Careful What You Wish For

By Joyce Devries

Published on Aug 3, 2003


CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - PART #2 By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

October 2002

Please read Part #1 to understand this part of the story.

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the first part to understand this one.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you about, after teasing my spouse for many years about how I would love to see her make love to another genetic female, well, here is exactly what happened. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, but this was a totally unique adventure.

Story Continued:

So there I was, with a belly full of my own cum, and handcuffed to a chair that I just watched my spouse make love to another woman for the first time to. My spouse smiled and told me that she would be back to undo me when she cleaned up the dresses that she brought up.

About 15 minutes later she came up and still naked and undid my ties and the handcuffs. I tried to kiss her and embrace her, be she pushed me back and just smiled and said, "not tonight honey, this is a day for just women for me". She told me that she laid something out for "someone" downstairs and that she would see me in later in the day. I left the room and went downstairs and saw that she had laid out a long black peignoir and robe, panties and pantyhose for "Joyce" and I changed into those and slipped into bed and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up later in the day and showered and found my spouse upstairs, she did not talk about the previous evening and she did not for the remainder of the week to me as a male, she just mentioned that it should be a fun weekend coming up and that "Joyce" should be checking her email. I just smiled and said that "yes it should".

I knew that Monday I was going to be getting emails, and I got one from my spouse and it read exactly:


I am sure by now you know that you are going to be going to Stage West next Saturday night on a romantic evening on a blind date. Just like you got me ready for my date with Brenda, I will be getting you ready for your date with her husband Brad, I hear he is a ex-football player is rather large in all senses of the word. Wednesday evening after bowling, please see me; be wearing nude pantyhose (panties of course), a low backed and strapless white bra and very little makeup. I have already spoken to Brad and he has asked me to advise on what you are to wear Saturday evening. I will have you model a few things for me and take lots of pictures, then Brad and I will make the final decision for your attire for the evening".

I knew this one was coming and was excited when I read it:

"Joyce my Darling:

My name is Brad, I am 35, 5'8" tall, 185 lbs and very athletic, I am thrilled to be taking you out to Stage West this weekend, I have heard from Brenda that it is a really romantic place and that you are a very attractive and sexy woman. I really look forward to our first meeting and possibly our first kiss. Can you please tell me what size lingerie you wear?, if things work out well, I want you well attired. Kisses and hugs and see you on Saturday evening."

Both emails had me reeling in wondering what I was in for, and all week long my spouse kept on staring from time to time and smiling. I kept on thinking about Wednesday evening and of course the evening and what it would bring. I was also a little jealous, as I knew that Brenda and Brad were talking to my spouse about the evening and planning behind my back, but I knew it was part of the game and did not say anything about it.

I did have two emails back and forth to Brad and he sent me his picture and he was a really nice looking guy, tight an firm and I knew he worked out regularly, as his body showed it, I was actually really starting to look forward to the Saturday evening, but did not let on to my spouse. Brad told me that he was going to show me a good time and that he was really looking forward to taking me out to Stage West and possibly and good time afterwards as well. I laid down the "ground rules" of how far I wanted to go as a woman and he agreed that it was as far as he wanted to go as well; he wanted me to be a woman 100% of the time.

Well Wednesday evening came and I went to my bowling night and then came home to a very low lit house, I knew my spouse was probably out with Brenda and promptly went into the shower and got the smoke from the evening out of my hair and off my body and cleaned up.

I then went downstairs and started to dress as my spouse had requested. I slipped into one of my favorite pair of lace and satin panties, green in colour and then carefully slipped on a fresh pair of nude pantyhose and to ensure they did not snag, a pair of black 2" pumps. I grabbed my favorite low backed and comfortable strapless bra (if there can be one) and slipped it on and adjusted my breasts. I slipped on my pink makeup coat and about that time I heard my spouse Sharon come through the door upstairs. I heard her call out "hello", and called back to her to tell her I was just about ready, she told me that she would be down in a minute to join me. I put on a light coat of pink eye shadow and mascara and a little blush and finally a coat of light reddish-pink lipstick.

I could hear Sharon shuffling downstairs and left my room and met her in the downstairs family room, she was still dressed from work in black stirrup pants and a floral blouse and 2" heels, I figured she went right out from work and met with Brenda. She announced, "alright, tonight there is a fashion show, and you are the model, I have a bunch of outfits you need to try on so Brad and I can choose what you will be wearing Saturday night".

So then the fun began, she went in the other room the basement that had my closet and started coming out with dresses. First was 3 short little numbers and some had large slits in the front, she got me to put on 4" black patent heels and then took all sorts of pictures. Next was a series of longer more elegant gowns, all floor length, some with large slits, off the shoulder, wide-open backs and such. The next was a few Bridesmaid dresses, which I thought were way too much for Stage West, but I went along with what she was doing. There was 3 Bridesmaid dresses, all were satin, some with ace, and two with wide- open backs and the other was an off the shoulder style. Lastly was a few floral dresses a couple shorter skirt length ones and the last longer and almost floor length. After we were done and about 60 pictures later Sharon told me that she had laid out my lingerie for the evening in my room while I was changing and that she would see me in the morning.

I slipped out of the last dress and into my makeup coat and then headed back into my room. Sitting on my bed was my short blue nightgown and cover, but there was a package wrapped up with really pretty floral paper a big pink bow and on top, a card. I opened the card and it read:

"Dear Joyce:

I am sure Saturday evening is going to be wonderful and magical for you, I wanted to give you this package as I know you are going to need some help for Saturday evening. Please view the contents and use them to prepare for Saturday evening, Brad is not a normal sized man.

Love Brenda"

I opened the package and inside I was blown away, there was a HUGE, and I mean HUGE, rubber dildo in it, probably 9 inches long and at least 2 inches in diameter, I could barely get my hands around it. There was a video entitled, "The art of oral sex for women", the other was a book called, "How to perform for your man". There was also another note that read:


You will want to read the sections of the book I have marked, and on the video, go 9 minutes in and watch that section. The dildo is almost the exact same size as Brad, and yes, he is that big. I got all of these just after we were married and they were a great help to me. You have 3 days girl, get practicing.

Love Brenda".

I was floored, but intrigued all the same, I opened the book and the sections she had marked were how to please oversized men orally, I then quickly popped in the video and went 9 minutes in and there was video of a sexy woman licking and sucking what looked like a horse's penis!!!. I watched and the woman would stop every minute or so and describe in detail the techniques!. I watched in awe over and over of the 15-minute segment of the video. I then flipped open the book and started reading, and again the pictures and commentary blew me away. It was a tad after 2am and I knew that I had to get to bed for work, but the last thing I did before I crawled under the covers was take the dildo and pretend it was Saturday evening and found with my mouth I could barely get my lips around the head of the dildo, but I eventually did and found it was like no other cock I had sucked before (which were not that many).

Over the next couple of days my spouse would tease me and tell me that she and Brad had picked "Joyce's" outfit and that I would be looking "cute and sweet". I had no clue what that meant, but the way my spouse was saying it, I knew something was up. Each evening, my spouse would leave me out my lingerie for the evening telling me to sleep in my own bed and a note saying, "practice, practice", and I did, I read the book and viewed the video and played with the dildo. The last note my spouse left was on Friday evening and it basically told me to have "Joyce" ready to go by 1pm for the salon and to have her wear anything she wanted, as long it was a button up blouse and NO makeup, other than cover-up and a little lipstick, and that I was to have $40 in cash in her wallet.

Saturday morning came and I started getting ready around 11am, showering and shaving "baby clean" and then I went downstairs and slipped into a pair of pink silk panties and then a white lace bra and adjusted my breasts and then I slipped into a pair of nude pantyhose, my 2" black heels and my pink makeup coat. I then moved to the bathroom and put on a little makeup, then started going through my closets for what to wear. I decided on a red button up silk flowered blouse and a black knee length skirt and a pair of 3" pumps. Way too much overkill for a trip to the salon, but I did not care. I checked the clock and it was almost 1 pm and grabbed my purse and went upstairs to meet Sharon who was getting ready to go herself.

She looked me over and giggled a little and said, "going to work or the salon my dear?, you do not have time to change, so come on, no coat is needed it is warm enough". Sharon was definitely right; she was in sweat pants and a sweater. We left for the salon, which was only 5 minutes away, on the way she told me that I was going to be seeing Lianne, and that was the same girl that got her ready the week before. She told her we were roommates and that my hair was not going to be an issue as she told her that I was on treatment for cancer and was wearing a wig. I was floored and started to express my anger, and she quietly said, not a problem, she does women up all the time like that and is sensitive".

We got to the mall and walked to the salon and at the front counter was a really cute blond haired girl that said, "oh you must be Joyce, Lianne is waiting for you, and please go on in". Sharon took the lead and spotted Lianne and she introduced me to her and Lianne immediately said, "don't tell me you are working on a day of a big date?", I looked over at Sharon and she smiled and looked away and I said, "yes, I got called in for a morning shift". Lianne said, "have a seat and what are we doing again?", to which Sharon quickly spoke up, "glamour length nails, matching the lipstick, same colour as mine, dramatic eyes, big cheeks, and tweeze the eyebrows". Lianne asked what the general theme of my outfit was to pick the colours and again, I could not even open my mouth and she had a smock on me and Sharon said, "colour is green and see you in a bit Joyce, just going shopping for a few things". Lianne giggled a bit and said, "it is great to have a roommate that knows what you want is it not?". I answered back that it was and Lianne went to work. First it was the eyebrows, to say it was painful would be an understatement, but in about 15 minutes she was done. All the while she was working on me she was asking me about the evening and really piqued to the fact I too was going to Stage West a week after my "roommate" and started asking a ton of questions, which I answered the best I could.

She was in the middle of starting my eyes and I heard my spouse come back into the salon and handed Lianne something and said, "I have one more stop, oh Joyce, you almost forgot this on the table". I looked over and saw it and I had a pretty good idea what I was going to be wearing for the evening and was not really happy, what she gave Lianne was a large green satin hair bow.

4 weeks prior to the events of that day I got a complete outfit off Ebay, the dress was a Bridesmaid dress circa 1996, and a matching set of satin heels, 3" pumps, and a homemade purse from the material of the dress and a large green satin hair bow. The dress was off the shoulder, green satin with sequins all in the bodice area and a floor length skirt with a layer of stiff taffeta underneath, its previous owner wore as a Bridesmaid dress. This was definitely not a dress for Stage West, more for a girl on her Prom, Homecoming, or a true Bridesmaid role in a Wedding. I was hoping that the bow was for a couple of other green satin dresses I had that would be more appropriate, but the "cute and sweet" words echoed in my head, as that dress definitely was.

I sat and answered a ton of questions from Lianne, and finally she started working on my cheeks and then my lips. At that time another girl, Anita came over and started working on my nails. I could not look down due to the fact Lianne had my head back, and just let Lianne and Anita do their jobs. I eventually heard Sharon come back from her shopping and could still feel Anita working on my nails. Sharon started talking to Lianne, and was making all sorts of comments on how good I looked, but I could not say much as she was still working my lips with a liquid lipstick. Sharon said she was done shopping and that she would be reading in the lobby waiting for me as Lianne still had to work on my hair. Anita was done and I was told to leave my hands at my sides and Lianne started working on my hair. I felt her putting on the hair bow and then she stood back and a few times and then started playing with my hair.

It was about 2 hours since I arrived and Finally Lianne told me she was done and grabbed a mirror and then showed me what she had done. To say I was not stunned I would be lying, I almost did not recognize myself, I had been doing my own makeup for over 13 years and I always thought I did it even better than most genetic women, but what this woman did blew me away!!!. I stared for about 2 minutes, trying to figure out what she had done, but I was at a loss. My eyes were deep and seductive, and I had nice cut cheeks!!!, my lips were big and puffy, and really luscious. My hair was pulled at the back and framed my face perfectly in the front, there must have been 50 hairpins in my hair, but she made it look really nice. Finally I looked at my hands and I had long nails!, not ridiculously long, but about ¬ to « inch from my fingertips and they made my hands look really dainty.

Once I got over the shock, Lianne said, "I take it you like?", to which I nodded and followed her to the front. She told me it was $40 and I grabbed the purse out of my wallet and tried not to say anything, but working with these new nails was tougher than I thought. I paid her and Sharon came and met me at the counter and said jokingly, "is that you Joyce?". I smiled back and chuckled with her and Lianne. Lianne said, "isn't she pretty?, her date will like the look I think?", and Sharon answered, "oh I think more than like". We all laughed a little and then Lianne said, "hang on a minute before you leave". She quickly went back into the salon and came out and handed me the lipstick that she put on me and said, "I know your roommate has one already, but I wanted you to have your own, compliments of me, I know you are wearing colour last on you lips, but you never know". I smiled and thanked her and Sharon and I went out to the car and we drove home. As we were driving home, I said in a pleading manner, "I hope the bow in my hair is not from the dress that it originally came from", Sharon just smiled and gently patted my hand and said, "cute and sweet", I knew then it was going to be that dress.

Once we got home, I noticed the time was about 3:45pm, and Sharon told me to strip and put on Obsession perfume and the things laid out in my room and then join her in her room to put on my dress and accessories. Laid out on my bed were a white lace garter belt, a brand new pair of sheer nude stockings and my favorite white strapless and low backed bra. I slipped out of all of my clothes and started to get ready.

First was my latex vagina, if Brad was going to feel anything it was going to be a smooth feminine front. I slipped on the garter belt, then a pair of satin gloves to protect the new stockings I was putting on. After slipping them on and clipping them up, I slipping into 2" heels to prevent snagging; I went looking for the right panties. I decided on a red lacy pair that had some significant emotional connection with the past for me, sort of a first at one time. After slipping those on, my low backed strapless bra was next, and after I adjusted my breasts, I almost headed to the bathroom to start applying my makeup!. I chuckled to myself and headed to the bathroom and grabbed my Obsession perfume and applied a healthy dose. I put on my pink silk robe and headed upstairs to meet Sharon for what I knew was going to be the dress I was going to be wearing.

I met Sharon in her bedroom and she was smiling and said that I looked very nice and smelled very erotic. She told me to drop my robe and to close my eyes and put my hands above my head. I did that and I heard the rustling of the dress as she grabbed it and new it was the one I just recently bought. She gently lowered the dress over my head and down and guided my arms into the sleeves and let it fall over my waist. She told me to keep my eyes closed and then I felt her zip up the dress. She then told me to open my eyes and look, and what I saw was me, a 38 year old woman, in a dress that was more suited for a Bridesmaid or an 18 year old prom date. I looked over at Sharon and said, "you cannot be serious, this is Stage West, not the Prom!", she smiled with an evil grin and crossed her arms and sternly said, "last week you had me a dress that made me look like a stuffed sausage, my boobs popping out, and in 4" 'come fuck me heels', this week is my turn, and there is more".

I looked myself over and was thinking of ways of explaining my look to people, then Sharon came and said, "lift your skirt, this has to go on", and after lifting both layers, she had me step into a light crinoline and then drop my skirt, the crinoline pushed the skirt out a little more. Then she moved and started adding my jewelry with a sparkly rhinestone necklace and a green stone at the bottom, matching earrings and a bracelet. She stood back and said, "perfect, now the shoes", which were the matching green satin 3" pumps, that she slid on my feet. She was almost about to say she was finished, but then said, "oh I almost forgot", and hurried out of the room and returned with a green and white floral corsage that she slid on my right wrist, saying, "compliments of Brad".

She took my hand and led me to the hall and the full-length mirror. She smiled and said, "look honey, 'sweet and cute', just the way Brad wants you". I protested and told her I looked like an over made Prom date and not appropriate for Stage West at all. She just smiled grabbed my hand and said, "come on girl, picture time, I have your purse already packed". She had me pose in several different ways, including with a silk bouquet from her Wedding to make me look like a Bridesmaid. I was protesting and asking her if I could change into something more appropriate and the doorbell rang, it was Brad. She smiled and said "too late, go greet your date at the door".

I made my way to the door, my skirt rustling really loud as I did, and opened it, and there he was, smiling with a dozen red roses in his hands and in a black suit and a green silk tie, the tie matching my dress. I cannot really described what he looked like, but the closest description is that he look a little like Dan Marino, the football star with strong features and even in my heels he towered over me. I invited him in and he handed me the flowers and I reached up and gave him a little peck on his cheek. I grabbed his hand and lead him into the living room where Sharon was and she said, "my you two look great, Joyce let me take the flowers". To which Brad said, "you did a great job at making her 'sweet and cute'". Sharon, came and shook Brad's had and told him he looked nice and it was nice to finally meet him. She told Brad that he was glad that I looked the way he wanted and that it was time for pictures. Brad took my hand and Sharon had us posing in the same types of shots that I had Sharon and Brenda posing in, the typical "Prom Style" pictures, including a few kissing shots, but they were light kisses.

Brad then noted it was time to go and Sharon came and gave me my purse (more like a fabric bag, made from the same material as the bodice of my dress) and handed Brad my faux fur coat and he draped it over my shoulders and took my hand and lead me out the door to his car, then he opened the car door for me and I slid in, I made sure that my dress was not sticking outside the door when he close it.

We held hands on the way to Stage West, and we talked and I told him that was a little uncomfortable on my attire, as it was a little too much for Stage West. He just smiled at me and told that he loved the way I looked and the story was that we were going to Stage West after a Wedding so everything going to be fine. As we drove we talked more and he complimented me on my perfume and such and kept complimenting my look and I looked down every once in a while and noted that I could see his member straining against his pants already.

We got to Stage West and he pulled up to the main Hotel entrance and the doorman came and opened my door and I slid out and Brad told me that he was going to be right back after he parked the car. I got out of the cool air and the doorman opened the door into the lobby for me. I slipped off my faux fur coat and draped it over my arm and found a seat near the entrance and sat down. Now Brad must have been having troubles finding a spot as I was sitting there for at lest 10 minutes and in that time I was "people watching" and saw a number of women in skirts and dresses coming in the door, but none dressed up as much as myself. Some looked over at me, but one woman, with her husband both in their 50's or so came over and she said, "my dear are you waiting for the Bride?, if so, I want to stay around and see what she looks like". I was stunned and did not know what to say, but said, "no, it was an early Wedding, I am waiting for my date, he is just parking the car, the Bride is already on her Honeymoon". She smiled and was hand in hand with her husband and said, "enjoy the show, I think you look lovely", and walked off.

Finally Brad came and was apologetic that he was so long, but explained that he had trouble finding parking. He offered me his arm and I grabbed it and he said, "lead the way, I have never been here before, and I have been told you have". I told him the first place we needed to go to was the coat check and we walked down the hall and got in line to check my coat. Brad took the lead and paid for checking my coat and then offered me his arm again and we walked towards the theatre entrance. I could hear my skirt rustling loudly as we walked and my heels clicking along the marble floor, it was something I have done many times before, but this time was very special. I could see other women looking at me, but I decided to relax and enjoy the company of Brad.

We got to the entrance of the theatre and Brad gave the hostess our tickets and she told us to follow her, and she lead us to a booth that was on the second level, right next to the main isle. As we slid in she told us who our server was and that she would be seeing us in a minute. Brad was making comments like, "wow!, Brenda said this was romantic, but I never thought this romantic". A minute later our waitress came and asked us if there was anything we wanted to drink. I ordered a sling and Brad a beer, and she let us know that the buffet was serving. Before she left she asked me, "so how was the Wedding today?", Brad quickly responded, it was lovely, and gave me a light kiss on the cheek and said, "and my girl here was one of the prettiest Bridesmaid's". I immediately blushed and the waitress smiled and said, "I am sure she was, and the dress is absolutely gorgeous, I wore a similar one a few years ago, I will be back in a minute with your drinks". I gave Brad a light kiss on the cheek and said "thanks", he squeezed my hand and said, "I was serious, I do not think any woman is going to look better than you this evening". I thought to myself, "man, you are not kidding", I then suggested we go up to the buffet and he told me that he would like to use the washroom before, and asked me where it was, and I pointed him the right direction.

After he left, I decided to check out my purse and Sharon had put in my lipstick, a compact, a comb, Kleenex, and a tampon?, and a few condoms. The waitress came back with our drinks and set them on the table and made the comment, "Again, I have to say I love your dress, and the two of you make a very nice couple, enjoy the show", again I blushed and thanked her. I started looking around and soaked in the ambiance of the theatre. I looked around and spotted a few other women that were dressed up special, but they were in more traditional formal attire, i.e., "the little black dress", and one or two in longer formal dresses. Also there were a number of women that were in pantsuits and skirts and such, but all of the men were wearing jackets and most in ties.

A brief description of Stage West, it is a dinner theatre near the airport in Toronto, Saturday evenings are when people generally get dressed up to go, other times not so much. The theatre is dimly lit with a candle on each table, it has booths and tables as well, and attached to the theatre is a world-class buffet, and the whole environment is very romantic.

Eventually Brad came back and before he sat down, offered me his hand and asked if I was ready for the buffet, I told him I was, he then helped me out of the booth. I grabbed my purse and he offered me his arm after I got out of the booth and we went to the buffet, with my skirt rustling really loudly. As we walked, I could see other women checking me out and smiling as I walked by. We got to the buffet and got in line and got our dinner, and carried the plates back to our booth. We slowly ate our dinner and chatted about the environment and Brad could not get over how lovely it was. We made our way back to the buffet and got dessert, again, I took his arm as we walked, again, and I got lots of looks as my skirt rustled loudly. I got my dessert and Brad and I walked back to the booth and again chatted about the environment and such. The funniest comment and one that got me a little aroused was, "just think, last week Brenda and Sharon were in the same booth", I blushed as I knew what he was talking about and he leaned over and gave me a light kiss on the lips. As he kissed me, I closed my eyes and remembered the sight of Brenda and Sharon embracing. Brad then asked if I enjoyed watching them together and said, "I was not there, I had left before they got back, I was out with girlfriends". Brad looked confused, but just smiled back and gave me another little kiss and said, "well what I have heard is they had a really erotic time". I smiled and said, "I heard they did as well".

About that time, they announced it was 15 minutes to the show start and I excused myself and grabbed my purse and decided to use the ladies room. Brad gave me a little kiss and he told me not to take too long, I smiled back at him and I started walking up the ramp to the washrooms and ran into a long line leading out of the ladies room. I took my place at the end of the line and saw Brad walking into the men's room and he smiled at me, and I had moved maybe 3 feet in 5 minutes and he came walking back out and blew me a kiss. I blushed again and the girl behind me tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around and she said, "is that your husband?", I told her it was not, he was just my date. She was really cute and was wearing a "little black dress", low heels and her hair and makeup were perfect, she just giggled and said, "I have been watching you two all night, he is a hunk and you make a great couple and I love your dress, were you in a Wedding today?". I smiled and thanked her and told her it was a noon Wedding and early reception and I did not decide to get changed before coming to the theatre. She smiled and said, "well after spending all that money on hair and makeup, and your dress, why bother?, I think you look great and I am sure you would have look very pretty next to the Bride". I thanked her and told her it was a nice Wedding and everything went well, and about that time it was my turn to use a stall.

I grabbed the next available stall and went in and put down my purse on the shelf in the stall and started gathering the two layers of skirts and then my crinoline, managed to get all of that gathered behind me and carefully sat down. I then pulled down my panties and did my business, when I had wiped up, I carefully stood up and then straightened my skirt and then grabbed my purse and joined the line for the mirror. This line was much shorter and before I knew it I had my place at the mirror. I stepped up, my huge skirt rubbing up against the girls next to me and I apologized and they just smiled back. I was just about to grab for my lipstick when I realized it was still perfect, the colour last lipstick really did work!. I fluffed out my hair and cleaned up my mascara a little and then headed out of the ladies room, and I did get many stares.

I got back to the booth and Brad got out to greet me and gave me a little kiss and said, "my I did not know the lineup for the ladies room was going to be that long?". I smiled and gave him a little kiss and said, "wait for intermission, oh the things we do for our men". He pulled me closer and gave me a longer kiss, this one was more than just friendly, and it was "the one that started the erotic part of the evening". I broke the kiss and told him, that we should wait until the play starts, and he slowly lowered my hand under the table and said, "this is how I feel now". He put my hand on his crotch and I could feel something very, very large underneath, straining on his pants. I was about to say something, when the girl in the washroom surprised us and walked to our table and offered her hand to me and said, "Hi my name is Jane, I would really like to get a couple of photos of you, as you do make such a lovely couple". I shook her hand and told her "sure" looking over at Brad that just smiled. She took a few and even a couple with us lightly kissing. Then Brad surprised me and pulled out a digital camera and asked her to take a few more. I told her my name and she said, "well it was really nice to meet you Joyce, and you do make a really pretty Bridesmaid and I really do love the dress, it is so '90's'". I thanked her and just as we were done, light lights went down and she quickly went back to her table. The play started, which was "South Pacific" and I moved over and snuggled into Brad.

The first half of the play was going and Brad was teasing me the whole time, he would from time to time blow into my ear and whisper how hot I was making him. At one point he slowly moved my hand to his crotch and whispered to me, "feel my love, feel". I reached down and he was absolutely solid, straining against his pants, I gripped his member under the table, no one could see (due to the tablecloth), but I could feel through his pants how huge and hard he was and knew Brenda was not kidding how big he was. All Brad would do when I did that was moan, "mmmmmm" and kissed my neck. I would attempt to move my hand off his crotch and he would slowly grab my hand it put it back and whisper, "more my love, more". I spent the entire first half caressing his crotch and snuggled into him, and I must admit, I was paying so much attention to Brad I really have no clue what the first half of the play was about!!!. The lights came up for the intermission and I moved my hand off Brad's crotch. I was in the process of grabbing for my purse and Jane; the girl that took the pictures came by and held up her clutch purse (a signal between women for "join me to go to the ladies room"). I smiled at her and grabbed my purse and gave Brad a light kiss and joined Jane to the ladies room.

As we walked to the ladies room, she smiled at me and said, "my you two are having a good time", and I smiled back and told her I definitely was. The lineup was huge for the ladies room, definitely the longest I had ever seen it before and Jane and I stood and waited our turn. She asked me all sorts of questions about the "Wedding", where it was, what the Bride wore, how many guests, where I got my dress etc., I did a good job of faking it, and hoped I did not talk myself into a corner. Jane went first into a stall, I then finally got one and went in and did my business. When I had wiped up and adjusted my skirt, I grabbed my purse and went to the mirror, which surprisingly did not have a lineup. I noted my lips needed a bit of a touchup and grabbed my lipstick and touched them up. I saw in the mirror, Jane was standing against the wall near the exit, waiting for me. I fluffed my hair and joined her and we left together back to the booth. As she left for her booth, she smiled and said, "enjoy the rest of the show, and try and pay attention to the second half", I smiled back at her and told her I would. I slid back into the booth and Brad had already used the washroom and had ordered two more drinks for both of us for the second half. One of the drinks was a "special coffee", it came in a special glass that had the show name and everything on it. I slid in and he noted I had fixed my lips and proceeded to give me a long "welcome back kiss".

He commented, "seems you have a new girlfriend?", I said back, "I guess I do". They announced 2 minutes to the beginning of the 2nd half and then I saw Jane walk over and had a pen and paper in hand and asked me what my address was so that she could send copies of the pictures she took. I gave her my email address and mailing address, and she jotted them down and said, "thanks, and again enjoy the rest of the show", giving me a wink as she did.

The lights went down and the second half started, and I immediately snuggled into Brad's large frame and he draped his arm around me. Before the first line the actors said came out, Brad whispered in my ear, "are you wearing stockings or pantyhose", to which I whispered back, "you will have to find out for yourself, but this is not the place to do it". He just moaned and said, "wait till the car". Brad then under the table and tablecloth, gently grabbed my hand and again placed it on his crotch and I needed no coaxing as to what to do, he continued the moaning and kissing of my neck and blowing in my ear as I caressed him. During the second half we exchanged a few light kisses, but both he and I did not want to create a scene, so we kept the kissing rather light.

The show eventually ended and the lights came on and everyone started heading for the exits. I saw Jane and her date leaving their table and she smiled and waved to me as they left. Brad and I waited until the crowd thinned out and eventually, I grabbed my purse and Brad helped me out my seat and I took his arm and walked down the marble hall heels clicking, to the coat check to get my coat. Brad stood in line while I waited back out of the crowd and smiled at all of the women that were still checking me over. Brad came with my coat and draped it over my shoulders and then I grabbed his arm and he escorted me to the lobby of the hotel. He asked me to wait and quickly rushed out to get the car, leaving me standing in the lobby. I was getting lots of looks, but at that point, I did not care. It did not take long and Brad was back with the car and when I saw him, I went out to meet him, a door-man opened the door for me and as well the side door to Brad's car, and I slid in.

The exit to the road home was right by the entrance, but Brad chose a back entrance that was in the rear of the complex. He drove there and found a place that was rather secluded and parked. I asked what he was doing, and he just looked at me with lust in his eyes and said, "I need to find out what you are wearing", and he starting kissing me really hard. I reciprocated and our tongues dances and his large arms, started pulling at my skirts to get underneath, I broke our kiss briefly to say, "careful with the stockings", he eventually found my stocking covered legs and as we kissed he enjoyed them and I played with his crotch and felt it get even harder as he found I was wearing a garter belt. He broke our kiss and was panting and said, "let's get you home before I cum in my pants". I smiled and told him I thought that was a good idea and did him the favor of pulling my entire skirt and crinoline up to expose my legs and he caressed them all the way home. He played with the tops of my thighs telling me how hot it was making him, and I told him to concentrate one the road!.

We pulled in the driveway and I noticed that Brenda's car was in the driveway and kind of assumed that she would be over, making out with Sharon while I was making out with her husband. Once Brad stopped the car, he immediately leaned over and started kissing me hard and passionate all the time playing with my legs and I slowly caressed his crotch and could tell there was definitely a wet spot there. I eventually broke the kiss and asked if he wanted to come in for a drink. He gave me another kiss and said, "of course". He then got out of the car and came to my side and opened my door and helped me out and we walked hand in hand to the back door. When we got there, I could see there were lights on, but no sign of Brenda or Sharon. I opened the door and lead Brad in and told him to make himself comfortable and that I would get some wine. I looked down the hall to were our bedroom was and it was dark and wondered if Brenda and Sharon had already made love and were in bed asleep as it was about 12:30am.

Brad retired to the living room and sat on the couch and I grabbed a couple of glasses and poured the wine and then went and sat beside him after handing him his glass. He took a couple of sips and then looked at me lustfully, and I took the clue and raised my skirt and crinoline and he went wild, after placing his glass down. He kissed me passionately and started fondling my breasts and legs, playing with my garters and such. I kissed back hard and my hands found his now, very; very hard member and I stroked it through his pants for at least 15 minutes. Finally I could take no more and moved my hands down and started to undo his zipper. He reached down and stopped me, and broke our kiss and while panting said, "no my dear, not now, I have been told by Sharon and Brenda that now is the time for you to go downstairs and get changed, before we go any further". I found this odd, but stood up and adjusted my skirt and grabbed my purse and after a series of light kisses told Brad I would be right back, I asked, "any requests?". He just smiled and said, "something really sexy", I smiled back and grabbed my purse and headed downstairs (I would later find out that Brad had actually bought me lingerie to change into at that point of the evening).

I could see that the lights to the downstairs family room were on and thought nothing of it. As I got to the bottom of the stairs and was turning to go to my room, I heard, "WOW!, that dress IS really cute!", and looked over and saw my spouse Sharon and Brenda, adjusting each other's bras, for the identical matching Bridesmaid dresses they were wearing!. I was absolutely stunned and had no idea what was going on.

Brenda and Sharon were in matching Alfred Angelo dresses, purple in colour floor length, matching satin shoes and from what I could see matching lipstick and other makeup, both had their hair done up. These dresses I also got off Ebay for Sharon and I to pose in about a year previous to this evening. Brenda was obviously wearing mine, (her boobs really did not fit) and Sharon her dress. They both were wearing the matching jewelry that I bought for Sharon and I.

I was speechless and was about to say, "what the heck is going on", when Brenda walked up to me and said, "that is one lovely dress, look at your hair and makeup!, you must have made quite an impact at Stage West?". I blurted out, "well yes!". She grabbed my hands and looked me in the eye and said, "now, you know the expression, 'always the Bridesmaid and never the Bride?'. I was confused but said I did. She chuckled and looked back at Sharon and said, "well tonight you are no longer a Bridesmaid, tonight you will be the Bride".

I was totally confused at what was going on and she came up to me and hugged me and gave a little kiss and said this obviously rehearsed speech:

"You see Joyce, on Brad and our Wedding day, he wanted badly to have me service him orally, fully dressed in my white Wedding gown, but I did not know that and changed out of my dress before the honeymoon. By the time we got back from our honeymoon, my mother had had the dress preserved and now I cannot even fit into it. Since Sharon told me your passion for Bridal and Wedding attire, and that you had three Wedding Gowns, I knew this was a great opportunity. Also with all of the Bridesmaid dresses you have, my you have a ton; we decided to get in on the fun. So this evening, I am your Maid of Honor, Sharon is a Bridesmaid".

I was floored but excited all the same, and Brenda then said, "come on girl, turn around and let's get you out of that dress and into your Wedding dress". I turned around and Sharon was sitting there giggling, but came and started wiping some cream on my lips as Brenda undid my dress. I stood there as the two girls worked on me, Brenda told me to slip out of my dress and I did and she pulled the crinoline down and then hiked up her own skirt and slipped it on. "There, that is better, now Sharon and I are identical for the Wedding party". Brenda then asked Sharon to get the crinolines for the Wedding dress and take care of my lips and she would get my dress. Sharon wiped my lips off with a tissue and said, "perfect!, now for the right lipstick". She then grabbed the same lipstick I wore when we were married and put it on me, it is a really sweet looking pink lipstick and she told me that the Maid of Honor was carrying the purse and it would be there for touchups.

Sharon then held out the huge crinoline I got for my latest Wedding Dress and I kicked off my green satin pumps and slipped into it. She did it up and then had me slip into a smaller stiffer crinoline and I slipped into that. Just as she was finishing adjusting it, Brenda walked in to the room with my dress and complimented me on the lovely strapless bra I was wearing, and noted I was wearing stockings and garters and commented, "I am sure Brad got really excited when he saw those!". I thanked her and then Sharon helped her and the girls raised the dress over my head and lowered it carefully down. Both girls fluffed out the skirt, and Brenda zipped me up and started showering me with compliments.

The dress they slipped me into was an off the shoulder snow-white Mori-Lee Gown, another I got off Ebay for a steal!. The dress was floor length and had pearls and beads all over the fitted bodice and the skirt was gathered at the waist and flowed down. The train was not that long, but long enough and the dress has some built in crinoline, but more was needed to accentuate the look of the dress. Below the bodice the skirt was a silk material and was very nice. I had this dress altered with 3" white satin heels and it looked perfect when done.

Both girls told me to be still and removed my jewelry from the evening and put a simple strand of pearls as a necklace and pearl earrings and took the green silk bow out of my hair and then the two of them put both of the headpieces I had on my head before picking the one that I would be wearing to meet Brad. Sharon left the room and came back with the original shoes that I wore when we got married, which were 4" white satin pumps (a decision to this day I regret). Brenda looked at them and then me and said, "you wore those?, were you nuts?", I smiled back and said, "apparently so". I asked Sharon to get me the ones I have fitted for the dress, which were more comfortable and about 3", and she looked at me and said, "oh no, these are YOUR, 'come fuck me heels' and you are wearing them for Brad!!". Brenda steadied me as Sharon slipped the shoes on. After my shoes were on, Brenda came with elbow length white satin gloves and helped me slip them on, telling me "these are your something borrowed, I wore these on my Wedding day". Sharon said, "oh hang on a second", and ran into the other room and came back with blue and white lace garter and the two of them worked my crinolines and slid it up my left leg. Then Sharon said, "now she has 'something blue'".

Once they were done they stood back and looked and said, "I think Brad will like this Bride", and chuckled a little, then they grabbed bouquets (theirs were matching from the Ebay auction I got the Bridesmaid dresses from) and mine, which was from the one when I got Married and then Brenda said, "come now, the groom is waiting!, let's go ladies". Sharon and Brenda lead the way and I had to grab my train and then follow then up the stairs. Half way up, they both stopped and Brenda said, until you hear music do not come up any more.

I saw both of them go up the stairs with flowers in their hands and then I could hear Brad asking "what the heck was going on", then Brenda said, "you have wanted this for a long time, sit back and relax", just after that, I heard the Wedding march starting and started up the rest of the stairs. I got to the top and Brenda said to Brad, "remember what you always regretted on our Wedding night?, well, here she is!". I then walked around the corner and I swear Brad almost came in his pants when he saw me. He stood up and Sharon and Brenda were at the far end of the room holding their bouquets in front of them, and I walked towards them, he stopped me and took me in his arms and kissed me like I have never he had never kissed me before, I had to quickly drop my bouquet to my side so it would not be crushed. His hands were all over me and this lasted for 5 minutes, finally, Sharon said, "alright you two, time for pictures!.".

Brenda grabbed my bouquet and handed me my lipstick and compact to touch up my lips, which I made sure I had a thick coat on, we took probably 100 pictures, in every pose you could think about. Bridesmaids and Bride, Bride, Bridesmaids and groom, of course Bride and groom, kissing and posing, we must have been at it for an hour, as my skirt and train had to be constantly posed by Sharon and Brenda, and my calves really started to ache in the 4" heels.

Finally, Brenda announced "time for the Bride and Groom's first dance!!!!". Sharon started the CD player and "crazy for you" by Madonna was playing and Brenda came and gathered my train and slung it over my left arm and then I saw Sharon and Brenda sitting down and holding hands as we started to dance. Brad came and drew me close and gave me a light kiss and told me I made a wonderful Bride. I stared into his eyes the entire song and he looked me over and kept telling me how beautiful I looked, I could do little but smile and we exchanged little kisses. Finally the song ended and Brenda and Sharon announced that the "the rest of the Wedding party is now welcome", and "lady in red" came on, which apparently was Brad and Brenda's Wedding song.

Brad immediately pulled me close and started kissing me like crazy, his tongue darting in and out of my mouth and I kissed back hard. I looked over and Brenda was doing the same to Sharon, kissing her like crazy. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the song, ignoring Sharon and Brenda and concentrated on Brad, and right near the end of the song, Brad gently, moved my silk covered hand to his crotch and felt the enormous bulge on his suit pants, and I started caressing and he started moaning. He then whispered in my ear, "do you want that?", I looked him right in the eyes and said, "yes my love, yes I do". I never stopped staring at him and heard the click of heels as the song ended, heard soft music starting, and the rustling of Sharon and Brenda's dresses. I never moved my eyes off of his, and he gently put his hands on my shoulders and started pushing me down to my knees. I kept looking up as I got my self settled down, sitting back on my heels.

He kicked off his heels and then stared down at me. I slowly looked over at Sharon and Brenda, they were on the other couch; they were kissing, both with eyes closed and feeling each other's breasts through the satiny material. I looked back at Brad and he had removed his jacket and tie and slowly was unbuttoning his shirt. I knew what was next and I reached up and slowly undid his belt and then the snap to his pants. He had pulled off his shirt and was naked from the waist up, I looked up and he was smiling down at me. I could see his "washboard abs", and see he was really fit. He smiled and then I pulled down his pants to his ankles and then he stepped out of them. When I looked back up, I was looking slightly up at a gigantic tent. I looked over at Brenda and Sharon and they had stopped kissing, holding hands, and then back at Brad. I then slowly moved my satin covered hands and pulled down his white underwear, which I noticed was sticky wet in the front.

I pulled at them, and they were getting caught on his member, I pulled harder and it popped out and slapped me in the face!!. My eyes popped out as I looked at it and heard Sharon say quietly, "oh my God", and I heard Brenda chuckle and quietly said, "she will definitely have a mouthful". He was a little smaller than the dildo I was practicing with, but I was in awe, he was cut and the biggest penis I have ever seen. Brad moved back a little and I looked up at him and he was smiling. I smiled back and had to sit up as I could on my knees and then used my satin covered hands and gently grabbed the base of it. He was somewhat semi-erect, more hard than not, but he needed work. I then slowly started to work on him, remembering the highlights in the video, using 'butterfly kisses' and slowly stroking the base of his member with my satin hand. I then opened as wide as I could and sucked his head and used my tongue to quickly flick back and forth on it. Brad started groaning and gently put his hands on my head, and I could feel him getting bigger and bigger, and decided to use my other hand to caress his balls.

I then heard the click of heels and then I took my mouth off his member and looked over and there was Brenda and Sharon standing there, both with cameras, and said, "picture time you two". I looked up at Brad and he was smiling, he knew this was going to happen. Brenda then said, "keep stroking it Brad, we need to have it really hard, we need to adjust her dress". I had no clue what was going on, but I got the feeling the three of them did. Brenda started fluffing out my dress and then said, "oh makeup?", Sharon was already coming with my lipstick and handed it to me and told me to apply a nice thick coat. I did and handed it back to her and Brenda asked her to adjust my headpiece while she there. Brenda then asked me to get right up on my knees so that my mouth was the same height as Brad's member. When I was the right height, Brad moved back in, still stroking his very hard large member, moving close to my lips.

Brenda then said, "Brad, put your hands on your hips and look down at Joyce, now Joyce, take your right hand and grab Brad at the base of his cock, then turn your head to me and look 'lustful'". I did and Sharon and Brenda started taking all sorts of pictures, then they stopped, and Brenda said, now turn your head and stick your tongue out and just touch his cock head and hold that pose". I did and they again took a bunch of pictures, then finally, Brenda said, "now open wide and suck in his cock head and hold that pose". Again, many pictures and then finally Brenda said, "alright you two, we will leave you alone for now, I think Joyce has some work to do", and then Kissed Sharon and said, "and so do I". I looked up at Brad and asked him if he would not mind sitting on the couch, as I was getting sore sitting well up on my knees. He turned around and then sat down on the couch, Sharon came and helped me move so that my dress did not get all messed up so that was sitting right in front of him, comfortable back on my heels, while Brenda got a small pillow and slipped it under my knees. After she was done smiled and I looked back at Brad, with her heels clicking back to the other couch.

I then gently grabbed Brad with both my satin covered hands and started to take care of him in earnest, using all of the techniques that I saw on the videos, before long he was moaning and groaning, but he was not the only one, at one point I looked over and there was Sharon, the skirt of the dress and the crinolines pulled up and Brenda licking her off, and she was staring at me. I went back to Brad and tried many different things including taking as much of him in as I could, which was not much. I concentrated on the underside of his member and he was really starting to groan and saying, "oh yea, oh yea, keep it up". It was about 15 minutes later I heard Sharon grunt and moan and breath hard and I knew that she had cum. About 3 minutes later I could taste the pre-cum building in Brad's member and he finally blew. I expected gallons and gallons of cum, but that was not the case. What it was, was about 8 really, really strong blasts, and he gently grabbed my head as he was coming. Most of the blasts went right down my throat, others I had to swirl my tongue to swallow. When he finally was done, I slowly licked up and down his entire shaft cleaning him up, he was flinching as he was really sensitive and slowly caressed his balls.

When he started to become a little soft, I gently kissed the head of his member, and slowly caressed his member with my satin covered hands. I then looked over at Sharon and Brenda and they both had their skirts pulled up and fingers in each other's pussy's, staring at me and Brad. Brenda and Sharon pulled their fingers out and fed each other their obvious sticky fingers, then went into a long kiss. Brad leaned down and kissed me deep and said, "oh thank you, oh thank you". Brenda and Sharon then both stood up and straightened their skirts out and came to me, and one on either side, grabbed my arms and helped me up. Brenda announced, "We will bring your new Bride back in a minute, we need to 'powder her nose', we will be right back, and get the champagne in the fridge.

Brenda grabbed my hand and asked Sharon to grab the purse. We went into the bathroom, me first and I told them that I had to pee. Sharon and Brenda chuckled and they both knew what to do, and got on either side of me and arranged my dress and all of the material and once my panties were clear I sat down. After pulling the panties down I started to do my business, even with both Sharon and Brenda, re- applying their lipstick and checking their hair right beside me!. Brenda heard the tinkling sound and looked over at me, giggled and said, "you sound just like a girl, certainly not like Brad!, or any man I have heard". Once I was done, I grabbed some tissue and then pulled up my panties and got off the toilet and joined the girls at the mirror. Sharon handed me my lipstick and I applied a thick coat, Sharon all the time was smiling and said, "so how was he?", I smiled back and said, "what do YOU think?", she just laughed and said, "from where I was sitting, he was huge and a mouthful". Brenda giggled as she put everything back in the purse and said, "I can tell you he is a mouthful, ok ladies, time to go, Joyce, I always take care of Brad twice when I service him orally, I am sure he is expecting the same from his new Bride, besides, it is my turn as well", she smiled and gave Sharon a little kiss.

Brenda then grabbed my hand and lead me back into the living room, were a very nude and semi erect Brad was waiting with 5 champagne glasses, full, 4 were on the table, and one on a table next to the couch. Brad handed each of us one and said, "this toast is to my new Bride, and her very sexy lips". He then gave me a kiss and we all sipped on our champagne and I noted that my glass only had a little in it, a little more than a sip. Brad chugged down his and then grabbed my hand and lead me to the couch and he sat down and placed me at his feet, Sharon came over and fluffed out my skirt and adjusted my headpiece. She walked back and Sharon and Brenda were still sipping their champagne and Brad, said, "now Joyce can drink the rest of hers in a special way". I had no clue what he was talking about, but he took the glass and put it near his member and then dipped it in!!!. He then pushed it towards my mouth and I took the hint and started licking the champagne off of it, and I was giggling as I did he. Brenda and Sharon were laughing like crazy, and took a few pictures. He dipped it in over and over and I kept licking and sucking, until all of the champagne was gone!.

I lost track of Brenda and Sharon and also noted that by the time I was done with the champagne that Brad was very, very hard and the taste of champagne turned to the salty taste of Brad's pre-cum. I then started to do what I was doing before, this time even slower. I could hear Brad moaning and telling me how good it felt, and I looked over after coming up for air once and saw Sharon on her knees with Brenda's skirt and crinoline up around her waist licking away on her pussy and I noted that they were both wearing nude stay-ups for hose.

I went back to concentrating on Brad and I used every technique that I could remember and Brad was groaning the whole time, I could feel him get softer and then harder, then finally hard all the time, and I grabbed the base of his member with both of my satin covered hands and started licking with my tongue like crazy and it must have been about 15 minutes I could feel him thrusting his hips up and grabbing my head and really breathing hard and then he blew again, just as much as the first time, and I managed to swallow all of his load. Again, I slowly moved up and down his member and cleaned him up. Brad leaned back and closed his eyes and relaxed. I was slowly caressing him up and down and looked over and saw Brenda and Sharon were just kissing lightly and caressing each other's breasts through the satin material of their dresses.

Brenda and Sharon broke their kiss and came over and helped me up and Brad started getting dressed, Brenda handed me another glass of champagne, one with her lipstick mark on it, and I appreciated it to wash out my mouth. I looked back at Brad and by this time he was just slipping on his jacket and I just stared at him as I sipped my champagne. Brenda and Sharon poured another glass, and there was no talking, just a lot of heavy breathing as we all settled down. Brad did not put his tie back on, just his shirt and jacket, and was all dressed and announced that he was really tired and was going to be heading home and Brenda told him that he would be following shortly, but there was "one more thing". Sharon walked over and turned started playing to ZZ-Top song, "she got legs", and then Brenda and Sharon grabbed their cameras and Brenda, said, "you have to get her garter off". Brad smiled and said, "my pleasure", I smiled and put down my champagne and then Brad brought me close and kissed me and then got down on one knee and then started working up under my dress and all of the material and found it and pulled it off. After he dropped my skirts he came up and had it dangling on one finger, he gave me a long kiss. Sharon came and asked Brad for it, and he handed it to her. Then Sharon handed it to me, and then my bottle of Obsession perfume. I knew what she had in mine and doused the garter in Obsession, and when I was done Sharon held out a zip lock bag and asked me to pop it in, telling Brad, "this will keep the scent so you can remember Joyce". Brad gave Sharon a kiss on the cheek and thanked her.

Brenda and Sharon smiled at each other and then grabbed the purse and said, we will be back, we need to "powder our noses". They left and Brad came over and took me in his arms and gave me a long deep kiss and it lasted about two minutes and then after we broke our kiss, I walked him to the back door and we had a long last kiss, and he told me quietly how good I was. I thanked him for a really enjoyable evening and then he said, "oh no my dear, thank you, I will be in touch", with that he gave me one last quick kiss and went out the door.

Once the door was closed, I heard heels coming down the hall and Sharon and Brenda came on either side of me and I could see that they had freshened their lipstick and grabbed my arms gently and guided me to the couch and helped me sit down, then one on either side sat down and Brenda had the satin purse that matched their dresses with her and both girls came and gave me a little kiss on the cheek at the same time. Brenda then said, "now we have to take care of the Bride, as we are your Bridesmaid's as you must be in pain". I had to admit I was, as I had not had any relief, with that, Sharon began pulling and tugging at my dress and crinolines, and I was told to hold some them and spread my legs a little. I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen and then I heard the buzzing, and Brenda had a vibrator, and said, "as maid of honor, this is my duty, Sharon has told me you can cum this way". I was desperately in need of relief and said, "yes, yes, yes". Sharon then started moving it up and down my crotch area and commented how pretty my panties were and at first it did nothing for me and then she "hit the spot", and I jumped and they both giggled, and Brenda said, "I think you found it". She concentrated on the spot and then the two of them started asking me questions about the evening, asking me to describe sucking Brad, and Stage West. Sharon was caressing my stocking covered legs at the same time. My head was back and my eyes closed and I could barely answer some of the question, finally, I cried out and grabbed Sharon's hand and felt a huge release in my latex vagina.

Brenda then gave me a kiss on the lips, and I could taste Sharon on her lips and said, "hope you enjoyed that", to which I could not answer, but groan. Sharon then grabbed my hand and said, "I have to get her out of her dress quickly before she makes a mess, why don't you go and change and I will get her out of her dress downstairs. She helped me up and then lead me downstairs, but not before unzipping Brenda and ensuring that she could have gotten out of her dress. Then she led me downstairs and quickly helped me out of my dress and she turned around and asked me to undo her. Once we were both in our lingerie, she told me to go to my room and clean up and come upstairs to say "good bye" to Brenda.

I raced to my room and into the bathroom and took off my latex vagina in the shower and a big load dropped on the floor. I grabbed a washcloth and cleaned myself up and noticed that a bunch of it had run down my nylons and garter belt. When I came out of the washroom, on the bed, which I had missed as I ran in was another box, floral wrap and a big pink bow. I opened it and in it was an absolutely gorgeous long white silk and lace peignoir, with a pure silk cover, with a card that read, "Thank you Joyce for a wonderful evening, love Brad". I decided to change into it and slipped back into my 4" white satin heels and headed upstairs to say, "good bye" to Brenda, but not before admiring the look in the mirror.

When I got to the top of the stairs, Brenda and Sharon had changed, Brenda in jeans and a T-shirt and Renee in her pajamas, then Brenda immediately commented, "my look at the new Bride on her Wedding night". Sharon made some comments as well, "looks like the same lingerie I wore on my first Wedding night". Brenda and Sharon explained that I was supposed to wear that lingerie when I went downstairs the first time before I pleased Brad but they had other ideas. Brenda asked for a picture to show Brad, as she actually bought the lingerie and Brad wrote the note. So I posed for a few pictures. Brenda then came and gave me a hug and told me that she had to leave and then went to Sharon and gave her a long goodbye kiss and then put on her coat and left.

After Brenda left, I asked Sharon if we were sleeping together, she smiled and walked up to me and gave me a little kiss and said, "no, that would not be right for me to sleep with the Bride on her Wedding night, there is something under your covers that will make you feel better", she gave me another little kiss and told me that she would see me later in the day, and I noticed the time on the clock was 4:30am!!!.

I went downstairs to my bedroom and kicked off my heels and slipped under the covers and sitting there was the dildo I was using for practice and a vibrator, both held together with a big pink ribbon. I crawled into bed and then put the dildo in my mouth and used the vibrator on my again wanting pussy. After taking care of myself, drifted off to sleep.

There will be more stories with Brenda in the future....

So here is the offer: This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Next: Chapter 3: Dress Shopping with Brenda

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