Caravan Park Speedo Boy

By Gayspeedoguy

Published on May 24, 2011


Hi guys, here is another story about Jamie and his experiences as a young man in North Queensland. I hope you enjoy it. There are a few more stories to follow this one, please email me and let me know your thoughts so I know if you want me to keep writing.

3 days before Christmas on 1992 I turned 15 years old, my mother decided this was as good an excuse as any to pack us up in my grandparent's caravan and head to the beach for the summer holidays. We did this every few years and it always went the same way. We would stay at the murdering point caravan park at Kurramine beach 40 minutes south of Innisfail in Queensland and take a spot in between the toilet block and the pool. The van park was built for parents with a few concessions for the kids just to shut us the fuck up. It boasted the only pub in the small town including a restaurant and poker machines as well as having live music every Friday and Saturday night. Luckily for us kids it also has a pool and a ping pong table. I would spend my time reading books on the beach, walking to the shop to buy lollies and talk shit with the other kids in the park.

The day of my birthday Mum asked a group of my friends from school to come to the beach for a BBQ but being 3 days before Christmas only three were able to make it James, Paul and Cameron. When they arrived with their folks I played host showing them around the park leaving the best for last, the pool. As the parents sat in the shade of the tree beside the caravan I took my mates for a walk along the beach as we had an hour to kill before lunchtime. We walked about 20 minutes up the beach towards the river and talked shit about what we all had been doing over the holidays. Paul and James had been hanging out at Pauls place listening to music and smoking cigarettes while Cameron had spent all him time with his Mum helping her clean other peoples houses. Cameron didn't know Paul and James very well so he didn't say a lot, we had fooled around a few times by now and I found myself thinking about him all the time so having him at the beach was awesome.

After a while James and Paul seemed to have worked Cameron out and were trying to include him in our conversations but he didn't seem to want to get involved. I couldn't work out why, the guys were nice! I thought maybe he was horny because he didn't talk much when he had a boner and just waited for me to notice and make the first move. By now we were sitting on the sand talking so I took the opportunity to have a look at Cameron's "basket of goodies" he was wearing a nice dark blue "Triple J" T shirt with hot short black footy shorts and thongs. He was sitting on the sand with his arms behind him propping him up, his legs were spread just enough for me to be able to see his familiar blue speedos. I knew Cameron from high school and as I said we had fooled around a few times by now. The boy knew what I liked, I had told him about my interest in lycra the day we first fooled around and all of a sudden he started wearing these blue speedos as jocks all the time. Let me tell you nothing turned me on more than Cameron's huge cock in those little tight speedos. Looking now he didn't seem to have a hard on but when we made eye contact he looked away. I assumed he was just nervous forgot about it.

By now it was about 12:00 and I thought we should be heading back for lunch. We raced each other back to the van park and I won with ease, I suspected James and Paul let me win as they were on the swim team with me and worked out a lot more than I did at the time. When we got back to the van the oldies were still all sitting around talking so we decided to go for a swim, we all grabbed our swimmers and went to the toilet / shower block to get changed. When we walked in the place was empty Cameron walked into one of the stalls to change but James, Paul and I just stripped off and put on our speedos, We were used to getting changed in front of each other as we had been doing it for months now.

James was your normal boy next door, about 6 foot tall, brown hair cut in the "curtain style" that was big at the time. He had a few under arm hairs by then (I was very jealous) and had the start of an awesome swimmers build. He always wore very skimpy speedos with what looked to me like spaghetti straps on either side holding the front and back together. The front of his red speedo was working very hard to hold in his dick. They were so tight that you could see the outline of his cock and the heftiness of his balls that had been getting lower over the last few months. I knew from changing with him so many times that his was cut.

Paul was a different story, he had light red hair, was short and still had some baby fat on his belly. He had short stumpy finger and freckles all over his body. When I first met him I wouldn't have given him a second thought until I had the opportunity to see him in his speedo! He wore the same kind as me, mid cut but in many different colours. Across the front holing in his cock was white, pink, orange and black in lines running in the diagonal. Where the colours joined was a seam holding the pieces of Lycra together. On Paul the seams where stretching to hold his cock in, he was 15 like me but he had the cock of a 20 year old man. When we walked around in those speedos girls could not take their eyes off him, neither could some guys, me most of all. He was criminally straight and was fucking a girl (or two) from our high school, I had heard a rumour that he had given his 8 inch man meat to some chick at the catholic school and busted her open and made her bleed like a stuck pig!

Cameron came out of the stall in the same shorts but no t-shirt on. I was disappointed that he didn't take the shorts off and show me his speedos but I guessed he would go with the shorts as he was a little funny about his body. He had no reason to feel self-conscious about the way he looked as he was a good looking guy. He had shaved red hair but no freckles like Paul. He was very slim, although you could see his ribs he didn't look sickly, he just looked like a nice 16 year old (his birthday was a week before mine) his legs were his 2nd best asset. Years of riding his bike around the cane farms out near his house had given him two of the strongest legs I have seen in my life. At the top of his legs were the black footy shorts. If you don't know what footy shorts are, they are made from a nice black nylon material and are quite loose on the body, this allows them to sit very well on the curves and bulges of the wearer. They were very big in the 90's in my high school thank you very much Innisfail State High School. I knew from experience that Cameron had a 10.5 inch cock when it was hard and about 6 inches when it was soft. As you can imagine he looked very good in his footy shorts.

Once we were all changed we grabbed some towels from the van and went over to the pool. On the way over to the pool we walked past a group of girls a few years older than us and noticed when looking at us, who could blame them? We were a group of good looking guys! I was just under 6 foot tall myself and had been growing my hair for a few months, thankfully it was to the point that I could tuck it behind my ears now and was just about able to tie it back in a ponytail. I still didn't have any body hair to speak of but was developing a nice swimmers build from all the practice I had been doing since moving to Innisfail from Melbourne. I had my black speedos on that were starting to get a little small since my balls started dropping but I loved the way they looked on me. I had cut the lining out to show off my bulge even more so I was happy to strut my stuff past the girls!

When we got to the pool Paul, James and I jumped into the pool but Cameron stood on the side of the pool looking down at us "are you coming in dude" I said, wondering what was wrong with him. "Yeah man, hang on a sec" He said. While I looked at him he very quickly slipped off his footy shorts leaving just his speedos on and jumped into the pool. Right away I was a hard as a rock, yeah the other guys were hot but seeing the blue lycra straining to contain Camerons cock was too much for me. Paul and James must have seen it too because I heard James say "Damn" and Paul just nodded in agreement, I knew they were both straight but it the shock of seeing such a big bulge on a 16 year old guy that gets them every time. By the time he came up we had moved on and got down to the important business of splashing each other and trying to see who could do the biggest bomb dive! Every time Cameron got out of the pool to have a go my eyes would be glued to his tight blue speedo. I would then have to try and get my cock down again so I would be able to have a go myself.

After about Cameron's third time another guy came into the pool area, he was about 20 years old and had a towel wrapped around his waist. He had sandy blond hair to his shoulders and a tattoo of the sun on his forearm. He had a little bit of hair on his chest and some on his legs. As I stood in the pool looking at him he made eye contact and dropped his towel, he held the eye contact with me but I was dying to have a look so I dropped my eyes long enough to see him in a nice pair of yellow speedo's he had a nice bulge in his speedo but not as nice as Cameron's or Paul's so I looked at his cute face again, "Fuck" I thought, he was still looking at me and smiling. He caught me! I took the fact that he was smiling to mean, either he didn't catch me, or he didn't mind me looking. I know I don't mind when either guys or girls look at my bulge so I guessed this guy was the same. He didn't say anything, just turned around – showing his hot bum – and climbed down the ladder into the pool and stood facing us in the water.

Not long after the new guy arrived Mum and the other oldies showed up to start cooking and we all had to show them how good we were at bomb diving, this was met with approving cheers from the folks while we showed off our mad skills. All the time the new guy in the pool just sat there watching, we didn't take a lot of notice of him but I noticed that he was paying particular attention to Cameron when he got out to show off his bomb dive. I couldn't blame him, I was getting a good eye full myself. After a while the showing off got a bit much with having to climb out of the pool all the time that we just stayed in the pool splashing each other. Paul's Dad was cooking the BBQ and it smelt awesome, we had all been expelling a lot of energy so we were very hungry and jumped out of the pool as soon as mum said it was ready. The four of us boys sat at one table while the old sat at another. * *I sat on one side with Cameron while Paul and James sat on the other side we sat talking shit and eating the great burgers Mum made and Pauls old man cooked. We forgot about the other guy in the pool.

When we finished eating we all got up and went to jump back in the pool but James's Mum yelled out to us that we had to wait for half an hour before we could get back in the pool. The oldies cleaned up and went back to the van while we sat on the edge of the pool with our feet in the water. As we sat talking I noticed the guy in the pool was leaning against the wall of the pool on the other side looking at us, his gaze went from one bulge to the other. I knew how he felt, I often found myself doing this at the local pool myself! Once our 30 minutes was up we all jumped back in the water and went back to splashing each other until their parents came back to the pool and told them to go for a shower. Seeing it was my birthday I decided to stay in the pool for a while longer, I was enjoying myself and liked having this random guy cheeking me out. As the guys got out they all thanked me for having them and wished me a happy birthday. When the others left Cameron hung back for a sec and said "I was thinking of asking mum if I could come back after Christmas to stay for a few days, what do you think?" with that thought my eyes wondered down to his bulge, he still had the speedos on and was looking awesome, I noticed a twitch in the bulge and said "Fuck yeah man, I hope she says yes". He winked at me and wrapped himself in a towel and left.

I watched Cameron walk away watching the muscles in his back while he walked and thought about how good it would be to kiss his back all over. I was deep in thought thinking about all the stuff Cameron and I could get up too next week if he was allowed to come back to the beach when the other guy in the pool finally spoke to me. "Hey mate" He said "Happy birthday!" I turned around to him a little startled and replied "Thanks mate" I was a little embarrassed as I was sporting a big hard on under the water. "I'm Kevin" he said with a warm smile. "Hi Man, I'm Jamie" I replied. "How old are you today?" When you are 15 you're very proud to tell people how old you are but now days I don't like it so much. "That's cool man, I remember being 15, I had some good times with my friends at that age!" He said with a grin on his face. "How old are you man? I asked. "I'm 21" he said with a proud smile on his face. "I'm thirsty man, how about you?" He asked. I hadn't noticed until then but I was parched myself. He asked if I wanted to back to his motel room for a drink, without thinking about it I said I wanted it.

The van park had about 20 motel rooms in two stories overlooking the pool, Kevin and I climbed out the pool, grabbed our towels and walked out of the pool area and towards the motel room. He stopped at the bottom of stairs and said, "I'm up here" I walked up the stairs in front of him and could feel his eyes burning through my speedo. This was a trick I knew well, I used it myself a lot at school, I would stop at the bottom of the stair and `look for something in my bag' and wait for a little hottie to walk up in front of me. At this stage I liked where this was going! When we got to the top of the stairs he led me into the room at the end of the veranda. He hung our towels over the back of the chairs and went to fridge. "What do you want man?" he said, "I got Fanta, Coke, Beer and Rum". At that age I had never had a drink in my life but I didn't want him to think I was a little kid so I said I would have a beer. "Good choice Jamie!" he said with a glint in his eyes. He grabbed a couple of beers and sat on the chair in front of me.

"You're a lucky man Jamie, that friend of yours Cameron had a great body, you fooled around with him yet?" I didn't know what to say, how did he know? I sat there looking down at the ground. "Its ok man, I just noticed how you were looking at his bulge, I don't blame you, he has a big cock for a kid". I felt that I needed to defend him, at that age being called a kid was one of the worst things out! "He's not a kid, He's just about a man, he's 16!" "Sorry Mate" Kevin Said, "I have never seen a cock like that on a 16 year old man, how big is it?" By now I was proud of him again, "Its 10 inches when he is hard". Cameron sat there looking at me, "Fuck me, mine is only 6 inches, do you think that's too small?" "Not at all" I said, "Mines the same size". I noticed Jamie was looking down at my speedo and taking in every detail of my bulge, I decided that due to what was unfolding in front of me it would be ok to have a look at his. I was glad I did, he was showing a good tent in his nice yellow speedo and could tell that he had cut the lining out of this speedo too. He must have been leaking precum at the moment as there was a nice wet spot at the tip of his cock turning the yellow speedo see through. I was able to make out the head of his cock and the eye at the top, the semi I was growing started to grow looking at that site.

Kevin was looking at my bulge and said "Wow man, you're so pretty, I would love to see your cock" I didn't say anything, my mouth was very dry and my hands were shaking. "Can you take it out for me man?" he was breathing funny, just like Cameron did when we fooled around. I still didn't say anything but reached down and took my dick out. My speedos were so tight that my dick was pushed up the side of my speedo, I took it out but left my balls in. I sat there, with this guy I had only been talking to for about an hour and slowly pulled on my cock. Kevin sat there with his mouth open looking at me playing with myself, after a few seconds he reached into his speedo and pulled his own cock out. I was surprised to see he did have any hair around his cock and I guess he noticed the look on my face because he said "I shave my pubes man, do you like it?" "Yeah man" I finally managed "it's cool".

Kevin and I sat there across from each other slowly waking our cocks watching the other. I loved watching him, as his cock was cut he rubbed his hand from the base of his cock to just under the head. I started leaking some precum and he said "Dude, can I have some?" I couldn't talk again so I just nodded. He reached over and took hold of my cock with one hand to pull down my foreskin and used the other hand to wipe off some of my cum. He took his hand back down to his cock and rubbed it all over the head of his own cock. This was the hottest thing I had ever seen, seeing this stud rubbing my precum over the head of his cock was more than I could handle, I closed my eyes as the familiar wave of passion come over me. I curled by toes and started pumping my teen cock harder and faster, just as I was about to cum I felt my hand being taken off my cock and felt a hot moist feeling over the head of my cock, Kevin was going to suck me off! He was a bit late as there was no holding back now. Kevin knew what he was doing, his tongue was slurping all over the head of my cock taking me to heaven and back.

After a couple of seconds I shot a load of teen cum into Kevin's eager waiting mouth. After I had cum I opened my eyes and saw Kevin sitting on the floor with my cock still in his mouth slamming away at his hard dick. My cock started to go down but he still had it resting in his mouth, he wasn't licking it or sucking it anymore but just had his lips over it. After a couple more minutes he let it drop out of his mouth and closed his eyes, he shot a load of cum on his tummy and chest. When the last rope of cum was out he laid back on the tiled floor and rubbed it into his chest. "Wow man, that was awesome" he said smiling up at me "you wanna come back over tomorrow for another go?" "Fuck yeah!" I said. He got up and said he was going for a shower so I got up, put my cock away and grabbed my towel. I left and went for a shower in the parks shower, I was worried about going back to the small van smelling of beer and cum so I had a nice long shower before going back.

I did visit Kevin again the next day and again the day he left, when Cameron was at the park with me but that's a story for another day.

Hope you enjoyed the story! Send me an email and let me know - **

Next: Chapter 2

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