Cards in the Deck


Published on Oct 20, 2020


This is a work of fiction - names and places are elements of fiction.

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Cards In the Deck - Adam and Ben 6

So I am at home now taking care of work. I have been struggling with the Trust and with the plant, running both. My friend Erin is visiting Adam now down in Gulf Shores. He will come home next week.

Meanwhile, back to my recollections...Adam was homeschooling for the remainder of the Fall semester. I was right about the kids at his school. They were a bit vicious after the jailed father event. He played his heart out at the last game and gave Ole Miss a good show. They completed his application acceptance and scholarship. The school allowed him to home school under special circumstances and lives at Brevard with me. Social Services was sticky about my guardianship but couldn't refuse since he is 18 in 5 months. He was also working as an intern and doing a really good job. I think the distraction served him well...and kept him busy. He spent some time out with Quinn and friends and that brought little drama.

Our talks ranged daily from serious to fun. We were laying in the bed one evening and he asked, out of the blue, "Why didn't you tell me about the secret room?"

I responded, "our time was always so rushed that I didn't get into it. That's all. And, I intended to keep it a secret for security purposes." I then explained how it came to be.

"What other secrets do you keep around here?" he asked. "Seems you have a lot of secretive stuff," using finger signs for quotes, "in this house. For instance, what's behind the double doors in the living room? They're locked. And that door in your study is locked. And the door out there is locked."

"Well, it's not a big deal but the wing on the other side of the house really housed my grandparents when they got older and my grandfather used to do a lot of work in there and it's really been left as they had it. Not updated or anything and so many things need storage but I haven't had time. Come with me," I suggested and we got up out of the bed. And seriously, I thought, those Hanes boxers had to go. They had seen better days.

He followed me down the stairs and into the large living room. "You are going to love this and if so, I may open it up. It probably needs cleaning. Now, close your eyes." He did so but had this surprising grin like he was really hoping for something awesome behind those big wooden doors. I unlocked them and slid the doors open. He opened his eyes and marveled. I immediately recognized that "I'm taking in every detail" look he has when he concentrates.

The Billiard Room was long and slender with a billiards table centered in the middle. Matching colonial sofas sat on the walls facing each other. The carpet was dark green and plush - old shag was what it was. The oak paneled walls were carved with squares. There was a small bar at the end with double doors out to a covered patio on the end.

"Fuck why didn't you show me this before!" he shouted at me. He wandered around and touched everything. "I love playing pool," he said with a challenge. "Better not take me on." he concluded.

"Or what?" I asked

Laughing, he said, "after I beat you with that pool stick, i'm going to fuck you with this one!" pointing to and grabbing his package.

"Maybe that would be a fun challenge to lose," I suggested. I walked over to a door and slid it open on the back wall and there was a narrow hallway. I told him to follow me. There were 2 rooms, one had a big desk and big green leather chair, the other had a small secretary and lots of paper and books and a comfortable wing chair and sofa.

"My grandparents stayed here a lot after they sold the company. All the business files that could not be imaged are in there, and Adam, some of it is not flattering in today's environment. There was a time low level employees were not treated so well. Get me?"

He nodded. "This is all absolutely confidential. Not a word to anyone not even Quinn. Got it?" He nodded again.

"It smells old in here," Adam observed. "Why don't you just throw it all out?" You could make this a real party zone with that billiard room right there."

"And who would I entertain in this party zone?"

"Right," he said.

I took him into Grandmother's salon and showed him a prized possession. I handed a big thick book with covered pages. He opened it and looked curiously at it.

"A sample of every Christmas card my grandmother ever sent is stored in that book. Some of those cards date back to the 40's when she was very young. She saved everyone."

"Wow," Adam said looking through the book. The first Coca-cola Christmas card as well as many others were in there. While he was thumbing through the book, I told him, "you are holding an appraised asset worth about $175,000." He quickly placed the book down.

"Holy shit, why do you keep it here?" What if this place caught on fire?"

"You make a good point and it's something I am considering. She has other books with letters, birthday notices, birth announcements, what not. Every possible person who was an ally - politics, business, church, society - she kept a record. Her running this part made my grandfather very successful in his part. Get it? Not the way it is today."

Adam asked, "was Ian like your grandmother? Doing things that you didn't want to do making you successful?"

It was an interesting comparison but he was exactly right. "Relationships," I told him, " should always increase the value of your life. People don't have to be the same to compliment each other. They just have to give everything to their partner they would give to themselves. Maybe more." He was quiet on that note, I could tell he was pondering.

"Can we play pool there sometime? He asked as we walked back into the hall.

"Sure, how about tomorrow? After dinner, have that table racked and ready. Pick your stick" I sneered at him. I took him to the end of the hall and there was a narrow staircase that led upstairs. I showed him my grandparents bedrooms as they slept separately. He didn't understand that but had seen it on tv. He took in all the details and the art and the wood.

"It must have all been very grand back in the day," he said. But it's all so old now. "Antique."

"Yep," I said, "Which is why I don't bother with it. It's not the future."

We exited the wind back into the upstairs foyer and went back to bed. It was 2 am and very late. He slid in the covers beside me. "Ben," he said quietly, "thanks for showing me all of that. I know you like your discreteness but it makes me feel better living here." I rubbed his back, glad he appreciated the enormity of the gesture. He added, "what about the third floor? What's up there?" I laughed and said not tonite. It was too late. Another day.

"Adam, are you ready to see your father tomorrow? He is really anxious about you coming. Do you need to talk about it tomorrow before you go?"

"No, I'm ok. He has done everything he agreed to do. I will be peaceful with him."

"Grace will take you a long way. Lets go to sleep. Oh Oh OH, I chimed, big surprise coming for Thanksgiving."

"What?" he asked. "We are going to Atlanta to see my dearest friends Erin and Joe."

"I finally get to meet your best friend? For real?"

"Yep and it is going to be so amazing. They live in a tall building downtown."

I figured a trip away would be great and I rather needed it as well. This would be our first long trip together. Next story...

Next: Chapter 7

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