Captured Coach

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 9, 2021


So, I kept my distance from "Ricky Rich" as I called him to myself, for two days. I figured that was enough time for a chastity rookie to understand what chastity meant: a nice, healthy specimen like my Rick probably relieved himself at least once, maybe twice a day. Then, of course, he had the issue of making sure no one else SAW it. Also, if he had any "social plans" in place, well... as the French would say "tant pis." I decided to bring him back on the third day. I was beginning to get a craving for some tougher meat, after I had spent two days with one of my semi regulars: an incredibly sweet and pliable young man named Ramon. He's a swimmer (DUH!) and he specializes in butterfly so he has those enormous long arms. I always make sure I have extra rope to keep him in place. He also prides himself on his ability to exhibit self control. It IS admirable. Milking him always takes a while, but once I start... MY MY MY, he's a good producer. Well, the second night he was over, after I had roped him, milked him and chewed on his nipples for a good while, I rolled him over and fucked him HARD. Now however much control he has when he was jo'd, he doesn't have it when he gets fucked: he's one loud bottom, so I pulled out one of my gags to shut him up. And that's...

"Wow Sir. I saw one of those not that long ago." "Did you? Where?" I thought I knew where this was going. Ramon liked to be tickled. He was gonna make me tickle it out of him. "Oh, maybe I forgot Sir..." "Is that right? " My hands buried themselves into his pits, and I began. It's a good thing I had tied him up. I think he's 6'6" and the thrashing would have just wrecked my little corner of the world. What was clear when I was working on him, though, was that he really didn't want to tell. He HAD slipped. But now... I wanted to know, not for anything more than... I hate to lose. I stopped tickling him for a minute. I reached into my toy chest: I have more than one chastity cage, and Ramon has worn it before. For a week. "Whaddya think big guy? Ready to keep your hankies clean for a while?" I rolled him onto his back and stroked his balls with one hand, tickling his navel with the other. He was suppressing giggles. "No Sir. Please. No more cage. NO. PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE." "Who's got the gag?" I gave him a chance to get his breath. "Coach... Coach Turner Sir. For the other school. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA. Yeah... He did me with his monster... GOD it was huge, I was so sore I almost scratched from a meet. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Well, let's see if I live up to Coach Turner." I smiled. Now I KNEW it wasn't girls, and if he had been fucking Ramon, well, he had good taste. I fucked Ramon DAMN hard that night because, well, after I gagged him, I began to think about what I was gonna do to "Coach Rick."

The first thing I was gonna do, was surprise him. I had left the day I'd take the cage off, open ended. Three days after the first lock up seemed like a good test. I was thinking about "our evening together," as I got in my car and drove the short way to the university. The end of competition didn't mean that the swimmers stopped working, and there was a fair number of folks at the natatorium: recreational swimmers, phys ed classes, and of course.. a beautiful swimmer every place you looked. I even saw my old friend Shane! "DUDE. I remember you. You're Mr. Red Cup." I laughed. "Dan's my name, but I like that. Mr. Red Cup. Could mean a bunch of things." "Ha ha. I didn't realize that but yeah, you're right. So what brings you here? There a party I don't know about? I decided to try a little flirting. "I suspect anywhere you go Shane it becomes a party." He laughed. "I do my best!" "Well, no party that I know of. I just came by to see Coach Rich." "DUDE NO WAY! You know Coach?" "I'm getting to know him better." He looked puzzled. The expression on his face seemed to say he "kinda" got it, but not quite. "Well, he's about three flights up. Maybe Todd and I will see ya before you take off. We're finishing off a project and then get home. "Never know? Fifth floor?" "Yup. Take care, dude."

There was no one else in the elevator, and as it went up, I decided to let Ricky Rich know I was coming. I began pushing the "on" button on his cock ring. Every fifteen seconds. I alternated between a low and a medium charge. I was smiling as I thought about what he must be experiencing, and as I approached his office, I could hear him cursing: "MOTHER FUCKER ! I fucking HATE you." I knocked on his open door, and grinned. "How's it going pudding?" He gave me a look "Can you get this thing off me? PLEASE?" "You mean this thing?" I hit the activator button a little harder and held it a little longer. "SHIT YES. FUCK..." Now, I knew his discomfort was NOT from the shock itself; rather, that it did was supercharge any erection he might be having. That in turn would bump up into the cage and THAT's what was irritating him. "Please. What do I have to do to get this thing off?" "Well, stud, you can't do anything. But if I want to take it off, it'll go off And I'll decide that after we get back to my place. We're gonna have some fun tonight. " "I... I...." "ZAP!" "OK OK. Just let me lock the computer. " I looked my prize over. He wasn't in coach drag that day: a window pane shirt, sleeves back, loose khakis. You could still see he had a great hot body. Giving his cock ring a charge and seeing him squirm, showed it more. As we walked to my car i dropped the fact that I had been with "a real sweet swimmer named Ramon." I saw his face redden. "I'm sure you had a good time. Keep your hands off my swimmers." "I will. As long as I have my hands on you, coach. Speaking of swimmers: some people call sperm swimmers. Maybe we'll get to see some of yours tonight," and then I whispered "And maybe you'll feel some of mine." "NO. NO FUCKING WAY. SHIT NO." "ZAP" "DAMN. Ok ok. " "I have a REAL good plan for getting that cage off you tonight richy rick. I can't wait. " "Thrilling" he said as he got into my car. As he did, I mussed his beautiful blond locks. "God you're such a pretty boy. If I were still in marketing... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." I took off. I have to admit, I was so focused on keeping my beautiful blond beef cake under control, I didn't see Shane and Todd get into a car, and start following.

Rick pulled away a bit when I put my hand on the back of his neck, but when I squeezed and said "I COULD just say the hell with it and leave the cage on a few more days," he relaxed a bit. "Last time we were here, I didn't show you my pride and joy: my fully finished basement. Let's head down" "Fucking dungeon?" he snapped, and I laughed. "Well, not quite THAT elaborate. Need more funds to do a dungeon than I have, but... I make do." Whatever experience Rick had had, it was clear he had never seen a playroom of any kind. Mine was modest: just a corner of my basement, but I had chosen equipment carefully, and I had one set up that was going to surprise Rick. Dare I say, it would overwhelm him the way it had overwhelmed everyone else on whom I had used it.

I saw his eyes travel to the overhead bar where I had a thick length of chain, terminating in two wrists restraints: leather, larger than handcuffs, and I knew, because I had tried them myself, pretty secure. His eyes moved down and he saw the metal eyelets installed into the floor, with the restraints there. All of that he could figure out. What he couldn't figure out - I could tell by his eyes - was the little trap door that was equidistant between the eyelets. "I guess you're gonna put those chains on my wrists, tough guy," he muttered. "That's right. After you strip down. Every stitch of clothing. Shirt, pants, socks, EVERY FUCKING THING." He gave me a look of hatred, and then winced when I pushed the button to the cock ring again "That was an intensity of 4 Rick. Wanna go to 6." He was gritting his teeth. "No, no. I'm doing it, I'm doing it." The way he peeled off his clothes suggested to me that he had stripped for men before. He took longer to do it than I expected he would. Had I been interested in that kind of thing, I would've been pleased. Instead, he got a zap and the instructions "MOVE IT", and I got my first "yes sir" of the night. OH, this was gonna be SWEET" I didn't tell him to do so, but when he was naked, he assumed a submissive position: legs spread, wrists behind his back. I saw that beautiful, fuzzy body. Short but stacked, cock locked in front of him. All mine. The wrist locks were at a level he could reach. "Chain one of your wrists in the restraint. Make it tight." He sighed, and threw me a look of pure hate as he did. I came over and locked the other one, taking time to run my hand over his furry chest. I bend down and secured his ankles. "Now this.. THIS is a pretty picture. Just one thing to do." I picked up a control box and the little panel in the floor, right below his ass, opened. His position wouldn't let him see the "penis pole" as it rose. Honestly, the guy who built this for me is a genius. It stays hidden, in a reservoir of disinfectant, until I turn it on. Then it rises: it's essentially a dildo at the end of a wooden dowel, but it moves up, and down. I moved it until the tip just grazed my beauty's asshole. "FUCK!" he screamed. Whether his ass was especially sensitive or if the cage was doing it, I don't know. But I just left it there. "Now Rick... please feel free to slide down on it if you want." "YEAH RIGHT. Not happening!" "Of course not. Ramon told me that you're always in charge." "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND RAMON? LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS. " "You giving orders Rick? I don't think you're in any position for that." I moved the penis pole a fraction of an inch to make my point. "What do you want from me? What are you gonna do?" "Ah, Rick. Well, I'm gonna give you a chance of what I do, but I have some good news on what I'm doing first." I held out the key to his cage. "I think we're gonna take this off. Let you show me what Ramon says is so lethal." As I moved in and unlocked the cage, my fingers "inadvertently " brushed his balls. And like I expected, that monstrous cock shot out in front of him. That's all he could do. He had nothing to rub against, nothing to push it in. I saw the confusion in his face. "You want release, don't you Rick?" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK?" I wanted to zap him but... now that he was released, the risk of him shooting was too great, and I wasn't ready for that. Instead, I stepped behind him. "You have sensitive ears, rick?" I whispered. "NO!" he yelled, before he began to whimper as I ran my tongue along the perimeter of his ear. "Expose your neck." I whispered, and he whimpered some more before he did it. As my tongue darted in, tasting his sweet flavor, he moaned some more. I wanted to do nothing more than impale his ass on MY cock, but ... there would be time for that. So... Rick... I had an original plan for you tonight, but now, it's an option. I have been wondering: why do you get to keep your fur, when all your boys are as smooth as shaved peaches. " He figured out what was happening and began trying to squirm. He winced as his asshole bumped up against the vibrator. "FUCK NO. YOU'RE NOT SHAVING ME. HELL NO!" I laughed. "Well, that IS an option, leaving you unshaved. But then..." we could both hear a hum as the vibrator slowly made its way inside him. "OH SHIT NO. FUCK. How long is that thing?" "It goes on a way, Rick, but what I'm gonna do is measure your weapon of ass destruction, and slide it in one inch more. "NO. PLEASE. YOU'LL RIP ME APART." "Oh, I doubt it. Ramon says you show no mercy when you pound him." He grimaced. "Can you please leave Ramon out of this?" "Of course. It's just you and me Rick. And you making a choice. Either I shave you, or you take the cock plunger. That's your choice." "I opt for none of the above!" he yelled. "Welll.... ok. We can do that. Of course, then.... " I picked up the cage . "We'll have to try a week this time. " He snorted. "You'll NEVER get that back on me!" Now he was acting stupid. Like I didn't have a plan? I had left the flesh light in the freezer before I left for work that day. It had been out for a while, but it was still pretty fucking freezing. "I can bring you down much faster than you came up, stud." I began sliding it onto his cock. He screamed, and then began shrinking. "I think it's time for another gag, Rickster." I heard the flesh light fall off when he shrunk down to normal size. I couldn't see it because I was behind him, cutting strips of duct tape as I sealed off his mouth. He didn't have to curse. He was REALLY angry and REALLY scared. I saw it in his eyes. "So.... You want the cage again, stud?" He looked at me, helplessly and shook his head no . "Well, it IS gonna go back on, but whether it does before I milk you or not, is up to you. Fucking, or shaving: those are your choices. "mmmmmmmmmmmph" came out of the gag. "Fucking?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Shaving?" A pause, and then...a nod yes. "EXCELLENT CHOICE RICK. EXCELLENT CHOICE. Let me get the razors, the cream, everything I need." As I was pulling them out, I heard noises, then rapid movement down the stairs. What the? "DUDE. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO COACH?" It was Shane and Todd. They had followed me. I saw the look of relief on Rick's face. That relief turned to confusion when Todd said "FUCK. This is FUCKING HOT. You gonna shave him? Can we watch?" THAT was something I wasn't ready for. "You wanna watch? I thought you were gonna try to do something like fucking rescue him." Shane began to laugh. "DUDE. We get a private chance to see Coach get shaved? Who's gonna turn THAT down? Not me." Then I saw him put his arm around Todd's shoulder. "You don't wanna miss it to you, sweets?" "HELL NO. And I think we should...." He moved into Shane and began kissing him. His tongue shot down Shane's mouth. I heard a very faint whimper from coach's sealed mouth, and I saw his cock twitch. I think he even moved his ass a bit on the impaling vibrator. "You wanna watch? Hell yeah. " I looked at coach and I smiled. "How fucking humiliating. Captured, caged, and now, your boys are gonna watch you become more like them." I dont' think Shane or Todd heard any of that: they were in "lip lock," big time. I saw Shane slip his hand underneath Todd's sweatshirt. I'm not used to using the word but, what the hell?" "DUDES" I said "You gotta keep your hands off each other if you're gonna watch. Cause it's gonna start right now..." I picked up a can of shaving cream and moved closer to Rick. He squirmed, but when he realized that each wiggle pushed the impaler around his ass, he began to quiet down. "Sir...." Todd began. "This may be too much, but... could we maybe cover him with the cream?" Again, these kids were kinkier than I thought. My mind had to act quickly. "You two are gonna fuck tonight aren't you?" I saw two young men blush. Finally, Todd fessed up. "Uh, yeah. We were gonna make out after we found out what was going on with Coach and then.... get nasty." "If you get nasty after I shave him, you can help with the shaving cream. There's a mattress over there. You can pull it over and ..." "Are you gonna fuck him too?" Shane's eyes were eager, and Rick's opened wider, fearfully. "Not tonight. Tonight I'm getting him prepared for 'the big opening'. That made Todd laugh. "Do we get VIP tickets?" "Depends. I got no problem with you making out, but...." Now MY kinky moon was rising. "Rick here needs some relief. He needs to empty his balls. So, I was gonna just edge him but... a couple of young tongues would do well. " "We get to play with his cock? REALLY?" Shane was smiling. "FUCKING SIGN ME UP." "How about you get him covered with the cream and then... we'll move along." I handed each of them a can of the stuff. I stepped behind Rick and I yanked his hair so that his head was pulled far back. The look he was giving me was something between fear and hate. I whispered "your life is service from now on stud. Know that." "mmmmmmmmmmph!" The shaving cream must have been cold, or one of the swimmers could have brushed against his cock, something. Or maybe it was my tongue, running along the perimeter of his ear before I started getting to work kissing his neck and then licking it. "You like that blond bitch?" I asked. I heard another moan and then.. I could feel his head shake in a weak affirmative. "GOOD. Cause you're gonna get it a LOT." "Hey we're done. Mind if we..." Todd asked, but Shane was already naked. His cock was hard and not as long as the coach's. "Go to it if you want. I'm gonna get to work now." I moved around in front of Rick, razor in hand. "Better try to keep still, stud. Razor shaving can be risky, especially if you're not immobilized. " He squirmed, but that dildo reminded him to stay in place. Little sounds, sort of like the cry of a trapped bird, came out of him as I went from top to bottom, stroke after stroke. GOD, the guy was HAIRY. Way hairier than I had imagined: did he have two layers? GEEZ. And with each stroke, I saw his cock aim up a little. My own cock was throbbing something big and wonderful. He was gonna be wearing my jizz in a bit, but for now, I just continued, and then stood back and looked at my handiwork. There was a mirror up on the wall across from us, and I could see Rick's gaze, looking at his reflection. "Nice, but not complete. What do you..." I was going to ask my new friends, but to say they were into each other was an understatement. Let's just put it this way: had I a movie camera at that point, I'd have had a hit porno on my hands. "No... I don't think we're quite done, ricky rich." I smiled, and I saw his eyes frowning. I thought I heard a "u fuck" try to get out of the gag, but I ignored it. "Plenty of cream left. Let's go for those pits." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he shook his head violenty. I pointed to the fleshlight, sitting in a bucket of ice. "Want that again, handsome? Cause you'll get it." Weakly, rick shook his head no. "Ok. I hope you're not too ticklish." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" He was. I could tell from the first squirt of cream. "OH, ain't this gonna be fun, rick? I think, given this situation..." I hit the button to the impaler with my foot, and about another inch went into him, holding rick as still as I thought could be managed. I had no plans of pushing in more, but he didn't have to know that. "I'll use as much as I need to keep you still. Understand me?" My coach was sweating. He stank. He was scared. I was getting harder. But I had work to do. Short, brief strokes took the hair off of one pit, then the other. "DUDE, you gonna do his pubes too?" I didn't know which one of the boys said that, but I didn't turn around. "Not this time. That's for a private moment between rick and I" "Maybe when you fuck him?" Now I turned, and smiled. "You boys are even freakier than I am." I pointed to coach's cock, rigid again. "Looks like he needs some help guys. You done with each other for now?" "We'll finish later." They didn't need more encouraging. Todd got on Rick's cock head, and Shane began to lick his shaft. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Now I saw rick throwing back his head. I began to wonder how the boys had learned to tag team, but that could wait. I moved back behind my blond prince. My fingers dug into his shoulders. "After they're done with you, handsome, you're going back in the cage." He began to whine. "But you'll come out of it again this weekend, because this weekend.. you will officially become my bitch." Another loud moan escaped him. "DUDE. He's close. It ain't pre-cum anymore." "Oh, wouldn't you hate me if I put the light back on you, and then locked you after all this stud. You want that?" He shook his head NO, violently. "Then just understand. From now on, you do what I tell you to do. Cause if you don't." I held out the cage. "This may NEVER come off." He didn't even move. He was defeated. I could tell. Rick wasn't the first man I had broken, but he sure was the prettiest. "Get out of the path, kids. Pappa Coach is gonna shoot." I grabbed Rick's balls and squeezed. I don't know HOW to describe the sound that came out of his mouth, but it was something I had never heard before. The arc of his jizz was amazing, and it kept on coming. Nine.. Ten.. Eleven... It began to fall off with twelve, and thirteen. "HOLY SHIT. LOOK AT THE OLD MAN PUMP." "You guys haven't shot yet have you?" They looked at each other. "We were trying to be polite. You haven't either and you're the coach." "How'd you like to circle jerk with me? On Coach's body?" "HOLY FUCK ! I wish the team were here. "Help me get him out of the chains. He won't give any of us any trouble. Poor coach just swam a marathon. Each boy took an ankle restraint while I got the wrists . Rick reached up to pull away the duct tape. I smacked his hand. "That comes off when I'm ready to take it off. Stand on your tippy toes. I'm gonna pull this out." I flipped another button and the vibrator contraption left Rick's ass, and went back to its resting place. "On the floor. On your back." He looked hesitant. He knew what was coming. "I SAID DO IT" I pressed the button on the cock ring and sent a charge of "7" through him. He yelped, and got on the floor. "Let's go guys. One who holds the longest gets to clean off his cock." I slipped my shoes off and began to gently brush my toes across Rick's chest. I had a feeling, and I was right. The climax he had a few minutes ago, was just not enough. He was firming up again. "I think you may need another milking stud. Us first..." "OH SHIT I CAN'T HOLD IT SHANE." Todd began to shoot. Shane sneered. "Guess we know who's bottoming tomorrow." DAMN. Shane and I were sort of in a stand off. We both looked ready to shoot, but didn't. I thought about it. How humiliating would it be for coach to get relocked by his swimmer. That thought was enough to put me over the edge. I aimed for Rick's face. I wanted to get it all over him. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" Shane screamed as his long thing streaks of jizz fell over our prize. "Well done young men. If he weren't so pissed off, he'd be proud of you. So, here's what we're gonna do. Todd, you go off to that bathroom, get me some wet rags. We're gonna sponge bath our smooth diver." I paused. "Then, Shane, you earned it." I tossed him the cage. "Know how to use this?" He smiled. "Yes SIR." He was in COLLEGE! How did he know? Kids... Oi. Anyhow, Todd came back and we wiped down Rick. He was not fully soft yet, and that was fine. Shane may have known how to use it, but he was not experienced. I saw Rick wince a few times. But it was on, and locked. I held out my hand for the key. Shane didn't want to give it to me, but he did. "Let's get him up and dressed. You boys have a car?" "Yes sir. We drove over." "Ok, great. What we're gonna do once he's dressed, is this: I'm gonna retie his wrists, and leave the gag on. You boys drive him home. Get into his house, before you take off the gag. I'm gonna make the wrist bonds lose enough that he'll get out of them in time. " "And keep an eye on him this week. I want him here Friday night. You guys can come over on Sunday afternoon. I think you'll see a new coach then. And if you wanted to bring friends, I wouldn't say no."

It took about another half an hour for us to get coach loaded into the backseat of their car. You might wonder why I trusted them with my prize. Well, I saw the looks they gave each other: neither one was gonna admit that he wanted Rick more than his boyfriend. And.... they were kids. They had seen what I had done to an adult. They knew Ramon. They could be next... or so they thought. As they left, I went to shower and to jerk off again. I had some planning to do. Now that he knew who was in charge, rick was gonna move to the next level the up and coming weekend, and it involved fucking, sucking and a whole lot of submissive behavior.

Next: Chapter 3

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