Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 5, 2006


This story is largely fiction, but is loosely based on experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME.

Some of the scenes do not portray safe sex. Just be sure to practice safe sex in REAL life. I want to thank all of you who have sent very positive comments. I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Seventeen

Finally, Betty and Julie appeared. They were still wearing the short sundresses from lunch. both looked exhausted, but very contented.

"Well! It's about TIME." Gerald chided as the ladies sat down. "We were about to come looking for you two."

As usual, Julie blushed, but Betty just grinned and said, "You would have seen something you definitely would have enjoyed! Mike, you've got yourself a wildwoman here."

"Betty! PLEASE!" Julie begged as she looked around to see if anyone could overhear. "You enjoy embarrassing me, don't you?"

"Almost as much as I enjoy eating that sweet pussy of yours, Baby," Betty whispered. "You can really make out in bed and I don't mind letting these guys know it! I love to make you cum, and you give as good as you get!"

Mike jumped right in, "I think you have been very good for Julie, Betty. For the past few nights, I've been enjoying the benefits of your time with her. OUR sex life has never been so good!"

Julie looked mortified as she tried to regain SOME semblance of normalcy, but I could see she was secretly pleased at Mike's statement.

A waiter took our drink orders and we lapsed into a lazy euphoria as the afternoon passed and dinner time approached. Gerald and Betty left to get changed for dinner, leaving Mike, Julie and me to finish our drinks.

"I think you BOTH look great," I stated. "I guess getting everything out in the open has helped. Julie, you're practically glowing!"

"I guess you're right, Jordan," She replied, "I can't help it...I have enjoyed being with Betty SO much...and Mike's right...When we're together after...afterward, our lovemaking seems to be much more intense." Then, looking at Mike from under her eyebrows added, "It just MIGHT have something to do with whatever You and Gerald have been doing with Mike."

Now it was Mike's time to blush. "I guess I have to agree," He said with a shy grin, "These guys are something else. They just about tore me a new asshole."

"Too bad you two can't see what goes on in these play times," I said.

Both Julie and Mike glanced at each other. I hoped that maybe my statement would grease the skids a little. Mike looked at me and let me know he understood my motives.

"We'd better go get changed for dinner too, Honey," He said. "We'll see you there Jordan."

As the two youngsters left, I watched them hold hands. It made me feel a little sad as I thought back again to my marriage and how happy my wife and I had been. Sighing, I got up and headed for my room to get ready for dinner.

Since dinner was a couple of hours away, I was able to get a little rest. My cock had been enjoying so much fun the past few days, I'm surprised it hadn't fallen off. To the contrary, it started swelling as my mind went back over some of the mind-blowing sex I had experienced...from my initiation by Gerald the first night, to the bookstore, to Lee, the first time with Mike, and the several times with my two male fuck buddies since.

I looked forward to Gerald and Betty visiting with me after we got back to Miami. The promise of something with Betty stirred my balls. My life had changed drastically, and I was very thankful I had talked myself into coming on this cruise.

I caught a few winks and awoke a little later than I had planned. I hurried to dress and headed for the dining room.

When I arrived, the others were already seated. The waiter came to take my order and I decided to treat the table to a good bottle of wine. After checking on what my four companions had ordered, I decided on a bottle of good Merlot, which I thought would compliment our food.

I noticed a aura of subtle excitement among the two couples and wondered if they had been chatting about Mike's desires already.

When the wine arrived, the waiter opened it and poured the sample for me to judge. I'm not a connoisseur of fine wines, but I WAS familiar with this particular selection. I tried to look like I knew what I was doing...I held the glass up to check it's color, swirled the liquid around a couple of times, lifted it to inhale the bouquet, and finally took a small sip. Finally, I pronounced the wine acceptable, and the waiter poured the ladies glasses first, then their husbands, and finally my own.

I proposed a toast, "To a wonderful cruise so what lies ahead!" This brought some glances and smiles, then everyone clinked glasses and we drank to the toast.

Our food arrived and we delayed any further talk...except to comment on the food and other mundane things. There was definitely a sense of...anticipation maybe? More subtly glances were passing between Betty and Julie. I could see Julie smile as something unsaid was passing through her mind.

After the meal, we went into the ballroom for the evening show, to be followed by dancing.

As usual, the show was very entertaining. A fairly well-known crooner had come on board in Jamaica to perform for the passengers over our last few nights. He would be the big feature on the last formal evening. He sang a few of his familiar songs, and the audience was very appreciative.

When it came time for dancing, Betty and Julie danced the first one with their husbands, then swapped partners for the second. Once that was over, I was informed by Betty and Julie that I was THEIRS for the rest of the dances.

I danced with Betty first, but warned her as we headed out on the dance floor, "Now...BEHAVE yourself...I'm too tired to tango!"

She grinned at me and whispered, "OK...You're safe for tonight...but I can't speak for Julie!" She came into my arms and I enjoyed the closeness. Betty was a lovely, vibrant, and sexy woman and I liked holding her.

While we were dancing, she whispered in my ear, "Gerald told me about Mike and his fantasy."

"Mike seems almost obsessed with it," I replied. "I can't blame him though...I can only imagine for myself just how hot that would be."

"Can I tell you a secret?" Betty murmured as she snuggled closer and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Anything Baby," I whispered.

"I wouldn't mind at ALL, if it was YOU there instead of Mike!"

My cock surged, in spite of my best laid plans. "Dammit, Betty...You PROMISED to behave!"

She gave me her naughty laugh and whispered, "Sorry...Can't help it...I just want to keep you interested."

I stroked her bare back as I replied, "I'd be a liar if I said I wouldn't like that...But this time is for Mike...IF it happens at all that is. Do you know something I don't?"

"We were discussing it when you arrived for dinner. I'm sure Julie WANTS to, but she's kinda shy about it. I'm hoping to get a chance to try and persuade her to do it."

The song ended and we went back to our table. The band took a short break and Betty and Julie took the opportunity to head for the ladies room.

"Well," I asked Gerald and Mike, "How does it look for tomorrow?"

Gerald said, "I didn't have to do much to convince Betty...She's all for it.

I'm sure she's working on Julie right now."

Mike added, "I brought it up to her as soon as we got back to our cabin this afternoon. I started by asking her all about her round with Betty. Man...from what she told me, those two have REALLY been having a ball. She says Betty makes her feel like a queen. Julie says Betty is a gentle lover and takes time to make sure she is satisfied. Betty never demands anything in return, which Julie says is why she enjoys giving pleasure BACK."

The girls arrived back then and took their seats. Betty looked pleased and Julie also was smiling.

When the band returned and started playing, I asked Julie to dance. Once on the floor, she came into my arms and moved in uncomfortably was her habit. She smiled at my predicament, well aware of the effect she had on me when those big boobs of hers were mashed against my chest.

"I already warned Betty to behave," I groaned, "Now don't YOU start on me. I'm not that strong!"

Julie giggled and kissed me on the cheek. "Why Jordan...What EVER do you mean?"

I groaned as she wiggled her pelvis against me slightly, just enough to feel the bulge there. "You are getting to be as bad as Betty, I told her."

"She's been a good friend," Julie whispered, "As well as a good teacher...AND lover."

"I can see that, just by seeing the metamorphosis that you've experienced. You started this cruise like the caterpillar in it's cocoon...Now, you're like the beautiful butterfly who has emerged."

"Oh Jordan!" Julie actually had TEARS in her eyes. Damn...Maybe I was learning a few tricks of my own...Gerald...Step aside!

"OH Jordan," Julie's voice snapped me out of my self-induced sense of pride. "Sweet Jordan...that was the nicest thing anybody's EVER said to me. Thank you for being such a dear."

For the second time tonight, a beautiful sexy lady laid her head on my shoulder.

"It's a good thing I'm married to Mike." Julie whispered, "Otherwise, I might just come after YOU!"

My cock was fighting a losing battle. "JULIE!" I replied in a strangely shocked voice, "As hot as that sounds, I almost twice your age! Why...I'm old enough to be your Father...Err Uncle...Older brother!"

"Actually, You're OLDER than my Father," She giggled, then seeing my crushed ego hanging out, quickly added, "That wouldn't make any difference! I think you're still a hunk! What's more...if YOU were my Father...I just MIGHT be tempted to commit Incest!" Wow! My ego shot up to unprecedented heights.

Julie went on to say, "Jordan, seriously...I want your opinion. What do you think about Mike's idea of having Betty and me make love with him watching?"

"Baby," I whispered, "That's something only YOU and MIKE can decide. I wouldn't want to influence your decision. Just trust your feelings and go with what YOU want to do."

"As always, the perfect gentleman," Julie said. "You know...I can't help but wonder how it would be...I kinda want to do it, and Betty has been trying to convince me too, but I'm not sure how Mike would feel afterward."

"Well, you know him better than I, but the two of you seemed to trust your feelings when you admitted your bisexual desires to each other."

"Yes we did," She admitted, "Mike even brought up the idea that you and Gerald asked him how he'd feel if I watched HIM with you two. He told me how he was unsure, but also couldn't help but feel kinda horny about it."

"How did YOU feel about THAT?" I asked.

"Honestly? It got me hot! I have thought about the three of you getting it on, especially after Betty was making ME cum time after time. The thought of being watched kept running through my mind and...I like the feeling. Also, I can't it...I WOULD like to see what you guys do with each other."

"I can assure you, Mike loves you, and I don't think any thing's gonna change that."

Julie looked pensive for a moment then said, "Jordan, you've been a big help and I've just made a decision."

"And that decision is..." I inquired.

"I'll DO it!" She said, letting a huge breath out. "I'll talk to Betty and we'll set it up."

"Well. I know ONE guy who is going to be VERY happy. You'd better get ready for some heavy lovemaking tonight little lady...I think Mr Sanders is gonna have his horns on...BIG TIME!"

Julie gave out a hearty laugh as the music ended and we headed for our table. She held my hand tightly.

Gerald's radar picked up the look on Julie's face and he KNEW. He reached over and whispered to Betty, who looked at Julie and nodded her head.

When Julie sat down, she leaned over and kissed Mike, then whispered in his ear. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets and he turned to Julie, "Really?" He shouted, "You WILL?" He jumped up and grabbed Julie, dragging her up into his arms and twirling her around.

"Mike...MIKE!" Julie laughed, "Put me DOWN you crazy man! Everybody's staring."

"I don't care," Mike said, "I want to shout it to the whole world!"

"Don't you DARE!" She squealed, "I'll never speak to you again!"

Gerald, Betty, and I were laughing loudly at Mike's antics and Julie's embarrassment.

She finally managed to get him to calm down and sit. She looked at Betty and rolled her eyes as if to say 'What have I created here?'.

Betty smiled and said," I'm so glad you want to do it. I've been wet all evening, since Gerald told me about it. I'm looking forward to getting in your panties again.

"Betty...Please, Give me a BREAK will you." Julie begged, blushing from head to toe. "I'd better get Mike out of here, before he decides to get up on stage and announce it over the microphone!"

"Hey!" Mike said, grinning. He had THAT look in his eye and waggled his eyebrows at Julie.

"Forget it!" Julie warned, popping him on the arm. "Not another word! Now...take me to bed and show me how much you appreciate what I'm doing for you."

The look of astonishment on Mike's face didn't last long. He jumped up and said, "I don't know WHERE my wife has disappeared to, but before she comes back I'm gonna take THIS wanton little fox to my room and ravish her thoroughly."

"Ooooo, you NASTY man you," Julie giggled, "Let's hurry!" They left, arms entwined. Our Mike was in for quite a night!

"Well, Mrs. Townsend," Gerald said to Betty, "I figure your sweet pussy must be practically gushing now that you know what's on the menu for tomorrow." He slid his hand under the tablecloth and Betty's eyes widened, then an expression of raw lust spread over her face. She sucked in her breath and groaned, biting her lower lip. Her body began to undulate as Gerald's fingers were torturing her.

After a few minutes, he pulled his hand out and licked his finger. "Yep...Just as I figured. C'mon Baby, let's get outta here...I want some of that!"

"Ooooo," Betty sighed, "You'd BETTER get me out of here, before I rape you right here on the table!"

I sat there, enjoying the show they were putting on, and tried to keep my cock from ripping a hole in my pants. I waived goodnight to them as they left hurriedly. Betty winked at me and threw me a kiss over her shoulder.

Once I finally got control over my uncooperative dick, I got up and also left. I didn't want to go back to my cabin yet cabin as keyed up as I still was, so I decided to take a stroll around the deck.

It was a clear night and the stars were brilliant. In the distance, I could see the lights of another cruise ship. Everything was quiet and peaceful. The decks were practically deserted as I strolled leisurely, enjoying the solitude. I found myself on one of the covered observation areas at the extreme forward part of the ship.

It was like a small, narrow room, about twenty feet long, but only about ten feet deep. The front was open to provide an unobstructed view, with a railing for protection. The view of the bow of the ship cutting through the inky water was fascinating and I leaned on the rail and breathed in the sea air.

"Nice night isn't it?" The voice startled me, as I had been so intent on the view, I hadn't noticed anyone approaching.

I turned to see a man who was still dressed for dinner in a suit and tie. It was dark, but I could see he looked to be about my age and height. He had a head of thick hair and a nicely trimmed moustache. The cut of his clothing looked like he was fairly slim.

He stood there, smiling and I suddenly realised I was staring at him. I quickly replied, "Yes...Yes, it certainly is. Just thought I'd take a walk to wind down before turning in.

"I've noticed you around," He said, "I was sitting at the table next to you and your friends in the ballroom. I'm Jerry O'Neil by the way.

I introduced myself and we shook hands. I vaguely remembered him, but hadn't really paid any attention to his face.

"How are you enjoying the cruise?" I inquired.

"Pretty good," he answered, "I'm single and a regular on the cruise circuit...I cruise a lot!"

I caught the subtle double-meaning of his words, and my newly installed gaydar perked up. "Hmmm, this guy is putting out feelers," I thought to myself.

"Is that so?" I said. "This is my first cruise...but after what I've discovered...I'm sure I will enjoy cruising more."

Jerry smiled and moved closer. "I was hoping you might feel that way. I followed you from the ballroom to see if you might...Be thinking along the same lines as ME."

He was standing beside me now, and I felt his hand brush against my hip. When I didn't move away, his hand returned to linger longer. I turned a little so my crotch wasn't against the railing.

Jerry saw the subtle movement and his hand moved to the growing bulge in my slacks. "Mmmmm, that feels nice," He whispered as he began stroking me through the cloth covering my boner.

"It feels Very nice, Jerry," I sighed. "You have a gentle touch."

His fingers grasped the tab of my zipper and slowly started pulling it down, watching for any sign of disapproval from me. When he had it down completely, he reached inside and felt the wet spot on my briefs where my precum was starting to leak.

"That also feel pretty good," He whispered back in a slightly thick voice. "I would love to see what I'm feeling. Is there any place we could go for some privacy?"

I was a little worried about suggesting we go back to my cabin. After all...He was a complete stranger who I had only met a few minutes ago.

Meanwhile, Jerry freed my rigid cock from my briefs and was stroking the bare flesh.

"Mmmmmm...Ohhh...Yessss," I groaned. I was still turned on from the sexual games my four friends had been flaunting in my face and I couldn't bring myself to stop what this guy was doing.

He dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock, lathing the underside with his tongue. His head bobbed slowly, sending electric shocks through my groin.

"Ooooo...Ahhhh...Damn that's good...I'm so horny," I moaned.

He stopped sucking to repeat his request, "I really want your cock, Jordan. Can we go someplace where I can suck you without worrying about interruptions?"

I gave in and told him to follow me. I reluctantly put my cock away and zipped up, leading him toward my cabin.

We were both walking fast...I wanted to feel his mouth on my dick again...I needed to get off...BAD!

It seemed to take forever, but we finally reached my cabin. Jerry started unzipping my pants again and soon had my rock hard cock in his mouth again and was sucking me frantically.

I was struggling to get undressed. I managed to get my coat and tie off and tossed them on the sofa. I unbuttoned my shirt and added it to the pile. I couldn't do anything about my pants with Jerry holding my hips and sucking my dick through the open fly.

"Hold off a second Jerry," I groaned. He looked up at me and saw that I wanted to get out of my clothes, so He stood up.

"Why don't YOU get comfortable too?" I asked. He quickly started removing his clothes.

As his naked body came into view I saw he was indeed slim, but with a fairly firm chest and stomach, and very little body hair. I could see his pants were tented with his excitement and found myself anxious to see what was between his legs.

I had kicked of my shoes and removed my trousers. I dropped my briefs and Jerry's eyes focused on my stiff rod standing straight out from my groin.

He was just slipping his pants off and I caught sight of his cock, outlined under his small bikini briefs. It looked to be a very nice size and fairly thick.

I sat down on the bed to remove my socks, then stretched out and propped up on my elbows to watch Jerry finish undressing.

He didn't take long before he stood at the side of the bed, totally naked, as we surveyed each other's equipment.

"Man, you look nice," He commented. "You keep yourself in great shape."

His body, although slim, was nicely toned. In the light of my cabin, he appeared to be younger than I originally estimated. I now placed him in his mid thirties. His dark hair was thick and showed no signs of grey.

There was some hair on his lower arms and a thin layer on his legs. He had a neatly trimmed, thick bush surrounding his cock that matched the color of the hair on his head.

Finally, his cock was about 6 inches, but was thicker than Mikes...and even Geralds. He was circumcised, which I was glad to discover. The base of his dick was very thick and tapered down to a smaller tip. The head was just about the same size as the smooth shaft where it joined the back of the crown.

Jerry put a knee beside my hip and leaned over to swallow my cock once more, bringing a loud groan from my lips. I closed my eyes and my head fell back onto my shoulders. I gave in to the unbelieveable pleasure of Jerry's skills. He definitely was not new to cocksucking and he had my hips bouncing in no time. He played with my balls as his mouth drew gasps and moans from me.

"Ahhhh...Yesss...Yesss...Yesss...Just like that...Oh, Yesss...That's how I like it...Mmmmm"

My arms reached out and urged him to join me. I pulled his body around to lie beside me so his pulsing cock was within easy reach. I stroked him a few times, then took the base in my hand. I licked the pearly drop that formed at the tip, causing him to moan and increase his efforts on my pole.

We sucked each other until I felt his cock start to jerk and I knew he was close.

He pulled off my dick to warn..."Ahhh...GOD Jordan...That's so good! I can't hold off...I'm gonna cum...Do you want it?"

For an answer, I grabbed his ass and pulled him as deep as I could and sucked frantically. I ran a finger down his crack to the opening that was clenching as my mouth brought him closer.

"Oh...Oh...Yes...Do that," He groaned as my finger slid into his chute. "Ahhhh...Yesss...How did you know? Oh...Oh...Yesss...Mmmmm." He went back to sucking my dick as he frantically pumped his hips on my finger.

When I felt his cock swell and jerk rapidly, I jammed my finger as deep in his ass as I could and found his prostate. I wiggled my finger, massaging the little gland and sucked him down to the base of his surging dick.

He let himself surrender and several strong spurts of cum exploded into my mouth. I sucked rapidly and fucked his ass with my finger as his climax filled my mouth almost faster than I could swallow.

When he finished, he let my dick pop out of his mouth and groaned, "Oh Man! I needed that BAD! Now I need something else...I need a good fuck! Will you fuck me Jordan...Please?"

"Oh Yeah," I croaked. "I'm gonna fuck your ass good. I turned him over onto his stomach and moved to lay between his spread legs. I opened his ass cheeks with my thumbs and buried my mouth in his crack. I could taste his cum that had run down his crack when he had climaxed.

""Arrggh...Oh Yeah...Lick my ass Babe... I love that...Love to be rimmed...Give me some tongue."

I ran my tongue around the outside of his pink rosebud, then pulled his ass cheeks open as wide as I could. I pushed my tongue in his hole and fucked him with it. He was thrashing wildly humping against my face as he groaned nonstop.

I kept him dancing on my tongue for a few more minutes, then reached for the KY. I lubed my dick and then stuck my sticky fingers into his ass. I had loosened him up so well with my tongue, he was ready to be fucked.

I scooted up and he raised up long enough to put a pillow under his hips, raising his nice firm butt up into position.

I placed my cock along his crack and laid down on top of him. I hunched my hips, rubbing the slick pole up and down, spreading his crack. Finally, I raised up and steepened the angle of my body. The tip of my dick was at the entrance of his hole and when I pushed, it slid smoothly in until my balls were laying against his ass cheeks.

"Unnnggh...Ahhhh, Yesss...I feel your hard cock in my ass! It feels so good in me...I'm full. Now...Fuck me Man...Fuck me nice and hard...Plow my ass!"

I started slowly, but his chute grabbed my dick and squeezed it. I was sliding in and out smoothly and my cock was making loud wet noises as we fucked. Jerry humped his butt to meet my thrusts and we found a good rhythm that had us both gasping for breath.

"Yeah...Yeah...Fuck...Fuck...Oh Man that feels good," He moaned. "Don't stop...Fuck me hard...Don't try to hold back...I want you to cum in me...I can't wait...Go Ahead...Cum in me."

"Ahhh...Mmmmm," I groaned as I pumped his ass faster. "I'm getting close Jerry...I'm gonna cum in you...Are you ready for it? Do you want it? Tell me how much you like my dick in you...Tell me you want my load!" I was rapidly approaching the point of no return.

"I WANT it...I want it Jordan...I LOVE how your cock feel in my ass...I'm ready for your load...Give it to me...Cum in me!"

My climax was boiling in my balls, "Here it comes Babe...I'm cumming...I'm Cumming...Take it...Oh Yeah!" Cum spurted out of my dick into his ass which was clenching on my shaft.

"Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Oh, your ass is squeezing my dick! Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnnnnggggghhh!"

I thought I was going to pass out...I was seeing stars. Jerry kept squeezing my cock with his ass, milking my cum...sucking every drop.

When I finally stopped cumming I collapsed, pulling Jerry over onto his side. I was still buried in his ass, and he closed his legs to keep me there as long as possible. We stayed there until my cock softened and fell out with a wet 'slurrrrpppp'.

We lay still, breathing hard. I held him close with an arm around his waist. Jerry put his hand on top of my arm and snuggled his ass against my flaccid dick. We could feel the cum leaking out of his hole, wetting both of us.

We decided to get up before we stuck together from the drying cum. We showered to remove the remains of our lovemaking from our tired bodies. While soaping each other, Jerry's dick got hard again, so I knelt down and sucked him off. His climax was intense, but didn't produce much cum.

We dried off and Jerry said, "I'm glad I followed you out of the ballroom. I really needed this." He moved in and kissed me gently.

I returned the kiss and our mouths opened to suck on each other's tongue. We pulled apart after a few minutes.

"I'm glad you did too," I told him. "I needed it too. I enjoyed being with you."

"Same here," Jerry replied. "Do you think we might have a chance to do it again?"

I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I really wasn't interested in a repeat. It had been hot, and I enjoyed it...but Jerry was just a 'relief valve'. I needed to get off, and Jerry met that need, but it was nothing else. With Gerald and Mike, it was personal...something I put everything into.

"I don't think there's much of a chance Jerry...My friends and I have plans for the next couple of days that will pretty much take up all the time remaining." I wasn't about to tell him WHAT those plans were.

"I understand," Jerry replied. "I'm glad we had this one time though. We quickly dressed and as he started to the door said, "See you around the ship?"

"Sure," I said as we reached the door. As I opened it I said, "Take care...I hope you find someone else to enjoy the rest of the cruise with."

We shook hands and He headed down the passageway, turning to waive.

End Of Part Seventeen. Part Eighteen to follow soon. Comments welcome at P.S. If you're enjoying the style of writing in my story, you might like to check out several I wrote back in 2003. Following is a list of them; May 21, 2003...Gay Male/High School Section "Drive-In Movie Encounter" June 6, 2003...Gay male/College Section "Drew and Paul" June 28, 2003.Gay Male/Encounters Section "Airport Encounter" June 29. 2003.Gay Male/Military Section "Military Encounters" July 10, 2003..Gay Male/Camping Section "Early Encounters"* *(Written under the psuedoname John Smith)

Next: Chapter 18: Caribbean Cruise 18

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