Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 8, 2006


This story is largely fictional, but is based loosely on some experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. Some sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just be sure to practice safe sex in Real life.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Eighteen

I arrived at breakfast the next morning, to find my four companions had not yet appeared. The waiter took my order and I sat back to gaze out at the beautiful cobalt-blue sea and another perfect day.

I was on my second cup of coffee when Mike and Julie arrived. Mike was dressed like me...Bermuda shorts and a knit shirt, with sneakers over bare feet. Julie looked delicious in short shorts, her sexy legs tanned and sleek and her trademark halter top that almost contained her bouncy tits. Neither of them could look me in the eyes without grinning.

"What's with you two this morning?" I asked. "You look like you just won first prize at the county fair."

Mike hesitated while they placed their orders with the waiter.

"I won a prize alright," Mike replied, "And she's right HERE," pointing at Julie. "Last night was something special! We made love and talked about today until 2 o'clock this morning. Julie told me that she was getting excited about me watching her and Betty make love. I convinced her that there was nothing to worry about...about Me regretting it afterwards."

"Mike was a little surprised when I told him how I had wondered about what you guys do when YOU'RE having sex," Julie whispered. "He got excited knowing how much that thought had me turned on. I think HE'S ready to play without worrying about being able to 'perform'."

We were interrupted by the appearance of Gerald and Betty. Gerald was wearing a pair of casual shorts and a short sleeve shirt, with sandals. Betty was in another short sundress that called attention to her shapely long legs. Her breasts pushed out nicely against the top of the dress.

They joined us and placed their orders. Betty's attention was immediately on Julie. I watched her raise her eyebrows, asking the silent question. Julie smiled, turned red, and nodded slightly. Betty's face broke out in a big grin.

I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall in either...Actually, BOTH of their cabins last night. I had a hunch there was some serious lovemaking going on as the thought of what was going to happen today had both women hot and wet.

All through the meal, everyone avoided bringing up the subject. Regardless, it was obvious it was foremost on ALL out minds. I only wished I would be able to see the action, but it would be Mike's day today.

After the meal was over, we moved to the poolside patio and found a table away from prying ears.

"So," Betty commented, looking at Julie, "Are you ready for this? I've been thinking about it all night...Well...In between orgasms Gerald gave me!"

Julie was still blushing, but smiled demurely and whispered in a chocked voice, "Y..Yes...YES! I'm ready. I've been thinking about it too. Mike and I cleared up any last minute questions...We are BOTH ready."

"Wonderful," Betty said softly, "I can't wait for him to see you in action. He's going to be climbing up the walls when he sees how you can eat pussy!"

"Betty!" Julie chided, "You never give up do you? It's a good thing I know what's in store for ME. Mike has been saying he really is looking forward to seeing YOU naked. He's been commenting on how he thinks you look. Of course, I haven't said anything to him...I know how your body looks naked...He'll just have to wait."

Mike was having a hard time sitting still, and Betty looked at him and laughed. "What's the matter, Honey? Getting a little antsy? lLooks like you're getting too big for your britches!"

Mike swallowed and grinned, "Yeah, I have a BIG problem here...And the more you two keep teasing, the bigger it gets! If we don't get on with it soon, I'm gonna have to go change my underwear."

That brought a big laugh from all of us. The sexual tension was practically crackling like lightning.

"I don't know about the rest of you," Betty said hoarsely, but I think it's TIME. Shall we?" She was speaking to Julie and Mike.

Looking at each other one last time for ANY sign of hesitation, Julie looked at Betty and nodded. "Where shall we...Ah...DO it?"

Betty thought a moment and replied,"I think maybe, since Julie and I have been using MY cabin, she would probably feel more comfortable there...That OK with YOU two?"

Mike again looked to Julie for the answer. "I think that would probably be best," She said with a little quiver in her voice.

The three of them rose and headed in the direction of Betty and Gerald's cabin. Mike had his arm around Julie.

Gerald and I were left to ourselves. "What do you feel like doing?" I asked him.

"How 'bout a little time in the steam room and hot tub?" Who knows? We might find something going on." That sounded good, so we headed for the gym.

The attendant Issued us towels and a padlock. In the locker room, we undressed and secured our clothing in the locker provided. Carrying our towels, we stopped to shower before entering the steam room.

There were a couple of guys there, and they quickly moved apart as we entered and covered their laps with their towels. It looked like maybe they were playing with each other before we interrupted them.

Gerald and I took a seat opposite them and removed out towels, placing them over our laps. We could barely make out the other two guys through the steam, but they appeared to be somewhere in their late thirties or early forties.

The four of us played it carefully, soaking up the heat while subtly checking out each other. I noticed one of the guys spread his legs a little and turned toward us slightly. I still couldn't see enough under his towel to tell if he was hard, but when he noticed me looking, he tapped his foot a couple of times in the age old signal that he was 'looking' for some fun.

I returned the signal and he smiled, pulling his towel off. His hard cock bobbed up in it's full state. It was only about 5 inches, but was circumcised and fat. His pubic area was completely shaved, probably to make his cock look bigger. He was blond and had a smooth body with not much body hair.

Gerald and I both dropped our towels and stroked our dicks, quickly getting them hard.

The guy's companion soon joined us and discarded his towel. He had a cock that was least as long as Gerald and thick. The rigid pole jutted out from a very thick bush. It was dark, matching the thinning hair on his head.

The blond reached over and stroked the monster dick, then leaned over and started sucking it. He couldn't get all of it in his mouth, but held it at the base, stroking it as he sucked on the other half.

Dark hair leaned back, sliding his butt closer to the edge of the bench and groaned as his dick was getting serviced.

Gerald and I were watching and stroking each other. The blond saw what we were doing and came off the cock he had been sucking. He moved over and knelt between my legs and removed Gerald's hand, replacing it with his own. I moaned my approval.

Meantime, the dark haired guy came over and took possession of Gerald's throbbing cock. Gerald reached out and pinched one of the prominent nipples nestled in the guy's thick mat of chest hair.

My guy moved to swallow my cock and began a pleasant suction on the sensitive head, circling it with his tongue. I groaned loudly and raised my hips. His mouth took all of my 7 inches and began bobbing. I noticed Gerald's 'buddy' was deepthroating his 8 inches, while stroking his own cock.

We were both getting close to cumming from the excellent blow jobs we were receiving. I was the first to blow, spewing my cum into the blonde's hot mouth. He didn't lose a drop and kept the suction up until I had to gently push him off.

Gerald grunted and I knew he was emptying his load into dark hair's throat. He humped the guy's mouth a few more times before he relaxed and his wet cock popped out loudly.

Not a single word had been spoken in the fifteen or twenty minutes we had been getting blown. Once the two were sure there was no more juice to get, they smiled and moved back to their side on the steam room and resumed their own action. The blond was again going down on the other guy.

Gerald and I were enjoying the steam and heat as we relaxed after our stress had been taken care of. We watched the show, waiting to see if the blond was going to finish his friend off. However, the dark haired guy pulled his cock out, moved the blond onto the lower bench on his hands and knees and rammed his huge rod into the blonde's ass.

The smaller blond yelped and moved his ass to capture every inch of the monster plowing his ass. The small room filled with the sound of the big dicked guy's hips slapping against the blonde's ass. Both were moaning loudly, and Gerald and I decided to let them finish in private.

We picked up our towels and exited the steamroon. The sauna was located just outside the steam room, and we slid naked into the bubbling water, letting the strong jets massage our tired muscles.

We could still hear the sounds coming from the steam room and it made us smile.

"Wow!" Gerald said," Did you check out the cock on MY guy? I'll bet the blond is gonna be walking bowlegged for a week!"

I laughed and replied, "He should be happy if he can just walk...PERIOD!"

Just then the sounds of fucking intensified and were joined by loud grunts and groans. We could hear their voices but couldn't make out the word, but they sounded urgent. After a few minutes, it became very quiet and shortly, the two guys came out. Their dicks were soft and flopped against their thighs as they waived at us and headed for the showers.

Gerald and I soaked until we started resembling shriveled prunes. Finally, we decided it was time to shower and go back to the poolside patio, to wait for Mike and the girls.

We had been in the steamroom and sauna for a couple of hours, and it was now almost noon. When we came to the pool, neither Mike OR the girls were there. Gerald and I hit the lunch buffet, wanting to stay by the pool. We piled our plates with several samples of the tremendous selection.

Carrying our plates to our table, we ordered a couple of beers to wash the tasty meal down. By the time we had finished eating, we still had not seen Mike, Julie, or Betty.

"Man!" I remarked," Mike must really be getting quite a show."

Gerald grinned and said, "If I know Betty, Julie will need to rest a while before she'll be any good for anything. My Sweetheart will most likely wear her OUT!"

It was another hour...almost four hours since we had first left the patio, that the three stragglers appeared. They spotted us and headed over. Betty and Julie looked like they had been on a three day binge. Julie's long blond hair was slightly disheveled and her lips were puffy. Betty was in similar shape.

Mike, on the other hand, looked like he was about to collapse. You would think HE had been the one getting all the action.

When they joined us, Betty was grinning from ear to ear, Julie was blushing all over, and Mike...Mike had the BIGGEST shit eating grin I'd ever seen.

They looked so exhausted, Gerald and I offered to get their lunch, which the girls agreed to thankfully.

Mike didn't look like he was any better off, but Gerald and I grabbed him by the arms and half dragged him with us.

"Oh NO you DON'T," I teased as we got out of earshot of the girls. "I want to hear...Was it all you expected?"

Mike was almost in a trance and just kept smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

I goosed him, and he seemed to notice us for the first time. "Hmmmmm?" He mumbled through that stupid smile.

"How WAS it? C'mon...GIVE!"

Mike looked at me with glazed eyes as he finally responded. "Oh MAN! I've just come from the most exciting...Most...AWESOME thing I could have ever believed possible! You won't believe how hot it was."

"Not if you don't TELL us," I replied.

"Mmmmm...Later," He said, "Take too long to tell you now...Later...Tonight...I just wanna eat and get some rest for a while."

We managed to get a plate for the three of them, and Mike managed to come down to earth long enough to fill his own plate.

When we got back to the table, Betty laughed at Mike and asked, "Were you able to get anything out of him?"

"Not much," I said, "He's still in outer space somewhere."

"He's been that way for the past hour," She said, still laughing, "I think the poor guy's libido has overloaded and shorted out. He got quite an eyeful...Right Julie Honey?"

Julie blushed all over again as she looked at us. "I...I guess we might have overdone it! I've never seen him!"

"Well, I'm not surprised," Betty whispered mischievously. Every time I made you cum, I thought he was going to lose it. "

'You're one to talk!" Julie responded in an unusually brave comeback, "YOU were having one orgasm after another! I don't know how you managed to keep from passing out."

"It's all YOUR fault My Dear," Betty retorted, "That talented mouth and tongue of yours drives me up the wall."

"Awesome...Totally...AWESOME," Mike mumbled, still looking a little dazed.

I couldn't help but envy the Hell out of the guy. I would have LOVED to have been there.

Oh Well...I Hoped maybe we could get him alone tomorrow, when we were at the private beach. I was dying to hear the details.

We all decided to get a little rest and meet for dinner. As soon as I got to my cabin, I hit the sack, leaving a wake up call to give me time to clean up and dress for dinner.

Gerald and Betty were just walking into the dining room as I got there, so we headed for our table together.

Once seated, we let the waiter know we would order when our other two companions arrived. As if on cue, the young couple arrived. Julie looked radiant and Mike, at least, looked like he was somewhat recovered.

"Well," I chided," Welcome back to the world!" He grinned as he held Julies chair fo her to sit.

Gerald ordered a bottle of wine this time, after looking the menu over. "Looks like the entrees tonight are for the most part either Italian or spicy grilled chicken. I think a white wine might be in order...maybe a nice Chardonnay? That OK with everybody?"

"Sounds fine to ME," I said. Mike and Julie also agreed.

Gerald pointed to a particular vintage and saaid," I think you will all like this wine...It's light and has a subtle citrus and tropical fruit flavor as well as just a hint of oak from the barrels it was allowed to ferment in."

"I'll defer to your expertise," I said. I figured he knew more about it than me.

The wine was ordered, served chilled just right and Gerald did the honors of the toast. "To new beginnings...May they bring only the most pleasure possible."

"Hear...Hear," Mike replied.

"To new beginnings," I repeated

"New beginnings," Betty and Julie chimed in together, while smiling at each other.

Glasses clinked together and the toast was completed.

While waiting for our meals to be served, I mentioned that I had talked to the Cruise Director. "He told me that when we get to the private beach tomorrow, the ships crew will join us for a day of fun and games. Snorkeling gear will be available and a volleyball marathon, horseshoes and other games for the kids. Only a skeleton crew will remain on board. He said the crew will cook and serve a big meal at the pavilion there."

"Oh, that sounds nice," Julie said.

"Yeah," I continued, "And that's not all. He also said that the ship's too big to dock, so it has to anchor in the lagoon and transport us ashore in the ship's tenders.

"He said there will be lots on local natives from the village on the other side on the island who will be at the pier where the tenders let us off. They will probably have lobsters that they will try to sell you. They can be bartered down to a reasonable price. If we DO buy one, the ship's cooks will prepare them for us and serve them at the buffet."

Our food arrived and we dined leisurely and then enjoyed the nightly show and dancing in the small forward lounge. Betty and Julie were well behaved tonight...probably because they were still exhausted from the afternoon's 'activities'.

We made plans to meet in the morning for an early breakfast in order to get up on deck and watch our arrival at the private island and beach. We wanted to be sure we all got on the same tender for the short trip to the island. Bidding each other good night, we headed for our cabins to get well rested for the next day's activities.

End Of Part Eighteen; Part Nineteen to follow shortly. Comments welcome at P.S. If you enjoy the style of writing in my stories, you might look up several I wrote back in 2003. They are listed below; May 21, 2003...Gay Male/High School Section "Drive-In Movie Encounter" June 6, 2003....Gay Male/College Section "Drew and Paul" June 28, 2003..Gay Male/Encounters Section "Airport Encounter" July 10, 2003...Gay Male/Camping Section "Early Encounters"* *(Written under the psuedoname of John Smith)

Next: Chapter 19: Caribbean Cruise 19

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