Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 22, 2006


I want to thank all the guys who have emailed me. Your comments have been very much appreciated. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. As mentioned, the story is largely fiction, but is loosely based on a few experience from my first cruise. Jordan Bentley is roughly based on ME. There may be some sexual acts that are not considered safe sex, but in fiction is not a problem. Just don't take chances in real life. I have ALWAYS practiced safe sex and I urge everyone to do the same.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Twelve

Mark and I headed for the forward lounge to meet the rest of the group for the wine and cheese tasting. We were both still enjoying the feelings left over from our romp in my cabin.

"Damn, Jordan," Mike whispered, "I feel like I'm walking bowlegged. I can still feel your cock plowing my ass."

"Mmmmmm," I replied, "I can still feel your sexy ass squeezing my cock. If you're not careful, you're gonna make me pop a boner again."

As we entered the lounge, we spotted Gerald, Betty, and Julie seated at a table and moved to join them. Betty and Julie looked refreshed after their aerobics class and Gerald looked at the two of us, winked and smiled. I hoped it wasn't obvious what we'd been up to.

The wine and cheese selections were delicious and the five of us chatted as we indulged. We were all looking forward to our trip to the waterfalls at Ocho Rios the next day. It promised to be an exciting time. After finishing, we all decided to head for various activities, agreeing to meet later for dinner.

I wandered around the deck for most of the afternoon, even stopping to get in some skeet shooting off the fantail of the ship. I sure didn't put on a clinic, missing more of the targets than I hit.

As the evening approached, I returned to my cabin to get ready for dinner. Tonight was one of two formal affairs, and I struggled into my tux. As I was trying to tie my bow tie, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see my cabin attendant standing there. Normally, you never see these guys, as they seem to take pains to stay behind the scenes.

"Excuse me Sir," the young man said. "I thought I would see if you need...anything." I noticed he blushed as he spoke, and I wondered if he was thinking about all the used condoms and cum stains on the bedsheets he was finding. I took a moment to take in his appearance. He was Oriental...maybe Filipino or possibly Thai, very attractive with a pleasant smile.

It is always difficult to guess the ages of Oriental guys. They all look to be about 20, until they reach middle age. He was about 5'6" and looked like he might top the scales at 130 pounds. He looked very sharp in his uniform.

He saw I was having trouble with the bow tie and said, "May I be of service, Sir?" He pointed to the uncooperative tie.

"Why, Thank you....," I didn't know his name. "I could use the help."

He stood in front of me as he reached up to expertly handle the chore. I couldn't help but notice how soft his lips looked, only inches away and I felt the urge to kiss them. He smelled fresh and clean and I could feel his breath on my neck as he finished tying my tie. His hands were shaking a little as he moved back to stare into my eyes, but blushed again and looked down.

"Thank you...I'm sorry, what is your name?" I asked.

"My name is very hard to pronounce, but I just go by 'Lee'. It is easier to remember."

"Well, Lee, you are very helpful. I guess I have kept you pretty busy changing linen and emptying the trash." I wondered if he was thinking about this. As I said, it was rather unusual for the cabin attendant to come around when the cabin is occupied.

Lee swallowed and seemed to be hesitant to answer, but I noticed a little movement in the area of his crotch. Hmmmm! Was there something brewing here? My own cock stirred as I imagined getting this young man naked and in bed.

"Ahhhh...I have noticed must be enjoying the cruise, Sir," he said. "I see you have much company."

"You've seen who has been in my cabin with me?" I asked. If he knew I had been entertaining other men, maybe his interest WAS a little more than professional.

"I didn't mean to pry, Sir," Lee gulped. "I see you with other man...and also with younger man. It is not first time I have noticed these things. Please don't be mad at me , Sir!"

"I'm not mad, Lee. Many things have happened to me on this cruise, that have opened my eyes. I have been enjoying things that I never felt before. Do you understand?"

"Oh, Yes Sir. I understand...I...I...know how you feel." Lee looked up at me again and smiled.

"Do you have the same kind of feelings, Lee?" I asked. "Do you like guys?"

"Y...Yes, Sir," he stammered. "I don't have many...err...experience, but I sometimes want to...want to...DO things!" He looked down again.

I reached out and put my hand under his chin and raised his face to look into his eyes. "Don't be embarrassed, Lee," I said. "You are a very handsome young man and anyone would be lucky to have the chance to enjoy being with you."

"I was...afraid to say anything to you, Sir, but at night I...sometimes think about...about what it would be like with you. I didn't think you would be interested in me."

"Lee," I whispered, "I would be Honored to have you join me!" I leaned closer and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. They were every bit as soft as I expected and I felt them open and his small tongue venture out to explore my own. We held the kiss for a while, and I felt him move onto my arms. His hard cock brushed against my leg and I reached for it, bringing a gasp from him.

"Ohhhhhh...Mmmmm...Ohhhhh," Lee moaned into my mouth and put his arms around my neck.

I had to forcibly pull away. "Lee...I'm sorry, but I have to meet my friends for dinner, or I would take you to my bed this instant."

He pulled back immediately, as if I had struck him. I quickly moved to reassure him.

"Lee....Lee, don't misunderstand. I would like to be with you very much. If you feel the same, would you like to come back to my cabin later, after dinner? We would have time to really enjoy it then."

"Oh...Yess, Sir, Yess...I would like that. I will wait for you to return. I would like very much to make love with you!"

"Great!" I grinned. I kissed him again and then he quietly slipped out the door. I had to take a few minutes to get my cock to quieten down and behave, before I could leave for dinner.

We were among the passengers invited to dine at the Captain's table that night. He was a very distinguished man who looked resplendent in his uniform. His silver hair and neatly trimmed moustache and beard complimented his dark tan. He was a very gracious host and keep up a light and cheerful banter with all of his guests.

Tonight, the ships orchestra played some enjoyable background music during the meal, and remained to play for dancing afterward. I enjoyed the pleasure of dancing with both Betty and Julie.

While dancing with Betty, she whispered in my ear, "I hear you have been having quite a time with both my husband AND young Mike, you rascal you!"

My face turned red and I stuttered and missed a step as I felt her roll her hips against my groin. "Errr...Ahhh...Well I...Yes, I guess I HAVE! It just seems weird to be talking about it with you."

She laughed and said, "Don't worry about it, Honey...You have been responsible for some of the HOTTEST sex Gerald and I have enjoyed in a long time. He tells me you are definitely a hottie in bed!"

I swallowed several times before I could respond, "Ah...Well...Gerald has shown me a side of myself I never knew existed. I envy the relationship the two of you have. I understand YOU have been having quite a time YOURSELF!"

"That's for sure!" Betty winked, "I know Gerald has told you about my little fun with the little schoolteacher...and with Julie?"

"Yes, and I have to admit, I find the thought very...stimulating! I just wonder if she and Mike will ever talk to each other and discuss their new feelings. Maybe they could develop the same type understanding you and Gerald have."

"I have been trying to drop the hint to Julie," Betty said. "Maybe, if she and I get another chance together, I could try again."

"Maybe there's a chance for that to happen," I replied. Since you know all about Gerald and me...and Mike, has Gerald mentioned anything to you about our talk of a threesome?"

When Betty allowed that he had indeed talked to her about it...and that she thought it was a big turn on for both him AND her, I told her, "Maybe tomorrow, after we finish climbing the falls, we three guys could slip back to the ship for OUR little 'rendezvous'. You and Julie could have your cabin free for your own fun."

I could see her eyes light up. "That sounds like a plan! I'll talk it over with Gerald tonight and let you know tomorrow. The whole thing has me wet and Gerald is going to be busy tonight!"

Later, I danced with Julie. She was the type that danced very close to her partner and I could feel those tits mashed against my chest and her pelvis was hugging my thigh. It was not a deliberate come on...she just enjoyed the contact. My cock didn't seem to realize that, however, and I was sure she could sense the growing problem I was having.

She smiled sweetly as she realized the effect she was having on me. "I wanted to tell you that you have had a big effect on Mike! He has been more...'attentive' since spending time with you!"

I missed a step again and coughed to clear my suddenly tight throat. "Err...Really?" I mumbled, trying desperately to control my cock. Thoughts, not only of the times Mike and I had enjoyed, but what was waiting for me when I returned to my cabin, were making me more firm. "I have enjoyed the time he and I have spent together too." Boy! Was THAT an understatement!

"He just can't seem to keep his hands off me lately," Julie said, the blushed slightly at her boldness.

"I can't blame him there," I replied. Mike is a very lucky guy, and I think you are a very lucky lady too. The two of you make a wonderful couple."

"Why Thank you Sir," she giggled. "I think he has some...'romantic' plans for tonight. We...we haven't had much of a chance to...Ah..."

"So, tonight you two will make up for lost time," I interrupted as the music ended. "Now I AM envious. I'd better get you back over to your hubby before he comes after me for keeping you away for so long.

The night ended pleasantly and we bid each other goodnight. It sounded like there was going to be a lot of activity tonight. The situation worked perfectly for my plans with Lee. I wouldn't have to worry about Gerald or Mike dropping by.

I hurried to my cabin to get out of my tux. I had just finished showering and slipping on a pair of shorts, when there was a soft knock at my door. Lee was standing there, looking sexy as hell in casual shirt and shorts. He had a change of linen in his hands.

"I hoped you would still be interested in stopping by," I told him as I pulled him into the cabin and into my arms. His arms went around my neck and he raised up on tiptoes, closing his eyes and offering his parted lips for a kiss.

The sexy banter with Betty and Julie on the dance floor had me primed and ready. I put my lips against Lee's and immediately felt his tongue dart in and search for mine. I could feel his cock against my leg and knew he was definitely ready.

Lee moved back to stare at my bare chest, then moved to encircle one of my nipples, sucking gently. "Ahhhhh...that's so nice Baby," I groaned, "I like that." I put my hand at the back of his head and ran my fingers through his thick black hair.

When he switched to my other nipple, I reached to stroke the hard nail between his legs. this brought a moan from him as he pushed his hips against my hand.

"Let's get into bed, before I explode!" I gasped and led him across the small space. His hands were busy at my waist and I felt my shorts drop to my feet. I stepped out of them as we reached the bed and Lee sat down on the bed. His hands were on my hips as he gazed lovingly at the cock waving in front of his face.

" are so beautiful SIR!" He whispered. "I want to suck your cock and feel you inside me!"

"Only if you stop calling me 'SIR', Lee," I groaned. "My name is Jordan!"

"Not right I call you by name, SIR," ship regulations say NO."

"I don't give a damn about ships regulations. We are two guys about to have sex. I don't want to feel like some medieval lord demanding sex from a servant. You are one sexy guy and I want all of you. more SIR...OK?"

"OK S...Jor-dan!" Lee finally managed to say. He then leaned forward and kissed the tip of my cock and took my balls in his hands. "Mmmmmm...I have wanted to do this ever since I saw you first time with older man." He opened his mouth and covered the head of my pole, licking the underside with his tongue.

"Oooooo...Yessss...Take it Lee, Baby...It's all yours," I groaned as his talented mouth sent shivers up and down my spine. He was able to take all 7 inches and I felt his nose against my bush. He began a slow bob, bringing me up on MY toes.

"Oh, God...You really know how to pleasure someone. You're mouth feels so hot on my dick."

I suddenly had the urge to see this little guy naked, so I reluctantly pulled him off my cock and laid him back on the bed. My hands fumbled with the waist of his shorts, then pulling the zipper down. The white of his briefs showed through the opening.

Lee was squirming under my caresses as he groaned and raised his hips to allow me to lower his shorts and toss them away. His cock was tenting his briefs delightfully. I could see a wet spot where the head was dripping precum.

I pushed his shirt up under his armpits and fastened on to one of his small dark nipples, which immediately became a hard nub. I teased it with my tongue and lips, while I gently pinched hie other nipple with my free hand.

Lee was going wild as he endured the sweet torture. After switching and giving the twin nipple the same treatment, I moved my mouth down over his slim abs. Lee raised up enough to pull the shirt over his head and toss it aside, then watched as I slowly licked my way down to the waistband of his briefs.

"Oh...Oh...I did not expect...Oh...Jor-dan, you don't have to...Oooooooo." Lee's eyes closed and his head fell back as I began slowly pulling his briefs down, my tongue covering every inch of exposed skin.

I had to lift the waistband out to get it over his rigid cock, which snapped against his belly pointing at his chest. I leaned back to slide the briefs the rest of the way off his legs and add them to the pile of clothing scattered over the room.

I took a moment to just gaze at his naked body. Like most Orientals, Lee had very little body hair, other that a small, but thick bush around the top of his cock. I was surprised to see he was neatly circumcised, as this was rather unusual for his race. It was about 5 inches long and was beautifully shaped, with a small head and an slim, smooth shaft that looked to be about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

I ran my hands up his legs, seeing goosebumps appear as I neared his hips. I bypassed his groin to continue up to his tight abs and chest. I leaned over him to place a kiss on his lips, moving to lie beside him and draw him into a close embrace as the kiss intensified.

We were laying side by side, so I ran one hand over his hip and back to the small rounded cheeks of his sweet butt. Lee let out a long moan into our open mouths as he enjoyed the feeling of my finger trace the length of his crack and zero in on the opening.

Lee raised up and pushed me onto my back as he started licking his way toward my raging cock. I caught his hips and urged him to turn around so that I could feast on his cock also. As he straddled my chest with his legs, I put both hands on his butt and positioned his throbbing cock over my mouth. I felt him take my cock in one hand and start sucking the head and underside of the shaft right where the crown joined it. This was one of my pleasure points and I groaned at the intense feeling Lee was bringing.

I licked his tight hairless balls and covered the entire sack with my mouth, rolling the little orbs around with my tongue. "Mmmmpppphhh...Mmmmm...Ohhmmmm," Lee murmured around the stiff pole in his sucking mouth.

I spread his ass with my thumbs and started licking the area behind his balls and the bottom of his crack. As my tongue continued up, swabbing the length of his crack, Lee came off my cock to gasp, "Ohhhh...Oh, Jor-dan! Oh...Oh...Yes...Yes...Yes!" His hips jerked and swiveled trying to get my tongue where he wanted it.

I had the same target in sight and moved my tongue to circle around the outside edge of his little pink hole, which winked as I lathed it thoroughly. When my tongue pushed against the opening, Lee's body stiffened and he froze in place as he felt the pleasure.

"Agggh...Ahhhh...Oooooo...Oooooo...Oh, yessss," He gasped. He wiggled his cute little ass trying to get even more of my tongue in him.

He went back to sucking my cock with a vengeance, bobbing rapidly. I replaced my tongue with a finger and moved my mouth back to capture his cock and sucked and finger fucked him in sync. His body was gyrating wildly at the double pleasure. As he pushed his hips forward to get more of his cock in my mouth, my finger would pull almost out of his ass. Then he would pull back off my mouth, driving my finger deep into his rectum.

When I added a second, then a third finger, his hips were a blur. I felt his cock surge, swell, then begin spurting his cum into my sucking mouth as I worked him at both ends. His flow of sperm finally ended, but his cock remained hard as a rock. He pulled out of my mouth and off my fingers to turn around and sit on my chest. . His chest was heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

"Ohhhh...Jor-dan! You make me feel never felt like this before. I want you to fuck me now...Please?"

I pointed to the tube of KY and pack of condoms on the bedside table Lee reached for the KY, and said, "No...No condom...I want YOU inside me. He squeezed out a large amount of lube and reached behind to spread it on my steel hard cock, making me squirm. He then applied some more lube to his hole.

Lee leaned forward to kiss me as his fingers closed around my slick stiffy. He moved back over my hips and positioned my cock at the entrance of his equally slick hole. He ran my cock up and down his crack a couple of times, then put it back to the entrance. Looking lovingly into my eyes he lowered his ass onto the waiting intruder. He hissed as his hole stretched to accept the head of my cock.

I held onto his hips with both of my hands, guiding him and urging him to go slow. I knew he was experiencing pain, as his little hole was extremely tight. He moved back up and then down again, repeating this until my cock popped into his tight channel.

He hovered there for a moment as his ass adjusted to the unfamiliar instrument throbbing against the inside walls of his sweet tunnel. When he could feel himself relaxing, he pushed down, taking my cock slowly into him, until he was sitting on my hips, with my entire 7 inches inside.

Lee smiled and said, "Ahhhhh...I have all of you...I am now yours...Fuck me Jor-dan." He rotated his hips, bringing a gasp of pleasure form my lips. My cock felt like it was being caressed by a thousand tiny fingers as the walls of his channel rippled along the shaft.

Moving my hands under his butt cheeks, I began to raise and lower him on my pole. His hands were on my chest and his head was thrown back, his eyes shut and his mouth hanging open. He managed to get his feet under him so that he was basically squatting on my plunging cock. We got into a nice rhythm and we were both grunting and groaning from the intense feelings.

I reached for his hard cock and stroked him in sync to the motion of our hips. I could feel his ass clench around my cock from the feeling my hand on his cock was creating. I was in heaven.

I didn't want to finish this way, so I rolled the two of us over, until I was on top. Lee wrapped his legs tightly around my waist and put his feet on the calves of my legs. Now I could really plow his ass and he would raise his hips up on every downstroke to get more of my dick in him.

"Uuunnnggh...Uuunnnggh...Oh Baby!" I groaned, "Your sweet little ass is making my dick feel Soooo good in you. Do you like how my cock is fucking your ass? Does it feel good?"

"Yesss...Yesss...Oh, Yesss...I Love how you're fucking me...your big cock is maiking me cum soon...please don't stop fucking me!"

I was rapidly approaching my limits of endurance too. I could take just so much pleasure, and Lee had brought me to that point. "I'm gonna cum soon too,'re ass is gonna make me cum. Are you close? Can you cum again?"

"Yesss!" Lee groaned, "I will cum for you again. I can't help it...You are fucking me so good! I am almost there...don't stop! Make me cum Jor-dan...make me cum. I want to feel YOU cum in me!"

I felt the load I had been building all day begin to churn. I knew I couldn't last any longer. I grasped his cock and pumped it as I fucked him even faster. "Ooooo....Ohhhhh....Yesss...Yesss...Baby...Here I cum...Cum with me...Now...Now...NOOWWW!"

My climax roared up the shaft of my cock and exploded into his ass. At the same time, Lee's cock started spurting hot shots of cum over my hand and onto his chest. Our bodies slammed against each other as we continued to cum.

Finally, I slumped over Lee in exhaustion, using my elbows to keep my full weight off him. I was still buried in him and his legs were around my waist, his ankles locked. Our mouths came together and we took turns sucking on each other's tongue as we slowly came down off the high we had built.

We stayed that way until my dick softened and slid out with a wet slurp. I moved to one side and we fell asleep in each others arms.

It was very late, actually early morning when we awoke and rose to shower together. As we dressed, I jokingly said, "Good thing you brought a chance of linen. Looks like we made a pretty good mess."

Lee laughed and replied, "I brought them because I hoped we WOULD make a mess!"

As he changed the sheets he said, "I am glad we were able to do this tonight Jor-dan, but we cannot do it again...too dangerous for me. I have very suspicious boss and he watches me close."

"I am sorry to hear that Lee," I replied. "I enjoyed making love to you very much and am glad we were able to do it this one time. I will not forget you."

"Nor I you, Jor-dan. Now I must go." Lee came close for one more long kiss before slipping out the door.

I went to bed and sleep came rapidly. I awoke the next morning to look out the porthole and see that we were docked. Ocho Rios, Jamaca! What would this day have in store? I showered, thinking not only of the upcoming adventure of climbing the famous falls, but of the possibility of a threesome with Gerald and Mike. I headed for breakfast whistling happily.

End Of Part Twelve. To be continued. Comments are welcome at

Next: Chapter 13: Caribbean Cruise 13

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