Car Wash Man

By Nick

Published on May 15, 2000



This story is true only the names were changed and some details altered to protect the people involved. It involves Teen --Adult male to male sex so if you are under 18 PLEASE DO NOT continue.

It further chronicles my adventures as a teen.

See also My Cousin's Husband and I (also on Nifty -- Gay -- Incest)

As well as Sarge, Butch his Dad and I (also on Nifty -- Gay -- Incest, Bestiality and Military)

When you live in Brooklyn there are many types of neighborhoods ranging from the high end to the tenements, Greenpoint is one of those areas that fall into the tenement category. It also was where I lived. Our block was made up of a series of 6 family houses. Each house had 3 floors each floor had 2 apartments each apartment was made up of 4 rooms. From the street you went down a very long corridor to enter your apartment. You entered the kitchen. If you were lucky you had your own bathroom in your apartment or else you shared with the people that lived next to you. We had our own bathroom. The kitchen then faced the back yard. The rooms were called "RAILROAD" Rooms since if you stood in the kitchen and faced the street you could see the next three rooms one after another. In our apartment the living room went next, then my room (I had NO windows) and then my parents bedroom which faced the street and had the only other set of two windows in the house.

Our next door neighbor Bernie just died a few days after my 18th Birthday and his son Rocco a 32 year old ex-Marine took over his apartment. Rocco was one of my many heartthrobs. I lusted after him from the first day we met when we moved in when I was 11! I loved to see him in his uniform! He was 6' 3" tall he had light blond hair and hazel eyes, he wore his hair a bit short and had arms of steel. His smile could melt the coldest ice cube! His hands were huge and his legs were long. When he wore his uniform his pants only accented his tight firm ass. Rocky as the guys on the block called him just came off a 10-year stint with the Marines. He also just got divorced a month before his father died and they had no kids. But he loved kids, I loved it when he'd start a stick ball game with us or bring us to the park to shoot hoops! It was on the basketball court that I really went ga-ga over him. His body was so well formed he looked like Charles Atlas or the new guy Arnold what's his name? He worked out and belonged to our local YMCA. I loved bumping into him there especially in the locker rooms or the sauna. It was there that I caught a glimpse of his perfectly chiseled body and his 8" soft man-meat! But the reason I'd swoon over him was his tattoos!

Rocky had on his chest and American eagle wings spread out, facing left an American Flag on its chest with its legs dangling out from the bottom of the flag. His left arm had the traditional Marine Banner, his right arm had the rose and banner that read MOM. On his right forearm he also had a panther with red blood pouring from its nails. On his back he had his ship which seemed to jut out. On his left leg he had a snake whose head was a bit below his knee and tail wrapped itself around his leg and ended just below his ball sac! Being Sicilian his olive complexion set off the tattoos real well. He now had a "goat-tee" which other then pubic hair and under arm hair was his only other hair patch. He was smooth as silk!

Now he lived next door and I would have to wait and time my visits to the YMCA with his. If I could play my cards right I could have him.

My mother and father provided the right time and place without knowing it. They were going to Atlantic City for 5 days and I'd be left alone. They further made it easier for Rocky and me to be together as they told him to keep an eye on me while they were away just before they left on Friday morning.

All day Friday I thought of a million plans to get Rocky in my bed or his! I came up with one but would it work?

I slept in my parent's bed while they were away so I could enjoy the light waking me up and the gentle breezes the windows would provide. I woke up to the sounds of water and singing. I looked out the window and there was Rocky dressed only in cut off white sweat pants with just white socks and sneakers. "There is a God!" I thought to myself!

I opened the window more and greeted Rocky with the most enthusiastic "Good Morning" I could muster. As he was washing his car. I stood there watching him and his muscles ripple with each pass of his hand as he was gently rubbing down the car. I watched as his leg muscles tensed as he stood on his tiptoes to get the roof of the car. I looked on in awe to see his biceps firm up as he washed the hubcaps in a circular motion. I gazed at his firm ass as he squatted as he got the rear and front bumpers. I popped a boner when he's just stand there arms at right angles digging into his waist as he stood like Superman just admiring his work!

"Good Morning, Tommy -- just get up? I had no breakfast yet want to join me?"

"Sounds great -- give me a few seconds to get ready and I'll even cook it!" I responded.

"Game it'll give me time to go in and get cleaned as well."

Our showers were back to back and as I got in so did he I had to get rid of this boner I didn't want him to see it yet! So as we were both in our showers I imagined him here in mine and I slowly lathered up my hairy body which was such a contrast to his. I let the soapsuds descend to my now throbbing 9" boner that I now held in my hand. I slowly stoked it in an even rhythm. I let the palm of my hand caress the head as I once again would grab the shaft and pull down on my skin to the base of my hairy cock. I let my other hand play with my balls grabbing them and pulling them away from my body with each upward stroke then I'd cradle them under the warmth of the shower as I once again wend downward. I'd get some cream and rub it around my ass as I'd play with my hole and never lost a beat of my jacking off! I'd pretend I'd be holding his and before long I came. We finished our showers at the same time. I put on my gym shorts and an athletic t-shirt and wore my sandals.

I heard Rocky knock at the door as I finished setting up the table for a Ham and Eggs breakfast.

We sat and ate Rocky was in loose white linen shorts and had on a form fitting jet black t-shirt with capped sleeves. He had on his dress sneakers and no socks.

I couldn't believe it here he was just a few feet from me I wanted to grab him but with his demeanor I was scared of him as well. I didn't want a sock in my face or to get hurt!

I took a deep breath and decided I had to get my plan in action.

"Hey, Rocky can you do me a favor? We have to keep it a secret between us. It has to do with my going to college this September." I jutted out.

"Sure but what's so secretive?"

"Well I'm sure you must of heard about Frat Houses and the shit they pull on their pledges well there's a House I'd like to pledge to in the Fall and they gave me an assignment to do. I need your help in getting it done."

"O.K., Tommy you got my curiosity up -- what's it involve?"

I asked him to wait until we got the breakfast dishes done and asked if we go to his apartment.

With them done he was waiting in his living room for me. His living room was where my parent's bedroom was facing the street then came his bedroom then a dining room and the kitchen. So when I knocked he said: "The door's open just come in!" I did.

"What ya got there, Tommy?"

"My Polaroid Camera and some film."

"What do we need that for?"

"Well you know when I was younger I acted professionally and modeled -- right?"

"Yea my ex saved the Sears Catalogue you were in -- go on"

"The Frat House found out about it so they said since you were Mr. Hot-Shot-Model we've got a great idea for a pledge for you. Bring us back 36 pictures of you modeling in the nude for us. We want to see you model like the girls in PLAYBOY, make sure your face is in every shot. No pictures no pledge! So Rocky can you see my problem? With my mom and dad home and no buddies my age I'd trust who else could I turn to?"

"Well I am pretty good with a camera. This is a bit strange so how do we start?"

"First we lock the door and pull the blinds. Then I'll strip. I know how to pose so you only have to snap -- O.K.?"

"O.K. Let's begin!"

Good I figured if this is how Rick got me to do him why not try it on Rocky!

Rocky who never paid as close attention to my body at the local YMCA's locker room was suddenly forced to look at me, access me and figure out why we were really doing this.

"Hey, Tom I never noticed your body before you're pretty well defined yourself. You have a pretty big one too and such a big ball sack!"

We snapped away and by now I tried every trick from dancing to shaking my ass in front of him to spreading out my cheeks, to laying on my back and holding my legs up so my ass would spread apart. I leaned over chairs and lay on the dining room table. I could begin to see it was working the bulge in his white linen shorts was growing so I had to go in for the kill. I began to stroke my cock and got it hard as a brick. Pre-cum glistened out of the head and I used it to shine the head and shaft. I then took some of my saliva and rubbed it on the cock head as I forced my cock backward towards my ass hole. I rubbed it on the hole. I then heard the camera stop clicking!

"You're getting me hot, Tom I need to get this shirt off!"

Rocky removed his shirt and I could see the sweat he worked up moving around me as I posed for him! Sweat was sliding down his brow and sweat worked its way around his firm tight erect nipples!

"You're good at this Tom. It's a sin there's no equivalent to PLAYBOY for women, I bet they'd pay a lot to see men do this!"

"Why don't you take your shorts off too, Rocky get real comfortable after all this is your place?"

"I have nothing on under them, I don't wear any underwear." I knew this from our times in the Y but I wouldn't let on. "Go on we're both MEN right?"

As his shorts came off up shot a rock hard 11" dick it pointed up at a 45 degree angle! Rocky wasn't embarrassed though.

"There now we're both hard! Tommy do you know why I left the Marines and got a divorce?"

"No, Rocky I don't (I didn't, we were so innocent then) why if I can ask?"

"Cause the Marines found out I was gay! Funny they found out at the same time I did!"

"Gay!" I felt so stupid here he was admitting he was gay and this thing could pay off and the only thing I could say was `GAY' what a dolt!

"One night my sergeant took me out to an all hours night club in Arizona and we got a bit drunk and he took me home. He said let's take a shower, I'll make some coffee and we'll sober up! But he didn't mean separate showers. He got me in the shower and as we lathered up he handed me the soap and a rag and said do my back. I did and I found it so sensual that I popped a hard on right there! Sarge could feel it! He turned and said see mine? He was just as hard. He was at least 12" or 13" and uncut! He took the soap from me and began to do my chest and my arms and my waist as he moved down to my legs he let the warm water of the shower glide down my hot body and wash away the soap. He then squatted and took my cock in his mouth and played with my balls with one hand as the other caressed my ass! It felt so good! (We were both stroking our meat by now!) I couldn't believe a man could make me feel this way. He was so gentle yet rough where he needed to be. He knew my body better then I knew my own! He knew just ther right spots. We dried up and he led me to his bedroom, as we were on the bed he turned his body so his cock was near my face as he sucked on mine. I had to see what his would feel like in my mouth. I grabbed it and then I licked it like a lollipop! He said good job! That made me want to do more I took his massive meat in my mouth slowly ever so slowly and was amazed I could get him all in. We kept up a great rhythm and he came in my mouth it was so sweet yet a bit salty the taste was nothing like I ever had not even my wife's cum! I wanted more. He told me to lie on my back -- then he faced me and after putting saliva on his ass and my cock's head he gently slid down on my hard pulsing cock. He rode me like the rocking horse machine back at the bar! I kept up the rocking motion and before long I came inside of him! We saw one another several times after. But one time he introduced a new young Marine trying to make it a threesome -- the "new" young Marine turned out to be an insider -- the squad was looking to get rid of Timmy (The Sarge) and needed the goods. He didn't know I'd be back at the apartment too so he had to turn me in as well. My wife found out and we divorced quietly. The deal I made with her was to never tell my family. She agreed and we parted as friends!"

By now I sensed the pain in his relating the story and I was behind him and hugging him and massaging his chest.

"Do you know how hard it is to be gay in a neighborhood like this? Wait what am I saying you must you're gay too, Tommy?"

"Well would a straight guy be doing what I'm doing to you? Would they be kissing your neck and caressing your chest? Would they just strip like that in front of you and fondling your cock?"

He just stood there, then he grabbed me like I was a sack of potatoes and threw me on his bed. He caressed my face with his hands as he kissed me all over. He tongued my right ear then sucked in my right ear lobe. He then slid his tongue down my neck to the small of my neck and licked it hard and sucked it. He let his tongue continue down to my right nipple, no so very erect and twirled his tongue around it in a circular pattern. His hands feeling my arms as he had me lie with then almost pinned to my sides. Rocky grabbed my hands in his and played with my fingers as his hot moist tongue went down from my nipples past my belly button to my hot pulsing cock. In one quick fell gulp he took my whole cock in his hot mouth. He let go of my hands to be able to hold my cock back as he took one ball at a time in his big wide mouth. It hurt but felt great! Then he threw my legs over his massive and firm shoulders as he made his tongue form a cigar and thrust it into my ass and out then he'd let it go flat as he licked and twicked my ass hole. His hands still caressing my arms and ending the caress with holding my hands as he played with my fingers. I felt so faint!

He let himself rise off my ass and he reversed the process, this time ending up on my mouth. We tongue kissed as if it were a contest to see who could pull the tongue out more and more of the others mouth. His massive muscular body was all over me and it surprised me that it hardly weighed anything against my jogger's frame. I now managed to turn him over. I began to lick each of his tattoos one at a time. I tried to use my tongue as if it were a pencil as I traced each line. I held one nipple as I sucked the other hard I took almost all of his pecs in my hot mouth. Then I licked the American eagle, flicking my tongue in and out for each 50 stars in the flag. Rocco was silent he just smiled and stood there. He propped his head up using his arms as pillows, which accented his massive muscles! I worked my way down to his cock and I thrust it into my hot moist eager waiting mouth! I pumped it for all it was worth. I used my tongue to split open is piss hole as I then twirled it over the glans then the head. Using sucking only to pump it up and down. I licked his cock, which was as fat as a beer can and full of veins that pulsed with each pass of my hot tongue. Rocky sat up as I was down on my knees on the side of the bed trying to grab every bit of his cock.

Rocky pulled me back into the bed as we assumed a 69 position him sucking my cock while on all 4's as he face fucked me with his. His movements were getting stronger and stronger and there was a point I felt his cock was like a drill and would come out the back of my head. Then he went very gentle on me and got more and more gentle. Then he cried out: "I'm cumming, Tommy, I'm cumming!" He must have held back for weeks since he came so much I swallowed him dry. I wouldn't let him pull out of my mouth I wanted to get him to be weak! I watched him as he squirmed and ticked and moved like Jello on a plate. He kissed me and moved over to his night stand and pulled out a jar of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly and began to rub it on my cock and then his hole. "Tommy I just made your dream come true now you're going to make mine come true -- FUCK ME, Fuck me HARD! You are the first person I know I can trust! Please do me!"

I mounted him facing front to front his legs in the air, my first time doing it this way! He said He wanted to see how his wife must have felt when they fucked.

He was so good, his hole let me a bit at a time and then his sphincter muscle took my cock in deeper and deeper. We rocked back and forth and built up a strong bond. We worked like a hand and glove. His ass then tightened up on my cock and felt like a hand just grabbed my cock. He was playing with is nipples and I was admiring his tattoos. It looked like my cock was killing the snake that ended in his groin area and that made the fucking more fun. He pulled me in deeper and deeper and the heat from his ass was rising. It took over the heat coming from my own cock. I began to do more of the work as I was now getting very excited sweat was pouring down my face and with each smile Rocky gave me it made mw want to work more.

I finally exploded and I think I matched his load, he let his legs down slowly and cupped my cock in them to hold my cock in his ass longer!

We lingered in bed for about an hour in each other's arms. Then we showered! Rocky said to me: "Your parents said I was to keep an eye on you right -- so why not sleep with me every night while they're away? What a better way for me to keep not only an eye on you but my body as well!"

As we were drying up he turned to me, laughing and said: "By the way what was the name of that Frat House anyway? Wasn't it you who told me you'd never pledge after you got accepted to college?"

He was right so up till today I wonder who played who?

I saw him quite often till he moved back to Arizona after Timmy offered to be his "room-mate"

NEXT Story: Size Doesn't Matter

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