plunge, his nose burying in my bush. My hips shot up off the bed and I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I collapsed back on the bed, gripping the sheet in my fists as I felt his tongue moving over the underside of the shaft. His lips remained fastened around the base of my throbbing pole.

Slowly he pulled off, until just the head was still in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the crown, then began the slow torturous journey back down to the base. He repeated the maneuver, slowly increasing the pace until he was bobbing on my cock rapidly.

I raised up on my elbows, fascinated by the sight of my dick appearing and disappearing into the velvety depths of his hot mouth. "Unnnnnnggggghhhh...Oooooh...Oooooh!" I sounded like a babbling idiot! I was lost for words. I had never experienced the level of pleasure Gerald was bringing to me. "Oh Yes...Yes...YESSS...just like that! Ghaaaa...Unggggh...God! I can't hold out much longer." I felt the old familiar tingle in my balls that told me I was going to lose it very soon.

He looked up at me and winked as he continued sucking me. His hands slipped under my ass, lifting my hips and forcing me even deeper into his mouth. I felt him slide a finger into the crack of my ass and rub up and down. When he located my tight rosebud, he teased the entrance, circling around it. I was wet from all the precum that had flowed from my dick. When I felt his finger slip inside my tunnel, I lost it. "Oh GOD, Gerald! Don't stop! I'm going to cum! I'm almost there...Please don't stop! Suck my dick! Make me cum! Take me now!"

My excited cries only nade him go faster. his mouth was a blur on my dick and his finger was fucking my ass in time with his sucking. It was planted in me up to the second knuckle, and I felt an electric shock as it massaged my prostate.

"Aggggghhhhhh...Oh Yes, I'm there...I'm there! You got it...You got it! Here it comes!" My hips again shot off the bed. I hung there as I felt my cock swell as it began unloading.

Gerald held me there as the first blast hit the back of his throat. He bobbed on my dick as several more shots exploded out of my throbbing pole. I didn't think I was EVER going to stop cumming. It was more pleasure than I had ever experienced and I wanted it to go on forever.

But...all good things must come to an end. Finally, the storm slowed down, then ended. Gerald kept my cock in his mouth, milking the last few drops of my offering.

Letting my softening cock slip out of his mouth with a wet pop, he slid up my body to kiss me deeply. I could taste the remains of my climax on his tongue, and it turned me on even more.

We lay entwined in the aftermath, enjoying the glow. I was exhausted from the intensity of our first connection, and so was Gerald. The last thing I remember as I drifted off into oblivion was whispering, "Damn! What I've been missing!"

End Of Part Two: Continued in Part Three.

Once again, I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. Comments are still welcome at

Next: Chapter 3: Caribbean Cruise 3

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