Captured Coach

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 20, 2021


Life's funny, isn't it? I was thinking that as I came out of sleep. I had sort of lucked into that delivery to the swimming auditorium, and those cute swimmer types caught my eye - not as hot to me as big Ramon, but pretty. Then.... I tell you, if you had told me that I would find a hot, muscular, 30 something blond who about whom I would make serious efforts to turn into my bottom bitch, I would've laughed at you. And yet, here he was. Coach Rick, sleeping in my bed, my arm around his middle, my butt plug in his ass, and most importantly, my chastity cage on his dick. And who would've guessed that he was plowing Ramon too? Well, by the end of the weekend, I was going to make sure that we all understood: I plowed BOTH of them, and they plowed NOBODY. For Ramon that was not a problem: you'd never think he was a submissive bottom when you saw this HUGE handsome guy with wavy black hair, a big smile, legs that didn't stop and arms that could've held four people. He couldn't get enough cock. I had been about to tell him that he had to become a solo bottom for me, but now, with Coach Rick in the mix.... I had a devlish idea: it was time for Rick to wake up. I began twisting the butt plug. First he just moaned as if he were enjoying it, but then... he reached behind in his sleep to try to stop what was happening. I grabbed his wrist and pinned it behind him. That's when he woke up. "SHIT, COME ON DAN. LET ME GO" "Ha ha. Not happening sweetie. " I pushed his arm up his back until he growled in pain. "You want that plug out of your ass, big guy?" I reached for it with my other hand, and twisted it. "OUCH! YEAH. YEAH I WANT IT OUT." "Well... if I take it out, something else is gonna have to go in. I have an idea what that might be. Do you?" "SHIT FUCK. I'M STILL SORE FROM WHAT YOU DID TO ME LAST NIGHT. " He didn't think I could see him trying to rub his cock against the sheets. I KNEW the boy was in dire straits. I rolled him onto his back. "Nope. No cock friction for you, stud. None at all. " He whined when he realized I knew what he was trying to do. I began to twist the plug again. "Gotta get this out cause you know, you're a sweet stud to cuddle and.. now I'm horny again, so... I may not have the chance to do this again today, or at least not until very late, so..." I grabbed his ankles. I moved so fast that I had his legs in the air before he could protest. I held his ankles together while I took out the plug. "Someone's gonna get a chance to play with those feet today stud. Just you wait." As I spread him chicken wing fashion he pleaded. "I thought you were gonna let me shoot today. You were gonna take this thing off." "For a while." He gulped. He didn't want to protest because... then I might leave it on for good. "Yeah, for a while." "That depends on you. I got something planned. You'll find out. We just gotta wait for the boys to get here. " "OH SHIT. THE SWIMMERS ARE COMING OUT?" I laughed. "You bet. Shane and Todd... and their friends... Now, we gotta get this done before they get here." I aimed my cock at his ass. "NO. IT'S TOO SOON. I NEED RECOVERY TIME. OH SHIT OHSHITOHSHIT." There was enough liquid left in him to make it easy for me to slide in, and I did. DAMN his ass was hot. It still is, but I remember those early days, when.... I can't get distracted like that. Anyway, I didn't want this to be quick and dirty, but it had to be. "The Games" were to begin soon, so I fucked him hard and fast. "You wanna cuddle with me when it's done stud? Have me nibble your ears and neck?" "I WANT YOU TO LET ME GO." he yelled. "I think I'm gonna have to start muzzling you more, bud. See which one of my gags is best suited for a big mouthed blond. " I pushed hard. "I think the answer is: ALL of them" I slid out, and pushed back in again. "I think you're getting to like it stud." He grunted. "You're wrong, you mothafucker." "Ha ha. Nope, I'm a COACH FUCKER." I teased him by running my finger along his balls. I could see how red and engorged his cock was in the cage. My teasing his balls just made the frustration greater. "Know what I haven't done to you yet? Tied you down, put a vibrator on those balls, and just set a goal for how much jizz you put out in a day. Gonna have to keep that in mind, because I'm certainly producing plenty." I pushed hard, and produced some more - right in my stud's ass. "Please, Sir. You fucked me twice. Can't I just jack off once?" "You might. But not yet. For now, you gotta get washed up and then... a good breakfast because... you're gonna need your strength. I didn't tell him that the boys were coming over to do some "hunting." Coach was gonna be the prey.

We had eaten breakfast and washed up when I heard the cars pulling up. I had Rick tied and gagged to one of my chairs. No torture, no nothing... oh, let me modify that. I had the television set on . It was a movie of two swimmers, a dark haired one like Ramon, and a blond, like Shane or Todd, flip fucking. I guess that wasn't fair of me since Coach was so horny. I also should've told you that I had dressed him in a pair of Ramon's speedos that I had laying around, and a t shirt either Shane or Todd had left when they were here the first time. It hadn't been washed, so it stank of boy sweat and testosterone. It looked PERFECT on my sweetpea. His white coaching shorts were on over the speedos, and the combination made his bulge so... appetizing. There HAD to be someone in the group who'd be interested in.... well, it had to wait. I heard Todd's voice.

"DUDE! RED CUP MAN. WHAT'S UP?" I think I counted 8 of them in the room. There had been two cars, and ... yeah, 8. Shane, Todd, and six others. Clearly, some of them were on the team because I saw Coach frown and try to scream through the gag. Nope, not enough of a sound to make a difference. "How's it going coach? Mind?" Shane was the bolder of the two, and he walked right up and tweaked one of my boy's nipples. "Sorry Mr. Red Cup man." "You can call me Don" "DON DUDE. How about DUDE RC?" They were all laughing and I had to admit, it was funny. We got a new name for Coach too." I saw the smiles. I had to ask. "Ok, what's his nickname. "Coach Butt cheeks" Well, it wasn't original, but it pissed off Rick. "HEY. I KNOW THAT MOVIE. IT'S HOT. TODD, DIDN'T WE LOOK AT THAT ONE A WEEK AGO?" "OH YEAH, FUCK. THAT SEX...." "Ours was better, dude?" Shane answered. "Yeah it was. Went on longer." "So who are these guys? " "DUDE RC, four of them are from the team, and then we got two buds from the track team. You said there was gonna be a group thing today, and it sounded fucking awesome." "Well it is... " I smiled. "Any of you boys ever do any hunting?" They looked at each other "Kinda gross if you ask me" one of the kids , who I found out was named Ken, answered." "Well, yeah, if you use guns or arrows or you're trying to kill someone . But if you're not. If you're just capturing for fun, well..." I told them. Now, Coach figured out what was gonna happen and he started squirming and moaning. "Scuse me guys." I walked over and administered a slap to Coach's crotch that quieted him down real quick. "If you EVER wanna get out of the cage, you better behave yourself, stud." "Ha ha. Didja see his eyes go to the back of his head? Like a fucking ZOMBIE. So Dude, if we're not killing, what're we doing?" "You're gonna hunt Coach Rick. See, if Rick can avoid being captured by you girls for three hours, I'm gonna uncage him and never cage him again. BUT... if you can bring him back alive, then... " I smiled. "One of you is gonna get to uncage him for a few hours and play with him all you want. Then, you're gonna watch, if you like, while I show you what I do to Coach Butt Cheeks." They looked at each other. Another one, named Paul, had a low voice. "That sounds fucking hot. I'm in. We can try to bring him back on one of those sticks, like they bring back boar and stags and..." "OH SHIT. Like we were gonna barbecue him. Barbecued Coach butt cheeks. It's what's for dinner." From the laughing, I wondered if they had had beer for breakfast. "So, ok, who's up for it?" I saw hands go up. "OK. Now I got a pool ball in my hand. Whoever guesses which one it is gets to untie him." There was a guy who I learned was named Gary in the group. He picked the green ball correctly. "OK, let's get him untied, the gag out, and then.. "HEY WAIT." Shane spotted the t shirt. "That's MINE. I left it here last time. " "You want it back?" "FUCK YEAH." "Ok... Gary had untied Rick and Rick was rubbing circulation back in his wrists. "Get the t shirt off coach." I saw the look of hate and fear in his face. "You're gonna make me run bare chested?" "Nah, not this time. " I grabbed his coach shirt and tossed it to him. "Let's go to the woods out back. You get a fifteen minute head start, coach. You'll know when it's over when you hear the horn. " "You're all sick fucks." He said "Fourteen minutes, 45 seconds." He shook his head and took off. At fifteen minutes, I blew the horn and the hounds of hell were off. One of them was singing "A hunting we will go/ a hunting we will go..." I pulled up a seat on my porch and waited. I had told coach three hours. Three hours, four hours, it didn't matter. If he thought he was gonna be free of me, he was mistaken.

It took two hours and fifteen minutes or thereabouts. I could hear them coming back and then I saw it. They had followed Paul's suggestion: Coach Rick was bound, at the wrists and ankles, to a huge tree branch. Todd and Shane had ends of it over their shoulders. I looked: was that... yeah, it was. One of them had picked up a wild apple and shoved it in coach's mouth. "VICTORY! " one of them yelled. "MASTER RC, WE HAVE RECAPTURED THE PRISONER." I heard the bleatings coming out of coach's mouth: he truly did sound like a lamb that was about to be sent to sacrifice. I guess, in a way, he was. "Boys, this is EXCELLENT. Tell you what? Let's get coach ready for the big moment, and... shall I call in pizza. One each?" "ONE EACH? DUDE, we just came back from the hunt. One and a half each, at LEAST." And so it was: Twelve pizzas on the way. "Now, let's get coach off that stick. I'll show ya where I want him." This time, I was restraining him to a wall in the little dungeon. First, I wanted him stripped. Trust me: those hungry, oversexed guys had no trouble in being persuaded to get Rick naked. I pulled the apple out myself. "I'm gonna KILL you, you FUCK." He growled. I just laughed. "We may find out today how ticklish you are stud. And everytime you piss me off, it adds time for when the cage goes back on." I picked up the duct tape and sealed his mouth. Then... I thought about it for a minute, and I put the small tit clamps on him. "Hope they eat like the animals they are." I went off to join them. Moses' locusts could not have polished off that pizza as fast as those jocks did. And if I had bought twelve more, they would've been gone too. "Ok, so this is how it's gonna go" I explained. One of you is gonna get to unlock him, but then..." I think I smiled more than I've ever smiled in my life. "Each of you is gonna get five strokes to see how long it takes before he shoots. " Then, the wicked part of my plan was revealed. "The guy who brings him off... he's the designated bottom for the other guys. " I smiled some more. "We'll keep going until coach explodes. Then, he and I will have a little private time and you boys, well, you can watch the films, fuck around, do whatever you like. I'm gonna order in food for dinner and after that, y'all can head back." Todd giggled. "Hey , I got an idea that there's one or two of us here who are gonna try REAL HARD to get coach off." I saw some heads turn to Ken. "Alright, so let's see who gets to unlock. And don't worry. There'll be plenty for you other guys to do. " It was like out of a Superman comic: there was one black stone in a bag of white ones. The guy who pulled out the black stone got to play with coach's cock first. Woudn't ya know it was Shane?" We went back downstairs. "FUCK YOU DID HIS TITS. AWESOME." "Yeah, so I can do things like this... I walked over and toggled the clamps and loud, hopeless moans came out of Coach Rick. "FUCK I GOT A BONER" I didn't see who said it, but I heard someone else say "Yeah, what else is new?" What's the line. "Youth. It's wasted on the young?" I took off Coach's gag. "Pretty boy," and I heard some laughter. "There's a shit load of interest in whether you're ticklish or not. Are you?" Defiant to the end, he spat back 'WHAT THE FUCK DIFFERENCE DOES MY ANSWER MAKE? YOU'RE ALL GONNA TEST ME ." "Your coach is no dummie. Have at him boys. " I got out of the way just in time. Eight horny athletes went at him and the cackling, the laughing, that came out of that pack for the fifteen minutes I allowed it. Two of them grabbed Rick's ankles so that two others could get his feet. I almost shot at that moment. "OK, OK, we'll have more time to play with Coach, but for now... " I handed the key to Shane. He smiled. "How you doing coach?" "YOU'RE GONNA BE DOING LAPS UNTIL YOU FUCKING GRADUATE," Rick yelled. Shane smiled. "Maybe. But you're gonna be taking cock up your ass all that time " He opened the cage and I heard Rick sigh, as his cock popped out in front of him. "Ok, alphabetical order. Let's get started. "Hey. What the...." Coach didn't know what was going to happen and then... it started. It quieted him down real quick. "Oh shit. OH GOD. NO.. Not like this. Please Sir...." "DUDE. He just called you Sir." "He should. He has a Master..." I went up to Coach Rick and put my finger on his sensitive nipples (I had taken the clamps off). Don't you?" I think the fourth guy was stroking him as he heaved out. "Yes sir. You're my Master." "KISS HIM. KISS HIM. KISS HIM." I didn't expect that from these boys, but... sure... I heard Rick whisper helplessly. "Please Sir, don't." I just said "OPEN YOUR MOUTH... CUNT" I squeezed his lips and my tongue shot in. "WHOA! LOOK AT THE OLD GUYS GO AT IT!" I heard someone yell. Yeah, I was getting hard too. When I finished, I turned around and exposed myself. "Look at what coach is gonna get when you bring him off." "HO HO. HEY COACH. YOU WANT US TO HURRY?" Someone else had his hand on Rick's cock. The sensation was driving him crazy so, I didn't know what kind of answer he'd give. Didn't matter. He was getting fucked, again. "ALMOST. FUCK ALMOST..." Todd had just gotten the tiniest spray of pre-cum, rather than a hanging drop out of our prisoner. Todd was the last one on the list. "It's gonna be Brent. FUCK BRENT. I hope your lips are soft." Brent smiled. He walked up to coach. Someone had told me Brent was second string backstroker. I thought he was a first rate cock stroker because... on his fourth pull, a YELL came out of Coach's mouth, and it was interesting and intriguing to see who backed out of the way and who tried to catch some. Brent just kept pulling until we saw: Coach Rick was spent. TOTALLY SPENT. He sagged in the chains, his eyes seemed half closed... but I could've sworn I saw half a smile on his face. "You gonna take him upstairs RC? Someone asked. "I am. I think Coach Rick needs to 'lie down' for a while. Anyone wanna watch?" "NAH. If you film it though. Brent better get on his knees. And yeah, RC, we'll film it. "Let's go, handsome." I took Rick down from the cuffs. Later, when I had him completely broken, he didn't fight me. He didn't fight me that day either. I didn't even HAVE to tie him down to the bed. .... but I did. And as my cock plunged into him, I could have SWORN I heard him whisper "Thank you Sir." My own jizz balls hadn't refilled yet, so it was a dry fuck, but it was fucking AWESOME. I realized that, at long last, the man was breaking. He'd be mine completely in the not too distant future. I had to start thinking about hot to play Sunday. That's when the team was gone, and Ramon would be visiting.

Next: Chapter 5

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