Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 28, 2006


Well, we are nearing the end of our cruise. There will be a couple more parts before it ends. I have received many comments from readers and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your kind words. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story and I am hoping to write more along the same line.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Fourteen.

I entered the dining room with anticipation...anticipation for what I hoped would be an interesting conversation with Gerald. I was pretty sure he and Betty had compared notes on our respective afternoon 'adventures'.

Gerald and Betty were already seated, and as I joined them I saw a huge grin on both of their faces.

"Well, I see YOU seem to have recovered somewhat from your little tryst with my hubby and Mike," Betty said with a wicked wink. "Gerald tells me Mike got quite a workout from the two of you."

"We didn't leave much to spare in his 'education' into our circle," I said quietly. "He gave as good as he got though. Between him and Gerald, my ass is numb!"

Betty leaned over and whispered, "Truth be told, my pussy is pretty sore too, but I'm still wet, just thinking about my OWN afternoon. I tell you, that little Julie is a WILDCAT, now that she has given in to the urges.

Before I could get any more juicy tidbits, Mike and Julie appeared. Gerald quickly whispered, "I'll stop by later and let you hear all about it. Betty is too worn out to get involved tonight, and I THINK Mike is in for a surprise himself when he and Julie get back to their cabin tonight!"

I felt my cock twitch, both from the promise of hearing about Betty's time with Julie, as well as the possibility of another round with Gerald.

Mike and Julie were both in a very jovial mood as they sat down. I saw the glance between Her and Betty. Julie's cheeks flushed as she watched Betty's tongue circle her lips seductively. I'm sure she was remembering that tongue ravishing her pussy earlier. My cock was almost completely hard. Thank goodness the tablecloth covered my lower body.

After the meal, we all went into the main lounge for drinks and dancing. The ship's orchestra was playing some great oldies. Once again I had the pleasure of dancing with two gorgeous sexy ladies.

Betty was well aware of my horny state and took full advantage of it. She danced even closer than before and kept rubbing her pelvis against my ornery cock that refused to go down. "Hmmmm...Is that a sock in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" She whispered in my ear, then stuck her tongue in the opening.

"Damn it Betty!" I replied, "That's not fair. You know you've never had any trouble getting to me!"

She giggled shamelessly and said, "Yes, I know...Want to know something else?" When I looked at her curiously she whispered, "I really wouldn't mind getting it on with YOU sometime. I've thought about it ever since I first met you. I think you're a hot, sexy man and I'd love to feel your cock slide into my pussy. Want to think about it?"

I swallowed several times to try and get words out. "I never thought I would feel anything toward another woman again, but knowing you and Gerald...especially Gerald...has made me rethink everything. I know I will still want to be with other that I've discovered how much pleasure it can be, BUT...YOU have me wondering how that little pussy of yours would taste."

"Ooooooo...That sounds NASTY...You Dirty Old Man You," She said with a catch in her voice. "Now you're getting to ME!" She was grinding her hips against my boner now. I hoped we weren't putting on a show for the entire lounge. Fortunately, the dance floor was crowded.

"What do you propose we do about it then?" I asked in a hoarse voice..

"I'm not sure," Betty said, "The cruise is almost over and this is going to take some planning. Would you mind if Gerald joins in? It's been a long time since he and I had a threesome...with another guy...Or another girl for that matter. I'm sure Gerald would go for it. How about YOU?"

"N...N..No...I...err...I wouldn't mind at all...if HE doesn't mind." My collar was suddenly getting very tight. The thought of having both Gerald AND Betty in bed with me caused goosebumps to pop out all over me.

The music ended and I walked Betty back to our table, trying to hide my erection. I had just sat down when Julie said, "Dance with me Jordan, Mike wants to dance with Betty."

We moved to the dance floor and Julie came into my arms and there was no way she could NOT feel my hard cock poking her.

"Well...Is it ME or are you hiding something in your pocket?" She whispered.

Damn! I was being double teamed by these two...and I was LOVING it!

My face turned red as I stammered, "Err...Ahh...Well...I guess I just can't help it when I'm holding such a gorgeous lady."

"Why, thank you are truly a gentleman...AND a very nicely equipped one to boot if what I'm feeling against me is all YOU!"

"Wow!" I said, "What has happened to YOU young lady? What happened to that sweet, demure and totally proper thing that came on board just a few days ago? What have you done with her?"

Julie laughed and leaned in to whisper, "Let's say I've had my eyes opened quite a bit on this cruise, and I think YOU know what I'm talking about! I know Betty and Gerald compare notes and I also know you've been spending a lot of time with Gerald."

"Why Julie," I remarked, faking total ignorance, "I have NO idea what you're talking about!"

"Right," She said looking at me, "Now tell me the one about Goldilocks and the Three Bears! I have a pretty good idea what's been going on with you two...and by the way...I also notice Mike has changed since spending time around you. Have you managed to seduce him too?"

I missed a step and almost stepped on her feet as I was at a loss for words.

I had NO idea how to respond to this unexpected turn of events. "Julie...I...I...Err...You...We...Oh Crap!"

Julie burst into uncontrolled laughter and this caused her to rub harder against my cock. "Oh Jordan...If you could only see the look on your's priceless!"

My head was spinning as the full impact hit me. "How...How long...How long have you...Err...What." I sounded like a babbling idiot.

Julie finally stopped laughing long enough to say, "Not long. Betty sort of let the cat out of the bag about you and Gerald and the rest just fell into place. Stop looking so's OK! You must know of my earlier affair with my college roommate, so you should realize I'm not quite as uptight as Mike is...WAS, before you and Gerald opened his eyes."

"So...So you''re all right with this...knowing Mike has had sex with Gerald and me?"

"Yes, I'm all right with it, "She whispered." The whole thing has made Mike a better lover. I noticed it the first time we made love know...after the first time he had been with YOU. He has been more romantic...more loving...more...EVERYTHING because of it."

I decided to take this opportunity and seize the bull by the horns. "Julie, don't you think you and Mike should sit down and discuss your feelings with each other? I know Mike feels terribly guilty about hiding this from you. It's been eating at him all along."

"It's been bothering me too," Julie confessed. "I felt guilty hiding it from HIM when Betty made me realize that this doesn't have to affect the love Mike and I have for each other. Maybe we can talk about it tonight, if I can figure a way to bring it up."

"I really hope you two CAN clear the air and start enjoying your new-found lifestyle. Let me know if there's anything Gerald and I can do to help."

Julie kissed me gently on the cheek and whispered, "Thanks Jordan, you're a jewel."

We returned to our table and the five of us enjoyed the rest of the evening.

I was now looking forward to Gerald's visit even more. The sexy talk with both Betty and Julie had me horny as hell.

Around 10, Mike and Julie made their excuses and departed, leaving Gerald, Betty and me alone.

"Gerald, Honey," Betty began, "I'm beginning to get a little jealous of all the time you've been spending with Jordan. Hearing about all the fun you two are having has started to really get me hot and bothered."

"Isat so?" Gerald said smiling. "What devious thoughts are running around in that pretty little head of yours?"

"Well," Betty whispered demurely, "I was just thinking...." She leaned over and whispered into his ear, nibbling on it as she discreetly rubbed his crotch under the table.

"Gerald's mouth turned up in a wicked smile. "Why you horny little thing you. I wondered when that thought was going to occur to you. I've seen the way you play with yourself when I'm telling you how good Jordan's dick tastes."

"Hey!" I said with a hurt expression. "What am I here...chopped liver?" I know my face was beet red and hoped no one else could hear what was being discussed. "Don't I have anything to say about this?"

"NO!" Betty and Gerald both replied and went back into close conference, glancing over at me occasionally.

I sat there sipping my drink, feeling like a bug under a microscope, but my cock was definitely interested. It was tenting my pants under the tablecloth.

Finally, Gerald looked up and said, "I hope you will consider it, Jordan. "Betty and I don't do this very often, but we both think you're very special. I really would like for her to have a chance to see what I've been enjoying. What do you say?"

"If you're sure about it...I think...No, I'm SURE I would love to try it. We just have to think about when we could do it."

I thought for a moment then an idea popped into my mind. "Say...How soon do you two have to leave for Michigan after we get back to Miami?"

"Well, we were planning on staying around for at least another week," Gerald replied. "School doesn't start for another three weeks and we thought we'd take in the sights and try out the nightlife before getting back to the grind."

" Perfect! How would you two like to spend that time at MY place in Lauderdale? I live on the beach in a big house that has been so empty for too long. Plenty of room and we will have lots of privacy. There's even a totally secluded pool."

Gerald glanced at Betty, who nodded yes. "That would be just great Jordan," He said excitedly. "I think we will be enjoying quite a few 'sights'."

"Good, it's settled then," I answered. "By the way, if Betty can bear to let you go for a while, would you still like to stop by my cabin for a 'nightcap'?" I waggled my eyebrows at Betty.

She sighed heavily and said, "Oh go on you two. Have your fun. Just remember Jordan, I've got dibs of that cock of yours when we get back to Lauderdale."

"You got it Babe," I said huskily. Now, if you will let go of Gerald's dick, I have other plans for it."

She stuck out her tongue at me, but smiled as Gerald got up to head out with me. "Have fun!" Betty called out as she headed in the other direction. Damn it! I was never going to get even....or MAYBE I WOULD...SOON!

End Of Part Fourteen. Short, but it sets up the next couple of parts. Part Fifteen will follow soon. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 15: Caribbean Cruise 15

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