Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Jul 26, 2006


I initially submitted this story to another site, but, due to their editing process, much of the beginning of one part was omitted, thereby destroying the continuity from one part to another.


I was on a seven day Caribbean cruise, and looked forward to a week of sun, sand, and maybe some scuba diving. Little did I know the next week would bring about a complete lifestyle change. I am a widower, having lost my wife to a drunken driver. I had been injured in the accident and had just completed a long recuperation period, both physically and mentally.

My name is Jordan Bentley. I am 48, 6' 1", 180 pounds, blue eyes and a full head of thick, short cropped gray hair(a carryover from my military days). My body is still fit and firm and I had always been rather proud of my 7" of cut cock.

I had not felt much interest in getting back into the dating game since my wife's death. Instead, I had buried myself in my hobbies, such as playing golf, working out at the gym, and my occasional diving trips. I live in Fort Lauderdale, so I didn't have to go far to enjoy my outlets.

I had splurged and secured an ocean view stateroom with a private balcony. The cabin also featured a larger double bed, rather than the usual twin beds in many less expensive rooms. I had the cabin all to myself, a luxury I had paid extra for, not because I had plans for any steamy action, but rather to have a place I could go to be alone. As it turned out, this was a very smart choice.

We sailed out of Miami, and spent the first evening and night sailing slowly down the coast. We were due to dock in Key West very early the next morning, where we would spend the day.

When dinner time arrived, I was shown to my assigned table. I was seated with two other couples. Introductions were exchanged and we began to socialize.

The couple to my left looked to be my age, maybe a little older. The man's name was Gerald Townsend and he introduced his wife Betty. Gerald was about 6'2" and looked to weigh about the same as me. He had black hair, streaked with gray and looked to be in fine shape. Betty was an attractive brunette with a pleasantly trim figure.

The other couple, seated to my right were quite a bit younger, I guessed to be in their early twenties. They introduced themselves as Mike Sanders and wife Julie. Mike was the typical jock with broad shoulders and a tight waist. His sandy blonde hair was worn just over his ears and curling over the collar of his shirt. Julie was a real beauty; long blonde hair hanging just over her bare shoulders, and a beautiful set of tits that were almost spilling over the top of a low cut blouse.

Dinner was delicious and the conversation equally enjoyable. Gerald and Betty were from East Lansing, michigan and both taught at Michigan State University. It only took about three sentences to figure out that Mike and Julie were from Texas, Fort Worth to be exact. Mike's father owned a large ranch just north of the city, where he raised cattle and thoroughbred horses. The kids had met at college and were now involved in the business end of the ranch.

After dinner, we all went to the evening's show in the main lounge and sat together. The show was a hilarious combination of comedians and music, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We remained after the show and enjoyed a few rounds of drinks, chatting about our lives and our reasons for coming on the cruise. Gerald and Betty were regulars on the cruise circuit. Mike and Julie were on their first. "Sort of a delayed honeymoon," Mike grinned.

A little later, we decided to call it a night and proceeded to our individual cabins. Gerald and Betty were two decks below me and more toward the stern of the ship. Mike and Julie, as you would expect with a wealthy young couple, had a large suite on one of the uppermost decks near the bow.

I wasn't sleepy and decided I would take a stroll before hitting the sack. I changed into shorts, sneakers and a knit shirt and went out on deck to enjoy the sea air. I found a rather deserted section and leaned against the rail, watching the moon's reflection dance over the dark water.

I had only been there a short while, when I heard footsteps. Looking up, I saw Gerald approaching. "I see you wanted some fresh air too. Mind if I join you?" I told him the company would be welcome, and he leaned on the railing beside me. For a while we just stared in silence.

Finally Gerald spoke up saying, "I hope I'm not being too nosey, but I wanted to tell you how sorry Betty and I were to hear about the loss of your wife. How are you coping?"

"Oh, I'm slowly moving on," I replied. "For a long time, I just felt dead inside. I kept asking myself 'Why her and not me'?"

"I can only imagine," Gerald said. "Have you found anyone to ease your burden? You're a nice looking guy and I'm sure you would have no problem finding companionship."

I didn't read anything into his comments, figuring he was just making conversation. "No, I really haven't felt like female company. i've just sorta isolated myself."

"Sounds like that doesn't leave you much time for any sexual relief. Don't you get frustrated after a while without it?" Gerald's hand moved to my forearm as he said this.

Now THAT caught my attention! What was Gerald getting at? I had not felt any attraction toward other guys, except for a few early experiences in high school and college. For some reason, without thinking, I just blurted out "Well, I have gotten used to the old 'five-fingered' date when it gets too bad."

"Did you know...ever think of trying anything else? Something...different?" His voice was almost a whisper as he leaned in closer until our hips were touching. His hand tightened on my arm as he spoke and he was looking intently at me while he spoke, trying to gauge my reaction, I guess.

I was beginning to get the idea. It had been a long time since a guy had hit on me. In spite of that, I felt a slight stirring in my groin. "Err...I...really haven't thought about something like that for a long time," I replied in a slightly shaky voice. "Maybe I SHOULD!"

Gerald seemed to take that as a signal that I was open and responsive to his suggestion and he moved even closer. After a quick glance to be sure that we were still alone, his hand moved to my lower back. When I still did not react negatively, he slipped it down further and squeezed my ass. "If you're interested in...ahh...a little...diversion, we could to your cabin for a nightcap?"

As he spoke, his hand moved even further down my ass, almost between my legs. He leaned in and gently kissed the side of my neck, causing shivers to run up and down my spine. At the same time, his other hand moved to the rapidly growing bulge between my legs and grasped the hardness he found there.

I turned toward him to say something, but his lips closed over mine in a gentle kiss. I was shocked and didn't move at first, but as I felt his tongue slide across my lips, I opened them and allowed his tongue to enter and carress the inside of my mouth. We held the kiss for what seemed a long time until suddenly realizing where we were, and broke apart. We were both breathing heavily as we looked into each other's eyes.

"What do you think Jordan? Want to let me release some of that pent up frustration?" One hand still squeezed my ass, while the other was rubbing my boner.

I had to take a deep breath before I could get the words out. "I...think I that very much!" I haven't had feelings like this for a very....VERY long time!

And with that we headed for my cabin. I was suddenly anxious to enter the realm of man to man sex.

Continued in Part Two;

I hope you have found the first installment interesting enough to wait for the continuing story. Remember, this is a SEVEN day cruise. Comments are welcome at

Next: Chapter 2: Caribbean Cruise 2

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