Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 11, 2006


This story is mostly fictional, but is loosely based on experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. Some of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just be sure you practice safe sex in REAL life.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Nineteen

The five of us met at 5AM the next morning. Dawn was still an hour away, but we wanted to eat breakfast before arriving at the cruise line's island. The girls had their swimsuits on under a pair of shorts and their bikini tops covered their upper bodies. Julie had her blonde hair up in a ponytail and looked like a teenager...a very SEXY teenager. Gerald, Mike and I also had shorts over our suits and were wearing polo shirts. Sandals or sand shoes protected our feet.

Chatter was animated as we were looking forward to the day. The beach was located on the northern shore of a small, mountainous island. The beach was a tiny slash, located in one of many small inlets. The mountains came right down to the sea, and the waves crashed against huge rock walls rising from the water. A small crew of people, employed by the cruise line were stationed on the island to maintain the area and assist the ships that docked there three times a week. We learned they were there for six months, then returned to the mainland for nine months.

The ship was too big to dock, because of the reefs protecting the beach, but there was a narrow passage through the outer line of reefs, allowing the ship to anchor in a small lagoon. Since the water was too shallow to go any further, we were to be loaded on tenders...The ships small boats that could carry about fifty people max...and transported to the small pier at the entrance to the island's pavilion.

We hurried to finish and to get on deck for the 8 O'clock arrival, in order to watch the ship maneuver through the reefs to anchorage. It was quite a sight to watch the Captain's skillfull use of the ships thrusters to make sharp turns around the sharp coral reefs.

When we were safely anchored, the five of us hurried down to the departure gate. We got on the second tender and, within about ten minutes were standing on the island's small pier. Sure enough, as expected, there were about a dozen natives sitting in their canoes beside the pier hawking their goods.

There were the usual trinkets, but our eyes were on the large lobsters several were holding up. After a little bartering, we bought five of the crustacean beauties. The ship's cooks took them and promised to have them ready at lunchtime.

Wandering over to the covered pavilion, we used the locker rooms to strip to our swimsuits and lock our valuables in the bins provided. Gerald, Mike and I then checked out snorkeling gear from one of the very tanned attendants. The girls opted for the volleyball marathon, so we agreed to meet them for lunch at about 1 o'clock and headed off down the beach.

We wanted to get away from the noisy throng of people crowded together over the designated swimming area. We put our towels in a backpack and carried a small cooler with a couple of six packs of beer and looked for some privacy.

At the rear of the cleared area was a stand of palm trees about thirty feet deep. They backed up right against the edge of the mountains. We discovered a small footpath leading up into the rocks and decided to see where it led.

We climbed the wandering path through the rocks, looking down at the beautiful bluegreen water. We noticed several areas where the mountain had been eroded by eons of crashing waves, leaving small hollowed out areas...many with their own tiny sand beach.

Finally, the path forked off, with one trail leading down toward another of the small inlets. We took it and came out on an area only about twenty feet deep and about fifty feet long. The sand was soft and dry and there were a few palm trees at the base of the rocks...Perfect!

We spread out our towels, grabbed a beer from the cooler and plopped down to enjoy our little piece of Paradise. The beer was cold and the sun was hot.

Soon, Gerald said, "To Hell with this...Might as well take advantage and lose these tan lines." He stood up and dropped his trunks. "Ahhh...That feels MUCH better," He sighed as his cock bobbed slightly as it thickened.

Mike and I grinned at each other and quickly followed Gerald's example. "Mmmmm," I moaned, You're right, this is great!"

"I haven't been skinny dipping since I was in Middle School," Mike laughed.

We ran naked down to the water and dove in, splashing around like three kids. I sneaked up on Mike and dunked him, then Gerald swam underwater and grabbed my feet, turning me upside down and damn near drowning me. We sputterd and laughed started wrestling around, trying to get the upper hand on each other. Before we knew it, our cocks were hard and hands started fondling and stroking.

We headed back to our towels and lay down, letting the sun dry our bodies.

"Hey, Mike," I said, "How 'bout a quick summary of your first experience at voyeurism!"

Mike grinned and said, "You should have seen it...I mean...That was HOT! As soon as we got to the cabin, Betty grabbed Julie from behind and started squeezing her tits. I couldn't take my eyes off her hands and how Julie's nipples were sticking up."

My cock started getting even harder as he went on, "They told me to sit on the sofa by the bed and to just watch. Betty undid the straps on Julie's top and took it off, then took her nipples between her fingers and played with them."

I noticed Gerald's cock was hard too, even though I figured he had wittnessed similiar scenes between Betty and other women before.

Mike continued, "Betty used one hand to unzip Julie's shorts and push them dowm. The two of them just stood there, right in front of me. Betty was looking directly at ME, while she moved her hand down inside Julie's panties and started frigging her and squeezing her tits with the other hand."

Mike was slowly stroking his dick as he recalled the action, "Julie was moaning and I saw her body jerk and I knew Betty had made her cum. They moved over to the bed then and Betty slipped out of her dress. They were both naked except for their panties. "

I was trying to picture the two beautiful women as they brought each other pleasure. I started stroking my cock and looked over to see Gerald doing the same.

It didn't take long for them to get naked. Betty and Julie kissed for about ten minutes and they both had their hands in the other's pussy, stroking like mad and moaning and groaning. Betty moved down and started eating Julie. Julie looked at me and I could see her eyes glaze over as she screamed she was cumming. She was pumping her hips and had her hands in Betty's hair, sorta washing her face with her pussy."

I licked my lips as I imagined the sight.

"Betty's face was covered in Julie's cum. That lady can EAT some pussy I tell you! Finally Julie begged her to turn around so she could taste HER pussy at the same time.'

Mike sighed, "Anyway, they ate each other for hours, it seemed. They would only stop to turn around and kiss each other, then take turns making each other cum again and again. They kept it up until; they were worn to a frazzle. I had to jack off twice during the session."

His cock was leaking precum, so I leaned over and grasped it by the base. I licked the sweet drop from the tip, then went down on him.

"Ahhhh...Oooooo...Oh Yeah...I was hoping we'd get around to this. Mmmmmm...That feels so good."

Gerald quickly moved over to engulf MY dick and started bobbing on it. "All I could do was groan around the cock in MY mouth.

Mike enjoyed the feel of my mouth sucking his dick and the sight of Gerald taking care of me for a few minutes before groaning, "Turn around toward me Gerald...I want some of your cock!"

We were thoroughly enjoying our little three-way suck, when I got the feeling we weren't alone. With Mike's cock still in my mouth, I glanced around our little private place. I caught a movement of brown skin in the edge of the palm trees, where the path came out.

I pulled off Mike's dick with a loud 'POP', and raised up on one elbow. Gerald was still sucking away on my cock, unaware of our visitors. Mike groaned at the sudden interruption to his blow job and also looked up to say something then froze as laughter came from the area I was straring at. Gerald come off my pole to look toward the row of trees.

"Who's there?" I yelled, "Come out where we can see you!"

After a moment, I was startled to see FOUR young men...More like four BOYS slowly emerge. They were dressed in the typical baggy trunks most men wear, but these were DEFINITELY not MEN! They looked to be in their mid to late teens. The tallest was about 5'10", with blond sun-bleached hair that hung to his shoulders. He appeared to be the oldest.

"It's OK," He said. "We were just coming to swim and saw you guys...err...Having fun." All four were grinning. We were BUSTED...and by four twinks!

"Can we...Ah...can we come over?" He asked.

Looking at each other, Mike and Gerald shrugged their shoulders.

"Sure, Come on over," Gerald said.

The four boys moved to spread their towels out beside ours, seemingly unconcerned with our nakedness.

We introduced ouselves and asked them their names. The oldest one was named Joey and he said he was nineteen. Pointing to the kid next to him Joey said, "That's Brody, and next to him...That's Jeff...They're both seventeen." Finally he pointed to the last boy who was obviously of Latin heritage. His skin was darker than the others and he had thick back hair. "Juan there is the baby of the group, he's just sixteen."

"Hey," Juan said, "I'll be seventeen next month!"

"Yeah, but you'll STILL be the baby of the bunch," the one named Brody retorted.

"That's right," The remaining kid...Jeff chimed in.

"Whatever," Joey remarked then, looking at us, said, "Hey guys, you three look comfortable. Mind if WE join you?"

Not waiting for an answer, the four of them stripped off their trunks, and stood there naked in front of us. They laughed as they saw our shocked reaction.

"Don't mind us," Joey said. "This is OUR secret spot. We come here as often as possible to skinny dip and to...Ah...have our OWN 'fun'."

Mike asked, "You guys aren't from the ship, then?"

"No," Brody said, "Our parents work for the cruise line, taking care of the island. We get to come with them once in a while. We're on summer break right now.

Jeff added, "We'll head back to the mainland when school starts again...Except for Joey...He graduated last year."

"My Uncle owns a charter boat service in Miami," Joey said, "I work for him on one of his boats. The cruise line lets us travel for free, since our parents work for them. We just hop on board one of the ships when it stops here and they drop us off."

I was hearing what Joey was saying, but I wasn't paying much attention. My eyes were roving over the young eye-candy standing there.

All four boys were nicely equipped with cut cocks that looked very well developed for their young age. Brody and Jeff had a small bush of pubic hair around the base of their dicks. Joey had a much thicker bush and a fine sprinkling of blonde hair covering his nice sized ballsac. Juan...although the youngest, had the MOST hair, starting on his chest and a fine treasure trail that broadened to cover his groin. His cock looked inpressive and was starting to show some expansion.

The four boys sat on their towels and looked at us. I noticed Brody's attention seemed to be centered mostly on Mike's cock which was still nearly at full mast. He licked his lips.

Juan seemed focused on me. He had caught me staring at his dick and he made no effort to hide his growing excitement. He flashed a smile at me, showing beautifully white teeth that contrasted with his dark complexion. I saw him glance at my cock, while he subtly groped his own meat. He was definitely a hottie, although the other three were noting to sneeze at.

"So," Gerald said, "How do you guys like being so isolated out here, away from civilization? It must get lonely, since I didn't see any girls your age among the island crew."

"Oh, there are girls," Brody answered, "Plenty come ashore from the ships."

"Yeah," Jeff snickered, "If THAT'S what you're into!"

Joey quickley added, "The four of us play together most of the time but occasionally, we'll bring a passenger or two along to join us."

I was still thinking about Jeff's comment and said "You mean parents let you bring their daughters out here with you...ALONE?"

"Who said we bring 'daughters'?" Joey said, grinning. "There are plenty of guys our age who are ready for something...'different'. Also, we enjoy having an adult play with us."

Hmmmm...This was getting interesting and my dick recognized the signals, even if my 'other' brain was a little slow.

Mike hesitatingly said "You mean you guys like"

"We like GUYS, as if you hadn't guessed," Jeff answered. "We enjoyed watching you three get it on earlier. The four of us had sneaked away for a little fun when we came up on you."

All four of the boys were sporting healthy erections now and were openly stroking them. They may be boys according to their ages, but those hard cocks put them in the ranks of grown men!

Gerald, Mike and I were hard and were also stroking our cocks.

"We're sorry we interrupted you," Joey said. "Is there...ANYTHING...we can do to make up for it? Maybe we could join you and let everybody get some."

Gerald, Mike and I looked at each other for a moment. We all felt a little weird, but a hard cock has no conscience.

"Why NOT?" Gerald said. "I'm game."

"Me too," Mike added, "My dick is about to burst, looking at these hotties."

"Come on and let's have at it," I invited them.

The young boys got up and came over carrying their towels, their cocks bouncing as they walked. They placed their towels against ours, forming a lage terrycloth square. This was promising to be one Hell of a day!

End of Part Nineteen: Part Twenty to follow soon. Comments welcome at

P.S. If you like the style of writing in my stories, following is a list of other stories I wrote back in 2003; May21, 2003......Gay Male/High School Section "Drive-In Movie Encounter" June 6, 2003.....Gay Male/College Section "Drew and Oaul" June 28, 2003...Gay Male/Encounters Section "Airport Encounter" June 29, 2003...Gay Male/Military Section "Military Encounters" July 10, 2003.....Gay Male/Camping Section "Early Encounters"* *(Written under the psuedoname of John Smith)

Next: Chapter 20: Caribbean Cruise 20

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