Careful What You Wish For

By Joyce Devries

Published on Aug 8, 2003


DRESS SHOPPING WITH BRENDA By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Late November 2002

It would help to read "Careful what you wish for", both parts, to totally understand this story.

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the first part to understand this one.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you about, after teasing my spouse for many years about how I would love to see her make love to another genetic female, well, here is exactly what happened. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was a really nice adventure.

It had been over 3 weeks since I had talked to Brenda, but I knew that her and my spouse Sharon had gotten together a few times for drinks, but nothing more than that. Then out of the blue I got an email from Brenda, and it read,

Dear Joyce,

How have you been?, long time no talk, just wondering if you would be interested in getting together for lunch and some shopping?. I need to find a dress for Brad's company Christmas party, and with your sense of fashion, would love your opinion. So how about it?, let me know if you are interested and available, besides I need to give you some feedback on how you did with Brad and I want to do that in person.

Love Brenda

I jumped at the chance and decided to pick the next Friday to be the date and emailed her back and she confirmed that was perfect, so the date was going to be, Friday November 22nd, and that she would be by to pick me up around 10:30am, that way we would have lots of time for shopping and lunch. Brenda emailed me and told me that she would have to go to the office for a 9am meeting and it was in Oakville and not far from my house, so that she would not be too late, if at all.

Sharon and I exchanged emails and she encouraged me to take advantage of the opportunity and then asked what I was going to be wearing. I sincerely had not thought about it and then asked what she thought about it and she said, "well if she is coming from a business meeting, she most likely will be dressed in business attire, so I suggest you pick something 'business', why do you not wear one of your business suits?". I totally agreed and decided on my pinstriped black suit, with short skirt with a front kick pleat and sheer nude hose and 3" black "business heels" and a white silk blouse.

I got excited as the day approached and Sharon went out with Brenda on the Wednesday of that week and came back and told me via email that Brenda was looking forward to the shopping trip. I emailed her back and told her that I was too!. Friday came and Thursday night I spent the night sleeping in my room, and that morning heard Sharon get up and leave for work. I was up right after her and by 8am, was "squeaky clean" and ready to start getting dressed by 8:20am.

I went to my bedroom and started with my latex vagina, I then slipped on my favorite comfortable white lace front closure bra and adjusted my breasts, then a pair of green silk bikini panties and finally a brand new pair of sheer nude pantyhose, using a pair of white silk gloves to ensure that they did not snag. I then put on a pair of 2-1/4" black heels and then slipped on my makeup coat and then made my way to the bathroom to put on my makeup for the day.

Makeup was going to be my typical "business look", enough to show that I was wearing makeup, but not enough to be too dark. I used a light application of eyeliner and a light pink eye shadow on my upper lids and a dark purple on my lower lids and finally a heavy application of mascara. I applied a moderate application of blush, just enough to highlight my cheeks, then finally a coat of my lighter reddish-pink lipstick. I slipped off my makeup coat and then applied a healthy coat of Halston's perfume, then started to get on my clothes for the day.

First was my white silk blouse, and then my skirt, which was short, but not too short about 3 inches above my knee and after doing that up, I grabbed my jacket and slipped it on. I then adjusted the blouse so that the upper collar was out over the jacket and then looked myself over and liked what I saw. I then finished the look off with my new Charm bracelet, my gold anklet, my gold watch and long dangly gold earrings. I then slipped out of my low heels and then into my 3" black "business" heels. I then noticed my nails were not done and sat down and carefully applied a coat of my favorite red nail polish. I then grabbed my purse and made sure I had my keys and everything packed and made my way upstairs and grabbed my coat and put it over a chair in the kitchen to make sure it was ready when Brenda came. I looked at the clock and was shocked!, it was 10am, I was early for once and decided to relax and read a magazine and wait for Brenda. The phone rang at about 10:20am, and it was Brenda, only a few blocks away, and I told her I was ready and waiting for her.

I saw her pull in the driveway and walk to the front door and opened it before she knocked, and she came right in and we exchanged a light kiss and a hug and she lightly pushed me away and said, "oh my God do you look lovely, so chic and professional!". I looked Brenda up and down she was in a red skirt suit, her skirt was below the knee and the camisole she was wearing was black and her hose was sheer and "nearly black" and heels were strappy and 3". I could smell her perfume was lovely and I asked her what it was it was and she said, "Charlie". She waited at the front door and I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed my purse and she told me it was warm enough that a coat was not needed so I left my coat in the kitchen and then we went out to the car and off to shopping.

The first thing she asked was, "where to?", I directed her to Oakville Place, which I knew had a number of formal boutiques that I was sure we would find her dress and it had two "roadhouse" style restaurants. As we drove, I made no effort to pull my skirt down and she noticed that and complimented me on how sexy and pretty my legs looked and she loved my anklet. I thanked her and on the way I asked her what she was looking for in the way of style and such for her dress and she said, "something to show off my body and something not 'prudish'". Brenda was not exactly "slim and petite", as well she had very large breasts, so I was thinking of different styles as we drove into the parking lot of Oakville Place.

We parked and went into the entrance of the mall, and I loved it as I heard our heels clicking in unison. Once we got into the mall, we headed to the directory of the mall and looked up the "women's fashions" section and found a few stores and decided to start with a place called, "Maria's Fashions", it was on the second level, so we found the escalator and headed up. The store was about 3 spots away from the escalator and we walked right to it. As we walked in, we were greeted by two young sales girls, they were both smartly dressed, very similar style to us, skirt, jacket and blouse and they asked if we needed any help and Brenda spoke up and surprised me, "we are both looking for dresses for our company Christmas party". I looked over at Brenda and she just smiled.

One girl went right to Brenda and the other came to me, and she lead me over to a rack of dresses and pulled out a cream coloured skirt suit, a long skirt and jacket with large white pearl buttons up the front, telling me this would be perfect on me. I decided, "what the heck", and she asked me my size and I told her that it was 13/14 and she grabbed a skirt and top in my size and directed me to change room. I saw that Brenda picked a slightly similar outfit, but hers was dark blue and a jacquard pattern on the top and bottom. I went into the spacious change room and started slipping out of my clothes, I was in my bra and panties and a knock at the door came, "need any help", man, again, what do these sales girls think?!!, we are all experts of changing in and out of clothes?. I answered that was alright. I slipped on the skirt and even though it was a 13/14, it was HUGE on me, and I poked my head out and the sales girl that was looking after me asked if everything was alright and I told her the skirt was too big and could I get an 11/12, and she grabbed the one I had, and went to get me another. I heard Brenda leave her stall and the sales girl that was looking after her invited her to the mirror to have a look. About that time, my sales girl came back and handed me the other skirt and I slid it up and it fitted nicely.

I left the change room and Brenda was still at the mirror and looking her outfit over, and she looked fantastic. As I came out of the change room, Brenda's sales girl looked me up and down and said, "nice suit", I thanked her, but after I went to the mirror, I knew this outfit was "not me", I looked like I was a "mother of the Bride". I looked over at Brenda and she smiled at me and I posed and looked at the back of the dress and such. Brenda's was much more suited for a company Christmas party, but again, hers was not the look that she told me she was looking for. Both the sales girls came and looked us over and told us how good we both looked.

I took the lead and said, they are really lovely outfits, but we are both looking for something more "sexy", the two sales girls looked at each other and then one of them said, "I think you might want to check out, 'La boutique', down on the lower level, I think they will have something more of what you are looking for". We both thanked them and went in and changed, Brenda faster than I and I hung up my outfit and changed back into my suit, and then joined Brenda who was chatting to the women about exactly were the store was. She then asked if I was ready to go and I told her I was and as we left the store the sales girls, both said, "good luck". We took the escalator down and had to walk to the end of the mall and found the store.

What was really ironic, was what when we walked in, the sales help, was an older woman and as I looked around I could see that the fashions were all suited for younger women. As we walked in she greeted us, "good morning ladies, do you need any help?". Brenda spoke up and again told her we both were looking for dresses for our Company Christmas party, but this time, she added, "dresses that will get us noticed". The woman carefully looked us over and then looked at Brenda and asked, "are both of you going to the same party?". Brenda spoke up, and said, "yes", the woman then said while looking at Brenda, "I know what you will try on", and then me and said, "I have something that will definitely get you noticed". I have been shopping as a woman for many years, but I have NEVER had this happen. She then said, "follow me ladies", she then took us to an area of lovely looking velvet dresses and pulled out a hunter green dress, it was floor length, off the shoulder with a scalloped neckline and a thigh high front kick pleat. She looked at Brenda and said, "my dear, this will be your dress, the change rooms are over there", she never even asked Brenda her size and grabbed a dress and pointed Brenda to the change rooms. I looked over at Brenda and she shrugged her shoulders and had a surprised look on her face, but smiled as she walked to the change rooms.

The woman then turned to me and said, "over here my dear for you". We got to an area of dresses that were mainly silk dress with sequins all over then. She looked back at me and then pulled out a red silk dress with lovely silk sequin patterns all over it and said, "this will be your dress" and pointed me to the change rooms. I did not know what to say but I grabbed the dress and headed to the change rooms. I got in the change room and it was huge, with mirrors on three walls, and I heard Brenda's door open even before I could pull down my skirt. The sales woman was right there and when I got to a point of slipping on my dress, she had zipped Brenda up and was already showering her with compliments. I got my dress on, and surprisingly, could do it all the way up!, well, not surprisingly, since this dress barely had a back to it!!!, shocking thing was that it fit perfectly!!!!, it had a wide V-neck at the back and was knee length. I slipped my heels on and came out of the change stall and saw Brenda.

Brenda looked amazing, the dress was well off the shoulders, floor length and had a really sexy thigh high slit in the front and fit her like a glove, the hose and heels she was wearing really went well with the dress. Brenda turned at me and said, "well 'hellllloooo sexy lady'", I blushed, but the sales woman was professional and noted how it fit my body and highlighted my facial features. We both modeled the dresses and even though my bra strap was clearly visible in the back, the sales woman told me that could be easily fixed with the right bra. I immediately fell in love with the dress but noted my black heels did not compliment the entire look. Brenda's heels on the other hand did compliment the look of her dress and the sales woman made a note of both our heels. I stood there and wondered, "how the heck can a woman chose a style, let alone a size without even asking what we wanted??!!", but she did!.

I knew I was only trying my dress on for fun, but saw the look in Brenda's eyes and knew she was going to buy hers and she looked at the sales lady and smiled and said, "I will take it". The sales lady looked over at me and I said, "I think I will keep looking". We both went back into our change rooms and I slipped out of the dress (noting it was $265) and back into my suit and met Brenda at the checkout were she was paying for her dress, ($185). The sales woman put it in a garment bag and we both thanked her for her help and we walked out of the store and the mall back to Brenda's car to put the dress in, before we headed back to the mall for lunch.

While we walked we both could not get over the way the sales woman knew exactly what we wanted and what would look good on us and I complimented Brenda over and over about her dress. She looked back and me and told me, "any man would lunge at you when you were wearing that red dress". I giggled back and told her not to be silly and she was insistent that she was serious. We got to the entrance of the restaurant, "East Side Mario's" and the hostess came and greeted us and said, "good afternoon ladies, right this way". Brenda took the lead and I followed her and she seated us a table and when I slid in, I had a view of Brenda and the entire restaurant. I looked around and could see that Brenda and I fit right in, there were lots of women dressed for business and a number in skirts. As I was looking over the menu, when our waitress came by and asked if things were alright and if we wanted a drink. Both Brenda and I ordered a cooler and told her we would be a few minutes to decide our food.

Eventually we decided and Brenda and I put down our menus and waited for the waitress to come back and she did, and Brenda ordered a club house sandwich and I ordered the soup of the day and garden salad. She quickly came back with our drinks and told us to enjoy. That is when Brenda and I started talking and I knew what she wanted to tell me, but I was not expecting what happened.

She slowly moved her hand towards me and gently started caressing it, her nails were not done and mine were and she looked at me and then said. "Brad thought you were incredible 'that night', he could not stop talking about you for two weeks". I was shocked and did not know what to say and Brenda could see that in my face and squeezed my hand harder and said quietly, "he thought your tongue was incredible, and that he had never cum that much in his life", my mouth dropped and I turned about 19 shades of red and had no words in my head or mouth to answer Brenda, I looked away, but she gently reached across the table and tugged my chin towards her. She smiled and looked at me and said, "Joyce my dear, that is alright, we all have our talents, perhaps sometime I will get to know it as well?". My head was spinning and I did not even have a sip of my drink yet!, I totally dismissed that comment from my head and smiled and said, "thanks I try". I was full of emotions, had I out performed Brenda?, should I comment more?, what should I say?, what about the tongue comment?.

At that point I was overwhelmed and I excused myself quickly and grabbed my purse and bolted from the table, I saw the sign for the washrooms and headed straight in. I knew I had to tinkle a little and sat down, with my purse at my side and was trying to figure out how to act when I went back to the table, I was totally confused and scared. I lowered my pantyhose and panties and did a little business and grabbed my purse and checked my wallet and saw that I had $30, enough for a cab ride home (in case things did not work out). I heard other women coming and going from the stalls and the bathroom, and eventually, I pulled up my panties and pantyhose and checked my skirt before I left the stall. I opened the door and went to start to go to the mirror to adjust my lipstick and there she was, Brenda, with her hands by her sides and her purse, looking at me with the look of "what is the problem?".

At that point we were alone in the washroom and she approached me and hugged me, then stared at me, then moved her lips to mine and gave a long and loving kiss. After we broke our kiss I asked her what that was for and she said, "I saw the look on your face and I wanted to let you know that it was alright that Brad thought you pleased him so much". I was almost in tears and was so apologetic, but Brenda assured me that it was partially her fault, getting me into a Wedding dress and everything to totally turn him on. She then turned my face to hers and we kissed, but not like before, this time was more of a passionate kiss, her tongue snaking into my mouth and she placed her purse on the counter and continued kissing me and caressed my short skirted backside. The outside door to the ladies room opened and we quickly broke our embrace. I am sure we both were totally flush, as the 20- something girl walked into the ladies room and right into a stall. I just smiled and looked at Brenda and gave her a little kiss and we both opened up our purses and fixed up our lipstick. As we finished we gave each other a little kiss and then packed our purses and were leaving and the girl that walked in when we were at the counter came out of her stall.

Brenda and I smiled at each other as we got back to our table and after we slid into our seats I asked Brenda what that was all about and she just smiled and said, "possibly a sign of things to come?". Now that I was feeling better Brenda went on to tell me how Brad was thrilled with the evening and all of the details that made the evening so special and he was looking forward to taking her there one day as it was such a nice place. We then talked about the dress shopping and the two shops that we visited as we slowly ate our lunch, and how the saleswoman knew exactly what would look good on us and would she have picked another dress and she told me she would not have. She kept making comments about the dress I tried on and how sexy it looked and I told her that I had a few in the closet that were even more sexy. She smiled and looked at me and then said, "well how about after lunch I take you home and you can model a few for me?". I smiled back and told her it would be my pleasure to model for her. She reached across and squeezed my hand and said, "it was going to be fun".

After we both finished lunch, the waitress brought the bill and Brenda and I split the tab and then grabbed our purses and headed to the ladies room to freshen up. I did not have to go to a stall, but Brenda did and I stayed at the mirror and fluffed out my hair and freshened my lipstick and waited for Brenda. Brenda came to the mirror and did the same, and she commented on how lovely my lips were. There was no one else in the washroom and after Brenda had snapped her purse shut, she turned to me and gave me a light kiss and said, "let's go see what you have in your closets!".

As we drove home, Brenda, slid her hand over mine and started slowly caressing it, I looked over at her and she just smiled. She did that all the way home and was getting me aroused!. We got home and I invited her in and asked her to make herself at home and poured a couple of glasses of white wine. We sat down and started talking, I asked her what in particular she wanted to see me model, and she asked, "what YOU would have chosen for your date with Brad?". I knew exactly what that was and excused myself, not before putting on a soft rock station. I went downstairs and pulled out a little black lace over silk dress, form fitting, above the knee skirt and 4" black patent heels. I went to my room and slipped out of the suit and into the dress, I also grabbed a string of white pearls and pearl drop earrings, I left all the other jewelry the same and then headed upstairs to show Brenda.

When I went into the living room, Brenda immediately got up and came and gave me a hug, telling me that the dress really showed off my legs and that it looked fantastic on me. A soft slow song was on and Brenda looked me deep in the eyes and said, "and Brad would have immediately done this", and slowly moved her lips to mine and at first gently started kissing me, but got more intense, to a point, her tongue was snaking in and out of my mouth and we were slow dancing. At one point I broke the kiss and said, "are you sure about this?", to which she started kissing me again and moaned, "mmmmm".

Eventually we stopped and took my hand and we sat on the couch, and she asked me to describe everything in my wardrobe and I did, and then she looked at me and said "wow!, I don't even have that many clothes!". She then started asking me in detail about all of my Bridesmaid fashions and I told her the history of them, how I found them, etc. It was a wonderful time as we sat there sipping on wine. She then asked, "I would love to see your most feminine and romantic Bridesmaid dress". I had to sit and think for a minute and after about 3 sips of wine, I knew which one it was and told her, I would be a minute.

I went down to my closet and pulled out a Loralie Bridesmaid dress, which just oozed femininity, it was pink satin with white lace all over it, on the bottom of the skirt was 3" of white ruffled lace. It was short sleeved with large "puffy" sleeves, and required at least one large crinoline to push out the bottom of the dress. I grabbed the dress and crinoline and went to my room to change. I got out of the little black dress and after hanging it up, slipped on the crinoline and carefully lowered the dress over my head. I decided to "go all out" and applied a coat of my "Wedding lipstick", light pink and shimmery, a pair of pink lace gloves, matching pink satin 3" pumps and finally I grabbed the pink lace parasol that came with the dress.

I grabbed the hem of the skirt and slung the parasol over my shoulder and headed upstairs to meet Brenda. As I got to the top of the stairs and walked into the living room, Brenda put her glass down and put her hands over her mouth and said, "oh my God!". She stood up and asked me to twirl around and said, "I have never seen a dress so romantic and feminine". She came and grabbed the parasol and then gently put it on the table and slowly walked to me, I could see that she had touched up her lips and slowly came in and began kissing me. We danced a slow dance as she felt me all over, again, her kissing began to get intense and eventually she stopped and then reached down and put her hand under her skirt and then raised her two middle fingers to me. I knew where they had gone and she wiped my lips with them and I opened my mouth and licked and could smell her musty scent and tasted her. She gave me another kiss and told me that she wanted to see me in my clubbing outfit, and she would be waiting.

I quickly went downstairs and slipped out of the dress and crinoline and then put on white satin gloves as I had to change my pantyhose and slipped out of my nude and into a pair of ultra sheer black pantyhose. My mind was racing, I still could not believe I had been seduced by Brenda, but I had a funny feeling this was all set up. After I changed my pantyhose, I slipped into my black lace bra and then the black lace camisole and then finally, the black lace blouse. I then went to my closet and grabbed my black leather miniskirt and slipped it on, as well as a wide black belt. Finally, I grabbed my 4" black patent heels and slipped them on, I then removed all of the jewelry I was wearing and put on a pair of gold dangly earrings. I freshened my perfume and then applied a thick coat of formal pinkish- red lipstick and then made sure everything was perfect and went up to meet Brenda.

When I got to the living room, Brenda was standing up and she too had again adjusted her lipstick, and looked me over and said, "now come here my dear, I want to do with you, what I wanted to do when I saw you wearing that the first time". I walked over and she started kissing me like no tomorrow, I could taste her lipstick and I am sure she could taste mine. She held me in close and was caressing my mini skirted backside and moaning, our breasts were touching and it felt amazing. She slowly took one of my hands and grabbed it and pushed it up underneath her skirt. I took the hint and slowly caressed her thigh and then realized that she was wearing stay-ups, and that she did not have on any panties. As we kissed, I slowly worked my hands towards her pussy and then slowly started massaging it, and she started to moan. We did this for about 15 minutes and she broke our kiss and then said, "my turn to see what those lips can do". My head was swimming with the wine and the emotion of the day and I simply followed her lead to the couch. She removed her jacket and hiked up her skirt and laid back on the couch and I went and gave her a long kiss and started playing with her pussy. She slid up her camisole to expose her bra and breasts.

Her bra was a front closure, like mine, and I undid it, and her huge breasts flopped out. I started caressing them and licking them, all the while, slowly massaging her pussy. She was moaning and said, "now Joyce, now", I slowly moved down and she spread her legs wider and I started kissing her inner thighs and then finally licked my way to her very wet and waiting pussy. I savored the aroma and then finally started slowly moving her skin back and then began licking her hard clitoris and lapping up her juices. She was moaning and holding my head in her lap and was grinding her hips into my face, at one point she stopped and pleaded with me to grab her purse. I got up and she immediately started rubbing her pussy while I went and got her purse. When I got back she stopped and I continued, I heard the buzz of a vibrator and she handed it to me and pleaded for me to slip it in and I did. I had been licking her for about 15 minutes and she was groaning and moaning and then it happened.

I heard the back door open and in walked my spouse Sharon. Brenda moaned, "don't worry, she knows". I heard the click of Sharon's heels and continued to lick and push the vibrator in and out. I heard Sharon say, "well looks like you two had a good day, I see you managed to get her into the outfit you wanted". Brenda was panting a little and I heard her say, "oh yea and a few more, we never had dessert at lunch, Joyce is getting hers now, come here and let me get mine!". As I licked I could see Sharon leaning over and kissing Brenda, then she stood up and stripped off her heels, pantyhose, panties and skirt and crawled up and sat on Brenda's face. I could hear Brenda licking Sharon as I licked her and could tell she was concentrating on that, so I picked up the pace. Brenda was the first to cum as her body jolted back and forth, after she came, Sharon was probably really horny as she came about 1 minute later, I pulled the vibrator out of Brenda and licked it clean. Sharon got off of Brenda and came and gave me a little kiss then leaned down and gave Brenda a long slow kiss and slowly caressed her breasts. Brenda unbuttoned Sharon's blouse and started caressing her breasts and both of them looked at me and Sharon said, "two out of the three women here have been satisfied, what about the third?".

Before I could say anything, Brenda asked me to come and sit between them, which I did. Then she turned on the vibrator and I felt Sharon tugging at my leather miniskirt and I lifted my bottom off the couch and my crotch was exposed, my skirt around my waist. Brenda then started kissing me passionately and she started moving the vibrator around my crotch until I almost jumped out of my skirt, and she kept it there. Sharon was caressing my legs and at times, playing with Brenda's breasts. I started grinding my hips into the vibrator and Brenda kept kissing me harder and harder, then finally, I pushed her away and orgasmed into my latex vagina and fell back into the couch. I was breathing hard and Sharon quickly pushed me forward and told me to move quickly before I made a mess.

I got up and quickly made my way to my room downstairs, but before I did, looked over and saw Brenda and Sharon kissing and playing with each other's breasts. I got to my room and quickly pulled off my pantyhose and panties and skirt and the contents of my latex vagina I allowed to drop into the shower as I stripped it off. I used a washcloth to clean up and then found the nude pair of nylons and grabbed a fresh pair of red silk panties and slipped them on and then grabbed the leather skirt and zipped it up and then back into the 4" black patent heels.

I made my way upstairs and Brenda and Sharon were both getting their clothes back on. Once they were all dressed, Brenda put on a fresh coat of lipstick and came and gave me a little hug and a kiss and Sharon as well, she grabbed her purse and left out the back door.

Sharon was smiling at me and asked if I had a nice day and I said that I did. We sat down and shared a glass of wine and she asked me to describe in detail Brenda's dress and the ones I tried on, and then asked if I was up for dinner, and I said, "sure, let me change". She grabbed my hand and said, "no dear, what you are wearing is fine, get your purse and let's go". Was it the wine?, was it the emotional high I was on?, I did not care and I grabbed my purse and in my "clubbing" outfit, out the door I went with Sharon to a restaurant for dinner.

The restaurant we went to was a local road house style restaurant, not that far away. To say I was not dressed appropriately would be an understatement. However, after all of the wine and the emotion of the day, I again did not care. The hostess came as we waited to be seated and kind of looked me over and said, "right this way ladies". After we were seated, Sharon and I talked in detail about the day, she asked me about all of the dresses that I tried on and the ones that Brenda did as well. Our waitress came and before she asked for our orders, she complimented me on my blouse and asked were I got it. I told her and then Sharon and I ordered dinner, I ordered a cooler and a salad and Sharon ordered the chicken finger dinner. Before dinner came, I excused myself and left the table to find the washroom, I had to wander around a bit, and could not definitely tell, but the looks from the guys at the bar, I was being checked out. I found the ladies room and could hear my heels click on the wooden floor as I entered the ladies room. I found a stall and sat down and did my business, there were no other women in the room with me. I left the stall and went to the mirror and opened my purse to grab my comb to adjust my hair and I had to smile. In the compartment of my purse were my comb was, I found a pair of black satin and lace panties, they were still damp, and I knew they were Brenda's!!!. I pulled them out and smelled them, and I could smell Brenda all over again. I heard the outer door of the ladies room open and I quickly stuffed them back in my purse and fluffed out my hair as another woman came into the room.

I left the ladies room and joined Sharon back at the table and she could tell by the smile on my face that something was up. After I sat down she said, "what???", I told her I did not know what she was talking about and then she said, "you look like the 'cat that eaten he canary'". I slid my purse over to her and told her to look in the side compartment. She had a weird look on her face and smiled and then opened the compartment. She quickly closed it and giggled at me and said, "what are your panties doing in here?", I smiled back in a sly way and said, "they are not mine", she was just in the middle of asking who's they were and she stopped and said, "Brenda's?", I smiled back and said, "she was not wearing any when she pushed my hand under her skirt". Sharon just giggled and said, "nice trophy".

The rest of dinner was us discussing what happened in detail of the day, and eventually, Sharon paid the bill and we headed home. Once home, we both changed into some comfortable lingerie and snuggled on the couch and watched a movie before retiring to bed together and I was so tired, I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Next: Chapter 4: Christmas Party with Eric

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