Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 18, 2006


This story is turning out to be longer than I originally planned. I hope I am not spending too much time on detail on the characters, but I don't particularly enjoy a story that is nothing but one short sex scene after another. I also hope you guys don't think THIS story fits into that category. As mentioned before, it is largely fiction, but is based on SOME of the experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. Jordan Bentley's character is roughly based on ME. I have taken some liberties with the characters and have expanded on some true incidents and have added some fictitious encounters...WELL...After IS my story. Anyway, there will be some sex that would be considered "unsafe sex", but in fiction, no such thing exists. Just don't confuse fiction with the real world...ALWAYS practice safe sex. OK, OK! I hope you guys continue to enjoy the story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Ten

That evening at dinner, Julie and Betty seemed to be in a very jolly mood. I noticed several shy glances pass between the two of them. I looked at Gerald and he just waggled his eyebrows and grinned. HOT DAMN! That usually meant he had some juicy details to share. I hoped I could get him alone later and pick his brain.

I tried not to show my anxiety during the show after dinner. I managed to ask Gerald if he felt like a little late night visit. He smiled and nodded and held up ten fingers.

Sure enough, I answered a knock on my door a few minutes after ten to find Gerald standing there with a bottle of rum. "Care for a nightcap?" He asked. He was dressed in casual attire again.

"Come on in," I said and locked the door. We went to the couch and poured ourselves a couple of drinks. After the rum began to warm our bellies, I couldn't stand the smug look on Gerald's face any longer. "OK Pal...GIVE," You know something, don't you? Betty tell you something?"

He laughed and propped his bare feet up on the small coffee table. "Let me think...Seems like she DID mention something...Now, what WAS it?" Man! He could drag things out to the point of insanity.

"Dammit, Gerald," I said, "Stop playing games! TELL me before I strangle your sorry ass!"

"OK, OK," he replied with feigned alarm. "Betty and Julie spent the afternoon in town, as you well know. Betty heard about a ladies spa that catered to...shall I say 'special' services? Their clientele consisted mostly of women who tended to prefer feminine company."

"You mean a lesbian spa," I stated and then felt stupid for pointing out the obvious.

"That's right. Julie didn't have a clue when Betty signed them up for a full body massage. She explained the situation to the pretty things that would be attending to them and slipped them a big tip. The gal would attempt to get Julie loosened up and in the mood for something more."

"But I thought Julie was on her period," I interjected.

"She finished up the night HUSH and listen." He put his hand on my leg about halfway between my knee and the bottom of my loose fitting shorts. I felt the heat of it as he began lightly squeezing the flesh there.

"Betty and Julie were lying on tables next to each other. The massage started out normally, but soon progressed to a more...'intimate' stage. Julie looked startled when she felt her attendant's hands start massaging further and further under the towel. She looked like she was about to say something, when she saw that Betty's attendant had completely removed her towel and was openly caressing her ass. Betty made sure to moan and wiggle, and let Julie see the pleasure on her face."

My cock was stirring as Gerald moved his hand a little higher on my leg. It was now almost at the bottom of my shorts.

"So, seeing what was happening to Betty, Julie settled down and let her attendant remove the towel and begin a similar stimulation. It didn't take long until the attendant's hands were slipping between Julie's legs, which she had spread open a little. Betty said she could see the lust building on Julie's face."

My cock was completely hard now. Gerald kept sliding his hand higher and higher, until it was moving under the leg of my shorts.

"Betty waited until Julie was practically humping the table, before signalling the two attendants to leave them in private. As soon as they left, she went over and locked the door. She said Julie's eyes were wide open as she slowly approached her table. Betty didn't waste anymore time, but leaned over and kissed Julie. She said she felt Julie surrender to the passion she had been keeping bottled up for days and return the kiss."

Gerald had managed to get his hand under my shorts leg and found my straining cock. "Mmmmm," he said, "Somebody is ready for some fun, I think."

"Finish the damn story," I rasped as my hips automatically raised to allow him to close his hand over my dick and balls.

Smiling, Gerald said, "Well, to make a long story short, the kiss opened the floodgates. Betty turned her over and went down on the sweetest pussy she had ever tasted. Julie climaxed in two seconds, then twice more before pulling Betty up over her into a hot 69. Betty said they both got off so many times she lost count. They finally dragged themselves to the sauna to try and relax enough that they could come back to the ship without it being obvious what they had been doing."

My hips were responding to Gerald's manipulation of my cock. He had managed to get it out of my briefs and his stroking was getting to me. "Ahhhh...Man! What a story. You've got me so hot I'm gonna blow my load if you don't stop."

"I'll stop," He said, "If you promise to get naked and let me suck that cock. My mouth has been watering all day."

"Only if you join me," I gasped as I practically tore off my clothes. Gerald was almost as quick and we fell into a tight embrace, our mouths together and our tongues dueling each other. Our hands were prodding and poking into every erotic spot they could find. Our bodies were inflamed with passion and we didn't even try for the bed, but simple dropped to the floor in front of the couch and went down on each other.

The next few minutes were filled with sighs and moans and the slurping sound made by two dicks getting sucked. We reached our peaks at the same time and filled each other's mouth with hot cum.

We lay there, not wanting to let loose of the cock in our mouth. We sucked and sucked, until our cocks were too sensitive to endure any more and finally were allowed to slip out of our mouths. Both were glistening with a thick coat of saliva. We kissed passionately as we slowly came back to earth.

We jumped in the shower and took quite a while soaping each other's body. Of course, we had to make sure our genitals were thoroughly clean. After we dried off, we relaxed, still naked, on the couch.

"That story really turned me on," I murmured. I wish there was some way Julie and Mike would sit down and get things out in the open."

"Maybe they will, now that they both have gotten involved in this new lifestyle," Gerald suggested.

"Speaking of new lifestyle, would you be interested in a threesome with me and Mike?" I asked.

"In a heartbeat!" Gerald exclaimed. "I would love to get in that young hotties pants and sample some of what you've already managed to get. You think Mike would go for it?"

"I'm sure he would" I assured him. "He and I talked about it last night and he's up for it. Maybe we can get it done after Ocho Rios."

There would be one more stop after Jamaica...a private beach, owned by the cruise line. We would spend the day there, then be at sea for two more days returning to Miami.

"We should be able to work it out," Gerald replied. "Betty and Julie most likely would use the opportunity to get in a little more of their OWN fun, since our cabin will be empty."

After Gerald kissed me and left, I went to bed thinking about the possibilities of what the next few days held in store.

End Of Part Ten. Part Eleven follows soon. Comments are welcome at

Next: Chapter 11: Caribbean Cruise 11

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