Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Sep 2, 2006


This story is mostly fictional, although it is based loosely on some of the experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. I realise that the amount of almost nonstop sex would probably kill a normal human being, but I have a vivid imagination...and this IS mostly fiction, so What The Hell!

Some of the sexual scenes do not portray safe sex. Just be sure to practice safe sex in REAL life. I hope you continue to read and enjoy the story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Sixteen

The next morning, I arose refreshed after a good night's sleep, helped by the hot session with Gerald last night. I dressed and hurried to the dining room, anxious to find out if Mike had gotten his 'surprise' from Julie last night.

Gerald and Betty were already there, but Mike and Julie had not yet arrived.

I gave the waiter my order and had just started to sip my coffee, when Gerald leaned over and spoke softly, "Wonder if Mike and Julie did the dirty last night."

Betty elbowed him. "Gerald," She scolded, "You have SUCH a dirty mind!"

Gerald grinned and replied, "And you LOVE it, don't you Sweetheart!"

Betty laughed and said, "You KNOW it Darling, but don't you DARE embarrass poor Mike with one of your crass comments. If I know Julie...and after yesterday afternoon, I know her pretty good...Mike got the thrill of his life last night."

Just then, Mike and Julie arrived. Both looked VERY animated and Mike was grinning from ear to ear, as he held the chair out for Julie to sit. She noticed our glances and her cheeks reddened. The flush spread to her neck and bare shoulders when she made eye contact with Betty, who winked at her.

"Well," Gerald piped up, and Betty threw him a warning look. "You two certainly look chipper this morning."

"More than you KNOW," Mike replied, and then yelped as Julie kicked him under the table. He was still grinning as he rubbed his ankle.

"Mike, HONESTLY," Julie whispered, "Couldn't you at least wait to blab out everything when we have a little more privacy? I'd just as soon we didn't announce it to the whole ship!"

"OK...OK, I just can't WAIT to tell you guys about last night...OUCH!" Julie had kicked him again. "I MEANT about our...'Little talk' about...You and me!"

"Hmmm," Now THAT sounds like quite a story," I said. "We're all friends here...Actually MORE than just friends. We'd love to hear ALL the details." I was sure Gerald, Betty, and I already had a pretty good idea what Mike meant.

We finished our breakfast and all went up on deck to watch the ship depart Ocho Rios and head out to sea. We would be at sea all day today and tomorrow and would arrive at the cruise line's private beach early the day after tomorrow.

Mike and Julie seemed extra romantic this morning, hugging and kissing often. I'm not sure how much of the departure they even saw!

We decided to head back to our cabins and change into swimsuits and meet on the upper sundeck in an hour. I was hoping to learn as much about Mike and Julie's night as I could. I had a hunch the two of them had reached some major turning point.

When I got to the sun deck, Gerald and Mike were already there, but I didn't see Betty or Julie. Mike was talking as I dropped into a lounge chair. He was wearing a black Speedo that hugged his package nicely. Gerald looked pretty good in a slightly more conservative blue brief-type suit. My cock stirred a little as I recalled exactly what those swimsuits concealed.

"Where are the girls," I inquired, "Aren't they going to join us?"

"Oh...They'll be along shortly," Gerald replied. "You know women...They have to be sure everything is just right, so they can turn on every guy on board.

Mike was just starting to talk about his night with Julie. Start form the beginning again Mike."

"Well," He started excitedly, "There's so much to tell, I don't know exactly where to begin."

"Just start ANYWHERE," I urged, "As long as you give us ALL the dirty details."

"OK," Mike said and taking a deep breath started, "Last night, Julie was so hot, she nearly killed me! We fucked for an hour. Then, while we were resting, she told me she wanted me to...To...Guys, she told me she wanted to try...ANAL! She asked me to fuck her in...To fuck her in the ASS! Guys I'm telling you...It was...AWESOME! I couldn't believe it...I know she had said she was THINKING about it, but I NEVER thought she would actually let me do it."

I noticed his cock tenting the front of his Speedos as he recalled the pleasure Julie had given him.

"I can SEE how much you enjoyed it," I said. When he looked at me, I pointed to his boner. "As much as I like what's under that swimsuit, you might want to...Ah...cover up."

"Oh Shit! I can't help i...thinking about how great her tight little ass felt. And that's not All...We had a long talk and..."

He stopped in the middle of a sentence as Betty and Julie arrived...and WHAT an entrance! The gals were both wearing thongs that could have gotten them arrested for indecent exposure...WHAT am I SAYING...There was not ONE single INCH that was not extremely DECENT exposure!

Betty's suit was the same shade of blue as Gerald's, but the similarity ended there. Her perky not-so-little-after-all breasts were encased in a top that just barely covered the gorgeous globes.

Julie...What can I say? Julie was, well...Julie! Her thong was white and had she not been a blond, I'm sure her pubic hair would be visible through the almost transparent material. As for HER top...I've seen postage stamps that covered more area. Those tits of hers were almost completely uncovered. The areoles and pink nipples WERE visible and the hard little nubs were poking the material out delightfully.

The two gals had met in Betty and Gerald's cabin to dress, and I couldn't help but wonder if Betty had anything to do with Julie's swollen nipples.

They attracted the eye of EVERY guy...AND quite a few women on deck. They obviously were aware of the attention they were drawing. Both laughed at the howls and wolf whistles Gerald, Mike and I were giving out.

"Alright you three," Betty said grinning, "Pull in your horns and get your minds out of the gutter!" Julie couldn't help but giggle as they joined us.

"Has Mike opened his big mouth and let the cat out of the bag already?" Julie asked.

"Pretty much," Gerald admitted, much to Mike's dismay. "He was just saying the two of you had a long talk."

"Go ahead Honey," Mike urged, as Julie shot him a dark glance. "YOU tell them."

Julie looked a little uncomfortable, but started explaining, "That's right, we had a VERY long talk. After we enjoyed the most wonderful sex ever, I decided to open up to Mike. I told him about my...about the...'thing' with my college roommate. He was shocked at first, but then asked me if I had had any MORE same-sex affairs."

She stopped as a waiter came up and took our drink orders, then continued.

"I told him that Betty and I had...discussed it and that I...I told her that I was curious and had thought about it for some time. I told him I agreed to try it with Betty and that I had really enjoyed it, and that we had done it a couple more times."

"She told me she had felt guilty about hiding it from me," Mike added. "I decided that I couldn't keep my OWN secret from her any longer. I told her about with YOU, Jordan, and about the threesome with you and Gerald. I told her how sorry I was for keeping it from her."

Julie broke in to say, "You should have seen his face when I told him I had already known about it! I thought he was going to faint!"

"We did a LOT of soul searching about our feelings," Mike went on. "Once we had opened up to each other, we were So turned on, we made love again...TWICE!"

Betty said, "I think I speak for Gerald and me in saying that we are SO glad you two have cleared the air."

"I feel the same," I said, "You two have made a giant step, but...Are you SURE you're both OK with your discovery...You're comfortable with your bisexual feelings?"

"Completely," Julie replied, looking at Mike who nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

Betty said "Gerald and I have been married almost fifteen years and have enjoyed our bisexual interests for the past five. We had both experienced same-sex affairs before, but had not been involved in any for several years before we married. We are very much in love and enjoy making love to each other."

Gerald added, "It just seemed, after a few years our marriage was getting stale...we were falling into a dull routine that left something to be desired. One night, after a round of sex, we started discussing it. She and I told each other about our earlier flings. We ended up talking about the thrill we had felt in our affairs with members of our same sex. Just the memory got us hot and we made love again...and both agreed that was the best sex we had had in quite a while."

Betty continued, "We decided to open our marriage up, so we tried a couple of those group swapping parties, but decided that wasn't for us. We agreed that we would prefer to play with only one or maybe two partners, and that it would be someone we brought home with us. For a while this worked fine...I'd find a guy, bring him home and the two of them would fuck ME. When Gerald would find a woman he would bring her home and he would fuck the two of us. This went on for a while and we thought everything was great...Then something happened!"

"There was a girl who was a graduate student in one of my classes," Gerald explained. "She had flirted with me all year and I finally began paying her some attention. She let me know that she would be willing to have a threesome, so I brought her home to spend the weekend with us. Things were going well...The three of us had a very hot session the first night."

"Our lives changed the next night," Betty continued. "We were in bed...I had just cum and was lying beside them as Gerald was fucking her. Suddenly, she reached over and put her hand on my breast and started squeezing it and playing with my nipple. I was shocked, but before I could react, I discovered I liked how it felt. Old memories came rushing back, and when she moved her hand down and started fingering my pussy, I had the biggest orgasm I had experienced in quite a while."

Gerald went on, "I watched Betty moan and cum under this gal's manipulation and I blasted a load immediately. As soon as I pulled out, the gal moved over to kiss Betty and the two of them really started getting heated up."

"She went down on me and I started having continuous orgasms," Betty said in a husky voice as she began getting excited. "We ended up in a 69 and I tasted my first pussy since I was a teenager. Over the rest of the weekend, she and I made love several more times. That was a turning point in our lives. Gerald was so turned on by it, that he confessed he would like to try it with another guy."

"Betty said she would love to see that," Gerald said. "There was a guy I knew who worked in the administration who was bi, so he and I became close friends and I invited him over for a weekend. He and I fucked Betty first and I enjoyed watching her suck a cock and take another guy's cock in her pussy. I was eating Betty, when he started rubbing MY cock. It felt wonderful, and when he went down on me, I knew I had to taste HIS dick too. The rest is history."

"We only played together at first", Gerald said, "But later we agreed that if we had an experience outside our home...separately...That we would tell each other about it...NO secrets!"

We had been listening closely and all were affected by their story. Mike and I were boned up big time and I noticed Julie subtly rub her pubic mound. Her face showed the excitement she felt and she ran her tongue over her pouty lips as she and Betty were exchanging hot glances.

Mike grunted and said, "That sounds wonderful. I think maybe Julie and I might enjoy trying it the way you two did. I don't think WE would like large group orgies either."

"Also," Julie added, "I think I would rather limit it to women for me...and Mike to just with guys. I don't think I'm ready for another man just yet."

"And I'm not interested in screwing another woman. I really have enjoyed having sex with Jordan...AND Gerald, but Julie is MORE woman than I can handle already."

"Awww...You just scored some points Dear," Julie cooed. "You will get your reward later. Right now..I'm feeling very...horny and ready for some fun!"

Betty jumped at that, " too. Why don't we do something about it? I can see the guys are interested. Why don't we discuss it over lunch...I see it's just about time."

We agreed and everybody went back to their cabins to shower and change. I wondered if my four friends would maybe get a little 'relief' before we met.

I was the first to arrive and be seated at lunch, but the others wandered in shortly. I saw what looked like sexual excitement in their body language. The girls were both wearing short sundresses and their tanned legs looked nice. Betty and Julie were seated next to each other this time and I wondered about that.

Betty opened the subject, "Well, what do you think? Shall we dabble a bit into the new lifestyle we were thinking about?"

Julie's checks were flushed and her eyes were bright. "Mike and I are...we thought we to see if it will work...Oooo!" Her face showed surprise and she jerked slightly, shooting a glance at Betty.

I saw that Betty was smiling and her arm was moving slightly. Although the table cloth covered them I suspected she had made contact with Julie's leg under the table. Julie's eyes glazed over as she tried to carry on the conversation.

"I...Ah...I mean WE...Mike and I thought...Oh...Oh...That maybe we could...Stop it Betty!" She whispered hoarsely, "You're making me wet...Ohhhh!" Her body couldn't sit still and I figured Betty's fingers must be playing with her pussy.

Gerald, Mike and I were getting turned on by Julie's reaction to Betty's boldness. She was trying to look normal, but was glancing around to see if anyone had noticed the action under the table.

Mike especially looked interested, now that he knew that Betty and Julie had already been enjoying the same type pleasure he had been experiencing with Gerald and me. The fact that his wife was getting finger fucked right under his nose had him horny as Hell.

"How 'bout it Honey?" He whispered to Julie. "If you and Betty want to go to her cabin...I won't mind. The guys and I can...'amuse' ourselves for a while." He glanced at us and smiled.

Julie's eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip. Suddenly, her body shuddered and she let out a long sigh. Betty withdrew her hand and we could see two fingers glistening with Julie's juices. She stuck them in her mouth and sucked on them. "I'd say Julie is DEFINITELY ready...Right Baby?"

Julie blushed red and looked at all of us through heavy lidded eyes. "Oh, BETTY!" She whispered in exasperation, "You're so...So BAD! You know I can't help it when you do that."

We all laughed and agreed least this FIRST time, we would play separately...The girls would go to Gerald and Betty's cabin and we three would take MY cabin, and then we would compare notes later. After hurrying to finish lunch, we got up to leave in separate directions.

"Have fun guys," Betty called out over her shoulder as Julie tried to shush her. "See you at dinner." Julie just shook her head.

"We might not make it before breakfast," Gerald shot back. Damn, this guy had a million of 'em.

When we got to my cabin, we had our hands all over each other. I barely got the door closed before Gerald had Mike's dick out and was kneeling in front of him. He was already bobbing rapidly on the hard pole.

Mike was gasping and holding on to Gerald's head as he thrust his hips to get as deep as he could into the hot mouth on his cock. "Ohhh...Yesss...Yesss...I'm so horny...Suck me Gerald...Mmmmm!"

I pulled his shirt over his head and attacked his sensitive nipples, causing them to harden into rigid little nubs. Mike searched for my hardness, unzipping my fly and reaching inside my wet briefs to stroke my raging dick.

We continued for a while in this position until Mike shouted he was about to cum.

"Let ME have a taste," I begged and Gerald stepped back to let me drop down and engulf Mike's throbbing pole. I tasted his precum and ran my tongue around the head of his cock, then went down to the base and rubbed my nose in his bush.

When I grabbed his balls and squeezed gently, Mike shouted "Oh Shit...I'm cumming...Here it comes...Oh...Oh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!" His cock exploded, sending spurt after hot spurt of his cum into my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could to get it all. He must have really had a powerful load stored up as a result of all the sexual banter earlier.

Mike fell away and started removing his clothes. I turned around on my knees to find Gerald naked and his erect and dripping cock only inches from my mouth. I grabbed it by the base and pulled him to me, swallowing his spear.

"Aggghh...Oh Yeah Babe...Suck that prick...You've become a world class cocksucker and you really know how to suck my cock...Mmmm...Yeah...Just like that!"

He was fucking my mouth, his hips moving back and forth, his hands on each side of my head. His cock was pushing down my throat on each stroke. I had learned to overcome my gag reflex pretty good and I took all of him easily.

Mike was watching intently and finally said, "My turn...I want to suck him too."

Gerald pulled out of my mouth and was immediately engulfed by Mike. He sucked loudly, and moaned around the cock in his mouth. Gerald hissed as the young stud was making him struggle to keep from cumming.

"Move him over to the sofa," I urged, "I want some of your tight ass Mike."

While I used the KY to lube my cock, Gerald backed up to the sofa and sat down. Mike never stopped sucking, crawling on his knees to keep Gerald's dick buried in his throat. He raised his ass up high as I moved in behind. I laid on my back and pulled his ass down where I could rim his sweet hole and get him ready.

"Mmmmm...Mmmppph...Mmmm," Mike moaned. This caused Gerald to groan loudly. Mike's moaning was causing vibrations from his throat to give Gerald was was know as a 'hummer'.

I licked and sucked at the winking rosebud that opened to allow my tongue to penetrate into his inner channel. I reached for his swaying cock and stroked it into full hardness while I got his ass ready.

Mike pulled off long enough to beg, "Fuck me Jordan...Give me that cock...I'm ready!"

He was indeed ready. My dick slid in him all the way like a hot knife slicing through soft butter. My pubic bush was mashed against his firm ass and our balls rubbed against each other. I stayed still, feeling Mike's ass contract around the stiff shaft impaling him. I had one arm around his waist and was stroking his hard cock.

He resumed sucking Gerald as I started slowly fucking his ass. He would clench tightly as I withdrew, then relax as I stroked in. He was basically jacking my cock with his ass. Our bodies were covered with a fine layer of perspiration as our efforts intensified. Mike was wiggling his butt now as my dick was hitting his prostate on every down-stroke.

Gerald was pumping his hips too as he neared his climax. I wasn't going to last long either and could feel Mike's cock starting to swell up and throb. "I'm gonna cum soon guys. Let's try to cum at the same time."

"I'm getting close to," Gerald gasped, "I'm ready when YOU are!"

Mike moaned, signalling as best he could that he also was close. He sped up his sucking, and I fucked his ass as fast and hard as I could, while jacking him in sync.

Gerald was the first to blow his load, gasping and ramming his cock into Mike's throat. "Ahhh...I'm cumming guys...I'm cumming."

He exploded into Mike's sucking mouth. This triggered Mike's Climax and his cum boiled out over my stroking hand onto the edge of the sofa. "Mmppphhh...Mmppphhh...Mmmmm...Mmmmm," He moaned.

His ass clenched repeatedly on my dick buried deep in him, sending me over the edge. "Awww...Here I cum." I warned, "Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh."

Our bodies jerked in the throes of our combined climaxes. We continued to suck and fuck as we climbed to the peak of pleasure, then came down slowly.

Mike released Gerald's deflating cock, and I pulled my cum covered dick out of his ass. My cum leaked out of the ass I had just unloaded in and ran down over his balls.

We got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. Mike showered first to empty the rest of my load from his ass, then Gerald and I got in and soaped each other up. Our sensitive cocks felt almost raw from the recent action and we groaned as we stroked them under the pretense of getting clean.

We cleaned up the remnants of Mike's cum from the front of the sofa, then relaxed with stiff drinks of my Cayman rum. We hadn't bothered to dress and sat naked while talking about our little session.

"Man, that was nice," Mike said. "I guess we were ALL a little quick on the trigger from all the talk this morning...I know I was."

"I think it had us ALL pumped up," I replied.

"I wonder how the girls are doing," Mike said. "MAN...The thought of my Julie getting her pussy eaten by Betty just blows my mind...And...I guess SHE will do the same to Betty...Oh my GOD that's hot...Damn! I'm gettin' hard again just thinking about it."

Sure enough, Mike's cock was starting to lengthen and fill with blood. I knew he was imagining the sight of the two women...So was I. My libido was reacting, but my dick would require a little longer to recharge.

I reached over and fondled Mike's dick, making him groan. "Oooo...That's nice...I can't believe I'm ready so quick."

"No use letting this go to waste," I remarked and got between his legs to take his pole into my mouth.

"Ahhhhh," He sighed and thrust his hips up. "Mmmmmm...Yesss...Do it...I love how you suck me."

I was slowly moving my mouth up and dpwn his cock, while fondling his balls. I would stop sucking every so often and lick from the edge of his ass crack, over his ballsac, and up the underside of his smooth shaft, then running my tongue around the sensitive head of his pulsing pole. Mike was thoroughly enjoying his blow job, as much as I was.

"Mmmmm...Ohhhh," He gasped as he pumped his hips, "I can't stop thinking about Julie and Betty. I would give anything if I could just see it for myself!"

Gerald had been enjoying the sight of me blowing Mike, until now. "Maybe I could arrange it," He said.

"Huh?" Mike asked sluggishly, "What did you say? What...What do you mean?"

"I mean, I could talk to Betty about you watching her and Julie make love. I KNOW she would love it...If you can get Julie to agree."

Mike's cock swelled up and throbbed powerfully as his mind grasped what Gerald was saying. "Oh, MAN...REALLY...You could do that? Betty wouldn't mind?" He groaned as my tongue rasped across the tip of his dick.

"Sure," Gerald said. I'll talk to her this afternoon, before dinner. Why don't you and Julie discuss it and, if she agrees, we'll make plans over dinner."

Mike couldn't answer right away, because the impact of what Gerald had said, plus the action of my mouth sent him over the edge.

"Oh Shit...Oh my GOD...I'm...Cumming...Oh Yessss...I'm cumming...You got it Jordan...It's yours...Take it!"

His cum burst out...Nowhere NEAR as strong as before, but still a healthy load. I gulped down his sweet offering and worked his softening cock, milking it for every drop I could get.

"Whew," He gasped, "I almost passed out there. I've been hard since must be from the blood being drained from my head too long...Damn, I really like how you suck Jordan."

He took a large swallow of his drink before replying to Gerald's idea. "If we could somehow make that happen, I would owe you big time. Maybe it would give Julie and me the push we need."

"What if Julie wants the same consideration?" I asked.

"Huh?" Mike said, confused.

Gerald explained, "He means...what if Julie wants to see YOU get it on with another guy? Could you suck a cock or let a guy suck YOU with her there, watching? Could you let her watch you fuck another guy...or GET fucked?"

Mike's face showed he hadn't thought of that scenario yet, he had been concentrating so much on his OWN desires. "Gosh...I...I don't know...It...It seems...Different somehow. I guess...If she's willing to let ME watch, how could I deny HER the same thing."

"Something to think about," I cautioned, "You need to be absolutely sure this idea goes BOTH ways. Otherwise, you could end up ruining the whole thing...As well as destroying your marriage!"

"Yeah...You're absolutely right," Mike agreed. "You know...Maybe it wouldn't...wouldn't be so bad if...if it happened with...Ah...With YOU guys!"

"You think you could go through with it, if you did it with US?" I asked.

"I think SO...Yeah...I'm sure I could," He said, the excitement returning. "After all...Julie ALREADY knows we're sucking and fucking each other. Yeah...That would work! When do you think we could...Err...Do it?"

"Well," Gerald said, "I'm hoping we could arrange for YOU to watch Betty and Julie maybe...Tomorrow while we're at sea. There won't be any problem getting Betty to agree...It will depend on Julie."

"We're scheduled to arrive at the cruise line's private beach day after tomorrow," I reminded them. "If we tried it then, we probably wouldn't have time until the evening."

"That wouldn't work," Gerald spoke up. "That night is the second formal night. I know Betty is looking forward to that."

"Oh Yeah," Mike replied, "I forgot. Julie's really looking forward to it too."

"The next day we'll be at sea again," Gerald added. "That night will be the big Farewell shindig...and believe don't want to miss that!"

"I don't think we could manage BOTH 'exhibitions' the same day," I cautioned. "We really need to let Mike have HIS fantasy tomorrow, if at all possible. Then, the girls and Mike would have a whole day to recover and would allow us another whole day to reciprocate during the day at sea."

"OK," Mike sighed, "I'll really work on Julie tonight. Maybe since she'll probably still be feleing hot from her session with Betty she'll be more open to suggestions."

"Just tempt her with the promise of letting her watch YOU get royally sucked and fucked by two virile studs!" Gerald teased.

"Oh yeah?" Mike replied, "That sounds great...But WHERE am I gonna find two 'virile studs on such short notice!"

"Why you smartass cocky little BASTARD!" I shouted in my most insulted tone. "Are we gonna stand for THAT Gerald?"

"Absolutely NOT!" Gerald chimed in...Let's GET him!"

We jumped Mike before he could react. Since we were all still naked, our bodies responded to the sensuous contact and were were sprouting boners quickly. I captured Mike's feet and Gerald took care of his arms.

"Hey...Hey, Guys! I was just kidding," Mike said while laughing.

We tossed him on the bed and Gerald sat on him while I rummaged through my travel bag and found a roll of strong athletic tape I used when playing golf to prevent getting blisters on my hand.

Mike's eyes widened at the sight. "Wha...What are you gonna do with THAT?" He asked with alarm.

"Turn him over on his stomach," I told Gerald. Mike struggled, but we were able to get him spreadeagled on his stomach. I wrapped tape around each of his wrists and secured them to the head od the bed.

"Aw...C'mon Guys," Mike was getting rather worried at this point. He was squirming, but now his hands were useless, and Gerald and I together were able to control his legs.

I wrapped lengths of tape around his ankles also and tied them off at the foot of the bed. Then I took a pillow and, with Gerald pulling his hips up, shoved it under him. We stood up to admire our handy work.

Mike was sprawled flat on his stomach, with his cute bubble butt in the air and he started getting an idea where this was headed. "Oh...Oh, NO...NO...You WOULDN'T" He tried to break loose, but was trapped.

"I'm getting tired of all the noise," I said, "Aren't you Gerald?"

"Yes, indeed," He replied, hiding a smile, "What do you suppose we should DO about it?"

The sound of a piece of tape being ripped off the roll mahe Mike look over his shoulder in horror. "Oh Shit...Noooo...Please don't...I didn't mean anyth...Mmppph!" His voice was shut off as Gerald placed the tape over his mouth.

"NOW," I said menacingly, "Let's SHOW him two virile studs! I'll go first."

Mike saw me reach for the tube of KY on the bedside table next to his face. I moved to where he could watch me smear a large amount on my dick and stroke it to full hardness. He tossed his head from side to side, but only muffled sounds came from behind the gag.

I crawled onto the bed between his spread legs and popped him on his cute little ass. I then let him feel me lube his chute with two slick fingers. When I put my cock against his tight pucker, he tried to squeeze his buttcheeks together, but I used my thumbs to spread him and rammed my cock smoothly into his rectum.

"MMMMMPPPPPHH!" Mike grunted as he felt the rock hard spear impale him. I put one hand on each of his ass cheeks and spread them as I started fucking him. I could see his hole stretch as I plunged my dick into his warm and slick tunnel. I would stop every few strokes, buried to the hilt and rotate my cock. I knew he could feel me rubbing his prostate.

"Mmppphhh...Mmppphhh...Mpphh...Mph...Mmmmm...Mmmmm!" The change in his voice told us he was starting to feel the pleasure my cock was bringing.

I plowed him for several minutes, until I felt my balls churn. I stopped...Pulled out, and said, "YOUR turn Gerald. I think I've got him loosened up pretty good."

Gerald had been standing at the head of the bed, lubing up his 8 inches, which were now glistening with the gel.

Mike's eyes watched him move toward the foot of the bed until Gerald moved out of his range of vision. The next second, he felt Gerald's cock part his ass and plunge into his hole, stretching it in spite of having MY dick in him for the past ten minutes.

"Ummmmggh...Mmppphh," Came rushing from behind the gag as Gerald's hips slammed against Mike's quivering ass.

Gerald fucked him nonstop for another ten minutes. Mike's ass was being fucked like never before. The room echoed with the sound of hips slapping loudly against his ass.

We switched again a couple of times, stopping each time we started getting close.

Mike's eyes were closed and he appeared to be enjoying the pretend-rape. He was moaning with every stroke now.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "If I remove the gag, think you can take it like a man?" He nodded his head in agreement.

I pulled the tape off, just as Gerald plowed into his ass again. "Ouch...UUUNNNGGGHHH!" He grunted as his ass quivered from the force of the stroke. "Ohhhh...Damn...You guys are killing me...Don't stop...Ooooo...Fuck me...You made me cum all over my belly and I'm still hard!"

Gerald was humping him faster now and his breathing was getting ragged. Sweat dripped from his brow and splashed on Mike's ass. "Ummm...I'm gonna cum in this boy's ass...Ahhh...Oh Yesss...I'm cumming...Cumming...Unnnggh...Unnnggh...Unnnggh."

He slammed into the sweet ass that was gripping his cock and froze. I could see the muscles in Gerald's ass constrict rapidly and I knew he was spilling his seed into Mike.

"Oh, Yes," Mike groaned, "Oh, Yes...Yes...I feel your cum filling me! Ooooo...It's so hot!"

When Gerald finished, we untaped Mike's hands and feet, but kept a tight hold on the bindings as we rolled him over on his back.

"Wha..What the HELL are you two doing NOW?" He asked, "Haven't you had enough? My ass is gonna be numb for a week!"

"If I didn't have plans for that mouth of your's," I warned, "I'd tape it shut again!" Mike got VERY quiet...immediately and watched, wide-eyed.

I leaned over and kissed him, running my tongue over his lips and then sliding it in his mouth searching for HIS tongue. Mike sucked on the fleshy invader and moaned.

His cock was still hard and sticking straight up. Gerald crawled up and laid between Mike's outspread legs and began licking his balls.

"Mmmm...Mmmmm," Mike moaned into my mouth. When I moved to his nipples and started torturing them, his mouth stayed open as he gasped for breath.

Gerald licked up the shaft of his cock and took the head in his mouth. "Ahhhhh...I can't stand it," Mike groaned, "I'm going absolutely NUTS here! Please finish me...Suck my cock...Make me cum."

I straddled his chest and offered him my pulsing cock. He opened his mouth and I slid forward, driving it into his throat.

At the same time, Gerald went down on his cock and bobbed rapidly.

Gerald had cum, and so had Mike, but he was young and was still hard, and was going to get another nut any second.

I hadn't cum yet, so I knew I wasn't going to last long. I pumped my dick in and out of his mouth, feeling my cum boil in my balls and start the journey up the shaft.

"Unnnhh...I'm gonna cum...Get ready...I'm gonna give you my load...Just...A...Little...MORE...Agggh...Now...NOW!" My long delayed climax roared out the tip of my dick and almost drowned Mike with its volume. I saw stars as my dick gave up its contents.

Mike was looking into my eyes, enjoying the look of pure bliss on my face as he milked my cock with his mouth and tongue. I could feel his body starting to shudder and knew my climax had triggered his own.

I pulled my wet cock out of his mouth just in time to hear him groan..."Aw shit...God...Oh Yes, GOD...I'm cumming...Unnnggh...Take it Gerald...It's all yours...Unnnggh...Unnnggh!"

His body almost bucked me off in its violent release. Mike's head tossed frantically from side to side. "Ohhhh...St...Stop...STOP!" He begged, "My dick's so sensitive, your mouth is KILLING me...PLEASE STOP! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He spurted a few, watery drops.

He finnaly flopped back limply and gasped for breath. Gerald gave his cock one more suck, then sat back on his haunches.

The three of us sat there trying to catch our breath. I think the excitement of the pretend rough sex had really turned us on.

"How 'bout letting me loose now," Mike pleaded.

"Whaddya think Gerald?" I asked, "Think he's learned something?"

"I dunno," He replied, grinning, "ASK him."

I looked at Mike and said, "Well...DID you learn your lesson? Any more wisecracks about finding two virile studs?"

"Mike struggled, laughing, "NO...NO...I mean YES...YES...I've learned my lesson, and NO...No more cracks about finding two virile studs. After what I've just been put through. I have NO doubts."

We released his hands and feet and he rubbed the areas where the tape had left a red mark.

"Damn," He commented, "I feel like I've been rode hard and put away wet!"

I laughed and said to Gerald, "I think we just gave a whole new meaning to the term 'Ride 'Em Cowboy!" Even Mike laughed at that.

"At LEAST I didn't hear you yell 'HI YO SILVER' again," He said.

After a long shower, it was time for more rum and planning for the Main Event.

"OK," I said, "So we're all on the same page...We try to get Julie to agree to let Mike watch her and Betty make love tomorrow, and we shoot for day after the private beach for Julie to watch US."

Everyone agreed so we got dressed to wander to the pool patio and wait for the girls. We had been at it for over three hours, but the girls were still not there. Wow! they must Really be going at it!

End Of Part Sixteen. Part Seventeen to follow soon. Comments welcome at P.S. If you are enjoying the style of writing in my stories, you might like to check out several I wrote back in 2003. Following is a list of them;

MAY 21, 2003...Gay Male/High School Section "Drive-In Movie Encounter" June 6, 2003....Gay Male/College Section "Drew and Paul" June 28, 2003...Gay Male/Encounters Section "Airport Encounter" June 29, 2003...Gay Male/Military Section "Military Encounters" July 10, Male/Camping section "Early Encounters" * *(Written Under the Psuedoname John Smith)

Next: Chapter 17: Caribbean Cruise 17

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