Cards in the Deck


Published on Dec 21, 2020


This is a work of fiction - names and places are elements of fiction.

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Cards in the Deck - Adam and Ben 14

It was Sunday and Phil and Margo had returned from the Governor's Christmas Party. Adam and I had a quiet weekend planning for his departure for St Luke's Academy in January. The goal here was to ensure graduation with his current GPA so that he could honor his commitment to the University of Mississippi. I wish he hadn't settled on that school but the deed was done. I think he wanted to get out of state and away from his father. In any case, St Luke's had agreed to take him for the semester as a favor to me and given the circumstances of his local image.

We were all sitting around in the Family Room conversing about the party and Adam's departure for school when Margo asked what was for dinner. Cook had not prepared anything for us as she didn't know they would be back so early. I told them I had nothing planned. Adam leaned up from the wing chair and said he was going to Tastee Freeze for a burger.

"With those crinkle cut friends?" asked Phil excitedly.

"Yes sir, nothing better," replied Adam.

Margo was up and on her way to the door. Without losing a minute, she told Phil to get the car. She was going to get her purse and we were all going for hamburgers. Phil looked at Adam and said, "Adam, go get the car warmed up. We are going to join you for hamburgers.

I chuckled. Lot a mayhem over burgers but I was game. This is where Adam and I had met and it holds good memories, and delicious burgers and fries.

Adam drove us in the old Rolls down to the Tastee Freeze. Of course Margo and Phil were greeted by some of the familiar folks from town. Adam seemed to know several of the high school kids. The place was bustling. Phil grabbed a table before they were all gone.

As we sat and ate, Adam asked my parents how they liked Naples having lived in Alabama for so long. Margo was telling us about how the families color coat their attire so they are recognizable by their clan.

"Seriously," she said, "we were at Bahamas one night for dinner and the family beside us all wore matching costumes! The ladies all wore tan and white dresses, the grandmother in a tan dress, the mother in a tan and white plaid, and the little girls in tan and white seersucker. And the men and boys were in white polos and khaki shorts. Unbelievable. And next to us, the family was all in blue! Everyone of them." She shook her head in disbelief.

Phil chimed in, "she does not exaggerate. The whole place is like that. Family reunions? Lord," he said smiling like it was very funny.

"I figure," said Margo, "these ladies have spent their whole lives organizing and color coating everything because they had nothing else to do. I certainly had no time for any of that." Phil spoke up, "Do you play chess, Adam?"

"No sir, not really. I tried to learn on the computer but I didn't have a big interest."

"I belong to a chess club and we have a great time. We play on the beaches, at the pools, anywhere really. We have a schedule of running events."

"Phil has always been in a chess club, right Dad?" I said. "He co founded the Chess Club of St Lukes and it still exists today."

"They have had some fine tournaments there. A couple of good players came out of there."

With realization, Adam chimed up, "Oh there are several chess books in the Library. I wondered who played. I looked at a couple of them. Some looked really nice with expensive covers."

"So you have perused the Library, have you?" asked Phil. He liked book readers.

"It's very interesting in there. I actually picked out a book to read. It was more modern than most. It started funny but has gotten a little...a little dark?"

"Which one?" asked Phil.

"Confederacy of the Dunces," replied Adam.

"Yes, fascinating book," said Phil. "Rather goes for the jugular, though. "I would have thought something lighter."

"I would have thought the Hardy Boys," I said teasingly. Margo laughed out loud. She has a great laugh. It's real. I always like hearing her.

I noticed this very handsome latino boy with his family sitting next to us and he was checking out Adam. And I mean, checking him out. I felt a little defensive, like he wouldn't think a hottie like Adam would be with an old guy like me. Maybe he thought he could get him a piece this afternoon. Oh I wanted to get into teenager mode real quick. When Adam excused himself to go to the restroom, the boy watched him all the way. I thought, you better put those eyes back in your head. He's mine! But, no need for me to walk down Petty Lane today.

When Adam returned, we were almost done eating. Margo was just taking her last bite as a cold breeze blew her blond hair when she said, "Why is the last bite of a good burger the best?"

"I wonder the same thing," said Phil. "I think it has to do with these crinkle cut fries!"

"Adam, who are you texting?" I asked. I know this is a casual spot but didn't want him not paying attention to the moment.

"Presley," he exclaimed.

"Who is Presley?" asked Margo.

"Nan's grandson," I explained. "They met over Thanksgiving and became friends instantly."

"Nan," said Margo slowly, looking at Phil. "That lady could cook food you would never forget. She's retired, you said?"

"Yes ma'am and loving it. Presley is a really fine boy. Apparently, he stays with her quite a lot."

"I bet he does," she sneered. "I'm sure his parents are quite busy," with some sarcasm.

"And Mrs. Brevard," said Adam, "I have the answer to your question about the hamburger."

"Go ahead, would love to hear," she replied.

"Well, it's silly, really, but my mom asked that question once and my dad said that with each bite you take, it pushes all the juices, seasoning, and flavor forward so that it's all shoved into the last bite." He looked down, and repeated to himself, "Silly."

Margo finished that last bite, taking her napkin and just wiping the corners of her mouth, you know how ladies do, and replied, "I think you have it son. That must be in."

Phil responded, "Agreed!"

Margo took his hand noticing his reflectiveness and said, "Let's hope the same can be said of us, Adam. Every bite they take out of us just pushes our best parts forward."

He looked up and smiled at her. And here we go again, can we get a group hug out here in the middle of town, in front of everyone? In front of the hot latino boy now gawking at Adam? Speaking of, I took my hand and placed it gently in the lower part of Adam's back, so that Latin Boy could see, and whispered, very quietly in his ear, "You are such a stud, you know that? I want to suck you right here right now, babe," in the quietest whisper.

I know Latin Boy saw and he knew. He knew what was what. Gawk changed to surprise, hahaha.

Adam punched me in the leg as he started laughing so hard. Everyone looked around trying to see what was funny. I have gotten him hard in public before. It's very funny to do. He has a hard time hiding it in those jeans he wears. I wouldn't push it in front of Phil and Margo, however.

We headed back to the car and back out to Brevard. Phil and Adam were committed to a football game. I wasn't committed to anything that afternoon. It was lazy day.

Adam was thoughtful to drive easy on the way back home, not like his usual style of driving. Margo was telling us she had talked to her brother Dajarn in New Orleans recently and he wanted a family reunion. We had three choices; New Orleans, Brevard Manor, or Naples. "How obvious," I thought to myself. Adam said he would love to visit New Orleans. Dajarn has an advertising agency there that does very well. They had sold the family house outside the Garden District a few years ago but he had a nice big place not too far from Tulane University.

"We could stay at the Kincaid's apartment there," I said, "if we decided we didn't want to crash his house." I rather dislike staying in a house with a bunch of people anymore. There was way too much to deal with in toiletries, sleeping habits, people in robes in pajamas, and whatnot.

"Well let's think on it. I would love to visit them," said Margo. "I know Dom would enjoy seeing you again," said Margo. Dom was Dajarn's son, my cousin. He was a really great guy. He says he is too busy to settle down. He wants to be a lifelong player.

Adam added, "and Presley wants to come see me sometime."

"Absolutely," I said. "He would be welcome anytime. Maybe this summer he could come for a long weekend."

We pulled into the drive and all headed into the house as Adam put the car back in the garage. He and Phil dropped into the family room to get ready for the game.

Margo looked at me and said she felt like a walk to help that burger digest.

She looked at Adam and said, "these days, it's either a walk and bottle of Milk of Magnesia," rolling her eyes and going upstairs to change. Adam cracked up, not knowing what to say to that.

As she came back down the backstairs, she said, "Come on Ben. You could use it too."

We headed out the Solarium door into the back year and down the path to the back of the estate.

"Ben," she started, "I'm not going to pry into how evolved this thing is with Adam and I'm not going to judge. But your father and I have our concerns. He is so young."

"I know, Mother, I know what you're going to say."

"Well, you have to give this thought. Where does it go? Where does it end? HOW does it end? It could be as traumatic for him as it would for you."

"Mother, I can't predict the future. I just had this same discussion with Erin and Joe over Thanksgiving. I agreed to take him on until he turns 18. After that, he can go or stay. He and I have discussed it repeatedly. I can't predict what happens when he goes off to college."

"Will you accept what happens when he goes off to college?" she asked. "Because, and let me add, he's a fine boy. He has impressed me over and over. He's smart, and humorous, engaged really. And, Ben, he adores you, it's so obvious."

"Mother, we didn't pursue any of this with a plan. I can just manage it day by day."

"Ben," she said, stopping and looking out over the hill, "I feel you are in a very vulnerable place. Please do not take this lightly. The level of commitment you have issued is commendable but comes with a price. Honestly, I feel, after everything else, including Ian, you are not invincible. I feel a tremor in the force."

"That's great Mother," I said laughing. "I love your pop culture references! You know Ian and I laughed for days when you told him `Do or do not, there is no try'. That was amazing."

"When planning a product line and strategy for the Now Generation, you familiarize yourself with the present. Not Charles Dickens, dear," she replied.

"But seriously, Benjamin, you have to know how we feel. When we were expecting you, we geared ourselves up for a spoiled little rich kid who would be rebellious, hard headed, and self centered and instead we got you. You were practicing the family protocols before we told you there were any. You were meeting expectations before we set down any goals. You made it so easy."

"I thought I was a bit of a prick, Mother."

"I didn't say you were perfect. Do you remember when you drove your father's Mercedes downtown when you were 16 and the lady bumped into you? Remember how she tried to sue us for a bunch of money?"

"Yes, or course, you wouldn't let me drive myself the rest of the summer."

"We expected Alabama hellfire and catastrophe to descend down us for that. Any other parents would have had to deal with it. But you went on in stride having Kent drive you all over town. So typical. I do know you snuck out in the car on some nights."

"You knew?"

"Of course, I knew. I knew everything. You know, there was a point where we thought you were a psychopath."

"What?" I asked incredulously.

"You were so self conscious, perfect, under the radar, quiet, like playing the game would bring best results. And it never appeared you cared about anybody. But when Ian came along,"

I interrupted in his defense, "He had a hard start at Brevard, Mother."

"Yes, yes I know. But when it appeared you adored him so much, when it seemed like nothing I said would separate you two, I knew, then, you had a heart and a soul. And I didn't think it would last and it did and you proved me wrong. The fact is, Ben, every mother worth her weight, prepares herself for the day, that day when it all goes wrong, hurt feelings,.failure, disaster, scandal. And she readies herself to swoop the day."

"Swoop Mother? You would swoop?"

"Stop mocking." She looked me in the eyes and said very directly, "as well as you may manage things, as Adam has so indicated, even you have a weak link somewhere. You have made it so easy for us thus far, but I have waited for that day to be ready and I will continue to wait. When we lost Ian, I sat by that phone for weeks waiting for the call that you just couldn't go on and I was ready. That call never came. But you know this, and I will not have to repeat it...You are My boy, always have been, and I will SWOOP in at a moment's notice... for you. Do you understand?"

Being somewhat speechless, and feeling somewhat intimidated, I replied, "You may have just done so, Mother."

"What do you mean," she asked.

"Nothing, let's go back. It's very cold out here."

"It is," she agreed. "When we get back, would you mind mixing me up a large Whiskey Sour?"

"Not at all, Mother."

"Fix yourself one if you are so inclined," she said, gripping my elbow as we headed back to the house.

We got to Christmas Eve without issue. Margo had her Christmas Tea and the guys went shooting. Adam is not a bad shot but he is impatient. Kent was snarky with him and that's something I may have to address. Kent is a sour puss because I'm not readily available to him. It's his own fault for not finding somebody for himself. There may have been a day for us but he refuses to live in the mansion because of some pride thing. So, as long as he wants to be a player, he will spend holidays alone. That's not Adam's fault by any means.

Adam came into my room while I was showering. I asked him what he had planned and other than hanging out with Quinn, not much. I told him dinner was at 7 and we would leave for Christmas Eve Mass at 10. Had to get there early for a seat. The Cathedral would fill up quickly.

I'm not going to church, just so you know," Adam said.

"Well, yes you are," I replied.

"No, I'm not. I don't do the church thing you know. The last thing I'm going to do on Christmas is go to church and listen to some sermon about Jesus condemning the sinners and that crap."

"Well, it's a Mass and there isn't much of that. Besides, it's our..."

"Tradition? I know. And so is your dinner. I bet it's the same menu for like forty years!" he snapped.

I got out of the shower and dried off, realizing he was being quite serious.

"Listen, everything has gone off without a hitch so far. You're going to make one today? Seriously?"

"Ben, I don't have to do everything. This is not my family. Remember? Maybe I want some space!"

"Well let's go down and explain to my parents that you have elected to skip church on Christmas Eve.'

"What a fucking cop out!" he yelled at me. "You think hauling them into it is supposed to change my change? Motivate me differently or whatever? Fuck that!" he said heading towards the door.

"Adam," I said with specific intent, "Christmas is tomorrow and unless you want to change the direction of how that goes, I really need you to fall in line with this. Got it?"

Bang! The door closed behind him. Well that was fun. I got dressed and headed down the backstairs when I heard the side door close. Adam was heading to the back drive to get his truck.

He was about to speed past me when I stopped him. He rolled down the window and said ,"What?"

"Hey, I know that spending Christmas with other people sucks. I know this is different because of your dad and stuff. I am sorry that it must be so much work trying to deal with all this and Margo, and school and everything. It's more than you deserve..."

"But," he tried to interrupt.

I put my finger up to hush him, "but whether it's a tradition or not, Adam, whether it's expected or obligated, whatever I am required to do for family traditions, I just love having you by my side. I want you there for all of it just so I can see you, hear you, hell, even smell you. It makes it all worthwhile for me." I rubbed my finger along his cheek as he looked on, then I etched my finger up his face and stuck it in his ear. He cringed and jerked his head and laughed.

"Dirty trick," he said. "I'll be back later," he said, driving on.

He was back at 6. Fortunately, he wasn't drunk. He headed upstairs and changed into his blazer and khakis. He grabbed my green and blue striped tie from the closet. Excellent choice, I thought but I didn't say a thing. He put on an excellent show at dinner. And yes, we had beef tenderloin, stuffed potatoes, and Cook added some shrimp since Adam loves them so much.

We had a bit of fun at dinner when I asked Margo if she was pushing her button under her foot to no avail. She laughed and said she was pumping it like the brakes on the car. Adam asked what we were referring to. I told her Margo had a button under her foot that rang into the kitchen to announce to the servers that we were ready for the next course.

"When I was growing up," said Margo, "my mother would just yell, "Next!" she said, her and Phil cracking up with laughter.

Adam said, "Really? A button? Under your foot? I have to see. Please excuse me, Ma'am, but I don't want to crawl between your legs."

Margo got up and said, "good thing because I'm not wearing my riding boots tonight!" Phil loved that one. Adam dropped to the floor and pulled up the rug slightly to see the buzzer planted there on the floor.

"Oh my God," he exclaimed. "I have seen everything now. Holy moly!"

Everyone took their seats. "That was put there by the second Mrs. Brevard who was very intent on formality. You see, Adam, not all the women who married into the family did well here. They came here marrying wealthy men but became disenchanted when they found out the house is what we call a hard stop. No redecorating, no personal branding. It was fine for me because I didn't care about redecorating houses and such fluff. I had a business to run. I needed the study, the front parlor, the south parlor, and the dining room. It gave me a huge vantage point for entertaining the Bank's clients and other executives. And yes, I have used this buzzer a number of times."

"But Cook doesn't come running anymore," I added.

"Well, we haven't entertained like that in a long time."

"Should we get ready for Mass?" asked Margo, as we finished the Chocolate Gateau.

"Adam," said Phil, "it would be an honor if you drove us tonite. Do you mind?"

"Not at all, Sir. Thank you for asking."

Back on track and I sighed a big relief.

The Cathedral was packed. It was a huge social occasion for everyone in the town. There was an Anglican Priest presiding who was really very elegant in his lessons. The music was gorgeous. No expense was spared in the Cathedral decorations. Phil and Margo enjoyed the meet and greet of the evening. It was a lovely night.

On the way home, Margo commented that she thought that "O Holy Night" was really fetching with the harp. Adam surprised the hell out of me when he spoke up and said the 8 guys who sang Ave Maria were amazing. "I knew two of them," he said. "They were a couple of years older than me. I didn't know they sang like that. Amazing." he concluded.

"So are you" I thought to myself with a mischievous smile I could see in my reflection of the car window.

"Agreed," said Phil. "Men's voices in song are regal at best."

Adam let them out at the side door and they said good night. We parked the car and walked into the house.

"Ben, I'm so sorry about this morning. I was a jerk, a real motherfucker. I am so sorry," he said.

"Yep, that you were. But we got our arms around it and I think it's ok now. You feel better?" I asked walking into the South Parlor. The gas logs were lit and the gold lights on the tree were gorgeous in the dark. I put on the old stereo in the cabinet and we stood by the fire. Adam took off his coat. He got behind and put his arms around me. He started doing a little sway behind me, almost like a slow dance. He whispered in my ear; that the night was so special.

I turned to face him and his lips caught mine before I could speak.

"Adam, look," I said and he put his finger up to hush me.

"No talk right now, Daddy. I got something for you." He pulled me in close and put his arms around my lower back and waist. He gave me the real kiss, heads tilted, lips sucking lips, and this went on for a few minutes. He was charging and I could feel it. By the time he had us undressed, and believe me, he did all the work, I felt rather exposed being in that room with just a fire. He pushed me toward the couch and as I dropped down it, he dropped to his knees and took my raging cock into his mouth. He gave me just enough head to make my head spin. So this wasn't the full blow. Then he pushed me sideways onto my side against the back of the couch. He crawled beside me. His chest looked broad, his nipple was right at my mouth, I sucked one in and he cooed. He positioned me up just a big so that our heads were level. I got one of my legs over his. He scooched his crotch up between my legs. He looked me in the eyes. He brushed some of my bangs on my forehead. My head was tilted downwards and he eased his face over mine as he started kissing me. His rock hard cock needed no guidance toward my ass. It found its destination and started easing in. Adam gave some push. With one hand under my head cradling it and another wrapped over me and with both my arms wrapped around him,. He ficked me. No, he loved. No, he devoured me. It was just his hips doing the work. I was locked in place. He just found this spot and head of his cocks curving into me so perfectly kept touching both as he pushed and he pulled. I could only moan and breathe and sigh. There was no dirty talk. This was not really a fuck. I don't know what you call it. Then I pushed forward and his face became the on the bottom. We kissed more and he got a better angle on me. I was feeling every bit of pleasure could feel with his cock lodged in my hole. And as this went on, my face on top, then his on top, I told him I needed to cum. He stroked my gently as I didn't need much then I said, "Stop, now." He let go and my cum shot out naturally while his cock continued to caress my insides. It was an immaculate experience. Best orgasm I have had in a long time.

"Fill me up, Babe," I said with urging.

"Going to now," he said in a high pitched voice and I felt it. Fuck did I feel it. He was like a fire hose drenching the fire he started in my body. The warm cum first show, then spurt, then oozed into me. We lay like that for a bit. Whatever his goal had been, he achieved it. He was the man tonite. And I told him so without uttering a word. I took a bit of my cum that was puddled on his tummy and swiped it with my finger and took it to his lips and spread it on them like a cheesy dip. He licked his tongue around his mouth and I nodded.

"Take me to bed," I said. He got up then helped me up. We collected the pile of clothes and slinked up the stairs to my bedroom where we climbed in silently. He was big spoon tonite. I couldn't formulate thought around this experience. It was indeed something to recall. I would cum again in the morning, thinking of this night, while he fucked me from behind in our spoon position. This boy was on fire.

As we eased downstairs in preparation for Christmas, ew heard Margo and Phil getting up as well. It was around 9 am. I turned the television on. A Christmas Story was playing so I left it there. A fun movie. Love, Actually is actually my favorite.

After we had coffee and cinnamon rolls, we gathered in the family room. Gifts were exchanged on a casual basis. Adam got some new clothes, jeans, shirts, what not. Underwear was covered off on Thanksgiving:) Margo opened a package containing a bottle Maison Francis, some exclusive perfume. Phil got some novetlies and some new ocean shoes. Sand and shells were hard on his Alabama feet.

Adam doled out his gifts to us. And before we begin, I had nothing to do with any of it. This was all him. First he handed Margo a package wrapped in red and gold paper. When she opened it, she found a necklace with a star like piece with an aquamarine set in the center. The piece was sterling silver and the aquamarine was cut beautifully.

"Hey, where did you get that?" I asked with surprise..

Erin and I went to a really cool vintage store in Atlanta where he helped me pick out some things.

"It's so beautiful," said Margo hypnotized. "It's heavy. Nice quality. And the gem is stunning. Gracious, Adam, this is far more than I could have asked for. Some readers from Walmart would have sufficed! Really, absolutely gorgeous."

"I hoped you like it. I know you wear a lot of red, but based on that picture on the mantle, I think blue is very nice on you too," he said bashfully.

"Wait til you see what I'm wearing at lunch!"

"Oh blue is a winner, Adam. Nice work son. Hopefully, I get something blue so we can start matching for dinner at Bahamas!" said Phil. That was funny, we all got a laugh.

"Not happening today, Mr. Brevard," said Adam. He handed him a medium size box that seemed rather heavy wrapped in gold shiny paper with a red bow. Phil opened it enthusiastically and out came a black marble King chess piece statue, which was stunning. You could tell it was vintage but not a chip on it. Phil was silent for a bit. Then he shook his head.

"Adam, I don't know what to say. It's incredible. I saw one similar once when we were abroad and I didn't want to ship it home. I absolutely love it. But you didn't know I played chess, did you?"

"Erin warned me. I found that in Atlanta as well. Christmas shopping with Erin will be my yearly protocol, just so you all know," he said laughing. So flirty.

"Be my guest, Adam, I will pay for the trip. Margo, we have ourselves a personal shopper!"

"Agreed," said Margo. "Excellent taste and a good eye if I do say so." She was still holding the necklace and admiring its gleam.

He handed me a box that looked like a piece of men's jewelry. "Ben, please forgive me if I went too far here. It's kinda, well, personal, and I just hope I didn't do something wrong," sounding like he was pleading.

The package was a blackwatch blue and green wrapping with a burgundy ribbon.

"I love the package just as it is," said Margo. "Who did these for you?" she asked.

The lady who lives next door to my old house. She is a wrapping champion and saw me downtown one day and asked if she could help me with anything. She was always super nice to me."

"I may need her services, Adam, be sure I have her name and number. She does amazing work," said Margo.

I slowly opened this package and found a watch. First glance, an old watch. Second glance, a familiar watch. I squenched my face and thought and I held it up silently. Margo and Phil eased over to the couch and Phil looked down on it. He quivered.

"Your grandfather's watch," he said. He looked toward the window in thought. "I haven't seen this watch in many years." Looking at Adam, he asked, "where did you come by this?"

"I remember it Dad. It was in Grandfather's things in their rooms back there. Last time I saw it, it was dirty, tarnished, and had a cracked face. Didn't tell time."

"Correct," said Adam. "And again, I'm more frightened today than I have been the whole time. I found the watch and saw that it was a Rolex and must be valuable so I took it to the jewelers downtown and asked them to fix it. They wanted so much money. I couldn't afford it. So I went to Newells where you bought me my blazer and asked him if he knew anyone and he did. He had a friend who repairs old watches. So he cleaned it, put a new face on it, and told me it was the winder that was the problem, not the mechanics so he replaced the winder."

I was at that moment putting the stunning timepiece on my wrist. I was so moved to have such an heirloom. Phil quivered again. "Son, it may sound tacky to say but we are very lucky you didn't run off and hock the thing. However, you took something old and broken and brought it back to life; brought it back to us. It's a treasure. Undoubtedly," he said. "God knows what it's worth," he concluded.

"Around $50K to the right buyer. Pre-Commander, 1950's," he offered.

"Damn," I said. "Damn."

Margo jumped in, "clever young man," she said. "Phil, I thought you all sorted all the valuables back there. How did this go unnoticed?" she demanded.

"We only went through the women's jewelry. We never got around to the men's."

"I'm really sorry if I started something here. I just wanted to do something special,"

"Quiet son," said Margo directly. "Phil, you and Benjamin have got to go through those rooms."

"I'm keeping the watch," I said. "It's all mine. You can call Uncle Blake and tell him to forget about it."

"I don't think we need to tell Uncle Blake anything," said Phil. "We will sort out the items back there and see if there is anything worth reporting before we return to Naples."

"There are cufflinks, too," Adam said. "I bet they are valuable."

"From all over the world," said Margo. "Phil, get this done."

"Wait," said Adam, "you have to save something for me to give next Christmas!"

"Adam, you have done well to make us aware of this oversight. It was very thoughtful, and rather clever to find a way to get this repaired," said Phil. "Very thoughtful."

"Mr. Newell wanted me to buy you a bow tie. He said he has this one that you need," said Adam.

"I bet he does," Phil laughed.

I grabbed Adam's arm and pulled him from the room while Phil and Margo plotted the sorting of the west wing.

"Adam," I said, "this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and it was right here under my nose, and it was my Grandfather Brevard's!" I took him by the arm and pulled him close and whispered in his ear, "I love you like today was the last day," and I kissed him full on the lips. "Now," I said, " you have scored big today, but I am determined to take the prize!" Leading him back into the family room, I sat him down on the couch.

Margo pulled a small box from under the tree, certainly not wrapped with the flair of Adam's gifts. I handed him the box. Adam, this comes as both luxury and necessity. I had the family's permission to grant you this and I want to say Merry Christmas to my best friend."

He took the box ceremoniously and opened the box. Inside the box were the keys to the Tahoe and the title.

"I don't understand," Adam said. "The keys are right by the back door where I can get them anytime. What..."

I said, "look at the title."

Title read Adam West, Vehicle Owner.

What ensued after that cannot be described. There was a loud cheer, then a laugh, then some tears.

"Adam," I said, "it's five years old, we have depreciated it and that little truck of yours isn't fit for purpose for much longer. Sell it and put the money away. You have to buy insurance for it when you turn 18."

"I have never," he said with tears. The hug came fast and hard. Without shame or reservation, he grasped me with all his might. Phil and Margo took off to go upstairs and bathe and get ready for lunch.

"What's for lunch?" Margo asked before departing the room.

"Gumbo, with fried oysters and a salad. Cook is coming at 11:30 to set it up!" I yelled to her as she ascended the back stairs.

"Come on, Phil. We need to get ready. I can't wait," she said to Phil pulling him along.

"Ben, I don't know if I'm up or down. I think you're about to get rid of me then you give me a car. Is that to help me get out faster?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"All the secret walks and secret talks. You don't think I notice? I know Erin and Joe had a lot to say and fuck knows what Margo has been saying to you. I'm going to dump you the first change I get. I'm going to demand a bunch of money, right? Im heading off to college to meet college guys and fuck their brains out. Right? C'mon, you can tell me." he dropped onto the sofa exhausted after his tirade.

"Adam, my friends and family are concerned about the level of commitment I have made to you in a short period of time. No one is telling me what to do. No one has dominion over what I do. They fear that I could get hurt if things don't last forever. It's no bearing on you at all. It's no different than what you and I have discussed." I took a breath, "in fact, the affection my mother has shown you was getting to me because she did that to Ian too. I never felt that kind of affection and Sunday she told me why. She just wanted me to know that if anything ever dragged me under, she was there to pull me back up. It was so meaningful. I just have never had that kind of time with her. It was amazing."

"You're not throwing me out?" he asked.

"With an ass like that, you're not going anywhere!" I said.

"Be serious! I have been terrified after my tantrum yesterday. That's why I pushed so hard last night to put my claim on you. I needed you to know I don't want to go. I love it here. Really. And I love you. And not because I need you. I was in love with you before I needed you."

"I am glad you feel that way, lover but you don't have some claim on me. Sounds like a bad western porn! You got me. You got me til you can't stand it anymore. You got a tahoe," I said with a grin. He grinned back, "oh my god," he said. "Thank you Ben. He hopped up to head out to the garage to check out his new ride.. I have to show Quinn this afternoon. He is going to die when he finds out!"

"Hey," I interrupted, "what am I into Erin for?"

"$225," replied Adam. "What did you think? I would Phil a bow tie and Margo some romance novel?"

"You have to promise to be careful with that vehicle," I said. "Don't make my greatest gift be my worst disaster. Got it?"

"Oh yes, Daddy. I have to be here everyday for you," he winked and ran out the door.

So that sures up my car problem. Adam gets the depreciated Tahoe and the guy picks up the Maserati right after New Year's. Time to start sorting things out myself.

Margo and Phil will leave tomorrow. In fact, Adam and I will drive them to the airport ourselves. Then we have to get the property ready for the New Year's bonfire he and Quinn have planned.

Needless to say, Adam and I both got some ass that Christmas night. We couldn't get enough of each other. I went to sleep with the face of my grandfather's watch staring at me from the nightstand.

Folks, this is as good as I can recollect. A lot of conversations, revelations, history, and whatnot. Happy holidays to you all, thanks for reading, and feedback is always welcome! Take care and please be safe:)

Next: Chapter 16

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