Captured Swimmer

By Sir Speedo

Published on Oct 26, 2021


GENERAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual situations between adult males involving various aspects of the kink and fetish communities. If you find material of this nature offensive then you should not read any further. All characters in this story are over the age of 21. If you are under 18 years old in the US or under 16 in the UK you are not legally allowed to read this story. This is purely a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to any events that may have occurred, are purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. Nifty does not exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories, please donate here:

CONTACT/FEEDBACK: I enjoy getting feedback and talking with fellow kinsters. Feel free to message me on Twitter @speedolover14

Captured Swimmer 2

I enter the basement the next morning. Caleb is right where I left him: Bound naked and spread eagled to the bed. A sheen of sweat covers his body. His muscles glistened beneath the dim basement lights. His cock is still raging hard, and the vibrators quietly hum.

I saunter up to his bound, sweaty body. "Good morning boy." I smile. "I'd tell you 'rise and shine' but..."I tap on his hard cock. It bounces slightly. "But you're already up!"

Caleb gasps as I tap on his sensitive cockhead. The vibrators have stimulated his cock all night. His head and shaft are slick with sticky precum. His heavy breaths echoed through the empty basement.

I gaze down at his midsection. His cock drips a clear string of precum onto his defined abs. The young athlete teeters on the precipice of an earth-shattering orgasm... Perfect.

I remove Caleb's gag. "You must want to cum so badly huh boy?" I sneer. I trace my fingertip from the base of his cock, to the very tip of his cockhead. I cradle his swollen balls in my hand; they're laden with cum.

Caleb gasps. His body swivelled (lurched) between exhaustion and arousal once more. "P-please just let me go, this is twisted."

"Hmm... Alright boy. How about this?" I remove the vibrator from his cock and tickle his shaft. His cock bounces in response.

"I'll let you go, and you'll live your normal life as a student jock, just as before."

I grin. "But in return..." I twirl my fingertip around his cock head.

"You won't be able to cum unless I let you."

Caleb's eyes grow wide. "What?!"

My fingertip grazes Caleb's exposed cock head. My relentless teasing keeps him right on the edge of his orgasm. "Got a nice, big load. Don't you, boy?" I tease.

Caleb growls. "And what if I refuse?"

"Well, who knows?" I grin. "If you say no, I might just keep you here. So you see? I'm doing you a favour."

I slide my hand across his sweaty torso. "If you keep your part of the bargain, no one else will know."

His breath quickens. "That's insane. You're insane."

"Maybe." I grin. "But I also know what you want."

I grip my hand around the base of his shaft. I glide my hand upwards towards his cockhead before letting go. I grip the base of his shaft again... Glide upwards... Release.


Glide upwards...


"Gghhh..." A gasp escapes Caleb's lips. His resistance is crumbling. His body is an open book to me. His heavy breathing. His flexed muscles. His pulsing cock. Before he knows it, his hips begin to thrust forward into my hand. His pent up body dances beneath my fingers.

I relish at the sight. I lean into Caleb's ear. "Listen to your body. It knows what it wants." I continue with my slow upward strokes.

"F-fine..." He gasped.

It took every ounce of willpower in his body to resist. But finally, Caleb surrendered. "I'll do it."

I grin. "There's a good boy."

I unveil a small, clear, plastic device from the table beside me, and hold it in front of Caleb's face. "Can you guess what this is boy?"

"One of your weird sex toys?" Caleb asks.

"More like an anti-sex toy" I smile. "This is how I'll make sure that you'll only cum when I want you to. "

Caleb jolts up. "What?!"

"This is a cock cage. It's a kind of chastity device." I smile. "I bet you can already guess how it works."

"Don't worry." I grin. "I'll honour my part of the agreement. And this is how I'll make sure that you'll honour yours." I fetch a pail of ice water.

"Come on man." Caleb moaned. "You don't have to do this."

I dip my hands in the water and grab some ice cubes. I rub the icy water over Caleb's cock and balls. The sudden cold shocks Caleb's shaft. For the first time in twelve hours, Caleb's cock softens and shrivels.

"P-please stop. It hurts..." Caleb gasps.

I grin. "I'll let you rest soon. Don't worry, boy."

I attach an electric cock ring to the base of his flaccid cock. Then, I fit the studded plastic cage over his softened shaft, pushing his cockhead all the way to the end of the enclosed tube.

The clear, plastic chastity cage is lined with small, rounded studs on the inside of its tube. Just enough to prevent Caleb from getting hard.

click I lock the cage in place, and remove the key. Perfect. I tap my fingernail against the plastic tube.

"P=please... Take it off..." he gasped. Caleb's balls felt heavy and sore. He could feel his cock against the plastic as it warmed up.

I grin. "I'll take it off the next time we meet. Until then, you'll just have to keep it on until the next time you visit me."

"You can wear it under your speedos." I continue. "Don't bother trying to break it. I made sure it was indestructible."

"And don't think about trying to tell someone, or else..." I gesture towards his wallet and a video camera on the side table. "I'll be sure to make you miserable for it."

Caleb sighed and closed his eyes, resigned to his fate. "Fine. Now let me go."

"Good!" I grin.

I pull his speedos up from his ankles, sliding them over his clean-shaven legs, and covering his caged cock. With everything secure, I tie the drawstring up, and tuck the string into his waistband.

"I'm going to give you back your wallet, but I'll keep your cards for safekeeping. When you wake up, you'll be in your bed, just like a regular weekend."

"Wait! Please!" Caleb pleaded. "Just give me a price. What do you want instead of me? Who do you want? Anything..."

"Hmm... interesting." I muse. "You would sacrifice a friend to free yourself?"

"P-please..." Caleb pleads.

"Hmm.... let me think about your offer." I smile. "I'll do some shopping around. Who knows boy? You might get replaced." I sneer. "But until then..." I tap on his plastic-encased shaft. "I'll settle for this."

A look of fear covers Caleb's face.

"I'll leave you my number on your phone." I say.

"Do not ever call me. I will call you."

"And if I send you a text message, I expect you to obey. Understand, boy?"

Caleb turns his face away from mine. "Fine," he mutters.

I smile. "I'll be watching you closely. If you perform well, who knows? I might give you a reward."

I press a button on a remote, causing his black cock ring to vibrate.

"Aaggh..." Caleb moans as his cock pushes against the plastic cage. "S-stop..." His growing cock expands inside the cock cage, and the rounded studs dig into his cockhead and shaft.

I grin. "But if you try and rebel...."

I press a second button on the remote. A small electric shock stings his cock and balls.

"AAGGHHHH!!!!" Caleb struggles against his bonds. "STOP! PLEASE!"

I release the button. " Understand boy?"

He waits for a minute. But finally he sighs. "Okay."

"Good boy." I smile. "Now enjoy your weekend. I'll be in touch." I press a chloroform-soaked cloth over his mouth and nose. "Goodnight boy."

"Mmpphh..." and he passes out.

I take the sleeping locked boy back to his house. His driveway and house are empty. I carry him to his bed, still clothed in his speedos and place him under the covers. I place his wallet (with his cards removed) on his desk along with his phone.

Finally, I place a small package under his bed. Something for next time.

"I'll be in touch." I say to no one in particular. And I exit the way I came.

Next: Chapter 3

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