Cards in the Deck


Published on May 11, 2021


This is a work of fiction - names and places are elements of fiction.

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Cards in the Deck - Ryan Brevard 1

For those of you who followed the Beginnings/Cards in the Deck - Adam and Ben series, you may remember me. I am the 16 year old second cousin of Benjamin Brevard. Having learned Ben put our whole story out there for everyone to see, I thought I would continue the tradition. It's been a month since that trip from Alabama to Texas after Ben and Quinn handed off the Brevard House and replanted themselves in Dallas. That was an amazing journey. I was so glad to be there with them. However, I am back at school and Bradley and I have decided to push our physical relationship further. I am crazy about him and of course he's crazy about me. The feel of his lips on my dick makes me crazy! And on this weekend, Bradley and I are spending the weekend at his family's horse farm in Northern Virginia. They are out so we are taking advantage.

Bradley Fordis, my boyfriend, and I pulled into his family's horse farm, Fordis Stables for a weekend getaway. His parents and the stable managers were at a show in the Carolinas showing a selection of colts. Bradley's parents agreed for us to stay the weekend with the condition we clean up the empty stalls. It was a fair deal, we thought. The property was really nice. The lawns were manicured and given the sunny March weather, things were starting to bloom. I bet it was a grand place in the spring and summer. The house was a large sprawling thing - not east and west wing like Brevard House though. Just a big modern colonial with a big front porch. The stables were toward the back of the property. We stopped at the house and unloaded the car.

Bradley was a sophomore like myself and was very hot. He was tall, with a baseball physique. His black hair contrasted with his pale skin and blue eyes. He was a bit of a cowboy when he was casual but looked firm and serious when he was formal (in school). His family was very conservative and held religious views that put him on edge. Trying to live his sexuality and maneuvering around them was a task. While I did not feel the same need for discretion, I respected his need. I had come out to my family but hadn't said much to anyone at school. Bradley was my first. .

"C'mon, let's get our stuff unpacked and knock out the chores," he suggested as we got our small suitcases out.

I commented on how cool the house was as we entered through the front door. It was very quiet. The foyer was a big square with a staircase leading upstairs. As I glanced around, I came face to face with Jesus. No, seriously, there was a painting of Jesus hanging in the foyer. I stared in disbelief. Usually, a large grandfather or large floral arrangement. I was surprised.

"Don't gawk at it," Bradley said. "It was painted by a famous artist or something like that. Really sets a tone doesn't it?" he asked.

"Not sure what to say," I replied. We carried our things upstairs to his room. It was a nice big room, plainly decorated since he was away at school most of the time. It's how us private schoolers live. He sat down on the bed and motioned for me to join him.

"What do you think? My inner sanctum," he joked.

"With you here, it's perfect," I replied. He leaned in to me and we kissed. We kissed for a while. We had agreed up front; however, that we would have one hot night of loving after we had spent the day doing things. I was prepared. I was giving it up to him tonight. Quinn Collins, my cousin's fiance, had given me training tips on how to prepare. We want it clean, as pain free as possible, and HOT!

He led me downstairs chatting about this and that. His parents and their religious views, the business they ran, and their personalities. Bradley clearly looked like his mother but had facial expressions like his dad. He has light brown hair, a little taller than me 5'10" and lean build. Very american boy. Like Jack.

When we entered the stables, which were beautiful, I heard a horse whinny down the row. He told me how they had Thanksgiving Dinner here from time to time. The long center hall with the horses sticking their heads out of the doors made a very Ralph Lauren look, lol. The slate floors were neat and clean.

We entered one of the stalls and the horse there took two steps back and whinnied at the sight of Bradley. Bradley walked up to him, gave him a long look in the eye, and hugged the horse. And the horse appeared to hug him back. Literally! The horse dropped his head over Bradley's shoulder like a long lost brother had just appeared. I didn't say a word. Nothing to be said at a sight like this. I felt it, though. That was love right there. They say a guy who loves a dog is worth dating because he really knows how to love. Well, I was looking at the best of it. According to Bradley, this horse, Casker, and him go back about 8 years. Bradley warned me, he and Casker would go for a short ride later in the afternoon. Casker could not ride long but wasn't happy until he and Bradley did their thing out in the country. I was fine with it. He was a beautiful horse, golden brown, bright eyes, with a tapered mane, and a whisking braided tail.

He patted Casker on the nose and said, "Casker, I want you to meet Ryan. Ryan is my boyfriend but you can't tell mom and dad. Got it?" The horse whinnied to me and almost beckoned me to come closer. I approached gently and extended my hand to rub his large face.

"I didn't tell him your last name because horses don't remember last names," he said with a chuckle.

"He would remember mine," I replied. "It's Brevard, after all!" We both laughed.

"Good boy," I said to Casker. "You're handsome like Bradley aren't you!" I said as I rubbed him down. Ok so the horse was gay. He was loving the attention and was very affectionate. You could tell, though, he only had eyes for Bradley. Bradley talked to him for a bit while I wandered the stables. I could see there were 4 stalls we were going to clean. They didn't look too bad and there was little horse shit. There was an empty stall Bradley explained that was used by his sister's horse for many years. Culebra had passed a year after Ann had gone away to college. She had not replaced her since the College of William and Mary was taking most of her time. He said it was very hard, felt by all of them.

We talked and he reminisced about growing up here as we cleaned those stalls. It was good physical labor. I usually don't like doing that but this was interesting. Purposeful. Then, Bradley suited up Casker and off they went. I returned to the house to relax a bit. I was definitely going to shower. Of course, I had to do some snooping. I know it's bad manners but what the hell. He's my first boyfriend and I wanted to see if I could find anything more interesting than that painting of Jesus in the foyer. Oh, not to be disrespectful to the Lord, but I did take a picture so that I could show Ben and Quinn. I did a quick review of the bedrooms which only one of the five are used regularly since his older sister is away most of the time. The living room and dining room didn't reveal anything and the study was a mess. Lots of paper, brochures, medical books, and horse trade material.

Didn't find anything unusual. The house was not historic by any measure. Everything was modern and appropriately placed. The rooms were all comfortable. According to Bradley, they do a lot of entertaining for the business. By all accounts, this should be a family I could manage. Their views and opinions are not going to allow that though. Oh well.

I showered and fell asleep on Bradley's bed. I don't know but the nap was absolutely wonderful. I awoke to a start when I felt a big thud hit the bed. Bradley lay there beside me. He looked gorgeous. His hair was windblown and he had a dusting of sun on his face.

"Wake up, babe," he said to me in a whisper. "You sleep good?" he asked.

"How was the ride?" I asked.

"Casker was great. That's just a ritual I will never outgrow, until he does anyway," he responded.

"Mind if I take a shower?" he asked.

"You better. You smell like a horse stall," I said laughing and pinching my nose. I pushed him off me so he wouldn't corrupt me with his smell. I was dozing on the bed when he came out of his bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Holy crap," I thought. He looked so good. Letting the towel drop, he came over to me and laid down on top of me. His hardon grew quickly and I could feel in between my legs. He kissed me. We kissed hard. As he started moving around on me, pushed him back to slow him down. I didn't want to do this before dinner. I would have to shower again and this being my first time, I wanted to go slow. He understood. His cock didn't.

We went to dinner as planned. A casual foodie place just off the town square. It was a noisy place so we could talk without too many ears. We talked about the party we were going to tomorrow night but we also talked about what we were going to do after dinner.

"That's all I have been able to think about, Ryan," he said. "I mean, after all the fooling around we've done, I want this to be perfect," he exclaimed.

"What does `perfect' look like?" I asked with an analyst tone.

"You and me all wrapped up together. No ears, no eyes, no possible intruders."

"Bradley, Ben tells me guys will say anything when they're horny and I understand because I feel it too. But I prepared a long time for this, for you, and when I say perfect, I mean, not being treated like yesterday's news tomorrow. You get me?"

"Oh babe, why would I do that? We have been goin' at it since November. I haven't done anything like that yet. Why would I now?" He leaned forward, over the table slightly, and mouthed in the quietest tone, "I love you Ryan. Everyday you are all I think about. I really do." he concluded.

"Because the main event is about to be over. And we will have to decide what tomorrow looks like. Because if its all good, we should be lovers." He drew back. The word threw him. I knew it would. Not a usual word for 16 year olds. Hanging with Ben and Quinn, you get an elevated vocabulary.

Later, back at the house, after sneaking a few gulps of his Dad's whiskey, we sauntered upstairs. He held my hand as we walked up. We went into his room and fell on the bed. There was only one small lamp on in the large room which made the room romantic. He pushed onto me again and wrapped his arms around me. We kissed. He was such a good kisser. I loved that! And without a play by play, the clothes came off. We sucked on each other's cocks as we had done many times before at school. As my cock extended straight out, his had a firm curve and while it wasn't very big, it got really hard. Like, difficult to pull down hard. With lube applied to him and myself, with me on my back and my legs spread, he came down on top of me and pushed his cock into me. There was a moment of pain but it passed. He was gentle. But he knew when we clicked. He knew when he got to the spot. I had found it on my own and now he was pressing on it. I moaned loudly. He hissed into my ear. We didn't change positions or anything. He just loved me like this and it was incredible. Pushing into me, with my legs wrapped around him. I was so hard. The look in his blue eyes, those soft lips on mine. It was as close to perfect as I had hoped. He came first. It was intense but he moaned quietly in my ear which turned me on even more. He stroked me while he was inside me and made me cum between us. And there it was. My virginity swept out like those stables and my boyfriend, sweaty and hot, collapsed on top of me. A lot of thoughts went through my mind. One of which was that I hoped he didn't think I was going to be some bottom bitch for long. His time was coming and I started laughing. He asked what I was laughing at and I said, "You!" He looked at me curiously then started laughing too.

"You ok babe?" he asked quietly. "Fuck, please tell me it was good," he begged.

"It was. You did good. REAL good," I yelled. "I better not feel like some stray cat scratching on the door tomorrow," I said laughing. "It was perfect. I'm so glad it was you."

To say our hormones were appeased would not be true. We did this again at 2:30 am when we woke up in each other's arms, but it rather happened downstairs in the kitchen where we went down to get sparkling water. I wouldn't suspect anyone had ever been bent over the kitchen island getting fucked by a hot 16 year old. He told me, "your ass is amazing, babe. So fucking amazing!" We also gave each other good blowjobs that morning as my ass could not take another fuck just then. It's not like those porn stories where guys cum tons after 2 or 3 rounds. There wasn't much coming out of us with the blowjobs and in fact he said he felt sore from being hard for so long. He felt sore! "Seriously!", I said.

There was plenty of activity that day as he suited Casker up and let me ride. I was not experienced with horses and Casker knew it so he was gentle. It was pretty cool being up there but it was frightening as well. My ass was tender and I felt that while I galloped. I thought a lot about the previous night but made a conscious decision to not perform a lot of analysis about it. We had prepared for the event and it was smooth as silk, not awkward or clumsy. Today was a new day, after the fact, and Bradley and I were truly boyfriends.

After lunch, which included sandwiches and a lot of making out in the den, We drove around town and stopped by the mall. Bradley was not happy with what he was going to wear to the party so we had to pick out a new shirt. About this party...these were old friends of his that he liked to get together with when he was home. I suggested it might not be wise given that he had me on his side and we were sexually energized. He said not to worry. We would carry on like we usually did. Didn't make me happy to know it was closet time again but that's what it would be.

We showered together that evening which was very cool. I had no idea that water emphasized your sexual urges so intensely. This was nothing I had tested with Ben or Quinn. Being naked with Bradley, and feeling our bodies slick with soap and hot steamy water, kissing, touching, fingering...well we both came. It was incredible. I slipped on a black crew neck sweater and Bradley put on his newly purchased long sleeve polo and we headed to this party.

When we got there a bunch of teens had already gathered. It was a nice brick house in an old neighborhood. There was a big backyard with a fire pit where Bradley's mates were congregated with cans of beer. Some girls and other miscellaneous folks were huddled in the kitchen and were playing some drinking games. At least it was not one of those out of hand parties. I'm not a fan of those. At least, not yet.

I sat outside after being introduced to Tom, Welby, and Grant. They had all kept in touch with each other despite the private school interruption. They talked and laughed about things. They reminded each other of goof offs from summer camp and talked about new adventures. Well, I sat quietly which was apparently my station. I was, after all, "just a friend" of Bradleys from school. No one asked any questions so I didn't offer anything. The few things I did contribute were met with "hey that's cool or awesome." Ok, so I liked the Brevard Christmas Party better. There was Jack and he was a very cool friend. What I began pondering sitting by the firepit bored with the banter is that when my cousin Ben might have attended parties like these, everyone would have known who he was. Where he came from. The Brevard name would have carried its weight and Ben would have been a star. I realized at that moment that I have no identity. I don't walk into the room and everyone ooh's with "Oh wow, there's Ryan Brevard." My family money is just a small detail compared to all the other family money in Northern Virginia. I was trying to think what distinguishes us from one another. The sinking feeling came over me that instead of being in a "Who's Who" club, I'm stuck in a "Who Cares" hell.

I got out of the chair which someone took as quickly as I got out. Bradley asked me if I was ok. I said I was going to the kitchen. I whispered quietly into his ear, "the stray cat is scratching at the door," then walked off.

In the kitchen I was met by a livelier group. Some pretty dark haired girl asked me my name. I introduced myself casually. "Hey I'm Ryan. I go to Forest," I announced with some modesty.

"Oh that's great," they cheered. Everyone announced their school of which I knew most of them. We compared notes on a few other things and I preferred the sass this group had. Katy introduced me to her boyfriend, Chet, who was very cool. He and I talked briefly about stocks. He was not able to trade yet but when he found out how my grandfather set up my account, he seemed pretty determined to do the same. We exchanged numbers. When I turned to get a beer out of the cooler, one of the girls announced that I had an incredible "booty." Well I have heard that before but not in a crowded setting. I was embarrassed but pleased with the attention. I said there might be one or two other good booties in the vicinity and suggested we have a booty contest. Katy, Mel, and Tabby agreed to be the judges. Five boys lined up around the kitchen island and the judges each gave us a feel. When we turned back around, I quieted everyone and got their attention.

"Listen, Katy, after tonight, you can never run for mayor, governor, congresswoman or anything. Some guy around this island might declare that you "touched him!" Everyone cracked up.

One of the guys, Todd, said, "The only thing Katy is ever going to run for is porn star of the year on!" Ok, that really brought the house down. In the end, Chet won first place for booty and it was nice. Very nice. One of the guys said it was a conflict since his girlfriend was a judge. All three of the judges agreed, however. I got second place which was very fun. I was getting turned on too. And then, Bradley showed up.

"Whacha doin?" he slurred. "Do ya want to come back out and hang out?"

"Nah," I said, "I'm having quite a lot of fun in here," I commented. Then Chet came over and slapped Bradley on the back. "Fordis, I didn't even know you were here!" Well they had known each other casually for a long time but were not in regular contact. Bradley dragged Chet out to the firepit with him and left me in the kitchen with the girls and the other guys.

Well at some point the lights went down and the house took on a new ambience. There was a group dancing around in the family room to the music. The crowd in the kitchen had turned over a couple of times and when I went back in, I found a new guy hanging in there, by himself. I approached the cooler to get a beer - I was on my fourth and last. I was feeling the buzz. The guy was simply gorgeous. Dark hair with a cowlick on the left side. Dark eyes, thin build. Oh he would have been Ben/Quinn material. He was very fine, and mysterious.

"Hey, I'm Ryan. Having a good time?" I asked.

"It's ok," he said. "I came with a friend and she's off somewhere. I'm Greg, by the way. Don't know anyone in this clique," he said.

"I came with a friend too. It's not a bad crowd but they do all know each other."

"Have a girlfriend?" he asked and here was my chance at a little "theatre" as Ben would call it.

"Nope," I said, " Those boundaries tend to interfere with life, don't you agree? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked in return. "The girl you came with?"

"Off and on. The girl I came with is not my girlfriend. We're off right now."

"Are you off and on because you won't commit or because she won't commit?" I asked, giving him a devilish smile.

"Oh you like to get to the hard questions quick, don't you?" he quipped. "Maybe it's not about commitment but decisiveness. I am sure that if I really wanted a girlfriend, I would have one. I tend to want all or nothing. And yes, boundaries do stagnate the adventure. I have thought so many times," he admitted. I liked that, well, I liked everything about him.

It was not hard to feel how he was standing very close to me so that we could hear each other because the music was getting louder. He smelled good and he had very strong personal dynamics. He was not afraid to be close to me. I was more impressed by the minute.

He added, "It's my opinion that if people are going to get together, it should benefit both. Not just him or her. In my case, it only seems to benefit her. It's just bullshit if you ask me."

"What I find," I said, leaning in very close to his ear, "is that with a clear mind and a clean plate, you never know who might come along and give you that incredible hardon, you know, the surprise boner that has a nerve of its own. You know?" I asked, pulling away so I could see his face. His eyes were wide, and a big mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Oh fuck," he hissed. "You know how to turn it up, don't you, Mister Ryan? I'm impressed," he said coolly.

"That's Ryan Brevard, and yes, my roots stem from Alabama and we understand heat and how to turn it up," I said, taking his hand and grazing it across my crotch. He felt the bulge and he gasped. He pulled back and brought my hand to his groin and I felt a matching bulge. Oh my God this was so hot I was about to faint. Could I have gotten away with this with Jack at the Christmas Party? I got a kiss. I probably got as good as I was going to get.

I was startled when a hand slapped my back because I thought I was about to delve into Greg's mouth and suck in his tongue. I turned and saw Bradley swaying around. "Hey Runyun," he slurred. "How ya doing? I been missin you," he said, stabbing my nose with his finger.

I turned to Greg and told him I would now have to get my friend home before he embarrassed us all. Greg looked very disappointed but suggested I was a good friend to take care of my friends.

So this is the course of things because I was thinking fast on my feet and increasing my asshole status by the minute.

I led Bradley outside and signaled the Uber App for a ride. There was 8 minutes. I sat him in the grass where it was quiet. I ran back inside, led Greg, who was shocked by my surprise return, to the garage door off the kitchen. I pushed him in the garage and in 3 seconds, his arms were around me and we were kissing like tomorrow would never come. I pressed into him and he pressed back.

"You are magnificent," I said to him.

"You are clever and inspiring," he said back to me. "You have caught me off guard tonight and I like it," he responded.

I held up my phone with my number displayed and he entered into his.

"You and I will meet again, Greg," I said confidently. "It will benefit us both, don't you think?" I asked, using his own words on him. He nodded and smiled. Then I headed back outside in time to get Bradley into the Uber and back to the farm. The driver was terrified Bradley might throw up but he wasn't in that bad shape. Just slurring was the worst of it. He slept quietly through the night while I did not. My mind was racing. So in retrospect, am I better left to my own computer code or can Bradley data warehouse our feelings for a strong program? I do love him but not sure if this is Utopia for me. If his parents find out and give him trouble, it will only lead to a lot of drama.

I was going to have to get with Ben soon to go over all of this. While I was a bit out of my depth, I did love the adventure and the chase. After some review of the evening, I did learn something about drinking parties. I think the challenge or the chase, if you will, kept me more alert, on my feet, than the lull of the familiar, the reminiscence, the hanging with friends. Perhaps I have an identity to pursue. Not being a cliquish guy may work in my favor if I pursue "progress" as Ben has suggested.

The next day was quiet. Bradley felt awful on two levels. First, the hangover was dreadful. Second, losing a night with me made him feel very guilty. We certainly could have enjoyed a "honeymoon" like weekend since we won't get another like this back at school. I am letting him get over the headache before we head back. We have to be back by 3 pm. I made eggs and toast and walked him out to see Casker once again. We enjoyed the fresh air and hanging out with his horse who was quite playful with us in the training ground. At 1, we had the car packed and headed back to Charlottesville.

My next visit with Ben isn't until May. He and Quinn are getting married over Mother's Day weekend which has also turned into a family reunion in Dallas. I will sit on all of this for a while until I have my perspectives in order. A lot is yet to be seen as school will have a definite impact on our relationship. Let's see how it plays out.

More to come..

Note: Readers, there are repeated references to Ben and Quinn and Alabama. If you are not familiar, this comes from a story - Cards in the Deck - Adam and Ben found in Beginnings. It's a good story. I suggest you take a look. The Ryan series will frequently touch on that while moving Ryan's story forward. Thanks, and happy reading!.

Next: Chapter 36: Ryan Brevard 2

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