Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 15, 2021


Garth and Yakov led their captives off to bed. Garth, knowing of how tricky wolf could be, normally would have tied his wrists, and perhaps put a loose chain on his ankles to keep him from trying anything. Having derrick as a prisoner meant he didn't have to do that. If wolf tried anything, there would be retribution against derrick immediately - and wolf knew it. So, when Garth tied his wrists that night, it was solely to assert his power over his old adversary, the same way he taunted them after he had the muscular man in bed. He began by gently teasing his ear and whispering

"Nothing has changed you know wolf. I know EVERY single way there is to control you. I can best you in hand to hand combat- that hasn't changed. " He nibbled wolf's ear.

"And I still find you the most attractive sex slave I have ever had."

"I AM NOT YOUR SEX SLAVE GARTH!" Garth only laughed as he reached down and squeezed wolf's balls until he winced. "Really? Was that not my cock inside of you yesterday, after you BEGGED for it." When wolf tried to curl up and didn't answer , Garth answered. "If you would like, we can have another round of submission. I'm sure you still remember that glorious day when you became my property." wolf remembered the day. He just didn't think of it as glorious. He felt Garth's hand move to his left pec - the more sensitive one, and moaned.

"AH. You know wolf, your son's left pec is more sensitive too." "DONT TALK TO ME ABOUT MY SON GARTH. LEAVE HIM OUT. THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND I" "But we CAN'T leave out your son , wolf. He is , in fact, the whole impetus for this. I am so sorry I had to be the one to let you know about your son's predilections.... He and Yakov... OH, would it not have been beautiful to watch them consummate their pleasure - right in your own house! "YOU FUCKING BASTARD GARTH. WHY ARE YOU TORMENTING ME LIKE THS?" "Ha ha ha. Because it makes it so much fun to physically dominate you. And you SHOULD in fact know about your son."

derrick's journey had been a confusing one. With a father who was a semi-legendary SEAL, there seemed to be no other options for derrick BUT to join the SEALS. It was up until then that he didn't understand his desires: women held no interest for him and, for that matter, neither did men. derrick had one love: the gym. And training. When he was accepted as a SEAL, it was the best day of his life. He met Yakov at the training camp when he began his six months of intensive training. It was at the end of it that he would test to see if he qualified.

For the first two weeks, they all lived in a bunk style arrangement. The instructors would pair them off into different living quarters after they had information on their first two weeks of training. The theory was : if you put the men ranked 1 and 2 together, and then 3 and 4, etc, they would push each other to get better. Number 2 would try to become number 1, which would in turn push number 1 to work harder. It usually worked.

After the first two weeks, derrick had the highest marks. Yakov was close behind, and was actually number 1 in a few areas. They became rommates for the rest of their training. derrick couldn't help watching Yakov: Yakov walked around the house naked much of the time, and derrick couldn't help looking. Yakov would notice, and smile. derrick would go to bed, and dream about Yakov. He dreamed about Yakov being in bed, on top of him, keeping him pinned down and... he always climaxed before he got to the sex part, but his crush on Yakov was palpable.

Then, one afternoon, when derrick was studying a building plan they would be tested on the next day, it happened. They were supposed to develop an assault plan which would put the fewest lives at risk. Strategy took more effort from derrick than standard strength work and he was concentrating hard. That's when he felt Yakov's hand on his shoulder: warm, strong, masculine.

"You need a break derrick. Just an hour from the studying." derrick reached behind and put his hand on Yakov's. He looked up, curious. "What did you have in mind, Yakov." Yakov smiled. "Stand up. I'll show you." When derrick did, Yakov kissed him. At first, derrick didn't try to get away. Then he did, but Yakov was holding onto him. "YAKOV. This is WRONG. " Yakov smiled. "Then why is your cock so hard, derrick?" and the blond boy blushed red as a beet. "It's not wrong. Come with me." He took derrick to his bed, and all of derrick's suppressed passion came out. That was the day he lost his virginity. Yakov was careful, gentle, and knew just what to do to bring derrick's desires out. They made love for nearly four hours. They had to hurry to show up at mess hall: you didn't necessarily have to eat, but you had to be there. It was part of the discipline. The next night, derrick moved into Yakov's bed.

Now, here so far away from derrick's home, Yakov was unleashing his own suppressed passion. He didn't just WANT derrick: he wanted to DOMINATE him, to own him, to hurt him if he had to. He was gonna turn this handsome, blond boy, always the alpha at SEAL camp, into his beta. And he was on his way to doing it. He knew that by watching his alpha father broken, little by little, derrick was breaking too. He'd have what he wanted. It was just a matter of time.

Garth had to restrain his urges that night. It had been so long since he had felt wolf's body next to his, that he wanted to be in him all the time. But he needed to wait: there was the "game" the next day: both wolf and derrick were going to get fucked, while each saw the other taking dick. Garth smiled in his sleep. There was nothing he enjoyed more than fucking wolf, but humiliating him was a very close second. And he WOULD be humiliated being treated like a woman, especially in front of his gay son.

He and Yakov brought their bitches to the dungeon room. Bare chested and wearing camouflage fatigues, derrick and wolf were ordered to the floor, facing each other. "Plank position gentlemen. You both know what it is. " The men looked at each other. They had no choice. Once they were on all fours, they felt their pants being pulled down. Each tried to look away from the other, but the drawer was too strong. Then it started. Garth had a bit of a plan. He remembered, from years ago, how much Garth liked being finger fucked. He lubed up his index finger, and slowly twisted it into his bottom.

wolf's moan was one of pleasure, not pain, and he backed into the finger, trying to get more. He realized what he had just done , and part of him tried to pull back, but the desire was too strong. derrick tried to look away, but Yakov pulled the collar he had put on him, directing his head forward. "WATCH YOUR PIG OF A FATHER BITCH. HE'S ALMOST AS MUCH OF A PIG AS YOU ARE." wolf was going to try something, but then he felt the second finger. "OH GEEZ GARTH . STOP. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS IN FRONT OF MY SON?" Garth laughed "So he can see that blood runs true." derrick heard the line and he began to think "Dad knows." He couldn't think much though, because he felt a vibrating toy going into his ass: Yakov liked using the vibrator: it stimulated derrick to the point where he was usually at least as hard as Yakov himself, but Yakov controlled whether he got release or not.

This time, Yakov didn't push the vibrator into derrick. He moved it around his hole, as he reached under and just tickled derrick's cock tip. wolf, seeing this, was trying to control himself as Garth's two fingers moved back and forth inside of him. He wanted to get away, but he also wanted Garth's cock, in equal measure.

He didn't get away. Garth had reached a point where he couldn't wait anymore, and he plunged into wolf. For a minute, wolf forgot where he was, that his son was in the room and yelled "FUCK YES" as Garth began to take him, with almost robotic motions. derrick tried to look away, and Yakov pulled the collar again. "IF YOU DON'T WANT RAWHIDE YOU CUNT, YOU LOOK. YOU LOOK AT YOUR PROUD ASS FATHER." Then derrick felt his own Dom's cock entering him, and he almost yelled exactly the same thing wolf did . Garth looked up and smiled at his son.

"Like horseback riding together, huh, son?" "Sure is. Hard to tell who's got the prettier ride though. Know what we need Dad? Next time we need riding bits in their mouths. Give em the REAL sense of what they are... BREEDING STOCK." He shoved one more time and began shooting into derrick. "GET ON YOUR BELLY BLOND BOI" derrick whispered "yes sir," as Yakov fell on top of him and began chewing at his ear. "I got more planned for you. I'm just LOVING seeing you become a first class bitch slave." Garth was taking more time with wolf. Older, he moved more slowly, but he also wanted wolf to feel it . And he was. "Look at your dad's erection derrick! Look what I'm doing to him." derrick looked and he wanted to look away. His father's cock was rigid, in front of him and he was moaning. He was moaning as if he liked it . Then he saw Garth take the final push and flood wolf's ass. "SAY THANK YOU MANCUNT!" Garth yelled. His father winced, but responded. "Thank you Sir. Thank you." derrick felt Yakov pick him up by the back of the neck. Then he felt his arms getting pulled behind him. "Gonna keep you nice and still, while your dad... gets relieved." Garth was sitting on his father's chest, forward so that he could see derrick. He began sliding his hand over wolf's cock. "LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!" derrick yelled, and felt the grip tighten. "Easy handsome , easy" Yakov's hand snaked around and teased his nip. "You're next don't worry." derrick squirmed, and struggled, but he couldn't do a thing. Neither could his father, who suddenly yelled, and shot a load so far, it caught derrick's chest. Yakov saw it, and picked it up with his fingers. He put it to derrick's lips. "LICK IT. Taste your father's jizz. It's either that or you're gonna be tasting his cock again." A cry came out of derrick, as he slurped the jizz from Yakov's finger. Garth looked at his son. "Empty him too?" "Not yet, abba. I want that later. After.... well, I'll say no more." "Very well. The two of you: clean up this mess. Then you'll get showered. We'll give you a few hours to each other, before we play our pre supper game. " wolf looked at derrick. They knew what they had to do, and got on all fours, to start licking up wolf's cum. wolf gave derrick a look that derrick well knew. It was the "we have to talk " look. Since he knew that their captors were very capable of bugging any room they were in, he just bent down and continued to clean up the floor.

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After wolf and derrick had showered, guards took them to the "common area" as their "hosts" called it. There was a lounge, with music and television - although the television stations were all local and in the local language - books, and a gymnasium that was fully equipped over to the side, and an entrance to a courtyard.

"Why don't you spot for me son? I feel like I can use a little muscle burn." "Sure father." derrick smiled. Some of the best talks they had had were in the weight room, usually with derrick spotting for his dad, or wolf urging derrick to just push a little harder. derrick had listened. In the days before he had left for SEAL camp, he was still handling less weight than his father. His father had encouraged him. "Ya develop those muscles when you get older son. You'll do it. Just keep at it." Now, as his father got on the weight bench, and picked up a barbell. wolf weight about 160. He could chest press 150 easy, but he started with 120. There really was no need for derrick to spot him, but it was a ritual. "So, son... these thugs are telling me things about you that I didn't know." derrick began to stutter "like what Dad?" (It was very rare that derrick used "dad" instead of "father," and it showed how nervous he was). "Well... Garth has told me, more than once, that you prefer men to women. True?" derrick was silent for a few minutes. Then he answered "Yes father. I didn't tell you . I'm sorry." wolf saw his son's face and put down the barbell. He got up and embraced him. "Hey. No apology from YOU. Damn, I shoulda figured it out. I shoulda paid more attention. I'm the one who owes the apology. Gay, straight, whatthefuckever, you're the second strongest person I know." Weeping, derrick asked "After you Dad?" wolf laughed. "No. You got me beat by a mile. After your mother. She stronger than the two of us together." "I feel bad Dad. I think my being gay got us into this?" "Oh, that's ridiculous. Why do you think that? "I was fooling around with Yakov when we were both in the SEALS" "Huh? You think he did all of this because he wanted you?" "Yes father." A big sigh escaped from wolf. "We DO need to talk, and not in the gym. Let's go outside. " They found a bench near the side of the enclosure. They sat, and wolf put his arm around his son. "You know, maybe twenty some odd years ago, I was part of a mission here. Garth's father was the warlord. He was, let's say, extravagant. That's where I met your mom. She was one of his father's sex slaves. Well.. the mission went south. Four of us weren't killed, and after they brought us here, Garth's father sold the other 3 off to other warlords. I never saw them again." He stopped and looked down at the floor. "He kept me. He said I was his son's type. " He paused again. "I was. I was his prisoner for four months. The first time, he raped me. I fought like hell. Didn't do me a damn bit of good. And he took me every day after that. Sometime with torture, sometime not. Then one day, he said "I need your submission. I need you to totally submit. I know you're a man of your word. If I have that, I'll be happy." "No way I was gonna do that. So he tortured me. He tortured me for two solid days. Almost non stop. I hope I never see the goddamn pinwheel again in my life. I couldn't take it. I gave. I surrendered." "Father, I have questions. I have so many. If you surrendered, how did you get out." He shook his head. "One of his guards, slipped when he was at agra one day. He mentioned the American prisoner. A spy heard it, one thing led to another. See that door over there." He pointed to a door in the wall of the enclosure. "They blew it out when I was out here, I just ran. I ran like hell. Last thing I remember was Garth yelling "YOU SURRENDERED. YOU BELONG TO ME WOLF AND YOU ALWAYS WILL." "So...." derrick began to speak. "He saw my relationship with Yakov as a chance to get you. " wolf smiled. "That's right, son. " He paused. "So I guess we got into this mess together, and we'll get out of it together. Promise." derrick smiled for the first time. "I promise Dad. I won't let you down." Then his brows knit together. "But ... but Yakov. Yakov is Garth's son, right? Is that real?" "Oh yes, it's real." But..." Now wolf got up and walked around. "This is going to be very, VERY painful derrick. But it's important you hear. Remember when I told you Mayumi was Garth's father's sex slave?" "I do Dad." "She was the prettiest one. And his father was NOT happy with Garth preferring men. So he sent Mayumi to him one night. What Garth didn't know, was that if he didn't perform, his father was going to have him killed. Mayumi did though. Your mom's smarter and more compassionate than any of us. She did what she needed to do and.... "Dad... are you telling me that Yakov is my half brother?" wolf looked the other way. "I had no idea that you were doing anything sexual with him. I didn't know you were doing anything sexual period." "Dad... does HE know?" "I don't know son. What I know is that Garth knows. And he's blissfully and wickedly happy about this. " "Dad, we have to figure away out of this. " "I know. I know. " He sighed. "The compound was a little looser, there were more places where you could see weaknesses back then. Garth is smarter than his father was. He's cleaned up a lot of them." "Don't they teach us that building up strength one place creates a weakness elsewhere?" "You learned well, son. Now all we have to do is find where that weakness is." They stopped talking because they heard footsteps coming to the courtyard. There were three guards, armed. "THE TWO OF YOU. THIS WAY. MASTER GARTH AND MASTER YAKOV WANT YOU. NOW." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A half hour later, wolf and derrick had been stripped to their shorts. They were laying next to each other on a platform , their wrists tied over their heads to hooks mounted in the wall. Both were gagged . Their ankles were tied, and their shoes were gone. Garth was standing next to Yakov, smiling. He pointed to a tray of different tools: A pinwheel, an electric toothbrush, a paintbrush, several other items and different styles of vibrators.

"I remember wolf, you were very, VERY ticklish. I wonder if you still are... and if that trait carried to your son." "MMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMPH." wolf was signalling "NO" with his head. He was trying to tell Garth to just take him. Yes, he WAS ticklish. Still. It was how Mayumi got what she wanted. But derrick was more ticklish. He remembered all the years that he had tormented his son by getting him in a headlock and tickling him.

"There is no competition here. We are just going to have our fun until we tire of the two of you." He turned to Yakov. "What would you like to use first?" "I haven't used the pinwheel yet, abba. " He took it and approached derrick's bound feet. derrick could see the saliva gathering at the corner of his mouth, and the wet spot at his crotch. SLOWLY, Yakov began to drag the tool across derrick's left foot. No amount of the mental training that the SEALS and Mayumi had given him was enough. He began to giggle, and then to laugh, almost right away. Garth saw his son at work and turned to wolf. "I prefer to use my God given tools, wolf..." He began to slide his fingers up and down on Garth's armpits. He grinned. "How much of this did you take before you surrendered wolf? You remember how vicious the tools can be." Both father and son were squirming, helplessly. Garth picked up a brush with very stiff bristles, and began stroking it across Garth's feet.

Yakov, seeing how effective his father's technique had been, moved his fingers to derrick's armpits. It was too much for derrick. He wet his shorts, which delighted Garth. But then... he was struggling so desperately, he pulled the restraint right off the wall. "WHOA. Calm down derrick... or things will be bad for your father.." Garth was sweating, but he was also smiling, as Yakov grabbed derrick's wrist and reattached it to the hook. As he did, though, he noticed a small brown mark on the inside of derrick's left wrist: almost like a small fish. He pretended to need to wipe sweat out of his face, and caught a quick glance at the mark on the inside of HIS left wrist. His father had told him he had inherited that mark from his mother: "the one mar to her beauty." Yakov had noticed other physical similarities to derrick before: their nipples, when derrick's weren't tortured, were identical. So were their noses. And he had never seen a photo of his mother: Garth told him she had died in childbirth. And what about those dreams? Those dreams of the Asian woman with the green eyes? He pushed those thoughts out of his head, as he continued the tickle torture of derrick. "Abba, I'm too excited. I cannot continue. " "Yes I see that Yakov. It is time." Both Garth and Yakov dropped their own garments, and their hard cocks pointed out. They jerked off on their prisoners, and then Yakov, now curious, scooped up some of his cum and brought it to derrick's lips. He pulled down the gag. "LICK IT BLOND BOI. LICK IT ALL." His father smiled. He was learning well. What his father didn't know, was that Yakov was getting a second look at their matching birthmarks. Nor did he know that, right before he climaxed, Yakov had closed his eyes and had seen a vision of that Asian woman: she was holding up her left wrist. She had the same mark.

Next: Chapter 7

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